Classroom Management Strategies and The Reduction of Academic Stress Amongst Secondary School Students in The Mifi Division Bafoussam I, Cameroon

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 5, July-August 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Classroom Management Strategies and the Reduction of

Academic Stress amongst Secondary School Students
in the Mifi Division (Bafoussam I), Cameroon
Fonkeng Epah George, Etah Bate-Arrah Ayuk
University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Fonkeng Epah

This research is titled ‘classroom management strategies and the George | Etah Bate-Arrah Ayuk
reduction of academic stress amongst students in the Mifi Division "Classroom Management Strategies and
(Bafoussam I), Cameroon’. The research problem focuses on how the Reduction of Academic Stress
classroom management strategies helps in the reduction of academic amongst Secondary School Students in
the Mifi Division (Bafoussam I),
stress. The principal objective of the study was to investigate the
efficiency classroom management strategies and the reduction of Published in
academic stress amongst students. The main research question asked International Journal
was: ‘To what extent does classroom management strategies of Trend in
influences the reduction of academic stress amongst students. Scientific Research
Following research objective, the research question was formulated and Development
to guide the study. This research question was later transformed into (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD50466
research hypothesis. The main research hypothesis was to whether 6470, Volume-6 |
there is a significant relationship or not between classroom Issue-5, August 2022, pp.318-324, URL:
management strategies and the reduction of academic stress amongst
students. Theories used were: Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs,
Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
Skinner’s Operant conditioning theory and Lazarus’s Cognitive
International Journal of Trend in
theory. The survey design was used in carrying out the study. The Scientific Research and Development
simple random sampling technique was used to select the Journal. This is an
participants. Data was collected using the questionnaire and an Open Access article
interview guide. The sample size was made up of 291 students. The distributed under the
instrument used to collect data was the questionnaire. The data terms of the Creative Commons
collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
methods. The inferential method used was the Spearman’s correlation (
test. The results obtained for the hypothesis shows that there is a
significant relationship between teachers’ use of motivational skills
and the reduction of academic stress amongst students with a
correlation value of 0.924. From this result, it was concluded that
classroom management strategies influences the reduction of school
stress amongst students. Consequently, some recommendations have
been put forward to address the problem of academic stress amongst
students. It was recommended that teachers acquire techniques that
will capture the attention and interest of learners.
KEYWORDS: classroom management strategies; stress reduction;
academic stresss

Stress is a complex concept. It can be routine stress at stressors, such as the pressure of academics with an
home, at school, or at work and could create great obligation of success, uncertain future and difficulties
strain. Different things cause stress in different envisaged for integration in to the system. These
people. It is also a part of every student daily life. students face, social, emotional and physical and
From the very start till college life, different styles of family problems which may affect their learning
education and its diverse demands cause stress. A ability and academic performance (Fish & Nies,
student’s life is subjected to different kinds of 1996; Chewgrahan, Rogers & Yassin, 2003).

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
According to Awino & Agolla (2008), stress prevents materials and enough space to enable students do
students from focusing and enjoying learning from individual and group work as well as work with the
behaving harmoniously, and from unfolding their teacher. The classroom can be arranged in circles,
unique talents. Accumulated stress causes frustration, semicircles, u-shapes and squares and so on. The wall
depression and anxiety, and can lead to attention can also be decorated with educative pictures or
deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance abuse, symbols which makes it suitable for learning with a
antisocial behaviours and even violence. Stress has friendly environment (Caroll, 2003).
become an important topic in academic circle as well
as in our society. Now almost every student is When it comes to students, it does not matter where
affected but this can be managed strategies that stress is coming because something good can always
reduce anxiety since pressure in academic institutions come from it. Stress is not always the same as
may be positively or negatively influenced if not distress. Stress can be experienced in positive events
properly taken care of. as much as the negative. Stress that the students’ feel
as they start exams that they have prepared for is
More so, personality variables also affect people’s
much different than the stress felt by students who
reactions to potential stressors. Some people are haven’t taken their time to study. If balanced
simply not bothered by situations that other perceives correctly, stress can be a positive element in our lives.
to be stressful (Glavin et al, 1991). Stress occurs in Stress can be seen as a motivator to a certain level
academic areas due to different reasons. Researchers
and after that things deteriorate.
have identified a number of stressors in academic
institution such as many assignments, competition To continue, classroom management has been
with other students, failures, lack of pocket money highlighted across numerous research studies as a
(Fairbrother & Warn, 2003), poor relationship with major variable that affects students’ academic
other students or teachers, family or problems at performance. The most obvious reason for this
home. Institutional (University) level stressors are assertion is that, effective classroom management sets
overcrowded lecture halls, (Omgori, 2007), semester the stage for teaching and learning. It sets a tone in
system, and inadequate resources to perform the classroom that captures students’ attention - as a
academic work (Erkutlu & Chafra 2000). necessity for effective teaching and learning
Brophy and Good (2003), state that classroom (Marzono, 2008). A classroom which is chaotic and
management is different from the discipline plan disorganized as a result of poor classroom
teachers implement in their classrooms; it also management is highly unlikely to enhance expansive
includes the teachers’ beliefs and values as they learning and students’ academic performance and
influence how the teacher views discipline, classroom might, indeed, inhibit it. Idopise (2004) equally
management also refers to how these beliefs and argued that very little academic learning can take
values intertwine with other underlying aspects of the place in chaos. According to Walter (2006),
class’ structure. It is probably no exaggeration to say classroom management differs from one teacher to
that classroom management has been a primary another because of the teacher’s personality, teaching
concern of teachers ever since there have been style, preparedness, and number of students in the
teachers in classrooms. However, the systematic classroom.
study of effective classroom management is a According to Murphy & Archer (1996), the teaching
relatively recent phenomenon. profession is a challenging one for educators who are
Furthermore, students who go through the teaching always faced with new ideas and concepts daily in
process have some concerns related to their their teaching environment. There is no doubt that the
experience. They have a number of worries and pressure experienced by teachers in ensuring that
anxieties, resulting in high levels of stress. Various their lessons are well-understood and delivered is
factors may lead students to be anxious about the crucial to their profession. It must be noted that stress
teaching process such as methods used in teaching, is the main driving force in creating a sense of panic
teacher’s attitude, knowledge of individual learner and anxiety for students who may find it hard to grasp
characteristics, structuring of learning objectives, and and fully comprehend what is taught in the classroom.
knowledge of classroom assessment. Effective Not all the students in the classroom will be quick
classroom teachers makes use of the classroom learners; some may struggle to understand the first
environment so that movement can be made easy and few times; meanwhile, there are others who may pick
closeness with students achieved. So for a training the things from the first-time. It honestly varies in the
program to have its value, it will need to have learning abilities of students and how the lesson is
accessibility, be well structured with teaching delivered and explained to them. The way teaching is

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done is very important to the learner since learners Martin, Yin, and Baldwin (1998) developed the
vary. Classroom management Style Inventory which
measured teachers' styles to the classroom
2. LITERATURE REVIEW management in three broad dimensions such as
Erkutlu & Chafra (2006), said upon entry into instructional management, people management, and
secondary school, it is expected that students will behaviour management. The Choice Theory (Glasser,
become fearful of the unknown as they venture into a 1998) has influenced classroom management by
higher level of their academic life. This comes with teachers creating environments and curricula that
its own challenges that can make the experience cultivate appropriate behaviour through meeting
exciting, terrifying and overwhelming, which can learners' needs for belonging and the feeling of
result in either success or failure. As access to empowerment.
secondary education increases, so does the number of
students who are academically unprepared and lack Similarly, Froyen and Iverson (1999) found that
confidence in their ability to succeed. Several factors classroom management focuses on three major
mediate in determining whether a student’s academic components such as Content Management, Conduct
performance is positively or negatively affected. Management and Covenant Management. Hardman &
These factors include economic status, family issues, Smith (1999) argued that teachers should create by
teaching methods, transitions, environmental, course working towards positive learning environments by
workload and stress. In addition, some students work identifying conditions in the classroom and
either day or night while attending school, and implement activities that promote desirable behaviour
managing both can be very stressful which could in the classroom. The actions taken by teachers to
morph into academic stress. create a supportive and positive learning environment
will facilitate the academic learning of the students
To continue, Boynton and Boynton (2005), explained and also, they may adhere to the rules prevalent
how ineffective classroom management skills can leading to social-emotional learning (Evertson &
waste instructional time, reduce time-on-task, and Kohn (2004), indicated that students need to be given
interrupt learning environments. In addition to the chance to discover things on their own and that
interrupting the classroom environment, if proper testing a student is not the best method for the child to
classroom management is not exercised, disruptive achieve everything. He does not support the idea of
behaviour by a few students can have a negative strict standards to ensure that all students are learning
effect on teacher’s instruction, which can lead to the same thing at the same time because not all
other students joining-in and can cause students to students learn at the same pace. Standards and
question the abilities of their teacher (Braden & alignment do not take into account the fact that
Smith, 2006). For these reasons, it is important to students are different and have different interests.
study instructional and behavioural classroom Kohn encourages teachers to help students to pursue
management. their own interests.

Furthermore, the theory of Reinforcement (Skinner, Weinstein, 2006). McDonald (2010) worked on the
1953) gained prominence as an approach to Positive Learning Framework and explained that a
classroom management in the later 1980s and the teacher by developing a systematic learning
1990s. In the Skinner model the teachers direct environment, students can engage in meaningful
student behaviour to get desired outcomes and activities that support their learning in an orderly
effective management (Omomia & Omomia, 2014). manner. Banks (2014) found that teachers who create
Brophy (1996) stated the importance of teachers as positive classrooms pay close attention to even little
effective classroom managers who should focus on details in the environment which stimulate the
creating positive learning environments by preparing behaviour of students in the classroom. Egeberg, Mc
and teaching interesting lessons and supervise Conney and Price (2016) appropriately found that
students. teachers’ approach towards students vary according to
their theoretical orientation. Therefore, classroom
To continue, from the late 1990s to the present, focus management includes actions by teacher to create,
of research on classroom management is more on the implement and maintain a positive learning
area of creating positive environment through environment.
teacher-student collaboration in the classroom in
solving the problems. Oliver & Reschly (2010) Tchombe (2004), states that teaching, as an
supported the positive learning environment methods interpersonal activity has as main objective to bring
which produce and increase constructive interactions about learning and for the teacher to realize this, there
resulting in successful classroom environment. is need for appropriate planning, organization and

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management. Classroom teaching, therefore, has two overcome challenges in academic institutions. In
major tasks: learning and order. The learning task is short, just knowing you have someone available when
the function of instruction, while the other in need is so relieving and comfortable and as such
maintaining task (discipline) is the function of academic excellence is assured since the students will
management. Learning is related to individual be guided by an adult who is more experienced and
process, and order to group process. Group process so keeping the student away from any form of
relates to interpersonal relations in the nature of distractions from school work.
teacher-pupil and teacher-class interactions, carried Tchombe (2001), stipulates that for the classroom
out to ensure attention and group cohesion. Teaching process to achieve its goal, students must be
therefore consists of both instructional and intrinsically motivated to want to learn and sustain the
managerial components. desire to want to learn. They must be extrinsically
Theoretically, Lazarus Psychological Stress Theory motivated by the teaching approaches including his
(1991), posits that stress is a relational concept and on attribution for success. Students must be made to
not defined as a specific kind of external stimulation see that they are responsible for their learning. She
or a specific pattern of psychological, behavioural or continues by saying that the students should be made
subjective reactions. However, like, Lazarus, the to see the value of learning in their lives outside the
researcher is of the view that stress (academic stress) classroom. Their active engagement in these
is relational or transactional in nature and is processes will develop their interest and this will
dependent on an individual’s appraisal toward the make them able to address learning challenges.
environment (stressor) s/he faces. This psychological Again, Ur (1996), explains, some important factors
stress which hinges on the relationship with the that have an incidence in classroom discipline and are
environment (stressors) that a person appraises as more likely to be within the control of, or influenced
significant for his or her wellbeing and in which the by, the teacher. These factors include; methodology,
demands tax or exceeds his or her coping resources at interpersonal relationships and student motivation.
disposal. However, the researchers conceptualize For the same author a disciplined classroom is one
academic stress as any form of negative stress where learning is taking place, where the teacher and
triggered by all kinds of stressors such as students are cooperating and working together
interpersonal, intrapersonal, social, work, institutional towards the same goal and where the lesson is
and domestic, that impedes the academic output of proceeding according to plan. Discipline is an
students as well as the professional performance of element of classroom management that needs a
faculty in academic institutions. proactive rather than a reactive behaviour. Ur
suggests planning your lesson carefully, paying
Furthermore, when classroom management is viewed
attention to directions, which should be clear and
in a wider and holistic sense, incorporating every
effective, and being aware of any change in the
element of the classroom from lesson delivery to
dynamics of the class. This can be especially useful
classroom environment becomes important (Nicholas,
for preservice and novice teachers.
2007). According to Nicholas (2007), this includes
creating organized and orderly classroom,establishing According to Skinner’s theory of operational
expectations, inducing students’ cooperation in conditioning (1948), changes in behaviour are a result
learning tasks, and dealing with the procedural of individuals’ responses to events, or stimuli, which
demands of the classroom. This view of classroom occur in their environment. When a stimulus-response
management contrasts to a narrower view of (S-R) pattern is rewarded, the individual is
classroom management as it deals with just discipline conditioned to respond similarly in the future. The
and control. Weiner & smith (1992), stated that key to Skinner’s theory is reinforcement, or anything
students who successfully coped with stress that strengthens the desired response. This could
consistently have someone in their lives whose include praise, good grades, a reward or even a
actions told them ‘you count’. I love you and will feeling of accomplishment. Of course, negative
care for you. In sum, the long term presence of a reinforcement occurs when a stimulus results in
basic, trusting relationship with an adult is a big increased response when it is withdrawn. The central
factor in the protective buffering of students from tenet of Skinner’s work is that positively reinforced
stressors and problems. This simply means that behaviour will reoccur. This is why information is
having someone you know you can count on at any presented in small amounts. Responses can be
time when face with academic challenges is very reinforced, and reinforcement will be applied to
important to a student because it serves as a similar stimuli.
reinforcement factor and it also helps the student to

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3. METHODS findings revealed that students recognized and
The study was a survey and was made up of 291 acknowledged their own efforts as encouraged by
participants who were secondary school students their teacher. They always feel positive and optimistic
randomly selected from the Mifi Division, Cameroon. about was also found out that praise and
Random sampling was used to select a number that encouragement also served as a source of motivation
was demographically representative and also sizable for the students.
enough for the study. The instrument used was the
questionnaire which was designed to collect data on
5.1. The use of motivational skills and academic
academic stress, classroom management strategies
stress reduction of students
and reduction of academic stress. It was self- The findings revealed that the use of motivation skills
constructed and referred to as questionnaire for
have a significant effect on the academic stress
classroom management strategies and reduction of
reduction of students. This is because teachers
academic stress amongst secondary school students. actively use different motivational skills which
Since classroom management strategies was the include: focusing on how the teacher encourages
independent variable. It was operationalized as students to attribute their success to their efforts;
constituting, motivational skills(X2=726.713,
always encouraged by their teachers to work on the
P=0.924).Quality of motivational skills was measured
assigned task; always get feedback from the teacher
by items such as teacher’s encourages students to
to improve on their work. Also, they always feel
attribute their success to their efforts , teacher
positive and optimistic about learning; they are
recognizes and acknowledges student efforts, teacher
always irritated and angry and they do not feel like
giving praises whenever something right is being
studying; their teachers recognizes and acknowledge
done in class, feeling positive and optimistic about
their efforts; their teachers are approachable and
learning etc.
willing to help them. In addition, their teacher praise
Thematic analysis was done with Open ended questions them whenever they do something right in class and
where concepts or ideas were grouped under similar terms the use of motivation in classroom reduces their
or key words. A pre-designed EpiData Version 3.1 academic stress in schools. This is supported by
(EpiData Association, Odense Denmark, 2008) Skinner (1938) operant conditioning theory which
database was used for quantitative data with a 111 shows that behaviour is modified through the use of
consistency and validation checks. Consistency was positive and negative reinforcement. Through operant
further checked through data range and validation conditioning, an individual makes an association
checks performed in SPSS version 21.0 (IBM Inc., between a particular behaviour and a consequence.
2012) where invalid codes were identify. Data were For example, teachers praising students in class,
made essentially of categorical frequencies and rewarding a child’s excellent grades with candy or
Multiple Response Analysis. To assess the internal some other prize, a schoolteacher awards points to
consistency of responses, reliability test was done those students who are the most calm and well-
using Cronbach Alpha reliability analysis and behaved. Students eventually realize that when they
calculated at 0.795. Here, classroom management voluntarily become quieter and better behaved, that
strategies indicators were measured at motivational they earn more points.
skills (0.532).all statistics were presented at 95%
confidence interval with Alpha=0.05. The issue of motivational skills correlating with the
reduction of student’s academic stress is often a main
The spearman rho correlation test was used to focus of research. Findings from the studies in this
compare proportions in order to establish the review show that motivational skills as reported by
predictive power of classroom management strategies the students consistently had positive effects on
over the reduction of academic stress amongst students across all developmental levels of education.
secondary school students. Note that research conducted from a variety of
perspectives all show a positive correlation between
4. FINDINGS motivation and reduction of academic stress.
Findings showed that motivational skills(r=0.924;
p=0.000) influenced the reduction of academic stress
amongst secondary school students. Descriptively, the

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Fig.1. predictive effects of classroom management on academic stress reduction of secondary school
Table 1 Summary of findings
Statistical test used Comments
Ho1: There is no Binary Logistic The variability explained by this model was
significant Regression Model: significant (Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficient:
relationship - Model validation test χ2=726.713 P=0.000 The Explanatory Power (EP) /
between the use of (Ominbus Tests of Model Predictive Power was moderate with a value of 92.4%
motivation and the Coefficient P<0.05 (Nagelkerke R square =0.924). The findings therefore
reduction of - Overall Predictive or show that the use of motivation significantly
academic stress Explanatory Power influences the reduction of academic stress of
amongst students (Nagelkerke R square) students.
The study further revealed that all the aforementioned environment the child works very hard, is observant
motivation skills used by teachers consisted of typical and is not destructive.
motivation strategies which consists of used by
teachers to help students learn and manage the 6. CONCLUSIONS
teaching and learning transaction. Equally these are Findings from the study showed that the efficiency of
classroom management strategies has a significant
typical motivation techniques which people mostly
influence on the reduction of academic stress amongst
use in overcoming challenges they encounter on their
students. The study looked at how motivational skills,
daily basis. The techniques employed are equally
behaviour modification skills, cooperative learning
used by people to overcome and cope with difficulties
skills and teacher-student relationship skills helps in
that they face. This shows that teachers use different
reducing academic stress. Therefore motivational
motivation skills to help reduce learner’s academic
skills help reduce school stress. That notwithstanding,
there were some students who lacked some of these
Moreover, motivation has emerged as important school skills but did better in school. Some children
phenomena for educators - a natural wellspring of are born with a high intelligent quotient (IQ).
learning and achievement that can be systematically However, those who are provided with motivational
catalyzed or undermined by parent and teacher skills when needed perform better in school. All these
practices (Ryan & Stiller, 1991). Because intrinsic show that classroom management strategies being
motivation results in high quality learning and given during the learning process is very important
creativity, Montessori (1972) also added that the child and as such should be encouraged to improve on
needs an adult who is to give him/her guidance with students learning outcome.
his/her work and who will take into account the
From the research, it could be concluded that
child’s needs. She further stated that in such an
classroom management strategies from motivational

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50466 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2022 Page 323
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