ASP Guide

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ABOUT BCSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

A Complete Guide to Safety Certification

Second Edition | February 2021 SECTION 1
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
All or any part of this document may be freely copied and distributed with the following restrictions: Excerpts, in any
form or medium, must include a formal statement acknowledging that the Board of Certified Safety Professionals
(BCSP) is the owner of the copyrighted material excerpted from this document. Copies and redistributions of this whole
document, in any form or medium, must include the entire copyright notice and the restrictions shown on this page. SECTION 2
CERTIFICATION SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . 4
BCSP is committed to impartiality and objectivity in every aspect of our operation. We have intentionally structured
ourselves to segregate responsibilities in our organization to facilitate this impartiality and objectivity. BCSP evaluates
all candidates seeking BCSP certifications without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, pregnancy,
disability, military or veteran status, genetic predisposition, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other characteristics
protected by the law (Protected Characteristics). SECTION 3
This publication is not intended to guarantee that the user will pass an exam or become certified. In general it
may not cover every aspect of the certification process. Additionally, this publication is not considered training or
preparatory in any manner. BCSP makes no promises or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, of the actions
of third party organizations.
This publication is subject to change without notice at anytime. PREPARING FOR THE EXAM . . . . . . . . . .8
An individual’s status with BCSP is an indicator that an individual has completed a combination of defined education, experience,
and examination requirements. However, certification is not a guarantee or assurance of the competence or ability of any particular SECTION 5
individual. Further, given the rapid changes in the field, BCSP cannot warrant that any examination and other certification materials will
at all times reflect the most current state of the art.
EXAM OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
BCSP disclaims liability for any personal injury, property damage or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special,
indirect, consequential or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the certification program or the acts or omissions of
any person who has been certified by BCSP.
In conducting the certification program, including issuing certifications, BCSP is not undertaking to render professional or other AFTER ACHIEVING CERTIFICATION . . . . 13
services for or on behalf of any person or entity, nor is BCSP undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to
someone else. Anyone using the services of a person who has been certified should rely on his or her own independent judgment
as appropriate in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances.
CERTIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

© 2021 Board of Certified Safety Professionals SECTION 8

DESIGNATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
All rights reserved.
A BCSP Publication

CODE OF ETHICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Exam training at home ABOUT BCSP
or by the shore. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, BCSP is a not-for-profit corporation recognized
Use BCSP’s examCORE. as a leader in high-quality, accredited credentialing for safety, health, and environmental (SH&E)
practitioners. BCSP establishes standards and certifies competency criteria in professional safety
practice. Since 1969, over 100,000 of BCSP’s credentials have been achieved.


ISO/IEC 17024
Personnel Certification Program

BCSP’s certifications are accredited by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI), an
independent third-party organization that evaluates certification programs and organization
requirements on a regular basis. Visit to learn more about accreditation.
BCSP has been granted special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and
Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2014.



CERTIFIED SAFETY PROFESSIONAL®  Construction Health and Safety Technician®
The premier certification in the safety profession, Offers a certification for individuals who work in a
covering a wide range of safety, health, and construction craft or are construction safety specialists.
ANYTIME. ANYWHERE. environmental (SH&E) practice disciplines.

Safety Trained Supervisor®

BCSP examCORE is an interactive, online, exam training program that supports Safety Management Specialist ®
Provides a quality certification for work group leaders
safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) practitioners’ professional development. Demonstrates management skills required for an in various industries who are responsible for the safety
organization’s safe operation, including defining and and health of their workers.
Built by leaders in the profession, this training helps you to learn the knowledge and utilizing safety management systems.
skills needed to successfully complete BCSP certification exams. BCSP examCORE
is available anywhere, at any time, on any tablet or computer. Safety Trained Supervisor Construction®
Associate Safety Professional® Holds the same requirements and benefits as the
Demonstrates a broad scope of knowledge in SH&E Safety Trained Supervisor certification but provides a
Courses are available for all eight BCSP certifications! practice and serves as one of several qualifying quality certification for work group leaders working
credentials required for the CSP. specifically in construction.

Occupational Hygiene and Safety Technician® Certified Instructional Trainer

Start training today! Provides practitioners with partial responsibility or Certifies those who have experience and expertise in

Visit examCORE.ORG . oversight in SH&E with a high quality certification. developing, designing, and delivering SH&E training.

iv 1
All BCSP certifications are different,
but the process of achieving and
maintaining them is the same.

Below is a quick overview of the process,

which will be explained in more detail
in the next chapter.

Pick a certification that is right for YOU


Education and work experience


BCSP awards professional safety certifications to This guide provides in-depth information regarding
qualified individuals who demonstrate adequate the application process, examination process, and
knowledge through examination and who work in a the rules and procedures essential in retaining a BCSP Apply online
vital professional safety position. certification once achieved. Reading and following
the suggestions and rules in this guide will help you
Whether your career goals include seeking a new navigate your path to certification.
position, moving up in your current organization, or
moving to private practice, you can accelerate your Visit BCSP.ORG and click on My Profile to create an PURCHASE YOUR EXAM
Anytime during the 1-year eligibility period
opportunities by achieving BCSP certifications. account and apply for your desired certification(s)
or designation(s). If you need further assistance, you
Improve your chances of professional success may contact the Certification Services Department at
by earning a BCSP certification. Our certificants +1 317-593-4800 or by email at [email protected].
are commonly selected for leadership and senior SCHEDULE YOUR EXAM
positions, plus our certifications are proven to increase At your nearest Pearson VUE testing center
salaries. Rise above the competition, add a BCSP
certification to your portfolio! For the most current version of this publication,
please visit BCSP.ORG.
As a candidate or certificant, you are solely
This guide is the first step in helping you achieve Pass the exam during the 1-year eligibility period
responsible for keeping BCSP informed of your
a BCSP credential. It walks you through the process current mailing and email address. If either address
of applying for certification and taking our changes, you must update them through My Profile,
certifications’ examinations. or notify BCSP’s Certification Services Department.
You may lose your credential or eligibility status if you MAINTAIN CERTIFICATION
Annual renewal fee and five (5) year recertification cycle
miss important notifications related to your credential.

2 3
BCSP’s examination provider, Pearson VUE
(, has test centers located
around the world and operates every business day.
All Pearson VUE testing sites are subject to change
Anytime during the one-year eligibility period, based on criteria provided by Pearson VUE. Please be
candidates may pay for their examination through My sure to check regularly for available locations when
Profile at BCSP.ORG or by calling Certification Services scheduling an exam. Examinations are delivered via
at +1 317-593-4800. The examination authorization computer at the test center.
period begins the day a candidate purchases an exam
Candidates will be given their examination results at
(within their one-year eligibility period) and ends once
the center immediately after submitting their exam.
they have passed the examination, or on the day their
Candidates that are not successful may purchase a
eligibility ends, whichever comes first.
new examination authorization which can be used to
Active or retired military may qualify for a sit for the exam six (6) weeks after their most recent
reimbursement of the examination fee through the attempt, as long as they remain eligible.

Veteran Affairs (VA). The VA brochure is located on the
Note: If you need special examination facilities or
BCSP website for more information.
accommodation arrangements for documented disabilities
(consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the

American Disabilities Amendment Act), you must request
the accommodation with BCSP at the time you purchase
SCHEDULE YOUR EXAM your exam. Accommodation requests should be emailed to
[email protected] prior to scheduling with Pearson
Once BCSP has processed a candidate’s examination VUE. Failure to request at the time of exam purchase may
fee and issued an examination authorization, they will impact your ability to have the accommodation provided at
EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT be able to schedule their examination with Pearson the testing center.
PICK A CERTIFICATION VUE. Pearson VUE is the official computer-based
All BCSP certifications require some safety-related For a list of current fees, visit
experience and/or training. Just like the education testing provider for all BCSP examinations. More
Whether you are in safety management, requirement, each certification requirement is different. information about scheduling your examination can be
manufacturing, public safety, construction, industrial found in Chapter 5, “Exam Overview.”
hygiene, or training, BCSP offers a certification that’s Chapter 7 will explain the academic and/or training
right for you. Based on your knowledge, job duties, and experience requirements for each certification in MAINTAIN CERTIFICATION
education, and work experience, you can earn a more detail.
certification that meets your career needs.
Candidates eligible for an examination must pass the After completing all of the requirements, BCSP awards
SUBMIT APPLICATION examination within their one year of eligibility. the credential to candidates who pass their exam.
DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY Certificants will need to pay annual renewal fees in
BCSP allows candidates to extend their eligibility order to maintain their credential. A prorated renewal
BCSP reviews all application materials to determine once during their term, and the extension is valid for fee will be applied to the remainder of the year in
Academic and/or Training Requirements eligibility for each certification examination. one year. Extensions are available for purchase within which the candidate passes the exam.
Candidates must meet all requirements in order to the last 60 days of a candidate’s eligibility period.
BCSP certifications require different levels of
education and/or training. For example, the Certified
be made eligible to sit for the desired examination. Extensions can be purchased through My Profile at RECERTIFICATION
Eligibility is for a one-year period. More information BCSP.ORG, as long as the candidate is eligible.
Safety Professional (CSP) certification requires a Certificants must remain up-to-date with changes in
about the application process can be found in
bachelor’s degree in any field from an accredited professional practice by earning recertification points
Chapter 3, “Application Instructions.” Those who do not meet this time limit, nor
university, whereas the Certified Instructional Trainer every five (5) years.
purchase the eligibility extension, must reapply as
(CIT) requires at least 135 hours of developing or
new candidates and meet the current application Additional information regarding recertification can
delivering teaching or training in any SH&E specialty.
requirements. A detailed outline of eligibility is provided be found in the Recertification Guide, located at
once an application has been approved. BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/Recertification.
4 5
Information on submitting transcripts will be provided
as you fill out your application online.
BCSP requires applicants to disclose criminal
convictions, disciplinary actions, and denial or BCSP offers friendly, helpful
revocation of certifications, licenses, and professional
registrations taken against the applicant by the issuing customer support via phone or
certification board or agency. BCSP uses its policy online messaging.
relating to criminal convictions to determine whether
the application can proceed or whether it will be
terminated. In some cases, a BCSP attorney may contact Let a certification services

the applicant to clarify information about the conviction.
A copy of the BCSP criminal conviction policy can be advisor assist you today.
found at BCSP.ORG/About/Policies-Forms.

Applicants are required to provide disclosure of:
email: [email protected]
• All felony convictions
call: +1 317-593-4800
• All misdemeanor convictions within the past
five (5) years (minor traffic violations and petty
offenses DO NOT have to be reported)
Individuals who wish to pursue a BCSP certification 6 ONLINE PAYMENT OF APPLICATION • Any record of unethical behavior
must create a profile through My Profile at BCSP.ORG. Note: If you are unable to submit online and require
Once you have created your profile, you may select the a paper application, there will be a processing fee. • Information related to having a professional
certification or designation application you are interested license or certification denied, suspended, or
Please call the BCSP office for more detail.
revoked for reasons other than not meeting
in, and follow the online instructions. Candidates apply
qualifications, failure of examination, or failure to
only once for credentials, provided they follow all policies Do not send resumes, professional papers, continuing pay renewal fees
and stay within their eligibility time limit. education course certificates, or any other items that
are not specifically requested.
A complete application requires candidates to provide: AUDITING
After you submit your application, BCSP Certification
BCSP randomly selects 5% of applications for audit.
1 CONTACT INFORMATION Services will contact you with any questions and/or
If your application is selected, you will be required to
once your application review has been completed.
provide experience documentation and, if applicable,
Only for the CSP The application fee is nonrefundable and training documentation. Acceptable forms of validation
nontransferable. For a list of current fees, visit documentation for experience are:
3 EXPERIENCE INFORMATION BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/At-A-Glance. You 1 A letter on company letterhead from your
will be prompted to include payment along with your employer validating employment dates, job title,
 AND/OR TRAINING application. Your application will not be complete until and percentage of job duties which are/were
INFORMATION payment for the application fee and any additional safety/health/environmental.
If applicable requested materials have been received. If all

5 APPLICATION AGREEMENT AND application requirements have not been met within one 2 BCSP
 Experience Validation Form completed
 year of the application submission date, the application by employer.
will expire.
Acknowledging truthful information has been
3 If your application requires training, you must
provided, informing BCSP of any criminal
upload supporting documentation proving your
convictions or unethical behavior, agreeing to
completion of this training.
adhere to BCSP Code of Ethics, and not to disclose
any confidential information

6 7
SECTION CALCULATOR examCORE are a pre- and post-test to help gauge
your progress, over 1,000 examCORE questions and
Candidates are provided an on-screen calculator answers, and 40+ training modules.
during the exam. The on-screen calculator emulates
the TI-30XS scientific calculator. Test centers do not The STS and STSC examCORE are shorter programs
provide physical calculators or allow candidates to available for a greatly reduced price. Included in
bring in their own. these programs are a pre- and post-test, over 500
examCORE question and answers, and 20+ training
Make sure you know how to use the provided calculator modules.
so you do not waste valuable time trying to understand
how to use it once the examination clock starts. It is a The CIT examCORE is also available for a reduced
good idea to practice working solutions and to be able price with 700 examCORE questions and answers, a
to recall the correct calculator procedures. pre- and post-test, and 30+ training modules.

Many people need to attain the ASP certification as a

Remember, solutions to computational items usually
are rounded. You should select the answer closest to prerequisite to sit for the CSP certification. To help with
the computed value. this, BCSP created ASP + CSP examCORE Connect,
which provides both the ASP and CSP examCORE

Note: The on-screen calculator is not available for the programs in one convenient, cost-effective bundle.
CIT exam.
More information on subscription lengths, pricing, and
a free extension can be found at examCORE.ORG.
You may use various approaches to prepare for the However, there may not be enough items in your
Draw on your experience and on professional and
examination: strong areas to achieve a passing score. It is essential for you to compare your knowledge
study references in your own library, a company
• Perform individual study against what is contained in the examination blueprint.
Note that knowledge and understanding are essential library, or a public library. BCSP maintains a list of
One way to do this is by using a self-evaluation
• Participate in informal study groups in passing the examination. Relying only on simulated examination references for each certification at
method. A self-evaluation helps determine how well
examination items is not the best way to increase BCSP.ORG. Examination items are not necessarily
• Attend formal review courses you know various subjects.
knowledge and understanding. Use simulated items taken directly from these sources. However, BCSP
Some keys to success include: to provide insight into the areas in which you should believes these references represent the breadth and BCSP offers online self-assessments for all certifications
engage in additional study. depth of coverage of safety, health, and environmental for a nominal fee. The self-assessments can help
• Knowing your strengths and weaknesses
practice. diagnose how well you know the body of knowledge,
• Having an examination preparation plan
DEVELOPING A TEST-TAKING as well as help refresh your test-taking skills.
• Developing a test-taking strategy
The online self-assessments is based on the blueprint
• Understanding how to use your calculator Knowing how to take the examination will help STUDY FROM THE SOURCE! located on the BCSP website for the certification you
improve your score. The examination uses BCSP’s exam training program, examCORE, was desire and is half the length of a full examination.
HAVING AN EXAMINATION multiple-choice items with only one (1) correct answer designed specifically to have prospective certificants
The online self-assessment includes six (6) months
and three (3) incorrect answers. Remember, the goal
STUDY PLAN feel confident they are ready for BCSP examinations.
of access, during which time users have unlimited
is to get as many items correct as possible. There is no Available for all BCSP certifications, examCORE is an
The examination blueprint shows how the questions, penalty for selecting an incorrect answer. However, interactive, online training program that provides a assessment attempts. Results from each attempt
or items, on an examination are distributed across only correct answers count toward reaching the means to build the knowledge and skills necessary for are provided, and a results history is maintained so
domains. The percentage of items per domain is noted passing score. BCSP certification, covering the topics identified as candidates may evaluate their progress.
on the examination blueprint. essential by industry leaders. Each program features
• Read the items carefully
its own unique curriculum, but with each examCORE
Converting your subject strengths and weaknesses into • Consider the context subscription you will receive interactive video courses
a study plan is likely to increase your overall examination
• Use examination time wisely with focused training modules led by subject matter
score. Scoring well in one subject area can compensate
experts (SMEs) who will guide you through essential
for a weaker score in another subject area. • Go back to items that gave you trouble
• Complete all items
8 9
ONLINE Note: The self-assessment is designed to assist
the candidate in evaluating their strengths and SECTION
SELF-ASSESSMENTS weaknesses, strategizing test-taking pace,
and planning future studying accordingly. The
self-assessment is not considered training or
preparation in any manner.
To order a self-assessment, please log into
KNOWLEDGE AGAINST My Profile at BCSP.ORG to make the purchase.


EXAMINATION BLUEPRINT. A key to a successful and respected credentialing
program is examination security. Without it, a
peer-operated credentialing program has little
Diagnose how well you know the body of value. BCSP relies on the ethical behavior of
candidates and certificants to maintain the security
knowledge, as well as help refresh your
of BCSP examinations.
test-taking skills. BCSP allows six (6) months

When those who hold credentials or those who
access, during which time users have are pursuing credentials reveal information about
unlimited assessment attempts. the content of BCSP examinations, they violate the
agreement all candidates accept when they apply
for certification and when they take examinations.
Applicants, examination candidates, or certificants
who reveal confidential information about the COMPUTER-BASED TESTING For use during the examination, the testing center will
provide you with materials for working out calculations
VISIT BCSP.ORG content of BCSP examinations through any means
also violate the BCSP Disciplinary Action Policy and
BCSP examinations use computer-based testing with
one (1) item appearing on the screen at a time. You
by hand.
the BCSP Code of Ethics located at BCSP.ORG/ will simply use a mouse to point to the desired answer Refer to the Pearson VUE Computer-Based Testing
MY PROFILE BCSP pursues legal action against organizations
and click on it to select it. Answers can be changed the
same way.
Brochure located on any certification page at
BCSP.ORG for more details and requirements.
and individuals who reveal information about the You can mark items to return to later or simply skip
PURCHASE THE ONLINE content of BCSP examinations. BCSP also takes them and move to the next item. At the end of the SCHEDULING YOUR EXAM
legal action against those who falsely claim to hold examination, there is a table of items and answers Once you have purchased your examination, BCSP
SELF-ASSESSMENT TODAY! a certification. Penalties could include permanently selected. The table also shows skipped and marked will send you an examination authorization and
barring individuals from pursuing the credential items. You can return to any item by simply clicking on information on scheduling your exam with a Pearson
and revoking the certifications and interim the item number. VUE testing center. It is important that when you
designations of those who have status with BCSP,
schedule, you do so on Pearson VUE’s website or by
online posting of their names, in addition to other Prior to beginning the actual examination, there is calling their national number. Local testing centers
legal remedies. a tutorial. Your examination clock begins when you do not schedule examinations. All BCSP-approved
officially commence with the examination itself. After Pearson VUE testing sites are subject to change based
completing the examination, you will select to end the on criteria provided by Pearson VUE. Please be sure to
exam to formally submit your examination for scoring. check regularly for available locations when scheduling
You will receive results before you leave the testing an exam.
center facility.

Examinations are closed book, and accessing external

reference materials during your examination is not

10 11
For a complete list of testing center rules and EXAMINATION BLUEPRINT
procedures, visit
BCSP examination blueprints are based on surveys
of what safety professionals do in practice. The
examination is required for candidates to demonstrate
knowledge of professional safety practice.

The top levels, called domains, represent the major

functions performed by safety professionals. Within
each domain are lists of knowledge areas and skills
necessary for carrying out the tasks in that domain.
Each domain heading is accompanied by a percentage
label which represents the proportion of the actual
examination devoted to that domain.

EXAMINATION The full blueprint for each certification can be
All candidates must pass the examination to earn the viewed and downloaded at BCSP.ORG from each
desired credential. certification webpage.

The examinations are multiple-choice items with four

(4) possible answers and only one (1) correct answer.
Data necessary to answer items are included in the
BCSP updates examinations regularly. Items come
item. Each item is independent and does not rely on
the correct answer to any other item. Formulas will be from safety professionals in practice. Before items are
embedded into each item that requires one. accepted into item banks, they go through rigorous BCSP CREDENTIAL HOLDERS’ FEATURES AND BENEFITS
technical, psychometric, and grammatical editing.
EXAM SAMPLE QUESTIONS Also, 10–15% of the items on BCSP examinations are
experimental, and do not contribute to a candidate’s eNEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION
To get an idea of the type of questions you may
pass/fail decision. BCSP analyzes the performance of Upon receiving your credential, and each year when As a BCSP credential holder, you will receive the
encounter, here are a couple sample questions that
these experimental items before including them as you pay the required annual renewal fee, a wallet card quarterly BCSP eNewsletter. The BCSP eNewsletter
could be on an examination:
scored items. is made available online which shows you hold the contains information about important changes which
Why is it necessary for the fire department to credential. The wallet card is the official documentation may affect BCSP certifications and designations,
HOW BCSP ESTABLISHES THE of your credential. You will have access to print your information about credential holders, and professional
maintain control of a fire scene after the fire
is extinguished? MINIMUM PASSING SCORE wallet card instantly from your profile. safety practice information. Current issues and back
BCSP uses criterion-referenced procedures (the issues are located on the BCSP website.
A. T
 he fire department is responsible for the prevention
Modified Angoff and the Bookmark Standard Setting
of looting of the scene. CERTIFICATE

Methods) to establish the minimum passing scores for REPORT
B. T
 he fire department may be held liable for injuries to When you achieve a credential, BCSP issues a wall 
examinations. The two methods differ in terms of the
the curious. certificate suitable for framing. Should you lose or The BCSP Annual Report is another important
procedures used, but both ensure that the passing score
damage your wall certificate, BCSP will replace it for a publication you will receive electronically. It contains
C. The fire department is responsible to allow the is independent of scores from other candidates sitting
nominal fee. Visit My Profile at BCSP.ORG to order. summarized data about BCSP credential holders and
insurance people to do their claim investigation. for the examination and involve having panels of experts
the annual audited financial report. It can be found on
D. F
 ire investigation personnel must have adequate rate each examination item with respect to the minimally
the BCSP website.
time to properly investigate the fire. qualified candidate. BCSP uses the two methods as a CAREER CENTER

check on each other to ensure more accurate minimum Many employers post open job positions seeking
Identify a design action for preventing and
passing scores and fairness to candidates, as much as DIRECTORIES
qualified safety professionals. With a BCSP credential, 
controlling “sick building syndrome.” possible. As examinations are reviewed and modified on you may post your resume free of charge at JOBS. BCSP publishes a directory of individuals who
A. K
 eep hot water supply temperatures higher than 120°F. a regular basis, the minimum passing score is adjusted, BCSP.ORG, and employers have access to view your currently hold BCSP certifications and designations. An
through equating studies, to reflect the difficulty of items resume and contact you. abbreviated format containing names, cities, and states
B. Limit relative humidity to less than 70%.
on the examinations. Item performance is also evaluated appears on the BCSP website and allows viewers to
C. Use only steam humidifiers, not recirculating ones.
regularly to ensure that BCSP examinations maintain the confirm if a person currently holds a BCSP certification
D. Keep coils, pans, drainage systems, and duct work clean. highest testing standards. or designation.

12 13
You may seek reinstatement online through My Profile
The credential may be used only for the period for ANNUAL RENEWAL FEES
  at BCSP.ORG. Reinstatement must be completed
which use is authorized. Use expires if you have not paid
BCSP credential holders receive a digital badge for The authority to use a BCSP title is valid for one (1)
the annual renewal fee or have not met recertification by 12/31 of the same year you are invalidated.
each credential they have earned. Digital badges year. It must be renewed annually. You will receive a
requirements for the credential. Use of these titles Reinstatement includes paying a reinstatement
contain links to detailed information about your prorated fee for the remainder of the year in which
beyond the authorized period (without complying with fee and complying with the current recertification
specific certification(s) and more. The badges are you pass the examination. Each following year, BCSP
renewal or recertification requirements) constitutes requirements. Otherwise, your credential will expire
accessed via My Profile and can be used in users’ will send you a notice when your annual renewal fee
unauthorized use of the credential. and you will be unable to reapply for one (1) year, after
email, social media, web pages containing their is due. BCSP gives you the options for paying the fee
which you will need to apply as a new candidate and
professional information, and more. You may use the credential on your business cards, by phone or online via credit card. After receiving your
meet all application and examination requirements.
resume, social media, and correspondence with payment, BCSP will provide a receipt and wallet card
your signature. You may use your credential virtually available to print. For a list of current fees, visit
 anywhere you use your name. BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/At-A-Glance.
Individuals may use a credential to qualify for the
While holding a BCSP credential, you may face
highest level of membership in professional safety The credential is awarded to individuals, not companies, situations which affect your ability to maintain your
societies. After achieving a credential, check with and should only be used with individuals’ names.  certification. You may experience an interruption in
the safety and health organizations in which you The Recertification Program helps credential holders
your safety career, such as moving to a job which is
hold memberships to see if you qualify for a status Example of proper company use: keep up with changes affecting professional safety
not in the safety profession, taking time out to be a
change. For example, the CSP, ASP, OHST, and CHST practice. The program complies with requirements of
ABC Safety Company provides the latest safety parent, student, or soldier, having an extended health
credentials qualify members of the American Society BCSP’s international accrediting organization.
services. Employees holding the Certified Safety problem, or unemployment. BCSP has established
of Safety Professionals (ASSP) for “Professional
Professional® (CSP®) certification include Robert A. Every five (5) years—one (1) cycle—you must achieve some options to help deal with these types of
Member” status.
Smith, CSP and Mary A. Jones, CSP. recertification points. There are 10 categories of situations, but you must notify and work with BCSP as
activities each providing points toward meeting that soon as possible prior to invalidation.

 TITLE PROTECTION AND LAWS Example of improper company use: goal. Keep in mind, there is no limit to the number

INVOLVING BCSP CREDENTIALS of points in some categories, while other categories
ABC Safety Company, providing safety services by OF ABSENCE OR EXTENSIONS
have annual and/or total point limits. 
Some states have enacted title protection laws Certified Safety Professionals. You may seek a leave of absence or an extension if
which restrict anyone from claiming to hold a BCSP
At the end of the five-year period, you must submit a career interruption will affect your ability to meet
credential without having duly obtained it from
BCSP. Additionally, several states have enacted laws MAINTAINING YOUR the points you earned during that cycle. Only points recertification requirements. Please refer to the
Recertification Guide for detailed information.
or regulations which specify that BCSP credential CERTIFICATION earned during a recertification cycle count toward that
cycle. BCSP randomly selects 5% of those who submit
holders may provide loss control services for insurance In order to retain your certification, you must:
their points for an audit. While documentation to prove
companies. Check your state government website for
• I nform BCSP of mailing or email address changes, points is not required with the initial submission, the
more details. RENEWAL FEE WAIVER
or update it through My Profile audit procedure requires you have proof of the points 
claimed. It is important that you keep records to verify
• Pay your annual renewal fee
USE OF A BCSP CREDENTIAL your recertification activities.
If you become unemployed and are unable to pay
your annual renewal fee, you may request in writing a
It is important to know how to use your credential • Complete and submit recertification requirements
Additional details of the Recertification Program one-time waiver of the annual renewal fee.
correctly. The titles and credentials are registered
appear in the Recertification Guide. You may download
trademarks issued to BCSP by the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office. They can only be used when If you undergo a name change through marriage
the Recertification Guide on the BCSP website to help RETIRED CREDENTIAL HOLDERS
you through the process. You will want to refer to the
authorized for a period specifically designated or other court proceedings, you may request a name Certificants who are retiring can hold their
website regularly for the most up-to-date information.
by BCSP. There are guidelines for displaying your change by contacting [email protected]. Additionally, certifications in retired status should they meet the
credential properly. For display of proper and improper you must provide a copy of the court record or following requirements:
use, the Certified Safety Professional® (CSP®) will be marriage certificate in order for BCSP to register REINSTATEMENT
• They have held certification a minimum
used in this section. the change. If you fail to pay your annual renewal fee or fail to of 10 years
achieve and submit the required recertification points
Examples of correct use: • They have completed two (2) recertification cycles
every five (5) years, BCSP will send you a notice that
• Robert A. Smith, CSP your credential has been invalidated and you no longer
hold the credential.
• Robert A. Smith, Certified Safety Professional

14 15
To maintain a certification in retired status: BCSP relies on those finding potential unauthorized PROMOTING A BCSP CREDENTIAL  PROMOTIONAL
uses to report them and provide the documentation
• Safety practice is not required BCSP uses several methods to promote credentials There is a variety of complimentary literature about
showing the use of these titles. BCSP will not disclose
and to encourage safety professionals to pursue them. all of the BCSP credentials, qualifications and
• No more than 200 hours of safety practice the name of the person or organization reporting
You may volunteer to assist in these activities. Please procedures, and examinations. Most BCSP publications
annually is allowed potential unauthorized uses.
contact BCSP or visit the BCSP website to determine are available for download on the BCSP website.
• A nominal retired annual renewal fee is required After receiving documentation of a potential available materials. To request literature, please fill out the Display and
each year Literature Request Form located at BCSP.ORG/
unauthorized use case, BCSP takes steps to challenge
Get-Involved/Presentations-and-Outreach, or contact
A certificant holding a certification in retired status
must indicate their status as in the following examples:
that individual and investigates any irregularities on the
part of BCSP. Legal counsel for BCSP may participate in Promote BCSP! BCSP at [email protected].
the procedures.
• Robert A. Smith, CSP Retired
Those who have used BCSP titles without authority 
• Robert A. Smith, CSP (Retired) PowerPoint presentations about the safety profession
may be barred from pursuing a BCSP certification for
up to five (5) years. Their names are also published on and BCSP credentials are located on the BCSP website
• Robert A. Smith, CSP Ret.
the BCSP website. Other penalties may be applied. at BCSP.ORG/Get-Involved/Presentations-and-
• Robert A. Smith, Certified Safety BCSP reserves the right to use the courts in protecting Outreach. The materials are editable and available for
Professional (Retired) use by credential holders as needed.
use of a credential.


AND LOGOS BCSP’s criminal conviction policy appears on the Created specifically to recognize certificants’ roles in
Because BCSP has registered its logos and titles, it BCSP website. It applies to BCSP credential holders. assisting the career development of others, the mentor
has a solid position for challenging BCSP title and/or The policy also covers convictions by other program helps bring current credential holders and
logo infringement. There are several legal theories and certifications and licensing bodies for unauthorized use those looking to pursue certification together.
considerations involved. Registration itself does not of designations. It requires credential holders to
The mentor program rewards those who become
provide absolute protection from others using similar report new convictions which can result in BCSP ER
acronyms or titles. BCSP does not have exclusive use of BANN YS! mentors and helps to ensure safety professionals who
disciplinary proceedings. A
the acronym. BCSP continually challenges those uses DISPL perform quality work are certified. By having your
mentee fill out the Professional Advancement Mentor
which can be confusing to the public, or for which there
are legal grounds to make such challenges.
DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES Form and submit it by fax or email at the time that
BCSP authorizes individuals to use a credential when they apply online, BCSP recognizes mentors and their
they meet requirements for achieving and retaining the work with their peers, colleagues, and other safety
INDIVIDUALS USING A BCSP credential. BCSP also has a responsibility to withdraw EARN RECERTIFICATION POINTS! professionals.
CREDENTIAL WITHOUT that authorization if individuals fail to pay annual
AUTHORITY renewal fees, fail to meet recertification requirements, MAINTAINING YOUR MAILING
or violate the BCSP Disciplinary Action Policy or the A RETURNABLE AND EMAIL ADDRESS 

BCSP has established procedures for challenging 
individuals known to use a BCSP credential without BCSP Code of Ethics. The BCSP Disciplinary Action BANNER DISPLAY
Policy contains rules on disciplinary procedures and As a credential holder, you are solely responsible
having obtained it or after they lost it for failure to Use of BCSP banner displays help promote BCSP and
grounds for action. The complete BCSP Disciplinary to keep BCSP informed of your current mailing and
pay annual renewal fees or meet recertification BCSP certifications. They are ideal for meetings, local
Action Policy is on the BCSP website. email addresses. If either address changes, you must
requirements. and regional conferences, or educational programs
change it through My Profile or notify BCSP. You may
of local professional groups and companies. BCSP
your credential if annual renewal notices and
In order to establish someone is using the credential APPEALS pays for shipping to and from events. In some
other important information does not reach you. 

without authority, BCSP must have the original instances, you may earn recertification credit for
document (or a copy) showing where the individual You may appeal decisions related to earning and
promoting certifications. To request a display, fill out
is using the title. Most often, the unauthorized use maintaining BCSP credentials. Requests for appeal
the Display and Literature Request Form located at
occurs online, on a business card, resume, business must be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer in
letterhead, brochure or similar publication, or with a writing and in accordance to the current appeals policy
Outreach, or contact BCSP at [email protected].
signature. To initiate action against the individual using located online at BCSP.ORG/About/Policies-Forms.
the credential without authority, BCSP also needs the
offending individual’s current mailing address.

16 17


BCSP provides all the tools and information you will
need to present about safety certification. Visit BCSP.
BCSP has eight (8) certifications. This chapter will explain each one in detail by going over the
ORG/Get-Involved/Presentations-and-Outreach to help following information:
spread the word!
ACADEMIC AND/OR Certifications will be explained in detail starting
TRAINING REQUIREMENTS with the Certified Safety Professional (CSP). The
CSP is the “Gold Standard” of safety certification.
It is BCSP’s foundational certification and holds the
highest esteem amongst the SH&E community.
Each BCSP certification plays a special role in the
safety field with one common goal...


EXAM INFORMATION BCSP fulfills industry and global demand for
• Exam length and time limits validating highly competent safety practitioners
with varying amounts of formal education and
significant amounts of experience.

RECERTIFICATION BCSP certifications create a unified safety culture

by setting baseline competencies of safety
knowledge and skills throughout the organization.

The best safety cultures require safety competency

across the organization and also value safety
leadership at all levels.
18 19
• Professional safety must be the primary function • Master in Occupational Safety and Health,
of the position. Collateral duties in safety are International Training Centre of the International
not counted. Labour Organization (ITC-ILO)
• The position’s primary responsibility must be • National Examination Board in Occupational Safety
the prevention of harm to people, property, or and Health (NEBOSH) National or International
the environment, rather than responsibility for Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
responding to harmful events.
• Professional Member of the Singapore Institution
• Professional safety functions must be at least 50% of of Safety Officers (SISO)
the position duties. BCSP defines full-time as at least
35 hours per week. Part-time safety experience is • Diploma/Certificate in Industrial Safety, as issued
allowed if the applicant has the equivalent of at least by the State Government Departments/Boards of
900 hours of professional safety work during any Technical Education, Government of India
year (75 hours per month or 18 hours per week) for
which experience credit is sought.
• The position must be at a professional level.
Application Fee: $160.00
This is determined by evaluating the degree
of professional charge by which there is a
Individual Exam Fee: $350.00
reliance of employees, employers, or clients
on the person’s ability to identify, evaluate, and
control hazards through engineering and/or Exam Bundle Fee (optional): $600.00
administrative approaches.
Exam bundles include an examination authorization,
CERTIFIED SAFETY PROFESSIONAL® • The position must have breadth of professional an online self-assessment, and a second exam
safety duties. This is determined by evaluating
attempt if the first is unsuccessful.
the variety of hazards about which the candidate
must advise and the range of skills involved in
Eligibility Extension Fee**: $100.00
recognizing, evaluating, and controlling hazards.
ABOUT For U.S. degrees, BCSP requires the school to hold
institutional accreditation recognized by the Council Renewal Fee: $180.00
Certificants who hold the CSP mostly work in private
industry, which could include being a government
for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) ( BCSP QUALIFIED CREDENTIAL
contractor. A CSP who works in the government
and/or the U.S. Department of Education ( REQUIREMENT* CSP EXAMINATION
sector may work in the military, federal, state, or Continuing education courses, seminars, and Applicants who meet all eligibility requirements including The CSP examination contains 200 multiple-choice items
local agencies. Safety at this level is virtually in every certificate programs are not a substitute for, and do experience and education must hold one (1) of the with four (4) possible answers and only one (1) correct
industry including petroleum exploration, production not receive credit toward, the academic requirement. following credentials at the time they apply for the CSP: answer. You will have FIVE AND A HALF (5.5) hours to
and refining, manufacturing, construction, healthcare, complete the CSP examination. Examinations are closed
Unaccredited degrees are a growing concern, • Associate Safety Professional (ASP)
and insurance. A CSP’s professional time is spent on book, and accessing external reference materials during
safety management systems, occupational health and and some states have laws making it illegal to use • Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) your examination is not permitted. For use during the
ergonomics, emergency response and preparedness, unaccredited degrees. Applicants and certificants examination, the testing center will provide you with
cannot use unaccredited degrees, and the use is a • Transitional Safety Practitioner (TSP)
fire prevention and protection, and security materials for working out calculations by hand.
responsibilities. A CSP may also have environmental violation of the BCSP Code of Ethics. • Certified Industrial Hygienist® (CIH®)
management system responsibilities including
managing safety, health, and environmental programs
Non-U.S. degree holders who wish to apply for BCSP • Chartered Member of the Institution of CSP RECERTIFICATION
certifications which have an education requirement Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH) CSPs must remain up-to-date with changes in
that can cover up to 1,000 or more employees.
may upload their academic record directly to BCSP professional practice by earning and submitting 25
• Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP)
where they will be evaluated under the same rigorous recertification points every five (5) years.
ACADEMIC AND/OR standards for U.S. equivalency. • CP-12 Professional Certificate in Safety and
TRAINING REQUIREMENT Occupational Health, U.S. Army Combat Readiness Additional information regarding recertification can be
Center (ACRC)
All individuals applying for the CSP must have a EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT found in the Recertification Guide, located at
• Certified Safety Engineer (CSE), as administered BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/Recertification.
bachelor’s degree or higher in any field from an CSP candidates must have four (4) years of
accredited institution. by the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS),
professional safety experience to sit for the CSP exam.
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
Professional safety experience must meet the following
There is no waiver of the academic requirement and criteria to qualify:
proof of a minimum qualifying degree must be provided. * Please visit the BCSP website for the most current credential list and prices.
** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within the last 60 days of initial eligibility date.

20 21

ABOUT SMS EXAMINATION ABOUT Non-U.S. degree holders who wish to apply for
BCSP certifications which have an education
Most certificants who hold the SMS work for a private The SMS examination contains 200 multiple-choice items The ASP certification fulfills the credential requirement requirement may upload their academic record
or public entity (i.e., government department, public with four (4) possible answers and only one (1) correct leading to the CSP. An ASP may hold positions at the directly to BCSP where they will be evaluated under
agency, or military). Safety at this level is virtually in answer. You will have FOUR-AND-A-HALF (4.5) hours to technical level or program management level and the same rigorous standards for U.S. equivalency.
every industry including manufacturing, petroleum complete the SMS examination. Examinations are closed may directly supervise employees. Your knowledge
production and refining, construction, and insurance. book, and accessing external reference materials during of safety concepts and expertise in fundamental
An SMS may hold positions at the manager level or your examination is not permitted. For use during the safety assurance methodologies can make you a key EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT
director level and may directly supervise employees. examination, the testing center will provide you with member of a project, operational, or design team. An ASP candidates must have one (1) year of
materials for working out calculations by hand. ASP may be called upon to coordinate safety activities, professional safety experience to sit for the ASP
ACADEMIC AND/OR conduct basic safety analyses, identify hazardous exam. Professional safety experience must meet the

TRAINING REQUIREMENT SMS RECERTIFICATION situations, and recommend or oversee implementation following criteria to qualify:
of risk reduction measures.
There is no specific academic or training requirement SMSs must remain up-to-date with changes in • Professional safety must be the primary
professional practice by earning and submitting 25 function of the position. Collateral duties in
for the SMS certification.
recertification points every five (5) years. ACADEMIC AND/OR safety are not counted.

EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT TRAINING REQUIREMENT • The position’s primary responsibility must be

Additional information regarding recertification can be the prevention of harm to people, property, or
All individuals applying for the ASP must have a
To qualify for the SMS, candidates must have 10 years found in the Recertification Guide, located at the environment, rather than responsibility for
bachelor’s degree or higher in any field from an responding to harmful events.
of experience with at least 35% of job tasks related BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/Recertification.
accredited institution or an associate degree in safety,
to the management of safety-related programs,
* Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices. health, or the environment. The associate degree • Professional safety functions must be at least
processes, procedures, and/or personnel. ** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within 50% of the position duties. BCSP defines
the last 60 days of initial eligibility date.
must include at least four (4) courses with at least 12
full-time as at least 35 hours per week.
semester hours/18 quarter hours of study in the safety, Part-time safety experience is allowed if the
SMS FEES* health, or environmental domains covered in the ASP applicant has the equivalent of at least 900
and CSP examination blueprints. hours of professional safety work during any
Application Fee: $160.00 year (75 hours per month or 18 hours per week)
There is no waiver of the academic requirement, for which experience credit is sought.
Individual Exam Fee: $350.00
and proof of a minimum qualifying degree must be
• The position must be at a professional level.
Exam Bundle Fee (optional): $600.00 provided. For U.S. degrees, BCSP requires the school This is determined by evaluating the degree
hold institutional accreditation recognized by the of professional charge by which there is a
Exam bundles include an examination authorization, Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) reliance of employees, employers, or clients
an online self-assessment, and a second exam ( and/or the U.S. Department of Education on the person’s ability to identify, evaluate, and
attempt if the first is unsuccessful. control hazards through engineering and/or
( administrative approaches.
Eligibility Extension Fee**: $100.00 Continuing education courses, seminars, and • The position must have breadth of professional
certificate programs are not a substitute for, and do safety duties. This is determined by evaluating
Renewal Fee: $170.00 the variety of hazards about which the
not receive credit toward, the academic requirement.
candidate must advise and the range of skills
Unaccredited degrees are a growing concern involved in recognizing, evaluating, and
controlling hazards.
and some states have laws making it illegal to use
unaccredited degrees. Applicants and certificants
cannot use unaccredited degrees, and the use is a
violation of the BCSP Code of Ethics.

22 23
You will have FIVE (5) hours to complete the ASP
ASP FEES* examination. Examinations are closed book, and OCCUPATIONAL HYGIENE &
accessing external reference materials during
Application Fee: $160.00
your examination is not permitted. For use during SAFETY TECHNICIAN®
Individual Exam Fee: $350.00 the examination, the testing center will provide
Exam Bundle Fee (optional): $600.00 you with materials for working out calculations
by hand.
Exam bundles include an examination authorization,
an online self-assessment, and a second exam
attempt if the first is unsuccessful.
Eligibility Extension Fee**: $100.00 ASPs must remain up-to-date with changes in
professional practice by earning and submitting 25 ABOUT
Renewal Fee: $170.00 recertification points every five (5) years. Certificants who hold the OHST may work for
private entities, public entities, government agencies,
Additional information regarding recertification can be
or the military. These organizations may be in oil
ASP EXAMINATION found in the Recertification Guide, located at
and gas extraction, manufacturing, construction,
The ASP examination contains 200 multiple-choice or consultative services for the safety, health, and
items with four (4) possible answers and only one (1) environmental fields. Positions vary from manager level
correct answer. to technician level or consultant. This may be a good
certification as a precursor to higher level industrial
* Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices. hygiene certifications.
** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within the last 60 days of initial eligibility date.

H REDUCE STRESS There is no specific academic or training requirement

for the OHST. The OHST examination contains 200 multiple-




choice items with four (4) possible answers and only

EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT one (1) correct answer. You will have FOUR (4) hours
to complete the OHST examination. Examinations
To qualify for the examination, OHST candidates must
are closed book, and accessing external reference
have three (3) years of experience with at least 35%

materials during your examination is not permitted.

of primary job duties involving safety, health, and

E For use during the examination, the testing center will

A BUND environmental practice.
provide you with materials for working out calculations
by hand.
Application Fee: $140.00 OHST RECERTIFICATION
Individual Exam Fee: $300.00 OHSTs must remain up-to-date with changes in
professional practice by earning and submitting 20
Exam Bundle Fee (optional): $550.00 recertification points every five (5) years.

Exam bundles include an examination authorization, Additional information regarding recertification can
an online self-assessment, and a second exam be found in the Recertification Guide, located at
attempt if the first is unsuccessful. BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/Recertification.

BCSP IS OFFERING AN APPLY TODAY AND SAVE! Eligibility Extension Fee**: $100.00

1 Exam, 1 Self-Assessment,
BCSP.ORG Renewal Fee: $145.00
*2nd exam attempt if the first
& 2nd Exam Attempt* is unsuccessful. * Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices.
** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within the last 60 days of initial eligibility date.

24 25

ABOUT Examinations are closed book, and accessing external ABOUT

Most certificants with the CHST are working in building
reference materials during your examination is not
The Safety Trained Supervisor (STS) is intended
permitted. For use during the examination, the testing
construction or the general contracting sector. Some for leaders at all levels of an organization because Application Fee: $120.00
center will provide you with materials for working out
may also work in the heavy and civil engineering sector. all employees have responsibilities for a safe
calculations by hand. Individual Exam Fee: $185.00
work environment. This certification is intended
for executives, directors, managers, supervisors,
ACADEMIC AND/OR CHST RECERTIFICATION superintendents, and employees. These individuals
Exam Bundle Fee (optional): $325.00
TRAINING REQUIREMENT CHSTs must remain up-to-date with changes in may not have safety as a primary duty, but their Exam bundles include an examination authorization,
There is no specific academic or training requirement professional practice by earning and submitting 20 knowledge of safety practices ensures safer and an online self-assessment, and a second exam
for the CHST. recertification points every five (5) years. healthier worksites, and their competency attempt if the first is unsuccessful.
strengthens the foundation of safety in the
Additional information regarding recertification can be Eligibility Extension Fee***: $100.00
EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT found in the Recertification Guide, located at
organization. The STS sets standard baseline
knowledge across the organization.
To qualify for the examination, CHST candidates Renewal Fee: $70.00
must have three (3) years of experience with at least
35% of primary job duties involving safety, health, * Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices. ACADEMIC AND/OR
and environmental practice related to the
** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within
the last 60 days of initial eligibility date. TRAINING REQUIREMENT STS EXAMINATION
construction industry. All individuals applying for the STS must have The STS examination contains 100 multiple-choice
completed 30 hours of formal safety and health items with four (4) possible answers and only one
CHST FEES* training through a single course or multiple training (1) correct answer. You will have TWO (2) hours to
courses. Appropriate training includes any safety and complete the STS examination. Examinations are
Application Fee: $140.00 health courses, conferences, or internal company closed book, and accessing external reference
training, to name a few examples. materials during your examination is not permitted.
Individual Exam Fee: $300.00 For use during the examination, the testing center
Exam Bundle Fee (optional): $550.00 EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT will provide you with materials for working out
calculations by hand.
STS candidates must have either:
Exam bundles include an examination authorization,
• two (2) years supervisory experience;* or
an online self-assessment, and a second exam STS RECERTIFICATION
attempt if the first is unsuccessful.
• four (4) years work experience in any industry;* or STSs must remain up-to-date with changes in
Eligibility Extension Fee**: $100.00 professional practice by earning and submitting three
• an associate degree or higher in occupational
safety, risk management, or construction (3) points (30 hours) of safety and health courses or
Renewal Fee: $145.00 management; or earning the STSC, CIT, CHST, OHST, ASP, SMS, or CSP,
every five (5) years.
• completion of a two (2) year trade or union
CHST EXAMINATION training program/apprenticeship. Additional information regarding recertification can be
The CHST examination contains 200 multiple-choice found in the Recertification Guide, located at
items with four (4) possible answers and only one BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/Recertification.
(1) correct answer. You will have FOUR (4) hours to
complete the CHST examination.

* Work experience must be a minimum part-time [18 hrs/week] to qualify.

** Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices.
*** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within the last 60 days of initial eligibility date.

26 27


The Safety Trained Supervisor Construction (STSC) is
STSC FEES** Most certificants who hold the CIT work for a private The CIT examination contains 100 multiple-choice
intended for leaders at all levels of an organization Application Fee: $120.00 or public entity (i.e., government department, public items with four (4) possible answers and only one
because all employees have responsibilities for a safe agency, or military). Safety training at this level (1) correct answer. You will have TWO (2) hours to
Individual Exam Fee: $185.00
construction work environment. This certification is virtually in every industry including petroleum complete the CIT examination. Data necessary to
is intended for executives, directors, managers, Exam Bundle Fee (optional): $325.00 production and refining, and construction. A CIT may answer items are included in the item. Each item is
supervisors, superintendents, and employees. These hold positions at the manager, director, technician, or independent and does not rely on the correct answer
individuals may not have safety as a primary duty, but Exam bundles include an examination authorization, supervisory level and may have other duties in addition to any other item. Formulas will be embedded into
their knowledge of safety practices ensures safer and an online self-assessment, and a second exam to training. each item that requires one. Examinations are closed
healthier worksites, and their competency strengthens attempt if the first is unsuccessful. book, and accessing external reference materials
the foundation of safety in the organization.
Eligibility Extension Fee***: $100.00
ACADEMIC AND/OR during your examination is not permitted. For use
The STSC sets standard baseline knowledge across during the examination, the testing center will
the organization.
TRAINING REQUIREMENT provide you with materials for working out
Renewal Fee: $70.00
CIT candidates must list 135 hours of teaching, calculations by hand.
training, or development in any safety, health, and
environmental specialty.
All individuals applying for the STSC must have The STSC examination contains 100 multiple-choice CITs must remain up-to-date with changes in
EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT professional practice by earning and submitting 20
completed 30 hours of formal safety and health items with four (4) possible answers and only one (1)
training through a single course or multiple training correct answer. You will have TWO (2) hours to complete There is no specific experience requirement recertification points. A minimum of 2.8 of those points
courses. Appropriate training includes any safety and the STSC examination. Examinations are closed book, for the CIT. must be in teaching, developing, and/or attending
health courses, conferences, or internal company and accessing external reference materials during courses on instructional techniques every five (5) years.
training, to name a few. your examination is not permitted. For use during the CIT FEES* Additional information regarding recertification can be
examination, the testing center will provide you with
Application Fee: $140.00 found in the Recertification Guide, located at
EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT materials for working out calculations by hand.
Individual Exam Fee: $300.00
STSC candidates must have either:
STSC RECERTIFICATION Exam Bundle Fee (optional): $500.00
• two (2) years supervisory experience;* or
STSCs must remain up-to-date with changes in
• four (4) years work experience related to professional practice by earning and submitting three Exam bundles include an examination authorization,
construction;* or (3) points (30 hours) of safety and health courses or an online self-assessment, and a second exam
earning the STS, CIT, CHST, OHST, ASP, SMS, or CSP, attempt if the first is unsuccessful.
• an associate degree or higher in occupational
safety, risk management, or construction every five (5) years.
Eligibility Extension Fee**: $100.00
management; or
Additional information regarding recertification can be
• completion of a two (2) year trade or union Renewal Fee: $145.00
found in the Recertification Guide, located at
training program/apprenticeship. BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/Recertification.

* Work experience must be a minimum part-time [18 hrs/week] to qualify.

** Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices. * Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices.
*** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within the last 60 days of initial eligibility date. ** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within the last 60 days of initial eligibility date.

28 29
SECTION BCSP has a disciplinary action policy. Disciplinary DESIGNATION
actions may include any of the following:
Qualifying for the CSP Examination
• Reject or suspend an application
• Terminate or suspend a candidate’s eligibility
 CSP candidates must have a bachelor’s degree and
four (4) years professional safety experience to sit for
• Issue a reprimand
 the CSP exam. Professional safety experience must
• Suspend, refuse to renew, or revoke the meet the following criteria to qualify:

• Professional safety must be the primary function
• Terminate or suspend any status with BCSP
 of the position. Collateral duties in safety are not
The Disciplinary Action Policy is located at BCSP. • The position’s primary responsibility must be
ORG/About/Policies-Forms and provides detailed the prevention of harm to people, property, or
procedures for bringing charges and for hearings the environment, rather than responsibility for
related to disciplinary charges. responding to harmful events.

• Professional safety functions must be at least

ANNUAL RENEWAL FEES 50% of the position duties. BCSP defines full-time
as at least 35 hours per week. Part-time safety
Attaining a designation requires paying an annual experience is allowed if the applicant has the
renewal fee. The current annual renewal fees are listed equivalent of at least 900 hours of professional
at BCSP.ORG/Safety-Certifications/At-A-Glance. safety work during any year (75 hours per month
or 18 hours per week) for which experience credit
Other fees may apply upon achieving a designation. is sought.

WHAT IS A DESIGNATION? MAINTAINING YOUR MAILING For example, individuals who pay their annual renewal • The position must be at a professional level.
fee late may incur a late charge or a reinstatement fee This is determined by evaluating the degree of
A designation is a credential that signifies an individual’s AND EMAIL ADDRESS 
 if BCSP has acted to terminate the designation. professional charge by which there is a reliance of
path towards the CSP by meeting the CSP eligibility As a designation holder, you are solely responsible to employees, employers, or clients on the person’s
requirement of holding a BCSP qualified credential. keep BCSP informed of your current mailing and email Unemployed credential holders may request a ability to identify, evaluate, and control hazards
through engineering and/or administrative
addresses. If either address changes, you must update one-year waiver of the annual renewal fee in writing
Designations are not certifications; however, the approaches.
it through My Profile or notify BCSP. You may lose
 only once during their history with BCSP.
application process is the same. Begin an application
the designation if annual renewal notices and other • The position must have breadth of professional
through My Profile at BCSP.ORG. safety duties. This is determined by evaluating
important information does not reach you. 

the variety of hazards about which the candidate
BCSP offers two designations, the Graduate Safety must advise and the range of skills involved in
Practitioner® (GSP®) and the Transitional Safety PROTECTING DESIGNATIONS recognizing, evaluating, and controlling hazards.
Practitioner (TSP). This chapter will go over both
designations in detail and tell you how to obtain them.
 Once the above criteria are met for the CSP, they can
BCSP acts to challenge those who use designations proceed to the online application process as explained
and credentials without authority from BCSP. Penalties in Chapter 3.
RETAINING A DESIGNATION may include being barred from pursuing BCSP
The following conditions will result in the loss of a certifications and publishing the names of violators.
A directory of those holding certifications from BCSP,
• Failure to pay an annual renewal fee
and those who have used BCSP designations without
• Failure to complete the CSP within the 6-year authority, appear at BCSP.ORG.

• Violating the BCSP Code of Ethics (see the Code

of Ethics at the end of this publication)

• Once a designation is lost, it cannot be obtained

again or applied toward the CSP
30 31 31
of YOUR degree
The GSP Program recognizes an academic program • You must have graduated from a current QAP
during its “Applicable Dates.” A full list of QAPs
in safety, health, and environment practice that meets
eligible to participate in the GSP program is
specific standards in preparing its graduates for entry located at BCSP.ORG/GSP.
into, or advancement in, professional safety practice.
• You must fill out a GSP application through

• You must upload a copy of your official transcript

A Qualified Academic Program (QAP) is an academic with degree awarded and date conferred.
degree program in safety, health, and environmental
practices meeting BCSP standards for participation • Completion of the Agreement and Validation
the GSP program. Currently, BCSP defines a QAP as a Form which acknowledges truthful information
has been provided, informing BCSP of any criminal
bachelor’s or master’s degree program in safety, health, convictions or unethical behavior, and agreeing to
and/or environmental practice whose curriculum has adhere to the BCSP Code of Ethics).
been determined to be a substantial match to the ASP
examination blueprint by BCSP.
• Those holding the GSP designation must meet the
GSP BENEFITS experience requirements and apply for the CSP
within six (6) years of receiving the GSP.
You meet the CSP eligibility requirement of
  • Those graduating from a QAP must apply for the
holding a BCSP qualified credential, waiving the GSP within the program’s “Applicable Dates” as
ASP and its exam. noted on the GSP QAP List. The QAP List can be
found at BCSP.ORG/GSP.
Recognition for being on a path toward the
  • Once a GSP has applied for and becomes eligible
CSP certification
for the CSP, they must then meet the time limits
associated with the CSP certification.
Recognition for being on a path toward the
STS and STSC certifications • Once a GSP has achieved the CSP, the GSP
designation expires.
Recognition for the level of preparation for
  • GSPs must maintain active status until the CSP is
professional safety practice achieved.

A wall certificate • GSP candidates who lose their GSP status will
  have to achieve the ASP certification or another
BCSP qualified credential to qualify for the CSP
GSPs’ and TSPs’ names and digital badges appear certification, and cannot reapply for the GSP.
on the BCSP Credential Holder Directory.

Use of the BCSP Career Center (JOBS.BCSP.ORG) GSP FEES*

to post a resume and view career options Application Fee: $25.00

Eligibility Extension Fee**: $100.00


Use of the BCSP Mentor Program to support the
pursuit of safety certification Renewal Fee: $140.00

* Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices.
** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within the last 60 days of initial eligibility date.

32 33
Utilize YOUR
The TSP Program recognizes a safety, health, and
• You must have obtained a credential from a
current QEP during its “Applicable Dates.” A full list
skills and training
environmental (SH&E) program that meets specific
of QEPs eligible to participate in the TSP program
standards in preparing individuals for entry into, or is located at BCSP.ORG/TSP.
advancement in, professional safety practice.
• You must fill out a TSP application through
My Profile at BCSP.ORG.
PROGRAM • You must upload a copy of your official credential
and the date it was awarded.
A Qualified Equivalent Program (QEP) is a curriculum-
based certificate, diploma, or international degree • Completion of the Agreement and Validation
Form which acknowledges truthful information
program in SH&E practices meeting the criteria and has been provided, informing BCSP of any criminal
standards set by BCSP for demonstrating a substantial convictions or unethical behavior, and agreeing
match to the Associate Safety Professional (ASP) to adhere to BCSP’s Code of Ethics).
examination blueprint.
TSP BENEFITS • Applicants for the TSP designation must apply
within the program’s “Applicable Dates” as noted
You meet the CSP eligibility requirement of on the TSP QEP list. The QEP list can be found at
holding a BCSP qualified credential, waiving the
ASP and its exam.
• Those holding the TSP must apply for and meet
the education and experience requirements for
Recognition for being on a path toward the the CSP within six (6) years of receiving the TSP.
CSP certification
• TSPs must maintain an active status until the CSP
Recognition for the level of preparation for is achieved.
professional safety practice • Once a TSP has applied for and becomes eligible
for the CSP, they must meet the time limits
A wall certificate associated with the CSP certification.
• Once a TSP has achieved the CSP, the TSP
GSPs’ and TSPs’ names and digital badges appear designation expires.
on the BCSP Credential Holder Directory. • TSPs who lose their TSP status will have to achieve
the ASP certification or another CSP qualified
Use of the BCSP Career Center (JOBS.BCSP.ORG) credential to qualify for the CSP and cannot
 reapply for the TSP.
to post a resume and view career options

Use of the BCSP Mentor Program to support the TSP FEES*

pursuit of safety certification Application Fee: $25.00

Eligibility Extension Fee**: $100.00

* Please visit the BCSP website for the most current prices.
Renewal Fee: $140.00
** Valid for an additional year of eligibility. Available only one time and within the last 60 days of initial eligibility date.

34 35
This code sets forth the code of ethics and professional standards to be observed
by holders of documents of certification conferred by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
Certificants shall, in their professional activities, sustain and advance the integrity, honor,
and prestige of the profession by adherence to these standards:

1. HOLD paramount the safety and 5. AVOID deceptive acts that falsify
health of people, the protection of the or misrepresent their academic
environment and protection of property or professional qualifications.
in the performance of professional duties Not misrepresent or exaggerate their
and exercise their obligation to advise degree of responsibility in or for the
employers, clients, employees, the public, subject matter of prior assignments.
and appropriate authorities of danger Presentations incident to the solicitation
and unacceptable risks to people, of employment shall not misrepresent
the environment, or property. pertinent facts concerning employers,
employees, associates, or past
2. BE honest, fair, and impartial; act accomplishments with the intent
with responsibility and integrity. Adhere and purpose of enhancing their
to high standards of ethical conduct with qualifications and their work.
balanced care for the interests of the public,
employers, clients, employees, colleagues, 6. CONDUCT their professional relations
and the profession. Avoid all conduct or by the highest standards of integrity
practice that is likely to discredit the and avoid compromise of their
profession or deceive the public. professional judgment by conflicts
of interest. When becoming aware
3. ISSUE public statements only in an of professional misconduct by a BCSP
objective and truthful manner and only certificant, take steps to bring that
when founded upon knowledge of the facts misconduct to the attention of the
and competence in the subject matter. Board of Certified Safety Professionals.

4. UNDERTAKE assignments only when 7. ACT in a manner free of bias, discrimination

qualified by education or experience in or harassment on the basis of race, color,
the specific technical fields involved. religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age,
Accept responsibility for their continued national origin (ancestry), disability, marital
professional development by acquiring status, sexual orientation, veteran status or
and maintaining competence through any characteristic protected by the law of the
continuing education, experience applicable jurisdiction.
professional training, and keeping
current on relevant legal issues. 8. SEEK opportunities to be of constructive
service in civic affairs and work for
the advancement of the safety, health,
and well-being of their community
and their profession by sharing their
knowledge and skills.

Approved by the BCSP Board of Directors March 26, 2020

Approved by the BCSP Board of Directors March 26, 2020

Signature Date
©2020 Doard of Certified Safety Professional Printed Name
© 2020 Board of Certified Safety Professionals

38 39
ISO/IEC 17024
Personnel Certification Program


8645 Guion Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA
P: +1 317-593-4800 | F: +1 317-593-4400


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