How To Exit The Matrix (Very Good)

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I wrote this paper because I want to share the information contained in this
writing with you before I die. I can leave this world with full satisfaction,
knowing that I imparted this knowledge to you, gained through years of
truth-seeking. I do not desire to force my beliefs and values on you, and I
will not be upset if you entirely reject the opinions and beliefs in this paper.

In this paper, I am giving an overview of what we can expect when we are

in the astral realm and in the realms beyond. This is information you need,
so you can understand the purpose of this paper—how to break the cycle
of reincarnation and return to the Greater Universe, from which we
originate. The astral may seem threatening to you, but I will give you a
suggestion, based on my research, how to exit this reality safely and how
to avoid what may be encountered in the astral by some. So, please read
this paper until the end, and you will get a clear picture of what to do to

Using all that I have learned, I have included the most essential information
to enable you to gain immortality after your death, avoid reincarnation,
retain all memories of your current life, preserve your unique
consciousness, and to become free by exiting this reality forever after your
death through a “hole in the grid.” The grid is a metaphysical barrier that
prevents humans from exiting our physical reality. Once outside our reality,
you are “free forever,” able to retain your unique consciousness, escape
reincarnation, and you will be immortal. My intention is to exit this reality
through a hole in the grid as soon as possible, immediately after realizing
that I am dead.

Here is a recent YouTube video, “The Soul Net: The "Grid in the Sky." It
is about the Grid:

You must decide whether to implement the recommendations in this paper,

using your intuition to decide a course of action without any regret.
Navigating our future course out of this reality will rely more on intuition
than logical reasoning and using confirmable facts.

The holes in the grid have been collaborated by several different remote
viewers and Wes Penre ( , https:// and
work-of-wes-penre-and-ariel-glad/ ) . Excluding Mr. Penre and the remote
viewers, I think all of us lack the personal experiences and confirmed
references to undeniably prove the existence of the holes in the grid. So,
we must use our own intuition to make the decision whether the holes in
the grid exist.

It would be very desirable to learn more about what happens in the afterlife,
the holes in the grid, and what is outside our reality (also called the
Kenoma or the Physical Construct among other things). Unfortunately, this
information is not available to the extent that we have tangible material
evidence for a conscious rational mind using logic to evaluate.

Is there another method to exit our reality (Kenoma) than the holes in the
grid? Unfortunately, I do not know of any other method. Many critical
thinkers and truth seekers identify issues, real truths, and the controlling
authorities of our physical world, but no one has provided a solution, other
than Mr. Penre’s source concerning the holes in the grid.

Gnosis is intuitive self knowledge gained through a life changing

experience, not a mere accumulation of facts and an ability to make
decisions using our intuition. A good explanation is, “Gnosis Explained,”
given by Stephan Hoeller in the video link below:

The Exit Out of this Reality

After death, you will be in a different plane of existence than you were in
life. That plane is called the “astral”. Within the astral, immediately after
death, any disease, infirmity, or disability that you had prior to your death
will be gone. For example, if you were totally blind prior to death, you will
be able to see things clearly in the astral after your death. Do not worry that
any infirmity, disease, or disability will prevent or reduce your opportunity to
exit this reality (Physical Construct, Physical World, or Kenoma).

The Grid is a vibratory energy grid, preventing exit out of this physical
reality. At death, look above you and use your deceased body as a
reference to search for a hole in the vibratory energy grid. After you’ve

spotted the Grid, look for holes. There should be plenty of them, (think of
the many holes in Swiss cheese), and you can focus on any of these holes.
It's like seeing a hole in a texture that is otherwise uniform in its texture (the
vibrating energy Grid). That hole is where you want to exit, and you do it by
using thought, intention, and focus.

The astral is thought-responsive, so when you think something, it will

happen or manifest. So, if you think (project) yourself to be outside the
Grid, going through a hole, you will, in the next moment, be outside our
physical construct (Kenoma). It is likely that you will perceive the holes to
be inky black, but they could be a different color, depending on your
personal perception. What is important is to exit through any of the holes in
the Grid you may envision. There are no “false holes” leading to disaster.

Passing through this hole will lead to a universe that is outside the 4%
visible universe that we can see with our eyes (the spectrum of visible
light). When you are outside our physical universe (Kenoma), all the
memories from your past lives will return to you. The restoration of your
memories is confirmation that you are outside the Kenoma.

To move in the astral, use your “True Intent”. True Intent is a focused
unadulterated pure intent to accomplish a single purpose! The
universe responds to a person’s true intent, created “within” the
consciousness (mind), then making the “without” (outside the person) intent
a true reality that is observed by the senses. The Quantum Mechanics
scientific model agrees with this concept that consciousness alters physical

The “True Intent” focus must be more than mere concentration. The
focused intent must have the complete exact conceptual design of the
object to be created, the teleport destination, or action to be implemented.
It is like providing simple exact instructions to a person or a machine.
These “Pure Intent” instructions must be pure, unadulterated, and
unambiguous to understand and complete in concept for the executor
(the Universe, machine, or person) to execute instantly. “True Intent” is
the original intention that will bring you out of this place in no-time and
without any hindrance. No ifs or buts—just do it. And you can do it because
your original intention (True Intent) is pure and unadulterated.

To move through the hole, use your True Intent to teleport instantly without
the passage of time. Since you lack a physical body in the astral, the speed

of light is no longer a limitation on how fast you can move. To relocate in

any direction, use your True Intent to imagine (project) yourself at the
desired location, and after the intent is implemented, you will teleport to that

A Simple Three Step Exit Sequence

1. If your mind is dazed or confused due to the violent circumstances of

your death, use the pure focused “True intent” of “Clarity NOW! ”.

2. Use the “True intent to show a hole in the grid, NOW!” Ignore
everything other than the search for the true hole in the grid. Alternately,
you can use your senses to search and identify the hole in the grid. In my
opinion, using True Intent to command the hole to be shown will be faster
than taking time to search for a hole.

3. Immediately after the hole in the grid has been located and identified,
use the True intent focused on the located hole: “I am going through that
hole at the highest aspect of myself where all my memories are
restored NOW !” The word “at” is preferrable to the word “to” because
“at” means that you are already at the location you desire to relocate. If
you use the word “to”, this would imply a passage to the desired location
which could take the passage of time.

I think it is curious that Mr. David Icke once stated that to leave our reality,
you must go faster than the speed of light, which is the maximum speed for
mass in our physical Universe. Using True Intent to teleport instantly
outside the grid through a hole in the grid will cover a distance much faster
than the speed of light.

Some notes about the exit sequence:

1. Ignore everything other than what is needed to exit from the Kenoma.

2. Use of word “now”, takes away all confusion, and the only thing that can
happen is that the command gets executed in the exact moment the NOW
is thought. If the now command is not used, there may be a delay between
intent and implementation.

3. Search for the hole in the grid before using intent to go to the
highest aspect of oneself because if you use the intent to go to the
highest aspect of yourself before finding the hole, you could accidentally go
to the highest aspect of yourself within the Kenoma instead and not exit.

4. Absolute worst-case situation where a “hole in the grid cannot be

identified and located: If a “hole in the grid is not visible, as a last resort use
the True Intent: "I am at the “highest aspect of myself” outside the grid,
where all my memories are restored. NOW”.

5. Freewill. You have absolute free will to choose anything but must accept
the consequences of your choice anywhere. Without your expressed or
implied consent, nothing and no one, guardians, relatives, spirit guides,
pets, and friends will not have any power over you and cannot stop you
from exiting (you are free to exit). Guardians are beings that through fear
and intimidation will try to gain your expressed or implied consent to remain
in our reality through your submission or appeasement to their demands.

When you arrive in the astral plane after your death, you have absolute free
will and are not bound by any soul contracts or failure to declare

Soul contracts are agreements between you and entities (Gods, powerful
beings, unseen beings, and others) made pre-birth or during your life. The
soul contracts and soul contract amendments are legally null and void (lack
power over you) because these entities use fraud, deception, mind control,
technology, and coercion to gain your expressed, implied, tacit, or assumed
agreement and consent. Astral beings and others will try to manipulate your
feelings of fear, duty, obligation, and guilt to gain your consent for
obedience, in accordance with the legally null and void soul contract or soul
contract agreement to remain within the Kenoma and follow their directions.

Will a soul contract prevent a person from exiting? No, because once the
intent, “I am through that hole at highest aspect of myself where all my
memories are restored” is implemented, the person is outside the grid,
regardless of soul contracts made in life or at pre-birth.

Declaring Sovereignty is a written and/or oral declaration to break any soul

contract, soul contract amendment, allegiance, servitude, duty, obligation,
and relationship to any being with whom you may have a relationship.

Sovereignty declarations usually specify exact beings (parties) and all

potential unknown parties, whose relationships and agreements are to be
totally severed, null and void.

You do not need to declare sovereignty before or after death because you
are already sovereign. Sovereign, meaning that you are not a subject,
servant, or slave of another, whether it is a god, unseen entity, or some
other being. When you provide the consent to obey, you give up your
power of free will to the being that was given your consent. Be aware that
astral beings will try to use fear, coercion, obligation, and other
manipulative means to deceive you into thinking that because you failed to
declare sovereignty, you are under their power and control. Ignore these
astral beings and their false claims, we are beings of freewill, and can leave
the Kenoma as we please.

6. The Law of Manifestation: The most familiar of all the laws of attraction,
this law states that the object of our constant focus will manifest in our
lives, irrespective of whether it is positive or negative. All our thoughts and
feelings are mirrored in the world around us, making our minds an
incredibly powerful tool. The more positivity we manage to infuse into our
minds, the more we get in our lives. The converse is also true, i.e., the
more negativity we manage to infuse into our minds, the more of that we
get in our lives. Using the Law of Manifestation, you can create an intent
that when you arrive in the astral, you will be alone, peaceful, and the holes
in the grid will be easily seen directly above you, allowing an uneventful
and safe exit. To establish a peaceful arrival; before your death, regularly
visualize arriving in the astral plane that, when you look around, is empty
and unoccupied by any being other than yourself; quiet, tranquil, and with
the holes in the grid appearing very big, easily seeable within the uniform
texture of the vibratory energy grid. However, if you create an intent
(“expectation of fearful obstacles”) that the astral afterlife will be filled with
scary beings and obstacles, you will encounter these fears in the astral,
possibly making your exit difficult.

7. Absolute worst case situation where a !hole in the grid can not be
identified and located. If a !hole in the grid is not visible, as a last resort use
the !True Intent” - "I am at the !highest aspect of myself” outside the
grid, where all my memories are restored. NOW”. Remember that you

need not worry. If you use the Law of Manifestation, that prior to your
death, you manifest the intent that all holes in the grid will be true
portals for exit, then the holes will exist, will be visible and all holes
that you observe in the astral will be true exit routes. This worst case
scenario should not occur.

8. Communication: Lacking a physical body within the astral and outside

the grid within the greater Universe, you will be able to communicate
telepathically with others. Be aware that initially you will lack the ability to
shield your thoughts from other beings, who can mentally communicate
with you and have the ability of shielding their thoughts from you.
Eventually, outside the grid, within the greater Universe, but not within the
short time you are in the astral, you will be able to shield your thoughts
from others. Beings you may encounter will most likely choose to use
pictograms (pictures) instead of speech to communicate with you.
Pictograms are more accurate to convey true meaning than speech sounds
that often have multiple means.

9. The reason for being at the “highest aspect (best version) of myself” is
because this location is where you will have the highest abilities (including
memory) that are available in your surroundings. The “highest aspect of
myself” location is the most desirable (best) dimension, space
(location) and safest for yourself, where you will be at the best
version of yourself. If you are at the “highest aspect of myself” outside
the grid within the greater universe, your surroundings are the Greater
Universe. Therefore, your abilities will be 100 percent of what is possible
within the Greater Universe. If you are at the “highest aspect of
myself” within the grid, your abilities will be limited to only what is possible
within the grid. Since the space enclosed by the grid is only 4 percent or
less of the universe, your potential abilities are much smaller than what
would be possible if you manifested outside the grid in the Greater

10. The grid has an effect of blocking the memories that are stored within
the Greater Universe to be accessible to humans within the grid. The grid
encapsulates and isolates everything that is inside it, i.e., inside the
Kenoma, where we currently are located. Once you have exited the grid,
the grid can no longer block your memories from returning. Therefore, if
your past lives memories start returning, it is confirmation that you are
outside the grid. If you are at the “highest aspect of myself” within the grid,

you will not regain any memories, but will instead lose the memories of
your most recent life the longer you remain within the astral plane, which is
within the grid.

11. Feelings of Unworthiness: You do not have to be a holy person, saintly,

or a morally perfect person to exit through a hole in the grid. Remember,
you are passing through the hole in the grid—not the grid boundary itself!
All those you meet outside the grid will have concerns whether you will
cause trouble and harm by bringing your personal bias, harmful personality
traits (e.g. narcissism, greed, envy, and others), and sociopathic desires to
cause pain and suffering into their lives. Outside the grid, you will have
great creative powers and personal abilities. Using your powers and
abilities, you can potentially cause great harm to others. Remember that
even with your new abilities and powers, you are not all powerful, and you
can be defeated and greatly restricted. The beings in the Greater Universe
outside the grid are able to defeat you, potentially capture you, and render
you harmless. However, you should not fear these beings. You will have
great power outside the grid, but you must respect the powers other beings
may hold, singularly or collectively. Just like here on Earth, you will learn
how to avoid the not-so-benevolent beings. The Greater Universe is almost
infinitely vast, so you can go to whatever environment you feel is right for

12. Prior to your death, try to develop into the best version you want to
become. This best version is part of the Pure Intent to be at the “highest
aspect of myself” located in the dimension and space that is the best and
safest for you. Remember that the Universe is thought-responsive; it will
use your version to determine where you will be when you use the True
Intent, “I am through that hole at the highest aspect (best version) of
myself”. Clearly, even though you exit through a hole in the grid, if your
personal traits need significant improvement, you may not arrive at your
desired location.

You can improve your personality and character prior to your death by
controlling your reactive desires within your consciousness (mind), making
you react without thinking carefully about the consequences of your
actions. To break most personal habits or traits, it takes a minimum 21
consecutive days of implementing new behavior instead of the undesired
behavior to be eliminated.

Some personality traits and habits take more than 21 days of continuous
efforts because the events triggering reactions due not occur continuously
over 21 days. For instance, if you are sensitive to trivial insults, you may
not be exposed continuously to insults everyday for the 21 consecutive
days needed to make a reactionary behavior modification.

An example of the need to control reactive behavior would be if you are

very sensitive or petty to perceived insults or criticism, and you may
“reactively” respond to the perpetrator, causing undesirable future
consequences. When you encounter beings in the Greater Universe, these
beings may lack the range of human emotional intelligence (e.g., empathy),
values, bias, and beliefs, and may look entirely inhumanly alien in form. If
you reactively response to an insensitive or trivial irritating behavior from
such beings, the misunderstanding probably will cause you lasting future

You will never become a “perfect” person. Avoid accumulating guilt that can
be used against you by spirit guides, guardians, and other astral beings
that you may meet in the astral plane. These astral beings can read your
thoughts or your soul to identify your weakness that can be used against
you. These beings will try to use your guilty memories and regrets to
manipulate you into remaining within the astral plane and reincarnating
back into the physical world to remedy past failings in your prior life.

Instead, when you have a behavioral failing, admit your failing, take
corrective action, try to not commit the same shortcoming again, and
forgive yourself. You are not perfect. Undoubtably, you will commit the
same shortcoming again. Simply do your best to try to reduce the
frequency of your shortcoming to get in better control of your own mind.
Just strive to become the best version of yourself that you want to be so
that you can reach the best possible potential dimension and safest
location in the Greater Universe after your exit through the grid.



Having fear and feelings of helplessness are the greatest obstacles that will
prevent exiting. Anticipated visions of fear and helplessness in the afterlife
while alive will become manifested in the astral after death. Since what is
manifested into reality (created) “within” one’s mind becomes manifested
“without” (outside) of the body.

The Universal Law of Freewill allows for choice. Fear, coercion,

intimidation, or deception to prevent humans from exiting would not be
required if consent was not needed. No one can prevent a human from
leaving the Kenoma without gaining their consent.


Discernment is essential to avoid trickery in form of illusions that will

prevent exit. Illusion and reality are not easily distinguishable in the astral.
You may see illusions based on preconceived afterlife beliefs such as
“heaven”, “hell”, or other afterlife beliefs. Therefore, I think that after death
it’s best to consider everything as illusions in the astral, except for the
“holes in the grid”.

If you use the Law of Manifestation, imagining that all holes in the grid will
be true portals for exit, then all holes that you observe in the astral will be
true portals to exit through.

If due to fear, you use the Law of Manifestation, imagining that only some
holes in the grid may be portals for true exit and some false illusions, then
some holes that you observe in the astral will be true portals for exit, while
others will be false illusions.

The following test is for those who fear that some holes in the grid may be
illusions. Remember that you need not worry. If you use the Law of
Manifestation, that prior to your death, you manifest the intent that all
holes in the grid will be true portals for exit, then all holes that you
observe in the astral will be true exit routes.

The test if the hole is an illusion is when you use the True intent focused on
the located hole: “I am going through that hole at highest aspect of
myself where all my memories are restored NOW !” and you do not
teleport or relocate. This means the universe will simply not allow you to
teleport through the illusory hole where all your past memories will not be
restored. In this case, just pick another hole to exit.

Be confident that using the True Intent, “I am going through that hole at
the highest aspect of myself where all my memories are restored
NOW“, will not allow you to go through any false destination; the thought
responsive universe will not allow it.

The best method is simply to use the “Simple Three Step Exit Sequence”
and use the Law of Manifestation that prior to your death, you manifest the
intent “all holes in the grid will be true portals for exit” because the hole
shown in step 2 will always be true and not an illusion.


The tunnels of light, spirit guides, deceased relatives, and deceased friends
are means to deceive humans into consenting on not exiting the physical
world (Kenoma) but to remain within the Kenoma. Entering the tunnel of
light will result in you remaining within the Kenoma, by either becoming a
spirit guide or reincarnating back to the physical world. Remember to
consider that everyone you meet in the astral could be an illusion.

Not everyone will see a tunnel of light. It is even possible to see more than
one tunnel of light. Do not enter any tunnel of light. Spirit guides, friends,
pets, guardians and relative use emotions and feelings (e.g., love, peace,
happiness, acceptance, fear, loyalty, and duty, etc.) to gain your consent to
steer you into the tunnel of light.

Here is a video, explaining the tunnel of light: "REINCARNATION IS A

TRAP - The True Purpose of the Tunnel of Light,"


Curiosity, ego, and sentimentality may lead to failure to exit. If you think too
much with your intellect, will power, and discernment to separate illusion

from reality, you will fail to exit. Illusion could cause you to make a decision
that will prevent you from exiting. Curiosity, and sentimentality
(attachments) to your former life, could cause you to remain so long in the
astral that you forget how to exit.

Eventually, in the astral you will lose your former life memories, including
the memories how to exit. Here is the problem: we are incarnated here in
our bodies, and the brain and the physical cells in the body store memories
from our current lifetime; memories from childhood and up to present age.
The brain and body cells keep our memory reasonably intact throughout
our lives. However, when we die, at first, we still have memories from the
life we just finished, but within a short time, the memories start to fade in
the astral, and we forget about the life we lived. Memory loss has been
reported in many Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and during regression

Even though you will have greater and new abilities within the astral, astral
life will not provide a better life, greater fulfillment, freedom, happiness, or a
true alternative escape from the physical world in which you departed as a
living person. Although not all of them are, astral beings can be extremely
deceptive, manipulative, and are seeking their own best interest, and not
what is best for you. These beings will seek to manipulate your thinking,
beliefs, and values for their own self-interest. Remember, the astral is still
within the grid and as long as you are within the astral, you are not free and
are exposed to many obstacles.

Keep your curiosity under your conscious control. I think it is best to exit as
soon as possible, abandon your ego, and all attachments to this physical


A compromise to one's curiosity is to travel to an identified "hole in the grid"

so that one can "sight see" (observe) the astral on the journey to the hole.
The concern is you may encounter guardians, who will use intimidation and
illusion to gain your consent to be captured and reincarnated back into the
physical world. Humans have a weakness for "worship", obedience, and
submission to supernaturally powerful beings. Although the guardians
cannot force or capture you without your consent, they may use your

subconscious fear, weakness, and cultural beliefs to gain your consent,

agreement and submission to their desires and goals.

It is for this reason I advise to avoid using the word "to" in your intent to
exit through a hole in the grid. For example, if you use the intent "I am
going through that hole “to” the highest aspect of myself where all my
memories will be restored now", this intent would mean that you are
traveling to the hole which will allow time for guardians, spirit guides and
others to intercept you and delay your journey to the hole. Remember,
ignore everything except what is needed to exit. Using "to" in your intent
implies a passage of traveling time. You do not know how long this traveling
time will take.

However, if you should use the word "to" in your intent erroneously, you
should simply use the intent, "at," immediately after you realize your error.
This intent is “I am going through that hole at the highest aspect of myself
where all my memories will be restored NOW !” Alternately, a much worst
choice is to use the intent, "Travel to that hole in the grid, faster NOW!"

An important note is that if you use the word "to" in your intent to go to an
identified hole in the grid, you still must create another True Intent to exit
through that hole. Since using “to” only moves you adjacent to the hole in
grid that is located on the inside of the grid within the Kenoma. Remember,
you must go to the highest aspect (best version) of yourself that is outside
the grid and our reality. Using the word “at" in your True Intent will teleport
you through the identified hole in the grid and outside, within the Greater
Universe, where all your memories will be restored and you will be truly


The “mind” is an enabler that will allow people to comprehend truths and to
perform great acts or can prevent persons from seeing and understanding
truths due to strongly fixed rigid beliefs, emotional attachments, or fears.
We can block our perception of what is possible by our own bias of what
we think is possible. Once our perceptions of limitations are gone,
possibilities and opportunities that we previously thought impossible
become available. If a person, while living, does not believe (does not
create within their minds) that “holes in the grid” can exist, after

death, they will not see the holes in the grid and will instead be
trapped within the construct (physical reality).


What do you do if you get distracted or stopped on the way out the Grid by
the guardians, who appear to be so powerful that they can force us to
remain without our consent? The answer is that they will NOT stop you–the
guardians will let you go unless you give expressed or implied consent to
stay. Without consent, guardians, relatives, spirit guides, pets, and friends
have no power over you - you are free to exit. Spirit guides are entities that
include “Ascended Masters”, relatives, friends, religious belief beings
(Buddha, Jesus, Valkyries, saints, gods and etc.) and others.

I also need to mention that there is a reasonable chance you will meet no
one on your way out—particularly if you exit without delay and keep
focused. However, this essay is trying to teach about the many possibilities
within the astral.

Once outside this construct (physical reality, Kenoma), it is possible that

guardians, relatives, spirit guides, pets, and friends may follow you for the
purpose of sending you back inside the construct. Once you give implied
consent by returning to the construct (moving within the grid) or expressed
consent, by your actions you may have permanently ended your
opportunity to exit after your immediate past life! Ignore everything and use
True Intent to teleport far away from these obstacles. The beings you will
encounter in the astral are extremely deceptive and manipulative. The
obstacles increase for you and your successful exit the longer you
remain within the astral.


In the astral, as mentioned earlier, you may meet relatives, friends, spirit
guides, and pets. Even when these encounters are not illusions, you
cannot save anyone you meet. One of the reasons is, those you encounter
in the astral must have gained the knowledge about how to exit prior to
death to allow passage out of this reality. If they do not know about
the “holes in the grid” and do not create the “holes in the grid” within
their minds in life, they will not see the holes in the grid in the
afterlife. Therefore, since you can save no one except yourself, ignore

everyone you meet in the astral. Do not linger to talk with anyone because
it will take valuable time and the being, you desire to talk with may be an
illusion. Leave as soon as possible.


The best time to exit is as soon as possible immediately after you realize
that you are dead. The second-best time is just before interacting with
distractions (the tunnels of light, spirit guide, guardians, relatives, friends, or
pets). There will be a short time immediately after death until the
distractions appear.

You may never see a tunnel of light, or you may see one or more tunnels of
light. Be advised that these tunnels can have different colors, such as white
or gold. Exit before entering the tunnels. If you enter the tunnel of light,
exiting may be impossible. Your teleportation power using True Intent is
much more powerful than any tunnel’s attraction power to pull you into the
tunnel. Just teleport as far as possible and directly from any seen


Do not trust any astral beings, because they can be extremely deceptive,
manipulative, not having your best interest in mind, and may even
temporarily follow you outside the grid. These astral beings (spirit guides,
friends, relatives, pets, and guardians), seek in their minds what they think
is best for themselves and for you. The goal of the astral beings that you
encounter will be to send you back within the grid—that’s what they have
been taught to do. Furthermore, not all beings outside the grid are
trustworthy and seek your best interests, either. Remember, until you can
shield your thoughts from others, exercise caution in your interactions with
other beings. It’s a learning curve, but you will learn rather quickly once you
are there.

Use your intuition that is part of your consciousness (thinking) to protect

yourself from foreign minds entering your consciousness to mislead and
manipulate you. People say that they can sense through their intuition
whether something “outside” or “without" their minds, such as articles they
read and whether videos watched or listened, are true or false. People
often claim that their intuition (“within” or “inside”) can assess people

(“outside” or “without”), whether that person is genuine or about their true


If your intuition outside (“without”) is the same as the inside (“within”), and
your intuition outside is the same as the inside, your intuition will provide
discernment for everything that is outside/without in the world and inside/
within—your inner thoughts. To be able to discern one’s true thoughts from
a foreign entity within your mind, your intuition outside must be the same as
the inside, and your intuition inside must be the same as your intuition
outside. Beware that rationalization, using your conscious logical mind, can
lead to ignoring your intuitive “warning signs” and result in an undesired
outcome. Rely on your intuitive feelings to avoid later regrets.

You must use your intuition to determine whom to trust. If your intuition
provides warning signals, do not allow your rational mind to provide
reasons to override those intuitive feelings. You can teleport away from
those your intuition does not trust. Do not allow fear or feelings of
helplessness sway your judgement and actions. Fear and feelings of
helplessness are the greatest means of controlling people. You already
have everything you need to be successful in exiting this reality and in the
universe beyond the grid—there are no tests to pass, certificates to be
shown, or accomplishments to be proven. Your intuition will guide you to
whom you can trust as friends. Through your own abilities and power, you
can remain independent, free, and successful outside the grid.

We must change our thinking and bias to be successful in the Greater

Universe outside the grid. Like nonjudgmental, sincere, truthful, innocent
infants, we must be able to gain friends among beings who are alien in

People are “pure”, “sincere” and “truthful” when born but become corrupted
through trauma and suffering as adults. People later in life show insincerity,
deceit, and “duality”, meaning two sets of behavior (English idiom, meaning
“two faces”) to different parties or situations for manipulation. Do not allow
cultural bias, beliefs, and insecurities gained during your life harm future
relations to those who will be your true friends. The beings that you meet,
like yourself, can sense insincerity, deceit, and hidden agendas through
observation, or possibly by reading your unshielded mind.

In this physical world, there is a familiarity of bond that passes even

between generations, between those holding strong common cultural

values and feelings. When people holding such values meet, there is a
familiarity, a closeness, and “bond” amongst individuals who have never
met before. However, when two people meet who do not strongly share
common cultural values and feelings, even though they are of the same
ethnic, racial, generational, and geographical location, there is a lack of
closeness, and no bond. The lack of bond means that even though these
two people share physical, genetic, generational, and geographical location
characteristics, those two people will feel they are strangers to each other.

Outside the grid, the familiarity of bond concept will guide you to those
whom you can trust as friends. Your intuition will reveal that these beings
share your values and feelings. Shared values and feelings are the
foundation of true companionship and friendship.

You will meet trustworthy friends, where you are accepted, welcomed,
valued, protected, safe, and with those who share your values and seek
your best interests. You can use True Intent to make the Universe teleport
you exactly to where you desire. Your intuition will confirm whether those
you have met are trustworthy friends. Know that these true friends will
educate and help you with your new life and abilities outside our reality.

To prosper, we must be willing to change. In the Greater Universe, we will

be an immortal powerful being, much different than the human being that
we experienced living in this physical world.


Remember that while inside the grid, you are limited to see only 4 percent
of the electromagnetic spectrum. Dark matter that has not been seen by
our technology or ourselves is said to make up 96 percent of matter and
energy within the entire universe. Once outside the grid, all your abilities
will be restored, and you can see dark matter and the entire spectrum from
infrared to ultraviolet. What you will see outside the grid is what your
preconceived bias, beliefs, and feelings will allow you to see. If you
abandoned all beliefs and expectations, you would see the true reality. You
will regain many abilities that you thought were not possible for a human in
our physical world, such as flying without using technology.

I think that it would be best to restore all your memories prior to making
another relocation. Your recovered memories will help guiding you.

Use True intent to recover your memories. Simply focus: “Restore all my
memories, NOW!”

Where to relocate is your choice. My recommendation is to use True Intent

to relocate to where you will be accepted, welcomed, valued, protected,
safe, and be with those who share your values and seek your best

Simply focus: “I am at where I am accepted, welcomed, valued,

protected, safe and with those who share my values and seek my best
interests. NOW.” Make sure not to use “I will be where I am accepted…,”
because that implies the future. “I am where I am accepted…,” implies
instantaneous, which is what you want.

The greater universe, outside the grid, is filled with stars, planets and
space. Using “above” and “below” as a spatial reference will be difficult
when objects can appear underside down to each other suspended in the
Void. For example, what if you see two mountains, whose peaks are facing
directly opposite to each other suspended in the Void. If you can standup
with your feet on the mountain ground on either of the mountain peaks,
which mountain is “up” or which mountain is “down”? Therefore, “above”
and “below” concepts must be abandoned. Consider space is “all there is”
and not divided into “above” and “below”.

The original form of the soul is a shape shifting orb. You will be able to
shape shift outside the grid and in the astral plane. Do not spend valuable
time trying to shape shift in the astral because of the astral plane lingering
obstacles. When you shape shift, you can regain your human form through
True Intent. Just use the True Intent, projecting an image of your desired
human form within your consciousness into reality by the intent “Human
form, NOW”.

Parting Thoughts

I desire to impart to you some of my opinions for your consideration.

What you are: You are a spirit and a unique consciousness that wears a
“soul” as an inner garment and a “physical body” as an outer garment. Your
true origins to where you may choose to return is not in this physical world
but far beyond the grid in the spiritual heavens. Your purpose in life is to

develop and manifest “good” character traits and to successfully leave this
physical world to your true origins. Examples of these good character traits
are benevolence, mercy, forbearance, courage, kindness, love, integrity,
honesty, forgiveness, trustworthiness, magnanimity, and not being “petty.”

I think it is reliable to make decisions based on the following conclusions:

1. Our world is ruled by a sociopathic alien intelligence that is hostile to

humanity. This alien intelligence controls the world through the Elite
(human minions, who have been given power by this intelligence) for the
total enslavement and exploitation of all humans. This world will always
have corruption, cruelty, exploitation, death, illness, and wars.
Furthermore, this alien intelligence through its minions have made every
effort to render humans powerless through shortened life span, inducing
of amnesia, disinformation to manipulate minds, lies, corruption, and
technology, just to name a few.

2. The holes in the grid exist to exit out of the construct.

3. Our world is flat, and the firmament (Dome) exists.

4. Consciousness exists after death.

5. Our consciousness is separate from our soul, spirit, and physical body.

6. In the end, no matter how much information we seek to make a rational

cognitive consciousness evaluation, something will always be missing to
prevent a conscious logical decision based on complete set of proven
mutually supportable confirmable facts. Throughout the world and time, the
Elites (people in power, authorities, etc.) have withheld public disclosure of
the truth from the public through destruction, concealment, corruption,
whistleblower condemnation, and lies concerning physical evidence and
writings. We must use our intuition (gnosis) to decide what to do and what
to believe, Unfortunately, this intuitive decision making appears to be
similar to “religious faith”.

7. We can “save” ourselves through exiting without help from gods, aliens,
high priests, religion, etc., but we cannot save anyone (i.e., insure that
people other than ourselves exit).

8. Our focus should be where we will be going. I am comfortable to allow

much of our past to be not confirmable and uncertain. While in this world,
we lack the resources, abilities, and time to learn the truth about our past.
Furthermore, I think the powers controlling this world remove, exclude
access, hide, and lie about all tangible confirmable artifacts or places that
would undeniably prove to the rational conscious human mind our true past
and history. The old publicly available histories may be corrupted,
mistranslated, have missing texts, or are simply untrue. Just because a
writing is older does not mean that it is more accurate or truthful than a
more recent writing. We can only make judgements and form opinions of
our past using our intuition.

9. Our consciousness uses our “Intent” to change reality. This

consciousness within us manipulates (creates) the waveform energies
existing in the universe “within” our minds into actual physical reality
outside our bodies (“without”) that is observed by our senses. This ability of
consciousness was proven in the famous Quantum Mechanics Double Slit
Experiment ( ). The first
three parts of the Holographic Universe Workshop explains how
consciousness creates reality.

10. The sociopathic alien intelligence and their minions that are hostile to
humanity have infiltrated all religions. This alien intelligence can use one
religion to appear to have protective powers against evil. I think that using
religion against an evil influence is a deception because both the religion
and malevolent influence are two branches of the same organization. I
think that it is best to stay away from religion. I do not recommend seeking
a “High Priest”, Shaman, Occult master, or religious official to combat
malevolent unseen entities, or for help with exiting this physical world,
because these adepts and the malevolent influences in this life and after
death are two branches of the hostile alien intelligence's organization.

Summary - Three Step Exit Sequence to Exit

1. If your mind is dazed or confused due to the violent circumstances of

your death, use the pure focused “True intent” of “Clarity NOW! ”.

2. Use the “True intent to show a hole in the grid, NOW!” Ignore
everything other than the search for the true hole in the grid. Alternately,
you can use your senses to search and identify the hole in the grid. In my
opinion, using True Intent to command the hole to be shown will be faster
than taking time to search for a hole.

3. Immediately after the hole in the grid has been located and identified,
use the True intent focused on the located hole: “I am going through that
hole at the highest aspect of myself where all my memories are
restored NOW !” The word “at” is preferrable to the word “to” because
“at” means that you are already at the location you desire to relocate. If
you use the word “to”, this would imply a passage to the desired location
which could take the passage of time.


The purpose of this writing is to provide you with a choice. If you

create in your mind and visualize the "holes in the grid" while alive, after
your death you will be able to see the holes in the astral. Whether you
choose to go through a hole in the grid is your decision. You must make the
decision using your own free will to do what your intuition tells you is best
for you, so that you will have no regrets. Do not make your decision to
please or gain acceptance from anyone. I strongly encourage you to focus
on exiting this reality as soon as possible, once you realize that you are
dead. Ignore everything, except what is essential to exit. I wish you the
greatest future happiness, immortality, and freedom.

July 20, 2022 Best Wishes,


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