4 - RPD - UT - B31.3 - 04 - Ultrasonic, REV 00
4 - RPD - UT - B31.3 - 04 - Ultrasonic, REV 00
4 - RPD - UT - B31.3 - 04 - Ultrasonic, REV 00
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Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
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This page is a record of all revisions of the procedure and the following revision (s) has (have) been made to
this procedure.
4 Referensi 4 References
Practice Practice
4.2 ASME BPV Section V, Article 4, 2019 4.2 ASME BPV Section V, Article 4, 2019
Edition Edition
4.3 Process Piping , ASME / ANSI B31.3 , 4.3 Process Piping , ASME / ANSI B31.3 ,
2018 Edition, 2018 Edition,
5 Definisi–Definisi 5 Definitions
5.1 Primary reference response (level): 5.1 Primary reference response (level): the
respon dari ultrasonic dari refector di ultrasonic response from the basic
blok kalibrasi pada jarak sound path calibration reflector at the specified sound
tertentu, secara electronic di atur sampai path distance, electronically adjusted to a
persen tertentu dari ketinggian screen. specified percentage of the full screen
5.2 DAC: Distance Amplitude Correction 5.2 DAC: Distance Amplitude Correction
kurva. curve.
5.3 Probe (Probe): sebuah alat electro 5.3 Search Unit (Probe): an electro acoustic
acoustic digunakan untuk meneruskan device used to transmit or receive ultrasonic
atau menerima ultrasonic energy. energy.
5.4 Transducer: sebuah alat electro acoustical 5.4 Transducer: an electro acoustical device
untuk merubah energi listrik ke energi for converting electrical energy into
getaran dan sebaliknya. acoustical energy and vice versa.
Probe atau transducer akan digunakan Probe or transducer will be used in this
didalam prosedur ini dengan pengertian yang procedure with the same meaning.
5.5 Kalibrasi: hubungan dari respon sistem 5.5 Calibration: correlation of the ultrasonic
ultrasonic dengan kalibrator. system respond(s) with calibration reflector(s)
5.6 Straight beam: sebuah gelombang getaran 5.6 Straight beam: a vibrating pulse wave
pulsa yang berjalan normal (tegak lurus) train travelling normal to the test surface.
dengan permukaan yang di tes.
5.7 Angle beam: terminologi yang digunakan 5.7 Angle beam: a term used to describe an
untuk menyatakan sebuah sudut datang atau angle of incidence or refraction other than
pembiasan selain tegak lurus dengan normal to the surface of the test object, only
permukaan yang di tes, hanya beam sudut angle beam shear waves shall be used in
gelombang shear yang digunakan dalam
this procedure.
prosedur ini.
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6 Kualifikasi dan Tanggung Jawab 6 Personnel Qualification and
Personnel Responsibility
6.1 Personel yang melakukan pengujian 6.1 Personnel performing examinations to the
untuk memenuhi syarat – syarat dari requirements of this specification shall be
spesifikasi ini harus di qualifikasi sesuai qualified in accordance with PT. RETSA
dengan prosedure dari PT. RETSA PUTRA DYME’s Written Practice
PUTRA DYME Written Practice
6.2 Personel yang melaksanakan tes dan 6.2 Personnel performing examinations and
mengevaluasi dengan prosedure ini harus evaluation to the requirements this
memiliki Level II atau Level III. procedure shall be Level II or Level III.
7 Perlengkapan 7 Equipments
7.1 Alat – alat Ultrasonic 7.1 Ultrasonic Equipments
7.1.1 Frekwensi 7.1.1 Frequency
Pengujian ini harus dilaksanakan dengan This examination shall be conducted with a
menggunakan instrumen ultrasonic pulsa pulse-echo ultrasonic instrument capable of
gema yang bisa menimbulkan frekwensi generating frequencies over the range of at
minimum antara 1 MHz sampai 5 MHz least 1 MHz to 5 MHz and shall be
dan harus mempunyai gain kontrol step equipped with a stepped gain control in
2.0 dB atau kurang. units of 2.0 dB or less.
Instrumen dengan frequensi lain bisa Instrument operating at other frequencies
digunakan, jika setara atau lebih baik may be used, if equal or better sensitivity
sensitivitasnya dapat didemonstrasikan can be demonstrated and documented.
dan didokumentasikan.
d. Permukaan blok kalibrasi harus mewakili d. The finish on the surfaces of the block shall
permukaan komponen yang diuji. be representative of the surface finish on
the components.
e. Blok kalibrasi harus diuji dengan probe e. The calibration block material shall be
normal. Area yang mengandung indikasi completely examined with a straight beam
cacat melebihi refleksi backwall harus search unit. Area that contains an indication
dibuang pada jarak beam yang exceeding the remaining back reflection
dibutuhkan, untuk menghindari pantulan shall be excluded from the beam paths
yang bervariasi dan membingungkan. required to reach the various calibration
7.4.3 Material dengan Diameter lebih Besar 7.4.3 Materials with Diameters Greater Than
dari 20 inci (508 mm). 20 inches (508 mm).
a. Untuk pengujian pada material dimana a. For examination in materials where the
surface diameter lebih besar dari 20 examination surface diameter is greater
inches (508 mm),harus menggunakan than 20 inches (508 mm),a block of
blok yang mendekati bentuk curvanya, essentially the same curvature, or
atau alternatif dengan flat (lihat Fig. 1). alternatively, flat basic calibration block
(see Fig.1), shall be used.
b. Untuk menguji permukaan material b. For examination convex surface materials
cekung kedalam dengan diameter lebih with diameter greater than 20 inches (508
besar dari 20 inches (508 mm), dengan mm), using flat basic calibration block,
menggunakan basic calibration block flat, adjustment of receiver gain may be
pengaturan gain diperlukan. required.
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7.4.4 Material dengan Diameter 20 inci (508 7.4.4 Materials with Diameters 20 inches (508
mm) dan Lebih Kecil. mm) and Less.
Blok kalibrasi harus dibentuk curva untuk The basic calibration block shall be curved
material dengan diameter 508 mm dan for materials with diameters 508 mm and
lebih kecil. Kecuali yang di nyatakan less. Except where otherwise states in this
dalam paragrap ini, single blok kalibrasi article, a single curved basic calibration
bentuk curva boleh digunakan untuk block may be used to calibrate the
mengkalibrasi surface benda uji dengan examination on surfaces in the range of
range dari curva mulai 0.9 sampai 1.5 curvature from 0.9 to 1.5 times the basic
kali blok kalibrasi diameter. calibration block diameter.
7.4.6 Calibration Block untuk Nozzle Side 7.4.6 Nozzle Side Weld Fusion and/or
Weld Fusion dan/atau Nozzle Parent Adjacent Nozzle Parent Metal
Metal yang berdekatan Calibration Block.
a. Configurasi calibration block harus a. The calibration block configuration shall be
seperti pada Fig. 1 D ( T-434.5.1 ). as shown in Fig. 1 D ( T-434.5.1 ). The
Ukuran block dan lokasi reflector harus block size and reflector locations shall be
mencukupi untuk melakukan kalibrasi adequate to perform calibrations to cover
pada nozzle side weld fusion zone the nozzle side weld fusion zone and/or the
dan/atau nozzle parent metal yang adjacent nozzle parent metal.
b. Block thickness harus maximum b. The block thickness shall be the maximum
thickness dari nozzle wall yang dekat ke thickness of the nozzle wall adjacent to
nozzle weld plus 0.75 inch (19 mm) nozzle weld plus 0.75 inch (19 mm)
c. Untuk pengujian nozzle dengan diameter c. For examinations of nozzle with an
(ID) sama atau lebih kecil dari than 20 diameter ( ID ) equal to or less than 20
inches (508 mm), block contact surface inches (508 mm), the contact surface of
harus mempunyai curva yang sama atau calibration block shall have the same
dalam range 0.9 to 1.5 kali diameter cuvature or within the range of 0.9 to 1.5
seperti detail pada Fig. 1 A ( 434.1.7.2 times the diameter as detailed in Fig. 1 A (
) 434.1.7.2 )
d. Calibration reflector harus side- drilled d. The calibration reflectors shall be side-
hole sesuai dengan persyaratan pada Fig. drilled hole(s) that are in accordance with
1 B ( T-434.2.1) untuk nozzle wall the requirements of Fig. 1 B ( T-434.2.1)
thickness for the nozzle wall thickness
e. Calibration block yang ada bisa e. The existing calibration blocks may be used
digunakan untuk pengujian yang typenya for similar types of examinations provided
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sejenis asalkan jarak sound path ke the sound path distance(s) to the block’s
reflector dalam range 0.25 inch ( 6 mm ) reflector(s) is (are) within 0.25 inch ( 6 mm
yang dipersyaratkan dan side-drilled hole ) of what is required and the side-drilled
sama atau diameternya lebih kecil dari hole(s) is (are) the same or a smaller
yang dipersyaratkan. diameter than what required.
8 Procedure 8 Procedure
8.1 Persiapan Permukaan 8.1 Surface Preparation.
a. Base Metal (permukaan kontak) a. Base Metal (contact surface)
Base metal pada setiap sisi lasan harus The base metal on each side of the weld
bebas dari spater, permukaan yang tidak shall be free of weld spatter, surface
teratur, atau benda asing yang mungkin irregularities, or foreign matter that might
mengganggu dalam pengujian. interfere with the examination.
b. Weld Metals. b. Weld Metals.
Jika permukaan lasan mengganggu dalam Where the weld surfaces interfere with the
pengujian, lasan harus di persiapkan examination, the weld shall be prepared as
secukupnya supaya tidak mengganggu needed to permit examination (as a rule,
dalam pengujian (sesuai peraturan weld surface should be finished up to the
permukaan bisa di buat/digerinda sampai same surface as the base metal).
rata dengan permukaan base metal). The method of surface preparation may be
Persiapan permukaan dengan mesin by grinding or machining.
gerinda atau mesin proses
9 Calibration 9 Calibration
Instrument Linearity Instrument Linearity
9.1 Lineariti ketinggian Screen 9.1 Screen height linearity
Ultrasonic instrumen harus menunjukkan The ultrasonic instrument shall provide
linearitas ketinggian screen sesuai dengan screen height linearity in accordance with
ASME Section V dan Calibration ASME Section V and Calibration
Procedure. Procedure.
9.2 Lineariti control Amplitudo 9.2 Amplitude control linearity
Instrumen ultrasonic harus menggunakan The ultrasonic instrument shall utilize an
control akurasi amplitudo dalam range amplitude control accurate over its useful
±20% dari perbandingan nominal range to ±20% of the nominal amplitude
amplitudo, untuk memungkinkan ratio, to allow measurement of indications
mengukur indikasi-indikasi diluar range beyond the linear range of the vertical
dari vertikal display pada screen. display on the screen. The procedure for
Prosedur yang mengevaluasi lineariti evaluating amplitude control linearity in
control amplitudo sesuai dengan ASME accordance with ASME Section V and
Section V dan Calibration Procedure. Calibration Procedure.
10.4 Teknik Kalibrasi Probe Sudut 10.4 Angel Beam Calibration Technique
Sesuai ketentuan, minimum kalibrasi As applicable, the calibration shall provide
harus meliputi pengukuran 2 sebagai the following measurements.
10.4.1 Kalibrasi Jarak ( lihat Fig. 2 ) 10.4.1 Distance Range Calibration (see Fig. 2)
Kalibrasi jarak harus di atur untuk Horizontal Sweep shall be adjusted to
mewakili aktual sound path dengan represent the actual sound path distance by
menggunakan IIW – V1 atau IIW – V2. using IIW – V1 or IIW – V2. The distance
Kalibrati jarak harus menggunakan salah calibration shall be made using either the 5
satu skala 5 inch ( 125 mm ) atau skala inch ( 125 mm ) scale or 10 inch ( 250 mm
10 inch ( 250 mm ), yang mana yang ) scale, whichever is appropriate. The other
pantas. Kalibrasi jarak yang lainnya bisa distance calibrations may be used in respect
digunakan dengan mempertimbangkan to the joint configuration or thickness of
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joint configuration atau thickness of component examined.
component yang di uji
10.4.2 Koreksi Jarak-Amplitudo ( DAC ) 10.4.2 Distance-Amplitude Correction
a Posisi dari probe (lihat Gambar.3) untuk a Position the search unit (see Fig 3) for
respon maksimum : maximum response :
- dari SDH di kedalaman ¾ dari ketebalan - from SDH at depth the ¾ block thickness,
blok, untuk bahan dengan ketebalan t < 25 for material thickness t < 25 mm
mm - from SDH at depth ¼ or ¾ block
- dari SDH di kedalaman ¼ atau ¾ dari
ketebalan blok, untuk bahan dengan
thickness, for material thickness t > 25 mm
ketebalan t > 25 mm - The other mentioned above reference
- Selain yang disebutkan sesuai referensi SDH may be selected, provided the
SDH di atas dapat di pilih, memberikan coverage testing can be performed.
cakupan untuk dilakukan pengujian. Note :
Catatan: SDH stands for Side Drill Hole
SDH singkatan Lubang Bor Side The above SDH is called as reference SDH.
SDH diatas disebut sebagai referensi SDH
b Atur sensitivity control untuk b Adjust the sensitivity control to provide
menghasilkan indikasi 80% (5% tinggi 80% (5% of full screen height) indication
full screen) dari referensi SDH. from the reference SDH.
Tandai ujung indikasi pada screen dengan Mark the peak of the indication on the
pensil tahan grease atau dengan marker screen with a grease pencil or other suitable
yang cocok. Catat dB dari SDH referensi, marker. Record the dB from the reference
dB tersebut dianggap sebagai referensi SDH, the dB is considered as reference
level. level.
c Atur sensitivity control untuk c Adjusting the sensitivity control to provide
menghasilkan indikasi 40% dari tinggi 40% of full screen height or 50 % DAC
full screen atau 50% DAC (5%), (5%) , by reducing 6 dB from the
dengan mengurangi 6 dB dari referensi reference level.
level. Mark the peak of the indications on the
Tandai ujung indikasi pada screen screen.
d Atur sensitivity control untuk d Adjusting the sensitivity control to provide
menghasilkan indikasi 16% dari tinggi 16% of full screen height or 20 % DAC
full screen atau 20% DAC (5%), (5%), by reducing 14 dB from the
dengan mengurangi 14 dB dari referensi reference level.
level. Mark the peak of the indications on the
Tandai ujung indikasi pada screen screen.
e Tanpa merubah Control Range e Without changing the Range Control
pengaturan, Atur sensitivity control adjustment, adjusting the sensitivity control
terhadap referensi level, maka posisi dari to the reference level, then position the
probe adalah maksimum respon dari SDH search unit for maximum response from
lainnya. another SDHs .
f Ulangi langkah ( c ) dan ( d ) diatas. f Repeat the step ( c ) and ( d ) above.
Tandai respon tergambar di screen Connect the screen marks respond from the
terhadap sisi SDH yang dibor untuk side drilled SDHs to provide the distance
mendapatkan kurva panjang amplitude ( amplitude curve ( DAC ).
DAC ).
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g Hubungkan tanda–tanda dari respon side- g Connect the screen marks respond from the
drilled hole di screen untuk menghasilkan side-drilled holes to provide the distance
distance amplitude curve (DAC). amplitude curve (DAC).
10.4.3 Pengukuran Amplitudo Echo dari 10.4.3 Echo Amplitude Measurement from the
Notch Permukaan pada Blok Kalibrasi Surface Notch in the Basic Calibration
(lihat Fig. 4) Block (see Fig. 4)
Posisikan probe untuk menghasilkan Position the search unit for maximum
amplitudo maximum dari notch kotak di amplitude from the square notch on the
permukaan dibaliknya, tandai “X“ pada opposite surface, “X” mark the peak of the
ujung indikasi pada screen dari notch indication on the screen from the notch.
Notch kotak di permukaan dibaliknya The opposite surface square notch may give
mungkin bisa memberi indikasi 2 an indication 2 to 1 above DAC at 450
banding 1 diatas DAC dari probe 450 and probe and 1/2DAC at 600 probe.
1/2DAC at probe 600. Oleh karena itu, Therefore, the indication from the square
indikasi dari notch harus diperhatikan notch must be consider when evaluating
saat mengevaluasi reflektor2 pada posisi reflectors at the opposite surface.
permukaan dibaliknya.
11 Pengujian 11 Examination
11.1 Ruang Lingkup 11.1 Coverage
Volume harus di uji dengan The volume shall be examined by moving
menggerakkan probe keseluruh the search unit over the examination surface
permukaan yang di uji sehingga bisa so as to scan the entire examination
menscan seluruh volume pengujian. volume. Each pass the search unit shall be
Setiap jalan/jalur dari probe harus overlapping a minimum of 10% of
overlaping minimum 10% dari ukuran transducer (element), dimension
probe, tegak lurus dengan dimensi dari perpendicular to the direction of the scan.
arah scaning.
11.2 Syarat-syarat Scanning 11.2 Scanning Requirements
a. Kecepatan dari manual scaning harus a. The rate of manual scanning shall not
tidak lebih dari 6 in/sec. (150 mm/sec.) exceed 6 in/sec (150 mm/sec).
b. Scaning harus dilaksanakan dengan b. The scanning shall be performed at gain
mengatur gain seting minimum dua kali setting at least two times the primary
dari primary reference level. Evaluasi reference level. Evaluation shall be
harus dilaksanakan dengan mengacu pada performed with respect to the primary
primary reference level. reference level.
c. Scaning harus dilaksanakan dari kedua c. The scanning shall be performed from both
sisi lasan (jika memungkinkan). sides of the weld (if accessible).
11.3 Scaning dengan Probe Normal 11.3 Straight Beam Scanning
a. Scaning probe normal harus dilaksanakan a. The straight beam scanning shall be
pada volume dari base material dimana performed on the volume of base material
akan dilewati probe sudut untuk through which the angle beams will travel
mengetahui reflector yang mungkin to locate any reflectors that might limit the
membatasi kemampuan probe sudut ability of the angle beam to examine the
untuk menguji volume lasan, dan ini weld volume, and is not to be used for an
tidak digunakan sebagai acceptance acceptance-rejection examination.
b. Lokasi dan area yang ditemukan reflektor b. Location and areas of such reflectors found
harus direcord dan menjadi bahan shall be recorded and subject to
pertimbangan Engineering. Engineering evaluation.
c. Scaning probe normal harus dilaksanakan c. The straight beam scanning shall be
pada volume dari base material dimana performed on the volume of base material
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cacat mungkin mengakibatkan gangguan in which the defects may affect the service
di service yang di refer oleh Code section referenced by other Code section or other
lainnya atau persyaratan lainnya. requirements.
11.4 Scanning dengan Probe Sudut untuk 11.4 Angle Beam Scanning for Reflectors
Reflektor yang Paralel dengan Lasan. Parallel to the Weld
Probe sudut harus diarahkan ke lasan The angle beam shall be directed at
dengan sudut yang benar kearah axis dari approximate right angle to the weld axis
lasan dari daerah yang memungkinkan. from to directions where possible. The
Probe harus di manupulasi sehingga search unit shall be manipulated so that the
semua energi ultrasonic berjalan melalui ultrasonic energy pass-through the required
volume yang diperlukan dari lasan dan volumes of weld and adjacent base metal.
base metal sekitarnya.
11.5 Scanning dengan Probe Sudut untuk 11.5 Angle Beam Scanning for Reflection
Reflektor yang Melintang dengan Oriented Transversal to the Weld.
a. Probe sudut harus diarahkan sedapat a. The angle beam shall be directed essentially
mungkin paralel dengan axis dari lasan. parallel to the weld axis. The search unit
Probe harus di manupulasi sehingga shall be manipulated so that the beam angle
semua energy ultrasonic berjalan melalui through the required volumes of weld and
volume yang diperlukan dari lasan dan adjacent base metal.
base metal sekitarnya.
b. Probe harus di putar 180 derajat dan b. The search unit shall be rotated 180 deg.
pengujian diulangi. and the examination repeated.
c. Probe sudut bisa digunakan untuk c. The angle beam may be used for
menguji base materials, probe harus di examination base materials, the search unit
arahkan ke segala arah untuk scanning shall be manipulated in any direction for
cacat yang arah nya ber macam – macam. scanning the any orientation defects.
12 Evaluasi 12 Evaluation
12.1 Non-Relevant Indication mungkin 12.1 Non-Relevant Indication may be caused by
disebabkan oleh : :
a. Cacat metallurgy di heat-effected yang a. Metallurgical discontinuities such as plate
bisa memantulkan setelah fabrikasi. segregates in heat-effected zone that
Pengujian dengan probe normal, become reflective after fabrication. Under
mungkin bisa tampak seperti indikasi straight beam nexamination, this may
spot atau garis, appear as spot or line indications.
b. Pengujian dengan probe sudut, indikasi b. Under angle beam examination, indication
yang datangnya dari kondisi permukaan that are determined to originate from the
(seperti weld root geometry) atau variasi surface conditions ( such as weld root
pada metallurgy pada ustenitic material geometry) or variation in metallurgical structure
(seperti automatic ke manual weld clad in austenitic materials ( such as the automatic to
interface). manual weld clad interface ).
c. Berikut ini langkah – langkah yang c. The following steps shall be taken to
diperlukan untuk mengklasifikasi indikasi classify an indication as geometric :
dari geometry :
1. Di interprete area yang diperkirakan 1. Interprete the area containing the
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reflector sesuai dengan procedure. reflector in accordance with the
applicable examination procedure.
2. Di plot dan verifikasi reflector 2. Plot and verify the reflector coordinates.
ordinate. Buat gambar tampak Prepare a cross-sectional sketch
memotong yang menunjukkan posisi showing the reflector position and
dan kondisi permukaan seperti root dan surface discontinuities such as root and
counterbore. counterbore.
3. Review gambar fabrikasi dan persiapan 3. Review fabrication or weld preparation
bevel las. Pengujian dengan Tehnik drawings. Other ultrasonic techniques or
ultrasonic lain atau pengujian dengan nondestructive examination methods
metode nondestructive lain mungkin may be helpful in determining a
bisa membantu menentukan posisi, reflector’s true position, size, and
ukuran dan orientasi. orientation.
15 Dokumentasi 15 Documentation
15.1 Hasil dari pengujian ultrasonic harus di 15.1 Ultrasonic examination results shall be
report dalam Form Ultrasonic Test reported on the provided Ultrasonic Test
Report yang tersedia (terlampir). Report Form (attached).
15.2 Lokasi lasan dan identifikasi harus 15.2 Weld locations and their identification shall
direcord pada weld map atau di be recorded on the a weld map or in an
identifikasi plan. identification plan.
15.3 Jika lasan di identifikasin permanen, low 15.3 If the welds are to be permanently marked,
stress stamps dan /atau vibratooling bisa low stress stamps and/or vibratooling may
digunakan. Jika componen dimarking be used. Marking after final stress releif of
setelah final stress releif harus tidak component shall be not be any deeper than
boleh lebih dalam dari 0.048 inch ( 1.2 0.048 inch ( 1.2 mm )
mm )
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15.4 System Reference 15.4 Reference System
a. Setiap lasan harus dilokasikan dan a. Each weld shall be located and identified by
diidentifikasi dengan system reference a system of reference points. The system
line. System harus bisa mengidentifikasi shall permit identification of each weld
setiap center line dari lasan dan tanda center line and designation of regular
secara regular interval sepanjang lasan, interval along the length of weld, however ,
tetapi system yang berbeda bisa a different system may be utilized provided
digunakan asalkan masih memenuhi it meets the above requirements.
persyaratan diatas.
b. Semua pantulan dari area yang tidak b. All reflections from uncorrected areas
dikoreksi, mempunyai respon melebihi having responses that exceed 50% of the
50% dari reference level harus direcord reference level shall be recorded on the
dalam form ultrasonic test report, record attached record form, this record shall
ini harus menyebutkan setiap area, indicate each area, the response level, the
respond level, dimensi, dalamnya dari dimension, the depth below the surface, and
permukaan dan klasifikasi. the classification.
c. Ultrasonic reports harus disimpan dalam c. Ultrasonic reports shall be maintained for
periode 3 tahun atau sesuai dengan the period 3 years or as required by Code or
persyaratan Code atau yuridiksi lokal local jurisdiction requirement as applicable
yang berlaku oleh pabrik. by Manufacturer.
* Minimum dimension
a) Holes shall be drilled and reamed 1.5 in. (38 mm) deep minimum, essentiaily parallel to the examination surface.
b) For components equal to or less than 20 in. (500 mm) in diameter, calibration block diameter shall meet the requirements of T-434.1.7.2.
Two sets of calibration reflectors (holes, notches) oriented 90 deg from each other shall be used. Alternatively, two curved calibration
blocks may be used.
c) The tolerance for hole diameter shall be ± 1/32 in. (0.8 mm). The tolerance for hole location through the calibration block thickness (ie.,
distance from the examination surface) shall be ± 1/8 in. (13 mm).
d) For blocks less than ¾ in. (19 mm) in thickness, only the ½ T side-drilled hole and surface notches are required.
e) All holes may be located on the same face (side) of the calibration block, provided care is exercised to locate all the reflectors (holes,
notches) to prevent one reflector from affecting the indication from another reflector during callbration. Notches may also be in the same
plane as the inline holes (See Appendix J, Fig. J-431). As in Fig. J-431, a sufficient number of holes shall be provided for both angle and
straight beam calibrations at the ¼ T, ½ T and ¾ T depths.
f) Minimum notch depth shall be 3.6%T and maximum notch depth shall be 2.2%T plus the thickness of cladding, if present.
g) Maximum notch width is not critical. Notches may be made by EDM or with end mills up to ¼ in. (6.4 mm) in diameter.
h) Weld thickness, t, is the nominal material thickness for welds without reinforcement or, for welds with reinforcement, the nominal material
thickness plus the estimated weld reinforcement not to exceed the maximum permitted by the referencing Code Section. When two or more
base material thicknesses are involved, the calibration block thickness, T, shall be determined by the average thickness of the weld;
alternatively, a calibration block based on the greater base material thickness may be used provided the reference reflector size is based
upon the average weld thickness.
NOTE: For each increase in weld thickness of 2 in. (50 mm) or fraction thereof over 4 in. (100 mm), the hole diameter shall increase 1/16
in. (1.5 mm).
Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
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1 st reflection echo
from the bottom
1 st reflection echo
from the notch
0 100
Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
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(1) T 25 mm
1/2 T
80% FSH ( 100% DAC )
100 % ( Primary reference Level )
40% FSH
( 5 0 % DAC )
16% FSH
( 20% DAC )
0 1/2 T 2 1/2 T
1 1/2 T
( 2 ) T > 25 mm
1/2 T
80% FSH ( 100% DAC )
100 %
40% FSH
( 5 0% DAC )
16 % FSH
(20 % DAC)
DAC Line
Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
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Front Surface
25 mm
Bottom Surface
0 25 50 75 100
Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
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(1) T < 25 mm
DAC 50 %
0 T/2
(2) T > 25 mm
DAC 50 %
DAC 20 %
0 T/4 3/4T
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0o Probe
Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
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COMPONENT : Butt welds - scanning from both sides as weldments and from one face
of parent metals
MATERIAL : Carbon Steel
MATERIAL THICKNESS : 13 mm and above
JOINT PREPARATION : Single Vee or bevel, full penetration weld, with or without backing
WELDING PROCESS : Fusion Welding
EQUIPMENT : Pulse Echo, A-Scan presentation
COUPLANT : Cellulose wallpaper paste and water solution, starch solution or any
water based solution may be used.
PROBE SELECTION : Frequency range 2.0 to 5.0 MHz
: Zero degree probe any dimension of transducer not to exceed 25
: Angle probe Transducer dimension in the range of 10mm
rectangular or circular in shape.
: Material thickness 6 mm to 19mm : 60 deg and 70 deg
Above 19mm : 45, 60 and 70 deg.
TIME BASE CALIBRATION : Zero degree probe At least twice the material thickness.
: Angle probe 100 mm across screen or 1-1/2 skip range
whichever is greater.
SENSITIVITY SETTING : Zero degree probe 1st back wall echo set to 80 % FSH.
: Angle probe Echo from side drilled hole from appropriate
calibration block set to DAC
CODE/SPECIFICATION : See par. 16 of this procedure specification.
0o Probe 0o Probe
Angle Probe Angle Probe
Backing Strip
No Access
Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
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COMPONENT : Butt welds - scanning from both sides of weldments and from both faces of
parent metals
MATERIAL : Carbon Steel
MATERIAL THICKNESS : 13 mm and above
JOINT PREPARATION : Single vee/ bevel or double vee/bevel
WELDING PROCESS : Fusion Welding
EQUIPMENT : Pulse Echo, A-Scan presentation
COUPLANT : Cellulose wallpaper paste and water solution, starch solution or any water
based solution maybe used
PROBE SELECTION : − Frequency range 2.0 to 5.0 MHz
− Zero degree probe any dimension of transducer not to exceed 25
− Angle probe transducer dimension in the range of 10 mm
rectangular or circular in shape.
− Material thickness 6 mm to 19 mm: 60deg & 70deg
Above 19 mm: 45, 60 and 70 deg
TIME BASE CALIBRATION : − Zero degree probe At least twice the material thickness.
− Angle probe 100 mm across screen or 1-1/2 skip range
whichever is greater
SENSITIVITY SETTING : − Zero degree probe 1st back wall echo set to 80% FSH.
− Angle probe Echo off side drilled hole appropriate calibration
block set to DAC.
CODE SPECIFICATION : See par. 16 of this procedure specification.
No Access
No Access
No Access
0o Probe
0o Probe
0 Probe
Angle Probe
Angle Probe
Angle Probe
0° Probe 0° Probe
Angle Probe
Angle Probe
Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
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Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
Revision no. : 00
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0o Probe
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0o Probe 0o Probe
Angle Probe Angle Probe
No Access
Procedure no. : RPD – UT – B31.3 - 04
Revision no. : 00
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Angle Probe
0o Probe
FACE "B" o
0 Probe if Accessible FACE "B" o
0 Probe if Accessible