2017 Shreedhar Inmdar-Behavior of Ferrocement Panels

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TECHNOLOGY ISSN (O) :- 2349-3585

Behavior of Ferrocement Panels

Using Welded Square Mesh
Prof.Darshan.G.Gaidhankar1 M S Kulkarni2 Shreedhar K.Inamdar3
1. Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Kothrud, Pune – 411038
2. Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Kothrud, Pune – 411038
3. PG student, Civil-Structures, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Kothrud, Pune – 41103

Abstract— The main objective of these experimental tests layers of mesh and/or small diameter rods completely
is to study the effect of using different numbers of wire infiltrated with, or encapsulated in, mortar. To improve
mesh layers and thickness on the flexural strength and performance of ferrocement, various ingredients such as
impact strength of flat Ferrocement panels and to compare admixtures, silica fumes, fly ash and fibers are added in to it.
the effect of varying the number of wire mesh layers and Generally, the thickness of ferrocement ranges from 20- 100
thickness variations on the ductility. For studying the mm.
flexural behavior of panels, the thickness of panels kept
1.2. Historical background
varying from 20 to30 mm. For all the panels the
Ferrocement over the years have achieved respect in terms
Galvanized welded square mesh with square opening will
of its superior performance and versatility. In 1940’s, Pier
be used in different layers. Panels used were casted with
Luigi Nervi an Italian Engineer used them. Nervi named this
mortar having mix proportion 1:1.5 and Water/cement
material as “Ferro-Cemento”. In France, a rowing boat is
ratio 0.38
constructed by Joseph Louis Lambot by using wire meshes and

Index Terms— Ferrocement, wire mesh, Flexural thin steel bars were encapsulated in cement- sand mortar. In

Strength, Ductility, Admixture, Modulus of Elasticity. 1982, Joseph Louis Lambot took a patent of this material
named as “Ferciment”. His boat is now placed in Brignoles
Museum in France. National Academy of Science [U.S.A] set
1.1. Overview up a committee to utilization of ferrocement in 1972.

Civil structures are no longer considered safe due to

overloading or due to under design of existing structures or due 1.3. Ferrocement Definition

to lack of quality control. In order to maintain proper In 1977, ACI [American Concrete Institute] was set up

serviceability, older structures must be strengthened or repaired Committee 549 on Ferrocement to formulate the code of

so that they meet as requirements demanded of the structures practice for ferrocement. After this, in 1980 the committee

built today and in future. As we know that, concrete having codified the definition of “Ferrocement”. Definition given as:

low tensile strength, limited ductility and a little resistance to “Ferrocement is a type of thin wall reinforced concrete

crack propagation. The behavior of RCC structure is ductile constructed of hydraulic cement mortar reinforced with closely

which imparts ductile failure of composite. Due to ductile spaced layers of continuous and relatively small size wire

failure, concrete suffers an excess amount of cracking along mesh”. Mesh is made by metallic or other suitable materials.

with large crack widths and deflections that affect the

appearance of the structure. As a result serviceability criteria 1.4. Constituents Of Ferrocement

become more critical than strength. To overcome this problem, The main constituent of ferrocement includes the hydraulic
there is a necessity to find out a new material which improves cement mortar, wire mesh, skeletal steel and admixtures.
behavior than concrete. In ferrocement, closely spaced multiple Hydraulic cement mortar is designed according to the standard

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Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

mix design. Matrix of cement mortar contains cement, sand,

water and admixtures. Cement should be fresh with uniform 1.6. Objective of Research Work
consistency, free of lumps and foreign matter. Potable water is Effect of varying panel thickness and number of mesh layers
used for mixing of mortar as well as for curing ferrocement. on flexural strength of ferrocement panel was studied.
Fine aggregate should be clean, hard, strong and also free of 2. LITERATURE SURVEY
organic impurities and deleterious substances and relatively In previous years, the productive efforts taken by researchers to
free of silt and clay. Different types of meshes are given as innovate and development of advanced materials in
Square welded wire mesh, Square woven wire mesh, expanded construction. In this, Ferrocement with fibers and mesh is
metal mesh, Chicken wire mesh. Sometimes, skeletal steel rods special innovation and great materials. A literature survey is
are used along with above mesh to formation of reinforcement carried out for flexural strength of ferrocement panels.
in ferrocement element. 2.1. Mohamad N., Mahmood Sura, A. Majeed [1] In
this experimental work, flexural strength of folded and flat
1.5. Properties of Ferrocement ferrocement panels was observed. Three folded panels and four
To understanding and analysing the properties of flat panels with 20 mm thickness were tested. Welded square
ferrocement, Volume fraction and specific surface area of mesh with 0.65 mm diameter and 12.5mm x 12.5mm opening
reinforcement are plays important role. Tensile strength of was used. For panels, 380mm x 600 mm in size with 20 mm
ferrocement is depending on tensile strength of reinforcement thickness mould was used. Special type of mould was used for
which is placed along direction of loading. For design purpose, folded panels with same 20 mm thickness. Mortar matrix were
yield strength of mesh is considered. The compressive strength made by cement sand proportion as 1:2 and water cement ratio
of ferrocement mainly depends on properties of mortar matrix. as 0.45 with compressive strength as 37.4 Mpa.
Water/cement ratio and cement content are main parameter Test was carried out under the two point loading mechanism
affect the compressive strength of mortar. The bending/flexure for 500 mm supporting span. Deflection was measured at mid
strength of ferrocement mainly depends on type of mesh, span with dial gauge having accuracy equal to 0.01 mm. In this
properties of mesh and its orientation Impact strength of study, effect of varying wire mesh layers and geometry of
ferrocement panels are measured in terms of energy absorbed panels to cracking load and ultimate flexural strength of
by panels during impact loading. ferrocement panels. After this experiment, author concluded
that folded panels show flexural strength increased by 37 and
Volume fraction of reinforcement (Vf):- It is depend on 90 percent for 2 and 3 layers respectively as compare to that of
reinforcement in ferrocement panels. Volume fraction is single layers. In flat panels, flexural strength increased by 65
defined as the ratio of volume fraction of reinforcement to and 68 percent for 2 and 3 layers as compared to that of plain
volume of composite. Vf is equally divided into Vfl and Vft for mortar. Cracking load was not affected by layers of wire mesh
the longitudinal and transverse directions respectively for for folded panels.
meshes with square openings. 2.2. Yousry B I Shaheen , Mohamed A Safan ,Abdalla
Specific surface of the reinforcement (Sr):- Specific M A[2] In this study, authors studied the structural
surface of reinforcement defined as it is the total bonded area behavior of composite ferrocement concrete plates. For flexural
of reinforcement per unit volume of composite. Sr is divided performances, all plates were tested to investigate plates in
into Srl and Srt in the longitudinal and transverse direction terms of strength, stiffness; cracking behavior and energy
respectively for a ferrocement using square meshes. absorption. For preparation of mortar matrix, cement sand
proportion was 1:2 and that of water cement ratio as 0.35
having compressive strength was 35 Mpa. Also silica fume and

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

super plasticizer was used. Eighteen specimens having size layers. For cyclic loading, flexural strength increased by 10.25
1100 mm x 550 mm with different thickness like 60mm, % for 3 layers over 2 layers and further 90 % for 4 layers over
80mm, 100mm. These plates were reinforced with expanded 2 layers. Increase in percentage of flexural strength 110.25 %
metal mesh and welded square mesh. Expanded mesh was for 4 layers as compared to 2 layers in cyclic loading. When
diamond size 16.5 mm and 33 mm and square welded mesh number of mesh layers increased, crack propagation was slow
with 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm in size. Wire diameter in both cases ultimately spacing between cracks were least which gives
was same as 0.55 mm. These testing were carried out on UTM better load carrying capacity.
having capacity 100KN. Dial gauge with 0.01 mm accuracy
was placed below specimen to measuring deflection. After
testing, result were obtained for each with various parameter
In this research, the main objective was effect of volume
like first crack load, ultimate failure load, ductility ratio and
fraction and shape of panels on ultimate flexural strength, first
energy absorption. Flexural strength was increased with
crack load, crack spacing and load deformation behavior.
specific surface area of mesh. Plates with expanded wire mesh
Mortar matrix with water cement ratio 0.55 and cement sand
having more number of cracks for ultimate load as compared to
proportion was 1:2 with compressive strength 40 Mpa.
plates with welded wire mesh. Plates with expanded wire mesh
Reinforcement consists of 12.13 mm x 12.13 mm opening and
having higher first crack load and ultimate load approximate
0.579 mm diameter. Simple geometry was used. Specimens
50% as that of plate with welded mesh with same specific area.
were arranged in two groups. One group consists of rectangular
Welded mesh having higher tensile strength as compared to
panels and other group consists of channels. All specimens
expanded mesh but specific surface of expanded mesh was
were 470 mm wide, 2100 in length and 25 mm thickness. For
twice of welded mesh when compared one plates with single
channel specimens additional 50 mm integrated beam on length
layer of welded mesh and other plate with expanded mesh.
are casted. In each group number of wire mesh layers vary
2.3. Dr. T.Ch.Madhavi, Shanmukha Kavya .V,
from 2 to 4 to 6.the slab were tested under two point load
Siddhartha Das, Sri Prashanth .V[3] In this Study, author
arrangement. Rectangular 20 mm bar act as a support at one
was concentrated on behavior of ferrocement panels under
end and rounded 20 mm bar support at other end. Load was
static and cyclic loading. Effect of increasing mesh layers on
measured on electric load cell. After completing this research
behavior of ferrocement was studied. Mortar matrix with water
work, author concluded that all slab showing good ductility.
/cement ratio 0.48 and that of cement/sand 1:3. Welded wire
Before failure of slab, it gives warning. Large deflection theory
mesh of 25 mm x 25 mm opening with 3 mm diameter was
was appropriate to be considered for analysis because of large
used as reinforcement for panels. Six panels were casted with
deflection and small thickness. Slab with channel section give
300 mm x 600 mm in size having 25 mm thickness. These
better result as compared with rectangular section for ultimate
panels were reinforced with 2, 3, 4 layers of mesh for static and
loading and service loading.
cyclic loading. Chicken mesh was used on either side. Panels
3. Experimental Work
were tested under two point loading mechanism with dial
gauge for deflection measurement. Author concluded that The experimental program includes casting and testing of flat
ferrocement slab panels for flexural test under two points
increasing number of wire mesh layer increasing flexural
strength for static and cyclic loading. As compared with 2 loading

layers, flexural strength increased by 50% for 3 layers. Flexural 3.1 Material Characteristics

strength also increases by 15.47% for 4 layers as compare with 3.1.1. Cement- Birla Super Ordinary Portland Cement

3 layers. In comparison between 2 layers and 4 layers for static having Grade 43 was used for casting.

load, flexural strength increased by 73.21 % for 4 layers over 2

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

3.1.2. Sand- Locally available river sand passing through

2.36 mm sieve was used for all experimental investigations.
Fineness modulus of fine aggregate 2.87 (range 2.6- 2.9)
having II zone.
3.1.3. Water- Ordinary potable water was used for casting
and curing.
3.1.4. Reinforcement- For casting of ferrocement panels,
Galvanized welded square wire mesh used as reinforcement.
Welded square wire mesh consists of 20 mm x 20 mm opening
with 1.6 mm diameter of wire. Minimum 3mm cover is
provided on all over side of mould. For flexural test, panels
with welded square mesh having dimension 544mm × 194mm 3.2 Moulds used flexural Test specimens
and 744mm × 194mm are used.
3.3. Mix Design-
Low shrinkage, high strength and highly workable mortar
are main requirements are essential for mortar used in
ferrocement. Low shrinkage and high strength are achieved by
low water/cement ratio and high cement content. High
workable mortar is required to reach at bottom through several
layers of wire mesh during casting. For achieving High
workability, increasing water/ cement ratio which refuses the
first requirement. For this purpose, additives can be used to
3.1 Welded Square Wire Mesh
boost the workability of the mix. Mix proportion is selected in
3.1.5. Admixture-
such a way to get a workable and homogeneous mortar. The
For water reducing and self-compacting of panels, PERMA
proportion of cement: sand as 1:1.5 and water/cement ratio
PLAST-PS34 is used as admixture. This admixture at 1 % of
0.38 was selected.
weight of cement is used.
3.4. Compressive Strength –To obtain average
3.2 Moulds-
compressive strength of mortar, six mortar cubes
Moulds are made from hollow square pipe for flexural
(70.7mm × 70.7mm × 70.7mm) were casted and tested. This
test was conducted on 7 days and 28 days. The 07 days
For Flexural test specimen the dimensions for mould are
Compressive Strength is 39.25 N/mm² and 28 days
given below-
compressive strength is 53.24 N/mm²
(i) 550mm × 200mm × 20mm (ii) 750mm × 200mm × 30mm.
3.5. Specimen Preparation-
3.5.1 Preparation of Mortar- To obtain desired strength and
workable mix, mixing of materials is major factor. Mortar was
prepared by calculating the exact amount of cement sand and
water. Admixture with dosage of 1% of wt. of cement was
mixed thoroughly with water and then added to dry mix.

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

3.5.2 Casting of Specimen- Before starting actual casing of For calculation of flexural strength of the specimens,
specimen, cutting and straitening of mesh was done with application of loading showing below:
proper cover. The steel moulds prepared were properly oiled
before casting. At bottom a layer of mortar was applied of
thickness 3 mm as a cover followed by layer of welded square
mesh and again followed by layer of mortar.

3.5.3. Curing- The specimens were demoulded after 24 hours

and been transferred to the curing where they allowed to cure
for 28 days. Before placing for curing all panels were marked
with proper code. So that it was easy for identify.
3.6 Testing Procedure with Experimental set up-
3.6.1. Flexural test- This test was carried to find out flexural
or bending strength of panels. Universal Testing Machine
[UTM] was used to conduct this test. For this, two point
3.4 Two point loading Bending Moment and Shear force
loading condition was used. Panels were placed as simply
supported condition with centre of support was placed 50 mm
apart from edge of panels. Load was distributed as a two line
𝑀 𝜎
load at one third of span. These values were different for =
𝐼 𝑦
different span of panels like 150 for 450, 215 for 650 and 265 My
for 800. For application of this loading, proper arrangement
was fabricated. White wash was applied to the panels to get
clear indication of the cracks due to bending under service
M = PL/6 (Bending Moment in N-mm)
load. While testing of panels, load and deflection are measured.
y= D/2, (mm), D is thickness of the specimen,
An experimental Load-Deflection Curve of ferrocement panels
I=BD3/12 (Moment of Inertia in mm4)
are drawn with specified proper point (First crack point, end of
multiple cracking point, yielding point, ultimate point).
3.7. Specimen Details-

Table 3.1 Details of Specimens for Flexural Test

Sr. Size of Panel No. of Number Notation

N (mm) mesh of used
o. layers panels
1. 550 × 200 × 20 2 3 S2 -550
2. 550 × 200 × 20 3 3 S3 -550
3. 750 × 200 × 30 2 3 S2 -750
4. 750 × 200 × 30 3 3 S3 -750

3.3 Flexural Panels tested under UTM

5. 750 × 200 × 30 4 3 S4 -750

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

Table 3.2 Volume fraction and specific surface of panels

for Flexural test

Sr. Size of Panel No. of Volume Specific

No. (mm) mesh fraction surface
layers (%) (mm2/mm3)
1. 550 × 200 × 20 2 2.009% 0.050
2. 550 × 200 × 20 3 3.014% 0.075
3. 750 × 200 × 30 2 1.333% 0.033
4. 750 × 200 × 30 3 2.009% 0.0502
5. 750 × 200 × 30 4 2.679% 0.066
Graph 4.1 Load Vs Deflection (20mm- 2 layers)
4. Result and Discussion
4.1. Graphs and Tables for Flexural Test
The test results of the samples at the age of 28 days are
presented in following tables and graphs-

Table 4.1 Panel of size 550mm × 200mm × 20mm

(2 layers)

Sr. Load Deflection (mm) Average

No. (N) Deflection
S2 S2 S2 (mm)
550-A 550-B 550-C Graph 4.2 Load Vs Deflection for average value
1 0 0 0 0 0 (20mm- 2 layers
2 400 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2
3 800 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5
4 1500 1.1 0.7 1 0.93 A= First crack point, B= End of multiple crack
5 1900 1.4 0.9 1.3 1.20 C= Onset of yielding of mesh D= Ultimate point of mesh
6 2000 1.8 1.1 1.9 1.6
7 2200 4 3.8 4.4 4.07 Computation of Modulus of Elasticity-
8 2300 6.7 6.2 6 6.3 Elastic modulus of cracked composite (Ecr)
9 2400 8.1 7.2 7.3 7.53 23(P C −P B )L 3
10 2500 9.6 8.7 8.8 9.03 =
1296(∆c − ∆b )I cr
11 2600 15.8 15.9 16.9 16.2
12 2700 18.8 18.9 - 18.85 Where,
First Cracking 2000 2000 1950 - Pc = Load at yielding (N), Pb = Load at multiple crack (N)
Load (N)
Failure Load 2700 2700 2600 - ∆c= Deflection at yielding point (mm)
(N) ∆b= Deflection at multiple cracking point (mm)
L= Length of the specimen under loading (mm)
For 20mm thick panel with 2 layers of mesh-
23(𝑃𝐶 −𝑃𝐵 )𝐿3 23 (2500 −2300 )450 3
Ecr Icr = =
1296(∆𝑐− ∆𝑏 ) 1296 (9.03−6.30)

= 118.47 × 106 N-mm2

Icr (Moment of inertia of cracking) = 0.5 Igr

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

(Gross moment of inertia)

S3 550
(0.5×200×20 3 ) 5 4
= = 0.66 × 10 mm 4000

118.47 × 10 6
Ecr = = 1.795GPa 2000
0.66 × 10 5
Apparent modulus of mesh system (Er) = (Ecr) cracked / Vrl
0 10 20
Where Vrl = 𝜂𝐿. 𝑉𝑟
Where efficiency factor for welded square mesh = 0.50
Where Vrl = ηL.Vr = 0.5(2 × 0.010048) = 0.010048 Graph 4.4 Load Vs Deflection for average value
(20mm- 3 layers)

Er = = 178.64 GPa

Table 4.2 Panel of size 550mm × 200mm × 20mm

(3 layers)

S3 550

2000 S3-550A
1000 Graph 4.5 Load Vs Deflection for average value
S3-550 B (20mm- 2 and 3 layers)
S3-550 C
0 10 20

Graph 4.3 Load Vs Deflection (20mm- 3 layers)

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

S3 750

S3-750 A
S3-750 B
S3-750 C
0 20
Graph 4.8 Load Vs Deflection (30mm- 3 layers)

S3 750

S3 750
0 20
Graph 4.9 Load Vs Deflection for average value
(30mm- 3 layers)

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

LOAD (KN) 5000
S4 750 3000 2 layers
6000 2000
3 layers
5000 1000

4 layers
4000 0
S4-750 A
3000 0 10 20
2000 S4-750 B
1000 S4-750 C DEFLECTION (mm)
0 .
Graph 4.12 Load Vs Deflection for average value
0 20
DEFLECTION (mm) (30mm- 2, 3 and 4 layers)
Graph 4.10 Load Vs Deflection (30mm- 4 layers)
Table 4.8 Elastic Modulus of Panels
(20mm and 30mm)

Size of Number Elastic Apparent

Panel of Modulus Modulus
( mm ) Layers of Cracked of
Composite Elasticity
GPa of Mesh
2 1.795 178.64
550×200×20 3 3.39 224.92
2 1.72 256.75
Graph 4.11 Load Vs Deflection for average value
750×200×30 3 2.012 223.56
(30mm- 4 layers)
4 3.257 250.54
4.2 Flexural Strength Calculation-

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

Sample calculation for finding flexural strength at Initial 23 PaL ³

δA= 1296 EcI
Cracking and Ultimate Loads stages:-
Where, δ = deflection at first crack loading (mm),
For Specimen: S2 750-A (30mm)
Pa= first crack load (N)
𝜎= 𝑦 E = Modulus of Elasticity (GPa),
Where, M= Moment; N-mm I = Moment of Inertia (mm4), L= Span of Panel (mm).
𝑳𝑶𝑨𝑫 For 20 mm sample with 2 Layers,
= × 150 for 550×200×20mm specimen
δ a = 1.6 mm, Pa = 2000 N,
= × 215 for 750×200×30mm specimen 200 X 20³
I= = 133.33 x 103 mm4, L = 450 mm
= × 265 for 900×200×40mm specimen
2 To find Modulus of Elasticity of Composite (E c),
y = Distance of neutral axis from extreme fiber; mm
Formula rewritten as,
Thickness of specimen
= Ec =
23 PaL ³
1296 δa I
I = Moment of Inertia; mm4 23 2000 x450³
Ec =
1296 1.6 x 133.33x10³
𝑏𝑑 3
= Ec = 15.17 GPa
Cracking Load= 2200N
Mcr = × 215 = 236.5× 103 N-mm
y= = 15 mm
I= × 303 = 450 × 103 N-mm
𝝈𝒄𝒓 = (236.5× 103) × (15) / (450× 103) = 7.88 N/mm2
Ultimate Load = 3600N
Mult = × 215 = 387 × 103 N-mm
𝝈𝒖𝒍𝒕 = (387 × 103) × (15) / (450 × 103) = 12.9 N/mm2
4.4 Calculation for Yield Strength of Mesh-
Table 4.9 Flexural Strength of Ferrocement Panels For 20 mm sample with 2 Layers of welded wire mesh
(20mm and 30mm)

Size of Number Volume Flexural Flexural Step1: Volume Fraction of one layer-
Panel of Fraction strength strength 2
𝑁×𝜋×𝑑 𝑤 1 1
Vf = [𝐷 +𝐷 ]
( mm ) Layers (%) at at 4ℎ 𝐿 𝑇

cracking ultimate
load load
𝑁 1×3.14×1.6×1.6 1 1
𝜎𝑐𝑟 ( 𝜎𝑢𝑙𝑡 ( 2 ) = 4×20
[20 + 20 ] = 0.010048
𝑁 𝑚𝑚
𝑚𝑚 2
Step2: Area of tensile reinforcement (Ari)
2 2.009 11.16 15.00
= 𝜂L×Vri×Ac
550×200×20 3 3.014 12.56 20.82
2 1.339 7.88 12.90 = 0.5×0.010048×200×20 =20.096 mm2
750×200×30 3 2.009 9.20 15.41 Step3: Applied moment at point of mesh yielding
4 2.679 11.35 17.92 𝑃×𝐿
4.3. Calculation for Modulus of Elasticity of composite (E c) M= 6
from Experimental result:- 2500 ×450
= 6
= 187.5×103 N-mm
Formula for deflection of panels of two point load,

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

Step4: Force equilibrium = 2. Layers of mesh above neutral axis in panels plays role in
0.85×fc×b×a = Ari×σry compressive strength. Their contribution is less in flexural
𝑎 strength as compared to mesh in tension zone.
Moment equilibrium = Mn = Ari×σry(𝑑 − )
𝑎 3. Increase in number of mesh layers and thickness of the
= 0.85×58.6×200×a (16.4- )
panels resulting increasing load carrying capacity of
= 187.5× 103
ferrocement panels.
= 4981a2-163376.8a+187500
4. First crack load and ultimate failure load was delay with
a=1.19 mm
Increase in the thickness of ferrocement panels.
σry= = 589.90 Mpa 5. Flexural strength of panels increasing with increasing
volume fraction and specific surface of reinforcement in panels
for each thickness.


Behavior of ferrocement panels under flexural can be study by
changing geometry and materials of mesh like expanded metal
mesh, welded square mesh, woven square mesh and hexagonal
mesh with different diameters and opening sizes. Flexural
behavior of ferrocement panels can be study by varying in
thickness and number of mesh layers. Effect of Length/Depth
ratio on flexural of panels can be studied

1. As the number of layers increased from 2 to 3 layers in
I take great pleasure in expressing my sincere gratitude,
rectangular panel having 20 mm thickness, which resulting in
which I owe to many people in making this project
increased flexural strength by 38.8% approximately.
successfully. I sincerely express my deep sense of gratitude
2. As the number of layers increased from 2 to 3 layers in
towards my guide Prof.D.G.Gaidhankar for his expert and
rectangular panel having 30 mm thickness, the flexural strength
valuable guidance, profound advice, persistent encouragement
increased by 20.58 %. Similarly, when the number of layers
and help during completion the dissertation work. I am grateful
increased from 3 to 4 for the same thickness then flexural
for his support and guidance that have helped me to expand our
strength increased by 23.08%.
horizon of thought and expression. He was very helpful in
3. When rectangular panels consist of 2 layers of mesh its
finding solution to several problems I had during the
load carrying capacity increased by 33.75% with increase in
dissertation work. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. M. S.
panel thickness from 20 mm to 30 mm.
Kulkarni, Head, Department of Applied Mechanics, for her
4. The load carrying capacity is increased by 16.22% for
kind co-operation and help required to complete this task.
panels consist of 3 layers of wire mesh, when its thickness
At last we must express our sincere and heartfelt gratitude
increased from 20 mm to 30 mm.
to all other Professors and Staff of structural Engineering

. CONCLUSION Department who helped us directly and indirectly

1. Occurrence of first crack and ultimate failure after during this course of work. I virtually fall short of words to

application of loading on ferrocement panels are depend on express my gratefulness to them. Therefore, I am leaving this

number of wire mesh layers used acknowledgement incomplete in their reminiscence.

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh

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Cementitious Composite”
6. ACI Committee 549 “State of The Art Report On
Ferrocement (ACI 549R-97)”
7. ACI Committee 549 “Guide For The Design, Construction
And Repair Of Ferrocement (ACI.1R-93)”

ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org
Paper Title:- Behavior of Ferrocement Panels Using Welded Square Mesh


ISSN:-2349-3585 |www.ijrdt.org

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