List of 8 Schemes For General

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List of 8 Schemes for General / Unreserved

Category by Gujarat Government

Gujarat govt. announced 8 new schemes for general / unreserved category, education loan, foreign studies,
food bill scheme, tuition, coaching assistance, training & self employment scheme, check list of 8 Schemes for
open category
Gujarat govt. has announced 8 new schemes in order to provide financial assistance people
of Unreserved Category. This assistance is for jobs, education, self employment
opportunities to EWS people. Here we are providing the complete List of 8 Schemes for
General Category people. Now all the poor candidates belonging to 58 castes who are not
eligible for any kind of reservation quota can take the benefits of these schemes.
Out of the total 8 announced schemes, 7 schemes are only for those people whose annual
income is less than Rs. 3 lakh per annum. Around 1.5 crore in the total 6.5 crore population
of Gujarat are not eligible for any type of reservation and thus are deprived of employment
and education related benefits.

Gujarat Unreserved Educational & Economical Development Corporation will implement

these schemes with an outlay of Rs. 600 crore.

List of 8 Schemes for General / Unreserved Category in

Gujarat Govt. announces 8 schemes for students and young entrepreneurs from
economically backward sections of general category communities who do not get benefit of
reservations. The state currently has 49.5% reservation (7.5% for SC, 15% for ST and 27% for
OBCs). In 1992, the honorable Supreme Court has set the maximum limit of all types of
reservation at 50%. Here check the complete list of 8 schemes for General (Unreserved
Category) people in Gujarat:-

Education Loan Scheme upto Rs. 10 lakh

Any person from general category can take loan of upto Rs. 10 lakh at 4% interest for
admission in self financed medical, engineering, pharmacy, nursing, architecture and other
technical courses in college from GUEEDC. For this, annual income of the family of the
applicant must not exceed Rs. 3 lakh p.a and he/ she must have secured at-least 60% in
11th and 12th class.
Education Loan Scheme
General Students Gujarat

Foreign Studies Scheme (Loans upto Rs. 15 lakh)

GUEEDC will also provide educational loans upto Rs. 15 lakh at 4% interest rate to
candidates who wants to pursue higher studies in foreign countries. For this, candidates
must have secured at-least 60% marks in 12th class and annual family must be less than Rs.
4.5 lakh p.a.
Foreign Studies Loan
General Students Gujarat

Tuition Assistance Scheme (Rs. 15,000 p.m)

All the meritorious students of Class 10th who have secured more than 70% marks and are
studying in Science stream in Class 11th and 12th will get Rs. 15,000 p.m. This assistance will
be given as tuition fees from the corporation. This will be also known as Tuition Sahayata
Tuition Assistance Scheme
Unreserved Students Gujarat

For more details on this particular scheme, click the link

Food Bill Scheme – Private Hostel Students to Get Monthly Assistance (Rs. 1200
All the unreserved category students who are staying in private hostels and whose family
income is less than Rs. 3 lakh p.a can get monthly assistance of Rs. 1,200 for 10 months in
an year.
Private Hostel Students Monthly
Assistance Gujarat

For more details on this particular scheme, click the link

Coaching Assistance for 12th Class Students (Rs. 20,000 p.a)
All the students of Science Stream of Class 12th can avail coaching assistance of upto Rs.
20,000 per year. This assistance would be given for the preparation of Entrance Exams like
Scheme General Students Gujarat

For more details on this particular scheme, click the link

Coaching Assistance for Graduate Students (Rs. 20,000 p.a)
Students of general category who have passed their graduation degree and wants to appear
for competitive exams can avail this scheme. For UPSC and other exams, the corporation will
provide Rs. 20,000 towards coaching fees.
UPSC Examination Assistance General
Students Gujarat

For more details on this particular scheme, click the link

Loans for Doctors and Advocates (Rs. 10 lakh p.a)
All the doctors and advocates of general category can also avail loans upto Rs. 10 lakh to
start their own clinics and offices.

For more details on this particular scheme, click the link

Self Employment Loan Scheme (Rs. 10 lakh p.a)
Under this scheme, the state govt. is focusing on creation of self-employment opportunities.
Anyone who wants to start their own business such as grocery trade or transportation can
get loans upto Rs. 10 lakh at 5% interest rate. For women, the interest rate for the same
amount is 4% p.a. These self employment loan schemes includes Vahan Loan Sahay Yojana,
Nana Vyavasay Mate Loan Yojana, Transport / Logistics / Travel / Food Court Vyaaj Sahaay
Self Employment Loans General
Category Gujarat

These schemes for Unreserved category people in Gujarat will benefit total 1.5 crore poor
people and will entitle them to avail jobs and education related benefits.

8 Schemes for General / Unreserved Category in Gujarat

Gujarat govt. 8 schemes for students and young entrepreneurs from economically
backward sections of general category communities who do not get benefits of

1. Education Loan Scheme : Any person form general category can take loan of up
to Rs. 10 lakh at 4% interest from GUEEDC for admission in self financed Medical
College, Engineering College, Pharmacy College, Nursing College,  Architecture
College and other technical courses college. For this education loan, the annual
income of the applicant family should not be exceed Rs. 3 lakh annual and
applicant secured in 11th and 12th class must be more than 60%.
2. Foreign Studies Loan Scheme : GUEEDC provides education loan up to Rs. 15
lakh at 4% interest rate to studies in foreign counties. For this loan scheme,
applicant family annual income must be less than Rs. 4.5 lakh and candidate must
have secured minimum 60% marks in 12th class.
3. Tuition Assistance Scheme : The students of 12th class who have secured more
than 70% marks in 1oth class and now studying in 11th and 12th class in science
stream will get Rs.15000 as tuition fees from the corporation.
4. Food Bill Scheme : All the unreserved category students who are studying in
private hostels will get monthly assistance of Rs. 1200 per month and for this
scheme, the family income of the applicant should be less than Rs. 3 lakh  annually.
5. Coaching Assistance for 12th Class : GUEEDC will provide finical assistance of
Rs. 20,000 per year to students of science stream for preparation of entrance
examination like NEET and JEE.
6. Coaching Assistance for Graduate Students : The students of general category
who have completed their graduation degree and preparing for government
competitive examination like UPSC and other exams can get assistance of Rs.
20,000 as a coaching fees.
7. Loans for Doctors and Advocates : All the doctors and advocates of general
category can also avail loans up to Rs. 10 lakh to start their own clinics and offices.
8. Self Employment Loan Scheme : The sate government of Gujarat is focusing on
creation of self-employment opportunities. Anyone who wants to start their own
business such as grocery trade or transportation can get loans upto Rs. 10 lakh at
5% interest rate.

Remote Learning Initiatives in Gujarat

1. Major Initiatives To Move- From Schooling To Learning
i. Command and Control Centre (CCC)
ii. School Monitoring App
iii. Periodic Assessment Tests
iv. Smart Classroom Initiative Phase II - 12,000 Classrooms
v. Samarth 2.0 - Online Professional Development of Teachersin collaboration with IIM
vi. App to Track the Progress of CwSN
vii. Centralised Summative Examination & Online Data entry of Results for Grades 3 to 8
viii. Reading Campaign for Oral Reading Fluency- Vanchan Abhiyan
ix. Centralised Online Attendance System
x.  School Administrative Software
xi. Career Counselling Portal
xii. QR Coded Energised Textbooks
xiii. Science of Learning Institute
xiv. Online Courses for Teacher Professional Development
2. Study from Home
3. TV Tutorials & Teachers Reach out to Individual Students
4. Socio-Psychological Support for Children
5. Virtual Classrooms
6. Video Content for CwSN

Gujarat Primary & Secondary Education Department has taken various digital initiatives for a long
time. The idea behind the initiatives is to connect teachers and students by providing quality
educational content from the comfort of their homes. School Education department of Gujarat
Government has started e-platform, mobile application for CWSN, Live Classes through TV & radio,
offline video lectures, simulations, digital classrooms, Samarth 2.0, Facebook workplace and
workchat, VanchanAbhiyan etc.
Major Initiatives To Move- From Schooling To Learning

Command and Control Centre (CCC)

Inaugurated in June 2019, CCC focused on ensuring

 100% enrolment
 Improving regular attendance of students and teachers
 Real time online monitoring of CRCs, BRCs and other officials
 Detailed analysis of weekly tests and the semester exams
 Generating actionable insights for multiple stakeholders

More than 3 Lakh calls to schools, CRCs, BRCs, TPEOs and other key stakeholders were made
from CCC to provide support in the academic year 2019-20.
School Monitoring App

• Replacement of paper-based school monitoring

• A scheduler for CRCs and BRCs to plan the School Visits
• App enables real time reporting
• Ease of accessing school data at a block, cluster and individual levels for all the stakeholders
Periodic Assessment Tests

 Weekly Unit Tests for each subject for Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary
Government School Students
 Question Papers are developed in view of Centralized Timetable and learning outcomes
 Question Papers are sent online to all Schools across the State
 Centralized Data Entry of all students for each subject is done every week.
 Over 10 Crore Tests conducted in 2019-20
 Regular Remedial measures are being planned and implemented based on the results of
this test
Smart Classroom Initiative Phase II - 12,000 Classrooms

Gyankunj 2.0

 Gyankunj is a school digitalization program to enhance classroom interactivity and teaching-

learning process
 In the 1st Phase of implementation 3,173 Classrooms spread across 1600 Schools were
 The Statistical Bureau evaluated and assessed the program and recommended that the
program is effective from student, teachers and parents’ perspective.
 State has expanded the program to more 12,000 classrooms in Phase II
 To ensure maximum utilization of facility, phase II implementation is done in ALL classes of
Grades – 6,7 and 8 in 3,176 Schools having more than 150 Students

Samarth 2.0 - Online Professional Development of Teachersin collaboration with

IIM Ahmedabad

 SAMARTH-2 was formally launched on August 16,2019 and phase-2 comprised participation
of more than 1,52,966 teachers teaching in standards 1 to 8 of Government primary schools
of Gujarat.
 This capacity building of teachers was done online and had topics on Pragna perspective,
Gujarati, Hindi, English, Environment Science, Social Science, Science, Maths, Evaluation
and Remedial Education, Children Creativity, Use of ICT in Education in schools and
inclusive education for children with special needs.
 Programme included 182 topics and 278 case studies
 The design and development of the technology based platform was supported by IIMA

App to Track the Progress of CwSN

 GPS based App to monitor school, classroom, resource room and Home visit
 Helps to track the progress of different schemes of CwSN and Individualised Education Plan
 33 IE-CwSN Dist. Coordinators, 2095 SEs & ~1 lakh CwSN are connected through this app
Building an online community of Teachers
Facebook Workplace & Workchat

 All 2.5 lakh teachers, CRCs, BRCs, TPEOs, DPEOs and State level Officials of the
Education Department have been provided with Facebook Work Chat Mobile based
Videoconferencing facility to directly connect and interact with Hon. CM, Hon EM, Secretary
and other HoDs time to time
 And through Facebook Workplace Teachers share the innovation and best practices on a
daily basis with 2,000+ Posts every day.
 After studying state’s Technology Based interventions in Education, Facebook has extended
this facility Pro bono to state.
 Facebook showcased this initiative as a Case Study in Davos 2020

Centralised Summative Examination & Online Data entry of Results for Grades 3
to 8

 GCERT conducted a Centralised Semester Examination in November 2019 in all schools in

the State
 100% of the answer sheets were checked by the teachers from other schools
 Centralized data entry was done for all 43 Lakh (4.3 Million) Students for all subjects
 Almost 50 crore unique data was entered, compiled and analysed for each examination
 An Online Platform was developed by SSA to collect and analyse test results
 Analysis for every District, Taluka and Cluster is now available for further analysis and
planning of any new interventions

Reading Campaign for Oral Reading Fluency- Vanchan Abhiyan

 To improve the reading and comprehension levels among students of grades 3 to 8, a 100-
day long Reading Campaign (‘Vanchan Abhiyan’) has been initiated
 Grade-wise compilation of activities for reading - ‘Bhashadeep’, has been created and
provided to each student
 Specially designed audio and video literature have also been created and provided to
 A pre-test is conducted for all the students in grades 3 to 8 to test their current reading
 A post-test will be conducted to check the effectiveness of the campaign
 Research will be conducted to benchmark the Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) and Oral
Reading Fluency with Comprehension for Gujarati language

Centralised Online Attendance System

 Daily Online Attendance System was launched in November 2018 to track the attendance of
all the students and teachers across the state
 This system has been implemented in all the Primary, Secondary & Higher Secondary –
Government, Grant-in-aid and Self Financed Schools in the State
 Almost 100% compliance in student attendance submission through CCC against about 65%
average attendance submission in the beginning.
 Due to continuous follow ups and support through CCC, 70% students studying in grades I-
VIII marked more than 80% attendance in December 2019 while this number was just 43% in
December 2018.
 85% of teachers have registered more than 80% attendance in December 2019 against 76%
in December 2018

 School Administrative Software

 School Head Teachers are engaged in various non-teaching activities like – Payroll
management; Managing Service Book of Teachers; Updating School Infrastructure details
 Considering their non-teaching workload, Head Teachers are allowed to take 18 period per
week while other teachers have to take 45 period per week
 Department has developed and launched an integrated web application and platform for
schools with the aforesaid functionalities to reduce the workload of Head Teachers
 Head Teachers will now put in an average of 15 Hours extra academic work every week
thereby, estimated 25,000 Head Teachers adding more than 1.25 Crore (12.5 Million)
additional Man Hours per Year of academic work

Career Counselling Portal

 Portal provides Career information to students of class 9-12 in Gujarati, Hindi & English
 Through Portal awareness is created for job-oriented course
 2600+ Schools along with their teachers & more than 1.4 Lakh students from Class 9th to
12th are able to access Information of 500+ careers, 19000+ colleges, 1150+ entrance
exams, & 1050+ scholarships

QR Coded Energised Textbooks

 Energised Textbook (ETB) is a feature aimed at providing access to digital content for
various topics in physical textbooks
 State had piloted the idea in 2019-20 with Maths & Science textbook carrying QR Codes for
Grades 6,7,8
 From the academic year 2020-21, Grades 3-8, all the textbooks and for Grade 10 - Maths &
Science textbooks will be made available with QR Codes
 By scanning the QR code available for every chapter, students and teachers can access the
audio-visual content through Diksha app

Science of Learning Institute

 An MOU has been signed by the State for the commencement of Science of Learning
 SOL will carry out educational research on student misconceptions and skill-based learning
 Science of Learning Portal is being set up for Teachers to access the research data and the
remedial items
 Trainings & Workshops will be conducted for teachers to deliver insights emerging from the

Online Courses for Teacher Professional Development

 GCERT has launched online courses for head teachers, teachers, BRCs, CRCs and trainees
on Diksha.
 Total of 11 courses were launched in May 2020
 Over 1.12 Lakh Enrolments are seen for these courses, till date

Study from Home

 The eight week-long teaching campaign through social media was started on March 28 for
Government School Students from Class III-IX for English, Mathematics, Gujarati subjects
 Over 35 lakh students 60% got covered as a part of the campaign
 The weekly assignments were handed over to BRCs and CRCs who distributed this literature
to all teachers every Saturday through WhatsApp and email
 The teachers ensured that these assignments are delivered to parents through 3200
WhatsApp groups
 For the Parents who don’t have the phone, the teachers ensured that assignments get
delivered through the neighbours or even the village Sarpanch

TV Tutorials & Teachers Reach out to Individual Students

 To compensate for the lost teaching hours during the school’s shutdown due to COVID-19,
State arranged for live and recorded lessons through television channels
 A systematic schedule was planned in collaboration with 13 news channels and Vande
Gujarat DTH channel, with an aim to offer adequate revision and practice to the students
before the annual exams
 Also, for revision ahead of the annual exams, nearly 1.8 lakh teachers reached out to all
individual students and hand over worksheets, all 51 weekly tests (periodical assessment
tests) and their answer sheets conducted in the second semester to Class III to VIII students
Socio-Psychological Support for Children

 ‘Parivar no maalo-salamat ane humfaalo (family’s nest-safe and warm)’ programme was
launched by GCERT on April 1 as a part of Socio-Psychological support to Children during
the Pandemic
 As a part of the programme students were provided with daily education material including
stories, songs, physical and mental activities, shared through WhatsApp

Virtual Classrooms

 Virtual Classrooms are being set up for the students of Grade 5 to 8

 Over 2 lakh licenses have been procured for the same
 Each teacher will teach a group of 30 students under their respective cluster in a virtual
classroom session
 The teachers will reach out to parents and students and get them registered on the platform
for attending the sessions
 A pilot has been conducted in two Districts of Anand and Patan.

Video Content for CwSN

 Created 300 videos by 100 selected SEs

 IE-CwSN District Coordinators and Special Educators shared the videos with parents on
Whatsapp groups
 A total of 15,009+ CwSN students have received the video content on Whatsapp

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