Transformer Solutions From Schneider Electric

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Solutions from
Schneider Electric
Table of Contents
Title Page
Minera MP
Minera MP oil immersed medium power transformer 4
The right tune for your network 4
High quality level for more reliability 5
Customer benefits 5
Technical caracteristics 6

Minera Oil-Immersed Transformers Up to 5 MVA - 36 kV 8
The right tune for your network 8
High quality level for more reliability 9
Customer benefits 9
Technical caracteristics 10

The new worldwide quality reference 12
Climatic test C3* 12
Environmental test E3 13
Fire withstand F1 13
Partial discharges ≤ 5 pC 14
Customer benefits 14

Minera MP
Oil Immersed
Medium Power Transformers

Electrical Wind Refinery Mining,

Energy Farm Minerals
& Metals

Minera MP oil immersed
medium power transformer
Minera MP oil-immersed medium voltage power transformer is
dedicated to all applications up to 100 MVA and is designed to meet
your needs. Our broad range for Minera MP transformers includes:
> Three phase units (single phase available on request)
> Ratings up to 80 MVA, 50 or 60 Hz
> Voltage insulation level up to 170 kV
> Breathing or sealed type
> A wide range of accessories
> High capacity cooling options such as ONAN, ONAF, OFAF, OFWF or
others upon request
> Standard or low noise levels
> Off-circuit tap changer (OCTC) or on load tap changer (OLTC)

Minera MP oil-immersed transformers are also available upon

request for special applications including rectifier, hazardous area
transformers, reactors (shunt and series), auto-transformers, step-up
transformers, Solar power plant , Wind Mill Application etc.

Minera MP oil-immersed transformers meet the requirements of

international standards such as ANSI, IEEE, IEC as well as other
international/national standards.

The right tune for your network

Depending on your application and the different environmental
influences you meet, we are able to deliver you a large variety of
Minera MP transformers. Schneider Electric’s R&D team has created
special designs for all your particular needs:
> Breathing type and sealed type,
> For indoor application in buildings or industrial plants and in
compact distribution substations,
> For outdoor applications,
> Normal noise level for urban or residential areas
> Normal, low or very low level of losses

As customer satisfaction is our main concern, we constantly improve

our manufacturing process, thus we are able to speed up delivery
time while ensuring that all ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and/or ISO 18001
requirements are met at each production step. To ensure this high
level of quality, our Minera MP transformers undergo routine tests in
accordance with international standards such as IEC, ANSI standards.
We can also provide type tests or special tests on request.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001
Transformers units certifications

High quality level for more
Our company follows a policy of continuous foil type. To obtain a controlled temperature
improvement taking into account the latest gradient, cooling ducts are added in the
worldwide developments. This ensures that coil. The low voltage winding is built around
our transformers are state-of-the-art and fully the magnetic core. An insulating barrier is
compliant with the modern world’s highest wound or installed around the low voltage coil
requirements: fast delivery time, improved in order to provide an electrical separation
quality and recycling capacities, reduced size between LV and HV coils.
and, on request, very low noise and losses
values. Surface protection
One of our major quality commitment is to
Magnetic core provide high-quality surface protection.
The transformer’s magnetic core is The coating (painting) type is chosen in
manufactured from a high grade, cold-rolled, accordance with the environmental conditions
grain-oriented silicon steel. The lamination considering the degree of pollution, humidity,
stacking is step lap type. The magnetic etc. Zinc Spray / Hot dip galvanized Tank,
core is generally a multi-layer circular HV/LV covers and conservator can also be
cross section and the slitting and cutting of provided.
the magnetic core is made by automated
machines. In order to reduce transformer High voltage winding
sound level to a minimum, the magnetic The high voltage winding material is copper
core and its framework are carefully sized or Aluminium according to the rated power.
to minimize the vibrations and, in particular, To obtain a controlled temperature gradient,
magnetostriction effects, which constitute the cooling ducts are added in the coil. High
the main sources of sound in medium voltage coils are in long layers or disc type.
power transformers. Moreover, in order to Due to recent developments in the winding
reduce the no-load losses and / or the no- process, interlayer insulation and wire
load transformer current, the quality of the insulation have allowed the automation of the
magnetic steel and the induction, together winding process.
with the design of the magnetic core, are
carefully chosen to meet the requirements.
The tap changers allow voltage adjustment
Tank construction for a variation of the supply network voltages
The main tank construction type is panel on the primary side of the transformer or
radiator type. The corrugated wall tank is for increasing or decreasing the secondary
also available in some ranges. Radiators are voltage. Tappings are provided on the
welded or removable. Tank welding is done primary winding connected to an off-circuit
by qualified welders. To validate the oil- or on-load tap changer. The operating handle
tightness after complete assembly, the tank is for hand operated tap changer is mounted
leak tested under gas or liquid overpressure. outside. In general, tapping range for off-load
tap changer is 3, 5 or 7 position and for on-
Low voltage windings load tap changer it is from 7 to 27 positions.
The low voltage winding material is copper We provide tap position & range as per
or Aluminium according to the rated power. customer requirements.
The shape of the conductor is rectangular or

Customer benefits
> Extremely versatile
> Robust construction
> High quality and reliability
> Continuous improvement
> Tailor made
> Highly economical thanks
to reduced operating and
maintenance costs
> Strong after sales support
Technical caracteristics

Oil-immersed medium power

With oil conservator or sealed
Manufacturing standards IEC, ANSI, BS, AS, GOST, IEEE, IS, BS, etc.
Rated power 4 MVA - 100 MVA
Voltage level Up to 170 kV
Phases One or three phase unit
Voltage regulation With off-circuit tap changer or on-load tap changer
Short circuit impedance On request as per customer requirement
Rated frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Vector groups Dy, Yy, Yd as standard, others on request
Material thermal class insulation According to IEC 60085 class A, and as per customer requirement
Mean winding temperature rise: 65 K
Top oil temperature rise: 60 K
With ambient temperature in accordance with IEC 60076-1
The temperature of the oil cooling air should not exceed:
Temperature rise
• 20°C yearly average
• 30°C monthly average during the hottest month
• 40°C at any time
For others ambient temperatures, winding and oil temperature rise can be adapted
ONAN (Oil Natural Air Natural)
Type of cooling
(ONAF, OFAF, ODAF, OFWF or ODWF on request)
Mineral oil according to IEC or ANSI standard
Dielectric liquid
(silicon, synthetic ester or vegetal oil on request).
The transformers are designed to withstand the thermal and
Short circuit withstand ability
dynamic effects resulting of a secondary short-circuit in accordance with IEC 60076-5.
The measurement (A-weighted sound pressure LpA) and the
calculation of sound level (A-weighted sound pressure LwA) are done in accordance
Sound level
with IEC 60076-10. The sound level requirements are in accordance with national
Installations Indoor or outdoor
HV terminals: plug-in or porcelain bushings
LV terminals: busbars or porcelain bushings
HV & LV terminals
On request: cable boxes according to client / manufacturer standard or norm
(i.e BS) requirements
• Standard: lifting lugs, earthing terminal, name and rating plate, oil filling plug, tap changer,
bidirectional rollers if applicable.
• Standard for sealed transformers: filling pipe or gas filling valve, oil drain valve,
oil thermometer, oil level indicator.
• Standard for transformers with conservator: oil level indicator, Buchholz relay, oil
thermometer, dehydrating breather, terminal box, oil filling & draining valves, filtering
On request: pad lock / locking device for HV plug-in bushings, pressure relief device,
pressure relay with contact, explosion vent, winding thermometer, sudden pressure relay,
pressure monitor, rubber bag (only for conservator type), Gas analyzing purpose systems
(such as Hydran), Seal-in Relay, Current Transformers for protection and measuring,
Automatic Voltage Regulator Panel for OLTC, etc.

Distribution Transformers

Electrical Wind Farm Oil and Gas

Minera Oil-Immersed
Up to 5 MVA - 36 kV
Depending on the methods and the standards applied in your
country, a transformer should be best adapted to the structure of your
distribution network while offering the most cost-effective solution. With
a large industrial world-wide platform, we offer versatility and flexibility
and are able to deliver you the oil-immersed distribution transformer to
meet your needs. Whatever the transformer type you require, you will
find your solution in Minera.

Quality based upon years of experience

With more than 80 years of experience and over
two million oil-immersed transformers installed
worldwide, you can be sure of investing in a proven technology,
constantly enhanced in our competence centers.

Your solution in Minera

Our standard range of Minera transformers is available as:
> Three phase units (single phase available on request)
> With ratings up to 4 000 kVA, 36 kV, 50/60 Hz
> With conservator or hermetically sealed type
> Ground, pad or pole-mounted
> Naturally cooled (ONAN), air forced (ONAF) or other type of cooling
upon request
> With normal or low noise or loss levels
We also offer (upon request) higher ratings up to 100 MVA, 170 kV
and transformers for special applications (rectifier, hazardous area,
earthing, welding, transformers with OLTC,reactors, solar power plant,
wind mill application etc.).

The right tune for your network

Our company follows a policy of continuous improvement taking into
account the latest worldwide developments. This ensures that our
transformers are state-of-the-art and fully compliant with the modern
world’s highest requirements: fast delivery time, improved quality and
recycling capacities, reduced size and, on request, very low noise and
losses values.

Depending on applications and environmental influences, you will

require a different type of oil-immersed transformer. We can deliver
every type of Minera:
> Hermetically sealed or breathing type
> For indoor applications in buildings or industrial plants and in
compact distribution substations
> For outdoor applications: ground mounted but also pad or pole
> Low noise level for urban or residential areas
> Normal, low, or very low level of losses
As customer satisfaction is our main concern, we constantly improve
our manufacturing processes, thus we are able to speed up delivery
times whilst ensuring a high level of quality.
All our production sites of Minera oil-immersed transformers are ISO
9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 certified.To ensure this high level of
quality, our Minera transformers undergo routine tests in accordance
with IEC standards. We can also proceed to type tests or special tests ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001
on request. Transformers units certifications

High quality level for more
Magnetic core request for special applications, an on load
The magnetic core of the transformers is tap changer can be provided.
manufactured from a high grade, cold rolled
grain oriented silicon steel. The stacking High voltage winding
of the laminations is either butt lap or step The high voltage winding material is either
lap type. The magnetic core is generally of copper or aluminum: the choice depends on
a multi-layer, circular cross section type, the load losses and on the rated power. The
where the slitting and cutting of the magnetic shape of the conductor is either of a round
core is done by automatic machines. In or rectangular type. To obtain a controlled
order to reduce the sound level of the temperature gradient, cooling ducts are
transformer to a minimum, the magnetic added in the coil. High voltage coils are in
core and its framework are carefully sized long layers or of disc type. Due to recent
to minimize the vibrations and in particular, developments in the winding process,
the magnetostriction effects which constitute interlayer insulation and wire insulation
the main sources of sound in distribution have allowed the automation of the winding
transformers. In addition, in order to reduce process.
the no load losses and / or the no load current
Low voltage windings
of the transformer, the quality of the magnetic
The low voltage winding material is either of
steel and the induction together with the
copper or aluminum: the choice depends
design of the magnetic core are carefully
on the load losses, and on the rated power.
chosen to meet the requirements.
The shape of the conductor is either round,
Surface protection rectangular or foil type. To obtain a controlled
One of our major quality commitment is to temperature gradient, cooling ducts are
provide high-quality surface protection. added in the coil. The low voltage winding
The coating (painting) type is chosen is built around the magnetic core, and an
in accordance with the environmental insulating barrier is wound or installed around
conditions, considering the degree of the low voltage coil in order to provide an
pollution, humidity, etc. Zinc Spray / Hot electrical separation between the LV/HV coil.
dip galvanized tank, HV/LV cover and
Tank construction
conservator may also be provided.
The corrugated tank (cooling fins) is the
Tappings most common type used for distribution
Tap changers allow voltage adjustment for transformers. The corrugated panels are
a variation of the supply network voltages welded onto the tank sides. Cooling radiators
on the primary side of the transformer, or can also be provided on request. To validate
for increasing or decreasing the secondary the oil-tightness after complete assembly,
voltage. Tappings are provided on the the tank is leak tested under gas or liquid
primary winding and connected to an off- over-pressure. For hermetically sealed
circuit tap changer. The operating handle for transformers, the cooling fins are designed to
the hand-operated, off-circuit tap changer compensate for excessive over pressure and
is mounted outside. The standard tapping to limit the effects of cooling liquid dilatation.
range is ±2x2.5%. However we can provide Hanging pole transformers are provided with
tapping range as per customer requirement. a hanging device welded on the rear side
For adjustment operations, the transformer according to national standards.
needs to be de-energized. However, on

Customer benefits
Extreme versatility of the range Solid construction
High quality and reliability Long life-cycle with low maintenance
Economically optimized
Capitalization of the losses
Easy recycling
Proven and permanently
Optimized technology
Reduced dimensions
Technical caracteristics

Hermetically sealed
Oil-immersed distribution transformers
(without conservator) or with conservator
Manufacturing Standards ANSI, IEC, BS, AS, GOST, IS, IEEE etc.
Up to 4 MVA
Rated power
(others rated powers on request)
According to IEC UM=1.1, 3.6, 7.2, 12, 17.5, 24, 36 kV
Insulation level
According to ANSI up to 36.5 kV
Phases 3-phase (single phase is applicable on request)
Tappings ±2 x 2.5 % (or different range on request)
With off-circuit tap changer
Voltage regulations
(regulation with on-load tap changer is available on request)
Uk=4 % for P ≤ 630kVA and UM≤24kV
Short circuit impedance Uk=4 or 4.5 % for P≤630kVA and UM=36kV
Uk=6 % for P > 630kVA
Rated frequency 50 Hz (60 Hz on request)
Yzn recommended up to 50kVA with UM≤24kV
Vector groups Yzn recommended up to 100kVA with UM=36kV
Dyn11 for all other rated power (any vector group according to IEC Standards)
Material thermal class insulation According to IEC 60085 class A
Mean winding temperature rise: 65K
Top oil temperature rise: 60 K with ambient temperature in accordance with IEC 60076-
1. The temperature of the cooling air should not exceed:
Temperature rise • 20°C yearly average
• 30°C monthly average of the hottest month
• 40°C at any time
For other ambient temperatures, winding and oil temperature shall be adapted.
ONAN (Oil Natural Air Natural) or other type of cooling like ONAF, KNAN, KNAF, ODAF,
Type of cooling
OFWF, etc.
Mineral oil according to IEC/ANSI Standard
Dielectric liquid
on request: silicon, synthetic ester, vegetable oil.
The transformers are designed to withstand the thermal and the dynamic effects
Short circuit withstandability
resulting from a secondary short-circuit in accordance with IEC 60076-5.
The measurement (A-weighted sound pressure LpA) and the calculation of sound level
(A-weighted sound level LwA) are done in accordance with
Sound level
IEC 60076-10 or NEMA - TR1.
The sound level requirements are in accordance with national standards.
Installations Indoor and/or outdoor
HV terminals: plug-in or porcelain bushings
LV terminals: busbars or porcelain bushings
HV & LV terminals
On request: cable boxes according to client/manufacturer standard or norm (i.e BS)
- Standard: lifting lugs, earthing terminal, name and rating plate, oil filling plug, off
circuit tap changer, bi-directional rollers if applicable (out of scope hanging pole
transformer) - On request: pad lock/locking device for HV plug-in bushings and/
Accesories or tap changer, protective relay (DMCR©, DGPT2©, RIS©,...), oil level indicator, oil
thermometer, pressure relief device, filling valve, drain valve, explosion vent, winding
temperature indicator, etc. Accessories for conservator: dehydrating breather,
buchholz relay, drain plug, oil level indicator, etc.

Dry Type Cast Resin

The new worldwide quality
Faithful to the vocation of feeling firsts, our full range Trihal dry
type cast resin transformer is now gratified with the highest tests
performances level:
> C3* E3 F1
> Partial discharges ≤ 5pC
Prove of its high grade design and manufacture quality, it will perfectly
answer to a critical need for power companies to improvepersonnel
safety and decrease the potential for loss of service to improve
personnel safety.

Climatic test C3*

Lowest ambient temperatures:

C1 > Operation -5°C

> Storage / Transport -25°C

Lowest ambient temperatures:

C2 > Operation -25°C

> Storage / Transport -25°C

Lowest ambient temperatures:

C3 > Operation -50°C

> Storage / Transport -50°C

Thermal shock test proceeded under C2 Climatic test conditions but

conducted at -50°C:
> Temperature lowered to –50°C in 8 hours.
> Holding at – 50°C for 12 hours.
> Thermal shock test at – 50°C. * C2 Thermal shock test carried out at -50°C
> Dielectric tests and partial discharge measurements.
> Visual inspection

Environmental test E3
Normal indoor installation
E0 > No condensation,
> No considerable pollution

E1 > Occasional condensation

> Limited pollution

> Frequent condensation

E2 > Heavy pollution or combination of both
> Relative humidity up to 93 %

Nearly total condensation or heavy pollution

E3 or combination of both
> Abnormal level of humidity up to 95%
> According to new IEC 60076-16 Standard

Test conducted in two parts according to IEC 60076-11 and IEC

60076-16 standards:
Condensation test Humidity penetration test
> 6 hours with 95% humidity > 6 days at 50°C with 90%(+/-5%)
(by indirect spraying of water humidity
of a conductivity of between > Dielectric tests
3.6 and 4 S/m) > Visual inspection
> Induced voltage test

Fire withstand F1
> No special fire risk to consider

F0 > Except for the characteristics inherent in

the design of the transformer, no special
measures are taken to limit flammability

Transformers subject to a fire hazard:

> Self-extinguishing transformer fire

F1 > Restricted flammability required

> Limited formation of fumes
> Limited contribution with calorific energy to
the source of fire

The fire behaviour test is conducted in a specific test chamber

according to procedure described in IEC60076-11 Standard:
> 1 ethylic alcohol tank (sufficient quantity for 20 min combustion)
burns under the tested coil
> 1 panel heater in front of the tested coil
> 1 reflector, concentric to the coil, is fitted opposite the panel heater
The 2 fire-proof effects of the resin used in Trihal made it possible to
> Immediate self-extinguishing of Trihal as soon as the flames from the
alcohol tank and heating of panel cease
> Absence of halogen products, toxic emissions and opaque smoke
Partial discharges 5 pC
Partial discharges
pC at 1.3 Un
> Maximum level of partial discharges
measured during Routine Test

pC at 1.3 Un
> Maximum level of partial discharges
measured during Special Test according to
IEC 60076-11 Standard

A partial discharge is the dissipation of energy caused by the build-up

of localized electric field intensity.

These phenomena, defined by IEC 60270, cause the insulation to

deteriorate progressively and can lead to electrical breakdown.

Integrity of the insulation of a transformer is confirmed during Partial

Discharge Analysis and used as a tool to judge the state of the device
and the quality of its manufacture.

Prove of our quality advance, acceptance criteria applicable to all new

Trihal are now ≤ 10 pC during Routine Test or ≤ 5 pC in case of Special
Test ordered by the customer according to IEC 60076-11 Standard.

Customer benefits
> Resitance to thermal shock
> Highest performance under severe ambiant conditions
> Superior behaviour on load changes
> Extended service life

> Insensitive to total condensation or/and heavy pollution
> Suitable to installation in harsh environment
(e.g Wind turbine)

> Full safety for all type of buildings
> Suitable to fire hazard area
> Guarantee your safety

5 pC
> Improve transformers aging
> Extended service life

Make the most of your energySM

Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd.

Corporate office
9th Floor, DLF Building No.10, Tower C, DLF Cyber
City, Phase II, Gurgaon - 122002, Haryana
Tel: 0124 3940400, Fax: 0124 4222036
Customer Care Centre :
Toll-free numbers: 1800 180 1707, 1800 103 0011,
General number: 0124 4222040,
Email: [email protected]

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