Mapeh 4TH

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Fourth Quarter

Activity 1:
1. ballet
2. libretto
3. Opera
4. Zarzuela
5. Mon Faustino
6. Alfonso Puyat
7. True
8. more contemporary
9. through dance
10. through its powerful background orchestra music, emotional singing, and intense gestures and
facial expression of the actor

Activity 2. WATCH ME!

1. Noli Me Tangere (Ang Gabi ni Sisa)

2. What is the play all about?
3. How would you describe the mood in the video clip?
4. How does the idea/ story present on the video clip?

1. What have I learned from this module?
2. How would I apply it in my daily life?

Explaining Theatrical Elements

Activity 1:

Activity 2

Theatrical Element Explanation

1. Performers
2. Director
3. Music
4. Space
Design Aspects

1.What have I learned from this module?
2. What is the relevance of this lesson to my life?

Original Filipino Musical Plays and Western/Broadway Musical Plays

Activity 1
Broadway and western musical
are popular entertainment with themes and text which are generally light and easy to understand
Filipino Musicals
More recent development than on Broadway and the west end relying mostly on adaption of novels
literally works or biographical sketches of famous artist

They both play musical with famous artist\music

Activity 2: Let’s make it!

Directions: On our previous lessons, we have learned the different theatrical elements. Now, we are
going to apply what we have learned from the lesson of the whole quarter by creating appropriate
sound, music, gestures, movements and costumes using media and technology for a selected part of
musical play. Here are the instructions:

For the sound and music:

1. Choose one musical from among the lists of Philippine Musicals below.
2. Learn one song from an excerpt of the musical of your choice and practice singing it
3. You may use a minus one and play it using your phone or any gadget, or use a musical
instrument for your accompaniment.

For the costume and props:

1. Create appropriate costume of the musical of your choice.
You may use any available resources in your house such as curtain, own dress, chairs, available
instruments, etc

Activity 3: It’s Showtime!

Directions: Create a 5-minute music video performance replicating an excerpt musical play of your
choice from Activity 2. Use all theatrical elements you created from Activity 2 namely sound, music,
gestures, movements and costumes. Video record your performance using your cellphone, video
camera, laptop, or any gadget for capturing videos. Submit your output via Messenger. Please be
guided by the criteria below.

By organizing cultural festivals. By promoting local rock songs. By making publicity through media.
By including the subject matter about folk songs and music in the curriculum of schools and colleges.

“Elements of Art in Theater Play”

Activity 1. “Watch Me, I can do It”

1. My personal impression of the theater industry in the Philippines is unfortunate. Sad to note that the
theater industry in the Philippines is not thriving but dying despite the fact that we are home to a lot of
champions and talented people. Maybe the theater industry guidelines and practices have to be
2. I would love to attend a stage production of the various theater groups. My personal preference on
the type of play would be that of comedy because I love to watch comedic plays. Its impact on me is
quite therapeutic and I believe stage production is way more entertaining than the other forms of
3. I feel about the Philippine theater performer who have become stars on both the local and
international stage is amazed because I am also a Filipino citizen and I can feel the emotions of the
opera because of the gestures and others.
4. Yes. Theater is all about expressing one’s emotion in a creative and interesting way. It is also in
theater that we learn more about ourselves, how confident we are when performing in a vast crowd
and how we can show our real emotions.
5. Yes, if you need extra money Explanation: Because what if you don't have enough money to buy
food for yourself? You have to work for you part-time job to earn money, and if your parents are
giving you allowance, plus money to your part-time job. Just save a little money for later. You'll need

Activity 2. “Fix Me”


for me it is no, because i am just a beginner and it will not be easy, making or creating a musical play
with the elements of arts as applied to performance is very difficult for someone like me because I
know I still have a lot of practice before I can do it.

Original Performance with the Use of Media Roles in Stage Production

ACTIVITY 1: “Direct Me!”

• good judgement
• communication skills
• confidence
• discipline
They need excellent leadership qualities so they can lead their middle managers. Intelligence, people
skills and the ability to read situations and influence people are all necessary skills for directors and


ACTIVITY 2: “Write Me a Story!”

 The Grandmother. An irksome woman who lives with Bailey and his family. ...
 The Misfit. A wanted criminal who stumbles upon the family when they crash their car in the
woods. ...
 Bailey. The frazzled head of the family. ...
 John Wesley. A loud, obnoxious, eight-year-old boy. ...

The story takes place on and around back country roads in the South. The family lives in Atlanta and is
traveling through Georgia on their way to Florida. The family stops at a place called The Tower for
barbecue sandwiches, owned by a man named Red Sammy and his wife.

Body of the Story

The grandmother tries to convince her son, Bailey, and his wife to take the family to east Tennessee for
vacation instead of Florida. She points out an article about the Misfit, an escaped convict heading
toward Florida, and adds that the children have already been there. John Wesley, eight years old,
suggests that the grandmother stay home, and his sister, June Star, says nastily that his grandmother
would never do that.
On the day of the trip, the grandmother hides her cat, Pity Sing, in a basket in the car. She wears a dress
and hat with flowers on it so that people will know she is “a lady” if there’s an accident. In the car, John
Wesley says he doesn’t like Georgia, and the grandmother chastises him for not respecting his home
state. When they pass a cotton field, she says there are graves in the middle of it that belonged to the
plantation and jokes that the plantation has “Gone with the Wind.” Later, she tells a story about an old
suitor, Edgar Atkins Teagarden. Edgar brought her a watermelon every week, into which he carved his
initials, E. A. T. Once he left it on the porch and a black child ate it because he thought it said eat.
The family stops at a restaurant called the Tower, owned by Red Sammy Butts. Red Sammy complains
that people are untrustworthy, explaining that he recently let two men buy gasoline on credit. The
grandmother tells him he’s a good man for doing it. Red Sam’s wife says she doesn’t trust anyone,
including Red Sam. The grandmother asks her if she’s heard about the Misfit, and the woman worries
that he’ll rob them. Red Sam says, “A good man is hard to find.” He and the grandmother lament the
state of the world.
Back in the car, the grandmother wakes from a nap and realizes that a plantation she once visited is
nearby. She says that the house had six white columns and was at the end of an oak tree–lined
driveway. She lies that the house had a secret panel to make the house seem more interesting. Excited,
the children beg to go to the house until Bailey angrily gives in. The grandmother points him to a dirt
The family drives deep into the woods. The grandmother suddenly remembers that the house was in
Tennessee, not in Georgia. Horrified at her mistake, she jerks her feet. Pitty Sing escapes from the
basket and startles Bailey, who wrecks the car. The children’s mother breaks her shoulder, but no one
else is hurt. The grandmother decides not to tell Bailey about her mistake.
A passing car stops, and three men get out, carrying guns. The grandmother thinks she recognizes one
of them. One of the men, wearing glasses and no shirt, descends into the ditch. He tells the children’s
mother to make the children sit down because they make him nervous. The grandmother suddenly
screams because she realizes that he’s the Misfit. The man says it’s not good that she recognized him.
Bailey curses violently, upsetting the grandmother. The grandmother asks the Misfit whether he’d shoot
a lady, and the Misfit says he wouldn’t like to. The grandmother claims that she can tell he’s a good
man and that he comes from “nice people.” The Misfit agrees and praises his parents.
The grandmother continues telling him he’s a good man. The Misfit tells the other two men, Hiram and
Bobby Lee, to take Bailey and John Wesley into the woods. The grandmother adjusts her hat, but the
brim breaks off. The Misfit says he knows he isn’t good but that he isn’t the worst man either. He
apologizes to the grandmother and the children’s mother for not wearing a shirt and says that he and the
other men had to bury their clothes after they escaped. He says they borrowed the clothes they’re
wearing from some people they met.
The grandmother asks the Misfit whether he ever prays. Just as he says no, she hears two gunshots. The
Misfit says he used to be a gospel singer, and the grandmother chants, “pray, pray.” He says he wasn’t a
bad child but that at one point he went to prison for a crime he can’t remember committing. He says a
psychiatrist told him he’d killed his father. The grandmother tells the Misfit to pray so that Jesus will
help him. The Misfit says he’s fine on his own.
Bobby Lee and Hiram come back from the woods, and Bobby Lee gives the Misfit the shirt Bailey had
been wearing, but the grandmother doesn’t realize it’s Bailey’s. The Misfit tells the children’s mother to
take the baby and June Star and go with Bobby Lee and Hiram into the woods. Bobby Lee tries to hold
June Star’s hand, but she says he looks like a pig.
The grandmother starts chanting, “Jesus, Jesus.” The Misfit says he’s like Jesus, except Jesus hadn’t
committed a crime. He says he gave himself this name because his punishment doesn’t seem to fit the
crime people said he committed. A gunshot comes from the woods. The grandmother begs the Misfit
not to shoot a lady. Two more gunshots come from the woods, and the grandmother cries out for Bailey.
The Misfit says that Jesus confused everything by raising the dead. He says that if what Jesus did is
true, then everyone must follow him. But if he didn’t actually raise the dead, then all anyone can do is
enjoy their time on earth by indulging in “meanness.” The grandmother agrees that perhaps Jesus didn’t
raise the dead. The Misfit says he wishes he had been there so he could know for sure. The grandmother
calls the Misfit “one of my own children,” and the Misfit shoots her in the chest three times.
Bobby Lee and Hiram return, and they all look at the grandmother. The Misfit observes that the
grandmother could have been a good woman if someone had been around “to shoot her every minute of
her life.” The Misfit says life has no true pleasure.

ACTIVITY 3: “Watch Me!?!”

After watching the video, you are given the task to answer the following questions below using the 3-2-
1 Method.

3- Three things I’ve learned

❖ in the video that there are different tones of the music being played and accompanied by the actor as
he sings

2- Two interesting facts

1- One word to describe the presentation

“Media Art Performance: Art is free”

Activity 1: “Who me?”

1. Director 6. Crews
2. Producer 7. Stage manager
3. Actor 8. House manager
4. Crews 9. Playwright
5. Builders 10. Designer

Activity 2: “The Script”

IDEA (Whether it is an original or adapted idea): ____________________________


BUILD THE MAIN CONFLICT: _______________________________________________

WORLD BUILDING (design your own setting/ place):

1. Write a paragraph about your world, how does it look like? Consider all these
elements (technology, climate, nature and culture).
2. Think of your hero or your main character in this world (physical looks, behavior,
past story, wants, needs and obstacles):
3. What does your character want? What prevents your character from getting it?

CONCLUSION (How did the story end?):


“Role of a Character”

Activity 1
1. Producer 7. Sound Designer
2. Director 8. Production Manager
3. Play wright 9. Technical Director
4. Set Designer 10. Choreographer
1. Lighting Designer 11. Makeup Designer
2. Costume Designer

Activity 2:

1. B 6. C
2. H 7. A
3. J 8. E
4. F 9. G
5. D 10. I

Activity 3: “It’s My Time”

Title of Play: _______________________________________________________________

Producer/s: ________________________________________________________________
Director: __________________________________________________________________
Playwright/ Script Writer/s: ___________________________________________________
Set Designer/s: _____________________________________________________________
Lighting Designer/s: _________________________________________________________
Costume Designer/s: _________________________________________________________
Make-up Designer/: __________________________________________________________
Sound Designer/s: ___________________________________________________________
Production Manager: _________________________________________________________
Technical Director: __________________________________________________________
Choreographer: _____________________________________________________________
Main Actor/ Actress: ________________________________________________________
Setting: ____________________________________________________________________
Philippine Performing Group to work with: ________________________________________
Summary or brief history of the Story / Main story 1 paragraph only:


because I want to be my parents proud and give a story to them and I want to show to the world that we
have life in time of pandemic...

Conceptualizing and Writing Your Own Stage Play

Activity 1. Conceptualizing My Own Stage Play

1. My main character’s name is

2. The setting (olden, present or future times, or maybe mythical world) of the play
3. My main character’s strengths and weaknesses are
4.My main character’s enemy and/or his challenge is
5. My main character will overcome his enemy and/or challenge by

Activity 2. Writing My Own Stage Play

CHARACTERS (Main character, allies,

enemies or even deities)

Delivering Original Stage Performance with the Use of Media

Activity 1: It’s Showtime!

Directions: Conceptualize a simple one-minute skit or infomercial that aims to raise awareness about
COVID 19. Choreograph movements and gestures and improvise accompanying sounds and rhythm to
enhance the skit/infomercial through the use of technology. Has it filmed, checked by your teacher, and
uploaded in your Facebook account? Please be guided with the criteria below that will be used in
assessing your performance:

Activity 2. Lights-Camera-Action!

Directions: Imagine yourself to be a theater director-vlogger. Identify one scenario from the EL
FILIBUSTERISMO and improvise your own script and stage it as a play good for 3-5 minutes. You
may involve your family members as part of the production. Make sure that you apply the elements and
principles of arts applied to an original performance. Has it filmed and uploaded it in your Facebook
account? Your output will be assessed using the following criteria

Physical Education
Fourth Quarter – Module 1
Cheer dance
Lesson 1
What I Know

Suggested Food Nutrients/Vitamins/Minerals

For Breakfast oatmeal and water

Lunch Bread, raw veggies, fruit

Dinner Baked chicken, bread, apple, carrot sticks, yogurt

Activity 1: Eat, Drink and Love

Not recommendable Suggested Alternative Food and
Favorite Food Recommendable Why
milk / is high in calcium and other
Rice meals / hearty meals less in fats and
those with beans are
recommended for healthy doses
of carbohydrate and protein
/ They may not provide you with
Junk food enough energy during practice
or competition

Activity 3: Eat Right and Light

Macronutrien Food
1. Vitamin C  Orange, strawberry, kiwi, blackcurrants, broccoli,
brussels sprouts, potatoes.

2. Folic Acid  broccoli.

 brussels sprouts.
 leafy green vegetables, such as cabbage, kale, spring
greens and spinach.
 peas.
 chickpeas and kidney beans.
 liver
 breakfast cereals fortified with folic acid

3. Protein  lean meats – beef, lamb, veal, pork, kangaroo.

 poultry – chicken, turkey, duck, emu, goose, bush birds.
 fish and seafood – fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels,
oysters, scallops, clams.
 eggs.
 dairy products – milk, yoghurt (especially Greek
yoghurt), cheese (especially cottage cheese)

4. Fats  Red meat like beef, lamb, and pork.

 Skin-on chicken and other poultry.
 Whole-milk dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice
 Butter.
 Eggs.
 Palm and coconut oils

5. Iodine  Seaweed (nori, kelp, kombu, wakame)

 Fish, shellfish (cod, canned tuna, oysters, shrimp)
 Table salts labeled “iodized”
 Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt)
 Eggs.
 Beef liver.
 Chicken.

Lesson 2
Activity 4- Warm up Exercises (Part 1)
Walking lunges
Take a controlled step
forward with your right leg,
lowering your hips toward
the floor by bending both
knees to 90degree angles.
The back knee should point
toward but not touch the
ground, and your front knee
should be directly over the
Press your right heel into the
ground, and push off with
your left foot to bring your
left leg forward, stepping
with control into a lunge on
the other side.
Inclined push-ups
• Stand in front of your box or bench,
then squat or bend down and place
both hands on either side of it with your
fingers pointing forward. Your hands
should be about shoulder-width apart.
• Once your hands are in the right
position, step your body back into a
plank position, one leg at a time. Make
sure your body is in a straight line, your
head is aligned with your spine, and
that your lower back isn’t sagging
before continuing.
• Next, bend your arms to help you
slowly lower your chest toward the box.
Straighten your arms to bring yourself
back up into a straight line.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Jogging in Place
• Pump your arms as you jog. The
more you move your body, the more
calories you'll burn as you work out.
Engaging your arms is an effective way
to up the burn.
• Lift your knees higher to increase
your heart rate. If you want to really get
your heart pumping, you can bring your
knees up high — your thighs should be
parallel with the ground.
• Increase your speed as well. The
faster you jog in place, the more
intense your workout will be.

Activity 6 – Basic Cheer Motions

Beginning Stance Cheer Stance

Feet together, hands Feet more than

down shoulder
by the side in blades width apart,
hands down by the
side in blades
Low V High V

Arms extended down Arms extended up

forming a “V forming a “V”, relax
the shoulders

Touchdown Low
Arms extended
straight Arms extended
and parallel to each straight
other, fist facing in down and
parallel to each other,
fist facing in

Clasp Clap

Hands clasped Hands in blades at the

at the chin, elbows in
chin, elbows in

Tabletop Bow and Arrow

Arms bent at elbow, One arm extended to

fists in front of side
shoulders with other arm bent at
elbow in a half “T”
Overhead Clasp Low Clasp

Arms are straight Arms extended

above straight
the head in a clasp down in a clasp and
and slightly in front of the
slightly in front body
of the face

Punch L Motion

One arm extended One arm extended to

straight up, one arm the side with other
on hip in a fist arm
extended in a
punch motion,
(Left L shown)

Diagonal T Motion

One arm extended in Both arms extended

a high “V” and the straight
other arm extended out to the side and
in a low “V” (Right parallel
Diagonal shown) to the ground, relax
Half T Side Lunge

Both arms Lead leg bent with

parallel to the ground the knee over the
and bent at the ankle, back leg
elbows, fists straight, feet
into shoulders perpendicular to
each other

Front Lunge
Lead leg bent with the knee
over the ankle, back leg
straight, feet perpendicular
to each other

What’s More

Side lunge T motion

Tabletop High v
L motion Clasp
Punch Half t
Front lunge
Low clasp

Lesson 3
Activity 5- Warm up Exercises (Part 2)

Building Leg Strength

• Squats
• Stand with feet a little wider than hip width,
• toes facing front.
• Drive your hips back—bending at the knees
and ankles and pressing your knees slightly
open—as you…
Sit into a squat position while still keeping
your heels and toes on the ground, chest up
and shoulders back.
Strive to eventually reach parallel, meaning
knees are bent to a 90-degree angle.

Upper Body Strength

Push ups
• Get down on all
fours, placing
your hands
slightly wider
than your
• Straighten your
arms and legs.
• Lower your
body until your
chest nearly
touches the floor.
• Pause, then
push yourself
back up.
• Repeat.
Cardiovascular Endurance
Jogging in Place
• Pump your arms as you
jog. The more you move
your body, the more calories
you'll burn as you work out.
Engaging your arms is an
effective way to up the burn.
• Lift your knees higher to
increase your heart rate. If
you want to really get your
heart pumping, you can
bring your knees up high —
your thighs should be
parallel with the ground.
• Increase your speed as
well. The faster you jog in
place, the more intense your
workout will be.
What I Have Learned

Directions: Choreograph a simple combination of cheer motions and some basic stunts using any available
video recording gadgets to record your performance. Consider smooth flow, mastery of the stunts, and cheer
motions during the activity.

Lesson 4

What I Have Learned

1. Because, it's important that you warm up and stretch out in order to help prevent injury. When
you choose warm up and stretching routines, make sure you target the muscles you'll use while
2. yes, Cheerleading is a great cardio workout for your body, Cheers typically only last a couple
of minutes so it is necessary to repeat high-energy routines. it is not not only containing dance
but also tumbles, jumps and sometimes stunts, all which require great stamina specially to
maintain a big smile throughout the routine as well!
3. When I think of cheerleading, I think of a true sport that has taught me patience, teamwork,
compassion, acceptance, determination, and the true meaning of team.

Now that you already know the basic cheer motions and stunts, you should be ready in executing
them on your own with your choice of cheer dance music. Choreograph your own five-figure
routine. Take a camera, tablet, android phone or the likes if available. (If not, you may ask help
from your facilitator or friend) to record your performance. Base your performance on the
criteria given below.
Physical Education
Fourth Quarter – Module 2
Contemporary Dance
What I Know
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A


Activity 1

Contemporary is another word for “modern” or “current”. If something is contemporary, it belongs to
the here and now, the current. Contemporary dance is, therefore, always changing with the times and
developing, and takes its inspiration from many different modern forms of dance. It can be danced to
almost any style of music, and it can be mixed up with other dance forms such as street dance, ballet,
jazz dance, African and Asian dances, and other forms of exercise such as martial arts and yoga. It was
developed in the early 20th century as a reaction against the set rules and techniques of ballet.
Practicing contemporary dance involves learning a range of techniques and styles which are used in
dance classes, dance workshops and dance choreography, and exploring your creativity through
Pioneers of contemporary dance include Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and Merce Cunningham
because they broke the rules of the strict forms of ballet. These dancers/choreographers all believed that
dancers should have freedom of movement, allowing their bodies to freely express their innermost
feelings. It's important to note, however, that while Graham moved into what is now known as modern
dance, and Duncan's style was uniquely her own, Cunningham is often spoken of as the father of
contemporary dance.

What I Have Learned

It’s your time to shine! Now that you have learned another dance genre, you should be ready in
executing on your own the different dance styles and techniques of Martha Graham using your own
choice of music. Take a camera, tablet, android phone or the likes if available. (If not, you may ask help
from your facilitator or friend) to record your performance. You can also create your own routine. Ask
for assistance from family members that will act as spotters to ensure your safety in performing the
activity. Base your performance on the criteria given below.


What I Have Learned

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. B


Directions: Create a contemporary dance following Martha Graham’s dance techniques. Ask and
encourage your family members and friends to join you. You may record your performance with a
digital camera, tablet, or smartphone. If you have none, you may ask some help from your

Activity 1: WORD MAPPING

1.pharmacist care facility
3.public health
4.physical therapist
6.Social worker


1. yes because health science carreer is very important to all career





3. Occupational therapists help people overcome physical and mental problems that are the result of
disability, injury, ageing or illness. Occupational therapists provide practical advice and solutions
to enable people to live full, satisfying and independent lives.
Activity 3
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True

Activity 4: TALK ABOUT IT!

SELF-ASSESSMENT - I will discover my personal strength interests and skills through self-assessment to
align with my career choices
CAREER EXPLORATION-Wanted to achieve my body goals such doing a physical activity to ensure physical
and mentally fit
DECISION MAKING-Respect and discipline yourself, eliminate those bad influence decision that may affect
your goal.
PLAN OF ACTION-Plan of action is very important it may define why and how do you start your goal and
dream makes in reality. 

Make a visual representation of yourself as a health professional.

Health Career Plan

Activity 1: Guess who?

1. Pulmonologist 6. Geriatrician
2. Pediatrician 7. Gastroenterologist
3. Cardiologist 8. Gynecologist
4. Ophthalmologist 9. Urologist
5. Neurologist 10. Dermatologist

1. A pulmonologist is the best doctor for that
but if it's because of a psychological problem
then might as well see a psychologist or
psychiatrist for it.
2. Endocrinologist - Doctor of hormones.
Pathologist - Specialized in diseases
Obstetrics - Specialized in pregnancy and
Oncologist - Specialized in cancers and

Activity 2: Crossword Puzzle

Across: Down:
2. Hospital 1. Private
5. Voluntary 3. Extended
6. Government 4. Specialty
7. Walk-in 8. General
9. Teaching
10. Health
1. to care for people who otherwise may not get health care.
When not-for-profit hospitals address socioeconomic issues in the communities they serve, they help residents
to afford health insurance, reduce costs due to preventable and chronic conditions, and support their own
2.When not-for-profit hospitals address socioeconomic issues in the communities they serve, they help
residents to afford health insurance, reduce costs due to preventable and chronic conditions, and support their
own workforce needs.

Activity 3: Modified True or False

1. True
2. Medical insurance
3. Major medical insurance
4. Hospitalization insurance
5. True
6. Disability insurance
7. PhilHealth
8. True
9. True
10. Manulife

1. Diet. Eat plenty of fresh, non-processed foods, drink 64 ounces of water every day, and limit
caffeine and alcohol intake.
Exercise. ...
Sleep. ...
Socialization. ...
Have a primary care physician
2. Edit Health insurance is an insurance that covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person
incurring medical expenses, spreading the risk over numerous persons. By estimating the
overall risk of health risk and health system expenses over the risk pool, an insurer can develop
a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to provide the money to
pay for the health care benefits specified in the insurance agreement.[1] The benefit is
administered by a central organization such as a government agency, private business, or not-
for-profit entity.

Edit Health insurance is an insurance that covers the whole or a part of the risk of a person incurring
medical expenses, spreading the risk over numerous persons. By estimating the overall risk of health
risk and health system expenses over the risk pool, an insurer can develop a routine finance structure,
such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to provide the money to pay for the health care benefits
specified in the insurance agreement.[1] The benefit is administered by a central organization such as
a government agency, private business, or not-for-profit entity. According to the Health Insurance
Association of America, health insurance is defined as "coverage that provides for the payments of
benefits as a result of sickness or injury. It includes insurance for losses from accident, medical
expense, disability, or accidental death and dismemberment


Activity 1: Health Care Careers

1. H
2. E
3. D
4. F
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. I
9. J
10. A

Activity 2: Celebrity Bluff- Student’s Edition


Activity 3: Rubric for scoring for activity no. 3

Health informatics is the practice of acquiring, studying and managing health data and applying medical concepts in
conjunction with health information technology systems to help clinicians provide better healthcare.

Planning for a Health Career

Activity 1: THINK ABOUT IT

Career path I am interested to do Personal qualities that describe me School subjects that I like

doctor Patient, hardworking

Mapeh, math

1. I’m interested in doctor skill because I know a lot about it.

2. Yes. Because these personal qualities are the qualities needed in my chosen health career.
3. We have learned from our previous subject such our major subject especially in our health because science is 
the number one subjectvthat health doctors need.

Activity 2: TIME TO DECIDE

health career that interest me - Physician
Pros- Have high salary and I can diagnose patients.
Cons- My time will be more focus on my work.

1.good verbal and written communication skills. active listening skills. empathy, respect, tact, and a
non-judgemental, persuasive, reassuring approach. positivity and a supportive and motivating
approach.Apart from the potential increase in salary, being a medical professional also has personal
satisfaction benefits. Know that you are helping people get better is very self-fulfilling.
2.The health career fulfills both my current and future goals was teaching, through teaching I can voice
out what is on my mind and shares my ideas and knowledge on my students for them to realize how
important education was in our life.
3. Psychologist because it helps people in large part because it can explain why people act the way they
do. With this kind of professional insight, a psychologist can help people improve their decision
making, stress management and behavior based on understanding past behavior to better predict future
behavior. All of this can help people have a more successful career, better relationships, more self-
confidence and overall better communication.

Activity 3: LET’S FIND OUT

• Introduction
• Job Title
• Nature of Work (What do you do?)
• Duties and responsibilities
• Working Conditions (office, outdoors, team, alone)
• Employment (Where are the jobs?)
• Training: Qualifications, and Advancement
• Job Outlook
• Earnings
• Related Occupations
• Source used

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