1 Module 1 Bco

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Escuela San Gabriel Colegio de San Gabriel

de Arcangel Foundation, Inc. Arcangel of Caloocan

Phase 10, Package 6, Block 1, Lots 1-5, Bagong Silang, Caloocan City


Module 1: Introduction to Computers

A computer is an electronic hardware device. It operates and functions under the control
of instructions in its memory called programs.
Computer is an electronic device that operates (works) under the control of programs
stored in its own memory unit.
A computer is an electronic machine that processes raw data to give information as
People use computers as means to do certain tasks and attain target objectives.
Computers will not work on their own, people need to work and operate on them, people
design and build computers, people create and make programs and people use the
computers to produce useful information.

A computer works like a human brain. The brain stores information from our senses that
are used to guide our actions. So does the computer, it needs information to work on.
The unprocessed information that enters the computer are called data. The physical
devices that help process the data are called hardware.

Elements of a Computer System

1. People – People are the most important element of a computer system. They use and
operate the computer.
2. Software – Software are programs or instructions that a computer must follow to do
its task.
3. Hardware – Hardware are the physical equipment that you can feel and touch.
Hardware include the CPU, mouse, keyboard, printer, speaker, microphone and the
4, Data – Data include texts and numbers, sounds, images, and video that we input into
the computer for processing. Raw data are normal inputs entered into the computer.
Processed data are called information and they are used to people.
5. Connectivity – Connectivity means that a computer must be connected to other
computers specially through the Internet. Using the internet, people can share and
access data and greatly expands one’s capability and reach.
6. Procedure – Procedures are step by step instructions to follow when using hardware,
software and data. The procedure is normally written in manuals of hardware and
software manufacturers.

Advantages of Computers
1. Speed: Computer operates on data and commands at incredibly fast speed. In one
second, billions or trillions of operations are done by the computer.
2. Storage: Computer can store enormous amount of data and information in its
memory. This information is easily transferred and used anytime and everywhere.
3. Reliability: Computers made of modern technology rarely breakdown and when they
do, they are easily repaired. They could operate the whole day, even months and years
without interruption in some applications. New methods and components have no more
moving parts making them less prone to wear and tear. Advances in technology have
made computers sturdy and less prone to damage.
4. Consistent: If you input the same data into the computer using the same program, it
will give you the same result all the time. If you input incorrect data program, it will also
give you incorrect results, this being known as the computer phrase, “garbage in,
garbage out”.
5. Communicate: People can connect with others by the use of computers. Computers
have made it possible to talk and see other people cheapy over the internet. Information
in all forms are shared faster and easier as well. Internet connection allows access to
information and has made every home a virtual library.

Disadvantages of Using the Computer

1. Safety: You should be careful in sharing personal information on the internet and
avoid instances wherein you will be identified and your residence known.
2. Health Risks: Long and improper use of the computer can lead to injuries and
hazards to the user. The pain or injury may affect the eyes, hands, wrists, necks and
3. Environment: Old computers must be disposed off properly. Computer parts could
release toxic or dangerous materials into the environment.
4. Use of power: Computers need electricity to run. Computers only need a small
amount of electric power but with many computers around, this would result to a high
total electricity requirement.
5. Privacy violation: Personal information when stored in a computer can be viewed
and stolen. Criminals have used other people’s information to commit crimes.

Uses of Computers
1. Computers in Education
● Modern homes have computers for research and learning by students and the family
for school lessons. They are also used to learn about other people, places, current
events and recent technologies.
● Computers in school are used for instruction and learning in Computer, Math,
Science and English. Teachers use images, videos and Computer Based Training
(CBT) programs to present topics visually for optimum learning.
● Courses on the internet called Online Instructions are available to learn various
lessons such as origami, cooking and even a college degree.

2. Computers in Telecommunications
● Computers in homes, schools, private and government offices, hospitals and almost
everywhere are used to get in touch with other people.
● Computers are also used in the mobile phone communications to control calls and
SMS (Short message service) or text traffic.
● VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a voice communication application via the
internet, which costs less than traditional means.

3. Computers in Publishing
● Books, magazines, newspapers, music and videos are important products to share
current information, inspiring and creative stories, great compositions, entertaining
movies, educational books and a lot more are all products of publishing.
● Print publishing such as book, newspapers and magazines, are designed and
prepared using powerful desktop computers using drawing, phot editing and lay out

4. Computers in Science and Research

● Modern laboratories have computers used by chemists to invent materials, medicine
and products to improve life.
● Physicist look for nee renewable, safe and affordable power sources using
● Mathematicians solve complex problems with the use of superfast computers.
Inventors design and test their products in the computer using simulations to ensure
a working model before actual manufacturing.
5. Computers in Health Services
● Computers in hospitals are used by doctors to store medical data, patient’s records,
research materials and other information in the computer to effectively diagnose and
treat patient’s sickness.
● Online health information and consultations are now available on the internet.
Sharing or valuable experience and expertise help treat patients with rare and
dreadful diseased faster.
● Computers in operating rooms assist doctors perform micro-surgery for success and
6. Computers in Travel
● Airline fares and tickets are now paid online, hotel and housing are also reserved
using the internet and even ship travel are also booked online.
● Travel routes and maps can be downloaded your PDAs or print maps to ensure you
will travel faster and not get lost on your trip
● Computers in airports are used by air traffic controllers to control and schedule take
off and landing of planes, to ensure safety.

7. Computers in Space Exploration

● The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States of
America (USA) uses computers in spacecraft to explore planets and other heavenly
● Computers are likewise used in Earth control stations for the spacecraft and satellite
out on mission.
● Computers are also used on satellites and control stations to monitor weather,
transmit voice and data, and other applications around the world.

8. Computers in Business
● Computers in groceries are used by cashiers to store prices of goods, determine
inventory of goods and locate the goods in the store.
● Computers in offices are used to store daily business deals and transactions.
● Secretaries type their letters on the computer, prints and store them for future use.

9. Computers in Engineering and Architecture

● Architects design houses, buildings and bridges using Computer Aided Design
(CAD) programs which is a lot faster and presentable.
● Civil Engineers use computers to calculate the strength of footing and foundations of
a building.
● Electrical Engineers design and determine electrical power requirements of buildings
and houses.

10. Computers in Entertainment

● Computer in Television (TV) stations and movie outfits are by Movie Directors to
create special effects for TV and movies, to make watching movies exciting and truly
● Computers are used by Animators to create cartoon characters in movies.
Characters created by computers look real, for example in some movies, dinosaurs
look as if they still exist today.
● Computers found at home are also used by children to play computer games, as well
as listen to music and watch movies.

11. Computers in Government Service

● Computers in government offices are used by Bureau of International Revenue (BIR)
to compute taxes for real property such as homes and buildings.
● The city government uses computers to render service to its citizens, for example the
traffic lights are controlled by computers to lessen congestion of vehicles.

12. Computers in Manufacturing and Robotics

● Automobiles and other vehicles are manufactured using computer-aided machineries
and robots, this is called computer-aided manufacturing (CAM).
● Computers in manufacturing also manage raw materials, suppliers, costs and
● Computers in industry are also used to design new and better machines, test them in
the computer before they are manufactured.
ACTIVITY 1: Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.

_____1. Procedure are step by step instructions to follow when using hardware and
_____2. Computer ethics are rules and guidelines for computer users that allows the
users to do illegal activities on the computer.
_____3. Software are programs that tell the computer what to do.
_____4. Old computers should be disposed off properly since the parts may contain
toxic materials.
_____5. Liquid crystals inside the LCD monitors are not poisonous
._____6. Long and improper use of the computer will not lead to injuries.
_____7. You should not use pirated or copied software in your computer.
_____8. Always ask permission when you want to use computer in school.
_____9. You should be careful in sharing personal information on the internet.
_____10. Computers made of modern technology always break down and are hard to
_____11. Computer storage is data retention which requires that data is lost when power
is off.
_____12. Information as a result of computer processing is called input.
_____13. People can communicate with others using the computer.
_____14. Modern computers are very slow compared to their predecessors.
_____15. If you input incorrect data to the computer it will give you correct results.


Explain the following Elements of a Computer System

1. People
2. Software
3. Hardware
4, Data
5. Connectivity
6. Procedure


Explain the following Advantages of Computers

1. Speed
2. Storage
3. Reliability
4. Consistent
5. Communicate
Explain the following Disadvantages of Using the Computer
1. Safety
2. Health Risks
3. Environment
4. Use of power
5. Privacy violation
Search a picture of examples of each Uses of Computers, give 2-3 SENTENCES explanation in
each picture.
1. Computers in Education
2. Computers in Telecommunications
3. Computers in Publishing
4. Computers in Science and Research
5. Computers in Health Services
6. Computers in Travel
7. Computers in Space Exploration
8. Computers in Business
9. Computers in Government Service
10. Computers in Manufacturing and Robotics

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