The Manila Banking Corporation v. Bases Conversion and Development Authority

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No. 33
Case Title: The Manila Banking Corporation v. Bases Conversion and Development
Authority (GR No. 230144, January 22, 2018)


 Respondent Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) was created as a

government corporation March 13, 1992 by virtue of RA No. 7227. It is tasked
mainly to manage the Clark and Subic military reservations/camps and their
extensions and to adopt and implement a comprehensive development plan for their
conversion into productive uses, with a view to promoting the economic and social
development of the country.
 BCDA filed a complaint against petitioner The Manila Banking Corporation (TMBC)
and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), seeking to expropriate a parcel of land
registered in the name of TMBC. The area to be affected by expropriation was
estimated to be 186,355 sq. m.
 BCDA also alleged that the subject property was classified as agricultural land and
had the zonal value of 30 pesos per sq. m. at the time of filing of the complaint.
 According to BCDA, the subject property was being expropriated to pave the way for
the implementation of the SCTEX Project of the national government.
 BCDA further claimed that "the government will suffer immense and irreparable
damage if this project will not proceed as scheduled by reason of the failure to
negotiate with supposed owner after diligent efforts to do so.
 BCDA prayed for the issuance of a writ of possession upon payment to the
landowner of an amount equivalent to 100% of the value of the subject property
based on the current zonal valuation, pursuant to Section 4(a) of RA 7227
 An order of expropriation requiring the defendants to answer within the time
specified in the summons and authorizing BCDA to take the property sought to be
expropriated for public purpose as stated in the complaint.
 Prior to the filing of the complaint it appears that the property was the subject of a
Dacion En Pago Con Pacto de Retro agreement between TMBC and the Central Bank
Board of Liquidators pursuant to the revised repayment plan.
 TMBC delivered several properties in settlement of the balance of its debt to CB-
BOL amounting to ₱2,265,953,378.83.
 A final offer to buy was sent by BCDA to TMBC with the offered price of 75 pesos
per sq. m.
 BCDA deposited the amount of ₱5,590,650 his amount was equivalent to the value of
the actual affected area of the subject property based on the then current zonal
valuation provided by the BIR.
 TMBC contended that the offered price of ₱30 per square meter is way below the fair
market value of the subject property. It pointed out that the subject property's value
lies in the fact that it is the only remaining compact area of its size and nature.
 RTC conducted an ocular inspection of the subject property in the presence of
counsels for TMBC and BCDA, and the nominee-appraiser of BCDA, Mr. Alberto
 TMBC filed a motion to set a second ocular inspection stating that the joint nominee
of TMBC and BSP, Engr. Jose L. Ocampo which was soon replaced by Engr. Tolosa
who was both nominated by TMBC and BSP.
 A group of commissioners consisted of Mr. Murillo, Engr. Tolosa and Engr.
Lansangan took their oaths.
 Engr. Tolosa reported that the value is 388 pesos per sq. m.
 Engr. Lansangan reported that the value is 350 pesos per sq. m.
 Mr. Murillo maintained the appraisal of 30 pesos sq. m.
 CA awarded just compensation rate of 75 pesos per sq. m. instead of the 250 pesos
sq. m. by the RTC


 Whether or not there is just compensation


NO. The Court of Appeals was correct in reversing the trial court and in fixing the just
compensation at ₱75 per square meter.

The CA noted that while the trial court based its first valuation on the recommendations of the
commissioners, it did not give any explanation on how it arrived at the amount of ₱250 per square
meter. As for the second valuation of Pl90, the CA observed that the trial court gave more weight to
two documents included in Engr. Tolosa's Report, specifically: 1) Resolution No. 12-2006 of the
DPWH Provincial Appraisal Committee which fixed the just compensation of an expropriated land
for the Porac Mancatian Dike Project at ₱190 per square meter; and 2) Deed of Absolute Sale
between TMBC and DPWH over the property taken in the area for the price of ₱190 per square
There is no question that at the time of taking of the subject property, it was classified as agricultural
land. As observed by Mr. Murillo in his Commissioner's Report, the subject property consists of
sugar land and sand deposits. He further noted that while there were allegations that the property
was reclassified to industrial land, there was no sign of industrial development at the time of the
ocular inspection except for the construction of the SCTEX project.
SC found that the CA committed no reversible error in reversing and setting aside the trial court's
determination of just compensation and in fixing the just compensation of the subject property at
₱75 per square meter. The CA, guided by the standards set in RA 8974, took into consideration the
documentary evidence presented by the parties to determine the appropriate value of the property at
the time it was taken in November 2003.

 Doctrine 1 (only that relevant to the topic)

 Doctrine 2 (if any)

 We may be creative in the formulation of Tickers, we may use peculiar words/
objects/ terms so we can remember the case more easily. 
 Feel free to not fill-out the ‘arguments’ portion if not relevant/ not applicable to the
case designated. You may modify the table accordingly.
 Digests shall be arranged according to the order in the syllabus. Please follow
the format for the file name: (1) Prudential Bank vs. Hon Panis.


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