Epc2903-Interview 201810-11
Epc2903-Interview 201810-11
Epc2903-Interview 201810-11
Final Grade/Mark
General Comments
v. 2015-02-16 1
Achievement that minimally Achievement that Achievement that is Achievement that is
Achievement that does not meet requirements meets the course satisfactorily meets the significantly above the outstanding relative to
requirements course requirements course requirements the course requirements
GRADING/MARKING Significantly below course Below course
requirements requirements –
CRITERIA achievement that
Assessment has Clearly does
not been not meet the narrowly does not
submitted at all, requirements meet the
is not-existent or requirements
not carried out
Letter Grade F D C C+ B B+ A- A
v. 2015-02-16 2
personal strengths
and weaknesses
4. Spoken language Speaks very slowly with poorly Speaks slowly using Usually maintains flow of Usually maintains fluency, Usually fluent and shows a Fluent, flexible and
(Applied Bachelor) linked ideas. Frequently unable to simple connectives speech but with some areas but with some correction, range of discourse markers, coherent in use of
Fluency and coherence, convey message. but with numerous of disfluency. repetition or slower topic vocabulary and discourse markers, topic
Lexical resources, pauses, repetitions speech. paraphrase. vocabulary, style and
Grammatical range and Only simplest vocabulary and and self-corrections. Sufficient vocabulary to talk paraphrase.
accuracy, sentence structures attempted. Some breakdown in about topics but with limited Reasonably wide range of The range and control of
Pronunciation Inaccuracies cause serious communication. flexibility and only occasional vocabulary with some simple and complex Accurate and flexible use
misunderstanding. paraphrase. paraphrase. sentences and pronunciation of complex sentences and
Vocabulary limited to features is reasonably pronunciation features.
Pronunciation problems cause familiar topics and Mostly accurate in simple Limited complex sentence accurate.
speech to be often unintelligible. rare paraphrasing. sentences. structure and some Easily understood.
Sentence structures mispronunciation, but can Message is always
very limited in range Errors and mispronunciation usually be understood. understood.
and accuracy. can cause misunderstanding.
Errors and frequent
cause difficulty for
the listener.
v. 2015-02-16 3
Interview Assessment Sheet - EPC1403
EPC 2903 Interview Questions Answer all questions here Total grade = 100%
Questions. Answers Each question = 25%
In enjoy more that I spend more time with the student doing
different activities and work.
What did you enjoy most about your practicum?
I faced that one student get boring while I say the story but I
What challenges did you face? get the solution for that.
How did you collaborate with your MST and other I was helping my MST on doing the observing for the
teachers in the school? student on different tasks that they take it, and help the
teacher by give her a idea for the groups activities.
Planning for Learning / managing learning That the planning make the lesson more organized, and to
be there time management, and how to manage the student.
What did you learn about planning during the
practicum? I saw my teacher using a bell to manage the student on the
classroom while she teach them.
What strategies did you see your MST use to
manage the children? I saw her use the "turning off the light" strategies the most on
the classroom.
Which were the most effective strategies you
observed? I helped the students on so many different activities and I
learn how to manage the student and to let them understand
Describe an activity you assisted with and what more what the teacher say.
you learned about managing student behavior
and learning while teaching
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"The Stickers" like what them teacher doing she give a
What behavior management strategies did you
stickers with different color and writing like "good helper,
use and how well were you able to implement
good communicator, good behavior, good thinking", she let
the student with bad behavior on class sit on chair called
thinking chair.
Implementing Learning Yes this TP I have learned more about time management
more than before and how to manage the classroom, how to
let the child be more exited and enjoy the lesson.
Tell us about the appropriacy of the TP Tasks this
semester: Did these tasks provide an opportunity
I enjoy doing task three, because i take a photo of the
for you to build on / make comparisons with
classroom and I know more about the school while i taking
previous learning?
•Which of the tasks did you enjoy the most? I didn't enjoy task one because my MST said to me just send
the questions thro the email and I will answer that she didn’t
do with me the interview.
•Which did you enjoy the least?
I didn't face any obstacles to complete my TP tasks.
•What were the biggest obstacles to completing Yes I was prepared for every day what I will do and the
your TP Tasks? teacher give me some work to do it with her like observe
student on different tasks, preparing its important to let you
be more organize about what you will do and how to do it.
. Did you feel prepared each week to complete
the task and observations? (discuss the
importance of preparing for each TP task)
That I will be a good teacher one day, and I can manage the
Personal Development/Reflection student and let them enjoy the lesson.
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That I know more about how to manage the class and how
What are you most proud of from your teaching
to let the student be more exited to know what we will study.
practice experience?
Yes, in college we take about IB & EYFS, and the school was
Were you able to make links between what you using IB curriculum, we take about Montessori and how to
did at college and what you observed or manage the classroom.
experienced during TP? Give an example.
I think we should study more about managing the class and
how to apply what we study and foxed more on activities that
What do you think are important things to study at we can do it for the students.
college to ensure that you are well prepared for
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