LeanIX WhitePaper The EA of Tomorrow en
LeanIX WhitePaper The EA of Tomorrow en
LeanIX WhitePaper The EA of Tomorrow en
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Q3 2022
2025 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q3
P3 Introduction
P14 Conclusion
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
This white paper will:
An Enterprise Architect’s (EA) role is elaborate
and extremely dynamic. They deliver great value
• Explain the factors that shape
to an enterprise — cutting down IT complexity and
costs by aligning concerns, technology tools, and
the role of the EAs
strategic business goals. EAs spent vast amounts
• Describe the five most important
of time producing exhaustive, idealistic plans based
on excessive amounts of analysis, slow timelines, traits high-performing EAs must
and rigid conceptual models. Such plans were often possess
impractical to execute and were less adaptable to
the changing business environment. • Offer practical insights for
developing and applying the five
But the rapid expansion of the technologies and
digital methodologies, including cloud native, agile
and DevOps practices, as well as the shift from
monolithic to microservices have created a need for
a more flexible, data-driven, and pragmatic enterprise
architecture. Business success is suddenly being dictated
by new drivers such as digitization and agility, which
has forced traditional EA practices into obsolescence.
To be successful, the EAs of tomorrow must develop
the knowledge and skills to stay relevant in the age
of digital and business transformation. They are the
new superstars for driving strategic IT changes in
the enterprise. The EAs who own the right traits will
enable their enterprises to scale up and quickly meet
the speed and demands required by digital
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
The practice of enterprise architecture has changed cloud must be top of mind, with EAs as the glue that
drastically, from a supporting one into a leading one, helps tie all disparate IT threads together.
since it first emerged in the late 1980s. As enterprises
strive to become more agile, the role of IT has changed. In a cloud native environment, the large number of
IT is now perceived as a key contributor to business granular components scaling at an exponential rate (e.g.
enablement whereas it was once seen as a cost center. Amazon’s website uses more than 100,000 microservices)
It is now less about individual technologies, and more makes it difficult to inventory these components
about technology-enabled business models and manually, track their relationship to business capabilities,
solutions. and visualize their dependency to other components.
Increased incidents of cloud configuration mistakes
Enterprises no longer expect their EAs to be focused cause unexpected outages and take longer to analyze
on IT standards, structure, and control, but rather want and solve in an obscured IT landscape.
them to fulfill the business needs of flexibility, innovation,
and collaboration. In addition to the conventional Furthermore, the cloud native environment is
challenges of managing and controlling the IT characterized by decentralized teams, which makes
landscape, new challenges such as cybersecurity it difficult to share critical information due to the
and expanding cloud sprawl have also emerged. This unavailability of suitable processes and efficient tools
adds to the EAs' responsibilities and simultaneously to support those processes. All this has a detrimental
provides more opportunities to contribute to the success impact on the whole IT decision making process and has
of the enterprise. the potential to snowball into catastrophic decisions for
the business. The success of cloud native will to a large
One such technology from which hardly any organization extent depend on how enterprises create transparency
has remained untouched is cloud transformation. As IT of their hybrid IT (on-premise and cloud IT) landscape
infrastructure progressively moves towards the cloud, for stakeholders and promote a collaborative culture
enterprises need to understand not only the business to meet changing fundamentals in technology and
value of developing and deploying cloud native business. On the next page, Table 1 lists some changes to
applications but also how to deal with the strategic the IT landscape caused by cloud transformation and the
IT management challenges in multi-cloud and hybrid challenges it poses for EAs.
cloud environments. Enterprise architecture for the
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
Table 1
Challenges of Moving from an On-premise to Cloud Native IT Environment
Considering the above challenges, EAs need to develop • Bridging an enterprise’s current and future state
their abilities to be successful in creating value to the objectives
enterprise and stay relevant in these tumultuous times.
Some of the areas where EAs can add value are: • Managing current cloud-based systems and ensuring
that disparate cloud systems fit with the legacy
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
There are five characteristics the enterprise architects of tomorrow must possess if they are to be
successful. These traits include the ability to be strategic and think like a business leader, be agile,
embrace data to make decisions, and be an EA evangelist within the organization (see Figure 1).
Figure 1
Five Traits of Tomorrow’s Enterprise Architect
3. Agile Thinker
5. Evangelist
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
EAs of the future must track systems and processes future state of their target IT architecture quickly while
that exist and keep a sharp lookout for the imminent understanding the needs of the business. These EAs not
challenges and opportunities ahead. They must quickly only propose and investigate possible resolutions but
grasp, store, structure, and analyze information that remain helpful and accessible, offering supplemental
could help solve an oncoming problem or even prevent support until a solution is reached.
one before it occurs. They must develop a long-term
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
Figure 2
Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture
User User
interface interface
Micro- Micro-
service service
Layer Micro- Micro-
service service
Data Base Data Base Data Base Data Base Data Base
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
Agile Thinker
EAs are slowly moving away from a supporting role to peers. They also have 2,604 times faster ‘time to recover
a leading one. More and more EAs are participating in from incidents’ and a 7 times lower change failure rate.
and directing their enterprise's business prioritization,
strategic roadmap planning and optimization, portfolio Once shifted over from the “Ivory Tower” mindset to an
management, and product management activities. agile mindset, EAs can actively map out systems and
processes that foster high project deliverable rates,
Agility has become a key characteristic of top- generate quick results, and produce critical business
performing EAs of tomorrow. An important EA goal is outcomes while supporting the important requirements
to implement enterprise-wide agile methodologies like security, data privacy, and compliance.
and agile operating models to speed up software
deployment timelines. For instance, EAs can explore Their approaches are complementary. The
agile development using scrum frameworks for harmonization between architecture and agile teams
completing complex projects. Originally designed for can contribute to the delivery of successful projects
software development projects, it works well for any aligned to corporate strategies. Figure 3 shows the EA
complex, innovative scope of work. approach for digital transformation, embedded into
agile development methods. The macro cycle defines
Over the years, agile software development the architecture of the entire enterprise while in the
accentuated by DevOps methodologies has empowered micro cycle, single functions are implemented and
enterprises to develop and release services at a rapid tested. An ideal architecture provides the EA room
rate. According to a recent State of DevOps report, for new ideas without considering legacy systems or
high-performing enterprises deploy code to production strategic restrictions. Afterward, the real architecture is
208 times more frequently than their low-performing derived from the ideal architecture
Figure 3
Agile Enterprise Architecture for Digital Transformation
Digital Business
Architecture Built
Source: Enterprise Architectures for the Digital Transformation in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, David Goerzig and Thomas Bauernhansl, 2017
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
High performing EAs are on top of up-to-date Figure 4 shows the customizable LeanIX dashboard
analytics, prove hypotheses with data, regularly A/B with key architecture KPIs. The flexible dashboards
test the practicality of current systems, and make assist organizations with turning data stored in their EA
decisions only from admissible data. In today’s world of inventories into actionable insights. The user-friendly
information overload, the real task for EAs is to filter the functionality gives LeanIX users fast and easy access to
data, determine what is useful to them, and use it in a new and pending actions and information, simplifying
meaningful way. workflows and creating more efficient processes and
robust actions. The dashboard allows a swift real-
The SaaS-based LeanIX Enterprise Architecture time overview of the most important statistics of your
Management has revolutionized the enterprise architecture. This results in developing measurable
architecture practice of more than 300 enterprises improvements in the EA initiatives. Without access to
around the globe. By providing a flexible data model, current EA data, enterprises tend to suffer from bad
making it easier to collaborate between different decision making, lost communications, neglected issues,
stakeholders, and delivering instant reporting slow response times, and disorganized efforts.
Figure 4
LeanIX Dashboard Illustrates Key Architecture KPIs
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
Whereas EAs of the past were seen as data collectors in 2018 while Kubernetes adoption has grown to 48%
creating far-flung models for various project teams, EAs enterprises, up from 27% percent in the same period
of the future must see a benefit in constant application as stated in the Right Scale 2019 State of the Cloud
changes - and be able to convince teams to test out Report. Forward-thinking EAs of tomorrow will take this
new processes regularly. Evangelistic EAs can select information, research how cloud native technologies will
one important topic that would benefit the company provide opportunities or threats to their organization,
whether it is cloud native transformation, AI, DevOps, IoT, build a broad understanding of the business impacts
microservices, etc., and champion and strongly advocate of these emerging technologies, expose the challenges
for its cause. they will pose to the enterprise, and devise solutions to
tackle those challenges. By thoroughly researching the
One hot topic for most industries is cloud transformation. technology and the resulting ideation, evangelical EAs
Cloud native technologies such as containers and can provide both IT leaders and business leaders with
Kubernetes are continuously rising in adoption across more than just a list of “cool” set of technology ideas
a wide range of industries. Docker containers are (see Table 2).
now being used by 57% of enterprises, up from 49%
Table 2
Differences Between Past and Future Enterprise Architects
Deals mostly with on-premise IT Deals with hybrid IT (on-premise and cloud IT)
Is considered a technical professional with little Has mastered both technical as well as business
business acumen acumen
Is more concerned about controlling and Has eyes on achieving business goals. Controlling
standardization and standardization are still important but are
not allowed to interfere with business agility
Uses legacy EA tools, more focused on drawing Uses modern data-driven EA tools with relevant
features with almost no integration capabilities to APIs to connect to the broader IT management
other tools ecosystem
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
Having understood the factors that are shaping enterprise architecture and the traits that will be
required to be successful in this new world, let’s explore how these essential traits of the future EA
can be cultivated.
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
White Paper The Enterprise Architect of Tomorrow
EAs with tunnel vision on long-term plans and conceptual among various communities of stakeholders. They strive
processes don’t provide as much value to their teams to master the five traits expected of EAs to make a
and underutilize their potential. The EAs of the future measurable impact on their enterprises. Above all, they
architect the organization’s IT landscape to meet understand the fact that the world is not static, and their
the requirements of the digital age. They understand role will continuously evolve with the changing business
business and IT to drive a transformation conversation needs.
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This document is current at the time of its initial publication. LeanIX GmbH reserves the right to alter it at any time.
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