Into The Wasteland Reference Cards
Into The Wasteland Reference Cards
Into The Wasteland Reference Cards
unnerving : -2 penalty for all Skill Tests which are radiation burst: End of activation: unnerving : -2 penalty for all Skill Tests which are not unnerving : -2 penalty for all Skill Tests which are not
not attacks on Nukalurk Queen. 1 attacks on Swan. attacks on Shipbreaker.
radioactive: End of activation: 1 leap: Can climb but cannot end movement mid-climb. barge: Can move through smaller bases. barge: Can move through smaller bases.
barge: Can move through smaller bases. hard to miss: All ranged attacks at short range on hard to miss: All ranged attacks at short range on
feint:When activated, may move own Ready token to
hard to miss: All ranged attacks at short range on an Unready friendly model and activate them. Swan, + . Shipbreaker, + .
Nukalurk Queen, + Alpha Glowing Mongrel remains Unready. ai:
brood mother: When a Nukalurk Hatchling is removed, pack : Other models get +1 and +2 . Stage I: Use Luck when relevant. Use Trample when
gain a and use 1 token on next Claw attack. able. Flip Luck to determine if Impulsive used.
senses: Does not need LoS to a target to use Charge.
May hold up to 3 tokens. Stage II: Use Tail Swat when Outnumbered. Use Critical
ai: If Method is , Throw as well as Shoot. when able.
©2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved. ©2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved. ©2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.
burrow: Charge is not a normal movement or a trigger. Legendary Units consist of multiple Unit cards which are
Place Radscorpion anywhere within its Charge distance so used sequentially by name. A player can include all,
it engages enemy model. some or just one, of these Unit cards in their force. If
multiple cards for a Legendary Unit are included, only one
sense: Does not need LoS to a target to use Charge.
Legendary Unit card is used for that Unit at a time and
ai: always the Legendary Unit card with the lowest number.
Stage I : If Jet is , use Method instead.
When a Legendary Unit model would be removed and
Stage II: Flip Luck to determine if Rear-Up used. Use the force contains a further Legendary Unit card for that
Escape at end of activation and only if Outnumbered model, do not remove the model, remove all its damage
and primed. Move to safest location. tokens, and replace the Unit card with the next one.
Stage II : Use Whirl if engaged and shows The cards are changed as soon as enough damage is
two icons. accumulated so any additional damage is carried over to
the new card regardless of any change in armor value.
When a card is changed, all conditions and tokens (except
for damage) remain, and Luck tokens are adjusted so the
total matches the new card’s LUC value.
©2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.