08 Traditional and Complementary Medicine
08 Traditional and Complementary Medicine
08 Traditional and Complementary Medicine
4. Policy Objectives
• Overall Objective
o Integration of T&CM in the Universal Health Care
A – Ayurveda
• Specific Objectives
Y – Yoga & Naturopathy
U – Unani o To develop T&CM units in DOH hospitals
o To include T&CM in PhilHealth coverage
S – Siddha
H – Homeopathy o To strengthen regulation of T&CM products,
practitioners and facilities
D. PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF TRADITIONAL AND ALTERNATIVE o To develop practice and research capacity
for T&CM
1. History and Thrusts of PITAHC
5. Strategies for Reform
• 1992
o Traditional Medicine Program was launched by Integration of T&CM in Service Delivery Units
the DOH under the leadership of then-Secretary • Establish Traditional and Complementary (T&CM) Units in
of Health Juan M. Flavier, with focus on all DOH-retained hospitals and LGU health facilities
promoting traditional medicine in the country • Pilot site implementation in receptive DOH and LGU
• PITAHC facilities:
o GOCC attached to the DOH
o Created under RA 8423, or the Traditional and
Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997
• Thrusts of PITAHC
o Conduct, coordinate and manage research
studies on T&CM policies, products, services and
technologies • Herbal processing plants in Tuguegarao, Tacloban,
o Develop standards for specific T&CM practices. Cotabato, and Davao
o Manage knowledge and information for the
promotion and utilization of T&CM products,
services and technologies.
• Practices in TCM:
o Moxibustion
o Acupuncture
o Tai-Chi
o Cupping/Bentosa