JA 221 - Pitching Video
JA 221 - Pitching Video
JA 221 - Pitching Video
JA 221
BPME 3033
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MARKS: 20%
Objective of Assignment
Task Outline
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Late Submission Penalty Clause
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Appendix 1
1 2 3 4 Marks
Below basic Basic Proficient Advance
Audience cannot understand Audience has difficulty following Student presents information in Student presents information
Organization presentation because there is presentation because student logical sequence which audience in logical, interesting sequence
no sequence of information. jumps around. can follow. which audience can follow.
Subject Student does not have grasp Student is uncomfortable with Student is at ease with expected Student demonstrates full
Knowledge of information; student information and is able to answer answers to all questions, but fails knowledge (more than
cannot answer questions only rudimentary questions. to elaborate. required) by answering all
about subject. class questions with
explanations and elaboration.
Eye Contact Student reads all of report Student occasionally uses eye Student maintains eye contact Student maintains eye contact
with no eye contact. contact, but still reads most of most of the time but frequently with audience, seldom
report. returns to notes. returning to notes.
Verbal Many pronunciation errors Some pronunciation errors and Few pronunciation errors and run- Precise pronunciation and
techniques and run-on sentences. run-on sentences. on sentences. uses complete sentences.
Student mumbles and Student’s voice is low. Audiences Student’s voice is somewhat clear. Student uses clear voice so
speaks too quietly for have difficulty hearing presentation. Most audiences can hear that all audiences can hear
audience in the back of class presentation. presentation.
to hear.
Delivery Delivery techniques are Delivery techniques sometimes Delivery techniques make the Delivery techniques make the
(oral/visual) either distracting from detract from audience presentation understandable, presentation compelling;
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understandability of the comprehension; student appears interesting, and student appears student appears confident;
presentation or fail to be uncomfortable. Verbal cues include comfortable; Nonverbal cues are Non-verbal cues aid
effective; student is clearly unnecessary gestures and appropriate and useful. significantly.
uncomfortable or purposeless body language.
Visuals are poorly prepared. Some materials are not supported Visuals help the flow of the Visual aids are well prepared,
There is a lack of creativity. by visuals. Creativity is average. presentation and are easy to informative, effective,
read/view. Creativity is apparent. professional and not
distracting. Creativity is
Total Marks
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Appendix I
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(Social some questions. or organized way. Was still left for some decisions. Clearly
not supported. Left questions. presented.
some questions.
Unique Selling Group did not include Presented a m Presented an Unique Presented an Unique Presented an Unique
Proposition in presentation or to Unique Selling Selling Proposition Selling Propositionturned Selling
such a limited degree Proposition and then either provided and provided support and Propositionturned and
it would not count. but not supports or support or explained explained how it provided support and
explanation. how it represented the represented the work explained how it
work environment. environment. Might not represented the work
have been completely environment.
clear. Completely clear and
well presented.
Competitive Group did not include Presented an Presented an Presented an Competitive Presented an
analysis in presentation or to Competitive Competitive analysisand analysisturned and Competitive
such a limited degree analysisbut not then either provided provided support and analysisturned and
it would not count. supports or support or explained explained how it provided support and
explanation. how it represented the represented the work explained how it
work environment. environment. Might not represented the work
have been completely environment.
clear. Completely clear and
well presented.
Target Group did not include Only presented the Presented both Target Presented both Target Presented both Target
customers in presentation or to Target customers customers (customer customers (customer customers (customer
(customer such a limited degree (customer analysis) but did not analysis) and provided analysis) and provided
analysis) it would not count. analysis). provide support or support. Not completely support. Clear and
research for how they clear but overall good. well presented to
got the information. stakeholders.
Pricing & Group did not include Only presented the Presented Pricing & Presented Pricing & Presented Pricing &
positioning in presentation or to certain component positioning strategybut positioning strategyand positioning
strategy such a limited degree of Pricing & did not provide support provided support. Not strategyand provided
it would not count. positioning strategy or research for how they completely clear but support. Clear and
got the information. overall good. well presented to
Barriers to Group did not include Only presented the Presented Barriers to Presented Barriers to Presented Barriers to
entry in presentation or to certain component entrybut did not provide entryand provided entryand provided
such a limited degree of Barriers to entry support or research for support. Not completely support. Clear and
it would not count. how they got the clear but overall good. well presented to
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information. stakeholders.
Overall Group was Group was a little Everyone participated. Everyone participated in Everything at a level 4
Presentation disorganized and the disorganized and Each section was the presentation. The plus it had something
presentation was not there were some presented. It was not flow made sense and it that made it stand out
coherent and could not parts that needed always clear. was clear, entertaining just a little bit more.
be followed. Missing work. Might have and professional.
many components. missed one section.
Someone or a few Someone might not
people might not have have participated.
Score = ……/40
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