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The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology

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Physiological disorders in tomato and some

methods to avoid them

Margit Olle & Ingrid H. Williams

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Physiological disorders in tomato and some methods to avoid them

Margit Ollea and Ingrid H. Williamsb
Estonian Crop Research Institute, Department of Plant Breeding, Jogeva alevik, Estonia; bEstonian University of Life Sciences, Institute
of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Tartu, Estonia


Tomato can be injured by two very important physiological disorders, namely blossom end Accepted 26 October 2016
rot (BER) and fruit cracking (FC). The purpose of this review is to describe these physiological
disorders and to assess whether cultivar and cropping system can minimise their symptoms. Blossom end rot; fruit
Physiological Ca deficiency is usually related to the inability of the plant to translocate cracking; growing systems;
adequate Ca to the affected plant part, rather than to insufficient Ca levels in the growing tomato; cultivar; weather
medium. The first visible symptom of BER is a small darkened or water-soaked area around
the blossom end of the fruit, appearing about the time the fruit begins to ripen. The spot
darkens, enlarges, and becomes sunken as the fruit matures. Large lesions may show in
concentric rings. FC is the splitting of the epidermis around the calyx or stem scar. FC is a
physiological disorder, which mainly occurs when there is a rapid net influx of solutes and
especially water into the fruit, while at the same time ripening or other factors reduce the
strength and elasticity of the tomato skin. This review article gives an overview of the causes
of BER and FC and summarizes growing methods aimed at reducing these physiological
disorders of tomatoes.

Introduction uptake of nutrients by the roots, the transport of Ca2+

to and within the fruit or a varying demand for Ca2+
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a very
depending on the growth rate of fruits (Saure, 2001).
important greenhouse crop. It is a major world food
FC is of particular importance as cracked fruit
vegetable, and its cultivated area and production are
causes serious loss of marketable yield, particularly
constantly increasing (FAO Statistics, 2006). Today,
in unheated greenhouses in some years. It often
tomato is grown commercially in 159 countries. The
appears when conditions drastically change the rate
major producers of tomatoes in 2009 were China, the
of growth, such as wide fluctuations in temperature
United States, India, Turkey, Egypt, Italy, and Iran
and moisture (Guichard, Bertin, Leonardi, & Gary,
(Ibrahim, Moharum, & Abd El-Ghany, 2015).
2001) although the environmental causes are not well
Tomato can be injured by two very important
understood (Peet, 2007).
physiological disorders, namely blossom end rot
Tomato cultivars differ in their susceptibility to
(BER) and fruit cracking (FC). Occurrence of these
BER (Ho et al., 1995; Ho, Belda, Brown, Andrews,
disorders results in unmarketable fruit and increased
& Adams, 1993; Kirkby, 1979; Nonami, Fukuyama,
wastage in the supply chain.
Yamamoto, Yang, & Hashimoto, 1995; Nukaya, Goto,
BER limits tomato production and quality (Adams
Jang, Kano, & Ohkawa, 1995) as well as to FC
& El-Gizway, 1988; Adams & Ho, 1989, 1995; Adams
(Abbot, Peet, Willits, Sanders, & Gough, 1986;
& Holder, 1992). This disorder was first identified
Fernandez-Munoz, Cuartero, & Gomez-Guillamon,
more than 100 years ago (Saure, 2001) and there is
1995; Maroto, Lopez, Bardisi, Pascual, & Alagarda,
still no totally effective method of controlling it. The
1995; Mullins & Straw, 1992; Pascual, Bardisi, Lopez-
unpredictability of its occurrence (Battey, 1990) and
Galarza, Alagarda, & Maroto, 1998; Sperry, Davis, &
the lack of control procedures make the problem very
Sanders, 1996).
serious. Estonian tomato grower Voldemar Kamenik
The purpose of this review is to describe the phy-
has found that up to 15% of production can show
siological disorders of BER and FC and to summarise
BER symptoms. Many researchers have attributed the
the influence of cultivar and cropping system on the
occurrence of BER in tomato to a deficiency of Ca2+
occurrence of both disorders.
in the fruit or parts of the fruit in connection with the

CONTACT Margit Olle [email protected]

© 2016 The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology Trust

Blossom end rot and some methods to avoid temperatures the incidence of Ca deficiency is lower
it (Misaghi & Grogan, 1978; Nelson & Niedziela, 1998;
Saure, 2001).
Physiological Ca deficiency is usually related to the
BER seems to occur when stress exceeds stress
inability of the plant to translocate adequate Ca to
tolerance, most frequently in young fruit at the begin-
the affected plant part, rather than to insufficient
ning of cell enlargement (Saure, 2001). Ca uptake was
Ca levels in the growing medium. It is a common
highly correlated with solar radiation and root tem-
problem for vegetable growers. Many vegetables
perature. The cause of BER is usually an interaction
develop specific symptoms: for example, black-
between the effects of irradiance and ambient tem-
heart of celery (Geraldson, 1954; Pardossi,
perature on fruit growth, and the effects of environ-
Bagnoli, Malorgio, Campiotti, & Tognoni, 1999),
mental stress on Ca uptake and distribution within
tipburn of chervil (Kleemann, 1999; Kleemann,
the whole plant (Adams & Ho, 1993). BER in fruits
2002; Olle & Bender, 2009), tipburn of lettuce
increased at the highest light intensity and with light-
(Collier & Tibbits, 1982; Cox, McKee, &
ing at night and during weekends (Stadler, 2012).
Dearman, 1976; Kleemann, 2004), tipburn of
When less water is available to the plant, Ca uptake is
Chinese cabbage (Aloni, 1986; Aloni, Pashkar, &
reduced because Ca flows through the plant with the
Libel, 1986), BER of tomato (Adams & Ho, 1995;
water flow of transpiration. Transpiration is also
Adams & Holder, 1992; Saure, 2001), and Ca defi-
depressed in conditions of high humidity when Ca
ciency of glasshouse cucumber (Bakker &
uptake by plants may be restricted. Increased light
Sonneveld, 1988). The first visible symptom of
period and/or light intensity increases growth rate and
BER is a small darkened or water-soaked area
this higher growth rate will increase the demand for Ca.
around the blossom end of the fruit, appearing
The tissue level of Ca may fall below the critical level
about the time the fruit begins to ripen (Saure,
and induce Ca deficiency symptoms in plants
2001). The spot darkens, enlarges, and becomes
(Kleemann, 1999).
sunken as the fruit matures. Large lesions may
Tomato cultivars differ in the incidence of BER
show concentric rings. The affected tissue is leath-
in their fruits with some being more susceptible to
ery and firm unless invaded by secondary decay
BER than others (Ho et al., 1993, 1995; Kirkby,
organisms. BER usually causes the fruit to ripen
1979; Nonami et al., 1995; Nukaya et al., 1995).
prematurely and to be inedible. Quite commonly,
Early cultivars are more susceptible to BER
the affected fruit areas become infected with sec-
(Magan, Gallardo, Thompson, & Lorenzo, 2008).
ondary pathogens, which appear as a black, felt-like
Susceptible cultivars tend to have a higher fruit
growth on the fruit. The affected area may be a
load and larger fruit (Ho et al., 1995). These differ-
mere speck or it may involve more than half of the
ences between cultivars result from cultivar differ-
ences in the daily rates of Ca uptake, and the
In conventional production in the USA the incidence
difference is more consistent in older plants (Ho
of BER (Figure 1) was higher in August than in
et al., 1995). Differences in Ca translocation may
September (Elmer & Ferrandino, 1991). The reason
correspond to differences in fixation through vary-
could be that weather plays a big role for tomatoes
ing oxalate content (Wiersum, 1979). In contrast,
grown in unheated greenhouses. The temperature in
other researchers indicate that difference in BER
September is much lower than in August. However,
incidence between cultivars cannot simply be
some researchers have found that with lower
explained by the absorption of Ca ions in plants
but that a genetic control metabolism is involved in
BER (Nonami et al., 1995). Furthermore, Ho and
White (2005) found that the susceptibility of dif-
ferent cultivars to BER appears to be related to the
development of the xylem network and the rate of
cell expansion during early fruit development.
Determinate cultivars stop producing new fruit
trusses early in the season, and Ca then tends to
move through the plant easily with the water flow
of transpiration. Saure (2001) postulated that when
growth rate is lower the incidence of BER is also
lower, and Wiersum (1979) found that high growth
rate is associated with reduction of Ca content in
fruits. Similarly, Hanger (1979) reported that with
rapid growth, the import of photosynthates and
Figure 1. Picture of blossom end rot on tomato. nutrients through the phloem increases rapidly,

whereas Ca uptake falls to very low levels. greater economic value when their stem and/or
Commercial tomato production tends to be based petiole elongation are prohibited in negative DIF
on indeterminate or semi-indeterminate tomato cul- conditions. This type of environmental control is
tivars rather than determinant ‘bush’ cultivars. easily achievable in a closed system with artificial
Determinant cultivars produce large flushes of fruit lighting (Kozai, 1998).
late in the season. This heavy fruit set requires large The yield was equal or higher when a negative DIF
quantities of Ca that are very difficult for the plant to was used; the development rate was not affected but
supply on a steady basis. Indeterminate and semi- the fruits became larger (De Koning, 1994). Negative
indeterminate cultivars set fruit over a longer period DIF for 8 days decreased leaf area and chlorophyll
of time, and it is easier for the plant to supply enough content. Leaf number did not differ in negative DIF
Ca to fewer fruit at any given time. If those last two and control treatments. Relative growth rate, net
mechanisms are in place at the same time, the result assimilation rate, and leaf area ratio decreased slightly
can be that BER incidence is not affected by growth by negative DIF treatment.
types. Transpiration rate decreased considerably in the
Many researchers (Grassbaugh, Regnier, & light period, and increased markedly during the
Bennett, 2004; Hudu, Futuless, & Gworgwor, 2002; dark period in the negative DIF plants (Ito et al.,
Schonbeck & Evanylo, 1998) have found that mulches 1995). Low transpiration flow to tomato fruits can
increase the yield of soil-grown tomatoes. Organic lead to low Ca levels and the development of BER
mulches have been found to decrease the incidence (Ho et al., 1993). Therefore, it can be concluded that
of Ca deficiency in plants (Elmer & Ferrandino, 1991; a marked increase of transpiration rate in the dark
John et al., 2005; Magnusson, 2002). Mulching results period can lead to higher content of Ca in fruits and
in adequate soil moisture throughout the season and prevent BER.
thereby helps to reduce BER. Mulching increases soil Lettuce plants have been grown under far-red fil-
temperature, and Adams and Ho (1993) reported that ters; these filter out 45% of red light and 90% of far
an increase in root temperature stimulated Ca uptake red light (increasing the proportion of red light avail-
in proportion to water uptake. Increased Ca uptake able to plants). Far-red light is responsible for plant
will decrease the incidence of BER. However, mulch elongation. If a far-red filter is used to remove much
may overheat the soil and therefore lead to an of the far-red light then plants are more compact.
increase in the incidence of BER. If these last two Fletcher, Tatsiopoulu, Mpezamihigo, and Hadley
mechanisms are in the place at the same time, the (2005) found that the far-red filtering films giving
result can be that BER incidence is not affected by the highest red:far red (R:FR) ratios reduced plant
mulch treatment. height in Impatiens. Under a far-red filter, plants are
Olle (2015) found that some of the best methods more compact in growth, contain more Ca, and show
for preventing Ca deficiency in chervil and lettuce fewer Ca-deficiency symptoms (Olle, 2015).
involve growing plants in negative DIF conditions Light quality manipulations have been used to
and growing plants under a far-red filter. Both meth- decrease the need for chemical growth regulators.
ods may also help prevent BER in tomatoes. One of these methods has involved filtering studies
Negative DIF is when night temperature is higher to remove far-red light (Rajapakse & Shahak, 2007).
than day temperature. In such conditions plants Different covers have been used to increase the R:FR
remain more compact. Fraszczak, Kaluzevicz, ratio, which decreases stem elongation (Rajapakse,
Krzesinski, Lisijeka, and Spizewski (2011) showed Young, McMahon, & Oi, 1999). In the 1980s, a
that basil plant height was enhanced by positive DIF CuSO4 liquid filter was nominated as the best growth
and was inhibited by negative DIF. Under negative regulating cover for tomato (Mortensen & Strømme,
DIF conditions if plants stay more compact they con- 1987), because there was a effective reduction of stem
tain more Ca and there are fewer Ca deficiency symp- elongation and internode length. However, CuSO4
toms in plants (Olle, 2015). covers did not become popular, because they were
The use of negative DIF in young plants mainly difficult to handle and expensive. They also had phy-
affects their vegetative growth, while a reproductive totoxic properties which made their use hazardous
plant hardly shows any reaction to the temperature (Rajapakse et al., 1999).
regime as long as the 24-hour temperature remains The next step was the development of cheaper,
constant (Heuvelink, 1989). Lowering the day tem- easier to handle materials, which replaced CuSO4
perature and raising the night temperature in the covers. Photoselective films made from plastic had
plant production phase or early in the season results promising results (Lia, Rajapaksea, Youngb, & Oic,
in more compact plants with firmer main and truss 2000). These dyed photoselective films had red and
stems (De Koning, 1994). Accordingly, stem elonga- far-red absorbing qualities, which enabled their use to
tion was remarkably restricted by negative DIF treat- manipulate the R:FR ratio inside greenhouses (Lia
ments (Ito et al., 1995). Similarly, transplants have et al., 2000). They were of reasonable cost and

therefore were recommended especially for organic

growers (Rajapakse et al., 1999), who were not
allowed to use chemical growth regulators. For con-
ventional growers, the inconvenient delay in flower-
ing caused by far-red absorbing films, and the short
life span of the films themselves, hinders their com-
mercial use (Rajapakse & Shahak, 2007).
The content of Ca was higher in plants grown
under a far-red absorbing film. Olle (2015) compared
the effect of light quality (red and far-red light) and
DIF (positive and negative DIF). She found that stem
and shoot elongation are decreased and flowering
increased in negative DIF conditions and also in
conditions of much red light and less far-red light.
On the one hand, negative DIF conditions lead to
a markedly increased transpiration rate at night and
therefore increase the content of Ca in fruits and
prevent BER. On the other hand, stem and shoot
elongation are decreased and flowering increased in
negative DIF conditions and also in conditions of
much red light and less far-red light. Therefore, it
can be concluded that also under far-red absorbing
film the content of Ca increases and BER disorder is
In summary, the options for reducing BER in Figure 2. Picture of concentric cracking of tomato.
greenhouse tomato production are:

(1) Avoid too high temperatures;

(2) Avoid too high light intensity;
(3) Apply organic mulches to decrease the inci-
dence of Ca deficiency in soil-grown plants;
(4) Grow plants in negative DIF conditions;
(5) Grow plants under far-red filters.

Fruit cracking and some methods to avoid it

FC (Figures 2 and 3) is a physiological disorder,
which mainly occurs when there is a rapid net influx
of solutes and especially water into the fruit, while at
the same time ripening or other factors reduce the
strength and elasticity of the tomato skin (Leonardi,
Guichard, & Bertin, 2000; Maroto et al., 1995; Peet,
1992). FC is the splitting of the epidermis around the
calyx or stem scar (Guichard et al., 2001).
There are three types of FC in tomatoes: (1) con-
centric cracking (Figure 2), which is a splitting of the
epidermis in circular patterns around the stem scar;
(2) radial cracking (Figure 2), which is a splitting of
the epidermis from the stem scar towards the blos-
som end; and (3) fruit cuticle cracking (Dorais,
Demers, Papadopoulus, & Ieperen, 2004), which has Figure 3. Picture of radial cracking of tomato.
several other names including russeting, hair crack-
ing, swell cracking, shrink cracking, rain check, craz-
ing, and cuticle blotch. Cracking downgrades the and reduces shelf life, while concentric and radial
quality of tomato, because cuticle cracking causes fruit cracking immediately renders the fruit unmar-
poor appearance (roughened skin and corky tissue) ketable for fresh consumption (Dorais et al., 2004).

Cuticle cracking is a common problem in many crops Consequently, the skin of large fruit should be sub-
including sweet pepper, apple, pear, grape, and sweet jected to a greater stress than the skin of small fruit,
cherry (Dorais et al., 2004). The appearance of cuticle and therefore should be more likely to crack.
cracking occurs in the last phase of fruit growth. FC Most cultivars with a determinate growth habit
can occur at all stages of fruit growth but as fruits have been found to have low concentric cracking,
mature they become more susceptible, especially as while most cultivars with an indeterminate growth
colour develops (Olson, 2004). The earlier the fruit habit were found to have diverse concentric cracking
cracks, the deeper the cracks become. Generally, fruit (from none to severe) (Hu, Wang, Chen, & Yang,
cracking is most common on the large, beefsteak-type 2012). Indeterminate and semi-indeterminate culti-
tomatoes. The cracked areas can allow entry of bac- vars set fruit over a longer period of time, and it is
terial and fungal pathogens that cause fruit rots. FC easier for the plant to supply enough nutrients to
of cherry tomatoes and was high after morning har- fewer fruit at any given time.
vest, declined at noon and was low after evening Dorais et al. (2004) found that cultivars less sus-
harvest (Lichter et al., 2002). This suggests that cherry ceptible to cracking are of Dutch origin and were
tomatoes should be harvested in the evening. developed for growing conditions characterised by
Tomato cultivars vary in the incidence of cracking low light intensities such as those prevailing in north-
(Abbot et al., 1986; Fernandez-Munoz et al., 1995; ern Europe. Dutch cultivars tend to have thicker skin,
Maroto et al., 1995; Mullins & Straw, 1992; Pascual are more transportable, and have a lower incidence
et al., 1998; Sperry et al., 1996). Genotypic differences of FC.
in composition, skin anatomy, and cell morphology Ehret et al. (2008) found that, in tomato, FC
are related to tomato fruit cracking. More susceptible started 2 weeks after the time of maximum fruit
cultivars crack in the mature green stage and more growth rate, increasing steadily thereafter until har-
tolerant cultivars at later stages. Peet (1992) reported vest. This suggests that rapid growth of plants may be
that anatomical characteristics of crack-susceptible the reason for FC (why?).
cultivars are: (1) large fruit size Snapp, Huang, & Ehret et al. (2008) found that older tomato plants
Warncke, 2002), (2) low skin tensile strength and/or grown under the same conditions, as younger plants
low skin extensibility at the turning to pink stage of are more prone to FC in July and August. The reason
ripeness, (3) thin skin, (4) thin pericarp, (5) shallow why the incidence of FC is lower in September than
cutin penetration, (6) few fruits per plant, and (7) in August could be that the weather plays a big role
fruit not shaded by foliage. The more resistant a for tomatoes grown in unheated greenhouses.
cultivar is, the later in maturity the fruit cracking In the Northern Hemisphere, higher temperatures
may occur. Sadhankumar, Rajan, and Peter (2001) and higher light intensities occur more in summer,
reported that the crack-susceptible cultivars had and during early autumn the temperatures and light
higher juice content, acidity, total sugar content, intensities are lower. Therefore, in summer the
and reducing sugar content, and lower insoluble increase in fruit temperature increases gas and hydro-
solid content, pectin, skin and pericarp thickness, static pressures of the pulp on the skin, resulting in
and penetrance of fruits compared to the crack-resis- immediate cracking in ripe fruit or delayed cracking
tant cultivars. Crack-resistant cultivars are generally in green fruit. In addition, in summer high light
associated with a thick cuticle and a compact and intensity may have a role in increasing cracking
resistant skin type as evidenced by high penetrance apart from its association with high temperatures
values (Sadhankumar et al., 2001). Avdeyev and (Peet, 1992). Under high light conditions, fruit solu-
Ivanova (2000) showed that one pair of dominant ble solids and fruit growth rates are higher. Both of
genes controls resistance. The dominant genes cause these factors are sometimes associated with increased
total resistance of fruit to radial and concentric crack- cracking (Peet, 1992).
ing. Kasai, Hayama, Kashimura, Kudo, and Osanai The temperature in September is much lower than
(2008) demonstrated that induced accumulation of in August. However, Peet (1992) found that with
an apple expansion gene in pericarp reduced the lower temperatures the incidence of FC is lower.
susceptibility of fruit cracking in apples. Some culti- It could be assumed that conditions, which are
vars of tomatoes have an epidermis that stretches well suitable for cuticle cracking, are suitable also for FC.
and will have very little or no circular cracking. Dorais et al. (2004) reported that cuticle cracking of
Others do not stretch well and have a lot of cracking. greenhouse tomato fruit progressively increases as the
Some cultivars tend to have larger fruits than natural light level increases in spring and summer,
others. Ehret, Hill, Raworth, and Estergaard (2008) and decreases with the decline in light level during
and Emmons and Scott (1998) observed that larger the autumn. Increase in air temperature increases
tomato fruit tend to show more than do smaller ones. fruit temperature. Increasing fruit temperature
Plants with a low fruit load produce larger fruit with increases gas pressure inside the fruit, which could
an increased incidence of cuticle cracking. cause the fruit to expand in volume, thus stretching

the skin of the fruit, but this is unlikely to be the high temperatures, avoid too high light intensity,
primary cause of cracking. Alternatively, cuticle apply organic mulches to decrease the incidence of
cracking can occur due to higher temperature Ca deficiency of soil grown plants, grow plants in
because of an increase of assimilate supply to the negative DIF conditions, or grow plants under far
fruit and an increase in fruit growth (Dorais, et al., red filters. The options for reducing BER in green-
(2004). Kiyofumi, Hironobu, Shyuichi, and Hisamitsu house tomato production are: the first two options
(2006) demonstrated that the sharp fluctuations of for avoiding BER, and also to avoid fluctuations in
temperature and humidity of the greenhouse were humidity.
closely associated with FC. The reason could be that
cracking could be related to high variations in fruit
growth and water influx under changing conditions
of temperature (Guichard et al., 2001). The former institute (Jogeva Plant Breeding Institute) of
In summary, the options for reducing FC in green- Estonian Crop Research Institute funded the literature
house tomato production are: study and composition of the review article. Preparation
of the manuscript was further supported by institutional
research funding IUT36-2 of the Estonian Ministry of
(1) Avoid too high temperatures; Education and Research.
(2) Avoid too high light intensity;
(3) Avoid fluctuations in humidity.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
Tomato can be injured by two very important
physiological disorders, namely blossom end rot
(BER) and fruit cracking (FC). Physiological Ca The work was supported by the Institutional research
deficiency is usually related to the inability of the funding of the Estonian Ministry of Education and
plant to translocate adequate Ca to the affected Research. [Grant Number IUT36-2].
plant part, rather than insufficient Ca levels in
the growing medium, and has been linked to References
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