Grade 12 Introduction To Philosophy of The Human Person PDF

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1. He is regarded as the Father of Western Philosophy -
A. Thales
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Socrates

2. What is the meaning of the Greek words philo and sophia as the essential
meaning of Philosophy?
A. Protector of Wisdom
B. Lover of Sophie
C. Love of Wisdom
D. Love for Knowledge

3. Scientist is to 1st-order inquiry : Philosopher is to ______________.

A. 5th-order inquiry
B. 4th-order inquiry
C. 3rd-order inquiry
D. 2nd-order inquiry
4. It is considered as the mother of all discipline.
A. Physics
B. Social Science
C. Biology
D. Philosophy

5. Give an example of: Hard Science: ______ - Soft Science: _______.

A. HS : Anthropology - SS : Geology
B. HS : Chemistry - SS : Biology
C. HS: Psychology - SS : Political Science
D. HS : Physics - SS : Sociology

6. Eastern Philosophy is all about the way of life; Western Philosophy is -

A. Quest for knowledge for its own sake
B. Quest for something valuable
C. Quest for mysteries
D. Quest for the importance of time

7. Any investigation regarding the nature of things, before philosophy emerge, is

called ___________.
A. Pistis
B. Phusis
C. Phenomena
D. Philia

8. What is the objective of Philosophy as it emerged in a revolutionary way?

A. To diverge from the mythological tradition
B. To debunk astronomies as fake
C. To prove that mythology is the absolute truth
D. To remain silent as the mother of all discipline

9. Which of the following is not a branch of Philosophy?

A. Metaphysics
B. Logic
C. Geology
D. Epistemology
10. As a senior high student, what do you think is the best lesson you will get from
this subject—Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person?
A. Strive to get high grades
B. Appreciate the modules
C. Help your family to philosophize
D. Love towards learning

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DIRECTIONS: Read the following items carefully. Choose
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1. Philosophy began through -
A. Wonder
B. Experimentation
C. Observation
D. Trial and Error

2. Who are the so-called “Milesians”?

A. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
B. Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes
C. St. Thomas, St. Bonaventure, and St. Anselm
D. Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzche, and Soren Kierkegaard
3. How do you define the first ways of philosophy?
A. It is all about knowing the truth
B. It is a non-mythological way without the aid of instruments
C. It is based on facts and principles
D. It is about what you believe

4. What do you call a doctrine that all matters have life?

A. Sophists’ doctrine
B. Mythological doctrine
C. Biological perspective
D. Hylozoist perspective

5. For Thales, all matter consists of -

A. Air
B. Fire
C. Water
D. Wind

6. Who is the philosopher that claims about the existence of apeiron?

A. Thales
B. Anaximander
C. Anaximenes
D. Anaxagoras

7. Change is the only permanent in this world. Who is the philosopher that claimed
A. Parmenides
B. Heraclitus
C. Zeno of Elea
D. Empedocles

8. This philosophy is all about the never-ending quest for the truth
A. Western Philosophy
B. Eastern Philosophy
C. Philosophy of Religion
D. Philosophy of Science
9. Their philosophy is always inclined to religious practices and beliefs
A. Western Philosophy
B. Eastern Philosophy
C. Philosophy of Religion
D. Philosophy of Science

10.Who says the famous quotation: “The unexamined life is not worth living”?
A. Thales
B. Aristotle
C. Plato
D. Socrates

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1. It is a pre-convinced opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. It
is the biases we have in different ideas.
A. Prejudice
B. Verdict
C. Truth
D. Hearsay

2. There are a lot of problems/questions that exist – some were answered, and
others were left unsolved. In philosophy, this term means lasting or existing for a
long or apparently infinite time – what kind of problem is this?
A. Trivial problem
B. Perennial problem
C. Math problem
D. Scientific problem

3. Criticizing your beliefs and taking away the biases -

A. 1st task of analytic philosophy
B. 2nd task of analytic philosophy
C. 3rd task of analytic philosophy
D. 4th task of analytic philosophy

4. Knowing the facts before analysing the statement

A. 1st task of analytic philosophy
B. 2nd task of analytic philosophy
C. 3rd task of analytic philosophy
D. 4th task of analytic philosophy
5. A philosopher that differentiated the first two approaches in philosophy
A. Bertrand Russell
B. GE Moore
C. CD Broad
D. Socrates

6. Which came first, the egg or the chicken?

A. The egg, because chicken came from eggs
B. The chicken came first according to the bible
C. They both came into being
D. This cannot be solved since it is a perennial problem

7. This approach is an attempt to abstract a certain explanation in order to arrive at

a certain truth of the nature of reality.
A. Analytic
B. Reductionist
C. Speculative
D. Holistic

8. It is an approach that focuses on the matters of logic – the act of analyzing

statements/arguments that are coherently true.
A. Analytic
B. Reductionist
C. Speculative
D. Holistic

9. How are you going to exercise a healthy argumentation

A. Think, Criticize and Demoralize
B. Think, Explain and Boast
C. Think, Speak and Listen
D. Think, Feel and Do

10. Agere sequitur esse means -

A. Age doesn’t matter
B. Admire yourself
C. Action follows being
D. Alternate your thoughts

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1. It is the belief that human behaviour can be explained by breaking it down into
simpler component parts.
A. Analytic
B. Speculative
C. Reductionist
D. Holistic

2. What is the difference between reductionist and holistic approach?

A. Focus
B. Topic
C. Tools
D. Action
3. What is the meaning of the Greek word Holos?
A. Hallway
B. Holiday
C. Whole
D. Wonder

4. The focus of the holistic approach in philosophy is –

A. Time
B. Wholeness
C. Parts
D. Space

5. A philosopher that introduced reductionism in the modern times

A. John Locke
B. Immanuel Kant
C. René Descartes
D. Charles Darwin

6. A philosopher that introduced holism in metaphysics

A. Plato
B. Socrates
C. Thales
D. Aristotle

7. The focus of the reductionist approach in philosophy is –

A. Time
B. Wholeness
C. Parts
D. Space

8. What is the most important point of holistic approach?

A. Priority of the wholeness of being over its parts
B. Relevance of the parts to understand the whole
C. Realities of grammar and language
D. Speculations and pure opinions

9. What is the most important point of reductionist approach?

A. Priority of the wholeness of being over its parts
B. Relevance of the parts to understand the whole
C. Realities of grammar and language
D. Speculations and pure opinions
10. Minima maxima sunt means -
A. The smallest things are the most important
B. The minimum wage is the maximum we can get
C. The small efforts are the greatest
D. The minimum standard of man is the maximum for humanity

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DIRECTIONS: Read the following items carefully. Choose
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1. It pertains to acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or
A. Knowledge
B. Truth
C. Opinion
D. Wisdom

2. It is a personal view, attitude, or appraisal, a belief or judgment that rests on

grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
A. Knowledge
B. Truth
C. Opinion
D. Wisdom
3. The term used for conformity with fact or reality or actual state of a matter
A. Knowledge
B. Truth
C. Opinion
D. Wisdom

4. It is the quality or state of being wise. It pertains to knowledge of what is true or

right coupled with just judgment as to action.
A. Knowledge
B. Truth
C. Opinion
D. Wisdom

5. It is a story, poem, or picture which can be interpreted to reveal a hidden

A. Opinion
B. Myth
C. Allegory
D. Illusion

6. It is an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory

A. Opinion
B. Myth
C. Allegory
D. Illusion

7. It is the term for the process of recognizing one’s own ignorance

A. Pistis
B. Aporia
C. Dianoia

8. What method is used by mostly skeptics—originated by Rene Descartes

A. Method of systematic doubt
B. Socratic method
C. Method of systematic theorist
D. Phenomenological method
9. This is the best example of the method of dialectics.
A. Method of systematic doubt
B. Socratic method
C. Method of systematic theorist
D. Phenomenological method

10. According to Socrates, “The unexamined life is not worth living” - what does it
A. Do not take life seriously, enjoy it every single day
B. This emphasizes the importance of contemplation towards life
C. Unexamined life can be taken for granted once in a while
D. The mindset of thinking anxiously about life’s ending

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1. This is the first stage of apprehension which begins with an activity that involves
mainly of the five senses.
A. Understanding
B. Judgment
C. Perception
D. Abstraction

2. This second stage distinguishes us from animals. It is our capacity to quickly

analyze in our minds whatever we perceive or imagine.
A. Understanding
B. Judgment
C. Perception
D. Abstraction
3. This is the final stage of apprehension that completes the act of the mind
through sentences or statements.
A. Understanding
B. Judgment
C. Perception
D. Abstraction

4. It is the mental concept that is developed as a consequence of the process of

external perception.
A. Concept
B. Percept
C. Precept
D. Context

5. It is a knowledge that is acquired independently of any particular experience

A. a posteriori
B. concept
C. a priori
D. percept

6. It is a knowledge that is derived from experience particular sense experience

A. a posteriori
B. concept
C. a priori
D. percept

7. It refers to a statement that the knowledge claim can be found within the
statement itself, thus tautologous.
A. Correspondent
B. Empirical
C. Analytic
D. Coherent

8. “There is no water in the basin outside” is an example of what kind of

A. Correspondent
B. Empirical
C. Analytic
D. Coherent
9. This kind of knowledge has a characteristic that shows consistency of the
system, like logical and mathematical knowledge.
A. Empirical knowledge
B. Conceptual knowledge
C. Formal knowledge
D. Informal knowledge

10. It is a general term used to describe the different disciplines in hard sciences
and soft sciences. In order to establish this kind of knowledge, one has to use the
faculty of experience and sense perception.
A. Empirical knowledge
B. Conceptual knowledge
C. Formal knowledge
D. Informal knowledge

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1. It is a theory that has something to do with the formal sciences like mathematics
and linguistic system.
A. Correspondence
B. Coherence
C. Pragmatic
D. Formal

2. WFF refers to a system that is constant and consistent particular observable in

mathematics, logic, geometry, and trigonometry.
A. Well-formed formula
B. Well-fact formation
C. Well-fictions formula
D. Well-formula first
3. This theory has something to do with facts claim being made with the state of
affairs in the world.
A. Correspondence
B. Coherence
C. Pragmatic
D. Formal

4. It is a philosophical viewpoint associated with truth based on the good or

practical consequences of an idea.
A. Rationalism
B. Pragmatism
C. Realism
D. Idealism

5. An American philosopher and doctor of medicine, who believes that the nature
of knowledge is pragmatic.
A. William Thomas
B. William James
C. Warren James
D. Warren Thomas

6. In simplest terms, how do you understand the concept of pragmatic theory of

A. the truth is always there, constant and consistent
B. the truth is undiscoverable facts of the world
C. the truth is not stagnant, always changing
D. the truth is something you hate when you know it

7. What faculty of the human being is construed as analytical?

A. reason
B. experience
C. intuition
D. ethics

8. How does the faculty of experience become the source of knowledge?

A. imaginations
B. intuitions
C. presence
D. five senses
9. It deals with the immediate or direct recognition of self-evident truths?
A. reason
B. experience
C. intuition
D. ethics

10. What shall be practiced to become an analytical and critical thinker in the
contemporary world?
A. Dogmatism
B. Healthy skepticism
C. Formal debates
D. Socratic method

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1. His idea of two worlds is evident in the Christian distinction between this
physical world and the world afterlife.
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. Descartes

2. In the allegory of the cave, the cave depicts________________.

A. World of gods
B. World of abyss
C. World of Senses
D. World of Ideas

3. In the allegory of the cave, the outside of the cave depicts____________.

A. World of gods
B. World of abyss
C. World of Senses
D. World of Ideas

4. Man’s faculty towards acquiring knowledge is just mere –

A. Memorization; man’s brain is mechanical
B. Nostalgia; man tends to dream about the past
C. Remembering; man knows everything already
D. Intuition; man feels the hype of knowledge
5. Plato likened a man’s physique into a _______________.
A. State
B. Cave
C. Dog
D. World

6. Plato’s concept of a human being is composed of -

A. Attitude and Body
B. Body and Soul
C. Soul and Intelligence
D. Intelligence and Attitude

7. This human body can be classified into three according to Plato’s ‘The
Republic’, ___________, ___________, and ____________ like a State.
A. Rulers, Soldiers, and Workers
B. Soldier, Peasants, and Farmers
C. President, Vice-President, and Secretary
D. Senators, Congressmen/women, and Police Power

8. The HEAD of a human person symbolizes the virtue of ___________.

A. Courage; that plays a vital role to man

B. Wisdom; the rational ruler of all parts of the body
C. Temperance; the one that limits man’s desire
D. None of the above

9. The SOLDIERS from Plato’s ‘The Republic’ is likened to a man’s _______

A. Arms; depiction of strength and force
B. Legs; shows mobility of the personhood
C. Chest; being spirited and full of courage
D. Stomach; conveys hunger towards justice

10. Plato’s idea of a good life is a life ruled by______________.

A. Emotions
B. Actions
C. Questions
D. Reason

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1. Plato’s most famous student – argued that the body and soul of a human
person is inseparable.
A. St. Thomas Aquinas
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. Descartes

2. The first principle of Aristotle’s concept of the embodied spirit is that a Human
person’s body and soul are_____________________.
A. Inseparable
B. Separable
C. Vague realities
D. Limited

3. It is principle which actualizes a thing and makes a thing what it is

A. Matter
B. Potency
C. Form
D. Act

4. It is the potentiality to receive a form

A. Matter
B. Potency
C. Form
D. Act
5. The function of the soul that we share with plants is called
A. Intellection
B. Potentiality
C. Sensation
D. Nutrition

6. The function of the soul that we share with animals is called

A. Intellection
B. Potentiality
C. Sensation
D. Nutrition

7. The function of the soul that only human beings are capable of
A. Intellection
B. Potentiality
C. Sensation
D. Nutrition

8. What does Aristotle wants us to realize?

A. We must balance the three functions of the soul
B. We must always use our sensation
C. We must learn to think and nothing else
D. We must be fruitful in illogical way

9. How are going to live your life to the fullest in accordance with Aristotle’s notion
of the embodied spirit?
A. Live happy and follow only your heart every single day
B. Our rationality controls over our lives
C. Let others feel inferior to you
D. Make or break, it’s up to you

10. What is the best life lesson you have learned in this life?
A.The heart is the sole factor for life decision
B. Limitations are hindrance to your success
C. Possibilities are ironically indeed impossibilities
D. The mind and heart must go all the way together

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DIRECTIONS: Read the following items carefully. Choose
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1. The father of modern philosophy is -
A. St. Thomas Aquinas
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. Descartes
2. Cogito ergo sum means –
A. I am therefore you are
B. I think therefore I am
C. I know therefore I think
D. I study therefore I know

3. It is a view in the philosophy of mind that mental phenomena are non-physical.

A. Monism
B. Existentialism
C. Solipsism
D. Mind–body dualism

4. In the light of Descartes’ philosophy. We may say now that man is not man if he
does not -
A. Think
B. Eat
C. Work
D. Pray

5. It pertains to our consciousness, self-awareness and the seat of intelligence

A. Thinking Chair
B. Thinking Thing
C. Thinking Man
D. Thinking Dog

6. Our mind is far superior to our body, therefore

A. Let not the desire of the flesh prevails
B. Follow thy heart not the mind
C. Use our head every quiz time only
D. Ignore your thoughts

7. How do you feed your mind?

A. Watch youtube
B. Read books
C. Play basketball
D. Sleep and dream
8. Possibilities are endless when we -
A. Use our resources to control the people around us
B. Use our mind and make our existence worthwhile
C. Use your body as something to gain happiness
D. Use your voice to shut down other people

9. What does dualism tells something about the body and mind?
A. There is a particular interaction between the mind and body
B. Body is apart from the mind up to the end of existence
C. The mind controls the body, the body surrenders to the soul
D. Both body and mind will cease to exist when man dies

10. What does Descartes mean about the powers of the mind?
A. The mind is limited if you do not study
B. The mind is full of thoughts and principles
C. The mind is limitless, it can never be contained
D. The mind is just a slave to the desires of the body

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1. It is a degree of reflection where we inquire things in a distant and objective
manner—seeing things outside us, the subject investigates towards the object.
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Formal

2. This degree of reflection inevitably links the inquirer to the subject of his
inquiry– the reflection within the self.
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Formal

3. It is a German word that literally means being there or being-in-the-world

A. Danke
B. Dasein
C. Dienstag
D. Der Markt
4. Our first limitation occurs from the moment we were _____________.
A. Walking
B. Abandoned
C. Talking
D. Born

5. It means that we are in a finite quality or state of existence.

A. Infinitude
B. Finitude
C. Unlimited
D. Everlasting

6. It refers to the things in our lives that are already given.

A. Factuality
B. Privilege
C. Facticity
D. Luxury

7. Our body cannot exist in two places at the same time. This idea tells us that we
are ___________________ human being.
A. Spatial-Temporal being
B. Temporary being
C. Special-Temporal being
D. Contemporary being

8. Having a body which links us to the world appears to be a source of limitation;

this idea tells us that our body is just an _________ towards the world.
A. instrument
B. interconnect
C. innate link
D. intermediary

9. What does dasein implies when it speaks about us having limitations?

A. As we exist, we are capable to control what we want
B. As we exist, we are thrown into this world with life towards death
C. As we exist, we can escape death and live eternally
D. As we exist, we can forget who we are and be what others want
10. How are you going to use the secondary reflection in transcending limitations?
A. Seek others’ help for you to improve
B. Compare your life with others
C. Teach yourself to grow up and be mature
D. See your own limitations and use it improve yourself

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1. It is a large scale and violent event in the natural world.
A. Phenomenon
B. Cataclysm
C. Climate Change
D. Storm Surge

2. A discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to

the environment and its non-human contents.
A. Environmental Ethics
B. Environmental Psychology
C. Environmental Metaphysic
D. Environmental Theology

3. Which among these choices is not an environmental problem of our

A. Using of natural resources affecting the protected natural areas
B. Destruction of natural environments and pollution
C. Ignorance of people towards preservation of nature
D. Trying to deal with possibilities of cataclysms
4. It is the inherent worth in itself.
A. Extrinsic value
B. Market value
C. Instrumental value
D. Intrinsic value

5. Which among these candidates does not have a moral consideration?

A. Humans
B. Food waste
C. Non-humans
D. Ecosystems

6. Something is claimed to have _____________ if it is considered as a means

towards an end, or something that has a certain purpose.
A. Extrinsic value
B. Market value
C. Instrumental value
D. Intrinsic value

7. It is a traditional view that consider human beings as the center of moral

A. Biocentrism
B. Panthocentrism
C. Anthropocentrism
D. Ecocentrism

8. It is a philosophical position regarding the difference or similarities in the

reaction to pain in humans and animals.
A. Biocentrism
B. Panthocentrism
C. Anthropocentrism
D. Ecocentrism

9. It is an ethical point of view that extends inherent value to all living things.
A. Biocentrism
B. Panthocentrism
C. Anthropocentrism
D. Ecocentrism
10. Which among these factors is not a root cause of environmental crises?
A. Greed
B. Man’s Ignorance
C. Shortsightedness
D. Pride

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1. It is a kind of movement against pollution and resource depletion. This certain
theory immediately poses a solution to nature’s problem– thus, a traditional and
conventional worldview
A. Shallow Ecology
B. Ecofeminism
C. Deep Ecology
D. Social Ecology

2. This theory presupposes biospheric egalitarianism which assumes that all living
things possess equal value and intrinsic worth regardless of their usefulness or
utility to other beings.
A. Shallow Ecology
B. Ecofeminism
C. Deep Ecology
D. Social Ecology
3. A Norwegian mountaineer and philosopher who started deep ecology.
A. Aldo Leopold
B. Arne Næss
C. Murray Bookchin
D. Guha

4. A pioneer in the environmental movement who formulated and developed the

theory of social ecology and urban planning, within anarchist, libertarian socialist,
and ecological thought.

A. Aldo Leopold
B. Arne Næss
C. Murray Bookchin
D. Guha

5. This theory is a reaction against male domination and the corresponding

oppression of women.
A. Shallow Ecology
B. Ecofeminism
C. Deep Ecology
D. Social Ecology

6. It is a philosophical ecological perspective where the dignity of the human

person is equal with the dignity of nature.
A. Shallow Ecology
B. Ecofeminism
C. Deep Ecology
D. Social Ecology

7. Respect and care for the SELF is tantamount to respect and care for NATURE.
This concept Arne Næss is also called -
A. Self-development
B. Self-realization
C. Self-care
D. Self-esteem
8. The problem of man and nature in Social Ecology is
A. Exploitation
B. Expulsion
B. Extinction
D. Excretion

9. Which among the theories is best applied in taking care of the environment in
line with addressing of the self-development?
A. Shallow Ecology
B. Ecofeminism
C. Deep Ecology
D. Social Ecology

10. Which among these theories is best applied in social issues towards
sustainable development in the Philippine setting?
A. Shallow Ecology
B. Ecofeminism
C. Deep Ecology
D. Social Ecology

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1. It is a sudden change in global or regional climate patterns
A. Climate Change
B. Water Scarcity
C. Endangered species
D. Sustainable development
2. These are animals or plants that are seriously at risk of extinction.
A. Climate Change
B. Water Scarcity
C. Endangered species
D. Sustainable development

3. The lack of fresh water resources to meet the standard water demand is
A. Climate Change
B. Water Scarcity
C. Endangered species
D. Sustainable development

4. It is an economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural

A. Climate Change
B. Water Scarcity
C. Endangered species
D. Sustainable development

5. It is the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason.

A. Frugality
B. Courage
C. Determination
D. Prudence

6. It is the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness.

A. Frugality
B. Courage
C. Determination
D. Prudence

7. As a Senior High Student, how are you going to address the shortage of water
in your local community?
A. Recycle the water used in household chores
B. Use shower in taking a bath
C. Refrain from unnecessary use of faucet
D. Drink soda instead of water
8. Which is the best and most feasible way to address the challenge of climate
A. Segregate waste in proper place and order
B. Propose a policy to stop burning of garbages/plastic
C. Buy foods with less preservatives
D. Clean surroundings everyday

9. What theory in radical ecological philosophy that can be acknowledged in

preventing animal creatures from being endangered?
A. Shallow Ecology
B. Ecofeminism
C. Deep Ecology
D. Social Ecology

10. Which among the challenges is feasible to best apply the attitude of frugality?
A. Climate Change
B. Water Scarcity
C. Endangered species
D. Sustainable development

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