Tle10 Afa Agri-Crop q2 Mod1 Handlingmaterialsandequipment v5

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Agri-Fishery Arts
Agricultural Crop Production
Quarter 2 - Module 1:
Handling Materials and Equipment

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Technology and Livelihood Education Grade 10
Agri-Fishery Arts - Agricultural Crop Production
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 1: Handling Materials and Equipment
First Edition, 2020
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Published by the Department of Education - Division of Bukidnon

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Matt A. Longjas and Junric S. Balaba
Editors: Helen N. Ybañez, Albert A. Vildosola
Roselle A. Ferber, Ligaya S. Gonzales, PhD
Reviewer: Mary Jane R. Cardente, PhD
Illustrator and Layout Artist: Matt A. Longjas
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Chairperson: Arturo B. Bayocot, PhD, CESO III
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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Agri-Fishery Arts
Agricultural Crop Production
Quarter 2 - Module 1:
Handling Materials and Equipment

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


Cover Page
Copyright Page
Title Page

Lesson 1. Storing / Disposing of Waste Materials and Debris in a 1

Designated Area According to Workplace Procedure /
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Procedure
Overview 1
Objectives 1
Pre-Assessment 1
Prior Knowledge 2
Presentation 3
Concept Development 3
Activities 7
Assessment 7
Application 8
Generalization / Synthesis 8
Post-Assessment 9

Lesson 2. Handling and Transporting Materials, Equipment 10

and Machinery According to Enterprise Guidelines
Overview 10
Objectives 10
Pre-Assessment 10
Prior Knowledge 12
Presentation 12
Concept Development 12
Activities 19
Assessment 19
Application 20
Generalization / Synthesis 20
Post-Assessment 21

Lesson 3. Maintaining a Clean and Safe Work Site while 22

Undertaking Irrigation Activities in Accordance
with OHS Procedures
Overview 22
Objectives 22
Pre-Assessment 22
Prior Knowledge 23
Presentation 23
Concept Development 23
Activities 27
Assessment 27
Application 28
Generalization / Synthesis 28
Post-Assessment 28
Answer Key 30
References 31
Storing/Disposing of Waste
Materials and Debris in a
Designated Area According
1 to Workplace Procedure/
Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS) Procedure

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
familiarize with the lesson on storing / disposing of waste materials and debris in a
designated area according to workplace procedure / occupational health and safety
(ohs) procedure when working in the farm.
The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary levels of students.
Activities are lined up to help you acquire the necessary skills leading to mastery of
the competency.


At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Store / Dispose waste materials and debris in a designated area according

to workplace procedure / occupational health and safety (OHS) procedure.


To check your prior knowledge, answer the matching type below.

Matching Type

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Match column A with
column B based on the description. Write your answers on
another sheet of paper.

No. Column A Column B
1. Store acids and bases in separate A. Personal Hygiene
2. It should be maintained in good B. Storage of Acids /
condition and washed or cleaned at Chemicals
least once a week.
3. It should completely cover the eyes C. Spillage
at all times.
4. Locker accommodation shall be D. Working Clothing
provided for every person required to
wear respirators and coveralls.
5. It shall be used for removal of E. Ventilation and Exhaust
asbestos-based materials which are Equipment
not covered or coated by other
6. To provide a continuous inflow of F. Control by General
fresh air to keep the concentration of Ventilation
contaminants within safe limits.
7. Spillage of irritating or toxic G. Rubber Gloves
substances shall be removed as
quickly as possible by the best
technical and scientific means
8. It shall be inspected and tested H. Marking of Containers
periodically for safe and efficient
operational performance.
9. All containers with hazardous I. Spray Method
substances shall be properly labeled.
10. This prevents acid from running J. Safety Glasses /
down your arm. Also, it inflates with Goggles
nitrogen and submerges in water to
check for pinhole leaks before using.

Prior Knowledge

In the previous module, you have learned the lesson on supporting crop work-
rice production. Varied concepts were discussed to let you acquire the skills and
prepare you for the new lesson.

The new lesson for you to learn is storing / disposing of waste materials and
debris in a designated area according to workplace procedure / occupational health
and safety (OHS) procedure.

Concept Development

Excess materials and chemicals in the field shall be stored for future use.
Other waste materials such as hazardous chemicals and unusable excess shall be
disposed strictly. Materials shall be kept, stored and properly placed so that these
cannot endanger the public, workers, or adjoining property. These shall be stacked
in a well-drained, flat, and unyielding surface. Material stacks shall not give any
undue stress on walls or other structures.


Stored materials shall be separately kept under the following classifications

with appropriate care and necessary precautions to hazardous materials:

Hazardous Materials

Materials under this category are the following:

a. those posing health hazards through breathing, such as asbestos, glass

fiber, etc. or injurious and / or intoxicating fluids of various kinds
b. materials corrosive to living bodies
c. materials likely to explode under heat or pressure

These should be stored in a manner specific to its properties, to prevent

hazards of all kinds.


1. Asbestos-Based Materials

Special precautions as specified by the following sub-sections shall be taken

while handling asbestos-containing materials to minimize the risk of inhaling
asbestos. Handling shall be limited to few workers as possible.

a. Handling of Asbestos-Based Materials

When cutting, sawing or machining takes place in a confined place,

efficient local dust extraction of equipment shall be installed. Alternatively, a
wet method of machining by water through dust type suppressed powered
tools shall be used.

b. Removal and Disposal of Asbestos-Based Materials

Spray method shall be used for the removal of asbestos-based

materials which are not covered or coated by other materials. For removing
thick asbestos-based materials, a soaking method with total saturation shall
be used. The dry method shall only be used where the spray or soaking
method cannot be used.

c. Protective Clothing and Equipment

Workmen engaged in works using asbestos-based materials shall wear

full body coveralls with pockets and close-fitted cuffs and necks together with
a headcover. Protective clothing shall also be worn by all persons in an area
in which asbestos dust is liable to escape.

d. Personal Hygiene

Changing room and shower facilities shall be provided for the exclusive
use of persons working in an asbestos working area. Locker accommodation
shall be provided for every person required to wear respirators and coveralls.


2. Acids and Other Corrosive Materials

When working with acids, bases, or other chemicals, one shall wear the
proper clothing. The following are the five clothing items that shall be used while
working with chemicals:

a. Safety glasses / goggles: These should completely cover your eyes at all
b. Safety face shield: It should be worn over the top of any safety glasses or
c. Rubber gloves: These should be worn with a two-inch cuff. These prevent
acid from running down your arm. Before using, inflate with nitrogen and
submerge in water to check for pinhole leaks.
d. Hard leather or other non-porous shoes.


3. Storage of Acids / Chemicals

Proper storage of acids/ chemicals will ensure everyone’s safety. Therefore,

when storing acids / chemicals the following care shall be taken:

a. Store acids and bases in separate cabinets.

b. Keep acids and solvents in different cabinets.
c. Label shelves for quick chemical identification.
d. Make sure that incompatibles are not stored on the same shelf.
e. Keep the same shaped bottles on the same shelf to conserve


4. Control of Processes

a. Hazardous processes shall be carried on in separate rooms or building with

a minimum number of workers equipped with suitable protective equipment
and trained thoroughly in safety practices for daily operations and

b. The process or operation shall be carried out in an air-tight enclosure to

prevent personal contact with harmful substances and the escape of specks
of dust, fibers, fumes, gases, mists, or vapors into the air or room in which
persons work.

c. Where airtight enclosures or apparatus cannot be used, harmful specks of

dust, fibers, fumes, gases, mists, or vapors shall be removed at or near their
points of origin using fume chambers or suction hoods properly connected to
an efficient exhaust system.

d. Control by general ventilation to provide a continual inflow of fresh air to

keep the concentration of contaminants within safe limits.


5. Marking of Containers

All containers with hazardous substances shall be properly labeled. No

employer within the scope of this rule shall accept any container of hazardous
substances for use, handling, or storage unless such containers are labeled.

The following are the information included in the label of the container of
hazardous substances:

a. symbol of the relevant category of the hazard of the substance contained;

categories of hazards shall be explosive, flammable, oxidizing, toxic,
corrosive, and radioactive
b. A trading name may be used in addition to the chemical name of the
c. a description of the principal risk or risks
d. If necessary, a statement of the first-aid or other simple measures should
be taken in case of injury or emergency.

6. Ventilation and Exhaust Equipment

Ventilation and exhaust equipment shall be inspected and tested periodically

for safe and efficient operational performance.

7. Cleaning

Where toxic and irritating substances are being handled, manufactured, or

used, the floors, walls, structural surfaces, work benches, tables, and equipment
shall be thoroughly cleaned daily through vacuum cleaning, wet brushing, or
sweeping outside working hours.

8. Working Clothing

All personnel exposed to irritating or toxic substances shall be provided with

appropriate protective clothing including head covering, which shall:

a. be removed before eating or leaving the premises and kept in places

provided for the purpose
b. not be taken out of the factory by the users for any purpose
c. be maintained in good condition and washed or cleaned at least once a

9. Spillage

Spillage of irritating or toxic substances shall be removed as quickly as

possible by the best technical and scientific means available.

10. Meals

The introduction, preparation, and consumption of food, drink, and tobacco

in the work room shall be prohibited.

All workers exposed to irritating or toxic substances shall be required to

report promptly any physical complaints.


Scrambled Words

Directions: Arrange the scrambled words by writing the correct words.

Write the answers on another sheet of paper.

No. Scrambled Words Correct Words


Modified True or False

Directions: Analyze the statements below. Write True if the underlined

words are correct based on the descriptions or definitions. If not,
write the correct words to make each statement true. Write your
answers on another sheet of paper.

1. Keep acids and solvents in the same cabinets.

2. Materials shall be stored and placed so as not to endanger the public,
workers, or adjoining property.
3. The introduction, preparation, and consumption of food, drinks, and
tobacco in the work room are permitted.
4. Rubber gloves are worn over the top of any safety glasses or goggles.
5. Workmen engaged in work using asbestos-based materials shall wear full
body coveralls with pockets, and close-fitted cuffs and necks together with
a headcover.
6. Proper storage of acids / chemicals will ensure everyone’s safety.
7. Label shelves for quick chemical identification.
8. The dry method shall only be used when the spray or soaking method
cannot be used.
9. Make sure that incompatibles are not stored in the same shelf.
10. Waste materials such as hazardous chemicals and unusable excess
shall be disposed strictly.

Directions: In your house, look for hazardous materials. List the materials and
classify them. Use another sheet of paper, ballpen and ruler in doing
the activity. Write your output on a sheet of paper and submit to your
teacher on the scheduled date of submission.

Hazardous Materials

Generalization / Synthesis

In this lesson, I learned that _______________________________________


Matching Type

Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Match column A with
column B based on the description. Write your answers on another
sheet of paper.

No. Column A Column B

1. Store acids and bases in separate cabinets. A. Personal Hygiene

2. It should be maintained in good condition B. Storage of Acids /

and washed or cleaned at least once a Chemicals
3. It should completely cover the eyes at all C. Spillage
4. Locker accommodation shall be provided for D. Working Clothing
every person required to wear respirators
and coveralls.
5. It shall be used for removal of asbestos- E. Ventilation and Exhaust
based materials which are not covered or Equipment
coated by other materials.
6. To provide a continuous inflow of fresh air to F. Control by General
keep the concentration of contaminants Ventilation
within safe limits.
7. Spillage of irritating or toxic substances shall G. Rubber Gloves
be removed as quickly as possible by the
best technical and scientific means
8. It shall be inspected and tested periodically H. Marking of Containers
for safe and efficient operational
9. All containers with hazardous substances I. Spray Method
shall be properly labeled.
10. This prevents acid from running down your J. Safety Glasses /
arm. Also, it inflates with nitrogen and Goggles
submerges in water to check for pinhole
leaks before using.

Handling and Transporting
Materials, Equipment and
2 Machinery According to
Enterprise Guidelines
This lesson was designed to help you learn the concepts on handling and
transporting materials, equipment and machinery according to enterprise guidelines.
Varied activities are indicated to help you develop the skills for mastery of the
competency. Further, the different information and activities will make you become
expert in your chosen field as agricultural crop producer or technician later on.


At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Handle and transport materials, equipment and machinery according to

enterprise guidelines.


Matching Type

Directions: Read and analyze each statement before answering. Match

column A with column B based on the description. Write your
answers on another sheet of paper.

No. Column A Column B

1. This is specially built to collect garbage A. All-Terrain Vehicles
and haul to a landfill or to a solid waste
incineration facility.
2. It is one of the most important and widely B. Crane
used equipment in material handling. The
lift truck is a powered industrial vehicle
used to lift and transport materials for
short distances.

3. These are like the heavy dump trucks and C. Forklift Truck
concrete pump trucks which are capable
of transporting huge weights of cargo.
4. This is an equipment that uses a series of D. Hoist
simple machines to both raise and lower
objects, and they also move horizontally.
5. For the vertical lifting of freely suspended, E. Platform Trucks
heavy, bulky loads, this equipment works
in conjunction with overhead cranes and
work station cranes.
6. These equipment may be used when F. Heavy-Duty Trucks
sometimes the ground is not even; the
materials being transported may have
awkward shapes or are very large,
making it difficult to be transported by
7. These have the ability to quickly and G. Garbage or Trash
easily transport supplies across the farms; Trucks
can carry hundreds of pounds of supplies;
and simplify all sorts of transportation
tasks, saving you from firing up the tractor
to simply movement of few small bales of
8. Also known as the hand chain hoists, it is H. Chain Block
a mechanism used to lift and lower heavy
loads using a chain.
9. This refers to any piece of equipment I. Plowing Fields
used to attach a free or contained load to
a crane hook, hoist a load by hand, or put
a load, restraining the ropes under
10. This is the function of the ATV or UTV by J. Lifting Accessory
turning it into a miniature tractor through
adding a chisel plow or disc plow, which is
attached to the rear of the machine. It
starts cultivating the fields to prepare for
planting crops or garden.

Prior Knowledge
In lesson 1, you have studied the storing / disposing of waste materials
and debris in a designated area according to workplace procedure /
occupational health and safety (OHS) procedure. What you have learned from
the previous topic can be your basis in knowing the new informations that are
discussed in the succeeding pages.

The next lesson that you are going to tackle is about handling and
transporting materials, equipment and machinery according to enterprise guidelines.

Concept Development

Handling materials are significant in working in the field. You cannot work
efficiently if you do not know how to handle and manipulate tools. Following the
instructions indicated in the manufacturer’s manual are highly needed. Accidents and
hazards always occur. It can be lessened by knowing the materials and how they are
handled or used. All materials have requirements in using and handling. Hence, the
requirements should be followed systematically to reduce the percentage of failure,
delay, cost, and accident in the field.

Requirements in Handling Materials in the Field

Requirements for handling or using lifting accessories are chain, rope or wire,
and others.

Any piece of equipment used to attach a free or contained load to a crane

hook, hoist a load by hand, or put a load, restraining the ropes under tension is
classed as a lifting accessory. All lifting accessories must be:

a. Stored in a suitable, secure location undercover and dedicated for the

purpose. The location must be under the direct control of the CAP.
b. Color coded following the HSE Standard and Color Codes. Incorrectly color-
coded lifting accessories must be stored in a separate marked area.
c. Checked before they are used to confirm they are correct ratings for the
work to be done.
d. Visually examined for defects and damage before use. Equipment in
unacceptable condition must be tagged and set aside for repair or disposal
in the same place as incorrectly color-coded accessories.
e. Used only within their certified safe working load ratings.
f. Removed from service for inspection, testing, and re-certification if they are
suspected to have been subjected to loads over their rated capacities
including the effect of shock loading by snatch lifting.


Transportation of goods and materials in the field is one of the major tasks.
Buying materials from the suppliers and distributing them to the area cannot be done
manually. Delivery of products from place to place needs machines and equipment.
These machines are made and invented as tools to make work easy and realistic.

Machines / Equipment Used to Transport Materials

1. ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle)


Uses of ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle)

a. Transporting Supplies

Perhaps the biggest advantage offered by ATVs and UTVs is their

ability to quickly and easily transport supplies across the farms. A large UTV
can carry hundreds of pounds of supplies. So, whether you are towing a small
trailer of hay or carrying feedbags on the rack or in the bed, an ATV or UTV
simplifies all sorts of transportation tasks, saving you from firing up the tractor
to simply movement of few small bales of hay.

b. Plowing Fields

If you want to turn your ATV or UTV into a miniature tractor, add a
chisel plow or disc plow attached to the rear of the machine. It starts
cultivating the fields to prepare for planting crops or garden.
c. Raking

Just like the ATV and UTV that can be used to plow, a rake attachment
allows these machines to clean up all sorts of debris. Depending on the
number of tines and spacing, which are adjustable on some attachments, you
can use your ATV or UTV to rake leaves, pine needles, brush, tree debris,
and others.

d. Harrowing Fields

Take the next step toward preparing the fields for crops with a harrow
attachment. Depending on your goal, you can get a disc harrow, drag harrow,
or even both for your ATV or UTV, allowing the machine to accomplish
whatever you need.

e. Plowing Snow

If you live in an area that has winter snowfall, the ATV or UTV can help
keep the driveway clear. With a plow attachment and right accessories, such
as tire chains, wheel weights, and sandbags, an ATV or UTV can be
surprisingly effective in plowing the snow. It is said that these machines are
best when the snow is light and fluffy rather than wet and heavy.


f. Mowing Grass

Move over, riding mower can be done through the ATVs and UTVs.
The ATVs and UTVs can be utilized in the lawn care market. With the addition
of a mower deck attachment or a pull-behind mower plus a switch to lawn-
friendly tires, the ATVs and UTVs can be made as serviceable lawnmowers.

g. Spreading Seeds

With a spreader attachment mounted on the rear of the ATV or UTV,

you can make quick work of distributing seeds, such as grass seeds across
the fields. In addition to seeds, spreaders can handle other materials as well,
such as fertilizer or sand.

h. Carrying Firewood

If you harvest firewood from the farm and it is difficult (or impossible) to
get any sort of large tractor or trailer through dense woods, the ATVs or UTVs
can do. However, the small size of ATVs and UTVs lets you venture where
large machines can never make in simplifying the process of hauling fire
woods out of the forest.


2. Forklift Truck


One of the most important and widely used equipment in material handling
is the forklift truck. The lift truck is a powered industrial vehicle used to lift and
transport materials for short distances. Known also as a forklift truck, fork truck, or
forklift, it was developed in the early 20th century.

Lift trucks use either gasoline-powered engines, diesel engines, or electric

motors with the power supplied by a rechargeable industrial battery. A typical lift
truck uses two power-operated horizontal prongs (forks) that can be raised and
lowered for loading, transporting, and unloading goods particularly goods stacked
on wooden pallets.


A forklift is a small industrial vehicle, having a power operated forked

platform attached at the front that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a
cargo to lift or move it. Forklifts serve the needs of various industries including
warehouses and other large storage facilities. Forklifts are powered by electric
battery or combustion engines. Some forklifts allow the operators to sit while driving
and operating the machine. Others require the operator to stand. It is being
extensively used throughout the industry for transporting materials and goods.

3. Chain Block


Also known as the hand chain hoists, it is a mechanism used to lift and
lower heavy loads using a chain. Chain blocks contain two wheels in which the
chain is wound around. When the chain is pulled, it winds around the wheels and
begins to lift the item that is attached to the rope or chain via a hook. Chain blocks
can also be attached to lifting slings or chain bags to lift the load more evenly.


4. Hoist


For the vertical lifting of freely suspended, heavy, bulky loads, hoisting
equipment (or hoist) works in conjunction with overhead cranes and workstation
cranes. The lifting capacities depend on their construction. Their travel is directed
by an operator, either manually or with a wired pendant station or wireless controls.
Typical applications include helping operators in manufacturing, warehousing, and
construction to lift loads in support to production or storage activities, loading, and
unloading, or one process to the next.


5. Crane


The crane is an equipment that uses a series of simple machines to both

raise and lower objects. They also move horizontally. They are always equipped
with at least one coil, cables, ropes or chains, and pulleys. Equipped with cables
and pulleys and based on the application of fundamental mechanical principles, a
crane can lift and lower loads that no human working capacity can.

Source:>construction-crane>what-is-a-crane?Howdoes crane work?


6. Truck


Heavy-duty trucks are large like the heavy dump trucks and concrete pump
trucks, which are capable of transporting huge weights of cargo. These trucks are
very important in the transportation industry because they are movers of large
quantities of products or materials. No small vehicle can do on land. There are
many uses of these trucks including towing and moving houses, delivery and
transporting, and recovery of disabled and stranded vehicles.

Uses of Heavy-Duty Truck

a. Towing

Business owners, companies, and government agencies that use large

number of vehicles to operate more often have their towing services to move
vehicles when they get disabled on the road. These are the school bus
companies, package couriers, police and fire departments, garbage collectors,
taxi companies, automotive and farm industries.

b. Moving

A heavy-duty truck comes in demand when you change your home

location and you need to bring everything with you. Large appliances, pieces
of furniture, and all. It can stand all the weights because one can transport
more than the combined weights of home belongings. Moving a tiny house is
also easy when using a truck.

c. Delivery / Transport

Soft drinks and beverages, liquors and beers are transported by heavy-
duty trucks contained in long delivery trailers with roll-up doors.

d. Garbage Collection and Recycling

Garbage or trash trucks are specially built to collect garbage and haul it
to a landfill or solid waste incineration facility.


7. Platform Truck


Sometimes the ground is not even; the materials being transported may
have awkward shapes or are very large, making it difficult to be transported by
hand. The solution to all of these problems is platform trucks. These are hand
trucks made of flat sheet of metal, with wheels at the base and handle at the back
so that someone can stand at the back and push it.



Word Puzzle

Directions: Copy and answer the word puzzle on another sheet of paper.
Look for the words listed below inside the puzzle chart and
encircle them.




True or False

Directions: Analyze the statements. Write True if the statement is correct

and False if it is wrong. Write your answers on another sheet of

A heavy-duty truck comes in-demand when you change your
home location and you need to bring everything with you.
Garbage trucks or trash trucks that are specially built to collect
garbage and haul it to a landfill or solid waste incineration facility.
Trucks are very important in the transportation industry because
3. they are movers of large quantities of products or materials
where no small vehicle can do on land.
These are hand trucks made of flat sheet of metal, with wheels at
4. the base and handle at the back so that someone can stand at
the back and push it.
5. Forklifts are most often used in the warehouses.
Delivery of products from place to place needs machines and
Industrial forklifts are very useful equipment at the construction
7. sites because it can be used to carry hefty building materials
over long distances, across the rough terrain.
Crane is a device used for lifting or lowering loads using a drum
or lift-wheel around which rope or chain wraps.
Heavy-duty trucks may be used for towing vehicles when these
are disabled on the road.
10. Chain block can be used to harrow the farm fields.

Directions: In your community, look for a neighbor with trucks or handling
equipment. Identify the name of the equipment and describe how the
equipment handled or transported the materials and other items. Write
your output on a sheet of paper and submit it to your teacher on the
scheduled date of submission.

Generalization / Synthesis

In this lesson, I learned that _______________________________________


Directions: Read and answer the question below. Write your answers on a sheet
of paper. Submit your output to your teacher during the scheduled date
of submission.

1. What is the difference of the equipment listed below?

a. crane and forklift truck

b. chain block and hoist

Maintaining a Clean and
Lesson Safe Work Site while
3 Undertaking Irrigation
Activities in Accordance
with OHS Procedures

This lesson contains information on maintaining a clean and safe work site
while undertaking irrigation activities in accordance with OHS procedure. Here,
various activities are lined up to enhance your knowledge and develop the skills to
let you master the competency.


At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. Maintain a clean and safe work site while undertaking irrigation activities in
accordance with OHS procedures.



Directions: Answer the question below. Write your answers on another

sheet of paper.

1. Give the maintenance tasks needed for the following:

a. Maintenance and repair of vehicles

b. Maintenance of portable tools
c. Machinery maintenance

Prior Knowledge
Lesson 2 of this module discussed the topic on handling and
transporting materials, equipment and machinery according to enterprise
guidelines. The knowledge you gained from this lesson can be your baseline
in learning the concepts discussed in the new lesson.

The new lesson that you are going to study is about maintaining a clean and
safe work site while undertaking irrigation activities in accordance with OHS
procedures. As you go through the details of the topic, there are varied learning
activities that you are to accomplish to enhance and develop your skills.

Concept Development

Maintenance of machines, equipment, and buildings in the field is a huge

task. Designated workers are assigned to this task. These workers are trained and
educated in their respective specialties. Proper maintenance can save and prolong
the life of the equipment. It can help workers work effectively and safely.

Maintenance activities in agriculture include taking care of both machinery

and infrastructure. This ranges from simple tasks (example: changing a light bulb) to
more complicated ones like maintenance and repair of machinery in large plants.
Maintenance, such as the annual weatherproofing of a barn roof, maybe planned or
carried out and when required, for example, is when blockage occurs in a piece of

Maintenance and Repair of Machines and Equipment

1. Workshops

Workshops are needed for service, repair, and adjustment of equipment and
keeping tools in one location for all kinds of farm work. These may contain a range
of dangerous tools and substances.

Workshops must be properly designed and equipped. A good workshop can

improve the efficiency of farm work and facilitate preventive maintenance of
equipment. How a workshop is arranged, equipped, and maintained is also
important to prevent risks.

Source: osha.>publications>report>maintenance in Agriculture-A safety and Health Guide

Broken equipment, machines, and vehicles have to be repaired as soon as
possible. This is often done by farmers and their employees. Only large farm
companies have big workshops and employ skilled maintenance technicians.

2. Machinery Maintenance

The maintenance of machinery and its implements, equipment, and farm

vehicles includes tasks such as:

a. Maintenance of electrical connections

b. Replacing or repairing safety guards
c. Sharpening or replacing machines’ cutting blades
d. Lubrication, oil changes, filter changes
e. Maintenance of lifting equipment
f. Clearing blockages
g. Light metal machining, welding
h. Operations with compressed air / tires
i. Maintenance of oil mill’s machinery as olive transporters, cleaner and
washing machine, mill, mixer, transfer pumps, centrifuges, screw
extractor, receiving hoppers, presses
j. Cleaning and lubricating power-take-off shaft guarding
k. Maintenance of hydraulic systems

3. Maintenance of Portable Tools

Portable tools such as saws, hammers, screwdrivers, axes, and wrenches,

and powered portable tools such as circular saws, drills, motor winch, or high-
pressure cleaners are part of everyday work in agriculture. These everyday tools
can be very dangerous. When they are not maintained properly, they can cause
serious injuries, such as electric shock, finger or hand injuries, or severe eye
injuries. Especially dangerous tools are the broken or defective tools, or tools that
have been modified unprofessionally. Powered hand tools can also cause physical
hazards such as vibration and noise, and ergonomic injuries especially if they are
not properly maintained.

Tasks to be performed are:

a. Cleaning
b. Lubricating
c. Sharpening blades, saw chains, and drills
d. Replacing broken and used parts
e. Replacing broken cords

4. Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles

Regular inspection and service of agricultural vehicles are important to ensure

continuity of farm work and to prevent accidents in the field and workshop.
However, workers can be serious and even fatally injured while performing simple
maintenance tasks and repairs to agricultural vehicles such as tractors. Particularly,
the repair of vehicles out in the fields presents a great challenge and should be
carried out with particular care.

Maintenance task includes:

a. Checking, maintaining, and repairing brakes, clutches, and drives

b. Checking and filling fluid levels (hydraulic fluid, coolants, oil)
c. Charging batteries
d. Checking and repairing tires and wheels
e. Removing / changing wheels
f. Checking and replacing air hoses
g. Checking, maintaining, and repairing hydraulic lifts and coupling devices
h. Checking the tire pressure

Maintenance of farmyards and buildings are typical tasks in the farms. This
involves dismantling and re-erecting entire buildings, maintenance of roofs, and
dealing with asbestos.

Source: osha.>publications>report>maintenance in Agriculture-A safety and Health


The employees should know the following before moving, handling, and
storing materials. In addition to training and education, applying general safety
principles, such as proper work practices, equipment, and controls, can help reduce
workplace accidents involving the moving, handling, and storing of materials.
Whether materials are moved manually or mechanically, the employees should
know and understand the potential hazards associated with the task at hand and
how to control their workplaces to minimize danger.

Because numerous injuries can result from improper handling and storing
materials, workers should also be aware of accidents that may result from unsafe or
improper handling of equipment as well as improper work practices. Workers
should also recognize the methods for eliminating or at least minimizing the
occurrence of such accidents. Employers and employees should examine their
workplaces to detect any unsafe or unhealthful conditions, practices, or equipment
and take corrective actions.

Potential Hazards for Workers

Other hazards include falling objects, improperly stacked materials, and

various types of equipment. You should make the employees aware of potential
injuries that can occur when manually moving the materials, including the following:

 Strains and sprains from lifting loads improperly or from carrying loads that
are either too large or heavy
 Fractures and bruises caused by being struck by materials or by being caught
in pinch points
 Cuts and bruises are caused by falling materials that have been improperly
stored or by incorrectly cutting ties or other securing devices.

Precautions That Workers Must Take to Avoid Storage Hazards

Stored materials must not create a hazard for employees. Employers should
make workers aware of such factors as the materials’ height and weight, how
accessible the stored materials are to the user, and the condition of the containers
where the materials are being stored when stacking and piling materials. To
prevent creating hazards when storing materials, employers must do the following:

 Keep storage areas free from accumulated materials that cause tripping, fires,
or explosions, or that may contribute to the harboring of rats and other pests.
 Place stored materials inside the buildings that are under construction and at
least 6 feet from hoist ways, or inside floor openings and at least 10 feet away
from exterior walls.
 Separate non-compatible materials.
 Equip employees who work on stored grain in silos, hoppers, or tanks, with
lifelines and safety belts.

Also, workers should consider placing bound material on racks and secure it
by stacking, blocking, or interlocking to prevent it from sliding, falling, or collapsing.

Important Safety Measures

To reduce the number of accidents associated with workplace equipment,

employers must train employees in the proper use and limitations of the equipment
they operate. In addition to powered industrial trucks, this includes knowing how to
safely and effectively use equipment such as conveyors, cranes, and slings.


Scrambled Words

Directions: Arrange the scrambled words below by writing the correct words.
Write the answers on another sheet of paper.

No. Scrambled Words Correct Words

1. Ecnanetniam
2. Korpwsho
3. Soolt
4. Eslcihev
5. Dsraymraf


Directions: Identify the statements below and refer your answers from the
words inside the box provided. Write your answers on another
sheet of paper.

Maintenance and Repair of Vehicles Maintenance of Portable Tools

Machinery Maintenance Workshop

1. A good workshop can improve the efficiency of farm work and facilitate
preventive maintenance of equipment. How a workshop is arranged,
equipped, and maintained is also important to prevent risks.
2. Maintenance of electrical connections
3. These everyday tools can be very dangerous and when they are not
maintained properly, they can cause serious injuries, such as electric
shock, finger or hand injuries, or severe eye injuries.
4. Regular inspection and service of agricultural vehicles are important to
ensure continuity of farm work and to prevent accidents in the field and
5. Removing and changing of wheels

Directions: Prepare the materials for this activity: short bond paper, pencil
and ruler. Draw / design your workshop building or shed on the
bond paper. Submit your output to your teacher on the
scheduled date of submission.

Generalization / Synthesis

In this lesson, I learned that _______________________________________


Test 1. True or False

Directions: Analyze the statements below. Write True if the statement is correct
and False if it is wrong. Write your answers on another sheet of paper.

When cutting, sawing or machining takes place in a confined place, efficient

local dust extraction equipment shall be installed.
2. Safe googles are used to prevent acids from running down your arm.
A farmworker should wear proper clothing when working with acids, bases,
or other chemicals.
No employer or farm worker shall accept any container of hazardous
substances for use, handling, or storage unless such containers are labeled.
To reduce the number of accidents associated with workplace equipment,
5. employers must train employees in the proper use and limitations of the
equipment they operate.
The tractor, as one of the most important agricultural implements since the
6. beginning of history, is used to turn and break up the soil, to bury crop
residues, and to help control weeds.
7. Proper maintenance can save and prolong the life of the equipment.
Seldom inspection and service of agricultural vehicles are important to
8. ensure continuity of farm work and to prevent accidents in the field and
9. Delivery of products from place to place needs machines and equipment.
Garbage trucks or trash trucks are specially built to collect garbage and haul
it to a landfill or solid waste incineration facility.

Test II. Multiple Choice

Directions: Analyze the questions. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your
answers on another sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is considered as one of the most important agricultural

implements since the beginning of history and is used to turn and break up
soil and to help control weeds?
A. crane B. plow
C. rope D. Wire
2. Which of the following items is used for handling or lifting activities?
A. chain B. clothing
C. disk plow D. sprayer
3. Which of the following includes maintenance and repair of vehicles?
A. replacing broken cords
B. replacing broken and used parts
C. removing and exchanging of wheels
D. sharpening of blades saw chains and drills
4. Which of the following includes the maintenance of portable tools?
A. maintenance of hydraulic systems
B. replacing or repairing safety guards
C. maintenance of electrical connections
D. sharpening of blades, saw chains, and drills
5. Which of the following is the correct storage of chemicals used in agricultural
A. Store acids and bases in separate cabinets.
B. Keep acids and solvents in the same cabinets.
C. Unmark shelves for quick chemical identification.
D. Incompatibles are stored on the same shelf.

Answer Key


Chapter 2 Storage, Stacking and Handling Practice



Standards for Materials Handling, Storage, and Disposal


Farm Machinery and Equipment-l: Lesson10.Discplough



What is Backhoe? 5 uses of Backhoe-Civil Engineering


10 Uses for an ATV or UTV on your Farm-Hobby Farms


What is a lift truck? Raymond Handling Concept Corporation


What is Forklift? Working Mechanism & Where it is used?

(>what-is-forklift-working-mechanism-where it is used?)

What is a chain block? Everything you need to know

(>news>post>what-is-a chain block?
Everything You need to know)

Hoisting (>Fundamentals>hoists)

What is crane? How does crane work? Construction

(>Constrution-crane>what-is- crane? How
does crane work? Construction)

Top 5 Most Important Uses of Heavy-Duty Trucks

The uses and Benefits of Platform trucks

( Eastaugh/659464)

Mónica Águila Martínez-Casariego, INSHT, Spain

Kirsty Ormerod, Mark Liddle, HSL, United Kingdom
Gediminas Vilkevicius, LZUU, Lithuania
Ellen Schmitz-Felten, KOOP, Germany
Edited by Katalin Sas, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-
OSHA), Maintenance in Agriculture - A Safety and Health Guide pages 12-20.

Materials handling and Storage/Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (>publications>osha2236pdf).

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Division of Bukidnon

Office Address: Fortich Street, Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
Telefax/Telephone: (088) 813-3634
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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