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Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow


Name : Grade : 5
Roll No. : ________________________ Division : Science


A. Choose the correct option.

1. Not a way of preventing air pollution:

a. Use of CNG as fuel for vehicles
b. Fitting chimneys with filters
c. More use of personal vehicles
d. Planting more trees

c. More use of personal vehicles

2. The addition of pollutants into water, making it unhealthy:

a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Noise pollution
d. Land pollution

b. Water pollution

3. Not a cause of water pollution:

a. Dumping household waste into a river
b. Taking water from a river
c. Bathing in a river
d. Washing clothes in a river

b. Taking water from a river

4. A disease caused due to water pollution:

a. Deafness
b. Mental ill health
c. Cholera
d. Asthma
c. Cholera

5. Does not cause noise pollution:

a. Bursting of firecrackers
b. Breathing
c. Honking of horns
d. Loudspeakers

b. Breathing

B. Match the following.

1. -iv
2. -v
3. -iii
4. -ii
5. –i

C. Give two examples for each of the following

1. Fossil fuels

Coal, petroleum

2. Fuels that cause less pollution


3. Water pollutants

Chemicals, detergents

4. Waterborne diseases
Cholera, typhoid

5. Caused due to noise pollution

Headache, earache

D. Give one word for the following.

1. The addition of harmful substances to our environment, making it unsafe


2. The harmful substances that get added to the environment


3. The addition of harmful gases, smoke, and dust particles to the air, making it

Air pollution

4. The addition of pollutants such as chemicals, detergents, and pesticides into

water, making it unhealthy

Water pollution

5. The addition of pollutants such as garbage, fertilizers, pesticides, and plastic to


Soil pollution

6. Excessively loud and continuous sound

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

Name : Grade : 5
Roll No. : ________________________ Division : Science


A. Choose the correct option.

1. Not a property of air:

a. Air is colourless , odourless, and tasteless
b. Air occupies space
c. Air is weightless
d. Air exerts water

2. What helps us to drink through a straw?

a. Taste of the air
b. Air pressure
c. Colour of the air
d. Odour of the air

3. This component makes up 78% of the air.

a. Oxygen
b. Nitrogen
c. Water vapour
d. Carbon dioxide

4. This layer of atmosphere is above the mesosphere.

a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Exosphere
d. Thermosphere
5. Insoluble impurities can be removed by
a. Filtration
b. Decantation
c. Sedimentation
d. All of these

6. Clear liquid at the top of the container can be separated by

a. alum
b. sedimentation
c. chlorination
d. decantation

7. Not a waterborne disease:

a. Cholera
b. Typhoid
c. Polio
d. Dysentery

8. Filtration is done with the help of

a. alum
b. chlorine tablets
c. filter paper
d. boiling

B. Match the following.

C. Give two examples for each of the following.

1. Insoluble impurities

2. Soluble impurities

3. Waterborne diseases

D. Give one word for the following.

1. The pressure exerted by air in all directions

2. The layer of air that surrounds the Earth

3. The process by which insoluble impurities are removed by passing impure water
through a filter paper

4. The process of separating insoluble impurities by allowing them to settle down

on their own

5. Water that is fit for drinking

6. The process of purifying water by adding chlorine tablets

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

Name : Grade : 5
Roll No. : ________________________ Division : Science


A. Choose the correct option.

1. Seasonal movement of animals from one region to another

a. camouflage
b. mimicry
c. migration
d. hibernation

2. Houseflies breathe through

a. lungs
b. spiracles
c. skin
d. gills

3. This are the coldest place on Earth

a. mountains
b. polar regions
c. desert
d. forest

4. Areas that receive very little rainfall throughout the year and are often covered
with sand.
a. desert
b. forest
c. mountains
d. polar regions

5. Large area covered with trees or other kinds of plants

a. desert
b. forest
c. mountains
d. polar regions
B. Write True for the true statement and False for the false one.

1. animals aestivate in winters

2. frogs breathe through skin when they are on land

3. fish breathe through gills

4. the two front limbs are called hind limbs

5. sharks are found in freshwater habitat

C. Match the following.

D. Give two examples for each of the following.

1. Animals that live in forests

2. Animals that live in mountain region

3. Aquatic animals

4. Animals that have scales

5. Animals that breathe through spiracles

E. Name the following.

1. Animals that live on land

2. Areas that receive very little rainfall throughout the year and are often covered
with sand.
3. Water that is not salty

4. Small holes through which animals like grasshopper breathe

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow SCIENCE
TEST -1 (2022-2023)


Q:1 Choose the correct option.

1. This is a plant that reproduces through leaves

a. rose b. sweet potato
c. carrot d. Bryophyllum

2. This is a seed dispersed by water

a. cocklebur b. silk cotton
c. pea d. lotuses

3. These seeds have soft seed coats

a. corns b. tomato
c. beans d. none of the above

4. Nutrients that provide us the energy to work and play:

a. Carbohydrates b. Minerals
c. Proteins d. Fats

5. Helps heart and muscles to function properly:

a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin E
c. Potassium d. Calcium

6. Helps in healing of wound

a. Vitamin D b. Calcium
c. Zinc d. Potassium

7. The indigestible part of plant food:

a. Vitamins b. Minerals
c. Proteins d. Roughage

8. The outer covering of the seed is called

a.Cotyledons b.Seedcoat
c.Embryo d.Seedling

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Q:2 Fill in the blanks.

1. Seeds that have two cotyledons are called dicot seeds.

2. The process of loosening the soil is called _tilling_________.
3. Weeds are destroyed using _weedicides_________.
4. __Nutrients________ are components present in different food items.
5. _Beri beri________ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin B1
6. _water___ helps in the digestion of food and removal of waste material from the body.
7. Diseases that cannot spread from one person to another are called _non communicable


Q:3 A. State true of false.

1. Rabi crops are grown from October to march. TRUE

2. Harvested crops should be protected from pests.TRUE
3. Maple tree has winged seeds TRUE
4. Rose plant has buds usually called eyes FALSE
5. Frictional force is a type of contact force. TRUE
6. With exercise, rest is not important. FALSE
7. Water does not help in the digestion of food. FALSE
8. Magnet has one pole. FALSE

B Match the following:

Column-I Column-II
1. Proteins a. Has two cotyledon
2. Malaria b. Deficiency of vitamin c
3. Dicot seed c. Helps in growth and repair
4. Scurvy d. Caused by bacteria
5. Typhoid e. Communicable disease

1-C, 2- E,3- A,4 -B,5 -D

Answer the following in one word:

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1. The process by which a new plant grows out from a seed Germination
2. Crops that grow from October to march Rabi crops
3. The outer covering of a seed. Seed coat
4. A plant in its early stage of development inside the cotyledons .Embryo

5. The overall well being of the body.Health

6. A diet that includes all nutrients required for the body in the adequate amount

Balanced diet
7. A non contact force by which each object attracts another object . Gravitational Force
8. The conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of
diseases, especially through cleanliness. Hygiene


Q:4 Answer following in short.

1.What is seed dispersal? How are seeds dispersed?

Ans 1- Dispersal is the process by which seeds are scattered away from the parent
Plant.Seed are dispersed with the help of wind, water, explosion and animals.
2. Which mineral is responsible for making blood.
Ans2- Iron is responsible for making blood.
3. Why water is considered important?
Ans3-Water helps in digestion of food and removal of waste material from the
4. What is germination?
Ans 4: The process by which a new plant grows out from a seed.


Q:5 Answer following in long.

1. Describe the process of germination.

Ans. The process of germination starts with the seed absorbing water through the tiny
opening in the seed coat. Air allows energy to be released for germination. •Warmth is
usually required by seeds to germinate. •The cotyledons provide the seedling with the
essential food needed for its growth in the initial stages. •Once all the food stored in t
he cotyledons is used up, the seedling gets its food from the soil.•The root of the plant

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emerges from the seed coat and grows down into the soil to absorb water and essenti
al nutrients from the soil. •Then the shoot of the plant develops and grows towards li
2. Describe the process of stem cutting.
ANS – Here is a step wise process
* Take a cutting about nine inches long
* Insert the cutting into the soil, Cutting should be two –third buried into the soil.
*Keep watering the plants.
* A new rose plant will grow in about six to eight weeks.

3. What are deficiency diseases? List any three ways in which communicable diseases
can be prevented.
Ans - Some non-communicable diseases are caused by deficiency of a particular
nutrient. These are called deficiency disease .Three ways in which communicable
diseases can be prevented are
* By isolating the infected person .The person is adviced to stay indoor and avoid
other people so the disease is not spread to others
*By keeping the surrounding clean to prevent growth of germs –carrying insects.
* By vaccination .Vaccination uses special substances called vaccines make the body
stronger to fight against diseases.
4. Differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Ans-Communicable disease can spread from one person to another eg. Common cold
and malaria

Non communicable disease cannot spread from one person to another eg. Scurvy and
Night blindness


Apollo International School/Grade-5/Science/REVISION WORKSHEETPT-1/2022-23//4

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow SCIENCE
TEST -1 (2022-2023)


Q:1 Choose the correct option.

1. This is a plant that reproduces through leaves

a. rose b. sweet potato
c. carrot d. Bryophyllum

2. This is a seed dispersed by water

a. cocklebur b. silk cotton
c. pea d. lotuses

3. These seeds have soft seed coats

a. corns b. tomato
c. beans d. none of the above

4. Nutrients that provide us the energy to work and play:

a. Carbohydrates b. Minerals
c. Proteins d. Fats

5. Helps heart and muscles to function properly:

a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin E
c. Potassium d. Calcium

6. Helps in healing of wound

a. Vitamin D b. Calcium
c. Zinc d. Potassium

7. The indigestible part of plant food:

a. Vitamins b. Minerals
c. Proteins d. Roughage

8. The outer covering of the seed is called

a.Cotyledons b.Seedcoat
c.Embryo d.Seedling

Apollo International School/Grade-5/Science/REVISION WORKSHEETPT-1/2022-23//1

Q:2 Fill in the blanks.

1. Seeds that have two cotyledons are called __________.

2. The process of loosening the soil is called __________.
3. Weeds are destroyed using __________.
4. __________ are components present in different food items.
5. _________ is caused by deficiency of Vitamin B1
6. _________ helps in the digestion of food and removal of waste material from the body.
7. Diseases that cannot spread from one person to another are called _________.


Q:3 A. State true of false.

1. Rabi crops are grown from October to march.

2. Harvested crops should be protected from pests.
3. Maple tree has winged seeds
4. Rose plant has buds usually called eyes
5. Frictional force is a type of contact force.
6. With exercise, rest is not important.
7. Water does not help in the digestion of food.
8. Magnet has one pole.

B Match the following:

Column-I Column-II
1. Proteins a. Has two cotyledon
2. Malaria b. Deficiency of vitamin c
3. Dicot seed c. Helps in growth and repair
4. Scurvy d. Caused by bacteria
5. Typhoid e. Communicable disease

Answer the following in one word:

1. The process by which a new plant grows out from a seed

2. Crops that grow from October to march

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3. The outer covering of a seed.
4. A plant in its early stage of development inside the cotyledons

5. The overall well being of the body.

6. A diet that includes all nutrients required for the body in the adequate amount
7. A non contact force by which each object attracts another object .
8. The conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of
diseases, especially through cleanliness.


Q:4 Answer following in short.

1. What is seed dispersal? How are seeds dispersed?

2. Which mineral is responsible for making blood.
3. Why water is considered important?
4. What is germination?


Q:5 Answer following in long.

1. Describe the process of germination.

2. Describe the process of stem cutting.
3. What are deficiency diseases? List any three ways in which communicable diseases can be

4. Differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases.


Apollo International School/Grade-5/Science/REVISION WORKSHEETPT-1/2022-23//3

Learning Today…… Leading Tomorrow

Name : Grade : 5
Roll No. : ________________________ Division : Science

CH- 2 Food : Health and Hygiene

A. Choose the correct option.

1. Nutrients that provide us the energy to work and play:

a. Carbohydrates
b. Minerals
c. Proteins
d. Fats

2. Helps heart and muscles to function properly:

a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin E
c. Potassium
d. Calcium

3. Helps in healing of wounds:

a. Vitamin D
b. Calcium
c. Zinc
d. Potassium

4. The indigestible part of plant food:

a. Vitamins
b. Minerals
c. Proteins
d. Roughage

5. Not a communicable disease:

a. Common cold
b. Malaria
c. Typhoid
d. Anaemia
6. A disease that is spread through dirty food and water:
a. Fever
b. Pneumonia
c. Cholera
d. Dengue

7. A disease spread through mosquito bites:

a. Common cold
b. Diabetes
c. Malaria
d. Anaemia

8. A disease caused by the deficiency of iron:

a. Scurvy
b. Night blindness
c. Anaemia
d. Beriberi

9. Following is a source of carbohydrates

a. Pulses
b. Fish
c. Rice
d. Milk

10. These give us energy for later use:

a. Proteins
b. Fats
c. Vitamins
d. Minerals

11. This vitamin makes our bones strong:

a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin E

12. This disease is spread through contaminated food and water:

a. Common cold
b. Malaria
c. Typhoid
d. Pneumonia

13. This disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin A:

a. Scurvy
b. Night blindness
c. Anemia
d. Beriberi

B. Write True for the true statement and False for the false one.

1. Anemia is caused by the deficiency of iron.

2. With exercise, rest is not important.

3. Water does not help in the digestion of food.

4. Common cold is a non-communicable disease.

5. Common cold is spread by mosquito bite.

C. Match the following.

D. Give two examples for each of the following.

1. Nutrients

2. Foods rich in proteins

3. Foods rich in carbohydrates

4. Foods rich in vitamin C

5. Communicable diseases

6. Deficiency diseases

7. Sources of carbohydrates

8. Sources of fats

9. Food rich in vitamin E

10. Food rich in calcium

11. Food containing water

E. Give one word for the following.

1. The indigestible part of plant food

2. A diet that includes all nutrients required for the body in the adequate amount

3. The position of the body while sitting, standing, moving, or lying down

4. The conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread
of diseases, especially through cleanliness

5. A condition of the body that prevents it from working normally

6. Medicines that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria

7. Diseases that cannot spread from one person to another

F. Name the following.

1. Overall well- being of the body

2. Nutrients that help in the growth and repair of the body

3. Nutrients that protect our body from diseases

4. Disease that can be spread through direct contact with an infected person

5. Non-communicable diseases caused by the deficiency of a particular nutrient.

 A. Choose the correct option.
1. Following is a source of carbohydrates
a. Pulses
b. Fish
c. Rice
d. Milk

2. These give us energy for later use:

a. Proteins
b. Fats
c. Vitamins
d. Minerals
 A. Choose the correct option.

3. This vitamin makes our bones strong:

a. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin E

4. This disease is spread through contaminated food and water:

a. Common cold
b. Malaria
c. Typhoid
d. Pneumonia
 5. This disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin A:
a. Scurvy
b. Night blindness
c. Anemia
d. Beriberi

B. Write True for the true statement and False for the false
1. Anemia is caused by the deficiency of iron.

 2. With exercise, rest is not important.

 3. Water does not help in the digestion of food.

 4. Common cold is a non-communicable disease.

5. Common cold is spread by mosquito bite.

 C. Match the following.
1. carbohydrates Gives us energy for later
2. Fats Gives energy to carry out
physical activities
3.Vitamins Protect our body from
4.vitaminA Healthy skin

5.Proteins Helps in the growth and

repair of the body
 D. Give two examples for each of the following.

1. Sources of carbohydrates
2. Sources of fats
3. Food rich in vitamin E
4. Food rich in calcium
5. Food containing water
 E. Name the following.
1. Overall well- being of the body
2. Nutrients that help in the growth and repair of the
3. Nutrients that protect our body from diseases
4. Disease that can be spread through direct contact
with an infected person
5. Non-communicable diseases caused by the
deficiency of a particular nutrient.

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