Letter N
Letter N
Letter N
I am working on:
Make sure my sound is loud and all the students can listen
Lesson Focus
Lesson Outcomes
Write correctly formed letters and words moving from left to right.
Express own ideas using familiar words and set phrases. Letter Nn
Key vocabulary
Students cannot name the picture begin Teacher will show the students the name and the
with Nn sound picture so they can remember
Resources/equipment needed
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Students will tell the teacher the day and Teacher will say for the student’s good morning
the date students now is English lesson.
Students will review the classroom with Let’s review our calendar
the teacher What is today?
Students will try to write letter Nn Today is Wednesday
Students will make the letter Nn sound What is the date?
Students will say the picture begin with The date is 28
letter Nn What is our month?
I can see a nest Our month is September 28, 2022
I can see a nose The teacher will review with the students the
I can see a necklace classroom rules
I can see a net Listen when your teacher talking
I can see number nine Raise your hand
Students will play the game with the Keep hands and feet to yourself
teacher they will connect the line together I can try my best
to make the letter Nn We will learn about new letter
Students will listen to letter Nn story Teacher will show the students N letter
She will say for them this is upper case letter N
the big one
Teacher will show the students the lower-case
letter n
Look boys and girls this is the small letter n
Let’s learn how to write letter Nn
Teach will show the students to write letter N
upper case to write upper case N we will start
at the top and do a straight line down then go
back to the top and do diagonal line down then
do a straight line up.
To write lowercase n we will start in the middle
and do a straight line down then go back up
and do a curved line down.
Teacher will choose a student to write the
letter Nn
Teacher will make the letter Nn sound
Let’s learn something begin with letter Nn
I can see a nest
I can see a nose
I can see a necklace
I can see a net
I can see number nine
Now we will play a game let’s play
Teach will have a line and the students have to
connect to lines tighter to make letter N and
they have numbers hint to help them to
connect the lines.
Teacher will choose students to make the lines
Let’s listen to letter Nn story.
Teacher will play the letter Nn story for the
Main activities
& Time
Students will:
Center 1(focus group) : medium students Teacher will sit with the focus group
will play a game with the teacher, they will Teacher will go around the other groups
have a dice with upper case letter N and Teacher will use the art key stages for the art
lower case letter n, they will roll the dice group to evaluate the students.
and they will write the letter they find in
the board.
Center 2: medium students this group will
have a Lego and they will cover the upper-
case letter N with the red Lego and they
will cover the lower-case n with the blue
Center 3: low students they will have
letter N and some picture with letter N
they will color it and they will say each
image name, and they have to find the
picture with letter N and color it.
Center 4: high student they will have
some images begin with letter N and some
of the image doesn’t begin with the letter
N and they will sort them.
Center 5: low student- n for nest - Cut
and Paste Activity The students will Cut
the parts given at the bottom of the page
and paste as per the sample picture to
make a nest
Center 6: high students, in this group the
teacher will give the student a puzzle
game they have to make the letter N and
they have the sample of the letter N to
help them.
Extra activity: students will have extra
activity if they finish early the teacher will
give it to them, they will write letter Nn.
Teacher will give the students a pointed letter N and they will try to write it
Students cannot sort the picture will letter N, teacher will tell them each picture name so they eill remember
the first letter of the picture
& Time Plenary/Conclusion
Assessment Observation: teacher observe the students work and writ notes
Strategies: Oral questioning: teacher and students will ask the presenter on formative time
Student presentation: student will present their her\him work to classmates on
formative time
☐ Observation : ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment
Center 1 medium students played a game with the teacher, they have a dice with upper case letter N and lower case
letter n, they will roll the dice and they will write the letter they find in the board, students enjoy this activity
because they move around and play with the dice , but I think in next time I will improve this activity more I will
write the letters that they learned before not only Nn for example N, n, P,p,T,t IN in the dice, its will be more fun for
the students.
Center 2 medium students this group will have a Lego and they will cover the upper-case letter N with the red Lego
and they will cover the lower-case n with the blue Lego, the students enjoy this activity they learn the colors and the
upper and lower case for letter Nn, in next time I will improve this activity more they will hid the upper-case letter N
and they will write in the blank the lower-case letter n its will be more challenge for them.
Center 3: low students they have letter N and some picture with letter N they will color it and they will say each
image name, and they have to find the picture with letter N and color it, I notice this activity is too easy for grade 1
so I will develop this activity more in next time, I will let the students to use their creative and critical thinking skills,
I will let them to think and memories for something begin with Nn letter so they can draw it and write the word if
they can and if they cannot they will write only letter Nn.
Center 4: high student they have some images begin with letter N and some of the image doesn’t begin with the
letter N and they will sort them, students learned a lot in this activity they memories the name of each pictures and
they able to sort them on correct place, I will improve this activity more next time I will let the students sort the
pictures then they will try to write each picture name because they are high students.
Center 5: low student- n for nest - Cut and Paste Activity The students will Cut the parts given at the bottom of the
page and paste as per the sample picture to make a nest, students like this activity because they create something
and they enjoy it, but next time I will let them to write “nest “if they cannot I will put for them pointed word the
help them.
Center 6: high students, in this group the teacher will give the student a puzzle game they have to make the letter
N and they have the sample of the letter N to help them, students enjoyed this activity but I notice it’s hard for
them to make the puzzle because there is no hint for them, in next time I will try to make it easy for them I will but
a hint for example in each piece a number to they can put the numbers on order to make letter N
I had an extra activity for the students if they finish they will write letter Nn this activity improved the students
writing skills because they will write letter Nn many times
For the closing, I choose some students to explain and tell the others what they did in their centers, but I think the
time was tight so I next time I will try to make the closing longer for more students to have a chance to talk.