ஸ்ரீ மஹா கணேச பஞ்சரத்நம்

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Published by the Managing Committee

Sree Siddhi Buddhi Sametha

Karpaga Vinayakar Temple
Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi—3

Friday 23rd August, 196Z

Sree Vinayaka Mandir Committee is very
iiappy indeed in bringing out this small publication
•on the Chathurthi Day (23—8—63). A gist of the
Puranik version of Sjddhi Buddhi Vinayaka has
been prepared and tlie same has been included in
this'booklet, besides certain Stotras in praise of Sri
Vinayaka,Sri Anjaneya anii.lj^av^^ deities ,,
installed in the Mandir. A mere reading of these
Stotras every " day is sure to benefit all rea4Ws in/
everyway. A chart indicating, the significance
Navagrahas in general appended at the end will be. .>
very useful for reference.

.We narrate in brief certain important eyents. ■

relating to this Mhndjf! ; . . .■
23rd August, 60—Planting of Aswatha plant
t>yi;Sri Kvj.^^amaraj and .iSri BhaktavatsalamI on
the plpt acquired for the Mandir.^
'• 24th August 61—Ihst^^ Kumbhabi- >
ShPka-m of Sree 'Siddhi Buddhi I^arpaga Vinayaka.
2'rbt Match,^,63— Prathishta, Aswatha •.
Upanayanato and. Vivaham. r
2pth May, 02—Inauguration of rfecital of
Th^varatnetc;, by Oduwar of H.H. Sriiasri Kasiv^''
Ar'ulnandi. ,Thambiran of Tirupanandal Mutt; -
5th fey, 63—Installation and Kumbhabi-:!
shekatn of Sree Bhaktha Anjaneya and Nava-
For the information of the public a list indi
cating the fee for various types of poojas in the-
temple is included. .
. ■ . '%\
With the mimificient donations and with perio-
dical collections from the middle class society for
Archanas, Abhishekams, etc., the temple has growa
from strength to strength for which the Committee-
is very grateful. The Committee is also grateful
to H. H. Srilasri Kasivasi Arulnandi Tambiran of
Tirupanandal Mutt who has created an Endowment,
oflanded property worth Rs. 80,000 for the recita
tion of Thevaram by Oduwar at Sree Vinayaka and
Subramanya Mandirs, New Delhi.

The Committee expresses its grateful thanks:

to individuals and institutions who have hdped in
the growth of the Mandir and all it stands for.
There are certain major items of Gonstructiom^
work still to be carried out in the temple and the-
hall attached to it Any donation for ^this noble ..Cj

cause will be gratefully accepted from the public .

devotees. They may be sent in cash or by cheque
to the Secretary/Joint Secretary/Tre^urer .of the
Committee, AB Block, Sdfojini Nagarj New Dellii-j: ^
and receipt obtained for such pkyment. Cheques ,
may be drawn in the name of the Managing Trustee
of Sree Vinayaka Mandir Committee. Donations "
are eligible for rebate of Income-tax under Section
15(B) of the Income Tax Act as per letter,, datpd
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Published by the Managing Committee

Sree Siddhi Buddhi Sametha
Karpaga Vinayakar Temple
Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi—3

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