Science Lifecycle RW1 T2 2023-24

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Canadian Maple International School

“Review Worksheet”
Grade: 3 Topic: Life Cycles
Subject: Science Review Worksheet: 01
Book’s name: Exploring Science 5 Assigning date: 13/2/24
Chapter & page: 5Ba (pg 18, 19), 5Bb (pg 21), 5Bc (pg
22, 23), 5Bd (pg 24, 25), 5Be (pg 26, 27)

A. Multiple choice questions.

1. How long do lions typically stay with their mothers, and what do they learn during this
a. 1 year, how to fly c. 2 years, how to swim
b. 3 years, how to hunt d. 4 years, how to climb trees
2. How are seeds dispersed?
c. by attaching themselves to animals’ c. only by wind and water
d. through explosions only d. only by being carried by
3. What happens when a seed germinates?
a. it grows into a flower c. new roots and shoots develop
b. it produces pollen grains d. it requires sunlight for growth
4. What is the term used to describe a seed that has developed into a plant with leaves?
a. pollination c. seedling
b. germination d. fertilization
5. What is required for a seedling to grow into a plant with flowers?
a. water and warmth c. water and soil
b. light and soil nutrients d. light and warmth
6. Which plant has the ability to produce new plants where the tip of a leaf meets the
a. potato plant c. strawberry plant
b. walking fern d. tomato plant
7. What happens to the eyes of a newly-born lion?
a. they remain open c. they seal shut
b. they change color d. they become enlarged

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8. What is another term for gestation time in humans?
a. incubation c. puberty
b. pregnancy d. adolescence
9. How long does it take for a newly-born zebra to be able to run?
a. 45 minutes c.45 hours
b. 45 days d. 45 weeks
10. Animals that have fur or hair are called_____________.
a. mammals c. birds
b. reptiles d. amphibians
B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Fertilization occurs when a part of the pollen grain joins with the ________.

2. When a seed germinates, new ________ and shoots grow.

3. This process of transferring pollen is called ________.

4. The fertilized ovum grows into a ________ and the ovary can turn into a fruit.

5. Animals like tigers and red pandas are facing extinction due to __________ and

habitat destruction.

6. The time it takes for an animal to be ready to be born or hatch is called __________.

7. In humans, the gestation time is often referred to as __________.

8. Seeds need ___________ and warmth to germinate.

9. Seeds are also dispersed by wind, water, and ________________.

10. Pollen grains from the male part need to be taken to the ________ of another flower.

C. Name the following.

1. A fruit that spreads by wind: ________________

2. An animal that has gone extinct: _____________

3. The female part of the flower: _______________

4. An example of runner: _____________________

5. The male part of the flower: _________________

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D. Label the following.

E. Answer the following questions.

1. What is seed dispersal? Name two agents of dispersal.

2. Give three examples of seed dispersal.
3. What do seeds need to germinate?
4. What are the two ways of pollination?
5. How do flowers attract insects?
6. Draw flow charts to show the life cycle of a plant and human being.
7. Write down two reasons why animals may become extinct.
8. Define the following:
a. gestation time
b. extinction
c. runners
d. pollination
e. fertilization
f. germination

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