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LESSON 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-Service Teacher Education

ICT Competency Standards (CHEDUNESCO) as provided in the 2017, Policy, Standards and Guidelines
(PSG) for Pre-Service Teacher Education

• “demonstrate proficiency in the development and utilization of Information, Communication and

Technology (ICT) resources in promoting quality teaching-learning process”

ICT Competency Standards for Pre-Service Teacher

• Domain 1: Understanding ICT in Policies

1.1. Demonstrate awareness of policies affecting ICT in education

1.2. Comply with ICT policies as they affect teaching-learning environment

1.3. Contextualize ICT policies to the learning environment

• Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment

2.1. Demonstrate understanding of concepts, principles and theories of ICT systems as they apply to

2.2. Evaluate digital and non-digital learning resources in response to student’s diverse needs.

2.3. Develop digital learning resources to enhance teaching-learning

2.4. Use ICT tools to develop 21st century skills: information media and technology skills, learning skills,
learning and innovation skills, career skills and effective communication skills.

• Domain 3: Pedagogy

3.1. Apply relevant technology tools for classroom activities

3.2. Use ICT knowledge to solve complex problems and support students collaborative activities

3.3. Model collaborative knowledge construction in face to face and virtual environment

Domain 4: Technology Tools

4.1 Demonstrate competence in the technical operations of technology tools and systems as they apply
to teaching and learning

4.2 Use technology tools to create new learning opportunities to support community of learners

4.3 Demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology tools to support teaching and learning

• Domain 5: Organization and Administration

5.1 Manage technology-assisted instruction in an inclusive classroom environment

5.2 Exhibit leadership in shared decision-making using technology tools

• Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning

6.1. Explore existing and emerging technology to acquire additional content and pedagogical knowledge

6.2 Utilize technology tools in creating communities of practice

6.3 Collaborative with peers, colleagues and stakeholders to access information in support of
professional learning

Domain 7: Teacher Disposition

7.1 Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources

7.2 Show positive attitude towards the use of technology tools

DepEd Order 42, s. 2017

• “show skills in the selection, development and use of the variety of teaching learning resources
including ICT to address learning goals.”

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teacher (NETS*T)

• ISTE – International Society for Technology in Education

Philippine ICT Competency Standards

 Standard 1: Technology Operations and Concepts

 Standard 2: Planning and Designing Learning Environment and Experiences

 Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum

 Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation

 Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice

 Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S)

 Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation

 Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration

 Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency

 Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision Making

 Standard 5: Digital Citizenship

 Standard 6: Digital Operation and Concepts


1. Technology Operations and 1. Creativity and Innovation


2. Planning and Designing 2. Communication and

Learning Environment and Collaboration

3. Teaching, Learning an 3. Research and Information

Curriculum Fluency

4. Assessment and Evaluation 4. Critical Thinking, Problem-

Solving & Decision Makin

5. Productivity and 5. Digital Citizenship

Professional Practice

6. Social, Ethical, Legal and 6. Technology Operations and

Human Issues Concepts

Terms and Concepts

1.TECHNOLOGY-refers to a mix of process and product used in the application of knowledge.

2.ICT Literacy- Information and Communication Technology Literacy is the use of digital technology,
communication tools and/or networks to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate
information in order to function in a knowledge society (Guro 21, 2011).

3.EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY-refers to the use of technology in teaching and learning.

4.DIGITAL LITERACY- is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create contents using information
technologies and the Internet. (Cornell University).

5.DIGITAL LEARNING- is any type of learning that is accompanied by technology or by instructional

practice that makes effective use of technology.

6.ON-LINE DIGITAL TOOLS AND APPS- use an Internet connection to access the information needed.

7.OFFLINE DIGITAL TOOLS AND APPS- can still be used even if there is no internet access. Among these
are Canary Learning (it is a grading tool that is used by educators and checks assignments of learners
through offline mode).

8.INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY-is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization,

management, and evaluation of the processes and resources for learning (Association for Educational
Communications and Technology, Seels, B.B. & Richey, P.C. 1994).

9.SOFTWARE-set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific

10.MULTIMEDIA-is a sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats in a given

presentation or self-study program.

11.INTERNET-it is generally defined as a general network connecting millions of computers.

12.WORLD WIDE WEB (www)-It is a way of accessing information over the medium of the internet. It is
an information sharing model that is built on top of the internet.

13.WEB ACCESS-Is the ability of the learner to access the Internet at any point during the lesson in order
to take advantage of the array of available educational resources.

14.Web quest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that the learners
work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including simple word
processing documents that include links to websites.

15.Productivity tools refer to any type of software associated with computers and related technologies
that can be used as tools for personal, professional or classroom productivity.

16. Technology Tool is an instrument used for doing work.

a. Data/Calculation tools
b. Design tools

c. Discussion tools

d. Email tools

e. Handheld tools

17. Web quest is a teacher structured research experience for the student that is primarily. Based on
use of the World Wide Web and typically takes one or more instructional periods (Bender and Waller

18. Blog is an outline journal where posted information from both teachers and students are

19. Wiki, an editable website usually with limited access, allows students to collaboratively create and
post written work or digital files, such as digital photos or videos. (Watters, 2011).

20. Flipped classroom utilizes a reverse instructional delivery, where the teacher is required to use the
web resources as homework or out of class activity as initial instruction od the lesson which will be
discussed during class time.

21. Podcast is a video or audio multi-media clip about a single topic typically in the format of the radio
talk show. The two basic functions of podcast are to retrieve information and to disseminate
information (Eash, 2006).

22. Google Apps is a cloud-based teaching tool which is stored in the Google server and is available for
students both at home and in school. Incudes; Gmail, Google calendar, Google sites, Google docs.

23. Vlog is a video vlog where each entry is posted as a video instead of the text.

24. Facebook is a popular social networking site use by the students and adult worldwide to present
information on themselves and to the world.

25. VOIP (voice over internet protocol) is a category of hardware and software that enables people to
use the internet as transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice data in packets using IP
rather than traditional circuit transmission.


The 3 domains

1. Technology as a tutor- together with the teacher,technology can supports teacher to teach another
person or technology when programmed by the teacher can be a tutor on its own.

2. Technology as a teaching tool-it is being used to facilitate and lighten the work of the teacher.

3. Technology as a learning tool-it makes learning easy and effective. It can produce learning
outcomes that call for technology-assisted teaching.

A. For Teachers and Teaching

• Technology provides enormous support for the teacher as the facilitator of learning.

• Technology has modernized teaching-learning environment.

• Technology improves teaching-learning process and ways of teaching.

• Technology opens new fields in education researchers.

• Technology adds to the competence of teachers and inculcates scientific outlook.

• Technology supports teacher professional development.

B. For Learners and Learning

1.Supports learners to learn how to learn on their own.

All teachers fully understand that subject matter or content is a means to achieve the learning

The three(3) categories of knowledge according to Egbert (2009).

a.Declarative knowledge

b.Structural knowledge

c.Procedural knowledge

2.Technology enhances learner's communication skills through social interactions.

This is commonly described as the transmittal or information from one person to another as single
individual or group of individuals. According to Shirley (2003) in Egbert (2009), there are three basic
communication patterns;

• Point to point two-way or one-to-one like Internet chats, phone conversation or even
gace-to-face conversation.

• One-to-many outbound like a lecture, or television. There is no social interaction.

• Many-to-many like group discussion, buzz session, heads together. This kind of
interaction provides opportunities for social interaction.

For this particular role, what are benefits derived from technology-supported communication?

a.Enables any teacher to guide the learners virtually and making learning unlimited because
communication and social interaction go beyond a school day or school environment.

b.Enhances students' freedom to express and exchange ideas freely without the snooping
eyes of the teacher face to face.

c.Enables learner to construct meaning from joint experiences between the two ormore
participants in communication.
d.Help learners solve problems from multiple sources since there is limitless sources of
information that the teacher can direct or refer to the learners.

e.Teaches learners to communicate with politeness, talking turns in sending information and
giving appropriate feedback.

f.Enhances collaboration by using communication strategies with wider community and

individuals in a borderless learning environment.

g.Develops critical thinking, problem solving and creativity throughout the communication.

3.Technology upgrades learners' higher-order-thinking skills: critical thinking, problem solving and


- Critical thinking is part of the cluster of higher order thinking skills. It refers to the ability to
interpret, explain, analyze, evaluate, infer and self regulate in order to make good decisions.

Teachers play a significant role in supporting learners with technology.

A. Ask the right questions.

B. Use critical thinking task with appropriate level of challenge.


Creativity is characterized as involving the ability to think flexibly, fluently, originally, and elaborately
(Guildford, 1986 & Torrance, 1974 in Egbert, 2009.)

Flexibility- able to use many points of view.

Fluently- able to generate many ideas.

Originally- implies being able to generate new ideas.

Elaborately- able to add details.

Seven Creative Strategies (Osborn, 1963).

• Substitute- Find something else to replace to do what it does.

• Combine- Blend two things that do not usually go together.

• Adapt- Look for other ways this can be used.

• Modify/Magnify/Minify- Make a change, enlarge, decrease.

• Put to another use- Find other uses.

• Eliminate - Reduce, remove

• Reverse- Turn upside down, inside out , front-side back.

All together, the strategies will be labelled as SCAMPER

 LESSON 1: Policies and Issues on the internet and implications to Teaching and Learning

ICT Policies are needed to put a roadmap or course of actions to be pursued and adopted by various
governments, organizations, entities involving ICT.

The New ICT Technologies:

 More recent technological innovations increased the reach and speed of communication
which can be grouped into three categories:

Includes the use of computers, which has become indispensable in modern societies to
process data and save time and effort.
Include telephones and broadcasting of radio and television often through satellites.
Internet, has extended to mobile phone technology, Voice Internet Protocol (VOIP) satellite
communication and other forms of communications are still in their infancy.


- The Department of Information, Communication and Technology (DICT) has formulated a roadmap
to guide all agencies in the utilization, regulations and enhancement of ICT.

- ICT for Education (ICT4E), a program under the DICT that supports all the efforts of the education
sector in incorporating the use of ICT as well as determining and gaining access to the infrastructure.

Among the policy recommended programs that have applications to education teaching-learning are:

1. ICT in Education Masterplan for all levels. A Natural Framework plan for icts in Basic Education was

2. Content and Application development through the Open Content in Education Initiative (OCEI).

3. PheDNET as hosts educational learning and teaching materials and applications for use by Filipino
students, their parents and teachers.

4. Established Community eLearning Centers called eSkwela for out-of-school Youth(SY).

5. eQuality Program for tertiary education through partnerships with the state universities and
colleges (SUCs).

6. Digital Media Arts Program

7. ICT Skills strategic plan

These were guided by the roadmap that embeds policy statements and relate education specially in
the enhancement for teaching and learning.


Access- the possibility to use the internet and other media.

Civil Liberties –refers to the human right and freedom.

Infringement to Civil Liberties

There are specific internet issues on internet policy that have relationship to civil liberties or human

Issue No.1 Freedom of Expression and Censorship

● The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides that everyone has the right to
freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, likewise the right to freedom of opinion and
expression. However, there are practices that violate these provisions in the use of internet.

1. Individual rights are given up in order to have access to electronic networks.

2. Censorship restricts the transmission of information by blocking it or filtering the information.
3. Defamation actions may be used to silence critics. This action deters the freedom of

Issue No. 2 Privacy and Security

● Privacy policies are an issue.

● A privacy policy is a statement or a legal document (in privacy law) that discloses information
about how a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data.

There are several types of privacy as shown by the following examples:

- The right of individuals not to have their home, private life or personal life interfered with.
- Refers to the protection from interference with communication over the phone or internet
- Related to the use of computers and communication systems which are able to hold and
process information about large numbers of people at a high speed

It is important to ensure that information will only be used for purposes for which it was
gathered and will not be disclosed to others without consent of the individuals.

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