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Assignment - Ramanujacharya

1) What is the meaning of Ramanuja and who gave the name?

Ramanuja, a name of Laksmana which means the younger brother of Rama.

Shailapurna, brother of his mother Kantimati.

2) Why did Sri Ramanuja and his family move to Kanchipuram?

It is because of Asuri Kesavacarya ( father of Ramanuja) had left the world, Bhutapuri was no longer a
happy place for the family, and hence they decided to move to the city of Kancipuram.

3) Why was Kanchipurna respected by all people?

He was a disciple of Yamunacarya, and, although he was born in a sudra family, his intense devotion to
the Lord was so great that even strict brahmanas and others would offer him all respect.

4) What was the explanation given by Yadavaprakasha on the verse "kapiyasam pundariksham evam
akshini"? What was the explanation given by Ramanuja for the same?

Yadavaprakasa explained that kapyasam referred to the rear-end of a monkey and that the whole
passage meant that the Supreme Lord had eyes as red as a monkey's rear-end.

Ramanuja explained that the meaning of the mantra is that the Lord has eyes as beautiful as the lotus

5) Why did Yadavaprakasha want to kill Ramanuja?

He was afraid of Ramanuja that he will strongly establish the dualistic philosophy of devotion.

6) What did Yamunacharya to pray for Ramanuja?

He then prayed to Lord Varadaraja for Ramanuja's deliverance from mayavadi Yadavaprakasha.

7) What were the three final instructions of Yamunacharya to his disciples before leaving this world?

i) Offer flowers at the lotus feet of the Lord

ii) Always try to follow your guru’s order.
iii) Destroy all false ego by serving the Vaisnavas
8) What were the three vows that Sri Ramanuja had taken before the body of Yamunacharya?

i) Remaining fixed in devotion to Lord Visnu, I shall free the people from illusion by spreading the
glories of the Lord throughout the land

ii) To establish that there is no truth beyond Lord Visnu, I shall write the Sri-bhasya commentary on
the Vedanta-sutra.

iii) In order to show respect to the sage Parasara, who has so wonderfully described the glories of the
Lord in the Visnu Purana, I shall name one learned Vaisnava after him.

9) Why did Kanchipurna want to go to Tirupati?

"My Lord, what are You trying to do to me? My only desire is to pass my life peacefully in Your service
and the service of Your devotees, but now You are trying to make me into a famous acarya. Even Your
pure devotee, Ramanuja, now bows down before me. I do not want to become an object of worship, so
please give me permission to leave Kanci and go to Tirupati, where I can worship You in the form of

10) What were the reasons for which Mahapurna and his wife left the Kanchipuram and left for Sri

Raksakambal, wife of Ramanujacharya spoke harshly at the wife of Mahapurna. It was difficult for her
to digest.
Mahapurna said to his wife: Do not be sorry over this matter, for whatever the Lord ordains is for our
good. Because we have not worshipped the lotus feet of Lord Ranganatha for a long time, He now desires
that we go back to Him and let us leave immediately

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