JVC GZ-MG750 User Manual (121 Pages)

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GZ-MG750 A Detailed User Guide


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Searching for a Specific Video/Still Image ............................ 40
Contents Group Search .................................................................... 40
Date Search ....................................................................... 40
Beginner's Guide ............................................................ 4 Event and Date Search ..................................................... 41
Connecting to and Viewing on TV ......................................... 41
Charging .................................................................................. 4 Playing Back Playlists ........................................................... 42
Recording ................................................................................ 4 Playing Back a DVD Created on this Unit ............................. 43
Playback .................................................................................. 4
Shooting Tips .......................................................................... 4
Useful Shooting Techniques Deleting Unwanted Files ....................................................... 45
Deleting the Currently Displayed File ................................ 45
Holiday Season/Christmas ...................................................... 5 Deleting Selected Files ...................................................... 46
Wedding .................................................................................. 6 Deleting All Files ................................................................ 47
Travel ...................................................................................... 7 Protecting Files ..................................................................... 47
Amusement Park ..................................................................... 9 Protecting the Currently Displayed File ............................. 47
Protecting Selected Files ................................................... 48
Getting Started Protecting All Files ............................................................. 49
Verifying the Accessories ...................................................... 11 Releasing Protection of All Files ........................................ 49
Charging the Battery Pack .................................................... 12 Changing Event Registration of Videos ................................ 50
Grip Adjustment .................................................................... 13 Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File .......... 50
Using the Hand Strap ........................................................ 13 Changing the Event of the Selected Files ......................... 51
Inserting a microSD Card ...................................................... 13 Capturing a Still Image in the Video during Playback ........... 52
Types of Usable microSD Card ......................................... 14 Capturing a Required Part in the Video ................................ 52
Clock Setting ......................................................................... 14 Capturing Videos for Uploading to YouTube ......................... 53
Resetting the Clock ........................................................... 15 Preparing Videos to Transfer to iTunes ................................ 54
Changing the display language ............................................. 16 Creating Playlists from the Recorded Videos ........................ 55
Using the Operation Buttons ................................................. 16 Creating Playlists with Selected Files ................................ 55
Using the Slider ..................................................................... 16 Creating Playlists by Group ............................................... 56
Holding this Unit .................................................................... 17 Creating Playlists by Date ................................................. 57
Tripod Mounting .................................................................... 17 Creating Playlists by Event ................................................ 58
Using the Camcorder Overseas ............................................ 17 Editing Playlists ................................................................. 59
Charging the Battery Pack Overseas ................................ 17 Deleting Playlists ............................................................... 60
Setting the Clock to Local Time when Traveling ............... 18 Adding Title Screens to Playlists ....................................... 61
Setting Daylight Saving Time ............................................ 18 Creating a Playlist with Title .................................................. 61
Optional Accessories ............................................................ 19
Recording Copying Files to Card ............................................................ 62
Taking Videos in Auto Mode ................................................. 19 Copying All Files ................................................................ 62
Zooming ............................................................................. 21 Copying Selected Files ...................................................... 63
Capturing Still Images During Video Recording ................ 21 Moving Files .......................................................................... 64
Reducing Camera Shake .................................................. 22 Moving All Files ................................................................. 64
Checking the Captured Image Immediately ...................... 22 Moving Selected Files ....................................................... 65
Taking Still Images in Auto Mode .......................................... 22 Creating Discs with a DVD Writer ......................................... 66
Zooming ............................................................................. 24 Preparing a DVD Writer (CU-VD50U) ............................... 66
Checking the Captured Image Immediately ...................... 24 Preparing a DVD Writer (CU-VD3U) ................................. 67
Manual Recording ................................................................. 24 Copying All Files ................................................................ 67
Scene Selection ................................................................. 25 Copying Files by Date ....................................................... 68
Adjusting Focus Manually .................................................. 26 Copying Files by Event ...................................................... 69
Adjusting Brightness .......................................................... 27 Copying Selected Playlists ................................................ 70
Setting Shutter Speed ....................................................... 27 Copying Selected Files ...................................................... 71
Setting White Balance ....................................................... 28 Creating Multiple Discs ...................................................... 72
Setting Backlight Compensation ........................................ 28 Dubbing Files to a DVD Recorder or VCR ............................ 73
Setting Metering Area ........................................................ 29 Copying to Windows PC ....................................................... 74
Recording with Effects ....................................................... 29 Verifying System Requirements (Guideline) ...................... 75
Taking Close-up Shots ...................................................... 30 Installing the Provided Software ........................................ 75
Registering Files to Events Before Recording ...................... 30 Backing Up All Files ........................................................... 76
Taking Videos in YouTube Format ........................................ 31 Organizing Files ................................................................. 77
Taking Videos in iTunes Format ........................................... 32 Recording Videos to Discs ................................................ 78
Recording at Intervals (TIME-LAPSE RECORDING) ........... 32 JVC Software Licence Agreement ..................................... 79
Recording Automatically by Sensing Movements (AUTO REC) Backing Up Files Without Using Provided Software .......... 79
............................................................................................ 34 List of Files and Folders .................................................... 80
Remaining Recording Time/Battery Power ........................... 35 Copying to Mac Computer .................................................... 81

Playback Menu Settings

Playing Back Videos ............................................................. 37 Operating the Menu .............................................................. 82
Checking the Content of Videos Quickly ........................... 38 Recording Menu (Video) ....................................................... 83
Playing a Video with Defective Management Information LIGHT ................................................................................ 84
........................................................................................ 38 REGISTER EVENT ........................................................... 84
Playing Back Still Images ...................................................... 39 VIDEO QUALITY ............................................................... 84
Slideshow Playback ........................................................... 39 ZOOM ................................................................................ 85

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GAIN UP ............................................................................ 85 Video Recording .................................................................. 111
TIME-LAPSE RECORDING .............................................. 86 Still Image Recording .......................................................... 112
AUTO REC ........................................................................ 86 Video Playback ................................................................... 112
SELECT ASPECT RATIO ................................................. 86 Still Image Playback ............................................................ 113
WIND CUT ......................................................................... 86
Recording Menu (Still Image) ................................................ 87 Troubleshooting
LIGHT ................................................................................ 88
SELF-TIMER ..................................................................... 88 Battery Pack ........................................................................ 114
SHUTTER MODE .............................................................. 89 Recording ............................................................................ 114
IMAGE QUALITY ............................................................... 89 Card .................................................................................... 115
GAIN UP ............................................................................ 90 Playback .............................................................................. 115
AUTO REC ........................................................................ 90 Editing/Copying ................................................................... 116
Manual Settings Menu .......................................................... 91 PC ....................................................................................... 116
SCENE SELECT ............................................................... 91 Screen/Image ...................................................................... 117
FOCUS .............................................................................. 91 Other Problems ................................................................... 117
BRIGHTNESS ADJUST .................................................... 91 Error Message? ................................................................... 118
SHUTTER SPEED ............................................................ 91
WHITE BALANCE ............................................................. 91 Maintenance ................................................................ 119
BACKLIGHT COMP. ......................................................... 91
METERING AREA/TYPE .................................................. 91 Specifications ............................................................. 120
EFFECT ............................................................................. 91
TELE MACRO ................................................................... 91
Playback Menu (Video) ......................................................... 92
DELETE ............................................................................. 93
PICTURE TITLE ................................................................ 93
SEARCH ............................................................................ 93
PLAYBACK PLAYLIST ...................................................... 93
EDIT PLAYLIST ................................................................. 93
PLAYBACK MPG FILE ...................................................... 93
EDIT .................................................................................. 93
ON-SCREEN DISPLAY ..................................................... 94
Playback Menu (Still Image) ................................................. 95
DELETE ............................................................................. 95
SEARCH DATE ................................................................. 95
EDIT .................................................................................. 95
SLIDE SHOW EFFECTS ................................................... 96
ON-SCREEN DISPLAY ..................................................... 96
Display Settings Menu .......................................................... 97
LANGUAGE ....................................................................... 97
DATE DISPLAY STYLE .................................................... 97
MONITOR BRIGHTNESS ................................................. 98
LCD BACKLIGHT .............................................................. 98
CLOCK ADJUST ................................................................... 98
Basic Settings Menu ............................................................. 99
DEMO MODE .................................................................. 100
AUTO POWER OFF ........................................................ 100
OPERATION SOUND ..................................................... 101
RECORD BUTTON ......................................................... 101
QUICK RESTART ........................................................... 102
DROP DETECTION ........................................................ 102
UPDATE .......................................................................... 103
FACTORY PRESET ........................................................ 103
Connection Settings Menu .................................................. 104
DISPLAY ON TV ............................................................. 104
VIDEO OUTPUT .............................................................. 104
Media Settings Menu .......................................................... 105
REC MEDIA FOR VIDEO ................................................ 105
REC MEDIA FOR IMAGE ............................................... 105
FORMAT HDD ................................................................. 106
FORMAT SD CARD ........................................................ 106
DELETE DATA ON HDD ................................................. 107

Names of Parts
Front .................................................................................... 108
Rear .................................................................................... 108
Bottom ................................................................................. 109
Interior ................................................................................. 109
LCD Monitor ........................................................................ 110

Indications on the LCD monitor

Common Recording Indications .......................................... 111

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Beginner's Guide

■ [Getting Ready]
Charging ① Open your feet to the width of your shoulders.
② Extend your right hand and hold the camcorder over your head.
● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the De- ③ Hold the LCD monitor with your left hand and adjust the angle ac-
tailed User Guide. cordingly.
Recording ● Use this way of shooting only as a last resort as it is difficult to achieve
● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the De- stable images.
tailed User Guide. ● Set to the wide angle as much as possible as the image will be prone
to camera shake.
Playback ● Be considerate. Do not inconvenience the people around you.

● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the De-

tailed User Guide. Squatting and Shooting at Eye Level

Shooting Tips

Basic Way to Hold a Camcorder

~ Recording Stable Images ~

Staying low is a common position to take when shooting small children.

By recording from the eye level of the child, you can capture all his cute
expressions clearly.
■ [Getting Ready]
① Kneel down with your left knee while keeping your right foot on the

This is the standard way of shooting while standing up.
② Place the elbow of your right arm, which is holding the camcorder,
Be sure to master this basic technique in order to achieve stable images.
on your right knee.
■ [Getting Ready] ③ Hold the LCD monitor with your left hand and adjust the angle ac-
① Open your feet to the width of your shoulders. cordingly.
② Keep the elbow of your right arm, which is holding the camcorder,
close to your side. Panning
③ Hold the LCD monitor with your left hand and adjust the angle ac- ● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the De-
cordingly. tailed User Guide.
Use this method to shoot a wide angle of view.
Extending Your Hands to Shoot
~ High-Angle Shooting ~ ■ [Getting Ready]
Shoot by rotating your body instead of moving your arms while keeping
the basic way of holding a camcorder as stated above.
① Stand facing the direction where the rotation will stop.
② Twist your upper body to the direction where recording will start.
③ Press the start button and record for 2 seconds, then slowly twist
back your body to face the front.
Record for another 2 seconds while facing the front, then press the
stop button.
(The 90 degrees rotation should take about 5 seconds, giving the
feeling of a slow motion.)

Extend your hand when your subject is being hidden behind a crowd of

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Useful Shooting Techniques

Holiday Season/Christmas Recording the Christmas Party

Record the happy Christmas celebration with your family!

Photo by 101st CAB, Wings of Destiny


Photo by InnerSpirit
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0
After all preparations, it is finally the Christmas party itself.
Decorating the Tree and Preparing the Dinner Not only should you record the candle-blowing scene, but also the smiles
of the family while being surrounded by good food, or even the father who
The decoration of tree and preparation of dinner are part of the joy of
is slightly drunk from champagne!
Christmas. Be sure to record these happy family times!
■ Decorating the tree Finding the Presents

A tree is the most important thing to bring out the mood of Christmas.

For children, the greatest joy of Christmas is receiving presents the next
Simply the scene of all family members engaging in the decorating of a fir
tree with various colorful ornaments is full of the feeling of happiness.
Their expression of delight when finding a present next to their pillow is a
■ Preparing the Dinner recording opportunity not to be missed. Get ready to shoot before the
children wake up!

Photo by Manicosity
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0
Record the scenes as everyone helps to prepare the feast of the night.
You can film the mother who is cooking, the children who are helping,
and of course, the process of making a cake!

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Useful Shooting Techniques

Wedding Closing Up on the Bride's Face During the Thank You

Create an awesome wedding video for the bride and groom!
The climax of the event finally comes during the bride and groom's thank
you speech and presentation of flowers. The touching words of apprecia-
tion from the bride and tears of joy from the parents are scenes that must
not be missed.
Start by closing up on the bride's face using zoom. As the tears start to
form in the bride's eyes, continue shooting for a little longer. Then, slowly
zoom out to the wide angle to show the parents who are moved by the

Advanced Operation with Two Camcorders


■ <Camcorder 1>
Closing up on the bride and groom all the time
Discussing and Planning Before the Event
■ <Camcorder 2>
Before the day of the wedding reception, it is important to discuss with Recording the congratulatory messages from friends at
the bride and groom about various details such as the order of the cere- the same time
mony and whether there are any entertainment programs or change of
By understanding the preferences of the bride and groom, you will be
able to shoot more appropriately.

Finding the Right Angle to Capture Both Bride and Groom

■ Composing the picture with the guests in front and the
bride and groom at the back

If video-editing is to be done, record using two camcorders so that a vid-

eo with varying scenes can be created. You can try asking a close friend
who has a camcorder at home.
Set the borrowed camcorder on a tripod to focus on taking close-up shots
of the bride and groom. In this way, the other camcorder can be moved
around to record other scenes, enabling an interesting video with chang-
ing scenes to be created through editing and compilation.
As most people own at least a digital camera nowadays, even if you are
. really unable to find an extra camcorder, inserting still pictures to the vid-
The main characters of a wedding are of course the bride and groom. Re- eo at various points is also a good way to add variety. Do give it a try!
cord their expressions clearly during the toast, speech, entertainment
programs, and other scenes.
Another recommendation is to capture the face shots of the guests, then
pan towards the groom. Picture composition containing the crowd of
guests only lacks fun, so be sure to pay attention to the shooting angle
and size.

Recording the Expressions and Comments of Guests

■ Setting the shot from eye level to chest level

You can record comments from the guest by going around asking,
"Please say a few words for the bride and groom".
This can be done at the guests' waiting room, when the bride and groom
are changing, or during the entertainment programs.

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Useful Shooting Techniques

Recording cannot be performed when an AC adapter is connected to the

Travel camcorder for battery charging.
You can bring an additional battery charger to charge battery packs if you
Capture all the good times of your domestic or overseas trips! plan to use the camcorder for recording at night. You can also charge
multiple battery packs by using both the battery charger and this camcor-
der at the same time.
■ Tripod

Bringing the Necessary Equipment

The necessary things to bring on a trip depends on your traveling pur-
pose and the destination.
For overseas trips in particular, you have to think about what to bring in .

accordance to the local conditions. A tripod is an essential item to take stable images. Select an appropriate
Here are some suggestions for your consideration. tripod in accordance to your purpose and style of traveling, such as a
compact one to be used on a table or one that is at least 1 m tall.
■ Camcorder
Think about how many hours of shooting you will usually perform in a
day. Be sure to prepare enough recording medium especially for long Recording the Excitement Before Departure
overseas trips. It may be a little abrupt to start your travel video at the destination sud-
If you are recording in SD cards, get ready the sufficient number of cards, denly.
including some for backup. Record also the preparations prior to departure if it is a family trip, or the
time when everyone is gathered at the meeting place if you are traveling
■ Battery Pack
with your friends.
Prepare a battery pack that is ready for double the expected recording For overseas trips, taking a shot of the signs and displays at the airport of
time in a day. For example, if you plan to record for 2 hours a day, pre- the flight you are taking may be useful for future reference.
pare a battery pack that is ready for 4 hours (actual recording time).
For a day trip, you can prepare a battery with low capacity but for a long
trip, do prepare a few batteries with high capacities.
■ AC Adapter
The JVC AC adapter supports voltages from 100 V to 240 V, and hence
can be used anywhere in the world.
Bring along the adapter if you are traveling for a long time. Charge the
battery pack while sleeping so that you can record with full battery power
the next day.
■ Power Plug AdapterA P.17)

The shape of the power plug varies according to countries. Be sure to .

check the shape of the power plug beforehand, and bring the appropriate
power plug adapter.
■ Battery Charger

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Useful Shooting Techniques

Using Pan at the Places of Interest

Tourists spots with beautiful scenery or historical sites are places that you
would certainly want to record.
To capture the magnificence of a scene which cannot be fitted into a sin-
gle frame, try the panning technique.
Refer to the "Shooting Tips" found in this website on how to use panning
In addition, you may also like to take a shot of the signs or monuments
that can often be found at the tourist spots.

Showing Everyone Having a Good Time

When taking a video, it is rather dull to shoot only the scenery or histori-
cal sites.
Talk about your feelings while recording the breath-taking scenery of an
attraction so that it will be an interesting scene to view later.

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Useful Shooting Techniques

Amusement Park Inducing Responses by Calling Out

Take more shots of the smiling faces of everyone in the family!

Videos with no waving of hands nor laughter are not only dull when you
Taking Videos or Still Images According to the Attraction view them later, but also put the capability of the audio-recording function
of the camcorder to a waste.
You may choose to take videos all the time. However, you may want to
When recording, induce more reactions by enthusiastically waving your
take some still images too.
hands or shouting out "Is it fun?" and the like.
The following section explains the scenarios suitable for taking videos or
still images.
Capturing the Best Moment in a Video as a Still Image
■ Scenarios suitable for taking videos
Shots with the eyes closed are often taken by accident. To reduce such
mistakes, make use of the function to capture still images from videos.
As videos are actually continuous recording of 60 still images within 1 mi-
nute, using this function allows you to select the best moment and save it
as a still image.
"Capturing a Still Image in the Video during Playback" (A P.52)


Scenarios with changes in body movement are suitable for taking videos. Photo by justthatgoodguyjim
This includes situations where there are rapid changes in facial expres- Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0
sions or voices of surprise and delight. Video Playback in Progress
*Some amusement parks do not allow passengers to perform any record-
ing. Be sure to check beforehand.
● Merry-go-round, go kart, coffee cup, etc.

■ Scenarios suitable for taking still images (photos)

Photo by talkrhubarb
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0
Capturing a Still Image

Scenarios with little movement of the subject are suitable for taking still
Try to take the still images from an angle such that the surroundings can
be seen clearly.
● Carousal, ferris wheel, fun bicycle rides, etc.

Photo by justthatgoodguyjim
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0
Video Playback in Progress

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Useful Shooting Techniques

Advanced Operation with Backlight Compensation

It is useful to make use of backlight compensation when the subject's
face is in backlight or when the expression cannot be seen clearly.
Increase the brightness of the whole image by setting “BACKLIGHT
COMP.” if the faces appear too dark. Even the expressions of faces un-
der shadows can be captured brightly and clearly.
"Setting Details" (A P.28)
■ <Without backlight compensation>

■ <With backlight compensation>

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Getting Started

Verifying the Accessories

If any of the items are missing or defective, consult your JVC dealer or the nearest JVC service center.
Illustration Description

AC Adapter
● Connects to this unit to charge the battery pack.

It can also be used when recording or playing back videos indoors.

Battery Pack
● Attaches to this unit to supply power.

AV Cable
● Connects this unit to a TV to play back recorded images on the TV.

USB Cable
(Type A - Mini Type B)
● Connects this unit to a PC.

● For installing the provided software "Everio MediaBrowser" on a PC.

Basic User Guide

● Read well and keep in a safe place where it can be accessed easily when necessary.

microSD cards are sold separately.
"Types of Usable microSD Card" (A P.14)
When using the AC adapter overseas, please prepare a commercially available converter plug for the country or region of visit.
"Charging the Battery Pack Overseas" (A P.17)

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Getting Started

Charging the Battery Pack Detaching the Battery Pack

Charge the battery pack immediately after purchase and when the re-
maining battery power is low.
The battery pack is not charged at the time of purchase.
1 Attach the battery pack.

● Align the top of the battery with this unit, and slide in until the battery Slide the battery release lever to detach the battery from this unit.
clicks into place.
2 Connect the AC adapter to the DC terminal. Approximate Battery Charging Time
Battery Pack Charging Time

BN-VG107U 1 h 50 m

BN-VG114U 2 h 30 m

BN-VG121U 3 h 30 m
3 Plug in the power. ● When the battery life is reached, the recording time becomes shorter
even if the battery pack is fully charged.
(Replace the battery pack with a new one.)
*The charging time is when the unit is used at 25°C (77°F).
If the battery pack is charged outside the room temperature range of
10°C - 35°C (50°F to 95°F), charging may take a longer time or it may not
start. The recordable and playable time may also be shortened under
some usage conditions such as at low temperature.
"Approximate Recording Time (Using Battery)" (A P.19)

● The charging lamp blinks when charging is in progress.

It goes out when charging is finished.
Be sure to use JVC battery packs.
● If you use any other battery packs besides JVC battery packs, safety

and performance can not be guaranteed.

● Charging time: Approx. 1 h 50 m (using supplied battery pack)

The charging time is when the unit is used at 25°C (77°F).

If the battery pack is charged outside the room temperature range of
10°C - 35°C (50°F to 95°F), charging may take a longer time or it may
not start. The recordable and playable time may also be shortened un-
der some usage conditions such as at low temperature.
Rechargeable Batteries:
● When using the battery in a low temperature environment (10°C (50°F)

or below), the operating time may be shortened, or it may not function

properly. When using this unit outdoors in the winter weather, warm the
battery, such as by placing it in the pocket, before attaching it.
(Keep away from direct contact with a warm pack.)
● Do not expose the battery to excessive heat, such as direct sunlight or

● After removing the battery, store it in a dry place between 15°C to 25°C

(59°F to 77°F).
● If the battery pack is not to be used for a long time, use up the charge

completely and detach it from this unit to prevent deterioration.

● You can connect this unit to the AC adapter to record for long hours in-
(Battery charging begins when the LCD monitor is closed.)

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Getting Started

Grip Adjustment Inserting a microSD Card

When a commercially available microSD card is inserted, recordings can
still be made to the card when the remaining recording time on the hard
disk (HDD) runs out.
"Types of Usable microSD Card" (A P.14)
. "Approximate Video Recording Time" (A P.36)
① Flip the grip belt over.
1 Press the power button for more than 2 seconds to turn off this unit.
② Adjust the length of the belt.
③ Fasten the grip belt.
● Be sure to fasten the grip belt properly.
If the belt is loose, this unit may drop and result in injuries or damages.

Using the Hand Strap

When using the hand strap, loop it around your wrist.

2 Open the card slot cover.

3 Insert a microSD card.

Removing the Strap .

● Insert with the metal contact area facing outward.

● Make sure not to insert the card in the wrong direction.
It may cause damage to the unit and card.
● While pressing A, pull B and remove the strap. ● Turn off the power of this unit before inserting or removing a card.
● Do not touch the metal contact area when inserting the card.
Attaching the Strap Memo:
● To record to the card, it is necessary to adjust media settings.
When no card is available, set media settings to “HDD” for recording.
● To use cards that have been used on other devices, it is necessary to

format (initialize) the card using “FORMAT SD CARD” from media set-

● Push in firmly until it clicks into place.

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Getting Started

Removing the Card Clock Setting

Push the card inward once, then pull it out straight. The “SET DATE/TIME!” screen appears when you turn on this unit for the
first time after purchase, when it has not been used for a long time, or
when the clock is not set yet.
Set the clock before recording.
1 Open the LCD monitor.

Types of Usable microSD Card

The following microSD cards can be used on this unit. .

Operations are confirmed on the microSD cards from the following manu- ● This unit turns on.
facturers. ● When the LCD monitor is closed, this unit turns off.
● Panasonic

2 Select “YES” and touch C.
● SanDisk


microSDHC Card

3 Set the date and time.

● Use a Class 4 or higher compatible microSDHC card (4 GB to 8 GB)

for video recording.

microSD Card

● Use the slider to adjust the year, month, day, hour, and minute in order.
● Touch the operation buttons "E" / "F" to move the cursor.
● After setting the date and time, touch C.
4 Select the region where you live and touch C.

● This unit supports 256 MB to 2 GB microSD cards.

● Using microSD cards (including microSDHC cards) other than those
specified above may result in recording failure or data loss. .

● Class 4 and Class 6 are guaranteed to have a minimum transfer rate of ● The city name and time difference are displayed.
4 MB/s and 6 MB/s respectively during reading or writing of data.
● Touch C after the color of the selected region changes.

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Getting Started

● The clock can be reset again later. Resetting the Clock
"Resetting the Clock" (A P.15) Set the clock with “CLOCK ADJUST” from the menu.
● When using this unit overseas, you can set it to the local time for re-

cording. 1 Touch D to display the menu.

"Setting the Clock to Local Time when Traveling" (A P.18)
● “SET DATE/TIME!” is displayed when you turn on this unit after it has

not been used for a prolonged period.

Charge this unit for more than 24 hours before setting the clock.
"Charging the Battery Pack" (A P.12)
● You can turn on or off the clock display during playback mode.


● Touch the slider and buttons around the screen with your fingers.

● The slider and buttons do not function if you touch them with your fin-

gernails or with gloves on. 2 Select “CLOCK ADJUST” and touch C.

● The displays on the screen do not work even if you touch them.

3 Select “CLOCK SETTING” and touch C.

4 Set the date and time.

● Use the slider to adjust the year, month, day, hour, and minute in order.
● Touch the operation buttons "E" / "F" to move the cursor.
● After setting the date and time, touch C.
5 Select the region where you live and touch C.

● The city name and time difference are displayed.

● Touch C after the color of the selected region changes.

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Getting Started

Changing the display language Using the Operation Buttons

The language on the display can be changed. Functions of the operation buttons may be displayed on the screen ac-
cording to the feature in use.
1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “DISPLAY SETTINGS” and touch C.

● To operate, touch the slider and buttons around the screen lightly with
your fingers.
● "Touch" denotes the touching of the operation buttons lightly.
● The slider and buttons do not function if you touch them with your fin-
gernails or with gloves on.
● The displays on the screen do not work even if you touch them.

3 Select “LANGUAGE” and touch C.

Using the Slider
Slide the ball of your finger along the slider for smooth operations.
While the slider is being pressed, the cursor moves automatically.
Fine operations such as moving the cursor one by one can be performed
by touching the slider.
Slide the ball of your finger along the slider for smooth operations.
While the slider is being pressed, the cursor moves automatically.
Fine operations such as moving the cursor one by one can be performed
by touching the slider.
4 Select the desired language and touch C. ● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the De-

tailed User Guide.

● The slider and buttons do not function if you touch them with your fin-
gernails or with gloves on.
● The displays on the screen do not work even if you touch them.

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Getting Started

Holding this Unit Using the Camcorder Overseas

When holding this unit, keep your elbows close to your sides to prevent The shape of the power outlet varies according to countries and regions.
camera shake. To charge the battery pack, you need a converter plug that matches the
shape of the outlet.
"Charging the Battery Pack Overseas" (A P.17)
Change the date and time display to the local time by selecting your trav-
el destination in “AREA SETTING” of “CLOCK ADJUST”.
"Setting the Clock to Local Time when Traveling" (A P.18)
When “ON” is selected in “SET FOR DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME” of
“CLOCK ADJUST”, the time is set 1 hour ahead.
"Setting Daylight Saving Time" (A P.18)

Charging the Battery Pack Overseas

The shape of the power outlet varies according to countries and regions.
To charge the battery pack, you need a converter plug that matches the
shape of the outlet.

● Be careful not to drop this unit during transportation.
● Guardians should pay close attention when this unit is being used by
● If camera shake is excessive, use the digital image stabilizer.
"Reducing Camera Shake" (A P.22)

Tripod Mounting .

This camcorder can be mounted on a tripod. This is useful for preventing

camera shake and recording from the same position.

● To prevent this unit from falling off, check the tripod mounting screw
holes and positioning holes on the unit carefully before mounting, and
turn the screws until they are fastened firmly.
● To prevent injuries or damages which may result if this unit falls off,
read the instruction manual of the tripod to be used and make sure that
it is securely attached.
● It is recommended to use the tripod when recording in conditions prone
to camera shake (such as in dark places or when zoomed to the tele-
photo end).
● Set "DIS" to Z (OFF) when using a tripod for recording.

"Reducing Camera Shake" (A P.22)

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Getting Started

Setting the Clock to Local Time when Traveling Setting Daylight Saving Time
Change the date and time display to the local time by selecting your trav- When “ON” is selected in “SET FOR DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME” of
el destination in “AREA SETTING” of “CLOCK ADJUST”. “CLOCK ADJUST”, the time is set 1 hour ahead.
Restore the region settings after you returned from the trip.
1 Touch D to display the menu.
1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “CLOCK ADJUST” and touch C.


2 Select “CLOCK ADJUST” and touch C.

3 Select “SET FOR DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME” and touch C.


3 Select “AREA SETTING” and touch C.

4 Set daylight saving time and touch C.


4 Select the area you are traveling to and touch C.

● The city name and time difference are displayed. ● What is daylight saving time?
Memo: Daylight saving time is the system of setting the clock 1 hour ahead for
● Setting “AREA SETTING” changes the clock time such that time differ- a fixed period in summer.
ence is accounted for. It is used mainly in the Western countries.
After returning to your country, re-select the region that was set initially ● Restore the daylight saving time settings after you returned from the
to restore the original clock settings. trip.

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Getting Started

Optional Accessories Taking Videos in Auto Mode

You can record for a longer time by using the optional battery pack. You can record without worrying about the setting details by using the au-
Product Name Description to mode.

Battery Pack ● Provides a longer recording time than the bat-

1 Open the lens cover.
● BN-VG107U tery pack that comes with this unit. It can also
● BN-VG114U be used as a spare battery pack.
● BN-VG121U

Battery Charger ● Enables the battery pack to be charged with-

● AA-VG1U out using this unit.

DVD Writer ● Enables the images recorded on this unit to be 2 Open the LCD monitor and select the video mode.
● CU-VD3U copied to a DVD without using a PC.

DVD Writer ● Creates DVDs and functions as an external

● CU-VD50U DVD drive when connected to a PC. In addi-
tion, created DVDs can be played back by
connecting the CU-VD50U to a TV.

● The video mode icon appears.

Memo: 3 Check if the recording mode is Auto.
● For more information, refer to the catalog.
● BN-VG107U is the same battery pack that comes with this unit.

Approximate Recording Time (Using Battery)

Battery Pack Actual Recording Continuous Re-

Time cording Time

● If the mode is Manual, touch the G/H button.
The mode changes between Auto and Manual with every touch.
BN-VG107U 40 m 1 h 10 m
4 Start recording.

BN-VG114U 1 h 25 m 2 h 30 m

BN-VG121U 2h5m 3 h 50 m
● The above are values when “LIGHT” is set to “OFF” and “LCD BACK-
LIGHT” is set to “STANDARD”.
● The actual recording time may be shorter if zooming is used or if re-
cording is stopped repeatedly.
(It is recommended to prepare battery packs ready for three times the
expected recording time.) .

● When the battery life is reached, the recording time becomes shorter
● Press again to stop.
even if the battery pack is fully charged.
(Replace the battery pack with a new one.)

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Indications During Video Recording Operation Buttons for Video Recording

Display Icon Description


Recording Mode Press the G/H button to switch the recording Operation Description
mode between G (Auto) and H (Manual). Button
Video Quality Displays the icon of the “VIDEO QUALITY” setting T/W Zoom Allows the same functions as the zoom lever to be
selected in the recording menu. performed.
"VIDEO QUALITY" (A P.84) Camera shake that often occurs when using the zoom
Remaining Time Displays the remaining time for video recording. lever can be minimized.
(Recordable "Zooming" (A P.21)
Time) DIS Sets whether to reduce camera shake.
Recording in Appears when video recording is in progress. "Reducing Camera Shake" (A P.22)
Progress Recording Functions as the START/STOP button.
Record-Standby Appears when video recording is paused. Start/Stop "RECORD BUTTON" (A P.101)

Scene Counter Displays the elapsed time of the video that is cur- Quick Re- Enables the most recently captured video to be
(Recorded rently being recorded. view viewed.
Time) "Checking the Captured Image Immediately (Quick
Review)" (A P.22)
Recording Me- Displays the icon of the media where videos are
dia recorded to. Auto/Manual Switches the recording mode between Auto and Man-
The recording media can be changed. ual.
Battery Indica- Displays the approximate remaining battery power. ● The slider operation button cannot be used when the LCD monitor is
tor Details of the battery power can be displayed by flipped.
pressing the INFO button. ● The zoom appears when the slider is touched.
"Remaining Recording Time/Battery Power" (A

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Useful Settings for Recording Zooming

● The aspect ratio for recording can be switched between 16:9 and 4:3. The angle of view can be adjusted using zoom.
"SELECT ASPECT RATIO" (A P.86) ● Use the W end (wide angle end) to shoot a wider field of view.

● Videos can be found easily during playback by categorizing them when ● Use the T end (telephoto end) to magnify the subject for shooting.

"Registering Files to Events Before Recording" (A P.30)
● When “QUICK RESTART” is set to “ON”, this unit turns on immediately

if you open the LCD monitor within 5 minutes after the power is turned
off by closing the monitor.
● When “AUTO POWER OFF” is set to “ON”, this unit turns itself off au-

tomatically to conserve power when it is not operated for 5 minutes.

(only when using the battery pack) .

"AUTO POWER OFF" (A P.100) ● You can also use the slider's T/W zoom to zoom.
● Do not expose the lens to direct sunlight.
● Do not use this unit in the rain, snow, or places with high humidity like
the bathroom.
● Do not use this unit in places subject to excessive humidity or dust, as
well as places exposed to steam or smoke directly.
● The access lamp lights up when video recording is in progress. Do not
remove the battery pack, AC adapter, or SD card when the lamp is
● Make a backup of important recorded data
It is recommended to copy your important recorded data to a DVD or

other recording media for storage. JVC will not be responsible for any Memo:
lost data. ● You can expand the zoom area without degrading the image quality by
using dynamic zoom.
● When digital zoom is used, the image becomes grainy as it is digitally
● Before recording an important scene, it is recommended to conduct a
trial recording.
● The zoom ratio range can be changed.
● Check the remaining recording time in the media before you start
shooting. If there is not enough space, move (copy) the data to a PC or "ZOOM" (A P.85)
● Do not forget to make copies after recording! Capturing Still Images During Video Recording
● Recording stops automatically as it cannot be performed for 12 or more
consecutive hours according to specifications. Still images can be captured by pressing the SNAPSHOT button while in
(It may take some time to resume recording.) the video mode (standby or recording).
● For long recordings, the file is split into two or more files if the size ex-
ceeds 4 GB.
● You can connect this unit to the AC adapter to record for long hours in-

● "PHOTO" lights up on the screen when a still image is being captured.

● The still images captured during video recording are saved to the desti-
nation set in media settings.
● The size of the still images captured in the video mode varies with the
“16:9” : 640×360
“4:3” : 640×480
● The picture quality varies with the “IMAGE QUALITY” setting.

"Changing Still Image Picture Quality" (A P.89)

● When an effect (black and white/sepia) is applied to the video, the

same effect will be applied to the still image.

"EFFECT" (A P.91)

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Reducing Camera Shake Taking Still Images in Auto Mode

When DIS is turned on, camera shake during recording can be effectively You can record without worrying about the setting details by using the au-
reduced. to mode.
1 Open the lens cover.

● The setting of DIS switches with every touch.

Display Setting 2 Open the LCD monitor and select the still image mode.
X (Image stabilizer Activates image stabilizer.

Y (Image stabilizer Reduces camera shake more effectively

2) when shooting bright scenes on the wide an-
gle end. ● The still image mode icon appears.
*Only on the wide angle end (approx. 5x)
3 Check if the recording mode is Auto.
Z (OFF) Deactivates image stabilizer.

● It is recommended to switch off this mode when using a tripod and re-
cording a subject with little movement.
● Complete stabilization may not be possible if camera shake is exces-
sive. ● If the mode is Manual, touch the G/H button.
● This setting is effective for video recording only. The mode changes between Auto and Manual with every touch.
4 Set the focus on the subject.
Checking the Captured Image Immediately Set the focus on the subject.
You can check the most recently captured images while in the recording
mode. (Quick Review)

● When focused, the focus icon lights up in green.

5 Take a still image.

● You can also delete the image after checking.
● Quick Review can no longer recall the most recently captured image
once the power is turned off.
Use the playback mode to check the image in this case.
● Still Image

"Checking the Captured Image Immediately(Still Image)" (A P.24)

● PHOTO lights up when a still image is being captured.

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Indications During Still Image Recording Operation Buttons for Still Image Recording


Display Icon Description Operation But- Description

Recording Press the G/H button to switch the recording mode
Mode between G (Auto) and H (Manual). T/W Zoom Functions as the zoom lever.
"Zooming" (A P.24)
Image Size Displays the icon of the image size.
● The setting of image size cannot be changed. Quick Review Enables the most recently captured still image to
be viewed.
Image Quality Displays the icon of the “IMAGE QUALITY” setting "Checking the Captured Image Immediately" (A
selected in the recording menu. P.24)
Auto/Manual Switches the recording mode between Auto and
Number of Displays the remaining number of shots for still im- Manual.
Shots age recording.
(Recordable Memo:
Number of ● The slider operation button cannot be used when the LCD monitor is
Shots) flipped.
● The zoom appears when the slider is touched.
Shutter Speed Displays the shutter speed.

Focus Lights up in green when focused.

Useful Settings for Recording
Recording in Appears when a still image is being captured. ● When “QUICK RESTART” is set to “ON”, this unit turns on immediately
Progress if you open the LCD monitor within 5 minutes after the power is turned
off by closing the monitor.
Recording Me- Displays the icon of the media where still images
dia are recorded to. "QUICK RESTART" (A P.102)
● When “AUTO POWER OFF” is set to “ON”, this unit turns itself off au-
The recording media can be changed.
"REC MEDIA FOR IMAGE" (A P.105) tomatically to conserve power when it is not operated for 5 minutes.
(only when using the battery pack)
Battery Indica- Displays the approximate remaining battery power. "AUTO POWER OFF" (A P.100)
tor Details of the battery power can be displayed by
pressing the INFO button M. CAUTION:
"Remaining Recording Time/Battery Power" (A ● Do not expose the lens to direct sunlight.
P.35) ● Do not use this unit in the rain, snow, or places with high humidity like
the bathroom.
● Do not use this unit in places subject to excessive humidity or dust, as
well as places exposed to steam or smoke directly.
● The access lamp lights up when still image recording is in progress. Do
not remove the battery pack, AC adapter, or SD card when the lamp is
● Before recording an important scene, it is recommended to conduct a
trial recording.
● DIS does not work when recording still images.

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Zooming Manual Recording

The shooting range can be adjusted using zoom. You can adjust settings, such as brightness and shutter speed, by using
● Use the W end (wide angle end) to shoot a wider field of view. the manual mode.
● Use the T end (telephoto end) to magnify the subject for shooting. Manual recording can be set for both video and still image modes.
1 Select video or still image mode.

● The video or still image mode icon appears.

● You can also use the slider's T/W zoom to zoom. 2 Select the Manual recording mode.

● The mode changes between Auto and Manual with every touch.
3 Start recording.

● Digital zoom is not available in the still image recording mode.

Checking the Captured Image Immediately

You can check the most recently captured images while in the recording
mode. (Quick Review)
● Press again to stop.
● The manual settings are displayed only in the manual mode.

● You can also delete the image after checking.
● Quick Review can no longer recall the most recently captured image
once the power is turned off.
Use the playback mode to check the image in this case.
● Video

"Checking the Captured Image Immediately(Video)" (A P.22)

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Manual Recording Menu Scene Selection

The following items can be set. Common scenes that are often encountered can be recorded with the
Name Description most suitable settings.

SCENE SE- ● Recordings that suit the shooting conditions can be

1 Touch D to display the menu.
LECT performed easily.
"Scene Selection" (A P.25)

FOCUS ● Use manual focus if the subject is not focused auto-

"Adjusting Focus Manually" (A P.26)

BRIGHT- ● Overall brightness on the screen can be adjusted.

NESS AD- ● Use this when recording in a dark or bright location. .

"Adjusting Brightness" (A P.27) 2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C.
SHUTTER ● Shutter speed can be adjusted.
SPEED ● Use this when shooting a fast-moving subject or to

emphasize the subject's movement.

"Setting Shutter Speed" (A P.27)

WHITE BAL- ● Overall color on the screen can be adjusted.

ANCE ● Use this when the color on the screen appears dif-
ferently from the actual color.
"Setting White Balance" (A P.28)

3 Select “SCENE SELECT” and touch C.

BACKLIGHT ● Corrects the image when the subject appears dark
COMP. due to backlight.
● Use this when shooting against the light.

"Setting Backlight Compensation" (A P.28)

METERING ● Brightness of a specified area can be set as the

AREA/ TYPE standard.
"Setting Metering Area" (A P.29)

EFFECT ● Images that look like old photographs or black-and- .

white movies can be taken. 4 Select the scene and touch C.

"Recording with Effects" (A P.29)

TELE MAC- ● Use this to take close-up (macro) shots of the sub-
RO ject.
"Taking Close-up Shots" (A P.30)

● After setting, touch D.

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*The image is only an impression.

Setting Effect Adjusting Focus Manually
NIGHT Increases gain and brightens the scene automatically Set this when the focus is not clear in “AUTO” or when manual focusing
EYE when the surrounding is dark. is desired.
To prevent camera shake, use a tripod.
1 Touch D to display the menu.

NIGHT Captures night scenes naturally. .

2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C.

POR- Blurs the background to bring out the people in the pic-
TRAIT ture.

3 Select “FOCUS” and touch C.

SPORTS Captures fast-moving subjects clearly in every single


4 Select “MANUAL” and touch C.

SNOW Prevents the subject from appearing too dark when re- .

cording snow scenes on a sunny day.

5 Adjust the focus with the slider.

SPOT- Prevents the human subject from appearing too bright un- .

LIGHT der light. ● Slide upward to focus on a distant subject.

● Slide downward to focus on a near subject.
6 Touch C to confirm.

● A subject that is focused at the telephoto (T) end remains in focus
when it is zoomed out to the wide angle (W) end.

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Adjusting Brightness Setting Shutter Speed

You can adjust the brightness to your preferred level. You can set the shutter speed to suit the type of subject.
1 Touch D to display the menu. 1 Touch D to display the menu.


2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C. 2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C.

3 Select “BRIGHTNESS ADJUST” and touch C. 3 Select “SHUTTER SPEED” and touch C.

4 Select “MANUAL” and touch C.


4 Select “MANUAL” and touch C.


Select the brightness value with the slider.

5 Select the shutter speed with the slider.

● Compensation range during video recording: -6 to +6 .

Sets the shutter speed from 1/2 to 1/4000.

● Compensation range during still image recording: -2.0 to +2.0 (Up to 1/1000 for still image.)
● Slide upward to increase the brightness. ● Slide upward to increase the shutter speed.

● Slide downward to decrease the brightness. ● Slide downward to decrease the shutter speed.

6 Touch C to confirm. 6 Touch C to confirm.

Memo: Memo:
● Settings can be adjusted separately for videos and still images. ● Settings can be adjusted separately for videos and still images.

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Setting White Balance Setting Backlight Compensation

You can set the color tone to suit the light source. You can correct the image when the subject appears too dark due to
1 Touch D to display the menu.
1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C.


2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C.

3 Select “WHITE BALANCE” and touch C.


3 Select “BACKLIGHT COMP.” and touch C.

4 Select the white balance setting and touch C.


4 Select “ON” and touch C.

Setting Details .

AUTO Adjusts automatically to the natural colors.

MWB Use this when the problem of unnatural colors is not re-

FINE Set this when shooting outdoors on a sunny day.

CLOUD Set this when shooting on a cloudy day or inside a


HALOGEN Set this when shooting under illumination such as a vid-

eo light.

Using MWB
1 Hold a sheet of plain white paper in front of the lens so that the white
paper fills the screen.
2 Select “MWB” and keep touching C.
● The cursor blinks.
3 Release C after the menu disappears.

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Setting Metering Area Recording with Effects

You can set the brightness of a specified area as the standard. You can add various effects to videos and still images to create a differ-
ent atmosphere from the usual recording.
1 Touch D to display the menu.

*The image is only an impression.

1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C.

2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C.


3 Select “METERING AREA/ TYPE” and touch C.

3 Select “EFFECT” and touch C.


4 Select “SPOT” and touch C.

4 Select the effect setting and touch C.


Setting Details
● When “SPOT” is selected, select the position of the spot frame by
touching the operation buttons "E"/"F". OFF No effect.
After selecting, touch C to confirm. SEPIA Gives images a brownish tint like old photographs.

BLACK & Records in black and white like old TV images.


CLASSIC Skips frames to give images of the effect of an old mov-

FILM ie.
● This can only be set in the video mode.

STROBE Enables the image to look like a series of consecutive

snapshots by skipping frames.
● This can only be set in the video mode.

● Settings can be adjusted separately for videos and still images.

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Taking Close-up Shots Registering Files to Events Before Record-

You can take close-up shots of an object using the tele macro function. ing
Videos can be found easily during playback by categorizing them when
1 Select video mode.

*The image is only an impression.


2 Touch D to display the menu.

1 Touch D to display the menu.

3 Select “REGISTER EVENT” and touch C.

2 Select “MANUAL SETTING” and touch C.

4 Select the event type and touch C.

3 Select “TELE MACRO” and touch C.

Event Type

4 Select “ON” and touch C.







Setting Details SON

OFF Enables close-up shots up to 1 m at the telephoto (T) DAUGHTER

Enables close-up shots up to 5 cm at the wide angle
ON Enables close-up shots up to 50 cm at the telephoto (T) ● An icon appears on the screen and the video is recorded under the se-
end. lected event.
Enables close-up shots up to 5 cm at the wide angle (Videos will continue to be recorded to the same event until a change is
(W) end. made.)
● To cancel event registration, touch “CANCEL” in step 4.
● To return to normal recording, set TELE MACRO to "OFF".
● The registered event can be changed again later.
"Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File" (A P.50)
"Changing the Event of the Selected Files" (A P.51)

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Taking Videos in YouTube Format Uploading Videos

You can share your enjoyable memories with family and friends easily by You can upload your videos to YouTube using the provided software "Ev-
posting your videos on the video sharing website YouTube. erio MediaBrowser".
Through upload shooting, videos that are suitable for uploading to You- Install the software on your PC and connect this unit to the PC.
Tube (within 10 minutes) may be taken directly. ● For details on how to use the software, refer to the help file.

Memo: "Installing the Provided Software" (A P.75)

For more information on YouTube, please visit the following website. "Copying to Windows PC" (A P.74)

1 Select video mode. Trouble with Uploading Videos

● Check if you have created an account with YouTube.
(You need a YouTube account to upload files to YouTube.)
● Refer to "Q&A", "Latest Information", "Download Information", etc. in
"Click for Latest Product Info" in the help file of the provided software
"Everio MediaBrowser".
● The video mode icon appears.
2 Press the UPLOAD/EXPORT button to display the UPLOAD SET-

3 Select “UPLOAD SHOOTING” and touch the C button.

● The mode switches between ON and OFF with every press.

● To cancel this setting, set to "OFF".
● After setting, touch the J button.
4 Start recording.

● Press again to stop.

● The maximum recording length of a video in upload mode is 10 mi-
Recording stops automatically after 10 minutes.
● Upload recording can only be performed for up to 10 minutes, the time
limit of YouTube.
● Changing videos to the file format for uploading cannot be performed
on this unit.
To upload video files, refer to "Uploading Videos" below.
● The upload recording icon disappears when recording stops.
To record another video in upload mode, perform the settings again.

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Taking Videos in iTunes Format Recording at Intervals (TIME-LAPSE RE-

By recording with the EXPORT setting turned on, you can transfer the
videos to Apple's software "iTunes" when this unit is connected to a PC. This function enables the changes of a scene that occur slowly over a
"LIB." is displayed when recording videos in iTunes format. long period to be shown within a short time by taking frames of it at a cer-
Use the provided software to transfer the videos. tain interval.
"Installing the Provided Software" (A P.75) This is useful for making observations such as the opening of a flower
Memo: bud.
For more information on iTunes and iPod, please visit the following web-
site. 1 Select video mode.

1 Select video mode.

2 Touch D to display the menu.


● The video mode icon appears.

2 Press the UPLOAD/EXPORT button to display the UPLOAD SET-

3 Select “TIME-LAPSE RECORDING” and touch C.


3 Select “EXPORT SHOOTING” and touch the C button.

4 Select a recording interval (1 to 80 seconds) and touch C.


● The mode switches between ON and OFF with every press.

● To cancel this setting, set to "OFF".
● After setting, touch the J button.
4 Start recording.

● The greater the number of seconds, the longer the recording interval.
5 Start recording.

● Press again to stop.

Transferring Recorded Videos to iPod

You can export videos to iTunes using the provided software "Everio Me-
diaBrowser". .

Install the software on your PC and connect this unit to the PC. ● A frame is taken at intervals of the selected period.
● For details on how to use the software, refer to the help file.
● When the recording interval is set to “20SEC INTERVAL” or higher, this
● For details on transferring files to iPod, refer to the help file of iTunes.
unit switches to the power-saving mode between recordings.
"Installing the Provided Software" (A P.75) At the next point to record, the power-saving mode will be turned off
"Copying All Files" (A P.76) and recording will start automatically.
● Press the START/STOP button again to stop recording.
Trouble with Exporting Files to iTunes
● Refer to "Q&A", "Latest Information", "Download Information", etc. in
"Click for Latest Product Info" in the help file of the provided software
"Everio MediaBrowser".

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Indications During Time-Lapse Recording Time-Lapse Setting

The greater the number of seconds, the longer the recording interval.
Setting Details

OFF Deactivates the function.

1SEC IN- Takes a frame at 1-second intervals.

TERVAL Recorded videos will be played back at 30 times speed.

2SEC IN- Takes a frame at 2-second intervals.

TERVAL Recorded videos will be played back at 60 times speed.

5SEC IN- Takes a frame at 5-second intervals.

TERVAL Recorded videos will be played back at 150 times

10SEC IN- Takes a frame at 10-second intervals.


TERVAL Recorded videos will be played back at 300 times

Display Description speed.
Speed Indicator Displays the recording interval that is set. 20SEC IN- Takes a frame at 20-second intervals.
TERVAL Recorded videos will be played back at 600 times
Video Quality Displays the icon of the video quality that is set. speed.
Remaining Record- Remaining time left to record with the currently 40SEC IN- Takes a frame at 40-second intervals.
ing Time selected video quality. TERVAL Recorded videos will be played back at 1 200 times
Recording in Pro- Appears when video recording is in progress. speed.
gress When in the power-saving mode, it blinks. 80SEC IN- Takes a frame at 80-second intervals.
Record-Standby Appears when video recording is paused. TERVAL Recorded videos will be played back at 2 400 times
Actual Elapsed Displays the actual elapsed time after recording
Time starts. CAUTION:
● Audio cannot be recorded during time-lapse recording.
Recorded Time Displays the actual recorded time of the video.
Recorded time increases in units of frames.
● Zooming, simultaneous still image recording, and DIS are not available
in time-lapse recording.
● When recording is stopped with the recorded time less than
"0:00:00:17", the video will not be saved.
● Settings of time-lapse recording are saved even when the power is
turned off.
When the power is turned on, "TIME LAPSE" appears on the screen.
● Recording stops automatically 99 hours after it is started.

● Make use of a tripod and AC adapter for time-lapse recordings with

long intervals.
It is also recommended to fix the focus and white balance manually.
"Tripod Mounting" (A P.17)
"Adjusting Focus Manually" (A P.26)
"Setting White Balance" (A P.28)

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Recording Automatically by Sensing Move- ● The only manual recording setting available is “TELE MACRO”.
ments (AUTO REC) The rest are all set to “AUTO”.
● Digital zoom, DIS, self-timer, and continuous shooting are not available
This function enables the unit to record automatically by sensing the
after AUTO REC is set.
changes in subject's movement (brightness) within the red frame dis-
played on the LCD monitor. (AUTO REC) ● AUTO REC cannot be used together with TIME-LAPSE RECORDING.
It can be set for both video and still image modes. When both are set, priority is given to TIME-LAPSE RECORDING.
● “VIDEO QUALITY” and “SELECT ASPECT RATIO” cannot be changed
1 Select video or still image mode. after AUTO REC is selected.
Set them before selecting AUTO REC.
● The auto power off and power-saving modes are not available after
AUTO REC is set.
Recording stops when there are no changes for 5 seconds during vid-

2 Compose the picture according to the subject. eo recording.

● Adjust the angle of view with the zoom, etc. ● Recording may not start when the movements of the subject within the
Zoom operation will not be available once AUTO REC starts. red frame are too fast or the changes in brightness are too small.
● Recording may start due to changes in brightness even if there is no
3 Touch D to display the menu. movement within the red frame.
● While zooming, recording cannot be started.

4 Select “AUTO REC” and touch C.

5 Select “ON” and touch C.

6 Recording starts automatically when the subject within the red frame

● A red frame appears 2 seconds after the menu display disappears.

● For video recording, recording continues while there are still move-
ments of the subject (changes in brightness) within the red frame.
When there are no more movements of the subject (changes in bright-
ness) within the red frame, recording will stop in 5 seconds.
● To stop video recording manually, press the START/STOP button.
However, as the AUTO REC setting remains at ON even after the vid-
eo recording is stopped, recording starts again when movements of the
subject (changes in brightness) are detected within the red frame. To
cancel AUTO REC, set it to “OFF”.

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Remaining Recording Time/Battery Power

You can check the remaining video recording time on the internal HDD
and SD card as well as the remaining battery power.
1 Press the M button.

2 Display the remaining recording time.

● The remaining recording time is displayed only in the video recording

● Press the M button to check the remaining recording time of each re-
cording media.
● While the remaining recording time is being displayed, touch the opera-
tion button "BATTERY ICON" to display the remaining battery power.
● To exit the display, touch the D button.
3 Display the remaining battery power.

● To exit the display, press the M button or touch the D button.

● The remaining battery power will not be displayed when the AC adapt-
er is connected.
● You can change the video quality from the remaining recording time
Select the video quality with the slider and touch C.

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Approximate Video Recording Time

Quality HDD microSDHC Card microSDHC Card
4 GB 8 GB

ULTRA FINE 19 h 56 m 1 h 50 m

FINE 28 h 20 m 1 h 20 m 2 h 50 m

NORMAL 37 h 40 m 1 h 45 m 3 h 45 m

ECONOMY 100 h 4 h 55 m 10 h
● The actual recording time may shorten depending on the shooting environment.

Approximate Number of Still Images (Unit: Number of Shots)

Image Size Quality microSD Card 512 microSD Card 1 microSD Card 2 microSDHC Card 4

832x624 (4:3) FINE 1960 3970 7600 9999

832x624 (4:3) STANDARD 2940 5950 9999 9999

640x480 (4:3) FINE 2940 5950 9999 9999

640x480 (4:3) STANDARD 4210 8510 9999 9999

640x360 (16:9) FINE 3680 7440 9999 9999

640x360 (16:9) STANDARD 4910 9930 9999 9999

● Up to 9999 still images may be recorded on the HDD and microSD cards with 8 GB capacity (regardless of image size and quality).

Approximate Recording Time (Using Battery)

Battery Pack Actual Recording Time Continuous Recording Time

BN-VG107U 40 m 1 h 10 m

BN-VG114U 1 h 25 m 2 h 30 m

BN-VG121U 2h5m 3 h 50 m
● The above are values when “LIGHT” is set to “OFF” and “LCD BACKLIGHT” is set to “STANDARD”.
● The actual recording time may be shorter if zooming is used or if recording is stopped repeatedly.
(It is recommended to prepare battery packs ready for three times the expected recording time.)

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Playing Back Videos During Video Playback

You can select and play back the recorded videos from an index screen Display Description
(thumbnail display).
The contents of the saving destination selected in “REC MEDIA FOR d/e Playback/pause
VIDEO” are displayed on the index screen.
f Stop (returns to thumbnail display)
g Advances to the next video
1 Select the playback mode.
h Returns to the beginning of the scene

i Forward search

j Reverse search

k Forward slow-motion

l Reverse slow-motion
2 Select video mode. Memo:
● Touch the slider and buttons around the screen with your fingers.
● The slider and buttons do not function if you touch them with your fin-
gernails or with gloves on.
● The displays on the screen do not work even if you touch them.

● You can search for a specific file by the recording date or registered

3 Select the desired video and touch C. category (event).

This is useful when searching from a large number of files.
"Group Search" (A P.40)
"Date Search" (A P.40)
"Event and Date Search" (A P.41)
● Make a backup of important recorded data
It is recommended to copy your important recorded data to a DVD or
other recording media for storage. JVC will not be responsible for any

lost data.
● Touch f to stop playback.

Checking the Recording Date and Other Information

Operation Buttons for Video Playback
Press M.
You can display the recording date and duration of the selected file.

Increasing/Decreasing the Number to Display on the Index

Operate the zoom lever when the index screen is displayed (thumbnail
display) to change the number of files on the screen in the following or-
der: 6 files → 20 files → 3 files.
● Information of the files also appear when 3 files are displayed.

During Index Screen Display

Display Description

d Starts playback of the selected file.

DIGEST You can play back a digest of the recorded videos.

B You can search for a specific file by the recording date

or registered category (event).

A Deletes the selected file.

J/K Press and hold to move the pages of the index screen.

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Checking the Content of Videos Quickly Playing a Video with Defective Management Information
You can play back a digest of the recorded videos (Digest Playback). Plays videos with defective management information.
This is useful for checking the content of the videos quickly.
1 Select the playback mode.

2 Select video mode.

● To start Digest Playback, touch the DIGEST button.

Operation Buttons for Digest Playback

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “PLAYBACK MPG FILE” and touch C.

Display Description

d/e Playback/pause

f Stop (returns to thumbnail display)

d Returns to normal playback.


g Advances to the next video 5 Select the desired video and touch C.
h Returns to the beginning of the scene

i Forward search

j Reverse search

k Forward slow-motion

l Reverse slow-motion

"Operation Buttons for Video Playback" (A P.37)

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Playing Back Still Images During Index Screen Display

You can select and play back the recorded still images from an index Display Description
screen (thumbnail display).
The contents of the saving destination selected in “REC MEDIA FOR IM- d Starts playback of the selected file.
AGE” are displayed on the index screen.
B You can search for a specific file by the recording date.
A Deletes the selected file.
1 Select the playback mode.
J/K Press and hold to move the pages of the index screen.

During Still Image Playback

Display Description

. d/e Start/pause slideshow

2 Select still image mode. f Stop (returns to thumbnail display)

g Advances to the next still image

h Returns to the previous still image

H Plays back in reverse order during a slideshow.

3 Select a still image and touch C to start playback. I Plays back in normal ascending order during a slide-

● Touch the slider and buttons around the screen with your fingers.
● The slider and buttons do not function if you touch them with your fin-
gernails or with gloves on.
● The displays on the screen do not work even if you touch them.

● You can search for a specific file by the recording date.

This is useful when searching from a large number of files.

"Date Search" (A P.40)

● Touch f to stop playback.

Checking the Recording Date and Other Information

Operation Buttons for Still Image Playback
Press M.
You can display the recording date and duration of the selected file.

Increasing/Decreasing the Number to Display on the Index

Operate the zoom lever when the index screen is displayed (thumbnail
display) to change the number of files on the screen in the following or-
der: 6 files → 20 files → 3 files.
● Information of the files also appear when 3 files are displayed.

Slideshow Playback
Still images can be played back in a slideshow.
Start the slideshow by pressing the C button during still image playback.

"Operation Buttons for Still Image Playback" (A P.39)

● Effects can be added to the transitions in slideshow playback.

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Searching for a Specific Video/Still Image Date Search

When there is a large number of recorded videos and still images, it is dif- You can search and play videos or still images according to recording
ficult to look for the desired file from the index screen. dates.
Use the search function to find the file you want. ● The contents of the saving destination selected in “REC MEDIA FOR

● For videos, you can search by “GROUP”, “SEARCH DATE”, or VIDEO” or “REC MEDIA FOR IMAGE” are searched.
“SEARCH EVENT”. ● Still images can only be searched by “SEARCH DATE”.

● For still images, you can search by “SEARCH DATE”.

1 Display the search function.
"To search by groups with similar recording dates" (A P.40)
"To search by recording dates" (A P.40)
"To search by events and recording dates" (A P.41)

Group Search
You can search and play videos which are automatically grouped accord-
ing to similar recording dates.
● The contents of the saving destination selected in “REC MEDIA FOR

VIDEO” are searched. .

● You can also display the search menu by selecting “SEARCH” on the
1 Display the search function. playback menu. For still images, select “SEARCH DATE” on the menu.
● Searching can be performed in both the video and still image modes.
*The image shows the video mode.
2 Select “SEARCH DATE” and touch C.

● You can also display the search menu by selecting “SEARCH” on the
playback menu.
2 Select “GROUP” and touch C. .

3 Select a recording date and touch C.

3 Select from the index screen (thumbnails) and touch C to start play-

4 Select the desired video or still image and touch C to start playback.

● The video starts playing. .

● Touch f to stop playback. ● You can select videos in the video mode and still images in the still im-
Memo: age mode.
● Only the videos recorded on the selected date are displayed.
● Touch “DIGEST” to play back a few seconds from each video, allowing
you to check the contents of many videos in a short time. Deleting Files of a Selected Date:
● Groups are created automatically according to recording dates. Select “DELETE” from the playback menu to delete unwanted files.
"Deleting Unwanted Files" (A P.93)
● The group may change when the recording is continued.

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Event and Date Search Connecting to and Viewing on TV

You can search and play videos according to events and recording dates. By connecting the supplied AV cable to the video terminal, videos can be
● The contents of the saving destination selected in “REC MEDIA FOR played back on a TV.
VIDEO” are searched. ● Refer also to the instruction manual of the TV in use.

● Events that are not registered will not appear.

1 Connect to the TV.
"Registering Files to Events" (A P.84)
1 Display the search function.

● Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds or more to turn off the

2 Connect the AC adapter to this unit.

● Select search on the menu to display the search menu.
2 Select “SEARCH EVENT” and touch C.

3 Press the external input button on the TV to switch to the input from
this unit via the connected terminal.

3 Select the event type and touch C.

4 Play back a file.
4 Select a recording date and touch C.

"Playing Back Videos" (A P.37)

"Playing Back Still Images" (A P.39)
● Only the videos recorded on the selected date are displayed. Memo:
● To play back with date/time display, set “DISPLAY ON TV” in the con-
5 Select the desired file and touch C to start playback. nection settings menu to “ON”. Set “ON-SCREEN DISPLAY” in the
playback menu to “DISPLAY ALL” or “DISPLAY DATE ONLY”.
● For questions about the TV or method of connection, contact your TV's


Deleting Files of a Selected Date:

Select “DELETE” from the playback menu to delete unwanted files.
"Deleting Unwanted Files" (A P.93)

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Unnatural Displays on TV Playing Back Playlists

Trouble Action Play back the playlists that you have created.

Images do not appear on ● Disconnect the cable and connect 1 Select the playback mode.
the TV properly. again.
● Turn off and on this unit again.

Images are projected verti- ● Set “VIDEO OUTPUT” in the connec-

cally on the TV. tion settings menu to “4:3”.
"Setting "VIDEO OUTPUT"" (A
P.104) .

Images are projected hori- ● Adjust the TV's screen accordingly.

2 Select video mode.
zontally on the TV.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “PLAYBACK PLAYLIST” and touch C.

5 Select the desired playlist and touch C to start playback.

"Operation Buttons for Video Playback" (A P.37)

● Touch “CHECK” to check the content of the selected playlist.

● To exit the playback, touch D.

Creating Playlists:
"Creating Playlists from the Recorded Videos" (A P.55)
"Adding Title Screens to Playlists" (A P.61)

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● Playback starts.
Playing Back a DVD Created on this Unit "Operation Buttons for Video Playback" (A P.37)

DVDs created using the backup function on this unit can be played back
on TV using an optional DVD writer with playback function (CU-VD50U)
or a normal DVD player. They can also be played back on this unit by
connecting the optional DVD writer with playback function (CU-VD50U).
Playback Device Illustration

DVD writer with playback func-

tion (CU-VD50U)

DVD player or DVD recorder

that supports the DVD-Video

Playing Back with a DVD Writer

1 Close the LCD monitor and connect.

① Connect the AC adapter to this unit.

② Connect the AC adapter of the DVD writer.
③ Connect the USB cable provided with the DVD writer.
● To view on a TV, connect this unit to the TV.

"Connecting to and Viewing on TV" (A P.41)

2 Load a DVD created on this unit into the DVD writer.

① Press the power button to turn on the power.

② Press the eject button to open the disc tray.
③ Pull out the tray completely and load a new disc properly.
④ Push the disc tray in until it clicks into place.
3 Open the LCD monitor.

● The CREATE DVD menu appears.

4 Select “PLAYBACK” and touch C.

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● Be sure to turn off the power when connecting the devices.
Otherwise, electric shocks or malfunctions may occur.
● Only DVDs created on this unit can be played back.
● Chapters are not displayed on the menu.

Digest Playback
You can view a few seconds of each video in the disc continuously by
playing back the created disc in a player and selecting “DIGEST PLAY-
BACK” from the top menu. Use this to check the content of videos or to
look for the desired scene.
● To return to normal playback, press the top menu button on the remote

control of the player and select “TO NORMAL PLAYBACK”.

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6 Check that it is the file to delete, select “YES” and touch C.

Deleting Unwanted Files
Delete unwanted videos and still images when the space in the recording
media is running out.
The capacity of the recording media can be restored after deleting the
"Deleting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.45)
"Deleting Selected Files" (A P.46)
"Deleting All Files" (A P.47) .

Memo: ● The file to delete appears on this screen.

● Deleted files cannot be restored. ● Touch the operation buttons "E" / "F" to select the previous or next
● When files in a playlist are deleted, the playlist changes. ● After deleting, touch D.
● Files that are protected cannot be deleted.

Release protection before deleting the file.

● When files in a playlist are deleted, the playlist changes.
"Protecting Files" (A P.47)
● Be sure to back up important files on a PC.
● Files that are protected cannot be deleted.
Release protection before deleting the file.
"Backing Up All Files" (A P.76)
"Protecting Files" (A P.47)

Deleting the Currently Displayed File

Deletes the currently displayed file.
● Deleted files cannot be restored.

1 Select the playback mode.

2 Select video or still image mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “DELETE” and touch C.

5 Select “CURRENT” and touch C.

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7 After selecting all the files to delete, touch “EXEC”.

Deleting Selected Files
Deletes the selected files.
● Deleted files cannot be restored.

1 Select the playback mode.

8 Select “YES” and touch C.

2 Select video or still image mode.

● After deleting, touch C.
3 Touch D to display the menu. Memo:
● When files in a playlist are deleted, the playlist changes.
● Files that are protected cannot be deleted.
Release protection before deleting the file.
"Protecting Files" (A P.47)

4 Select “DELETE” and touch C.

5 Select “FILE SELECT” and touch C.

6 Select the desired file and touch C.

● A delete mark appears on the selected file.

To remove the delete mark, touch C again.
● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected file.

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Deleting All Files Protecting Files

Deletes all files. Prevent important videos/still images from being deleted accidently by
CAUTION: protecting them.
"Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.47)
● Deleted files cannot be restored.
"Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
"Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
1 Select the playback mode. "Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)
● When the recording media is formatted, even the protected files will be

Protecting the Currently Displayed File


Protects or releases protection of the currently displayed file.

2 Select video or still image mode.
1 Select the playback mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.


2 Select video or still image mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “DELETE” and touch C.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

5 Select “DELETE ALL” and touch C.

5 Select “PROTECT/CANCEL” and touch C.

6 Select “YES” and touch C.

6 Select “CURRENT” and touch C.

● After deleting, touch C.
● When files in a playlist are deleted, the playlist changes.
● Files that are protected cannot be deleted.
Release protection before deleting the file.
"Protecting Files" (A P.47)

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7 Check that it is the file to protect, select “YES” and touch C.

Protecting Selected Files
Protects or releases protection of the selected files.
1 Select the playback mode.

● The file to protect appears on this screen. .

● Touch the operation buttons "E" / "F" to select the previous or next 2 Select video or still image mode.
● After setting, touch C.
● To exit the screen, touch D.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

5 Select “PROTECT/CANCEL” and touch C.

6 Select “FILE SELECT” and touch C.

7 Select the desired file and touch C.

● A protect mark appears on the selected file.

To remove the protect mark, touch C again.
● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected file.
8 After selecting all the files to protect or release protection of, touch D.

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Protecting All Files Releasing Protection of All Files

Protects all files. Releases protection of all files.
1 Select the playback mode. 1 Select the playback mode.

. .

2 Select video or still image mode. 2 Select video or still image mode.

. .

3 Touch D to display the menu. 3 Touch D to display the menu.

. .

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C. 4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

. .

5 Select “PROTECT/CANCEL” and touch C. 5 Select “PROTECT/CANCEL” and touch C.

. .

6 Select “PROTECT ALL” and touch C. 6 Select “CANCEL ALL” and touch C.

. .

7 Select “YES” and touch C. 7 Select “YES” and touch C.

. .

● After setting, touch C. ● After setting, touch C.

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7 Select “YES” and touch C.

Changing Event Registration of Videos
Find your recorded videos for playback easily by registering them to suit-
able items from the list of various events.
"Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File" (A P.50)
"Changing the Event of the Selected Files" (A P.51)
● You can also register files to events before recording if the content has
been decided. .

"Registering Files to Events Before Recording" (A P.30) ● Touch the operation buttons "E" / "F" to select the previous or next
Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File 8 Select a new event and touch C.
Checks and changes the event of the currently displayed file.
1 Select the playback mode.

● You can cancel the registered event by touching “CANCEL”.

2 Select video mode. ● After setting, touch C.
● To exit the screen, touch D.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

5 Select “CHANGE EVENT REG.” and touch C.

6 Select “CURRENT” and touch C.

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8 Select the last file of the range and touch C.

Changing the Event of the Selected Files
Changes the event of multiple files by specifying a range.
1 Select the playback mode.

9 Select a new event and touch C.


2 Select video mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu. .

● You can cancel the registered event by touching “CANCEL”.

● After setting, touch C.
● To exit the screen, touch D.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

5 Select “CHANGE EVENT REG.” and touch C.

6 Select “TO RESET RANGE” and touch C.

7 Select the first file of the range and touch C.

● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected file.

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Capturing a Still Image in the Video during Capturing a Required Part in the Video
Playback Select the required part of a video and save it as a new video file.
You can capture still images of the scenes you like in the recorded vid- 1 Select the playback mode.
1 Select the playback mode.

2 Select video mode.


2 Select video mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.


3 Select the desired video and touch C.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.


4 Touch pause at the desired scene during playback.

5 Select “TRIMMING” and touch C.


● After pausing the video, you can fine-tune the point to capture by using
the forward slow-motion k and reverse slow-motion l operation
5 Capture a still image.

6 Select the desired video and touch C.

● The size of the still images captured varies with the “SELECT ASPECT
RATIO” setting.
“16:9” : 640×360
“4:3” : 640×480 .

● The picture quality varies with the “IMAGE QUALITY” setting. ● Playback of the selected video starts.
● Captured still images are stored in the media specified in “REC MEDIA


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7 Touch C to pause playback, then touch SET to set the start point.
Capturing Videos for Uploading to YouTube
Capture and copy a part of a recorded video (maximum 10 minutes) for
uploading to YouTube, and save it as a YouTube video.
When capturing videos for YouTube, the duration cannot be longer than
10 minutes.
1 Select the playback mode.

● Touch C to resume playback.

"Operation Buttons for Video Playback" (A P.37)
8 Touch C to pause playback, then touch SET to set the point to stop
copying. .

2 Select video mode.

3 Press the UPLOAD/EXPORT button to display the UPLOAD SET-

● To reset the start point, touch CANCEL.
9 Select “CAPTURE TRIMMED FILE” and touch C.

4 Select “UPLOAD SETTINGS” and touch C.

10 Select “YES” and touch C.

5 Select the desired video and touch C.

● After copying, touch C.

● When copying finishes, the copied file is added to the index screen.
● To exit the screen, touch D.
● According to the MPEG-2 standard, videos are split into units of ap- .

proximately 0.5 second.

6 (When the selected video is less than 10 minutes) Select whether to
As such, the division point may not be accurate. perform trimming.

● When trimming is not necessary, select “DO NOT TRIM” and touch C
to complete the setting.
● If the selected video is more than 10 minutes, trimming is necessary.

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7 Touch C to pause playback, then touch SET to set the start point.
Preparing Videos to Transfer to iTunes
Set EXPORT attributes to the recorded videos by adding a "LIB." mark.
When EXPORT attributes are set, the videos can be registered to iTunes
easily using the supplied software on a PC.
1 Select the playback mode.

● Resume playback after setting the start point.

"Operation Buttons for Video Playback" (A P.37)
8 Touch C to pause playback, then touch SET to set the point to stop

2 Select video mode.

3 Press the UPLOAD/EXPORT button to display the UPLOAD SET-


● To reset the start point, touch “CANCEL”.

● When capturing videos for YouTube, the duration cannot be longer
than 10 minutes.
9 Select “CAPTURE TRIMMED FILE” and touch C.

4 Select “EXPORT SETTINGS” and touch C.

10 Select “YES” and touch C.


5 Select the desired video and touch C.

● When copying finishes, the copied file is added to the index screen.
● To exit the screen, touch D.
Memo: .

● According to the MPEG-2 standard, videos are split into units of ap-
● A "LIB." mark appears on the selected file.
proximately 0.5 second. To remove the "LIB." mark, touch C again.
As such, the division point may not be accurate. ● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected file.
● You can take videos in YouTube format by setting upload shooting be- ● To exit EXPORT SETTINGS, touch D.
fore recording. Memo:
"Taking Videos in YouTube Format" (A P.31) ● You can take videos in iTunes format by setting EXPORT shooting be-
fore recording.
Uploading Videos to YouTube "Taking Videos in iTunes Format" (A P.32)
● The format of recorded videos changes when they are transferred to a
You can upload your videos to YouTube using the provided software "Ev-
PC using the supplied software.
erio MediaBrowser". Install the software on your PC and connect this unit
Files that are stored on this unit will not be affected.
to the PC.
● The "LIB." mark does not appear on other index screens.
● For details on how to use the software, refer to the help file.

"Installing the Provided Software" (A P.75)

"Copying to Windows PC" (A P.74)
Trouble with Uploading Videos:
● Check if you have created an account with YouTube. (You need a You-

Tube account to upload files to YouTube.)

● Refer to "Q&A", "Latest Information", "Download Information", etc. in

"Click for Latest Product Info" in the help file of the provided software
"Everio MediaBrowser".

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Transferring Converted Videos to iPod Creating Playlists from the Recorded Vid-
You can export videos to iTunes using the provided software "Everio Me- eos
A list created by selecting your favorite videos from the recorded ones is
Install the software on your PC and connect this unit to the PC.
called a playlist.
● For details on how to use the software, refer to the help file.
By creating a playlist, you can play back only your favorite videos in the
● For details on transferring files to iPod, refer to the help file of iTunes. order you like.
"Installing the Provided Software" (A P.75) The original video file remains even when it is registered to a playlist.
"Backing Up All Files" (A P.76) ● To create a new playlist

Trouble with Exporting Files to iTunes: "Creating Playlists with Selected Files" (A P.55)
● Refer to "Q&A", "Latest Information", "Download Information", etc. in "Creating Playlists by Group" (A P.56)
"Click for Latest Product Info" in the help file of the provided software "Creating Playlists by Date" (A P.57)
"Everio MediaBrowser". "Creating Playlists by Event" (A P.58)
● To edit or delete a created playlist

"Editing Playlists" (A P.59)

"Deleting Playlists" (A P.60)
"Adding Title Screens to Playlistss" (A P.61)
● When a video file is deleted or moved, the same file will be removed
from the playlist.

Creating Playlists with Selected Files

Create a playlist by arranging the files one by one.
1 Select the playback mode.

2 Select video mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “EDIT PLAYLIST” and touch C.

5 Select “NEW LIST” and touch C.

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6 Select “CREATE FROM SCENE” and touch C.

Creating Playlists by Group
Create a playlist by arranging multiple files according to group.
1 Select the playback mode.

7 Select the file to add to playlist and touch C.


2 Select video mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.
● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected video.
8 Select the insertion point and touch C.

4 Select “EDIT PLAYLIST” and touch C.


● The selected videos are added to the playlist on the right.

● To delete a video from the playlist, touch "F" to select the video and
touch C.
● Repeat steps 7-8 and arrange the videos in the playlist.
9 After arranging, touch D.

5 Select “NEW LIST” and touch C.

10 Select “SAVE AND THEN QUIT” and touch C.


6 Select “CREATE BY GROUP” and touch C.

7 Select the group to add to playlist and touch C.

● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected video.

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8 Select the insertion point and touch C.

Creating Playlists by Date
Create a playlist by arranging multiple files according to recording date.
1 Select the playback mode.

● The selected videos are added to the playlist on the right.

● To delete a video from the playlist, touch "F" to select the video and .

touch C.
2 Select video mode.
● Repeat steps 7-8 and arrange the videos in the playlist.
9 After arranging, touch D.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

10 Select “SAVE AND THEN QUIT” and touch C.

4 Select “EDIT PLAYLIST” and touch C.

5 Select “NEW LIST” and touch C.

6 Select “CREATE BY DATE” and touch C.

7 Select the date to add to playlist and touch C.

● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected video.

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8 Select the insertion point and touch C.

Creating Playlists by Event
Create a playlist by arranging multiple files according to events and re-
cording dates.
1 Select the playback mode.

● The selected videos are added to the playlist on the right.

● To delete a video from the playlist, touch "F" to select the video and
touch C. .

● Repeat steps 7-8 and arrange the videos in the playlist. 2 Select video mode.
9 After arranging, touch D.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

10 Select “SAVE AND THEN QUIT” and touch C.

4 Select “EDIT PLAYLIST” and touch C.

5 Select “NEW LIST” and touch C.

6 Select “CREATE BY EVENT” and touch C.

7 Select an event and touch C.

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8 Select the date to add to playlist and touch C.

Editing Playlists
You can change the content of a created playlist.
1 Select the playback mode.

● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected video.


9 Select the insertion point and touch C.

2 Select video mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

● The selected videos are added to the playlist on the right.

● To delete a video from the playlist, touch "F" to select the video and
touch C.
● Repeat steps 8-9 and arrange the videos in the playlist.
10 After arranging, touch D.

4 Select “EDIT PLAYLIST” and touch C.

11 Select “SAVE AND THEN QUIT” and touch C.


5 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

6 Select the playlist you want to edit and touch C.

7 Select the file to add to playlist and touch C.

● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected video.

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8 Select the insertion point and touch C.

Deleting Playlists
Delete the playlists that you have created.
1 Select the playback mode.

● The selected videos are added to the playlist on the right.

● To delete a video from the playlist, touch "F" to select the video and

touch C. 2 Select video mode.

● Repeat steps 7-8 and arrange the videos in the playlist.
9 After arranging, touch D.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

10 Select “SAVE AND THEN QUIT” and touch C.


4 Select “EDIT PLAYLIST” and touch C.

5 Select “DELETE” and touch C.

6 Select the playlist you want to delete and touch C.

● All created playlists will be deleted when “DELETE ALL” is selected.

7 Select “YES” and touch C.

● After deleting is complete, the screen returns to the delete playlist se-
lection screen.
● After deleting, touch D.

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Adding Title Screens to Playlists Creating a Playlist with Title

Add a title screen to a created playlist. Create a playlist simply by selecting a recording date and a title screen
1 Select the playback mode. from the list.
1 Select the playback mode.

2 Select video mode. .

2 Select video mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.


3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “EDIT PLAYLIST” and touch C.


4 Select “PICTURE TITLE” and touch C.

5 Select “SET TITLE” and touch C.


5 Select a title and touch C.

6 Select the desired playlist and touch C.


● Touch “CHECK” to check the title.

6 Select the desired recording date and touch C.

● Touch “CHECK” to check the content of the selected playlist.

7 Select a title and touch C.

● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected video.

● Play back the DVD created from a playlist with title on a DVD player.
The title will not be played back if you connect this unit to a DVD writer
● To add a title to a playlist that is already created, refer to the following.

"Adding Title Screens to Playlists" (A P.61)


● Touch “CHECK” to check the title.

● To delete the title, select "NO TITLE".

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7 Select “COPY ALL” and touch C.

Copying Files to Card
You can copy videos and still images from the HDD or microSD card to
another media.
Copying still images to microSD cards makes it convenient to bring them
to the shop for printing (developing).
"Copying All Files" (A P.62)
"Copying Selected Files" (A P.63)

Copying All Files


8 Select “YES” and touch C.

Copies all videos and still images to another media.
1 Select the playback mode.

. .

● Copying starts.
2 Select video or still image mode.
● After copying, touch C.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

5 Select “COPY” and touch C.

6 Select the direction of copying and touch C.

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8 Select the desired file and touch C.

Copying Selected Files
Copies selected videos and still images to another media.
1 Select the playback mode.

● A check mark appears on the selected file.

To remove the check mark, touch C again.

2 Select video or still image mode. 9 After selecting all the files to copy, touch “EXEC”.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

10 Select “YES” and touch C.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

● Copying starts.
● After copying, touch C.

5 Select “COPY” and touch C.

6 Select the direction of copying and touch C.

7 Select “SELECT AND COPY” and touch C.

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7 Select “MOVE ALL” and touch C.

Moving Files
You can move videos and still images from the HDD or microSD card to
another media.
Files that are moved will be deleted from the original media.
Moving still images to microSD cards makes it convenient to bring them
to the shop for printing (developing).
"Moving All Files" (A P.64)
"Moving Selected Files" (A P.65)

Moving All Files 8 Select “YES” and touch C.

Moves all videos and still images to another media.
Files that are moved will be deleted from the original media.
Files with a protect mark will not be deleted from the original media.
1 Select the playback mode.

● Moving of files starts.

● After moving, touch C.

2 Select video or still image mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.

5 Select “MOVE” and touch C.

6 Select the direction of moving and touch C.

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8 Select the desired file and touch C.

Moving Selected Files
Moves selected videos and still images to another media.
Files that are moved will be deleted from the original media.
1 Select the playback mode.

● A check mark appears on the selected file.

To remove the check mark, touch C again.

9 After selecting all the files to move, touch EXEC.

2 Select video or still image mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.


10 Select “YES” and touch C.

4 Select “EDIT” and touch C.


● Moving of files starts.

● After moving, touch C.

5 Select “MOVE” and touch C.

6 Select the direction of moving and touch C.

7 Select “SELECT AND MOVE” and touch C.

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Creating Discs with a DVD Writer Preparing a DVD Writer (CU-VD50U)

You can copy videos to a DVD using an optional DVD writer. 1 Close the LCD monitor and connect.

Compatible DVD Writers

Product Name Description

DVD Writer ● Enables the images recorded on this unit to be

● CU-VD3U copied to a DVD without using a PC.

DVD Writer ● Creates DVDs and functions as an external DVD

● CU-VD50U drive when connected to a PC. In addition, created
DVDs can be played back by connecting the CU- .

VD50U to a TV. ① Connect the AC adapter to this unit.

② Connect the AC adapter of the DVD writer.
③ Connect the USB cable provided with the DVD writer.
Creating DVDs with a DVD Writer ● Refer also to the instruction manual of the DVD writer.
■ Preparing a DVD Writer
2 Turn on the DVD writer and insert a new disc.
"Preparing a DVD Writer (CU-VD50U)" (A P.66)
"Preparing a DVD Writer (CU-VD3U)" (A P.67)
■ Copying to DVD
"Copying All Files" (A P.67)
"Copying Files by Date" (A P.68) .

"Copying Files by Event" (A P.69) ① Press the power button to turn on the power.
"Copying Selected Playlists" (A P.70) ② Press the eject button to open the disc tray.
"Copying Selected Files" (A P.71) ③ Pull out the tray completely and load a new disc properly.
"Creating Multiple Discs" (A P.72) ④ Push the disc tray in until it clicks into place.
● The recordable time on the DVD varies according to the way of record- 3 Open the LCD monitor.
● Still images cannot be copied using a DVD writer.

Copy them to a PC.

"Copying to Windows PC" (A P.74)

● The CREATE DVD menu appears.

● While the USB cable is connected, the CREATE DVD menu is dis-
● Be sure to turn off the power when connecting the devices.
Otherwise, electric shocks or malfunctions may occur.
● When connected to this unit, all buttons on the DVD writer CU-VD50U,
other than the power and eject buttons, will not work.

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Preparing a DVD Writer (CU-VD3U) Copying All Files

1 Close the LCD monitor and connect. All videos recorded on this unit will be copied.
You can also select and copy only the videos that have never been cop-
1 Select “CREATE FROM ALL” and touch C.

① Connect the AC adapter to this unit.

② Connect the AC adapter of the DVD writer.

③ Connect the USB cable of the DVD writer to this unit. 2 Select the media for copying and touch C.
● Refer also to the instruction manual of the DVD writer.
2 Insert a new disc.

. .

① Press the eject button to open the disc tray.

3 Select the desired menu and touch C.
② Pull out the tray completely and load a new disc properly.
③ Push the disc tray in until it clicks into place.
3 Open the LCD monitor.

● All videos in this unit will be copied when “ALL SCENES” is selected.
● Videos that have never been copied will be automatically selected and
copied when “UNSAVED SCENES” is selected.
4 Select “ALL” and touch C.

● The CREATE DVD menu appears.

● While the USB cable is connected, the CREATE DVD menu is dis-
● Be sure to turn off the power when connecting the devices.
Otherwise, electric shocks or malfunctions may occur.

● The number of discs required to copy the files is displayed.

Prepare the discs accordingly.
● Touch “CHECK” to check the file to copy.
5 Select YES or NO and touch C.

● When “YES” is selected, videos with similar recording dates are dis-
played in groups.
● When “NO” is selected, videos are displayed according to recording

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6 Select “EXECUTE” and touch C.

Copying Files by Date
Videos are sorted and copied according to the date on which they were
1 Select “SELECT AND CREATE” and touch C.

● When "INSERT NEXT DISC" appears, change the disc.

7 After copying, touch C.

2 Select the media for copying and touch C.

8 Close the LCD monitor, then disconnect the USB cable.

Do not turn off the power or remove the USB cable until copying is

complete. 3 Select “CREATE BY DATE” and touch C.

● Files that are not on the index screen during playback cannot be cop-
● To check the created disc, select “PLAYBACK” in step 1.

4 Select the desired recording date and touch C.

5 Select “ALL” and touch C.

● The number of discs required to copy the files is displayed.

Prepare the discs accordingly.
● Touch “CHECK” to check the file to copy.

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6 Select YES or NO and touch C.

Copying Files by Event
Videos are sorted and copied according to the registered event.
1 Select “SELECT AND CREATE” and touch C.

● When “YES” is selected, videos with similar recording dates are dis-
played in groups.
● When “NO” is selected, videos are displayed according to recording
dates. .

7 Select “EXECUTE” and touch C. 2 Select the media for copying and touch C.


● When "INSERT NEXT DISC" appears, change the disc.

3 Select “CREATE BY EVENT” and touch C.
8 After copying, touch C.

4 Select the desired event and touch C.


9 Close the LCD monitor, then disconnect the USB cable.

● Do not turn off the power or remove the USB cable until copying is
● Files that are not on the index screen during playback cannot be cop-
● To check the created disc, select “PLAYBACK” in step 1. .

5 Select “ALL” and touch C.

● The number of discs required to copy the files is displayed.

Prepare the discs accordingly.
● Touch “CHECK” to check the file to copy.

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6 Select YES or NO and touch C.

Copying Selected Playlists
Arrange and copy the created playlists in the order you like.
1 Select “SELECT AND CREATE” and touch C.

● When “YES” is selected, videos with similar recording dates are dis-
played in groups.
● When “NO” is selected, videos are displayed according to recording
dates. .

7 Select “EXECUTE” and touch C. 2 Select the media for copying and touch C.


● When "INSERT NEXT DISC" appears, change the disc.

3 Select “CREATE BY PLAYLIST” and touch C.
8 After copying, touch C.

4 Select the desired playlist and touch C.


9 Close the LCD monitor, then disconnect the USB cable.

● Do not turn off the power or remove the USB cable until copying is
● Files that are not on the index screen during playback cannot be cop-
● To check the created disc, select “PLAYBACK” in step 1. .

● To register files to events ● Touch “CHECK” to check the selected playlist.

"Registering Files to Events Before Recording" (A P.30)
"Changing Event Registration of Videos" (A P.50) 5 Select the insertion point and touch C.

● The selected videos are added to the playlist on the right.

● To delete a video from the playlist, touch "F" to select the video and
touch C.
● Repeat steps 4-5 and arrange the videos in the playlist.

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6 After arranging, touch “SAVE”.

Copying Selected Files
Select and copy the desired videos.
1 Select “SELECT AND CREATE” and touch C.

7 Select “ALL” and touch C.

2 Select the media for copying and touch C.

● The number of discs required to copy the files is displayed.

Prepare the discs accordingly.
● Touch “CHECK” to check the file to copy. .

8 Select “EXECUTE” and touch C. 3 Select “SELECT FROM SCENES” and touch C.

. .

● When "INSERT NEXT DISC" appears, change the disc. 4 Select the desired video and touch C.
9 After copying, touch C.

● A check mark appears on the selected video.


To remove the check mark, touch C.

10 Close the LCD monitor, then disconnect the USB cable. ● Touch “CHECK” to check the video.

CAUTION: 5 After selecting, touch “SAVE”.

● Do not turn off the power or remove the USB cable until copying is
● Files that are not on the index screen during playback cannot be cop-
● A list of playlists is displayed on the top menu of the created DVD.
● To check the created disc, select “PLAYBACK” in step 1.
● To create a playlist

"Creating Playlists from the Recorded Videos" (A P.55) 6 Select “ALL” and touch C.
"Creating a Playlist with Title" (A P.61)

● The number of discs required to copy the files is displayed.

Prepare the discs accordingly.
● Touch “CHECK” to check the file to copy.

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7 Select YES or NO and touch C.

Creating Multiple Discs
You can create multiple discs of the same content.
1 Select “CREATE DUPLICATE” and touch C.

● When “YES” is selected, videos with similar recording dates are dis-
played in groups.
● When “NO” is selected, videos are displayed according to recording
8 Select “EXECUTE” and touch C. .

2 Select the media for copying and touch C.

● When "INSERT NEXT DISC" appears, change the disc. .

9 After copying, touch C. ● The media for copying varies with the model.
3 Select the date of creation from the creation history and touch C.

10 Close the LCD monitor, then disconnect the USB cable. .

CAUTION: ● Touch “CHECK” to check the file to copy.

● Do not turn off the power or remove the USB cable until copying is
complete. 4 Select “EXECUTE” and touch C.
● Files that are not on the index screen during playback cannot be cop-
● To check the created disc, select “PLAYBACK” in step 1.

● When "INSERT NEXT DISC" appears, change the disc.

5 After copying, touch C.

6 Close the LCD monitor, then disconnect the USB cable.

● Do not turn off the power or remove the USB cable until copying is
● Files that are not on the index screen during playback cannot be cop-
● To check the created disc, select “PLAYBACK” in step 1.
● Up to 20 of the newest data can be stored in the creation history.

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Dubbing Files to a DVD Recorder or VCR

You can dub videos by connecting to a DVD recorder or VCR.
● Refer also to the instruction manuals of the TV, DVD recorder, VCR,

1 Connect to a VCR/DVD recorder.

① Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds or more to turn off
the power.
② Connect the AC adapter to this unit.
③ Connect using the provided AV cable.
④ Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds or more to turn on
the unit.
2 Select the playback mode.

3 Prepare the TV/VCR for recording.

● Switch to a compatible external input.
● Insert a DVD-R or video tape.
4 Prepare this unit for playback.
● Set “VIDEO OUTPUT” in the connection settings menu to the aspect
ratio (4:3 or 16:9) of the connecting TV.
● To include the date during dubbing, set “DISPLAY ON TV” in the con-

nection settings menu to “ON”.

Set “ON-SCREEN DISPLAY” in the playback menu to “DISPLAY DATE
5 Start recording.
● Start playback on this unit and press the record button on the VCR/
DVD recorder.
"Playing Back Videos" (A P.37)
● After playback is complete, stop the recording.

● When there are many videos to dub, you can create a playlist in ad-
vance and play it back so that all your favorite videos can be dubbed at
"Creating Playlists with Selected Files" (A P.55)
"Playing Back Playlists" (A P.42)
● Dubbing cannot be performed by connecting this unit to a Blu-ray re-
corder with a USB cable.
Connect and dub using the supplied AV cable.

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Copying to Windows PC
You can copy files to a PC using the provided software.
DVDs can also be created using the PC's DVD drive.
If the provided software is not installed, this unit will be recognized as an external storage when connected.
● To record to discs, a recordable DVD drive is required for the PC in use.
● Still images cannot be recorded to discs using the provided software.

Trouble with Using the Provided Software Everio MediaBrowser

Consult the customer service center below.
● Pixela User Support Center

Telephone USA and Canada (English): +1-800-458-4029 (toll-free)

Europe (UK, Germany, France, and Spain)
(English/German/French/Spanish): +800-1532-4865 (toll-free)
Other Countries in Europe
(English/German/French/Spanish): +44-1489-564-764
Asia (Philippines) (English): +63-2-438-0090
China (Chinese): 10800-163-0014 (toll-free)

Homepage http://www.pixela.co.jp/oem/jvc/mediabrowser/e/
● For details on how to upload to Youtube or transfer files to iTunes, refer to "MediaBrowser Help" in the "Help" menu of Everio MediaBrowser.

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Verifying System Requirements (Guideline)

Right-click on “Computer” (or “My Computer”) in the “Start” menu and select “Properties” to check the following items.

Windows Vista/Windows 7
● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the Detailed User Guide.

Windows XP
● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the Detailed User Guide.
Windows Vista/Windows 7 Windows XP

OS Windows Vista Windows XP

Home Basic or Home Premium Home Edition or Professional
(Pre-installed versions only)Windows 7 (Pre-installed versions only)Service Pack 3
Home Premium(Pre-installed versions only)
Service Pack 2

CPU Intel Core Duo CPU 1.5 GHz or higher Intel Core Duo CPU 1.5 GHz or higher
Intel Pentium 4 CPU 1.6 GHz or higher Intel Pentium 4 CPU 1.6 GHz or higher
Intel Pentium M CPU 1.4 GHz or higher Intel Pentium M CPU 1.4 GHz or higher

RAM At least 1 GB (1024 MB) At least 512 MB

● If your PC does not meet the above system requirements, operations of the provided software cannot be guaranteed.
● For more information, contact your PC's manufacturer.

Installing the Provided Software

You can display the recorded images in calendar format and perform simple editing using the provided software.

Windows Vista / Windows 7

● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the Detailed User Guide.

Windows XP
● Refer to the operating instructions found in the animation on the Detailed User Guide.

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6 After backup is complete, click “OK”.

Backing Up All Files
Before making backup, make sure that enough free space is left in the
PC's hard disk (HDD).
1 Close the LCD monitor and connect.
Close the LCD monitor and connect.

① Connect the AC adapter to this unit. .

② Connect using the provided USB cable. Memo:

● Before making backup, load the SD card in which the videos and still
2 Open the LCD monitor. images are stored on this unit.
● If you encounter any problems with the provided software Everio Me-
diaBrowser, please consult the "Pixela User Support Center".
Tele- USA and Canada (English): +1-800-458-4029 (toll-free)
phone Europe (UK, Germany, France, and Spain)
(English/German/French/Spanish): +800-1532-4865 (toll-
Other Countries in Europe
(English/German/French/Spanish): +44-1489-564-764
Asia (Philippines) (English): +63-2-438-0090

China (Chinese): 10800-163-0014 (toll-free)

● The USB MENU appears.
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3 Select “BACK UP” and touch C. page
● Delete unwanted videos before making backup.
It takes time to back up many videos.
"Deleting Unwanted Files" (A P.45)

Disconnecting this Unit from PC

1 Click “Safely Remove Hardware”.

● The provided software Everio MediaBrowser starts up on the PC.

The subsequent operations are to be performed on the PC.
4 Select the volume.

2 Click “Safely Remove USB Mass Storage Device”.

3 (For Windows Vista) Click “OK”.
4 Disconnect the USB cable and close the LCD monitor.

5 Start backup.

● Backup starts.

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Identifying Video or Still Image:

Organizing Files ● You can select files using the "SELECT" menu on the top right of the

After backing up your files, organize them by adding labels such as "Fam-
● Check the video/still image icon on the top right corner of the thumb-
ily Trip" or "Athletic Meet".
This is useful not only for creating discs, but for viewing the files too. nail.

1 Display the month of the files to organize.

2 Create a user list. ● If you encounter any problems with the provided software Everio Me-
diaBrowser, please consult the "Pixela User Support Center".
Tele- USA and Canada (English): +1-800-458-4029 (toll-free)
phone Europe (UK, Germany, France, and Spain)
(English/German/French/Spanish): +800-1532-4865 (toll-
Other Countries in Europe
(English/German/French/Spanish): +44-1489-564-764
Asia (Philippines) (English): +63-2-438-0090
China (Chinese): 10800-163-0014 (toll-free)

Home- http://www.pixela.co.jp/oem/jvc/mediabrowser/e/

● A new user list is added to the user list library.

3 Click on the recording day.
● The thumbnails of the files recorded on the day are displayed.
4 Register files to the created user list.

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6 Copying to disc starts.

Recording Videos to Discs
Copy the files that are arranged using the user list to DVDs.
1 Insert a new disc into the PC's recordable DVD drive. .

● After copying, click “OK”.

2 Select the desired user list.
● The following types of discs can be used on the provided software Ev-
erio MediaBrowser.
● To view the help file of Everio MediaBrowser, select “Help” from the
Everio MediaBrowser's menu bar or press F1 on the keyboard.
● If you encounter any problems with the provided software Everio Me-
diaBrowser, please consult the "Pixela User Support Center".

Tele- USA and Canada (English): +1-800-458-4029 (toll-free)

phone Europe (UK, Germany, France, and Spain)
(English/German/French/Spanish): +800-1532-4865 (toll-
Other Countries in Europe
(English/German/French/Spanish): +44-1489-564-764
Asia (Philippines) (English): +63-2-438-0090
3 Select the method of file selection.
China (Chinese): 10800-163-0014 (toll-free)

Home- http://www.pixela.co.jp/oem/jvc/mediabrowser/e/

● If you select “Select all files displayed”", only the displayed videos are
copied to the DVD.
Proceed to step 5.
● If you select “Select files individually”", proceed to step 4.
4 (When “Select files individually” is selected) Select the files to copy to
DVD in order.

● After selecting, click “NEXT”.

5 Set the top menu of the disc.

● Set the title and menu background.

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JVC Software Licence Agreement You agree that You will not ship, transfer or export the Program or under-
lying information and technology to any countries to which Japan and oth-
er relevant countries have initiated an embargo on such goods.
BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE PROGRAM If You are an agency of the United States of America (the "Government"),
NAMED "DIGITAL PHOTO NAVIGATOR" ("Program") ON YOUR PC. You acknowledge JVC's representation that the Program is a "Commer-
The right to use the Program is granted by Victor Company of Japan, cial Item" as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) part 2.101
Limited ("JVC") to You only on the condition that You agree to the follow- (g) consisting unpublished "Commercial Computer Software" as those
ing. items are used at FAR part 12.212 and is only licenced to You with the
Should You not agree to the terms hereof, You may not install or use the same use rights JVC grants all commercial end users pursuant to the
Program. HOWEVER, INSTALLING OR USING THE PROGRAM INDI- terms of this Agreement.
1 COPYRIGHT; OWNERSHIP ① No modification, change, addition, deletion or other alternation of or
You acknowledge that all copyrights and other intellectual property rights to this Agreement will be valid unless reduced to writing and signed
in the Program are owned by JVC and its licensor, and remain vested in by an authorized representative of JVC.
JVC and such licensor. The Program is protected under the copyright law ② If any part of this Agreement is held invalid by or in conflict with any
of Japan and other countries, and related Conventions. law having jurisdiction over this Agreement, the remaining provi-
sions will remain in full force and effect.
2 GRANT OF LICENCE ③ This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted under the
① Subject to the conditions of this Agreement, JVC grants to You a laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court has jurisdiction over all dis-
non-exclusive right to use the Program. You may install and use the putes which may arise with respect to the execution, interpretation
Program on a HDD or other storage devices incorporated in Your and performance of this Agreement.
PC. Victor Company of Japan, Limited
② You may make one (1) copy of the Program solely for your personal Memo:
backup or archival purposes. ● If You acquired the Program in Germany, the provisions of Sections 4
3 RESTRICTION ON THE PROGRAM (Limited Warranty) and 5 (Limited Liability) provided above will be re-
placed with those of the German version of this Agreement.
① You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, revise or
modify the Program, except to the extent that expressly permitted CAUTION:
by applicable law. ● Operate this equipment according to the operating procedures descri-
② You may not copy or use the Program, in whole or in part, other bed in this manual.
than as expressly specified in this Agreement. ● Use only the provided CD-ROM. Never use any other CD-ROM to run
③ You have no right to grant a licence to use the Program, and may this software.
not distribute, rent, lease or transfer the Program to any third party ● Do not attempt to modify this software.
or otherwise let them use the Program.
● Changes or modifications not approved by JVC could void user's au-
4 LIMITED WARRANTY thority to operate the equipment.
JVC warrants that any media in which the Program is embodied are free How to handle a CD-ROM:
from any defects in materials and workmanship for a period of thirty (30) ● Take care not to soil or scratch the mirror surface (opposite to the prin-
days from the date of Your purchasing any our products accompanying ted surface). Do not write anything or put a sticker on either the front or
the Program. JVC’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy in connec- back surface. If the CD-ROM gets dirty, gently wipe it with a soft cloth
tion with the Program shall be replacement of such defective media. EX- outward from the center hole.
● Do not use conventional disc cleaners or cleaning spray.
● Do not bend the CD-ROM or touch its mirror surface.
OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRAN- ● Do not store your CD-ROM in a dusty, hot or humid environment. Keep

ING PRINTED MATERIALS. SHOULD THERE BE ANY PROBLEM You can find the latest information (in English) on the provided software
ARISING FROM OR CAUSED BY THE PROGRAM, YOU SHOULD program at our world wide web server at
SETTLE ALL SUCH PROBLEM AT YOUR OWN COST AND EXPENSE. http://www.jvc-victor.co.jp/english/global-e.html

5 LIMITED LIABILITY Backing Up Files Without Using Provided Software

SHALL JVC AND ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, Copy the files to a PC using the following method.
6 TERM .

① Connect the AC adapter to this unit.

This Agreement will become effective on the date when You install and
② Connect using the provided USB cable.
use the Program on Your machine, and continue to be in effect until the
termination under the following provision. 2 Open the LCD monitor.
Should You breach any provision of this Agreement, JVC may terminate
this Agreement without giving any notice to You. In this event, JVC may
claim against You for any damages caused by Your breach. Should this
Agreement be terminated, You must immediately destroy the Program
stored in Your machine (including the erasing from any memory in Your
PC), and no longer own such Program.

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● The USB MENU appears.

3 Select “PLAYBACK ON PC” and touch C.

● When the folders or files are deleted/moved/renamed in the computer,
they cannot be played back on this unit anymore.

● Close the Everio MediaBrowser program, if it starts.

● The subsequent operations are to be performed on the PC.
4 Select "Computer" (Windows Vista) / "My Computer" (Windows XP)
from the start menu, then click on the EVERIO_HDD or EVERIO_SD
● The folder opens.
5 Copy the files to any folder in the PC (desktop, etc).
● When the folders or files are deleted/moved/renamed in the computer,
they cannot be played back on this unit anymore.
● To edit the files, use a software that supports MOD/JPEG files.
● The above operations on PC may vary with the system used.

Disconnecting this Unit from PC

1 Click “Safely Remove Hardware”.

2 Click “Safely Remove USB Mass Storage Device”.

3 (For Windows Vista) Click “OK”.
4 Disconnect the USB cable and close the LCD monitor.

List of Files and Folders

Folders and files are created in the internal HDD and microSD card as
shown below.
They are created only when necessary.

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Copying to Mac Computer iMovie and iPhoto

Copy the files to a Mac computer using the following method. You can import files from this unit to a computer using Apple's iMovie'08,
'09 (video) or iPhoto (still image).
1 Close the LCD monitor and connect. To verify the system requirements, select "About This Mac" from the Ap-
ple menu. You can determine the operating system version, processor
and amount of memory.
● For the latest information on iMovie or iPhoto, refer to the Apple web-

● For details on how to use iMovie or iPhoto, refer to the help file of the

respective software.
● There is no guarantee that the operations will work with all computer

① Connect the AC adapter to this unit.
② Connect using the provided USB cable.
● The provided software is not required for this process.

2 Open the LCD monitor.

● The USB MENU appears.

3 Select “PLAYBACK ON PC” and touch C.

● The subsequent operations are to be performed on the PC.

4 Click on the EVERIO_HDD or EVERIO_SD icon on the desktop.
● The folder opens.
5 Click on the column display icon.

● Search the folder with the desired files.

6 Copy the files to any folder in the PC (desktop, etc).

● When the folders or files are deleted/moved/renamed in the computer,
they cannot be played back on this unit anymore.
● MOD files that are copied to a Mac computer cannot be imported to iM-
To use MOD files with iMovie, import the files using iMovie.
● To edit the files, use a software that supports MOD/JPEG files.
● When removing this unit from the computer, drag and drop the EVER-
IO_HDD or EVERIO_SD icon on the desktop to the trash bin.

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Menu Settings

Operating the Menu

Use the slider and operation buttons to set the menu.
● The menu differs according to the mode in use.

1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select the desired menu and touch C.

3 Select the desired setting and touch C.

● To close the menu, touch D.
● To return to the previous screen, touch J.
● To display the help file, touch K.

Returning All Settings to Default:

● Set using “FACTORY PRESET” in the camera settings menu.


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Menu Settings

Recording Menu (Video)

You can adjust various settings, such as brightness and white balance, to suit the subject or purpose. You can also change settings such as picture
quality and gain.
Setting Details

MANUAL SETTING Recording settings can be adjusted manually.

● They are displayed only when recording in the manual mode.
"Manual Recording" (A P.24)

LIGHT Turns on/off the light.

"LIGHT" (A P.84)

REGISTER EVENT Categorizes your videos according to events (such as "Travel", "Athletic Meet") by registering the file before recording.
"Registering Files to Events Before Recording" (A P.30)

VIDEO QUALITY Sets the video quality.


ZOOM Sets the maximum zoom ratio.

"ZOOM" (A P.85)

GAIN UP Makes the subject appear bright automatically when recording in dark places.
"GAIN UP" (A P.85)

TIME-LAPSE RE- Enables the changes of a scene that occur slowly over a long period to be shown within a short time by taking frames of it at a
CORDING certain interval.
"Recording at Intervals (TIME-LAPSE RECORDING)" (A P.32)

AUTO REC Enables the unit to start or stop recording automatically by sensing the changes in brightness within the red frame displayed on
the LCD monitor.
"Recording Automatically by Sensing Movements (AUTO REC)" (A P.34)

SELECT ASPECT Recording with aspect ratio 16:9 or 4:3 can be performed.

WIND CUT Reduces the noise caused by wind.

"WIND CUT" (A P.86)

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Menu Settings


Turns on/off the light. Categorizes your videos according to events (such as "Travel", "Athletic
Setting Details Meet") by registering the file before recording.
Operating Details
OFF Does not light up. "Registering Files to Events Before Recording" (A P.30)
AUTO Lights up automatically when the surrounding is dark.
ON Lights up at all times.
Sets the video quality.
Setting Details
Displaying the Item
ULTRA FINE Enables recording in the best picture quality.
1 Select video mode.
FINE Enables recording in high picture quality.

NORMAL Enables recording in standard quality.

ECONOMY Enables long recordings.


2 Touch D to display the menu. Displaying the Item

1 Select video mode.

2 Touch D to display the menu.


3 Select “LIGHT” and touch C.

3 Select “VIDEO QUALITY” and touch C.


● You can change the video quality from the remaining recording time
Select the video quality with the slider and touch C.

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Menu Settings

Sets the maximum zoom ratio. Makes the subject appear bright automatically when recording in dark
Setting Details places.
Setting Details
39x/OPTICAL Enables zooming up to 39x.
OFF Deactivates the function.
45x/DYNAMIC Enables zooming up to 45x.
AGC Electrically brightens the scene when it is dark.
90x/DIGITAL Enables zooming up to 90x.
AUTO Automatically brightens the scene when it is dark.
800x/DIGITAL Enables zooming up to 800x.
Memo: ● Although “AUTO” brightens the scene more than “AGC”, movements of
● You can expand the zoom area without degrading the image quality by the subject may become unnatural.
using dynamic zoom. ● Setting can be adjusted separately for still images.
● When digital zoom is used, the image becomes grainy as it is digitally
"GAIN UP(Still Image)" (A P.90)

Displaying the Item

Displaying the Item
1 Select video mode.
1 Select video mode.

2 Touch D to display the menu.


2 Touch D to display the menu.

3 Select “GAIN UP” and touch C.


3 Select “ZOOM” and touch C.

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Menu Settings


This function enables the changes of a scene that occur slowly over a Reduces the noise caused by wind.
long period to be shown within a short time by taking frames of it at a cer- Setting Details
tain interval.
This is useful for making observations such as the opening of a flower OFF Deactivates the function.
Operating Details ON Activates the function.
"Recording at Intervals (TIME-LAPSE RECORDING)" (A P.32)
Displaying the Item
1 Select video mode.
Records automatically by sensing the changes in brightness.
Operating Details
"Recording Automatically by Sensing Movements (AUTO REC)" (A


2 Touch D to display the menu.
Recording with aspect ratio 16:9 or 4:3 can be performed.
Setting Details

16:9 Sets the aspect ratio to 16:9.

4:3 Sets the aspect ratio to 4:3.

Displaying the Item

1 Select video mode. .

3 Select “WIND CUT” and touch C.

2 Touch D to display the menu.

3 Select “SELECT ASPECT RATIO” and touch C.

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Menu Settings

Recording Menu (Still Image)

You can adjust various settings, such as brightness and white balance, to suit the subject or purpose. You can also change settings such as picture
quality and gain.
Setting Details

MANUAL SETTING Recording settings can be adjusted manually.

● They are displayed only when recording in the manual mode.

"Manual Recording" (A P.24)

LIGHT Turns on/off the light.

"LIGHT" (A P.88)

SELF-TIMER Use this when taking a group photo.


SHUTTER MODE Continuous shooting settings can be adjusted.


IMAGE QUALITY Sets the image quality.


GAIN UP Makes the subject appear bright automatically when recording in dark places.
"GAIN UP" (A P.90)

AUTO REC Enables the unit to record still images automatically by sensing the changes in brightness within the red frame displayed
on the LCD monitor.
"Recording Automatically by Sensing Movements (AUTO REC)" (A P.34)

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Menu Settings

Turns on/off the light. It is convenient to use the 10-second self-timer when taking a group pho-
Setting Details to.
Using the 2-second self-timer also helps to prevent camera shake caused
OFF Does not light up. by pressing the SNAPSHOT button.
AUTO Lights up automatically when the surrounding is dark. Setting Details

ON Lights up at all times. OFF Deactivates the self-timer.

2SEC Starts recording 2 seconds after the SNAPSHOT button

is pressed.
Displaying the Item
10SEC Starts recording 10 seconds after the SNAPSHOT but-
1 Select still image mode. ton is pressed.
This setting is suitable for taking group photos.

Displaying the Item

1 Select still image mode.

2 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Touch D to display the menu.

3 Select “LIGHT” and touch C.

3 Select “SELF-TIMER” and touch C.

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Menu Settings


Continuous shooting settings can be adjusted. Sets the image quality.
Setting Details Setting Details

RECORD Records one still image. FINE Enables recording in high picture quality, but number of
ONE SHOT recordable images becomes lesser.

CONTINU- Records still images continuously while the SNAPSHOT STANDARD Enables recording in standard quality.
OUS button is pressed.
Displaying the Item
● Up to 3 images can be captured in 1 second during continuous shoot- 1 Select still image mode.
● Some SD cards may not support continuous shooting.
● The continuous shooting speed will drop if this function is used repeat-

Displaying the Item 2 Touch D to display the menu.

1 Select still image mode.

2 Touch D to display the menu.


3 Select “IMAGE QUALITY” and touch C.

3 Select “SHUTTER MODE” and touch C.


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Menu Settings

Makes the subject appear bright automatically when recording in dark
Setting Details

OFF Deactivates the function.

AGC Electrically brightens the scene when it is dark.

● Setting can be adjusted separately for videos.
"GAIN UP(Video)" (A P.85)

Displaying the Item

1 Select still image mode.

2 Touch D to display the menu.

3 Select “GAIN UP” and touch C.

Records automatically by sensing the changes in brightness.
Operating Details
"Recording Automatically by Sensing Movements (AUTO REC)" (A

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Menu Settings

Manual Settings Menu

Recording settings can be adjusted manually.
● They are displayed only when recording in the manual mode.

Setting Details

SCENE SELECT Settings to suit the shooting condition can be selected.

"Scene Selection" (A P.25)

FOCUS Focus can be adjusted manually.

"Adjusting Focus Manually" (A P.26)

BRIGHTNESS ADJUST Adjusts the overall brightness of the screen.

"Adjusting Brightness" (A P.27)

SHUTTER SPEED Shutter speed can be adjusted.

"Setting Shutter Speed" (A P.27)

WHITE BALANCE Adjusts the color according to the light source.

"Setting White Balance" (A P.28)

BACKLIGHT COMP. Corrects the image when the subject appears dark due to backlight.
"Setting Backlight Compensation" (A P.28)

METERING AREA/ TYPE Enables you to adjust the brightness in the desired area.
"Setting Metering Area" (A P.29)

EFFECT Records videos or still images with special effects such as sepia or black and white.
"Recording with Effects" (A P.29)

TELE MACRO Enables close-up shots when using the telephoto (T) end of the zoom.
"Taking Close-up Shots" (A P.30)


Settings to suit the shooting condition can be selected. Records videos or still images with special effects such as sepia or black
Operating Details and white.
"Scene Selection" (A P.25) Operating Details
"Recording with Effects" (A P.29)
Focus can be adjusted automatically or manually.
Operating Details Enables close-up shots when using the telephoto (T) end of the zoom.
"Adjusting Focus Manually" (A P.26) Operating Details
"Taking Close-up Shots" (A P.30)
Adjusts the overall brightness of the screen.
Operating Details
"Adjusting Brightness" (A P.27)

Shutter speed can be adjusted.
Operating Details
"Setting Shutter Speed" (A P.27)

Adjusts the color according to the light source.
Operating Details
"Setting White Balance" (A P.28)

Corrects the image when the subject appears dark due to backlight.
Operating Details
"Setting Backlight Compensation" (A P.28)

Enables you to adjust the brightness in the desired area.
Operating Details
"Setting Metering Area" (A P.29)

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Menu Settings

Playback Menu (Video)

You can delete or look for specific videos.
Setting Details

DELETE Deletes unwanted videos.

"Deleting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.45)
"Deleting Selected Files" (A P.46)
"Deleting All Files" (A P.47)

PICTURE TITLE Create a playlist simply by selecting a recording date and a title screen from the list.
"Creating a Playlist with Title" (A P.61)

SEARCH Refines the index screen of videos according to group, recording date, or event.
"Group Search" (A P.40)
"Date Search" (A P.40)
"Event and Date Search" (A P.41)

PLAYBACK PLAYLIST Play back the playlists that you have created.
"Playing Back Playlists" (A P.42)

EDIT PLAYLIST Creates or edits a playlist.

"Creating Playlists with Selected Files" (A P.55)
"Creating Playlists by Group" (A P.56)
"Creating Playlists by Date" (A P.57)
"Creating Playlists by Event" (A P.58)
"Editing Playlists" (A P.59)
"Deleting Playlists" (A P.60)
"Adding Title Screens to Playlists" (A P.61)

PLAYBACK MPG FILE Plays videos with defective management information.

"Playing a Video with Defective Management Information" (A P.38)

Copies files to another media.
"Copying All Files" (A P.62)
"Copying Selected Files" (A P.63)

Moves files to another media.

"Moving All Files" (A P.64)
"Moving Selected Files" (A P.65)

Protects files from being deleted accidently.

"Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.47)
"Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
"Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
"Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)

Select the required part of a video and save it as a new video file.
"Capturing a Required Part in the Video" (A P.52)

Changes the event that is registered.

"Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File" (A P.50)
"Changing the Event of the Selected Files" (A P.51)

ON-SCREEN DISPLAY Sets whether to show on-screen displays such as icons during playback.

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Menu Settings

Deletes unwanted videos. You can perform operations such as copying or protecting videos.
Operating Details Setting Details
"Deleting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.45)
"Deleting Selected Files" (A P.46) COPY Copies files to another media.
"Deleting All Files" (A P.47) "Copying All Files" (A P.62)
"Copying Selected Files" (A P.63)
PICTURE TITLE MOVE Moves files to another media.
Create a playlist simply by selecting a recording date and a title screen "Moving All Files" (A P.64)
from the list. "Moving Selected Files" (A P.65)
Operating Details PROTECT/ Protects files from being deleted accidently.
"Creating a Playlist with Title" (A P.61) CANCEL "Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A
SEARCH "Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
"Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
Refines the index screen of videos according to group, recording date, or
"Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)
Operating Details TRIMMING Select the required part of a video and save it as a
"Group Search" (A P.40) new video file.
"Date Search" (A P.40) "Capturing a Required Part in the Video" (A
"Event and Date Search" (A P.41) P.52)

CHANGE Changes the event that is registered.

PLAYBACK PLAYLIST EVENT REG. "Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File"
Play back the playlists that you have created. (A P.50)
Operating Details "Changing the Event of the Selected Files" (A
"Playing Back Playlists" (A P.42) P.51)


A list in which your favorite videos are arranged is called a playlist. Copies files to another media.
By creating a playlist, you can play back only your favorite videos in the Operating Details
order you like. "Copying All Files" (A P.62)
The original video file remains even when it is registered to a playlist. "Copying Selected Files" (A P.63)
Operating Details
"Creating Playlists with Selected Files" (A P.55)
"Creating Playlists by Group" (A P.56) MOVE
"Creating Playlists by Date" (A P.57) Moves files to another media.
"Creating Playlists by Event" (A P.58) Operating Details
"Editing Playlists" (A P.59) "Moving All Files" (A P.64)
"Deleting Playlists" (A P.60) "Moving Selected Files" (A P.65)
"Adding Title Screens to Playlists" (A P.61)

Protects files from being deleted accidently.
Plays videos with defective management information. Operating Details
Operating Details "Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.47)
"Playing a Video with Defective Management Information" (A P.38) "Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
"Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
"Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)

Select the required part of a video and save it as a new video file.
Operating Details
"Capturing a Required Part in the Video" (A P.52)


Changes the event that is registered.
Operating Details
"Changing the Event of the Currently Displayed File" (A P.50)
"Changing the Event of the Selected Files" (A P.51)

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Menu Settings

Sets whether to show on-screen displays such as icons during playback.
Setting Details

OFF No display at all.

DISPLAY ALL Displays everything.

DISPLAY DATE Displays the date only.


Displaying the Item

1 Select the playback mode.

2 Select video mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “ON-SCREEN DISPLAY” and touch C.

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Menu Settings

Playback Menu (Still Image)

You can delete or look for specific still images.
Setting Details

DELETE Deletes unwanted still images.

"Deleting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.45)
"Deleting Selected Files" (A P.46)
"Deleting All Files" (A P.47)

SEARCH DATE You can search and play videos or still images according to recording dates.
"Date Search" (A P.40)

Copies files to another media.
"Copying All Files" (A P.62)
"Copying Selected Files" (A P.63)

Moves files to another media.

"Moving All Files" (A P.64)
"Moving Selected Files" (A P.65)

Protects files from being deleted accidently.

"Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.47)
"Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
"Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
"Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)

SLIDE SHOW EFFECTS Effects can be added to the transitions in slideshow playback.

ON-SCREEN DISPLAY Sets whether to show on-screen displays such as icons during playback.

Deletes unwanted still images. Copies files to another media.
Operating Details Operating Details
"Deleting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.45) "Copying All Files" (A P.62)
"Deleting Selected Files" (A P.46) "Copying Selected Files" (A P.63)
"Deleting All Files" (A P.47)
SEARCH DATE Moves files to another media.
You can search and play videos or still images according to recording Operating Details
dates. "Moving All Files" (A P.64)
Operating Details "Moving Selected Files" (A P.65)
"Date Search" (A P.40)
EDIT Protects files from being deleted accidently.
You can perform operations such as copying or protecting still images. Operating Details
Setting Details "Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.47)
"Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
COPY Copies files to another media. "Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
"Copying All Files" (A P.62) "Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)
"Copying Selected Files" (A P.63)

MOVE Moves files to another media.

"Moving All Files" (A P.64)
"Moving Selected Files" (A P.65)

PROTECT/ Protects files from being deleted accidently.

CANCEL "Protecting the Currently Displayed File" (A P.47)
"Protecting Selected Files" (A P.48)
"Protecting All Files" (A P.49)
"Releasing Protection of All Files" (A P.49)

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Menu Settings


Effects can be added to the transitions in slideshow playback. Sets whether to show on-screen displays such as icons during playback.
Setting Details Setting Details

SLIDE Switches the screen by sliding in from right to left. OFF No display at all.

BLINDS Switches the screen by dividing into vertical strips. DISPLAY ALL Displays everything.

CHECKER- Switches the screen by changing through a check- DISPLAY Displays the date only.
BOARD ered pattern. DATE ONLY

RANDOM Switches the screen with a random effect from

“SLIDE”, “BLINDS”, and “CHECKERBOARD”. Displaying the Item
1 Select the playback mode.
Displaying the Item
1 Select the playback mode.

2 Select still image mode.


2 Select still image mode.

3 Touch D to display the menu.


3 Touch D to display the menu.

4 Select “ON-SCREEN DISPLAY” and touch C.


4 Select “SLIDE SHOW EFFECTS” and touch C.

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Menu Settings

Display Settings Menu

You can adjust various display settings such as the LCD monitor's brightness, etc.
Setting Details

DATE DISPLAY STYLE Sets the order of year, month, day and the time display format (24H/12H).

MONITOR BRIGHTNESS Sets the brightness of the LCD monitor.


LCD BACKLIGHT Sets the brightness of the backlight of the monitor.



The language on the display can be changed. Sets the order of year, month, day and the time display format (24H/12H).
1 Touch D to display the menu. 1 Touch D to display the menu.

. .

2 Select “DISPLAY SETTINGS” and touch C. 2 Select “DISPLAY SETTINGS” and touch C.

. .

3 Select “LANGUAGE” and touch C. 3 Select “DATE DISPLAY STYLE” and touch C.

. .

4 Select the desired language and touch C. 4 Set the style of date and time display.

● For date display, set to any format from “month.day.year”,

“year.month.day”, and “day.month.year”.
● For time display, set to any format from “12h” and “24h”.
● Touch the operation buttons "E" / "F" to move the cursor.
● After setting, touch C.

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Menu Settings


Sets the brightness of the LCD monitor. Sets the brightness of the backlight of the monitor.
1 Touch D to display the menu. Setting Details

BRIGHTER Brightens the backlight of the monitor regardless of the

surrounding conditions.

STANDARD Helps to save battery life when selected.

AUTO Sets the brightness automatically to “BRIGHTER” when

using outdoors and to “STANDARD” when using in-

Displaying the Item

2 Select “DISPLAY SETTINGS” and touch C.
1 Touch D to display the menu.

3 Select “MONITOR BRIGHTNESS” and touch C.


2 Select “DISPLAY SETTINGS” and touch C.

4 Adjust the brightness of the monitor.


3 Select “LCD BACKLIGHT” and touch C.

● Slide upward to increase the brightness. .

● Slide downward to decrease the brightness.

● After setting, touch C. CLOCK ADJUST
Resets the current time or sets to the local time when using this unit over-
Operating Details
"Clock Setting" (A P.14)
"Setting the Clock to Local Time when Traveling" (A P.18)
"Setting Daylight Saving Time" (A P.18)

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Menu Settings

Basic Settings Menu

You can adjust various camera settings such as operation sound, etc.
Setting Details

DEMO MODE Introduces the special features of this unit in digest form.
"DEMO MODE" (A P.100)

AUTO POWER OFF Prevents the situation of forgetting to turn off the power when this is set.

OPERATION SOUND Turns on or off the operation sound.


RECORD BUTTON Displays the REC button on the LCD monitor and enables it to be used as the START/STOP button.

QUICK RESTART Reduces the power consumption within 5 minutes after the LCD monitor is closed to 1/3 of that used during re-

DROP DETECTION Prevents damage to the HDD when this unit is dropped.

UPDATE Updates the functions of this unit to the latest version.

"UPDATE" (A P.103)

FACTORY PRESET Returns all the settings to their default values.


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Menu Settings


Starts playback of the demo mode which introduces the features of this Prevents the situation of forgetting to turn off the power when this is set.
unit. Setting Details
Setting Details
OFF Power is not turned off even if this unit is not operated
OFF Deactivates the function. for 5 minutes.

ON Plays a demonstration of the special features of this ON Turns off the power automatically if this unit is not oper-
unit. ated for 5 minutes.

Displaying Demo Mode ● When using battery, power is turned off automatically if this unit is not
operated for 5 minutes.
① Remove the battery pack and SD card.
● When using the AC adapter, this unit goes into standby mode.
② Connect the AC adapter.
③ Open the LCD monitor and turn on the power.
● Demonstration starts playing after 3 minutes. Displaying the Item
● To stop playback, touch C.
1 Touch D to display the menu.
● This mode is not available in the playback mode.

Displaying the Item

1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “BASIC SETTINGS” and touch C.

2 Select “BASIC SETTINGS” and touch C.

3 Select “AUTO POWER OFF” and touch C.

3 Select “DEMO MODE” and touch C.

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Menu Settings


Turns on or off the operation sound. Displays the "REC" button on the LCD monitor and enables it to be used
Setting Details as the START/STOP button.
Setting Details
OFF Turns off the operation sound.
OFF No display.
ON Turns on the operation sound.
ON Displays the REC button on the LCD monitor.

Displaying the Item

Displaying the Item
1 Touch D to display the menu.
1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “BASIC SETTINGS” and touch C.


2 Select “BASIC SETTINGS” and touch C.

3 Select “OPERATION SOUND” and touch C.


3 Select “RECORD BUTTON” and touch C.

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Menu Settings


Enables recording to be performed immediately when the LCD monitor is Prevents damage to the HDD when this unit is dropped.
opened. Setting Details
Setting Details
OFF Deactivates the function.
OFF Deactivates the function.
ON Stops recordings and playbacks when this unit is dropped
ON Enables the power to turn on quickly when the LCD monitor to prevent damage to the HDD.
is opened again within 5 minutes.
● The HDD may not be protected even when “ON” is selected.
Displaying the Item
1 Touch D to display the menu. Displaying the Item
1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “BASIC SETTINGS” and touch C. .

2 Select “BASIC SETTINGS” and touch C.

3 Select “QUICK RESTART” and touch C. .

3 Select “DROP DETECTION” and touch C.

● The power consumption within 5 minutes after the LCD monitor is

closed is reduced to 1/3 of that used during recording.

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Menu Settings

Updates the functions of this unit to the latest version.
For details, refer to the JVC homepage.
(When no program to update the software of this unit is available, nothing
will be provided on the homepage.)

Returns all the settings to their default values.
1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “BASIC SETTINGS” and touch C.

3 Select “FACTORY PRESET” and touch C.

4 Select “YES” and touch C.

● All settings return to their default values.

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Menu Settings

Connection Settings Menu

You can adjust various settings for connecting to a TV or DVD recorder.
Setting Details

DISPLAY ON TV Displays icons and date/time on a TV screen.


VIDEO OUTPUT Sets the aspect ratio (16:9 or 4:3) according to the connecting TV.


Displays icons and date/time on a TV screen. Sets the aspect ratio (16:9 or 4:3) according to the connecting TV.
Setting Details Setting Details

OFF Does not display icons and date/time on TV. 16:9 Select this when connecting to a widescreen TV (16:9).

ON Displays icons and date/time on TV. 4:3 Select this when connecting to a conventional TV (4:3).

Displaying the Item Displaying the Item

1 Touch D to display the menu. 1 Touch D to display the menu.

. .

2 Select “CONNECTION SETTINGS” and touch C. 2 Select “CONNECTION SETTINGS” and touch C.

. .

3 Select “DISPLAY ON TV” and touch C. 3 Select “VIDEO OUTPUT” and touch C.

. .

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Menu Settings

Media Settings Menu

You can perform various settings for the recording media.
Setting Details

REC MEDIA FOR VIDEO Sets the recording/playback media of videos.


REC MEDIA FOR IMAGE Sets the recording/playback media of still images.

FORMAT HDD Deletes all files on the HDD.

"FORMAT HDD" (A P.106)

FORMAT SD CARD Deletes all files on the SD card.


DELETE DATA ON HDD Execute this process when disposing of this unit or passing it to another person.


Sets the recording/playback media of videos. Sets the recording/playback media of still images.
Setting Details Setting Details

HDD Records videos to the camcorder's built-in HDD. HDD Records still images to the camcorder's built-in HDD.

SD Records videos to the microSD card. SD Records still images to the microSD card.

Displaying the Item Displaying the Item

1 Touch D to display the menu. 1 Touch D to display the menu.

. .

2 Select “MEDIA SETTINGS” and touch C. 2 Select “MEDIA SETTINGS” and touch C.

. .

3 Select “REC MEDIA FOR VIDEO”, and touch C. 3 Select “REC MEDIA FOR IMAGE” and touch C.

. .

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Menu Settings


Deletes all files on the HDD. Deletes all files on the microSD card.
Setting Details Setting Details

FILE Deletes all files on the HDD. FILE Deletes all files on the microSD card.

FILE + Deletes all files on the HDD and resets the folder and FILE + MANAGE- Deletes all files on the microSD card and resets
MANAGE- file numbers to "1". MENT NO the folder and file numbers to "1".
CAUTION: ● Not available for selection when no microSD card is inserted.
● All data on the HDD will be deleted when it is formatted. ● All data on the card will be deleted when it is formatted.
Copy all files on the HDD to a PC before formatting. Copy all files on the card to a PC before formatting.
● Make sure that the battery pack is fully charged or connect the AC ● Make sure that the battery pack is fully charged or connect the AC
adapter as the formatting process may take some time. adapter as the formatting process may take some time.

Displaying the Item Displaying the Item

1 Touch D to display the menu. 1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “MEDIA SETTINGS” and touch C. 2 Select “MEDIA SETTINGS” and touch C.

3 Select “FORMAT HDD” and touch C. 3 Select “FORMAT SD CARD” and touch C.

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Menu Settings


Execute this process when disposing of this unit or passing it to another
1 Touch D to display the menu.

2 Select “MEDIA SETTINGS” and touch C.

3 Select “DELETE DATA ON HDD” and touch C.

4 Select “YES” and touch C.

● After deleting the data, touch C.

● Connect the AC adapter as it may take some time to delete data.
● Repeat the process to make data restoration even more difficult.

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Names of Parts

Front Rear


1 Lens/Lens Cover 1 Zoom/Volume Lever

● Do not touch the lens and lens cover. ● During shooting: Adjusts the shooting range.
2 Light ● During playback (index screen): Changes the number of images to dis-
● Turn on the light when shooting in dark places.
● During video playback: Adjusts the volume.
"LIGHT" (A P.84)
2 SNAPSHOT (Still image recording) Button
3 Stereo Microphone
● Takes a still image.
● Do not cover the microphone with your fingers during video recording.
3 USB Terminal
● Connects to PC using a USB cable.
● Lights up: Power "ON"
● Blinks: Charging in progress 4 DC Terminal
● Goes out: Charging finished ● Connects to an AC adapter to charge the battery.

5 ACCESS Lamp 5 START/STOP (Video recording) Button

● Recording or playback is in progress when the lamp lights up or blinks. ● Starts/stops video recording.
Do not remove the battery pack, AC adapter, or SD card.
6 Lens Cover Switch
● Opens and closes the lens cover.
7 Grip Belt Release Lever
● Allows the grip belt to be removed and used as a hand strap.
8 Grip Belt
● Pass your hand through the grip belt to hold this unit firmly.
"Grip Adjustment" (A P.13)

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Names of Parts

Bottom Interior

1 Tripod Mounting Hole


1 Speaker
"Tripod Mounting" (A P.17)
● Outputs audio sound during video playback.
2 microSD Card Slot
2 L (Play) Button
● Insert an optional microSD card.
● Switches between the recording and playback modes.
"Inserting a microSD Card" (A P.13)
3 Battery Release Lever 3 A / B (Video/Still Image) Button
● Switches between video and still image.
"Charging the Battery Pack" (A P.12)
4 Battery Mount 4 UPLOAD/EXPORT (Upload/Export to iTunes) Button
● Recording: Takes videos in YouTube or iTunes format.
● Playback: Changes the video to YouTube or iTunes format.
5 M (Power/Info) Button
● Recording: Displays the remaining time (for video only) and battery
● Playback: Displays file information such as recording date.
● Press and hold to turn the power on/off while the LCD monitor is
6 AV Terminal
● Connects to a TV.

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Names of Parts

LCD Monitor

1 Slider
● Selects items or images from the menu or index screen.
"Using the Operation Buttons" (A P.16)
2 LCD Monitor
● Turns the power on/off by opening and closing.
● Enables self-portraits to be taken by rotating the monitor.

3 OK Button
● Confirms the selected item or image.
4 Operation Buttons
● Functions of the operation buttons may be displayed.
5 MENU Button
● Displays the settings menu.
● Do not press against the surface with force or subject it to strong im-
Doing so may damage or break the screen.

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Indications on the LCD monitor

Common Recording Indications Video Recording


1 Recording Mode 1 Video Mode

"Taking Videos in Auto Mode" (A P.19) "Interior" (A P.109)
"Manual Recording" (A P.24)
2 Time-Lapse Recording
2 Effect "Recording at Intervals (TIME-LAPSE RECORDING)" (A P.32)
"Recording with Effects" (A P.29)
3 Video Quality
3 Scene Select "VIDEO QUALITY" (A P.84)
"Scene Selection" (A P.25)
4 Scene Counter
4 Auto REC
5 Remaining Recording Time
"Recording Automatically by Sensing Movements (AUTO REC)" (A
P.34) 6 Recording in Progress
"Taking Videos in Auto Mode" (A P.20)
5 White Balance
"Setting White Balance" (A P.28) 7 Time-Lapse Recording Counter
"Recording at Intervals (TIME-LAPSE RECORDING)" (A P.32)
6 Light
"LIGHT" (A P.84) 8 Still Image Recording
"Capturing Still Images During Video Recording" (A P.21)
7 Zoom
"ZOOM" (A P.85) 9 Wind Cut
"WIND CUT" (A P.86)
8 Media
"REC MEDIA FOR VIDEO" (A P.105) 10 Event Recording
"REC MEDIA FOR IMAGE" (A P.105) "Registering Files to Events Before Recording" (A P.30)
9 Metering Area “SPOT” 11 DIS
"Setting Metering Area" (A P.29) "Reducing Camera Shake" (A P.22)
10 Monitor Backlight 12 EXPORT Recording
"LCD BACKLIGHT" (A P.98) "Taking Videos in iTunes Format" (A P.32)
11 Battery Indicator 13 UPLOAD Recording
"Remaining Recording Time/Battery Power" (A P.35) "Taking Videos in YouTube Format" (A P.31)
12 Date/Time
"Clock Setting" (A P.14)
14 Focus
"Adjusting Focus Manually" (A P.26)
15 Tele Macro
"Taking Close-up Shots" (A P.30)
16 Backlight Compensation
"Setting Backlight Compensation" (A P.28)
17 Brightness
"Adjusting Brightness" (A P.27)
18 Shutter Speed
"Setting Shutter Speed" (A P.27)

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Indications on the LCD monitor

Still Image Recording Video Playback

1 Video Mode
1 Still Image Mode "Interior" (A P.109)
"Interior" (A P.109) 2 Time-Lapse Recording
2 Focus "Recording at Intervals (TIME-LAPSE RECORDING)" (A P.32)
"Taking Still Images in Auto Mode" (A P.23) 3 Playlist Playback
3 Image Size "Playing Back Playlists" (A P.42)

4 Image Quality 4 Digest Playback

"IMAGE QUALITY" (A P.89) "Checking the Content of Videos Quickly" (A P.38)

5 Remaining Number of Shots 5 Video Quality

6 Recording in Progress "VIDEO QUALITY" (A P.84)

7 Continuous Shooting 6 Scene Counter

"SHUTTER MODE" (A P.89) 7 Operation Indicator
8 Self-Timer "Playing Back Videos" (A P.37)
"SELF-TIMER" (A P.88) 8 Media
9 Battery Indicator
"Remaining Recording Time/Battery Power" (A P.35)
10 Date/Time
"Clock Setting" (A P.14)
12 Speaker Volume Adjustment

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Indications on the LCD monitor

Still Image Playback

1 Still Image Mode

"Interior" (A P.109)
2 Folder Number
3 File Number
4 Operation Indicator
"Playing Back Still Images" (A P.39)
5 Media
6 Battery Indicator
"Remaining Recording Time/Battery Power" (A P.35)
7 Date/Time
"Clock Setting" (A P.14)

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Battery Pack Recording

Unable to turn on the power when using the battery pack. Recording cannot be performed.
Recharge the battery pack. Check the A/B switch.
"Charging the Battery Pack" (A P.12) "Interior" (A P.109)
If the terminal of this unit or the battery pack is dirty, wipe it with a cotton Set to the recording mode with the L (Play) Button.
swab or something similar. "Interior" (A P.109)
If you use any other battery packs besides JVC battery packs, safety and
performance can not be guaranteed. Be sure to use JVC battery packs.
Recording stops automatically.
Recording stops automatically as it cannot be performed for 12 or more
Short usage time even after charging. consecutive hours according to specifications. (It may take some time to
Battery deterioration occurs when a battery pack is charged repeatedly. resume recording.)
Replace the battery pack with a new one. Turn off the power, wait for a while, and start recording again. (This unit
"Optional Accessories" (A P.19) stops automatically to protect the circuit when the temperature rises.)

Unable to charge the battery pack. The continuous shooting speed of still images is slow.
When the battery pack is fully charged, the lamp does not flash. The continuous shooting speed will drop if this function is used repeated-
If the terminal of this unit or the battery pack is dirty, wipe it with a cotton ly.
swab or something similar. Continuous shooting speed may drop depending on the SD card or under
Using a non-original battery pack may result in damage to this unit. Be certain recording conditions.
sure to use an original battery pack.
The focus is not adjusted automatically.
The remaining battery display is not correct. If you are recording in a dark place or a subject that has no contrast be-
Remaining battery power is not displayed when the AC adapter is con- tween dark and light, adjust the focus manually.
nected. "Adjusting Focus Manually" (A P.26)
If this unit is used for long periods of time in high or low temperatures, or Wipe the lens with a lens cleaning cloth.
if the battery pack is repeatedly charged, the amount of remaining battery Cancel manual focus on the manual recording menu.
may not be displayed correctly. "Adjusting Focus Manually" (A P.26)

Digital zoom does not work.

Digital zoom is not available in the still image recording mode.
Zoom operation is not available in time-lapse shooting. (Simultaneous still
image recording and DIS are also not available.)
To use digital zoom, set“ZOOM”in the menu to“90x/DIGITAL” or “800x/
"ZOOM" (A P.85)

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Card Playback

Cannot insert the microSD card. Sound or video is interrupted.

Make sure not to insert the card in the wrong direction. Sometimes playback is interrupted at the connecting section between two
"Inserting a microSD Card" (A P.13) scenes. This is not a malfunction.

Unable to copy to microSD card. The same image is displayed for a long time.
To record to the card, it is necessary to perform media settings. Replace the microSD card. (When the microSD card is damaged, difficul-
"REC MEDIA FOR VIDEO" (A P.105) ty in reading the data occurs. This unit will try to play back as much as
To use cards that have been used on other devices, it is necessary to for- possible, but it will stop eventually if the condition persists.)
mat (initialize) the card using “FORMAT SD CARD” from media settings. Execute “FORMAT SD CARD” in the media settings menu. (All data will
"FORMAT SD CARD" (A P.106) be deleted.)

The motion is choppy.

Replace the microSD card. (When the microSD card is damaged, difficul-
ty in reading the data occurs. This unit will try to play back as much as
possible, but it will stop eventually if the condition persists.)
Execute “FORMAT SD CARD” in the media settings menu. (All data will
be deleted.)

Cannot find a recorded video.

Cancel group display and date search functions.
"Searching for a Specific Video/Still Image" (A P.40)
Change the setting in “REC MEDIA FOR VIDEO” or “REC MEDIA FOR
IMAGE”. (Files on other media are not displayed.)
Select “PLAYBACK MPG FILE” then search the video on the index
screen. (Video files that have damaged management information can be
played back.)
"Playing a Video with Defective Management Information" (A P.38)

No date/time display.
Set “ON-SCREEN DISPLAY” in the menu accordingly.
Set “DISPLAY ON TV” in the menu to “ON”.

Images are projected vertically on the TV.

Set “VIDEO OUTPUT” in the connection settings menu to “4:3”.
Adjust the TV's screen accordingly.

The image displayed on TV is too small.

Set “VIDEO OUTPUT” in the connection settings menu to “16:9”.

Unable to delete file.

Files that are protected cannot be deleted. Release protection before de-
leting the file.
"Protecting Files" (A P.47)

Unable to play back DVD with title.

The title will not be played back if you connect this unit to a DVD writer

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Editing/Copying PC

Unable to dub to a Blu-ray recorder. Unable to copy files to the PC's HDD.
Dubbing cannot be performed by connecting this camcorder to a Blu-ray Connect the USB cable correctly.
recorder with a USB cable. Connect and dub using the supplied AV ca- "Backing Up All Files" (A P.76)
ble. If the provided software "Everio MediaBrowser" is not installed, some
"Dubbing Files to a DVD Recorder or VCR" (A P.73) functions may not work properly.
"Installing the Provided Software" (A P.75)
Before making backup, make sure that enough free space is left in the
Unable to create DVD with a DVD writer.
PC's hard disk (HDD).
The USB cable is not connected correctly. Still images cannot be recorded to disk using the provided software.
"Preparing a DVD Writer (CU-VD50U)" (A P.66)
Unable to copy files to DVD with a PC.
Unable to copy still images with a DVD writer.
To record to discs, a recordable DVD drive is required for the PC in use.
Still images cannot be copied using a DVD writer. Copy them to a PC.
Cannot upload the file to YouTube.
CREATE DVD menu does not disappear.
Check if you have created an account with YouTube. (You need a You-
While the USB cable is connected, the “CREATE DVD” menu is dis- Tube account to upload files to YouTube.)
played. Upload recording can only be performed for up to 10 minutes, the time
"Preparing a DVD Writer (CU-VD50U)" (A P.66) limit of YouTube.
Changing videos to the file format for uploading cannot be performed on
this unit.
Unable to turn off the CREATE DVD menu.
Refer to "Q&A", "Latest Information", "Download Information", etc. in
Turn off the power of this unit and the DVD writer, or remove the AC "Click for Latest Product Info" in the help file of the provided Everio Me-
adapter. diaBrowser software.

Cannot export the file to iTunes.

Refer to "Q&A", "Latest Information", "Download Information", etc. in
"Click for Latest Product Info" in the help file of the provided Everio Me-
diaBrowser software.

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Screen/Image Other Problems

The LCD monitor is difficult to see. The slider and operation buttons do not work.
The LCD monitor may be difficult to see if used in bright areas such as Touch the slider and buttons around the screen with your fingers.
under direct sunlight. The slider and buttons do not function if you touch them with your finger-
nails or with gloves on.
The displays on the screen do not work even if you touch them.
A band or a ball of bright light appears on the LCD monitor.
Change the direction of this unit to prevent the light source from coming
into view. (A band or a ball of bright light may appear when there is a
The unit operates slowly when switching between video
bright light source near this unit, but this is not a malfunction.)
mode and still image mode, or when switching the power on
or off.
It is recommended that you copy all videos and still images onto your
The recorded subject is too dark.
computer, and erase the files from this unit. (If there are many recorded
Use backlight compensation when the background is bright and the sub- files on this unit, it takes time for the unit to respond.)
ject is dark.
"Setting Backlight Compensation" (A P.28)
Use “LIGHT” in the menu.
The image is grainy.
"LIGHT" (A P.84) When digital zoom is used, the image becomes grainy as it is digitally en-
Use “NIGHT EYE” in SCENE SELECT. larged.
"Scene Selection" (A P.25)
Use “GAIN UP” in the menu.
The unit heats up.
"GAIN UP" (A P.85)
Set “BRIGHTNESS ADJUST” in the manual settings menu to the "+" This is not a malfunction. (This unit may become warm when used for a
side. long time.)
"Adjusting Brightness" (A P.27)
Make a backup of important recorded data
The recorded subject is too bright. It is recommended to copy your important recorded data to a DVD or oth-
Set the backlight compensation to “OFF” if it is being used. er recording media for storage. JVC will not be responsible for any lost
"Setting Backlight Compensation" (A P.28) data.
Set “BRIGHTNESS ADJUST” in the manual settings menu to the "-" side.
"Adjusting Brightness" (A P.27)

The color looks strange. (Too bluish, too reddish, etc.)

Wait for a while until natural colors are achieved. (It may take some time
for white balance to be adjusted.)
Set “WHITE BALANCE” in the manual settings menu to “MANUAL”. Se-
lect from “FINE”/“CLOUD”/“HALOGEN” according to the light source. Se-
lect “MWB” and adjust accordingly.
"Setting White Balance" (A P.28)

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Use files recorded with this unit. (Files recorded with other devices may
CHECK LENS COVER not be playable.)

Open the lens cover.

SET DATE/TIME! Switch off the “PROTECT/CANCEL” function in the “EDIT” menu.
"Protecting Files" (A P.47)
Connect the AC adapter, charge the battery for more than 24 hours and
set the clock. (If the message still appears, the clock battery is exhaus-
ted. Consult your nearest JVC dealer.) POWER IS OFF, OR USB DEVICE IS UNSUPPORTED
"Clock Setting" (A P.14) Turn on the power of the connected USB device.
Connect the AC adapter to the DVD writer.
Turn off this unit and the devices connected to it, and turn them on again. Delete files, or move files to a PC or other devices.
Reattach the battery pack. Replace the microSD card with a new one.


Check the operating procedure, and perform once again. BEEN REACHED
"FORMAT HDD" (A P.106) (1) Move the files or folders to a PC or other device. (Back up your files.)
Turn off this unit, and turn it on again. (2) Select “FILE + MANAGEMENT NO” in “FORMAT HDD” or “FORMAT
SD CARD” of the media settings menu. (All data on the HDD or microSD
DATA DELETION ERROR card will be deleted.)

Check the operating procedure, and perform once again.

Turn off the camcorder, and turn it on again. (1) Move the files or folders to a PC or other device. (Back up your files.)
HDD ERROR ! SD CARD” of the media settings menu. (All data on the HDD or microSD
card will be deleted.)
Turn off this unit, and turn it on again.
If the above does not solve the problem, back up your files and execute
“FORMAT HDD” in the media settings menu. (All data will be deleted.) FILE QUANTITY LIMIT EXCEEDED
"FORMAT HDD" (A P.106) (1) Move the files or folders to a PC or other device. (Back up your files.)
MEMORY CARD ERROR! SD CARD” of the media settings menu. (All data on the HDD or microSD
card will be deleted.)
Turn off this unit, and turn it on again.
Remove and re-insert the microSD card after detaching the AC adapter
Remove any dirt from the microSD card terminals. Reduce the number of the playlist to 99 files or less. (Up to 99 playlists
If the above does not solve the problem, back up your files and execute can be created.)
“FORMAT SD CARD” in the media settings menu. (All data will be de-
Open the tray of the DVD writer, check and reset the DVD, then close the
Replace the disc in the DVD writer.
Select “OK”, then select “YES” on the "DO YOU WANT TO FORMAT?"
Leave this unit turned on for a while.
Turn off this unit, and turn it on again. If the warning still does not disappear, turn off the power and move the
unit to a warm place while taking care to avoid a sudden temperature
CANNOT TAKE MORE STILL IMAGES AT THE MOMENT change. Turn on the power again after a while.

Stop video recording before taking still images. (If the microSD card is re-
moved and inserted during video recording, still images cannot be recor- NO FILES
ded.) Change the setting in “REC MEDIA FOR VIDEO” or “REC MEDIA FOR
Set “VIDEO QUALITY” in the menu to a setting other than “ECONOMY”. IMAGE”, and check that files are not recorded to the other media.
(Simultaneous still image recording cannot be performed when set to "REC MEDIA FOR VIDEO" (A P.105)
Set the event.
"Changing Event Registration of Videos" (A P.50)
Select “OK” to restore. (Videos that cannot be restored will not be dis-
played on the index screen, but you may be able to play them back using NO REGISTERED SCENES IN PLAYLIST SOME SCENES
"Playing a Video with Defective Management Information" (A P.38) Delete the playlist, and then create a new one.
"Creating Playlists from the Recorded Videos" (A P.55)

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Perform regular maintenance of this unit to enable it to be used for a long time.
● Be sure to detach the battery pack, AC adapter, and power plug before performing any maintenance.

● Wipe this unit with a dry, soft cloth to remove any dirt.
● When it is extremely dirty, soak the cloth in a solution of neutral detergent, wipe the body with it, and then use a clean cloth to remove the detergent.
● Do not use benzene or thinner. Doing so may cause damage to the unit.
● When using a chemical cloth or cleaner, be sure to observe the warning labels and instructions of the product.
● Do not leave the device in contact with rubber or plastic products for a long time.

Lens/LCD Monitor
● Use a lens blower (commercially available) to remove any dust, and a cleaning cloth (commercially available) to wipe off any dirt.
Mold may form if the lens is left dirty.

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Camera Still Image

Item Details Item Details

Power supply Using AC adapter: DC 5.2 V Format JPEG standard

Using battery pack: DC 3.6 V
Extension .JPG
Power con- 1.8 W (when “LIGHT” is set to “OFF” and “LCD
sumption BACKLIGHT” is set to “STANDARD”), Rated Current Image size 832 × 624 / 640 × 480
Consumption: 1.8 A Quality FINE / STANDARD
Dimensions 53 x 63 x 110 (2-1/8" x 2-1/2" x 4-3/8") (W x H x D:
(mm) excluding grip belt)
AC Adapter (AP-V30U)
Mass Approx. 250 g (0.56 lbs) (camera only),
Approx. 280 g (0.62 lbs) (including supplied battery Item Details
Power supply AC 110 V to 240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Operating envi- Allowable operating temperature: 0°C to 40°C (32°F
OUTPUT DC 5.2 V, 1.8 A
ronment to 104°F)
Allowable storage temperature: -20°C to 50°C (–4°F Allowable oper- 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F)
to 122°F) ating tempera- (10°C to 35°C (50°F to 95°F) during charging)
Allowable operating humidity: 35 % to 80 % ture
Image pickup 1/6" 800.000 pixels Dimensions 78 x 34 x 46 (3-1/8" x 1-3/8" x 1-13/16") (W x H x D:
device (mm) excluding cord and AC plug)
Recording area 410.000 pixels (optical zoom) Mass Approx. 107 g (0.24 lbs)
(Video) 410.000 to 550.000 pixels (dynamic zoom)

Recording area
(Still Image)
550.000 pixels Battery Pack (BN-VG107U)
Lens F1.8 to F4.3, f= 2.2 mm to 85.8 mm Item Details
(35 mm conversion: 41.5 mm to 1,619 mm) Power voltage 3.6 V
Lowest illumi- 3 lux (Shutter speed: AUTO + AGC) Capacity 700 mAh
nation 1 lux (NIGHT EYE mode)
Dimensions 31 x 21.5 x 43 (1-1/4" x 7/8" x 1-3/4") (W x H x D)
Zoom (during Optical zoom: Up to 39x (mm)
video record- Dynamic zoom: Up to 45x
ing) Digital zoom: Up to 800x Mass Approx. 26 g (0.06 lbs)
Zoom (during Optical zoom: Up to 39x
still image re-

LCD monitor 2.7" wide, 12.3 megapixels, polysilicon color LCD

Recording me- Internal HDD (80 GB),

dia microSD/microSDHC card (commercially available)

Clock battery Rechargeable battery

Item Details

Recording/ SD-VIDEO standard, Video: MPEG-2, Audio: Dolby

Playback for- Digital(2ch)

Extension .MOD

Signal system NTSC standard

Image quality/ ULTRA FINE :

Sound quality 720 pixels x 480 pixels, 8.5 Mbps VBR (Video),
48 kHz, 384 kbps (Audio)
720 pixels x 480 pixels, 5.5 Mbps VBR (Video),
48 kHz, 384 kbps (Audio)
720 pixels x 480 pixels, 4.2 Mbps VBR (Video),
48 kHz, 256 kbps (Audio)
352 pixels x 240 pixels, 1.5 Mbps VBR (Video),
48 kHz, 128 kbps (Audio)

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Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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