3MS Lesson 03 - Ghoues Amine

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Sequence One

Bougandoura Taher Middle School

First Sequence
Me, My Abilities, My
Interests and My

Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, learners will be able to PDP
Lesson 03 infer someone’s personality and write about themselves using frequency adverbs
“always/never” and personality adjectives.

Lesson Focus: Language Learning and Use

Target Competencies : Interact- Interpret- Produce
Domains: Oral- Written- both
Target Structure: Frequency adverbs (always, never, sometimes) and adjectives representing personality features.
Materials: WB- Profile Forms- handouts (questionnaire)- Flash Cards

Cross-curricular Competencies Core Values

1- Intellectual Competency: - Being interested in people.

- Learners can use their critical thinking skills. - Being interested in nature.
- They can understand and interpret verbal - Being honest when describing someone’s personality features.
and non-verbal messages.
2- Methodological competency:
- Learners can work in pairs or in small
- They can assess their work and peers.
- They can use strategies for listening and
interpreting oral discourse.
- They can develop effective study methods
and mobilise their resources efficiently and
manage their time rationally.
3- Communicative Competency:
- They can fill in forms.
- They can process digital data.

4- Personal and Social Competencies:

- -Learner is keen on knowing about others’
- Learner socialises through oral messages.

CONTEXT: Here’s a Skype conversation between two users, Johnny and Clara.

Hello, Johnny. I am Clara, I am 16 and I am Spanish. I am patient and ambitious. I am

not nervy at all and all people find me kind and easy-going.

Hi there! I am Johnny. I’m 19, I’m British. I think I am cool and relaxed. I am also
curious. I like playing ping pong a lot! I am very skilful at it.
Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives VAKT
Teacher’s role Learners’ role
-Teacher greets learners -Learners respond
and writes the date.
-Teacher pins on the WB a -Learners look at the profile
Warm-up Eliciting topical lexis.
profile of a person and try to interpret it and
containing personal respond to the teacher’s
information. question.
Full Name: Adalbert Spearman

Age: 26

Nationality: German

Gender: Male

Level: Masters Degree

Interests: Personality Features:

-Website designer eager- calm- perseverant

-Hunting creative- witty

Pre- Teacher asks learners: Learners respond to the L/T

listening -What can you find in this question. Eliciting Information.
05’ profile? AV

Personal Information:
Age/Gender/ Level
Personal Features:

During The teacher invites learners Learners listen to the Listening and answering A+V+T
Listening to listen to the conversation conversation and answer the L/T questions.
25’ displayed in context above questions before writing Checking their
(Clara and Johnny) and do down the script. understanding.
the first task.
TASK 1: I listen and answer
the questions.
-How many people are Learners check and correct
speaking? their mistakes if any.
-What are they like?
First Name

Teacher invites them to

check their answers and Last Name V+A
correct afterwards.
L Listening and complete
TASK 2: I fill in Clara’s and Nationality L/L information
Johnny’s Profiles.
Country : Checking their answers
Teacher invites each pair to and assess them in pairs.
check their answers
together. Age :

Sex :
Here the teacher plays an audio Learners listen to the
file for interview between Adamou conversation and do task
and Maria. 3.
T/L Listening and crossing
TASK 3: I listen to the BBC
Interview (Part 2) and cross out the wrong information.
the Adamou’s information. (Task
13 Page 14).

TASK 4: I circle the words that

describe Clara’s personality.

CLARA’S PROFILE Getting the right

Learners circle the words information. VA
Personality Features:
that describe Clara’s L
She’s: personality.

Cool- nervous- relaxed- witty-

curious- calm- patient-

Post -Teacher provides learners with -Learners do the task by Interpreting results
Listening questionnaire and ask them completing the from questionnaire
20’ exchange theirs in pairs to questionnaire. T/L
interpret the results.
-Learners deduce the
Task 5: results of their partners
and choose the best
A: I complete the questionnaire. adjectives that describe L/L
B: I deduce and circle the best their personality.
adjectives describing my partner. -Learners write a short Writing a report about
C: I write a short report about my report about their one’s personality
partner’s personality. partners’ personality. features.
The Quote of the Day:
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and
look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”
―Bruce Lee




1- Can you wait an hour at the bus station?

Yes, I........................ . No, I......................... .
2- Are you interested in meeting new people and talking to them?
Yes, I........................ . No, I........................... .
3- Do you get angry easily?
Yes, I........................ . No, I........................... .
4- Do you always get on time to school?
Yes, I ....................... . No, I............................
5- Is you room always tidy?
Yes, It....................... . No, It.......................... .
6- Do you always revise your lessons at home?
Yes, I......................... . No, I.......................... .
7- Will you throw rubbish in the public garden?
Yes, I......................... . No, I.......................... .


1- Patient- impatient
2- Sociable- friendly- unfriendly
3- Cool- nervous- calm
4- Punctual- careless
5- Messy- tidy
6- deligent- lazy
7- respectful- disrespectful towards environment










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