Weekly Learning Plan Q1 Week 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Occidental Mindoro
_________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Weekly Learning Plan
Quarter: Grade level: 7
Week: 4
MELCs: Distinguish mixtures from substances on a Learning Area: Science
set of properties
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
1 At the end of the lesson, Pure Substance Begin with classroom routine:
students will be able to: a. Prayer
 define pure b. Reminder of the classroom health and
substance; safety protocols
 describe pure c. Checking of attendance
substance based on
a set of properties;
and A. Recall
 relate the Ask the students to classify the substances
importance of pure shown in pictures whether those are
substance in real – elements or compounds and let them state
life situations their reasons.

B. Motivation
Present a set of jumbled letters and let the
students guess the words.

C. Presenting Examples
Present the correct words and let the
students define each word.
2 D. Discussion of concepts #1
 Instruct the students to study the
figure on page 10 of Module 3 and
answer the guide questions.
 Discuss the properties of pure
E. Discussion of concept #2
 Instruct the students to study the
table and scenario on page 11.
 Let the students present their
answers and discuss the concept
behind the activity.

F. Developing Mastery
 Instruct the student to identify the
pure substances among given
substances on page 12.
 Instruct the students to read the
paragraph on page 12 and answer
the questions.
3 Ask the learners to read their Science SLM – Two
Worlds Apart: Pure Substances vs. Mixtures, then
accomplish the given activities in a separate sheet
of paper.

 What I Can Do, page 13

Directions: Identify at least five (5) pure
substances found in nature, in the
supermarket, grocery store and even at
your home. Use the table on page 13 to
explain your answer based on appearance,
separating techniques, boiling and melting
4  Assessment, page 14-17
Directions: Read each item carefully.
Write only the letter of the correct answer
for each question.
1. A gaseous material has a strong smell,
evaporates quickly, particularly boils at -
33.34˚C and melts at -77.73˚C. This matter
can be classified as ________.
a. metal
b. mixture
c. solution
d. substance

2. Sodium chloride dissolves in water very

well. Which is NOT TRUE in the
following statements?
a. Water is a pure substance.
b. Sodium chloride is a pure substance.
c. Dissolving sodium chloride with water
produces a mixture.
d. Dissolving sodium chloride with water
produces a new substance.
All the activities in the SLM may be assigned to the learners to accomplish for the Home-Based Activities. The teacher may choose and add relevant activities that will enrich
the Face-to-Face discussions.
Prepared by:


Teacher I Teacher III

Noted by:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher III

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