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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
Single Fillers
Directions (1-50): Each question below has one 3.Ten years after her debut as a temp dancer in
blank, which is indicating that something has been Tamil film Sringaram, Aditi Rao Hydari returns to
omitted. Choose the most suitable option indicating Kollywood, this time to work with _____________
the words that can be used to fill up the blank in Mani Ratnam.
the sentence to make it meaningfully complete. a) Finalising
b) Auteur
1.Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP won c) Sustained
the battle of 2019 by ________________ their d) Fanfare
opponents and earning another five-year term. His e) Vortex
government now has to win the war-to fix a rapidly 4.Jadhav has been in Pakistan's custody since 2016
słowing economy. after being accused of terrorism, spying and
a) Pulverising _________ trouble, and was sentenced to death in
b) Divulging 2017 by a military court.
c) Depleting a) Fomenting
d) Sloshing b) Eliminating
e) None of the above c) Languishing
2.The delicate fiscal balance remains hostage to the d) Compulsory
_____________ of unpredictable geopolitical factors e) None of the above
such as an escalation in tensions between the US 5.The 32nd All India Inter-University Moot Court
and Iran or even the US-China trade war. Competition organised by the Bar Council of India
a) Epitome Trust in association with Presidency University
b) Representative concluded successfully with ____________ function
c) Vagaries held on 7th november, 2020.
d) Sauntering a) Controversy
e) None of the above b) Prohibiting
c) Resigning
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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
d) Valedictory d) Remitted
e) None of the above e) None of the above
6.____________ economic growth, rural distress 9.For all his ____________ , notorious forest
and less disposable incomes have left buyers more brigand Veerappan, gunned down in a police
cautious than they have been in the recent past. encounter in 2004, had big dreams for his children,
a) Sluggish he wanted Vidya Rani and Prabha Rani to become
b) Marshal either IAS officers or doctors.
c) Epilogue a) Perennial
d) Panned b) Depredations
e) None of the above c) Impoverishment
7.Summer time comes with holidays and an d) Gorgeous
opportunity for you to unwind. It's that time of the e) All are correct
month to head over to the Angsana Spa & Resort, 10.In the urban jungle that we live in where every
situated on the outskirts of the city to experience a summer seems to get hotter, the closest
few days of peace and __________ _____________ from the heat is by heading to the
a) Punitive city's most popular water and theme park, Wonder
b) Antagonism La.
c) Kindred a) Respite
d) Tranquillity b) Fortify
e) None of the above c) Fetter
8.The book is significant, not for its revelations but d) Irrevocable
as a record--it tells the story of India's e) None of the above.
transformation from a ___________ economy to a 11.Workbench Projects has started, we now
respectable racehorse encourage parents and children, groups of friends
a) Flailing and absolutely anybody with ______________ to
b) Arcane come here and experience the joy of making
c) Thawing something of your own.

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
a) Dexterity c) Multiferous
b) Oblivion d) Peer
c) Verbose e) None of the above
d) Superiority 15.There are offers for special summer packages-
e) None of the above. for every executive room booked for two days or
12.From a humble beginning Naidu hall has come a more, you get upgraded to the suite. And while you
long way ____________ its Founder Mr.M.G. put your feet up to __________ in luxury, you can
Naidu's natural talent of understanding women and also avail a complementary spa service.
their needs and responding to it. a) Educate
a) Generated by b) request
b) Suppressed by c) Revel
c) Eradicated by d) intimate
d) Owing to e) none of the above
e) None of the above 16.Dignitaries appreciated the __________________
13.Modi government should ignore the gratuitous participants for their exceptional performance and
'suit-boot ki sarkar’___________ of the opposition shared words of wisdom with the prospective
and be far more business-friendly. lawyers.
a) medicate a) Zealous
b) Jibe b) Displaced
c) Eagerness c) Boisterous
d) Interest d) Eschewed
e) None of the above. e) None of the above
14.As Delhi’Odd-Even experiment 17.vivek Oberoi is counting on Ram Gopal Varma,
______________City life, with no sign of the who cast him in his breakthrough role in Company,
promised air to steam cleanour lungs back to life. to ________________ his career with another
a) Paralyses gangsta drama.
b) Beseech a) Renewed

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
b) Resuscitate e) None of the above
c) Competitive 20.Despite all these pressures and impending action
d) Interfere at the FATF meeting due next week (June 16-21), in
e) None of the above Orlando, US, Pakistan is unlikely to actually
18.Rather than get trapped in _____________ ______________ the jihadi architecture it has
schemes, many of which never take off, the created over decades
government should look at sectors that can rev up a) Quagmire
the economy. It needs to formulate a new export b) Jettison
strategy to recover lost ground in textiles, gems and c) Interplay
jewellery, and leather goods. d) Gutted
a) Myriad e) None of the above
b) Tired 21.The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) is in course
c) Revolution correction mode after its debacle in the Lok Sabha
d) Defiled election. Party supremo Mayawati has asked all
e) None of the above district presidents to come up with reasons for the
19.A raft of new committees led by the prime BSP's _____________
minister have been formed to address a) Bulwark
unemployment and falling investment. It is now left b) Drubbing
to the prime minister and a core team of ministers- c) Weaning
finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman, railways and d) Peremptory
commerce minister Piyush Goyal and road e) None of the above
transport and highways minister Nitin Gadkari-to 22.On May 30, while on her way to Naihati to
____________ the economy participate in a TMC dharna against poll violence,
a) Exist she lost her cool with BJP supporters shouting 'Jai
b) Resuscitate Shri Ram'as her motorcade passed by. An enraged
c) Innovate Mamata got out of the car and ______________ the
d) Organize

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
sloganeers, and inevitably clips of the incident went GDP growth rate has been overstated by about 2.5
viral. per cent from 2011-12 onwards, _____________ on
a) Pressured the country's over 7 per cent growth claims. While
b) Berated Subramanian is yet to make the details of his
c) Studied research public for further scrutiny, the
d) Forced government has defended the GDP calculation,
e) None of the above saying the GDP estimates have been done on
23.Businessmen have been concerned that the Modi accepted procedures.
government's policies were invasive to the point of a) Infection
being destructive, and the promise of lower tax b) Favourable
rates never ________________. c) Nationalized
a) Materialised d) Rejected
b) Analyzed e) Casting a shadow
c) Unauthorized 26.The banking sector, which has applied brakes on
d) Compulsory loans to risky sectors, continues to face a credibility
e) None of the above crisis in thewake of the Nirav Modi and Mehul
24.The prime minister and his team need to act Choksi scams, the situation has only ____________
quickly and decisively to put the ______________ following the liquidity crisis and allegations of
economy back on track. The job, however, is financial irregularities at Dewan Housing Finance
riddled with challenges. Corp. Ltd, yet another NBFC.
a) Tottering a) Exacerbated
b) Notorious b) Uplifted
c) Absorbing c) Educated
d) Prejudiced d) Attended
e) None of the above e) None of the above
25.Former chief economic advisor Arvind 27.The delicate fiscal balance will be under
Subramanian said in a research paper that India's ____________ if crude prices, which had remained

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
low for most part of Modi's first term, inch up due 30. _____________ a campaign to bring military
to the escalation of US-Iran tensions. history out of its cloistered preserves and make it
a) Elation more accessible, is India's oldest and most
b) Immunity venerable think-tank, the United Service
c) Risked Institution.
d) Duress a) Spearheading
e) None of the above b) Connecting
28.Even as Election 2019 was fought against the c) Contradicting
bleak backdrop, people voted in Modi, possibly in d) Resigning
the hope that a ______________ new government e) None of the above
may take radical steps to jumpstart the economy. 31. While the scare of ____________ non-
But that is easier said than done. performing assets (NPAs) has made banks slam the
a) Determined brakes on lending, there is an imminent crisis in the
b) Hideous shadow banking space due to the credit squeeze,
c) Resolute overleveraging, big mismatch between assets and
d) Reviled liabilities and the misadventures of some very large
e) Both A and C entities.
29. The ____________ 275-page summary not only a) Erecting
damned Sharif and his children for forgery and b) Rejecting
perjury, but also recommended that they be tried c) Superiority
for corruption by the National Accountability d) Intimidating
Bureau, Pakistan's anti-graft authority. e) Mounting
a) Pecuniary 32.The government has to reduce transaction costs
b) Plauditory of all kinds and create an atmosphere where
c) Scathing industry is pushed towards being more
d) Complementary _____________.
e) Both D and E a) Categorical

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b) Egalitarian b) Incorporated
c) Existence c) Promoted
d) Eradication d) Revoked
e) None of the above e) None of the above
33.Rajasthan’s new excise policy for 2020-21, which 36.New investments in india plunged to a 14-year
has proposed a massive hike in liquor licence fees, low of Rs 1 lakh crore in December quarter of fiscal
has led to a lot of ___________ faces in the state's 2019. The government needs to create a
hotel and tourism industry. ______________ atmosphere for businessmen to
a) Glum invest.
b) Happy a) Idolizing
c) Euphoria b) Camouflage
d) Useless c) Riddance
e) None of the above d) Conducive
34.The crusade against corruption should continue e) None of the above
but the ________________ should not kill 37.If the Indian economy is in the _____________,
businesses. imagine the state of the economy in Kashmir,
a) Communities forcibly shutdown along with communications and
b) Productivity all other signs of life on August 5.
c) Connectivity a) Redamancy
d) Zealousness b) Doldrums
e) None of the above c) Rapacity
35.Readers were enthralled by the mash-up of d) Yelloch
historical fiction and the serial killer story, which e) None of the above
_________________ real-life figures such as J.P. 38.Before the decision to revoke Article 370 and
Morgan and Theodore Roosevelt, with an operatic ______________ the state into Union territories,
killer twisted by deep psychological trauma. hotels and houseboats apparently boasted 80 per
a) Blighted cent occupancy rates.

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
a) Delegating accessible to every student has started to lower. Not
b) Floundering just this, many of the private institutions have
c) Bifurcate failed in creating a sustainable model for
d) Extricate themselves.
e) None of the above. a) On the verge
39.The college has _______________ infrastructure, b) In the verge
including a massive sports complex and a library c) Intoxicating
with digital check-in/check-out. Another striking d) Tantalizing
feature is the sanitation park, SRCC's waste e) None of the above.
management facility. 42.The series of rapes did lead to the Narendra
a) Enviable Modi government passing an ordinance,
b) Expeditious _____________ the death penalty for the rape of
c) Explicit girls under 12, but there is very little other evidence
d) Excoriate to indicate that those in power are serious about
e) None of the above preventing such crimes.
40.To scale up research activities, the institute is a) Groping
_______________ existing lab and diagnostic b) Simulating
facilities and setting up advanced facilities to c) Invoking
enhance new skill sets. d) Apprehending
a) Refurbishing e) None of the above.
b) Ninjutsu 43. The past decade has witnessed a disturbing
c) Bewailing growth in the consumption of pornography, driven
d) Klutzy by the _______________ of cheap smartphones and
e) None of the above easier than-ever-before access to the internet.
41.while a thousand educational institutions are a) Segregation
______________of shutting down, the b) Mushrooming
Government's vision to make higher education c) Capacity

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
d) Fluctuation b) Squad
e) None of the above c) Vagaries
44.Even when the BJP tried to _______________ on d) Blossoms
the issue of women's entry into Sabarimala, it was e) None of these
the Congress-led United Democratic Front that 47. Rahul is acutely aware that if he has to
reaped the benefits of sharing the saffron stance. _____________ Modi and the BJP in 2019, the
a) Rehabilitate Congress cannot go it alone and will have to be part
b) Capitalise of a grand alliance of Opposition parties.
c) Escaped a) Topple
d) Anticipated b) Suspicious
e) None of the above c) Refuse
45.A larger perspective of creating an enhanced d) Devious
green cover with a dual objective of e) None of the above
______________ rivers is being met through the 48. If the BJP wins a poll, Modi prefers to head to
tree plantation drive alongside river banks. the party headquarters where he is ____________
a) Legalizing with great fanfare and then addresses party
b) Grinding workers without taking questions from the press.
c) Purchasing a) Frivolous
d) Reviving b) Evidenced
e) All are correct c) Revealed
46.We have consistently been overdrafting on the d) Heralded
services provided by Nature and have invited its e) None of the above
____________ in the form of draughts, floods, 49. Rahul seems to have listened well to of the
global warming, and ultimately climate change. people, particularly the widespread farmer
Tree planting is the best way to seek forgiveness of discontent apart from the rural distress caused by
our Mother Earth. demonetisation and the ____________ lack of jobs
a) Remarkable in these states.

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
a) Palpable a) Mulling
b) Preserved b) Fillip
c) Obedient c) Behooving
d) Durable d) Infighting
e) None of the above e) None of the above
50. In Rajasthan, bungling the ticket distribution
and ___________ saw the Congress lose momentum
and practically gasp to the finishing tape.

Single Fillers – Answers and Explanation

1.The correct option is A, pulverising which means 5.The correct option is D, Valedictory means the
defeating other options are erroneous, sloshing means graduated person with highest marks giving a speech,
sound made by water other options are erroneous and doesn’t fit contextually
2.The correct option is C, vagaries which means 6.The correct answer is A, sluggish means little motion.
Unexpected changes in a situation, other options are Marshal means officer, epilogue means concluding
erroneous, epitome means perfect example, sauntering speech, panned means criticize severely.
means walking. 7.The correct option is D, tranquillity means calmness,
3.The correct option is B, auteur which means film Other options are erroneous, punitive means punishment,
director, Other options are erroneous blunder means antagonism means unfriendly, kindred mean blood
mistake, fanfare means a short loud piece of music that is relation.
used for introducing somebody, vortex means a mass of 8.The correct choice is A, Flailing means Struggling,
air, water, etc. that turns around very fast and pulls things other options are erroneous, thawing means melting.
into its centre. remitted means payment/cancel.
4. The correct option is A, fomenting means to instigate, 9. Option b is the correct choice, depredation is the
other options are erroneous. languishing means reduction correct choice which means possession of illegal items,
in something,

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
perennial means continuous, impoverishment means 20.The correct option is B, jettison means discard, Other
poverty. options are erroneous, quagmire means difficult
10.Option a is the correct choice, respite means relief, situation,
fortify means strengthening, fetter means to control, 21. The correct option is B, drubbing means defeat,
irrevocable means irreversible. Other options are erroneous, weaning means stop
11.option A is the correct choice, dexterity means skilful, depending, peremptory means stubborn, bulwark means
oblivion means unaware, verbose means person who defensive wall.
uses a lot of words. 22. The correct option is B, berated, which means to
12.Option d is the correct choice, owing to means scold, Other options are erroneous and contextually
because of, other options don’t fit contextually. wrong.
13, Option b is the correct choice, jibe means insulting 23. The correct option is A, materialized means to
remark. Medicate means to prescribe happen or become active, Other options are erroneous,
14.The correct option is A; Paralyses means unable to and doesn’t fit contextually and grammatically.
function properly. Beseech means request multiferous 24. The correct option is A, tottering means unsteady,
means many aspects, peer means companion. other options are contextually wrong, prejudiced means
15. Option c is the correct choice, revel means to enjoy, preconceived notion.
Other options are erroneous. 25. The correct option is E, casting a shadow means
16.The correct option is A, zealous means passionate. spoiling a good situation with the bad news or
Boisterous means noisy, eschewed means avoid. something. Other options are contextually and
17.The correct Option is B, resusticate which means to grammatically incorrect.
re-energise, Other options are contextually wrong 26.The correct option is A, exacerbated means to worsen,
18. The correct option is A, myriad which means plenty, Other options are erroneous, uplift is a positive word
other options don’t fit contextually, defiled means which means being hopeful
damage the purity of something. 27.Option is D, duress which means under pressure,
19, the correct option is b, resusticate means to Other options are erroneous, elation means happy,
reenergize, other options are contextually wrong immunity means Vulnerable to infection

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
28.The correct option is E, resolute means determined, getting rid of something, idolizing means worship,
other options are erroneous, hideous means ugly, revile camouflage means disguise.
means to scold. 37.The correct choice is B, doldrums mean unsteady,
29.The correct option is C, scathing which means other options are erroneous. redamancy means
criticizing, pecuniary related to money, plaud means to reciprocated relationship, rapacity means greedy, yelloch
praise someone, complementary means making up as a means to yell loudly.
whole with something else. 38.The correct option is C, bifurcate means to divide,
30.The correct option is A, spearheading means leading delegating means group of people representing
something, Other options are erroneous, contradicting organization. Floundering means struggle. Extricate
means opposite of something. means free something from bad situation.
31. The correct option is E which means to pile up 39.The correct option is A, enviable means desiring
something, other options don’t fit contextually. something which is possessed by another. Excoriate
32.The correct option is B, means following the principle means scraping the part of skin, expeditious means to
that everyone should have equal rights, Other options speed up,explicit means directly expressed.
doesn’t fit contextually. 40.The correct option is A, refurbishing means to
33. The correct option is A, glum means being sad, other redecorate, ninjutsu means marrial art used for Spying,
options are contextually wrong, euphoria means intense bewailing means cry, klutzy means lack of skill.
joy. 41.The correct option is A, on the verge meaning closer
34.The correct option is D, zealousness which means to something, other options are erroneous, in the verge is
intense passion for something, Other options are a wrong usage, tantalizing means teasing, intoxication
contextually wrong. This statement talks about putting a means inebriation
lot of effort to end corruption. 42.The correct option is C, invoking means to execute
35.Correct option is B, incorporated which means to something. Other options are erroneous, groping means
include something, blighted means to destroy, revoked to catch something. Apprehend means fear.
means to cancel 43.Option B is the correct choice, mushrooming which
36.The correct option is Conducive which means means rapid growth in something, other options are
friendly, Ot, her options are erroneous, riddance means erroneous, segregation means separating something.

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Single Fillers for SBI PO Prelims
44.The correct option is B, capitalise means to take 47.The correct option is A, topple means to lose his
advantage of a situation, Other options are erroneous. position to others, other options are erroneous.
Anticipated means expecting something, rehabilitate 48. The correct option is D, heralded means to greet
means restore to previous condition. someone with excitement, other options are erroneous.
45. The correct option is D, reviving means to bring back 49. The correct option is A, palpable means noticeable,
to life. All other options are erroneous. other options are erroneous and doesn’t fit contextually.
46.The correct option is C, vagaries mean unpredictable 50. Option D is the correct choice, Infighting means
occurrences, other options are erroneous, Other options fighting within the group, other options are erroneous,
are erroneous. mulling means thing over, fillip means encouragement,
behooving means necessary

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