Final Examination in The Teaching Profession

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Republic of the Philippines


Carigara Campus
Carigara, Leyte
Name:Leo Cordel Jr. Course, Year & Section BSED SCIENCE 3C Date:June 9 2022 Score: ______

Test I. Answer TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong on the space provided.

_______ 1. Special hardship allowances of professional teachers is equivalent to at least ten percent of their monthly
salary for those who qualify.
_______ 2. Teachers enjoy free medical examination even after retirement.
_______ 3. Teachers entitled to a study leave for one year after minimum ten years of teaching.
_______ 4. Teachers may enjoy full compensation allowed for one year study leave on condition that the teachers
takes the regular study load and passes at least seventy-five percent of his courses without any condition.
_______ 5. Teachers may be entitled to a study leave of more than two years provided permitted by the Secretary of
Education but without compensation.
_______ 6. Teachers may enjoy an indefinite sick leave of absence when the nature of the illness demands a long.
_______ 7. A professional teacher is entitled to a one range salary raise upon retirement for those who have fulfilled
the age and service requirements of the applicable retirement laws which shall be the basis of the computation of
the lump sum of the retirement pay and the monthly benefits thereafter.
_______ 8. Those who teach in multi-grade classes, mobile teachers and Non-formal Education or Alternative
Learning System (ALS) Coordinators are entitled to h a r d s h i p allowance.
_______ 9. Teachers enjoy stability of employment and security of tenure under existing laws.
_______ 10. Teachers have safeguards in disciplinary procedure
_______ 11. Teachers enjoy the right to establish join, maintain labor organization of their choice to promote their
welfare and defend their interest.
_______ 12. Teachers may be transferred even without their consent from one station to another where there is
urgent need.
_______ 13. Employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever possible.
_______ 14. Teachers may have more than 6 hours of teaching but not exceeding 9 hours.
_______ 15. Teachers are entitled to an additional compensation of at least twenty five per cent of his regular
renumeration after the teacher has completed at least six hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
_______ 16. Teachers are entitled to additional compensation when they serve during elections paid by DepEd.
_______ 17. Teachers enjoy equal renumeration, regardless of qualifications.
_______ 18. Teachers enjoy salary scales that provide for a gradual progression from a minimum to a maximum
salary by means of regular increments, granted automatically after three years, if the efficiency rating of the
teacher concerned is satisfactory.
_______ 19. Teachers enjoy the salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal, municipal district, or provincial
government that are not lower than those provided for teachers of the National Government.
_______ 20. Teachers without exception are entitled to Special Hardship Allowances.

The Philippine Constitution states that the Sate shall:

_______ 21. Enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.
_______ 22. Assign the second highest budgetary priority to education, next to medicine.
_______ 23. Ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through a d e q
u a t e renumeration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
Commonwealth Act No. 578 protects teachers by providing a provision on:
_______ 24. Punishment against any person guilty of assault against teaching personnel.
_______ 25. According due respect and protection for teachers who are considered persons in authority.

Republic Act No. 4670 or Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states that a teacher/ teachers enjoy/ exercise:
_______ 26. Academic freedom particularly with regard to teaching methods
_______ 27. The right to be free from compulsory assignment not related to their duties defined in their appointment
or employment contracts unless given additional compensation.
_______ 28. Freedom from involuntary contributions
_______ 29. Compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws.

“Building Globally Competitive Professionals”

NORTE, CARIGARA LEYTE 6529 PHILIPPINES. | Mobile Nos. 09173217113/09478907162| Email Add: [email protected] |
Republic of the Philippines
Carigara Campus
Carigara, Leyte
_______ 30. Establishing, joining, maintaining labor organizations of their choice to promote their welfare and defend
their interest.
Test II. Choose the correct answer from the options given.

_______ 1. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because of the world has become borderless
primarily due to: - Understanding

A. Advances in technology
B. Use of English as a medium of teaching
C. ASEAN integration
D. Teacher exchange programs

_______ 2. Which statement is NOT TRUE about a professional teacher of the 21 st century? – Analysis

A. The Filipino teacher abroad should know and understand the culture of the place of teaching.
B. The glocal teacher is one who enhances knowledge and skills to address the global demands but has a strong
affiliation to the local culture and traditions.
C. Blending the knowledge, skills and values appropriate for the world but preserving those of one’s own
country is the essence of globalization.
D. Disregard of cultural diversity and a focus on the 21 st century skills is the ultimate goal of globalized

_______3. When Roland Robertson started to use the Phrase “ think local act global” he meant that __________. –

A. Even if you will be acting in your home town, your competence is world class.
B. You should limit your lessons only to local knowledge, values and aspirations
C. You should use examples in your lessons from foreign countries
D. You believe that the best examples are coming from abroad.

_______ 4. To which does global village refer? – Understanding

A. Other countries abroad

B. All the other countries abroad including your own
C. Include all the countries Abroad
D. You believe that the best examples are coming from abroad.

_______ 5. Which set of core values should a Filipino teacher possess to become a glocal teacher? – Analysis

A. Cultural and historical rootedness and nationalism

B. Economic excellence and materialism
C. Inclusivity and self-preservation
D. Borderless thinking and interconnectivity

_______ 6. In all ASEAN member countries, which level of schooling is free and compulsory? – Understanding

A. Primary level C. Middle School level

B. Secondary level D. College level

_______ 7. Which of the ASEAN member countries gives the highest teacher salary? – Remembering

A. Brunei C. Singapore
B. Philippines D. Malaysia

_______ 8. Which country issues a teacher’s license through the Professional Regulation Commission? –

A. Thailand C. Indonesia
“Building Globally Competitive Professionals”
NORTE, CARIGARA LEYTE 6529 PHILIPPINES. | Mobile Nos. 09173217113/09478907162| Email Add: [email protected] |
Republic of the Philippines
Carigara Campus
Carigara, Leyte
B. Philippines D. Singapore

_______ 9. According to the Global Teacher Status Index, from what country have the teachers the greatest respect
from students? – Remembering

A. China C. Greece
B. Finland D. New Zealand

_______ 10. Which country, according to the Global Teacher Status Index, gives the highest salary to teachers? –

A. Singapore C. Japan
B. South Korea D. Switzerland

_______ 11. A teacher who has learned and practiced the 21 st century skills can be described best as __________. –

A. Qualified teacher C. Local teacher

B. Applicant teacher d. Border-less teacher

_______12. In the Philippines, teacher quality is defined by __________. – Remembering

A. NCBTS, 2006 C. PPST, 2017

B. CFT SEA, 2017 D. PQF, 2018

_______ 13. The PPST are teacher standards which have to be mastered only by beginning teacher. This statement is
_____________. – Analysis

A. True C. Doubtful
B. False D. none of the options

_______ 14. What do the CFT SEA, PQF and PPST assure the stakeholders of? – Understanding

A. Teacher quality C. Quality teacher

B. Teacher disposition D. Teacher decision

_______15. Which is the ultimate competency that a baccalaureate degree holder including teacher education
graduate demonstrates? – Analysis

A. Independence C. Cooperation
B. Knowledge D. Application

Test III. Answer the question that follow.

1. Teaching is a “Learning Profession.” What does this mean?

Prepared by:


“Building Globally Competitive Professionals”

NORTE, CARIGARA LEYTE 6529 PHILIPPINES. | Mobile Nos. 09173217113/09478907162| Email Add: [email protected] |

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