8º Ano Inglês

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____/____/2022 8º ano Patrícia do Nascimento Inglês

Aluno(a) Nº


 Preencha o cabeçalho corretamente. Evite pedir material emprestado durante a avaliação; Evite falar ou fazer barulho, pois
poderá atrapalhar os colegas; A resposta da questão deve ser dada à caneta (cor azul ou preta) e sem rasuras;
 Não está autorizado o uso de celular e/ou calculadora.

My family
Hi! My name is Carol. I have two families: one in Brazil, the other in
the United States. My Brazilian family is not big, it is small: my
father, my mother, she has beautiful eyes, my sister Karine, my
little brother, Breno, has long hair, and me, of course.

1-Carol tem:
(a) uma família.
(b) duas famílias.
(c) quatro famílias.
(d) três famílias

2- A mãe de Carol:
(a) Tem olhos bonitos.
(b) Tem cabelos compridos.
(c) Tem mãos talentosas.
(d) Tem um bom coração.

3- Em relação ao estudo das palavras many e much do inglês,

assinale a alternativa incorreta: (a) How many people are moving to
(b) How many times has he been divorced?
(c) How much did those executives make?
(d) How many longer do we have to wait?

Candy Crush Saga: ‘70% of the people on the last level haven’t
paid anything’
King’s games guru is Tommy Palm, on the game that’s
being played 700m times a day on smartphones and tablets! 
Candy Crush Saga has become a craze on Facebook, iOS
and Android alike. 
The key stat is right there in the headline: seven in ten
people who’ve reached the last level of wildly-popular mobile game
Candy Crush Saga 9haven’t spent any money on in-app purchases. 
This may come as a surprise. Hardcore gamers (and a fair
few developers) often attack King’s puzzler as the epitome of
dreadful, money-sucking freemium gaming, exploiting people too
stupid to realize they’re being exploited. 
It’s gaming 1snobbery of the worst kind, and not because
Candy Crush doesn’t sometimes 3feel over-aggressive in the way its
difficulty curve 4nudges 5players towards in-app 6purchases – it
sometimes 2does – 7but because it’s based on a view of casual


gamers as little more than lab rats, tapping buy-buttons when

commanded rather than seeking “proper” games elsewhere. 
As a player, I 8ducked out of Candy Crush Saga when I hit
my personal ceiling of fun versus payment. As a journalist, though, I
feel like defending the game against its 10fiercer critics, who seem
to think its players are incapable of making similar decisions.
http://www.theguardian.com/technology/appsblog/2013/sep/10/ candy-crush-

4- The “–er” ending in “ fiercer” ( line 28) has the same function in:
(a) player
(b) seeker
(c) gamer
(d) funnier
(e) developer.

5-Make an affirmative sentence, negative sentence or question

using 'used to + infinitive':

a) I / live in a flat when I was a child.


b)She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it


Which street game is this?





8-Tirinhas são construídas a partir de contextos sociais e podem

promover reflexões diversas. Qual a reflexão dessa tirinha?


9- No cartum, a crítica está no fato de a sociedade exigir do

adolescente que
(a) se aposente prematuramente.
(b) amadureça precocemente.
(c) estude aplicadamente.
(d) se forme rapidamente.
(e) ouça atentamente.

6- Fill in the balloons with the right interrogative pronouns. Relate

the numbers given to the pronouns.

(a) 1 - whose, 2 - who, 3 - why, 4 - how, 5 - who

(b) 1 - who, 2 - which, 3 - what, 4 - why, 5 - how
(c) 1 - what, 2 - whose, 3 - what, 4 - why, 5 - what
(d) 1 - which, 2 - who, 3 - how, 4 - what, 5 - how


(e) 1 - who, 2 - whose, 3 - what, 4 - why, 5 - how


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