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2AI Thermocouple
2-Channel Analog Input Module for Thermocouples
Version 1.1.0
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

© 2017 WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

All rights reserved.

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

Hansastraße 27
D-32423 Minden

Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 0

Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 1 69

E-Mail: [email protected]

Web: http://www.wago.com

Technical Support

Phone: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 5 55

Fax: +49 (0) 571/8 87 – 85 55

E-Mail: [email protected]

Every conceivable measure has been taken to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this documentation. However, as errors can never be fully
excluded, we always appreciate any information or suggestions for improving the

E-Mail: [email protected]

We wish to point out that the software and hardware terms as well as the
trademarks of companies used and/or mentioned in the present manual are
generally protected by trademark or patent.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Table of Contents 3
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table of Contents
1 Notes about this Documentation ................................................................. 5
1.1 Validity of this Documentation ................................................................. 5
1.2 Copyright................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Symbols ..................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Number Notation ....................................................................................... 9
1.5 Font Conventions ...................................................................................... 9
2 Important Notes ......................................................................................... 10
2.1 Legal Bases ............................................................................................. 10
2.1.1 Subject to Changes ............................................................................. 10
2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications ..................................................................... 10
2.1.3 Use of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 in Compliance
with Underlying Provisions ................................................................ 10
2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices ......................................... 11
2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions) .................................................................... 12
3 Device Description ..................................................................................... 14
3.1 View ........................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Connectors............................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Data Contacts/Internal Bus ................................................................. 17
3.2.2 Power Jumper Contacts/Field Supply ................................................ 17
3.2.3 CAGE CLAMP® Connectors ............................................................. 18
3.3 Display Elements .................................................................................... 19
3.4 Operating Elements ................................................................................. 19
3.5 Schematic Diagram ................................................................................. 20
3.6 Technical Data ........................................................................................ 21
3.6.1 Device ................................................................................................. 21
3.6.2 Supply ................................................................................................. 21
3.6.3 Inputs .................................................................................................. 21
3.6.4 Communication .................................................................................. 22
3.6.5 Climatic Environmental Conditions ................................................... 22
3.6.6 Connection Type ................................................................................ 23
3.7 Approvals ................................................................................................ 24
3.8 Standards and Guidelines ........................................................................ 26
4 Process Image ............................................................................................. 27
4.1 Standard Data Format ............................................................................. 27
4.2 Data Format with Status Information for S5 – FB 250 in Data Word .... 33
4.3 I/O Modules for Voltage Measuring (mV) ............................................. 34
4.4 Adjustable 750-469/003-000 Variation................................................... 35
5 Mounting..................................................................................................... 38
5.1 Mounting Sequence ................................................................................. 38
5.2 Inserting and Removing Devices ............................................................ 39
5.2.1 Inserting the I/O Module .................................................................... 39
5.2.2 Removing the I/O Module .................................................................. 40
6 Connect Devices ......................................................................................... 41
6.1 Connecting a Conductor to the CAGE CLAMP® ................................... 41

Version 1.1.0
4 Table of Contents WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

6.2 Connection Examples.............................................................................. 42

6.2.1 Grounded Thermocouples .................................................................. 43
6.2.2 Ungrounded Thermocouples .............................................................. 43
7 Use in Hazardous Environments .............................................................. 44
7.1 Marking Configuration Examples ........................................................... 45
7.1.1 Marking for Europe According to ATEX and IEC-Ex ...................... 45
7.1.2 Marking for America According to NEC 500 .................................... 50
7.2 Installation Regulations ........................................................................... 51
7.2.1 Special Notes Regarding Explosion Protection.................................. 51
7.2.2 Special Notes Regarding ANSI/ISA Ex ............................................. 53
8 Appendix ..................................................................................................... 54
8.1 Configuration and Parameterization using a GSD File
with PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO ............................................... 54
8.1.1 2AI TC Configuration ........................................................................ 54 PROFIBUS DP Couplers/Controllers 750-333(/0xx-000),
750-833(/0xx-000) ......................................................................... 54 PROFINET IO Fieldbus Couplers 750-375(/025-000),
750-377(/025-000) ......................................................................... 55
8.1.2 2AI TC Parameterization .................................................................... 55 All PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO Fieldbus
Couplers/Controllers ...................................................................... 56 PROFIBUS DP Fieldbus Couplers/Controllers 750-333(/0xx-000),
750-833(/0xx-000) ......................................................................... 57 PROFINET IO Fieldbus Couplers 750-375(/025-000),
750-377(/025-000) ......................................................................... 58
List of Figures ...................................................................................................... 59
List of Tables ........................................................................................................ 60

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Notes about this Documentation 5
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

1 Notes about this Documentation

Always retain this documentation!

This documentation is part of the product. Therefore, retain the documentation
during the entire service life of the product. Pass on the documentation to any
subsequent user. In addition, ensure that any supplement to this documentation is
included, if necessary.

1.1 Validity of this Documentation

This documentation is only applicable to the I/O module 750-469
(2AI Thermocouple) and the variants listed in the table below.

Table 1: Variants
Item Number/Variant Designation
750-469 2AI Thermocouple/K/Diagn.
750-469/000-001 2AI Thermocouple/S/Diagn.
750-469/000-002 2AI Thermocouple/T/Diagnose
750-469/000-003 2AI ±120mV Diagn.
750-469/000-006 2AI Thermocouple/J/Diagn.
750-469/000-008 2AI Thermocouple/E/Diagn.
750-469/000-012 2AI Thermocouple/L/Diagn.
750-469/000-200 2AI Thermocouple/K/Diagn./S5*)
750-469/000-206 2AI Thermocouple/J/Diagn./S5*)
750-469/003-000 2AI Thermocouple/Free Config.
Data format for S5 control with FB 250

Documentation Validity for Variants

Unless otherwise indicated, the information given in this documentation applies to
listed variants.

The I/O module 750-469 shall only be installed and operated according to the
instructions in this manual and in the manual for the used fieldbus

Consider power layout of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750!

In addition to these operating instructions, you will also need the manual for the
used fieldbus coupler/controller, which can be downloaded at www.wago.com.
There, you can obtain important information including information on electrical
isolation, system power and supply specifications.

Version 1.1.0
6 Notes about this Documentation WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

1.2 Copyright
This Manual, including all figures and illustrations, is copyright-protected. Any
further use of this Manual by third parties that violate pertinent copyright
provisions is prohibited. Reproduction, translation, electronic and phototechnical
filing/archiving (e.g., photocopying) as well as any amendments require the
written consent of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Minden, Germany.
Non-observance will involve the right to assert damage claims.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Notes about this Documentation 7
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

1.3 Symbols

Personal Injury!
Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury Caused by Electric Current!

Indicates a high-risk, imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury!
Indicates a moderate-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.

Personal Injury!
Indicates a low-risk, potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may
result in minor or moderate injury.

Damage to Property!
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.

Damage to Property Caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)!

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to property.

Important Note!
Indicates a potential malfunction which, if not avoided, however, will not result in
damage to property.

Version 1.1.0
8 Notes about this Documentation WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Additional Information:
Refers to additional information which is not an integral part of this
documentation (e.g., the Internet).

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Notes about this Documentation 9
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

1.4 Number Notation

Table 2: Number Notation
Number Code Example Note
Decimal 100 Normal notation
Hexadecimal 0x64 C notation
Binary '100' In quotation marks, nibble separated with
'0110.0100' dots (.)

1.5 Font Conventions

Table 3: Font Conventions
Font Type Indicates
italic Names of paths and data files are marked in italic-type.
e.g.: C:\Program Files\WAGO Software
Menu Menu items are marked in bold letters.
e.g.: Save
> A greater-than sign between two names means the selection of a
menu item from a menu.
e.g.: File > New
Input Designation of input or optional fields are marked in bold letters,
e.g.: Start of measurement range
“Value” Input or selective values are marked in inverted commas.
e.g.: Enter the value “4 mA” under Start of measurement range.
[Button] Pushbuttons in dialog boxes are marked with bold letters in square
e.g.: [Input]
[Key] Keys are marked with bold letters in square brackets.
e.g.: [F5]

Version 1.1.0
10 Important Notes WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

2 Important Notes
This section includes an overall summary of the most important safety
requirements and notes that are mentioned in each individual section. To protect
your health and prevent damage to devices as well, it is imperative to read and
carefully follow the safety guidelines.

2.1 Legal Bases

2.1.1 Subject to Changes

WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to provide for any
alterations or modifications that serve to increase the efficiency of technical
progress. WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG owns all rights arising from
the granting of patents or from the legal protection of utility patents. Third-party
products are always mentioned without any reference to patent rights. Thus, the
existence of such rights cannot be excluded.

2.1.2 Personnel Qualifications

All sequences implemented on WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 devices may only be
carried out by electrical specialists with sufficient knowledge in automation. The
specialists must be familiar with the current norms and guidelines for the devices
and automated environments.

All changes to the coupler or controller should always be carried out by qualified
personnel with sufficient skills in PLC programming.

2.1.3 Use of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 in Compliance with

Underlying Provisions
Fieldbus couplers, fieldbus controllers and I/O modules found in the modular
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 receive digital and analog signals from sensors and
transmit them to actuators or higher-level control systems. Using programmable
controllers, the signals can also be (pre-) processed.

The devices have been developed for use in an environment that meets the IP20
protection class criteria. Protection against finger injury and solid impurities up to
12.5 mm diameter is assured; protection against water damage is not ensured.
Unless otherwise specified, operation of the devices in wet and dusty
environments is prohibited.

Operating the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 devices in home applications without

further measures is only permitted if they meet the emission limits (emissions of
interference) according to EN 61000-6-3. You will find the relevant information
in the section “Device Description” > “Standards and Guidelines” in the manual
for the used fieldbus coupler/controller.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Important Notes 11
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Appropriate housing (per 2014/34/EU) is required when operating the WAGO-

I/O-SYSTEM 750 in hazardous environments. Please note that a prototype test
certificate must be obtained that confirms the correct installation of the system in
a housing or switch cabinet.

2.1.4 Technical Condition of Specified Devices

The devices to be supplied ex works are equipped with hardware and software
configurations, which meet the individual application requirements. WAGO
Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG will be exempted from any liability in case of
changes in hardware or software as well as to non-compliant usage of devices.

Please send your request for modified and new hardware or software
configurations directly to WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.

Version 1.1.0
12 Important Notes WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

2.2 Safety Advice (Precautions)

For installing and operating purposes of the relevant device to your system the
following safety precautions shall be observed:

Do not work on devices while energized!

All power sources to the device shall be switched off prior to performing any
installation, repair or maintenance work.

Install the device only in appropriate housings, cabinets or in electrical

operation rooms!
The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 and its components are an open system. As such,
install the system and its components exclusively in appropriate housings,
cabinets or in electrical operation rooms. Allow access to such equipment and
fixtures to authorized, qualified staff only by means of specific keys or tools.

Replace defective or damaged devices!

Replace defective or damaged device/module (e.g., in the event of deformed
contacts), since the long-term functionality of device/module involved can no
longer be ensured.

Protect the components against materials having seeping and insulating

The components are not resistant to materials having seeping and insulating
properties such as: aerosols, silicones and triglycerides (found in some hand
creams). If you cannot exclude that such materials will appear in the component
environment, then install the components in an enclosure being resistant to the
above-mentioned materials. Clean tools and materials are imperative for handling

Clean only with permitted materials!

Clean soiled contacts using oil-free compressed air or with ethyl alcohol and
leather cloths.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Important Notes 13
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Do not use any contact spray!

Do not use any contact spray. The spray may impair contact area functionality in
connection with contamination.

Do not reverse the polarity of connection lines!

Avoid reverse polarity of data and power supply lines, as this may damage the
devices involved.

Avoid electrostatic discharge!

The devices are equipped with electronic components that may be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge when touched. Please observe the safety precautions
against electrostatic discharge per DIN EN 61340-5-1/-3. When handling the
devices, please ensure that environmental factors (personnel, work space and
packaging) are properly grounded.

Version 1.1.0
14 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3 Device Description
The 750-469 (2AI Thermocouple) analog input module and its 750-469/xxx-xxx
variations allow thermocouples be measured in the field. It can also be used to
measure voltages (mV). Depending on the operating mode, the voltage value is
converted to a temperature or is directly send out by the module.

A microprocessor within the module is used for converting and linearizing the
measured voltage value into.

The WAGO-I/O-CHECK commissioning tool can be used to configure the

required operating mode. The I/O module can also be parameterized via
PROFIBUS and PROFINET device description (GSD file).
The parameterization description can be found in the appendix in Section
“Configuration and Parameterization via GSD File with PROFIBUS DP and

The analog module has 2 input channels allowing the direct connection of 2
For example, 2 thermocouples can be connected either to the CAGE CLAMP®
connectors +TC 1 and −TC 1 or to +TC2 and −TC 2.
The shield connection is fed directly to the carrier rail and contact is made
automatically by snapping the module onto the rail.

The field voltage and the system voltage are electrically isolated from each other.

The operational readiness and the trouble-free internal data bus communication of
the channels are indicated via a green function LED.
A red fault LED per channel indicates a wire break or that the signal is outside the
measuring range.

Use a supply module!

Use a supply module for field-side power supply of downstream I/O modules.

The I/O module 750-469 can be used with all fieldbus couplers/controllers of the
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 (except for the economy types 750-320, -323, -324
and -327).

With consideration of the power jumper contacts, the individual modules can be
arranged in any combination when configuring the fieldbus node. An arrangement
in groups within the group of potentials is not necessary.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 15
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 4: Description of Variations

Item-No. Designation Description
750-469 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
K/Diagn. Thermocouple Type K, Diagn.
Measuring range:
−100 °C … +1370 °C
750-469/000-001 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
S/Diagn. Thermocouple Type S, Diagn.
Measuring range:
−50 °C … +1700 °C
750-469/000-002 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
T/Diagn. Thermocouple Type T, Diagn.
Measuring range:
−100 °C … +400 °C
750-469/000-006 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
J/Diagn. Thermocouple Type J, Diagn.
Measuring range:
−100 °C … +1200 °C
750-469/000-008 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
E/Diagn. Thermocouple Type E, Diagn.
Measuring range:
−100 °C … +1000 °C
750-469/000-012 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
L/Diagn. Thermocouple Type L, Diagn.
Measuring range:
−100 °C … +900 °C
750-469/000-200 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
K/Diagn./S5 Thermocouple Type K, Diagn.
Measuring range:
−100 °C … +1370 °C
With status information for S5-FB250
750-469/000-206 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
J/Diagn./S5 Thermocouple Type J, Diagn.
Measuring range:
−100 °C … +1200 °C
With status information for S5-FB250
Voltage measuring
750-469/000-003 2AI Voltage 2-Channel Analog Input Module
measuring, Voltage measuring, Diagn.
±120mV/Diagn. Measuring range:±120 mV
Operating mode configurable with WAGO-I/O-CHEC
or PROFIBUS- and PROFINET device description (GSD file)
750-469/003-000 2AI Thermocouple/ 2-Channel Analog Input Module ,
Free Config. free configurable, Diagn.
Pre-adjustment: Thermocouple
Type K, Measuring range:
−100 °C … +1370 °C

Version 1.1.0
16 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3.1 View

Figure 1: View

Table 5: Legend for Figure “View”

Pos. Description Details See Section
1 Marking possibility with ---
2 Status LEDs “Device Description” > “Display Elements”
3 Data contacts “Device Description” > “Connectors”
4 CAGE CLAMP® connectors “Device Description” > “Connectors”
5 Release tab “Mounting” > ”Inserting and Removing

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 17
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3.2 Connectors

3.2.1 Data Contacts/Internal Bus

Communication between the fieldbus coupler/controller and the I/O modules as
well as the system supply of the I/O modules is carried out via the internal bus. It
is comprised of 6 data contacts, which are available as self-cleaning gold spring

Figure 2: Data Contacts

Do not place the I/O modules on the gold spring contacts!

Do not place the I/O modules on the gold spring contacts in order to avoid soiling
or scratching!

Ensure that the environment is well grounded!

The devices are equipped with electronic components that may be destroyed by
electrostatic discharge. When handling the devices, ensure that the environment
(persons, workplace and packing) is well grounded. Avoid touching conductive
components, e.g. data contacts.

3.2.2 Power Jumper Contacts/Field Supply

The I/O module 750-469 has no power jumper contacts.

Version 1.1.0
18 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3.2.3 CAGE CLAMP® Connectors

Figure 3: CAGE CLAMP® Connectors

Table 6: Legend for Figure “CAGE CLAMP® Connectors”

Channel Designation Connector Function
+TC 1 1 Sensor 1: +TC
−TC 1 2 Sensor 1: −TC
Common (ground) 3 Common (ground)
Shield (screen) 4 Shield (screen)
+TC 2 5 Sensor 2: +TC
−TC 2 6 Sensor 2: −TC
Common (ground) 7 Common (ground)
Shield (screen) 8 Shield (screen)

Only use connections 3 and 7 as a signal ground!

The current between connections 3 and 7 must be less than 0.1 A. A current
greater than 0.1 A can destroy the I/O module. Only use connections 3 and 7 as a
signal ground.

Use shielded signal lines!

Only use shielded signal lines for analog signals and I/O modules which are
equipped with shield clamps. Only then can you ensure that the accuracy and
interference immunity specified for the respective I/O module can be achieved
even in the presence of interference acting on the signal cable.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 19
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3.3 Display Elements

Figure 4: Display Elements

Table 7: Legend for Figure “Display Elements“

Channel LED State Function
No operational readiness or the internal data bus
communication is interrupted
Operational readiness and trouble-free internal data
bus communication
Off Normal operation
750-469, Overrange/underflow of
750-469/000-001, -002, the admissible measuring
Red -006, -008, -012, -200, range, broken wire
750-469/000-003 Broken wire
No operational readiness or the internal data bus
communication is interrupted
Operational readiness and trouble-free internal data
bus communication
Off Normal operation
750-469, Overrange/underflow of
750-469/000-001, -002, the admissible measuring
Red -006, -008, -012, -200, range, broken wire
750-469/000-003 Broken wire

3.4 Operating Elements

The I/O module 750-469 has no operating elements.

Version 1.1.0
20 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3.5 Schematic Diagram

Figure 5: Schematic Diagram

Only use connections 3 and 7 as a signal ground!

The current between connections 3 and 7 must be less than 0.1 A. A current
greater than 0.1 A can destroy the I/O module. Only use connections 3 and 7 as a
signal ground.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 21
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3.6 Technical Data

3.6.1 Device
Table 8: Technical Data – Device
Width 12 mm
Height (from upper edge of DIN 35 rail) 64 mm
Length 100 mm
Weight 38.2 g

3.6.2 Supply
Table 9: Technical Data – Supply
Power supply Via system voltage DC/DC
Max. current consumption (internal) 65 mA
Isolation 500 V system/supply

3.6.3 Inputs
Table 10: Technical Data – Inputs
Number of inputs 2
Sensor types Type K; −100 °C … +1370 °C
(basic variation)
the free configurable variation optional variations available:
(750-469/003-000) supports all type S; − 50 °C … + 1700 °C
listed sensor types type T; − 100 °C … + 400 °C
type J; − 100 °C … + 1200 °C
type E; − 100 °C … + 1000 °C
type L; − 100 °C … + 900 °C
further configurable variants of 750-469/003-000:
type B; + 600 °C … + 1800 °C
type N; − 100°C … + 1300 °C
type R; 0 °C … + 1700 °C
type U; − 25 °C … + 600 °C

Voltage measurement:
− 30 mV ... + 30 mV
− 60 mV ... + 60 mV
− 120 mV ... + 120 mV

Version 1.1.0
22 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 11: Technical Data – Inputs

Internal resistance 1 MΩ
Cold junction compensation At each pair of terminal blocks
Resolution (over entire range) 0.1 °C
Conversion time 320 ms (each channel)
Measuring error 25°C < ±6 K (voltage input
< ±2 K; cold junction compensation <
±4 K)
Temperature coefficient < ±0.2 K/K
Max. admissible current between the
ground contacts 3 and 7 100 mA

3.6.4 Communication
Table 12: Technical Data – Communication
Internal bit width (internal bus) 2 × 16 bits data
2-channel-operation 2 × 8 bits control/status (optional)

3.6.5 Climatic Environmental Conditions

Table 13: Technical Data – Climatic Environmental Conditions
Operating temperature range 0 °C … 55 °C
Operating temperature range for −20 °C … +60 °C
components with extended
temperature range (750-xxx/025-xxx)
Storage temperature range −25 °C … +85 °C
Storage temperature range for −40 °C … +85 °C
components with extended
temperature range (750-xxx/025-xxx)
Relative humidity Max. 5 % … 95 % without condensation
Resistance to harmful substances Acc. to IEC 60068-2-42 and
IEC 60068-2-43
Maximum pollutant concentration at SO2 ≤ 25 ppm
relative humidity < 75 % H2S ≤ 10 ppm
Special conditions Ensure that additional measures for
components are taken, which are used in
an environment involving:
– dust, caustic vapors or gases
– ionizing radiation

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 23
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3.6.6 Connection Type

Table 14: Technical Data – Field Wiring
Wire connection CAGE CLAMP®
Cross section 0.08 mm² … 2.5 mm², AWG 28 … 14
Stripped lengths 8 mm … 9 mm / 0.33 in

Table 15: Technical Data – Data Contacts

Data contacts Slide contact, hard gold plated, self-

Version 1.1.0
24 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

3.7 Approvals

More information about approvals.

Detailed references to the approvals are listed in the document “Overview
Approvals WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750”, which you can find via the internet
under: www.wago.com > SERVICES > DOWNLOADS > Additional
documentation and information on automation products > WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM
750 > System Description.

The following approvals have been granted to the basic version and all variants of
750-469 I/O modules:

Conformity Marking


Korea Certification MSIP-REM-W43-AIM750

The following Ex approvals have been granted to the basic version and all
variants of 750-469 I/O modules:

TÜV 07 ATEX 554086 X

I M2 Ex d I Mb
II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc
II 3 D Ex tc IIIC T135°C Dc
IECEx TUN 09.0001 X
Ex d I Mb
Ex nA IIC T4 Gc
Ex tc IIIC T135°C Dc
Class I, Div2 ABCD T4

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 25
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

The following ship approvals have been granted to 750-469 I/O modules:

750-469 x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x

ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)

Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency

BV (Bureau Veritas)

DNV (Det Norske Veritas) Klasse B

GL (Germanischer Lloyd) Cat. A, B, C, D (EMC 1)

KR (Korean Register of Shipping)

LR (Lloyd’s Register) Env. 1, 2, 3, 4

PRS (Polski Rejestr Statków)

Version 1.1.0
26 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

RINA (Registro Italiano Navale)

3.8 Standards and Guidelines

All variations of 750-469 I/O modules meet the following requirements on
emission and immunity of interference:

EMC CE-Immunity to interference EN 61000-6-2

EMC CE-Emission of interference EN 61000-6-4

The I/O modules 750-469 meet the following requirements on emission and
immunity of interference:

EMC marine applications-Immunity

to interference acc. to DNV GL

EMC marine applications-Emission

of interference acc. to DNV GL

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Process Image 27
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

4 Process Image

Mapping of process data in the process image of fieldbus systems

The representation of the I/O modules’ process data in the process image depends
on the fieldbus coupler/controller used. Please take this information as well as the
particular design of the respective control/status bytes from the section “Fieldbus
Specific Design of the Process Data” included in the description concerning the
process image of the fieldbus coupler/controller used.

4.1 Standard Data Format

For the 750-469 module and its variations with standard data format, the
temperature values of the sensors are represented with a resolution of 1 digit per
0.1 °C within a word (16 bits). Thus, 0 °C corresponds to the numeric value
0x0000 and 100 °C to 0x03E8 (dec. 1000).

Table 16: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, type K, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary hex. dec.
< -100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x41 on
-100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
100.0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 off
200.0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 off
300.0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 off
400.0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 off
500.0 '0001.0011.1000.1000' 0x1388 5000 0x00 off
1000.0 '0010.0111.0001.0000' 0x2710 10000 0x00 off
1200.0 '0010.1110.1110.0000' 0x2EE0 12000 0x00 off
1300.0 '0011.0010.1100.1000' 0x32C8 13000 0x00 off
1370.0 '0011.0101.1000.0100' 0x3584 13700 0x00 off
> ca.1370.0 '0011.0101.1000.0100' > 0x3584 > 13700 0x42 on
Broken wire '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 on
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Version 1.1.0
28 Process Image WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 17: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type S, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary hex. dec.
< -50.0 '1111.1110.0000.1100' 0xFE0C -500 0x41 on
-50.0 '1111.1110.0000.1100' 0xFE0C -500 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
100.0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 off
200.0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 off
300.0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 off
400.0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 off
500.0 '0001.0011.1000.1000' 0x1388 5000 0x00 off
1000.0 '0010.0111.0001.0000' 0x2710 10000 0x00 off
1500.0 '0011.1010.1001.1000' 0x3A98 15000 0x00 off
1700.0 '0100.0010.0110.1000' 0x4268 17000 0x00 off
> 1700.0 '0100.0010.0110.1000' > 0x4268 > 17000 0x42 on
Broken wire '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 on
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Table 18: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type T, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary hex. dec.
< -100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x41 on
-100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x00 off
-50.0 '1111.1110.0000.1100' 0xFE0C -500 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
50.0 '0000.0001.1111.0100' 0x01F4 500 0x00 off
100.0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 off
150.0 '0000.0101.1101.1100' 0x05DC 1500 0x00 off
200.0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 off
250.0 '0000.1001.1100.0100' 0x09C4 2500 0x00 off
300.0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 off
350.0 '0000.1101.1010.1100' 0x0DAC 3500 0x00 off
400.0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 off
> 400.0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' >0x0FA0 > 4000 0x42 on
Broken wire '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 on
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Process Image 29
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 19: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type J, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary hex. dec.
< -100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x41 on
-100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
100.0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 off
200.0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 off
300.0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 off
400.0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 off
500.0 '0001.0011.1000.1000' 0x1388 5000 0x00 off
1000.0 '0010.0111.0001.0000' 0x2710 10000 0x00 off
1200.0 '0010.1110.1110.0000' 0x2EE0 12000 0x00 off
> 1200.0 '0010.1110.1110.0000' >0x2EE0 > 12000 0x42 on
Broken wire '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 on
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Table 20: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type E, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary hex. dec.
< -100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x41 on
-100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
100.0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 off
200.0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 off
300.0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 off
400.0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 off
500.0 '0001.0011.1000.1000' 0x1388 5000 0x00 off
600.0 '0001.0111.0111.0000' 0x1770 6000 0x00 off
700.0 '0001.1011.0101.1000' 0x1B58 7000 0x00 off
900.0 '0010.0011.0010.1000' 0x2328 9000 0x00 off
999.0 '0010.0111.0000.0110' 0x2706 9990 0x00 off
> 999.0 '0010.0111.0000.0110' > 0x2706 > 9990 0x42 on
Broken wire '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 on
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Version 1.1.0
30 Process Image WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 21: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type L, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary hex. dec.
< -100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x41 on
-100.0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
100.0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 off
200.0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 off
300.0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 off
400.0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 off
500.0 '0001.0011.1000.1000' 0x1388 5000 0x00 off
600.0 '0001.0111.0111.0000' 0x1770 6000 0x00 off
700.0 '0001.1011.0101.1000' 0x1B58 7000 0x00 off
800.0 '0001.1111.0100.0000' 0x1F40 8000 0x00 off
900.0 '0010.0011.0010.1000' 0x2328 9000 0x00 off
> 900.0 '0010.0011.0010.1000' > 0x2328 > 9000 0x42 on
Broken wire '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 on
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Table 22: Process Image 750-469/003-000, Typ B, with broken wire diagn

Numercial value Status- LED

byte Error
binary hex. dec. hex. AI 1, 2
< 600,0 '0001.0111.0111.0000' 0x1770 6000 0x41 ein
600,0 '0001.0111.0111.0000' 0x1770 6000 0x00 aus
700,0 '0001.1011.0101.1000' 0x1B58 7000 0x00 aus
800,0 '0001.1111.0100.0000' 0x1F40 8000 0x00 aus
900,0 '0010.0011.0010.1000' 0x2328 9000 0x00 aus
1000,0 '0010.0111.0001.0000' 0x2710 10000 0x00 aus
1500,0 '0011.1010.1001.1000' 0x3A98 15000 0x00 aus
1600,0 '0011.1110.1000.0000' 0x3E80 16000 0x00 aus
1700,0 '0100.0010.0110.1000' 0x4268 17000 0x00 aus
1800,0 '0100.0110.0101.0000' 0x4650 18000 0x00 aus
> 1800,0 '0100.0110.0101.0000' > 0x4650 > 18000 0x42 ein
Drahtbruch ’0111.1111.1111.1111’ 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 ein

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Process Image 31
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 23: Process Image 750-469/003-000, Typ U, with broken wire diagn.
Status- LED
Numercial value 1) byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
< -25,0 '1111.1111.0000.0110' 0xFF06 -250 0x41 ein
-25,0 '1111.1111.0000.0110' 0xFF06 -250 0x00 aus
0,0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 aus
50,0 '0000.0001.1111.0100' 0x01F4 500 0x00 aus
100,0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 aus
200,0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 aus
300,0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 aus
400,0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 aus
500,0 '0001.0011.1000.1000' 0x1388 5000 0x00 aus
600,0 '0001.0111.0111.0000' 0x1770 6000 0x00 aus
> 600,0 '0001.0111.0111.0000' > 0x1770 > 6000 0x42 ein
Drahtbruch ’0111.1111.1111.1111’ 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 ein
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Table 24: Process Image 750-469/003-000, Typ N, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
binary hex. dec. hex. AI 1, 2
< -100,0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x41 ein
-100,0 '1111.1100.0001.1000' 0xFC18 -1000 0x00 aus
0,0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 aus
100,0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 aus
200,0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 aus
300,0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 aus
400,0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 aus
500,0 '0001.0011.1000.1000' 0x1388 5000 0x00 aus
1000,0 '0010.0111.0001.0000' 0x2710 10000 0x00 aus
1200,0 '0010.1110.1110.0000' 0x2EE0 12000 0x00 aus
1300,0 '0011.0010.1100.1000' 0x32C8 13000 0x00 aus
> 1300,0 '0011.0010.1100.1000' > 0x32C8 > 13000 0x42 ein
Drahtbruch ’0111.1111.1111.1111’ 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 ein
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Version 1.1.0
32 Process Image WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 25: Process Image 750-469/003-000, Typ R, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
Binär Hex. Dez. hex. AI 1, 2
≤ − 0,1 '1111.1111.1111.1111' 0xFFFF −1 0x41 ein
0,0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 aus
100,0 '0000.0011.1110.1000' 0x03E8 1000 0x00 aus
200,0 '0000.0111.1101.0000' 0x07D0 2000 0x00 aus
300,0 '0000.1011.1011.1000' 0x0BB8 3000 0x00 aus
400,0 '0000.1111.1010.0000' 0x0FA0 4000 0x00 aus
500,0 '0001.0011.1000.1000' 0x1388 5000 0x00 aus
1000,0 '0010.0111.0001.0000' 0x2710 10000 0x00 aus
1200,0 '0010.1110.1110.0000' 0x2EE0 12000 0x00 aus
1300,0 '0010.1110.1110.0000' 0x2EE0 13000 0x00 aus
1400,0 '0011.0101.1000.0100‘ 0x3584 14000 0x00 aus
1500,0 '0011.1010.1001.1000‘ 0x3A98 15000 0x00 aus
1600,0 '0011.1110.1000.0000‘ 0x3E80 16000 0x00 aus
1700;0 '0100.0010.0110.1000‘ 0x4268 17000 0x00 aus
> 1700,0 '0100.0010.0110.1000‘ > 0x4268 > 17000 0x42 ein
Drahtbruch ’0111.1111.1111.1111’ 0x7FFF 32767 0x42 ein
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Process Image 33
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

4.2 Data Format with Status Information for S5 – FB 250

in Data Word
For the 750-469/000-200 and 750-469/000-206 variations, the temperature values
of the sensors are represented with a resolution of 1 digit per 0.125 °C within a
word (16 bits). Thus, 0 °C corresponds to the numeric value 0x0000 and 100 °C to
0x0320 (dec. 800). Diagnostic information is indicated in the 3 low bits.

Table 26: Process Image 750-469/000-200, Type K, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary XFÜ hex. dec.
< ca.-100.0 '1111.1100.1101.1 001' 0xFCD9 -807 0x41 on
-100.0 '1111.1100.1110.0 000' 0xFCE0 -800 0x00 off
-50.0 '1111.1110.0111.0 000' 0xFE70 -400 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0 000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
50.0 '0000.0001.1001.0 000' 0x0190 400 0x00 off
100.0 '0000.0011.0010.0 000' 0x0320 800 0x00 off
200.0 '0000.0110.0100.0 000' 0x0640 1600 0x00 off
400.0 '0000.1100.1000.0 000' 0x0C80 3200 0x00 off
600.0 '0001.0010.1100.0 000' 0x12C0 4800 0x00 off
800.0 '0001.1001.0000.0 000' 0x1900 6400 0x00 off
1000.0 '0001.1111.0100.0 000' 0x1F40 8000 0x00 off
1200.0 '0010.0101.1000.0 000' 0x2580 9600 0x00 off
1370.0 '0010.1010.1101.0 000' 0x2AD0 10960 0x00 off
> ca.1370.0 '0010.1010.1101.1 001' > 0x2AD9 > 10969 0x42 on
Broken wire '0111.1111.1111.1 010' 0x7FFA 32762 0x42 on
Status information: X: not used, F: short-circuit, broken wire, Ü: overrange
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Version 1.1.0
34 Process Image WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 27: Process Image 750-469/000-206, Type J, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary XFÜ hex. dec.
< -100.0 '1111.1100.1110.0 001' 0xFCE1 -799 0x41 on
-100.0 '1111.1100.1110.0 000' 0xFCE0 -800 0x00 off
-50.0 '1111.1110.0111.0 000' 0xFE70 -400 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0 000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
50.0 '0000.0001.1001.0 000' 0x0190 400 0x00 off
100.0 '0000.0011.0010.0 000' 0x0320 800 0x00 off
200.0 '0000.0110.0100.0 000' 0x0640 1600 0x00 off
400.0 '0000.1100.1000.0 000' 0x0C80 3200 0x00 off
600.0 '0001.0010.1100.0 000' 0x12C0 4800 0x00 off
800.0 '0001.1001.0000.0 000' 0x1900 6400 0x00 off
1000.0 '0001.1111.0100.0 000' 0x1F40 8000 0x00 off
1100.0 '0010.0010.0110.0 000' 0x2260 8800 0x00 off
1200.0 '0010.0101.1000.0 000' 0x2580 9600 0x00 off
> 1200.0 '0010.0101.1000.0 001' > 0x2581 > 9601 0x42 on
Broken wire '0111.1111.1111.1 010' 0x7FFA 32762 0x42 on
Status information: X: not used, F: short-circuit, broken wire, Ü: overrange
Temperature values below 0 °C are represented in two’s complement binary form.

4.3 I/O Modules for Voltage Measuring (mV)

When measuring the voltage, the input range is mapped to a range of values
between -18750 and +18750. Voltage values below 0 mV are represented in two’s
complement binary form.

For the measuring range ± 120 mV the resolution is 6.4 µV per digit.

Table 28: Process Image 750-469/000-003, mV measuring ±120 mV, with broken wire diagn.

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
hex. AI 1, 2
binary hex. dec.
< -120.0 '1011.0000.0000.0000' 0xB000 -20480 0x00 off
-120.0 '1011.0110.1100.0010' 0xB6C2 -18750 0x00 off
-90.0 '1100.1001.0001.0010' 0xC912 -14062 0x00 off
-60.0 '1101.1011.0110.0001' 0xDB61 -9375 0x00 off
-30.0 '1110.1101.1011.0001' 0xEDB1 -4687 0x00 off
0.0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 off
30.0 '0001.0010.0101.0000' 0x1250 4688 0x00 off
60.0 '0010.0100.1001.1111' 0x249F 9375 0x00 off
90.0 '0011.0110.1110.1111' 0x36EF 14063 0x00 off
120.0 '0100.1001.0011.1110' 0x493E 18750 0x00 off
> 120.0 '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x00 off
Voltage values below 0 mV are represented in two’s complement binary form.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Process Image 35
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

For the measuring range ±30 mV the resolution is 1,6 µV per digit.

Table 29: Process Image750-469/003-000, mV-measuring ±30 mV

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
binary hex. dec. hex. AI 1, 2
< -30,0 '1011.0000.0000.0000' 0xB000 -20480 0x00 aus
-30,0 '1011.0111.1100.0010' 0xB6C2 -18750 0x00 aus
-20,0 '1101.0000.0010.1100' 0xCF2C -12500 0x00 aus
-10,0 '1110.1000.1001.0110' 0xE796 -6250 0x00 aus
0,0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 aus
10,0 '0001.1000.0110.1010' 0x186A 6250 0x00 aus
20,0 '0011.0000.1101.0100' 0x30D4 12500 0x00 aus
30,0 '0100.1001.0011.1110' 0x493E 18750 0x00 aus
> 30,0 '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x00 aus
Voltage values below 0 mV are represented in two’s complement binary form.

For the measuring range ±60 mV the resolution is 3,2 µV per digit.

Table 30: Process Image750-469/003-000, mV-measuring ±60 mV

Numercial value 1) Status- LED

byte Error
binary hex. dec. hex. AI 1, 2
< -60,0 '1011.0000.0000.0000' 0xB000 -20480 0x00 aus
-60,0 '1011.0111.1100.0010' 0xB6C2 -18750 0x00 aus
-45,0 '1100.1010.0001.0001' 0xC911 -14063 0x00 aus
-30,0 '1101.1100.0110.0001' 0xDB61 -9375 0x00 aus
-15,0 '1110.1110.1011.0000' 0xEDB0 -4688 0x00 aus
0,0 '0000.0000.0000.0000' 0x0000 0 0x00 aus
15,0 '0001.0010.0101.0000' 0x1250 4688 0x00 aus
30,0 '0010.0100.1001.1111' 0x249F 9375 0x00 aus
45,0 '0011.0110.1110.1111' 0x36EF 14063 0x00 aus
60,0 '0100.1001.0011.1110' 0x493E 18750 0x00 aus
> 60,0 '0111.1111.1111.1111' 0x7FFF 32767 0x00 aus
Voltage values below 0 mV are represented in two’s complement binary form.

4.4 Adjustable 750-469/003-000 Variation

The operating mode of the 750-469/003-000 variation can be configured using the
WAGO-I/O-CHECK commissioning tool.

The default setting is Thermocouple Type K. In this operating mode, the I/O
module has the same behavior and process values as the 750-469 basic I/O

The parameterization dialog in WAGO-I/O-CHECK provides the following

selection boxes for possible I/O module settings:

Version 1.1.0
36 Process Image WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 31: Setting options for I/O module 750-469/003-000

Selection box Possible Settings
TC Typ L
TC Typ K*
TC Typ J
TC Typ E
TC Typ T
TC Typ N
Sensor type TC Typ U
TC Typ B
TC Typ R
TC Typ S
+/-30 mV
+/-60 mV
+/-120 mV
deactivated Status bit 0 is not used when falling below
Check lower the measuring range.
measurement range activated Status bit 0 is used when falling below the
measuring range.
deactivated No display of status indicators
activated Display of status indicators in the bottom 3

Bit 0: Overflow. Used when the measured

value lies outside the permitted range.
PI diagnostics
Bit 1: Error. Used when the I/O module
detects an error in the internal function or a
wire break.

Bit 2: 0
deactivated Watchdog timer not enabled.
activated* Watchdog timer enabled. If not process data
Watchdog is exchanged with the fieldbus
coupler/controller, the green LEDs will turn

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Process Image 37
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 31: Setting options for I/O module 750-469/003-000

Selection box Possible Settings
Two's Two's complement representation
Number format
Sign Amount/sign representation
12.5 Hz – 640 ms / 50 Hz – 320 ms */
Filter constant
100 Hz – 160 ms / 200 Hz – 80 ms
deactivated Do not compensate for cold junction
Cold junction temperature
compensation *
activated Compensate for cold junction temperature
deactivated Wire break monitoring disabled
Wire break detection
activated* Wire break monitoring enabled
deactivated User scaling disabled
User scaling
activated User scaling enabled
deactivated WAGO scaling disabled
WAGO scaling
activated* WAGO scaling enabled
default settings

In WAGO-I/O-CHECK the following input boxes allow you to set the offset and
gain values of the user and manufacturer scaling.

Table 32: Offset/gain values

Input field … Offset Gain
User scaling … 0x0000 0x0100
WAGO scaling … 0x0000 0x00A0

Additional information
Detailed information about configuring this I/O module is available in the
documentation for the WAGO-I/O-CHECK commissioning tools and on the
Internet at www.wago.com.

The I/O module can also be parameterized via PROFIBUS and PROFINET
device description (GSD file). The parameterization description can be found in
the appendix in Section “Configuration and Parameterization via GSD File with

Version 1.1.0
38 Mounting WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

5 Mounting
5.1 Mounting Sequence
Fieldbus couplers/controllers and I/O modules of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
are snapped directly on a carrier rail in accordance with the European standard EN
50022 (DIN 35).

The reliable positioning and connection is made using a tongue and groove
system. Due to the automatic locking, the individual devices are securely seated
on the rail after installation.

Starting with the fieldbus coupler/controller, the I/O modules are mounted
adjacent to each other according to the project design. Errors in the design of the
node in terms of the potential groups (connection via the power contacts) are
recognized, as the I/O modules with power contacts (blade contacts) cannot be
linked to I/O modules with fewer power contacts.

Risk of injury due to sharp-edged blade contacts!

The blade contacts are sharp-edged. Handle the I/O module carefully to prevent

Insert I/O modules only from the proper direction!

All I/O modules feature grooves for power jumper contacts on the right side. For
some I/O modules, the grooves are closed on the top. Therefore, I/O modules
featuring a power jumper contact on the left side cannot be snapped from the top.
This mechanical coding helps to avoid configuration errors, which may destroy
the I/O modules. Therefore, insert I/O modules only from the right and from the

Don't forget the bus end module!

Always plug a bus end module (750-600) onto the end of the fieldbus node! You
must always use a bus end module at all fieldbus nodes with WAGO-I/O-
SYSTEM 750 fieldbus couplers/controllers to guarantee proper data transfer.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Mounting 39
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

5.2 Inserting and Removing Devices

Perform work on devices only if they are de-energized!

Working on energized devices can damage them. Therefore, turn off the power
supply before working on the devices.

5.2.1 Inserting the I/O Module

1. Position the I/O module so that the tongue and groove joints to the fieldbus
coupler/controller or to the previous or possibly subsequent I/O module are

Figure 6: Insert I/O Module (Example)

2. Press the I/O module into the assembly until the I/O module snaps into the
carrier rail.

Figure 7: Snap the I/O Module into Place (Example)

With the I/O module snapped in place, the electrical connections for the data
contacts and power jumper contacts (if any) to the fieldbus coupler/controller or to
the previous or possibly subsequent I/O module are established.

Version 1.1.0
40 Mounting WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

5.2.2 Removing the I/O Module

1. Remove the I/O module from the assembly by pulling the release tab.

Figure 8: Removing the I/O Module (Example)

Electrical connections for data or power jumper contacts are disconnected when
removing the I/O module.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Connect Devices 41
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

6 Connect Devices
6.1 Connecting a Conductor to the CAGE CLAMP®
The WAGO CAGE CLAMP® connection is appropriate for solid, stranded and
finely stranded conductors.

Only connect one conductor to each CAGE CLAMP®!

Only one conductor may be connected to each CAGE CLAMP®.
Do not connect more than one conductor at one single connection!

If more than one conductor must be routed to one connection, these must be
connected in an up-circuit wiring assembly, for example using WAGO feed-
through terminals.

1. For opening the CAGE CLAMP® insert the actuating tool into the opening
above the connection.

2. Insert the conductor into the corresponding connection opening.

3. For closing the CAGE CLAMP® simply remove the tool. The conductor is
now clamped firmly in place.

Figure 9: Connecting a Conductor to a CAGE CLAMP®

Version 1.1.0
42 Connect Devices WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

6.2 Connection Examples

Use shielded signal lines!

Only use shielded signal lines for analog signals and I/O modules which are
equipped with shield clamps. Only then can you ensure that the accuracy and
interference immunity specified for the respective I/O module can be achieved
even in the presence of interference acting on the signal cable.

Figure 10: Connection Example

Ensure good grounding practices!

When connecting the thermocouples, good grounding practices must be
guaranteed between the machine and the sensors that are connected to the
module. Insufficient grounding can lead to common mode voltages, which may
distort the measuring result.

Due to the differential inputs, grounded and ungrounded thermocouples can be

connected in the following ways.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Connect Devices 43
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

6.2.1 Grounded Thermocouples

With grounded thermocouples, the common ground (M) can be connected to the
screen (S) using an external bridge so that common mode interferences can be

Figure 11: Connection of Grounded Thermocouple

6.2.2 Ungrounded Thermocouples

With ungrounded thermocouples, the common ground (M) can be connected both
to the TC input and to the screen (S), if required, using an external bridge so that
common mode interferences can be eliminated:

Figure 12: Connection of Ungrounded Thermocouple

Version 1.1.0
44 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

7 Use in Hazardous Environments

The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 (electrical equipment) is designed for use in
Zone 2 hazardous areas.

The following sections include both the general identification of components

(devices) and the installation regulations to be observed. The individual
subsections of the “Installation Regulations” section must be taken into account if
the I/O module has the required approval or is subject to the range of application
of the ATEX directive.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 45
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

7.1 Marking Configuration Examples

7.1.1 Marking for Europe According to ATEX and IEC-Ex

Figure 13: Side Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules According to ATEX and IECEx

Figure 14: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules According to ATEX and

Version 1.1.0
46 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 33: Description of Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules According to ATEX and
Marking Description
TÜV 07 ATEX 554086 X Approving authority and certificate numbers
IECEx TUN 09.0001 X
II Equipment group: All except mining
3D Category 3 (Zone 22)
Ex Explosion protection mark
tc Dc Type of protection and equipment protection
level (EPL):protection by enclosure
IIIC Explosion group of dust
T 135°C Max. surface temperature of the enclosure
(without a dust layer)
I Equipment group: Mining
M2 Category: High level of protection
Ex Explosion protection mark
d Mb Type of protection and equipment protection
level (EPL): Flameproof enclosure
I Explosion group for electrical equipment for
mines susceptible to firedamp
II Equipment group: All except mining
3G Category 3 (Zone 2)
Ex Explosion protection mark
nA Gc Type of protection and equipment protection
level (EPL): Non-sparking equipment
nC Gc Type of protection and equipment protection
level (EPL): Sparking apparatus with protected
contacts. A device which is so constructed that
the external atmosphere cannot gain access to the
IIC Explosion group of gas and vapours
T4 Temperature class: Max. surface temperature

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 47
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Figure 15: Side Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules According to ATEX and

Figure 16: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules According to ATEX
and IECEx.

Version 1.1.0
48 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 34: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules According to ATEX and
Marking Description
TÜV 07 ATEX 554086 X Approving authority and certificate numbers
IECEx TUN 09.0001X

TÜV 12 ATEX 106032 X

IECEx TUN 12.0039 X
II Equipment group: All except mining
3(1)D Category 3 (Zone 22) equipment containing a safety
device for a category 1 (Zone 20) equipment
3(2)D Category 3 (Zone 22) equipment containing a safety
device for a category 2 (Zone 21) equipment
Ex Explosion protection mark
tc Dc Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): protection by enclosure
[ia Da] Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): associated apparatus with intrinsic safety
circuits for use in Zone 20
[ib Db] Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): associated apparatus with intrinsic safety
circuits for use in Zone 21
IIIC Explosion group of dust
T 135°C Max. surface temperature of the enclosure (without a
dust layer)
I Equipment Group: Mining
M2 (M1) Category: High level of protection with electrical
circuits which present a very high level of protection
Ex d Mb Explosion protection mark with Type of protection
and equipment protection level (EPL): Flameproof
[ia Ma] Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): associated apparatus with intrinsic safety
electrical circuits
I Explosion group for electrical equipment for mines
susceptible to firedamp

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 49
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 34: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules According to ATEX and
II Equipment group: All except mining
3(1)G Category 3 (Zone 2) equipment containing a safety
device for a category 1 (Zone 0) equipment
3(2)G Category 3 (Zone 2) equipment containing a safety
device for a category 2 (Zone 1) equipment
Ex Explosion protection mark
nA Gc Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): Non-sparking equipment
[ia Ga] Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): associated apparatus with intrinsic safety
circuits for use in Zone 0
[ia Gb] Type of protection and equipment protection level
(EPL): associated apparatus with intrinsic safety
circuits for use in Zone 1
IIC Explosion group of gas and vapours
T4 Temperature class: Max. surface temperature 135°C

Version 1.1.0
50 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

7.1.2 Marking for America According to NEC 500

Figure 17: Side Marking Example for I/O Modules According to NEC 500

Figure 18: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules According to NEC 500

Table 35: Description of Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules According to NEC 500
Marking Description
CL I Explosion protection group (condition of use
DIV 2 Area of application
Grp. ABCD Explosion group (gas group)
Op temp code T4 Temperature class

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 51
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

7.2 Installation Regulations

For the installation and operation of electrical equipment in hazardous areas, the
valid national and international rules and regulations which are applicable at the
installation location must be carefully followed.

7.2.1 Special Notes Regarding Explosion Protection

The following warning notices are to be posted in the immediately proximity of
the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 (hereinafter “product”):





Before using the components, check whether the intended application is permitted
in accordance with the respective printing. Pay attention to any changes to the
printing when replacing components.

The product is an open system. As such, the product must only be installed in
appropriate enclosures or electrical operation rooms to which the following

• Can only be opened using a tool or key

• Inside pollution degree 1 or 2

• In operation, internal air temperature within the range of 0 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +55 °C

or −20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +60 °C for components with extension number

• Minimum degree of protection: min. IP54 (acc. to EN/IEC 60529)

• For use in Zone 2 (Gc), compliance with the applicable requirements of the
standards EN/IEC/ABNT NBR IEC 60079-0, -11, -15

• For use in Zone 22 (Dc), compliance with the applicable requirements of the
standards EN/IEC/ABNT NBR IEC 60079-0, -11, -15 and -31

• For use in mining (Mb), minimum degree of protection IP64 (acc. EN/IEC
60529) and adequate protection acc. EN/IEC/ABNT NBR IEC 60079-0 and

• Depending on zoning and device category, correct installation and

compliance with requirements must be assessed and certified by a “Notified
Body” (ExNB) if necessary!

Version 1.1.0
52 Use in Hazardous Environments WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Explosive atmosphere occurring simultaneously with assembly, installation or

repair work must be ruled out. Among other things, these include the following

• Insertion and removal of components

• Connecting or disconnecting from fieldbus, antenna, D-Sub, ETHERNET or

USB connections, DVI ports, memory cards, configuration and
programming interfaces in general and service interface in particular:

• Operating DIP switches, coding switches or potentiometers

• Replacing fuses

Wiring (connecting or disconnecting) of non-intrinsically safe circuits is only

permitted in the following cases

• The circuit is disconnected from the power supply.

• The area is known to be non-hazardous.

Outside the device, suitable measures must be taken so that the rated voltage is
not exceeded by more than 40 % due to transient faults (e.g., when powering the
field supply).

Product components intended for intrinsically safe applications may only be

powered by 750-606 or 750-625/000-001 bus supply modules.

Only field devices whose power supply corresponds to overvoltage category I or

II may be connected to these components.

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Use in Hazardous Environments 53
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

7.2.2 Special Notes Regarding ANSI/ISA Ex

For ANSI/ISA Ex acc. to UL File E198726, the following additional requirements

• Use in Class I, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D or non-hazardous areas only

• ETHERNET connections are used exclusively for connecting to computer

networks (LANs) and may not be connected to telephone networks or
telecommunication cables

• WARNING – The radio receiver module 750-642 may only be used to

connect to external antenna 758-910!

• WARNING – Product components with fuses must not be fitted into

circuits subject to overloads!
These include, e.g., motor circuits.

• WARNING – When installing I/O module 750-538, “Control Drawing No.

750538” in the manual must be strictly observed!

Additional Information
Proof of certification is available on request.
Also take note of the information given on the operating and assembly
The manual, containing these special conditions for safe use, must be readily
available to the user.

Version 1.1.0
54 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

8 Appendix
8.1 Configuration and Parameterization using a GSD

A fieldbus coupler/controller must be used to parameterize the I/O module750-
469 (2AI Thermocouple) and the variant 750-469 (003-000) via GSD file:
• PROFIBUS DP 750-333(/0xx-000): > Firmware Version 19
• PROFIBUS DP 750-833(/0xx-000): > Firmware Version 18
• PROFINET IO 750-375(/025-000): > Firmware Version 01
• PROFINET IO 750-377(/025-000): > Firmware Version 01

Behavior after Overwriting with WAGO-I/O-CHECK!

If WAGO-I/O-CHECK is used to overwrite a parameterization made with the GSD
file, the I/O module operates with the WAGO-I/O-CHECK settings until the 750-
333 and 750-833 Fieldbus Couplers/Controllers are restarted.
After restart, the I/O module is re-parameterized via PROFIBUS using the GSD

8.1.1 2AI TC Configuration PROFIBUS DP Couplers/Controllers
750-333(/0xx-000), 750-833(/0xx-000)

When using the aforementioned PROFIBUS DP fieldbus devices, the process image
size is configured by selecting the corresponding GSD entry.

Table 36: PRFOIBUS DP Configuration

GSD Entry PI-Length/[Byte] Data Type Inst.
Module Sub-Module I O
75x-469 2AI/TC/OCM
4 n/a INT16
75x-469 2AI/TC/OCM, PRM1)
75x-469 2AI/TC/OCM RA n/a
1) 6 6 {UINT8, INT16}
75x-469 2AI/TC/OCM RA, PRM
PFC 75x-469 2AI/TC/OCM2) n/a n/a n/a n/a
Only valid for 75x-469 and 75x-469/003-000.
Only available for 750-833(/0xx-000).

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 55
750-469 2AI Thermocouple PROFINET IO Fieldbus Couplers

750-375(/025-000), 750-377(/025-000)

When using the aforementioned PROFINET IO fieldbus couplers, the process image
size is configured by selecting the corresponding GSD entry.

Table 37: PROFINET IO Configuration

GSD Entry PI-Length/[Byte] Data Type Inst.
Module Sub-Module I O
75x-469(/0..-000) INT16[2] I 4 n/a INT16
2AI, TC {UINT8, INT16}[2] I/O 6 6 {UINT8, INT16}

8.1.2 2AI TC Parameterization

The I/O module can be supplied with all operating parameters when selecting the
module entry in the GSD file on the PROFIBUS DP*) and PROFINET IO fieldbus

Figure 19: Example of the PROFIBUS DP Fieldbus Couplers/Controllers parameterization dialog

Only available for GSD entry „75x-469 2AI/TC/OCM, PRM“ and
„75x-469 2AI/TC/OCM RA, PRM“.

Version 1.1.0
56 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Figure 20: Example of the PROFINET IO Fieldbus Couplers parameterization dialog All PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO Fieldbus Couplers/Controllers

The following assignment applies to the parameters of the I/O module when using
PROFIBUS DP and PROFINET IO fieldbus devices.

Table 38: Specific Module/Channel parameters for 75x-469/003-000

Parameter Value WAGO GSD file
Sensor type TC Type L   
TC Type K*)
TC Type J
TC Type E
TC Type T
TC Type N
TC Type U
TC Type B
TC Type R
TC Type S
+/-30 mV
+/-60 mV
+/-120 mV
Filter constant 25 Hz, 640 ms   
50 Hz, 320 ms*)
100 Hz, 160 ms
200 Hz, 80 ms
Cold junction activated*)   

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Appendix 57
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 38: Specific Module/Channel parameters for 75x-469/003-000

Parameter Value WAGO GSD file
Wire break detection activated*)   
Number format Twos complement*)   
Sign magnitude
PI diagnostics activated   
Check lower activated*)   
measurement deactivated
range limit
Watchdog activated*)   
User scaling activated   
Offset 0x0000 (0)*)  – 
Gain 0x0100 (256)*)  – 
Vendor scaling activated   
Default setting PROFIBUS DP Fieldbus Couplers/Controllers

750-333(/0xx-000), 750-833(/0xx-000)

The aforementioned fieldbus couplers/controllers allow module-specific

parameterization of behavior at diagnosis.

Table 39: General Module/Channel parameters

Parameter Value Explanation
Diagnosis The fieldbus coupler/controller signals a
Channel x (x = 0…1) diagnosis if the I/O module reports the events:
• External fault
• Measuring range underflow
• Wire break
0 (disabled)*) Diagnostics reported by the I/O module do not
lead to the signaling of a diagnosis by the
fieldbus coupler/controller.
1 (enabled) Diagnostics reported by the I/O module lead to
the signaling of a diagnosis by the fieldbus
Default setting

Version 1.1.0
58 Appendix WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple PROFINET IO Fieldbus Couplers

750-375(/025-000), 750-377(/025-000)

The aforementioned fieldbus couplers allow module-specific parameterization of

behavior at diagnosis.

Table 40: General Module/Channel parameters

Parameter Value Explanation
Channel diagnosis 0 (false)*) Any errors that may occur on the respective
Channel x (x = 0…1) signal channel do not cause transmission of a
diagnostic alarm nor entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
1 (true) Any errors that may occur on the respective
signal channel and the error type explicitly
released entail transmission of a diagnostic
alarm. The respective error leads to an entry in
the diagnostics database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: External 0 (false) An external fault on the respective signal
fault channel does not lead to transmission of a
Channel x (x = 0…1) diagnostic alarm nor to entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
1 (true)*) Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated,
an external fault leads to transmission of a
diagnostic alarm and entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: Measuring 0 (false) An undershot on the respective signal channel
range underflow does not lead to transmission of a diagnostic
Channel x (x = 0…1) alarm nor entry in the diagnostics database of
the station proxy.
1 (true)*) Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated,
an undershoot leads to transmission of a
diagnostic alarm and entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Diagnosis: Wire break 0 (false) A wire break on the respective signal channel
Channel x (x = 0…1) does not lead to transmission of a diagnostic
alarm nor to entry in the diagnostics database
of the station proxy.
1 (true)*) Provided that the channel diagnostics of the
respective signal channel has been activated, a
wire break leads to transmission of a
diagnostic alarm and entry in the diagnostics
database of the station proxy.
Default settings

Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 List of Figures 59
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

List of Figures
Figure 1: View ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2: Data Contacts ......................................................................................... 17
Figure 3: CAGE CLAMP® Connectors................................................................. 18
Figure 4: Display Elements ................................................................................... 19
Figure 5: Schematic Diagram ................................................................................ 20
Figure 6: Insert I/O Module (Example) ................................................................. 39
Figure 7: Snap the I/O Module into Place (Example) ........................................... 39
Figure 8: Removing the I/O Module (Example) ................................................... 40
Figure 9: Connecting a Conductor to a CAGE CLAMP® ..................................... 41
Figure 10: Connection Example ............................................................................ 42
Figure 11: Connection of Grounded Thermocouple ............................................. 43
Figure 12: Connection of Ungrounded Thermocouple ......................................... 43
Figure 13: Side Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules
According to ATEX and IECEx .................................................................. 45
Figure 14: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules
According to ATEX and IECEx. ................................................................. 45
Figure 15: Side Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules
According to ATEX and IECEx. ................................................................. 47
Figure 16: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules
According to ATEX and IECEx. ................................................................. 47
Figure 17: Side Marking Example for I/O Modules According to NEC 500 ....... 50
Figure 18: Text Detail – Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules
According to NEC 500................................................................................. 50
Figure 19: Example of the PROFIBUS DP Fieldbus Couplers/Controllers
parameterization dialog................................................................................ 55
Figure 20: Example of the PROFINET IO Fieldbus Couplers
parameterization dialog................................................................................ 56

Version 1.1.0
60 List of Tables WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

List of Tables
Table 1: Variants ..................................................................................................... 5
Table 2: Number Notation ....................................................................................... 9
Table 3: Font Conventions ...................................................................................... 9
Table 4: Description of Variations ........................................................................ 15
Table 5: Legend for Figure “View” ...................................................................... 16
Table 6: Legend for Figure “CAGE CLAMP® Connectors” ................................ 18
Table 7: Legend for Figure “Display Elements“ ................................................... 19
Table 8: Technical Data – Device ......................................................................... 21
Table 9: Technical Data – Supply ......................................................................... 21
Table 10: Technical Data – Inputs ........................................................................ 21
Table 11: Technical Data – Inputs ........................................................................ 22
Table 12: Technical Data – Communication ......................................................... 22
Table 13: Technical Data – Climatic Environmental Conditions ......................... 22
Table 14: Technical Data – Field Wiring .............................................................. 23
Table 15: Technical Data – Data Contacts ............................................................ 23
Table 16: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, type K,
with broken wire diagn. ............................................................................... 27
Table 17: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type S,
with broken wire diagn. ............................................................................... 28
Table 18: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type T,
with broken wire diagn. ............................................................................... 28
Table 19: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type J,
with broken wire diagn. ............................................................................... 29
Table 20: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type E,
with broken wire diagn. ............................................................................... 29
Table 21: Process Image 750-469, 750-469/003-000, Type L,
with broken wire diagn. ............................................................................... 30
Table 22: Process Image 750-469/003-000, Typ B, with broken wire diagn ....... 30
Table 23: Process Image 750-469/003-000, Typ U, with broken wire diagn. ...... 31
Table 24: Process Image 750-469/003-000, Typ N, with broken wire diagn. ...... 31
Table 25: Process Image 750-469/003-000, Typ R, with broken wire diagn. ...... 32
Table 26: Process Image 750-469/000-200, Type K, with broken wire diagn. .... 33
Table 27: Process Image 750-469/000-206, Type J, with broken wire diagn. ...... 34
Table 28: Process Image 750-469/000-003, mV measuring ±120 mV,
with broken wire diagn. ............................................................................... 34
Table 29: Process Image750-469/003-000, mV-measuring ±30 mV.................... 35
Table 30: Process Image750-469/003-000, mV-measuring ±60 mV.................... 35
Table 31: Setting options for I/O module 750-469/003-000 ................................. 36
Table 32: Offset/gain values.................................................................................. 37
Table 33: Description of Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules
According to ATEX and IECEx .................................................................. 46
Table 34: Description of Marking Example for Approved Ex i I/O Modules
According to ATEX and IECEx .................................................................. 48
Table 35: Description of Marking Example for Approved I/O Modules
According to NEC 500................................................................................. 50
Table 36: PRFOIBUS DP Configuration .............................................................. 54
Table 37: PROFINET IO Configuration ............................................................... 55
Table 38: Specific Module/Channel parameters for 75x-469/003-000 ................. 56
Version 1.1.0
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 List of Tables 61
750-469 2AI Thermocouple

Table 39: General Module/Channel parameters .................................................... 57

Table 40: General Module/Channel parameters .................................................... 58

Version 1.1.0
WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 2880 • D-32385 Minden
Hansastraße 27 • D-32423 Minden
Phone: 05 71/8 87 – 0
Fax: 05 71/8 87 – 1 69
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: http://www.wago.com

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