M2S1 Stormwater Formation

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Module 2

Stormwater Formation
Or more watersheds
Flood Routing Concept Flow Chart and rivers and so on…
Rain Falls

The catchment develops infiltration first, once saturated, runoff occurs The catchment develops infiltration first, once saturated, runoff occurs

Watershed Watershed Watershed Watershed Watershed Watershed

1 2 3 4 5 6
Runoff moves Runoff moves Runoff moves
as sheet flow as sheet flow as sheet flow

River or Canal, or River or Canal, or River or Canal, or

Channel A Channel B Channel C

Streamflow Discharge Streamflow Discharge

is developed is developed
Main Channel
Watershed is sometimes called:
Flood Routing and Time of Concentration • Drainage Block – in urban areas
• Basin – for big watershed
• Watershed – if it has a name maybe popular
• River basin – basically the same

Runoff travels Discharge moves
by time Tc by time Tr
Watershed or Upstream Downstream
Catchment Time of sheet of Channel Time of channel of Channel
Concentration concentration

Runoff travels Discharge moves

by time Tc by time Tr
Watershed or Upstream Downstream
Catchment of Channel of Channel

Time of sheet Time of channel
Concentration concentration

Discharge increases as the flow goes down stream because:
• Concentration of flow come from many watersheds
• The watershed area going down stream is getting bigger
Flood Routing and Time of Concentration – Simple Example

Rain C
Falls 2
In the Illustration: watershed
boundary is the dashed lines: 3 B
• Watershed 1 to 4 are in sheet flow
(time of sheet flow concentration) 4 A
• Watershed A, B, and C are in
rivers (time of river flow NOTE: take this note seriously:
• The area of Watershed C includes the area of Watershed 1 and Watershed 2.
• The area of Watershed B includes the area of Watershed 3.
• Watershed D is also in river • The area of Watershed A includes the area of Watershed 4.
(time of river flow concentration) • The area of Watershed D includes the area of Watershed 1, 2, 3, 4, and C, B, and A.
Flood Routing – Decision for Time of Concentration

Note: a Tam= 15 What is the time of

All time units are concentration for Point m?
in minutes
Tmw= 25
b Tbm= 10 x

w Twx= 15
c Tcn= 12 Answer:
Tnw= 24 Tc for m = 15 mins

Always choose the

d Tdn= 18 longer time, OK?
Flood Routing – Decision for Time of Concentration

Note: a Tam= 15 What is the time of

All time units are concentration for Point n?
in minutes
Tmw= 25
b Tbm= 10 x

w Twx= 15
c Tcn= 12 Answer:
Tnw= 24 Tc for n = 18 mins

Always choose the

d Tdn= 18 longer time, OK?
Flood Routing – Decision for Time of Concentration

Note: a Tam= 15 What is the time of

All time units are concentration for Point w?
in minutes
Tmw= 25
b Tbm= 10 x

w Twx= 15
c Tcn= 12 Answer: Tc for Point w
Tnw= 24 (15 + 25 = 40) or (18 + 24 = 42)
Choose the longer time:
d Tdn= 18 Is it 40 or 42… correct answer is 42 mins
Flood Routing – Decision for Time of Concentration

Note: a Tam= 15 What is the time of

All time units are concentration for Point x?
in minutes
Tmw= 25
b Tbm= 10 x

w Twx= 15
c Tcn= 12 Answer: Tc for Point x
Tnw= 24 Since Tc for w is 42, Just add 15
So the answer is:
d Tdn= 18 42 + 15 = 57 mins
Back to Rational Method

Rainfall occurs with a uniform intensity for the duration at least equal
to the time of concentration of watershed.

Rainfall occurs at a uniform intensity throughout the watershed area.

Rational method assumes that the The runoff coefficient value is related to watershed
intensity of rainfall is uniformly characteristics such as land use, topography soil
distributed throughout the watershed. types etc., do not provide correct value.

This method does not care the initial The runoff coefficient also depends on the
losses such as depression storage, atmospheric characteristics such as season and
initial infiltration, channel storage etc. rainfall.
Which combination produces PEAK FLOW?

When duration of rainfall becomes

equal to the time of concentration?
• all parts of the watershed
become able to generate
the discharge to the
outlet, simultaneously

• the cumulative discharge

at the outlet takes the
form of maximum runoff
which is referred as peak
Which combination produces PEAK FLOW?

In rational method to compute peak

runoff rate, the rainfall duration should at
least be equal to the time of concentration

• time required to move the

surface flow from
remotest point of the
watershed to the outlet

• produces peak runoff from

Which combination produces PEAK FLOW?
RIDF Curve Method

Rainfall Intensity Duration

Frequency Curves… or RIDF

As example   1 
a − b ln − ln 1 − 
  T 
(D + K ) N

a, b, N, K = coefficients
vary for each location
D = minutes
i = mm/hr
T = return period (Years)
RIDF Localized Constants
RIDF Localized Constants
RIDF Localized Constants
Flood Routing Flow Chart Catchment
Sheet Flow Rainfall
Time of Intensity
Concentration Peak (Flood) Flow
RIDF Formula
Passini (TC) Rational
• Slope
a b N K Formula
• Path Length
• Area
i C A
  1 
a − b ln − ln 1 − 
i=   T  Q = CiA
Pinaka important… na note… (D + K )N • C is given (runoff coefficient)
At any point (for peak flow to happen): • I = rainfall intensity (D= TC)
• Use D = TC (last point of sheet flow) • A = watershed area
• Use D = TC + TR (downstream of river) The computed Q is used for flood design.
• Use D = TC + TR1 + TR2 (downstream of another river) This is the engineering (sizing of channels
• And so on… kung mahaba pa yung river… to carry the flood flow)
Temporal Distribution
• The fraction of rainfall to specified time interval.
• guide in design and construction of structure or system
that related to hydrology and hydraulic area.

Example 1:
100mm rain

Distributed in
5 hrs

1 2 3 4 5
Temporal Distribution
• The fraction of rainfall to specified time interval.
• guide in design and construction of structure or system
that related to hydrology and hydraulic area.

Example 1:
100mm rain

Distributed in
3 hrs

1 2 3
Temporal Distribution

For example:
75mm rainfall is a lot, but spread out
over a year it is not. (75mm/365days)

but even spreading it out over 24

hours: (75mm in a day)

Or spread out to 2 hours?

It will make a big difference on the

amount of runoff and flooding.
Temporal Distribution

The depth of rainfall divided by the

duration is the rainfall intensity.

For example:

depth of 50mm in 3 hours results in

an intensity of 16.67 mm/hr

depth of 50mm in 12 hours results in

an intensity of 4.16 mm/hr
Hyetograph Models

• Average Rank Model

• SSGM Model
• Alternating Block Model

Depth = from the record or RIDF Data Alternating Block

Interval = increment to be used e.g. 30min, 1hr Method Video
Alternating Block Model

Given this example shown.

Provide a design rainfall for

the following durations:

a. 10 min
b. 30 min
c. 60 min
d. 120 min
Time of Concentration

Time of Concentration (TC)- travel time it takes from the farthest point of
watershed or catchment to the outlet of a specific basin or sub-basin
Time of Concentration

E.T. Salimi, A. Nohegar, A. Malekian, M. Hoseini and A. Holisaz (2017): Estimating time of
concentration in large watersheds, Paddy and Water Environment Volume 15, pages 123–132.
Time of Concentration

E.T. Salimi, A. Nohegar, A. Malekian, M. Hoseini and A. Holisaz (2017): Estimating time of
concentration in large watersheds, Paddy and Water Environment Volume 15, pages 123–132.
Time of Concentration

E.T. Salimi, A. Nohegar, A. Malekian, M. Hoseini and A. Holisaz (2017): Estimating time of
concentration in large watersheds, Paddy and Water Environment Volume 15, pages 123–132.
Time of Concentration

E.T. Salimi, A. Nohegar, A. Malekian, M. Hoseini and A. Holisaz (2017): Estimating time of
concentration in large watersheds, Paddy and Water Environment Volume 15, pages 123–132.
Time of Concentration

Time of 𝐴𝐿
Concentration 𝑇𝑐 = 0.02
(sheet) 2
tc = time of concentration in minutes
L = longest flow path, km
A = area of watershed in km2
S = watershed gradient in m/m or the difference in elevation
between the outlet and the most remote point of the watershed.
Time of Concentration

Time of 0.77
𝑇𝑐 = 0.02 0.385
tc = time of concentration in minutes
L = longest flow path, m
S = watershed gradient in m/m or the difference in elevation
between the outlet and the most remote point of the watershed.
Time of Concentration

Channel flow: … or any design velocity desired

Sheet flow: 𝐿 But in this course, we will use

3 𝑇𝐶 = Kraven’s Formula
𝐴𝐿 𝑉𝑘𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛
𝑇𝑐 = 6.48 2

Ttotal = Tsheet + Tchannel

Peak Flow Discharge (Using Rational Method)

We use conversion factor

Rational Method Q = CiA of 0.277 or 5ൗ
Q = design peak runoff in m3/s for a given recurrence interval (e.g. 10 yrs)
C = runoff coefficient or watershed characteristic factor
i = rainfall intensity for design return period and using the duration =
time of concentration of a watershed
A = watershed area
Problem Example

90 78 87 68 55 98 104 108
24 20 31 31 15 96 167 189
Problem Example

The upstream point of River X is the downstream point of three rivers namely: River A, River B,
and River C. The tributary rivers of upstream point of River A has a time of concentration between
1.8 hours to 2.6 hours in sheet flow. The tributary rivers of upstream point of River B has a time of
concentration between 2.1 hours to 2.9 hours in sheet flow. The tributary rivers of upstream point
of River C has a time of concentration between 1.9 hour to 3.1 hours in sheet flow.

The time of concentrations of river flow of River X, A, B, and C are: 1.5 hour, 2.0 hours, 2.5 hours,
and 2 hours respectively. The drainage area of River A, River B, and River C are 100 km2, 150 km2,
and 220 km2. Then, drainage area of Cagayan River at its downstream point is 600 km2.

1. Determine the time of concentration at the upstream point of the River X.

2. Determine the time of concentration at the downstream point of the River X.
3. Determine the drainage area of downstream point of river X excluding tributary rivers on its
upstream point.
Solution Determine the time of concentration at the
upstream point of the River X.
Choices are: So the answer is: 5.4 hrs
2.1-2.9 hrs 2.6 + 2 = 4.6 hrs (since it is the longest Tc)
2.9 + 2.5 = 5.4 hrs
3.1 + 2 = 5.2 hrs
1.8-2.6 hrs 1.9-3.1 hrs
2.5 hrs Determine the time of concentration at the
downstream point of the River X.
2 hrs 2 hrs Using 5.4 hrs + 1.5 hrs = 6.9 hrs

X Determine the drainage area of downstream

1.5 hrs point of river X excluding tributary rivers on
its upstream point.

Drain Area = 600 – (100 + 150 + 220) = 130 km2


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