Planeación Ingles Transición

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Febrero 8 de 2020 Estimado docente su planeación ha sido revisada, por favor no repetir semanas dado que en el momento de
emitir boletines genera error.
• Vocabulary.
• Evaluation.
• Sociolinguistics.
# Objective
1 Students can introduce themselves in a group.
2 Pupils can demonstrate their ability to greet each other.
3 Students can name and describe different classroom objects and toys.
4 Pupils can indicate and talk about location.
5 Students make use of idioms and expressions.
# Objective
1 Make use of the correctly grammar to say her/ his name, age, and school.
2 Identify the different ways to say “Hello!”
3 Recognize school supplies in their environment.
4 Employ preposition to talk about location.
5 Understand idioms and expressions meaning about emotions and feelings.
# Week Objective Affective phase Cognitive phase Expressive phase Evaluative Instrument
1 1 I n t r o d u c e What does your name Introduce myself and Introduce myself and Argumentative speech
themselves and mean? ask about personal ask about personal and oral skills:
a s k a b o u t information: information:
p e r s o n a l The teacher will ask to Each student will be
information. each student a piece of Pupils will complete a The miss will create evaluated by ask and
paper. Later, they would poster about t h e i r secret partners and give a n s w e r personal
ask to their parent personal information in each one a fruit. information.
What’s the meaning of their notebook.
their name? During the exercise the
In group they will miss will say oranges,
Each student will create p r a c t i c e e x p r e s s i o n s it’s your time!
a poster with their and grammar. E.g., My The two pupils how are
creativity and show it up name is “Laurent”. oranges are going to
to their classmates. ask and answer about
personal information.

Each student will

complete pages 4 and 5
from Kid’s Box 1 book.
2 2 Understand and Action race: Count and colors: Count and colors: Argumentative speech
use numbers from and oral skills:
1 to 10 and colors The miss will
use T h e i r miss should Each student will
through listening actions like jump,
hop, prepare before the class develop the listening Each student will be
exercises. clap, run etc. a slideshow with some exercise from pages 6 evaluated by ask and
objects, where she and 7. answer personal
Each student will use a could ask about colors information.
chair at the end in and quantity. E.g., How
his/her room. Their Miss many blue cars can you
will say the action and see?
students must jump to
the chair on the other They will make use of
side of the room and n u m b e r s card to
back, sitting down in answer.
their chair students say,
"I can jump".

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3 3 Identify /s/ sound Different ways to say The /s/ sound: Counting exercises: Argumentative speech
in some simple hello: and oral skills:
words. The teacher will play Each pupil will get a
The miss will star her some online flashcard pack of gums. Each student will be
Follow classroom class with a puppet, she with the sound s, each evaluated by ask and
commands easily. will introduce it. student will repeat it and The teacher will play the a n s w e r personal
develop the exercise “Little penguins’ song” information.
But she stars to explain number 8 from page 8. and they will use the
that he can not gums to represent the
understand HELLO, so Commands: quantity that can listen.
she will show them a
slide show with different The miss will give Finally, they will develop
ways to greet and instructions to find some the page 9 in their Kid’s
answer about their objects in magazines as Box 1.
emotional state now. a race, later each
student will follow some
It’s important classify in classroom commands
the slideshow according and complete the charts
to the time and mood. in their notebook.
Finally, they will develop
the listening exercise 9
in the page 8.
4 4 Identify a n d Art gallery: Vocabulary: School Vocabulary; S c h o o l Argumentative speech
describe different supplies. supplies. and oral skills:
c l a s s r o o m Each student will get a Pupils will be evaluated
objects. board near them. The Miss will make a Each student w i l l by oral skills to name and
hangman game where carefully followdescribed school
Teacher calls out a word they will guess the word instructions to develop supplies in English.
and the students draw it according to a simple pages 10 and 11 in their
(could be simple nouns description given before Kid’s Box 1.
e.g., "dog, bookcase, star.
train", verb structures During this activity they
e.g., "draw a man The grade will be will review vocabulary
running, eating cake, divided in two teams about colors and
sleeping") or adjectives (Girls vs boys) how the numbers.
("draw a big elephant, an less points, they should
angry lion, an expensive make a penance.
diamond ring"). Each
student will get a score
from her/his picture, later
the Miss moves on to the
next picture. The student
with the highest score at
the end is the winner.
5 5 Identify a n d Airplane competition: Vocabulary: School Listening exercise: Listening skills:
describe different supplies Each student will be
c l a s s r o o m First, students make Each pupil will follow evaluated by understand
objects. some paper airplanes. E a c h student will instructions by their listening exercises in
The students will be in a discriminate the school miss to develop pages his/her Kid's Box 1 book.
line near to the screen. s u p p l i e s in their 12 and 13 in their Kid’s
So, they are going to fly environment. Fina l l y , Box 1.
their planes. For the they will complete an
competition, the teacher activity in their notebook Keep in mind, each
will assign different where they would make student will follow the
classroom o b j e c t s a psychomotor exercise. listening to develop the
points (e.g., table 5 (Color and trace) exercise by themselves.
points, door 10 points,
trash can 20 points).
She will give an adverb
or a verb and if s/he
answers correctly then
s/he can throw and try to
hit one of the target
objects to win points.

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6 6 Identify and make Attention: Phonics /p/ and /b/: Listening exercise: Color Phonics:
the /b/ and /p/ The Miss will call out and numbers.
sound. commands such as: The miss will show to Student will be assessed
Attention, salute, march the students some Each student will listen by discriminated the /s/
in place...stop, sit down, slideshows, where she the audio from the CD’S sound.
stand up, walk in a focuses the pupils on workbook and develop
circle, clap y o u r the /p/ and the /b/ sound the point 9 in the page
hands...stop, run in at the begging of each 14.
place...stop, j u m p i n g word.
jacks...stop, swim in It is important that each
place.... stop, etc. At first Each student will create student evaluate their
students will copy the two popsicles one with knowledge about school
miss but later, they pink and letter P and the supplies through page
should be able to do the other blue with the letter 15.
commands without you. B.

Subsequently, their Complementary activity:

teacher will show them
some flashcards with In family, each student
the phonics seen, the will develop the page 16
must show their and 17. Each parent will
popsicles according to be lookout for student’s
what phonic they listen. communicative skills to
ask about personal
7 7 Review the topics Dance time: Hokey Platform time: Quiz game:
seen during the pokey.
last two weeks. The teacher will ask to Each student with help
The teacher will explain the parents get the code from their parent must
the simple movements from the platform and organize a obstacle
for Hokey pokey and the complete some online track, there will be 3
students will sing and games from unit 1 to 2. sections where they
dance following their should answer
teacher. During the class they questions about topics
will solves s o m e seen during the classes.
exercise as a team.
8 8 Making use of Weird questions: Idioms: Creativity: Pragmatic: Idioms and
idioms in their expressions.
daily. The teacher will make The miss will make use Each student will create
some questions weird of Spanish expression a draw where they could S t u d e n t s will be
as: to introduce the English make use of one evaluated by make use of
Can you be over the ones. expression seen during idioms and expressions
moon? Can you walk on the class. meaning about emotions
the air? She will show them how and feelings.
we can make use of Later, they will get some
The miss will show expression to talk about minutes to explain to
them a puppet to create happiness feelings. her/his classmates why
a conversational time they used it?
about happiness.
9 9 Name and ask Vocabulary bingo: Grammar: My favorite toy U n d e r s t a n d i n g Argumentative speech
question about is… vocabulary a n d and oral skills:
different toys. The teacher days before recognize vocabulary:
will send bingo cards Each student will show Each student will be
with toys vocabulary. to the class their favorite S t u d e n t will f o l l o w evaluated by ask and
toy and explain how can instructions to complete a n s w e r personal
During the class, each he/she play with them? the exercises in pages information.
student will be focused 18 and 19 from their
on the cards that teacher While the partners are Kid’s Box 1.
shows up, t h e explaining they draw
competitor how needs 2 their favorite toy in
spaces to win will say his/her notebook.
I’m near and how full
totally the card will say
BINGO out loud.

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10 10 Making use of Can you actions: Spatial a w a r e n e s s : Listening skills: Listening skills:
preposition to talk Prepositions of place. Each student will be
about location. In this game the teacher Each student will evaluated by understand
will name some actions develop the exercises listening exercises in
asking, "Can you...?" The Miss demonstrates suggested by their Kid’s his/her Kid's Box 1 book.
They will answer saying and teach t h e Box book in the pages
"Yes, I can" "No, I can't". prepositions u s i n g 20 and 21.
E.g. Ask a student “Can actions:
you cross your eyes?". If - On the left hand on
the student replies "Yes, the right closed fist.
I can" then say "Ok, go!" - In: Two fingers of
and the girl or boy does the left hand are gripped
the action. If they say in the fisted right hand.
"No, I can't" say "Too - Under: The left hand
bad. Ok, can you is flat next to the fisted
(wiggle)?". right hand.

Finally, they will play

Simon’s says making
use of a ball to correctly
r e p r e s e n t t h e
11 11 Saying w h e r e What’s in? Notebook activity: M a k e u s e o f Argumentative speech
things are using prepositions: and oral skills:
prepositions o f The teacher will put in a During the class each
location box some mystery student will develop a Each student will play on Each student will be
objects, they will ask to simple exercise in their their online platform evaluated by made use of
the students what can notebook according to making correct use of prepositions of location.
be in? the preposition: (In, on prepositions.
and under).
Before the teacher
shows up the object, the
students will make a
draw about their
12 12 Identify and make If I sing, I learn. Phonic warmer: Listening skills: Phonics:
the /t/ and /d/
sound. The miss will star with a The teacher is going to Each student w i l l Student will be assessed
dynamic called: How elicit the word and stick develop the exercises by discriminated the /t/
took the cookie? flashcards on the board. suggested by their Kid’s and /d/ sound.
Each student will follow She is going to ask Box book in the pages
the rhythm and make the What’s the sound for 22 and 23.
correct answer to their today?
The student will identify
from the TRAIN and
DOLL card.

Finally, they will develop

the point 8 from the
page 22.
13 13 Review the topics Dance time: Hokey Platform time: Quiz game: Technology skills:
seen during the pokey. Cambridge Platform.
last two weeks. The teacher will ask to Each student with help
The teacher will explain the parents get the code from their parent must Each student will get a
the simple movements from the platform and organize a obstacle score for advancing in
for Hokey pokey and the complete some online track, there will be 3 their platform.
students will sing and games from unit 1 to 2. sections where they
dance following their should answer
teacher. During the class they questions about topics
will solves s o m e seen during the classes.
exercise as a team.
14 14 Evaluate their oral, E v i d e n c e - b a s e d t e s t The teacher will evaluate The teacher will evaluate The teacher will evaluate
listening a n d model: the knowledge acquired the knowledge acquired the knowledge acquired
reading skills. The teacher will evaluate during the term. during the term. during the term.
the knowledge acquired
during the term.
Porcentaje de notas 100%
# Title Description Date %
1 Argumentative Each student will be evaluated by ask and answer personal information. 2021-02-19 10
speech and
oral skills:

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2 Argumentative Pupils will be evaluated by oral skills to name and describe school supplies in 2021-02-26 10
speech and English.
oral skills:
3 Listening skills: Each student will be evaluated by develop listening exercises 10, 12 and 14 pages 2021-02-26 10
School in his/her Kid's Box 1 book.
4 Pragmatic: Students will be evaluated by made use of idioms and expressions meaning about 2021-03-05 10
Idioms and emotions and feelings.
5 Technology Each student will get a score for advance in their platform, notebook and book. 2021-03-19 5
skills and
6 Phonics: Student will be assessed by discriminated the /s/, /b/,/d/,/t/, and /p/ sounds. 2021-03-19 10
7 Evaluate their oral, listening and reading skills. 2021-03-26 20
test model
8 Self-assessme Each student will be evaluated by themselves according to their effort and 2021-03-26 5
nt. responsibility.
9 Argumentative Pupils will be evaluated by oral skills to name and describe toys in English. 2021-03-12 10
speech and
oral skills:
10 Listening skills: Each student will be evaluated by develop listening exercises 18, 20 and 22 pages 2021-03-12 10
Toys.. in his/her Kid's Box 1 book.

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