Design and Analysis of Contour Bell Nozzle and Comparison With Dual Bell Nozzle

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IJRE | Vol. 03 No. 06 | June 2016 52

Design and analysis of contour bell nozzle and comparison with dual bell nozzle
Sreenath K R1, Mubarak A K2
P G Scholar , Associate Professor2, Govt.Engineering College Thrissur, Kerala

Abstract- the rocket travelling from Earth to orbit pressure varied with
The performance and the thrust delivery of the engine such as altitude. Therefore a simple nozzle design is only optimal at
nozzles are in renovation for the greater performance. Modern one altitude, losing efficiency and wasting fuel at other
combustion expansion system like in rocket nozzles will be updated altitude.
with respect to the application. Bell and Dual bell nozzle is the One
of such development. Four different types of Bell nozzle one duel
bell nozzle is selected and studied using computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) in the present paper . The project mainly focuses Bell Nozzle gets its name from the fact that the
on design and analysis of contoured convergent divergent bell parabolic shape converge and diverge in a bell shape. It has a
nozzle. For the simulation, consider a 2D , parabolic contoured high angle expansion section right behind the nozzle throat;
thrust optimized axisymmetric nozzle. The priority is given to this is followed by a gradual reversal of nozzle contour slope
design a bell nozzle with negligible shock wave. The temperature so that the nozzle exit divergence angle is small, usually less
effects are not taken into this study, the flow is purely cold flow than a 10 degree half angle. Greater thrust produced due to the
(303K). A full length Bell nozzle created using Gambit software. parabolic shape maximizes the axial component of exit
The meshing and analysis of the Bell model were done using velocity and produces a high specific impulse.Contour the
FLUENT software. Air is taken as working medium for the nozzle
nozzle to avoid oblique shocks and maximize performance is
and also for the ambience. Only one half of the nozzle is simulated
due to symmetry reasons , and symmetry boundary conditions are the most important design issue.
used at the corresponding planes. The nozzle walls were set as The nozzle works over expanded at sea level and
adiabatic and assumed to be hydraulically smooth. A control strongly under expanded at altitude. Various concepts of
volume was constructed around the nozzle to take the interaction altitude adaptive nozzles have been proposed in the literature
with the ambience. The behavior of flow along the bell nozzle is to circumvent this limitation. The dual bell nozzle is a very
thus obtained . promising alternative to conventional nozzles. The dual bell is
a nozzle concept for altitude adaption. The flow separates at
Keywords: dual bell nozzle; convergent divergent nozzle; the contour inflection in sea level mode in a mainly controlled
thrust optimized; shock wave; cold flow and symmetrical way, reducing the side load generation and
increasing the thrust. The transition to altitude mode is
INTRODUCTION reached when the flow suddenly attaches to the extension for
A nozzle is a device designed to control the direction or an improved altitude thrust.
characteristics of afluidflow as it exits an enclosed chamber
orpipe. A pipe or tube of varying cross sectional area is
generally considered as a nozzle, and it can be used to direct
or modify the fluid flow. The velocity of fluid increases with
pressure energy from inlet to outlet, in a nozzle. Nozzle flow
always generates forces associated to the change in flow
momentum. Flow analysis in nozzles is a subject of interest
for researchers since it has vast applications in industries
especially aircraft and rocket production industry because
nozzle produces the required thrust. Large scale launch
vehicle requires nozzle which can produce maximum thrust
with reduced nozzle length.
Different types of CD nozzle geometries are,
conical nozzles, bell nozzles, annular nozzles, spike nozzles,
aero spike nozzle etc. Each nozzle geometry has its own
structural considerations. In early rocket applications, conical
nozzles were used because of ease of construction and
simplicity. Most commonly used nozzle shape which offers
significant advantages in size and performance over conical
Fig.1 dual bell nozzle
nozzle is Bell shape. Contour the nozzle to get maximize
performance with negligible oblique shocks is the main issue
which have to face here. Its shape is optimum only at one
Nozzle is an area where a lot of research work is being carried
altitude. The design of Bell shape impart a large expansion
out. This chapter presents a few works published by various
angle right after the throat. It is then curved back to give a
researchers in the field of supersonic flow analysis , design of
nearly straight flow of gas out the nozzle opening. The
bell nozzle and the inference obtained from those works.
contour used is rather complex. An expansion shock wave is
Rao,developed a method for designing the wall contour of an
produced near the throat due to large expansion in shape.
exhaust nozzle to yield optimum thrust. K.M. Pandey ,
Compression shock waves generates due to reversal of slope
conducted studies to understand the gas flows in a conical
to bring the exit to near zero degrees causes. These two sets of
nozzle at different degree of angle using 2 dimensional axi-
shock waves coincide and cancel each other out, in a properly
symmetric models. Munday et al, conducted experiments and
designed bell nozzle.
numerical simulation on conical convergent divergent nozzles
Optimum performance of the nozzle obtained when
with a design Mach number of 1.56. David Munday and
the exit pressure equals ambient (atmospheric) pressure. For
Ephraim Gutmark, conducted an experimental and numerical
ISSN 2348-7852 (Print) | ISSN 2348-7860 (Online)
IJRE | Vol. 03 No. 06 | June 2016 53

PARAMET NOZZL NOZZL NOZZL NOZZL where K is a value chosen based on the percent of the length
ER E1 E2 E3 E4 of a conical nozzle with a 15° half angle, the flow deflection
angle at the exit, Өe , and the throat radius, Rt. In order to
Throat 8 8 6 6
define the nozzle further, a coordinate system is defined with
the axial (x) axis passing through the line of symmetry and the
radial (y) axis going through the Centre of the throat. The first
Exit area, 236.362 236.362 146.072 132.9539 and second curves define the entrance and exit of the throat of
ae(mm2) 5 5 4 the nozzle, and are based on circular curves.
Exit area 1.10698 1.10698 1.29222 1.1762
ratio, ae/at
Inlet area 1.29222 1.29222 1.778 1.778
ratio, ai/at
specific heat 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
ratio, γ The equation of the parabola, curve 3, takes the form
Nozzle exit 1.5 1.5 1.65 1.5
The coefficients are determined by the derivatives at the
number, me
point where the circle from the throat meets the beginning of
Nozzle exit 101325 101325 101325 101325 the parabola, xN, and the length of the nozzle. To determine
pressure xN, the angle, ӨN needs to be defined, then the derivative of
pe(pasc) the second curve should be equal to its tangent.
analysis on supersonic jets to study the flow structure of jets.
Verma et al , carried out a study of the unsteady nature of
flow phenomenon in thrust optimized parabolic rocket nozzles
as a function of phase during which the separation shock
jumps downstream at a certain nozzle pressure ratio.
BalajiKrushna.P, P. SrinivasaRao, B. Balakrishna, conducted
a numerical analysis of dual bell rocket nozzle using
computational fluid dynamics. Linwood B. Callis , of Langley
Research Centre used the method of axisymmetric irrotational
characteristics in the analysis of supersonic and hypersonic
flow of a calorically perfect gas through conical nozzles.

METHODOLOGY This completes the linear system of equations. In matrix form,

After a detailed study of theoretical approach to the nozzles, a the system is .
full length Bell nozzle is created using Gambit software. The
meshing also done by using Gambit, and for the analysis of
this Bell model, FLUENT software is used. Flow behavior
along the bell nozzle is thus obtained and comparison on the
basis of Mach number for various nozzles is henceforth done.
Air is taken as working medium for the nozzle and which can then be solved for the coefficients.
also for the ambience. The initialization of value is computed
from the inlet. Here we have to select the appropriate
approximation required in the residual command under
monitors and check in plot to visualize the iteration progress.
Once every parameter is described the iteration is performed
till the value gets converged to required approximation. The
Figures can be plotted between position in x-axis and any
other function in y-axis from plot command or else to view
vectors, contours or grid display command is to be chosen. A
mathematical model consists of differential equations that
govern the behavior of the physical system, and the associated
boundary conditions.

BELL DESIGN Fig.2 Rao design of Bell nozzle contour

A TOP nozzle is constructed using three curves : an initial,
large circle coming from the inlet to the throat, a smaller FLOW ANALYSIS
circle exiting the throat, and a parabola to extend the
approximated bell contour to the exit plane. The length of the Flow analysis for the bell nozzle is carried out using ANSYS
nozzle is determined by 15.0 Fluent software. In this process first the models are
meshed, imported and flow analysis is carried out in major
three steps
 GAMBIT, where the meshed model is drawn and
boundaries are created and corresponding boundary
conditions are assigned to the boundaries.

ISSN 2348-7852 (Print) | ISSN 2348-7860 (Online)

IJRE | Vol. 03 No. 06 | June 2016 54
 FLUENT-SOLVER, where the solutions are
obtained by solving the equations and process is 2. BELL NOZZLE 2
highlighted in terms of codes and graphs and once
the run is over it reaches next step.
 FLUENT, where the corresponding contours are
created for following major parameters such a
Pressure, Temperature and Mach number.




Fig.4 Contours of Velocity Magnitude & Static Pressure for

nozzle 2
At the inlet the max velocity is found to be 235 m/s
.The magnitude of velocity varies from 0 to 502.3456 m/s .
The velocity varies at the throat from 317.32 m/s to 357.32
m/s .At the exit the velocity is found to be 440.67 m/s (super-
sonic). Magnitude of the velocity is found to increase as move
from inlet to exit The static pressure at the inlet is observed to
vary from 266854.7 Pa to 372497.8 Pa and as move towards
the throat there is a decrease and the value at the throat is
found out to be 221461.3 Pa. The value of static pressure
varies in the range 57271.64 Pa to 372497.8 Pa .
Fig.3 Contours of Velocity Magnitude & Static Pressure for
nozzle 1
Magnitude of the velocity is found to increase as move
from inlet to exit .At the inlet the max velocity is found to be
205.75 m/s .The magnitude of velocity varies from 0 to
443.922 m/s . The velocity at the throat varies from 315.52
m/s to 358.38 m/s . At the exit the velocity is found to be
443.922 m/s (super-sonic). The static pressure at the inlet is
observed to varies from 218111.6 Pa to 280678.3 Pa and as
move towards the throat there is a decrease and the value at
the throat is found out to be 168513.9 Pa. After some distance
from the throat, there is a sudden increase in the static
pressure near the axis which indicates the occurrence of the
shock. After the shock there is a slight decrease in the
pressure but it again rises at the second shock. Then it reduces
to a value of 106700.2 Pa at the exit section due to the
expansion of the fluid towards the exit of the nozzle .The
value of static pressure varies in the range 71437.17 Pa to
280678.3 Pa .
ISSN 2348-7852 (Print) | ISSN 2348-7860 (Online)
IJRE | Vol. 03 No. 06 | June 2016 55

Fig.6 Contours of Velocity Magnitude & Static Pressure for

Fig.5 Contours of Velocity Magnitude & Static Pressure for
nozzle 4
nozzle 3
At the inlet the max velocity is found to be 190.1 m/s
.The magnitude of velocity varies from 0 to 543.34 m/s . The
velocity varies from 320.4 m/s to 360.5 m/s, at the throat
section . The velocity at the exit is found to be 475.17 m/s
(super-sonic). The static pressure vary from 375271.4 Pa to
464793.6 Pa at the inlet and as move towards the throat there
is a decrease and the value at the throat is found out to be
279982.5 Pa. The value of static pressure varies in the range
45676.64 Pa to 464793.6 Pa .

The magnitude of velocity is found to increase as move from
inlet to exit .Max velocity at the inlet is found to be 190.1 m/s
.The velocity magnitude varies from 0 to 507.118 m/s . At the
throat section the velocity varies from 319.4 m/s to 361.5 m/s
. The velocity at the exit is found to be 442.97 m/s (super-
sonic). At the inlet static pressure is observed to vary from
309657.8 Pa to 383518.4 Pa .The value of static pressure
varies in the range 56242.85 Pa to 383518.4 Pa .
Fig.7 Contours of Velocity Magnitude for dual bell nozzle

Comparing the contour obtained for dual bell with the above
single bells, there is an additional shock wave is seems to be
obtained from the end point of first bell .This increase in
number of shock waves cause to the chance of coincidence for
the shock waves . The interference of two or more shock
waves will reduce the strength of that waves and will give
more advantage to the nozzle for flow .Here the additional
shock wave has a chance to interfere with the wave produced
from the throat and hence the combination will reduce the
strength of both waves .At the high altitude mode or in under
expanded condition , due to high pressure difference , the flow
will be more attached to the nozzle wall at the second bell or
external curve which will reduce the chance for a flow
separation .
The dual bell nozzle has better overall performance than the
single bell-shaped nozzle. Atmospheric pressure restricts the
expansion of the exhaust gas at low altitudes so the efficiency
is much higher at low altitudes . At low altitudes, a vehicle
can saves 25-30% more fuel by using a dual bell nozzle. It is
also able to expand the engine exhaust to a larger effective
nozzle area ratio, at high altitudes. The dual bell design is
suitable for Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO) flight. Better use of
the base area, and has higher thrust efficiency and thus a
higher average specific impulse are the other advantages of
dual bell nozzle .

ISSN 2348-7852 (Print) | ISSN 2348-7860 (Online)

IJRE | Vol. 03 No. 06 | June 2016 56
The numerical results are in good agreement at sea-
level mode. The numerical method yields a good simulation
from the flow behavior and helps to improve the
understanding of the physics of the flow. Simulation of four
supersonic flow bell nozzles with different Mach number at
exit was done here .On analyzing the different contours of the
flow behavior , we can get a clear cut shock structure in each
bell nozzle design .Out of the above four bell nozzle
numerical simulation comparisons, the bell nozzle with 1.5
Mach number at the exit gives less shock and better flow
separation behavior .

[1] Rao.G.V.R.,“Exhaust Nozzle Contour for Optimum
Thrust”. ARS J. 30,561,1960
[2]K.M. Pandey, Member IACSIT and A.P. Singh, “CFD
Analysis of Conical Nozzle for Mach 3 at Various Angles of
Divergence with Fluent Software”
[3] David Munday (2010), “Flow and acoustics of jets from
practical nozzles for high performance military aircraft”,
University of Cincinnati.
[4] Linwood B. Callis, Langley Research Center, “An analysis
of supersonic flow phenomena in conical nozzles by a
methodof characteristics”
[5] David Munday and Ephraim Gutmark, University of
Cincinnati, “Flow structure of supersonic jets from conical c-d

ISSN 2348-7852 (Print) | ISSN 2348-7860 (Online)

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