Posttest 50items

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. AVOID ERASURES. 13. Which is the least authentic mode of assessment?
1. What does the phrase assessment for learning imply? A. Paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary
A. Assessment is meant to improve learning. B. Oral performance to assess student’s spoken
B. Assessment is a necessary ingredients of the teaching communication skills
learning process C. Experiments in science to assess skill in the use of
C. There can be no learning without assessment scientific methods
D. There is no assessment without learning D. Artistic production for music or art subject
2. In an average grading system, what will be the average of 14. Which statement applies when scores distribution is
grade VI students with the following grades 75,78, 76 negatively skewed?
and 75 in the 4 gradings periods? A. The mode corresponds to a low value
B. The median is higher than the mode
A. 76 B. 76.3 C. 76.1 D. 76.2
C. The mode and median are equal
3. Which is a valid assessment tool if I want to find out how
D. The mean corresponds to a high value
well my students can speak extemporaneously?
15. What should a teacher do before constructing items for a
A. Writing speeches
particular test?
B. Written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous
A. Prepare the table of specifications
B. Review the previous lessons
C. Performance test in extemporaneous speech
C. Determine the length of time for answering it
D. Display of speeches delivered
D. Announce to students the scope of the test
4. Teacher J discovered that her pupils are weak in
16. Under which of the multiple choice type of test can this
comprehension. To further determine in which particular
question be classified? Which of the following
skill(s) her pupils are weak, which test should Teacher J
statements expresses this concept in different forms?
A. Association C. Difference
A. Standardized test C. Diagnostic
B. Definition D. Cause
B. Placement D. Aptitude test
17. Of the following types of test which is the most
5. “Group the following items according to phylum” is a
subjective in scoring?
thought test item on ___________.
A. Matching type C. Multiple choice
A. Inferring C. generalizing
B. Simple call D. Essay
B. Classifying D. comparing
18. In which of these research methods can the researcher
6. Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an
control certain variable?
instructional objective on working with and relating to
A. Experimental C. Descriptive
B. Ex post facto D. Historical
A. Writing articles on working and relating to people
19. During the first grading period, a student obtained failing
B. Organizing a community project
marks in five academic subjects. Which of the following
C. Home visitation
tests would best explain his performance?
D. Conducting mock election
A. Mental ability B.Personally C.Attitude D. Aptitude
7. While she was is in the process of teaching, Teacher J
20. Measuring the work done by a gravitational force is a
finds out if her students understand what she is teaching.
learning task. At what level of cognitions is it?
What is Teacher J engaged in?
A. Application B.Knowledge
A. Criterion-reference C. Formative evaluation
C. Evaluation D. Comprehension
B. Summative D. Norm-reference
21. Setting up criteria for scoring essay tests is meant to
8. With types of test in mind, which does NOT belong to
increase their ____.
the group?
A. Objectivity B. Reliability C. Validity D. Usability
A. Restricted response essay C. multiple choice
22. Self-evaluation can be done various ways, but this is
B. Completion D. Short answer
NOT one of them:
9. In a one hundred-item test, what does Ryan’s raw score
A. Written reflection
of 70 mean?
B. Self-videotape of class performance
A. He surpassed 70 of his classmate in terms of score
B. He surpassed 30 of his classmates in terms of score C. Use of evaluation instrument
C. He got a score above the mean D. Peer feedback session
D. He got 70 items correct 23. Of the following, which is the most effective way to
advance practical oral proficiency of students?
10. Which statement holds TRUE to grades? A. Give more group work compared with individual
Grades___________. work
A. Are exact measurements of intelligence and B. Request the construction of the school speech
achievement laboratory
B. Are necessarily a measure of students’ intelligence C. Engage students in conversational activities
C. Are intrinsic motivators for learning D. Give stress to correct grammar
D. Are a measure of achievement 24. What best describes “pwede na” mentality vs. excellence
11. Is it a wise practice to orient our students and parents on in service or work?
our grading system? A. arduous preparation C. committed work
A. No, this will court a lot of complaints later B. resignation to mediocrityD.striving to be the best
B. Yes, but orientation must be only for our immediate 25. Which of the following best relate for basic literacy for
customer’s the students. learners?
C. Yes, so that from the very start student and their A. drills C. field experience
parents know how grades are derived B. text-based learning D. demonstration
D. No, grades and how they are derived are highly 26. Which of the following is an active strategy in
confidential transformative education?
12. Zero standard deviation means that: A. drill B. lecture
A. The students’ scores are the same C. brainstorming D. demonstration
B. 50% of the score obtained is zero
C. More than 50% of the score obtained is zero
D. Less than 50% of the scores obtained is zero
27. How does the “humaneness” of the teacher best describe 41. Which of the following does NOT belong to the meta-
when he/she is full of interest and enthusiasm in the work cognitive reading activities?
of teaching? a. predicting b. testing c. sampling d. perceiving
A. knowledge C. perceptiveness 42. On components of direct instruction, which involves
B. responsiveness D. sensitivity teachers and students working together on a skill or task
28. In her tests, Teacher Dorie made tests that were either and figuring out how to apply the strategy?
difficult or too easy. What was wrong in her tests? a. guided practice
A. Inappropriate level of difficulty of the test items b. application
B. identifiable pattern of answers c. consolidation
C. unclear directions d. modelling
D. D. ambiguity 43. To survive in the global community and in the first
29. Of the following, which is NOT a characteristic of a century, one must be a _______.
Response Journal that reflects observations and a. digital expert c. digital native
interpretations of the student such as on a reading material b. digital immigrant d. authority
or a field visit? 44. In learning complex matters, what is important to give
A. encourage risk taking focus on?
B. literary and grammatical a. Separate and diverse thoughts and beliefs.
C. open and factual
b. Meaning from information, experience and beliefs.
D. non-threatening
30. Principal Rodriguez introduced machine scored tests in his c. Past information and knowledge.
school. What factor in scoring does this add to make tests d. Interest applicable to everyone.
more reliable? 45. Which is NOT an aim in having partners in team-learning?
A. objective scoring C. ease in checking a. focused attention
B. cost-saving D. time economics b. sharing ideas
31. Since Teacher Alvin wants his test to be more reliable, c. cooperative work
which of the following should he adopt?
d. lighter work
A. Make a test that requires students the need for more
time to complete. 46. Among the components in the Instructional framework for
B. Make the test difficult. learning strategies, which is demonstrated by teacher Ana
C. Increase number of test items who assigns homework for students to do on their own?
D. Restrict range of abilities in the test. a.Independent Practice
32. In preparing classroom tests, which of the following b. Review
checklist is the LAST among steps in tests preparation? c. consolidation
A. How are test scores to be tabulated?\
d. modeling
B. Have I prepared a Table of Specifications?
C. How are the test results to be reported? 47. In the taxonomy of learning objectives or outcomes, which
D. How is the objective item be scored? relates to judging in terms of internal evidence or logical
33. Among opportunities for Essay Questions, which of the consistency, or external evidence consistent with fact?
following does NOT provide high-level thinking a. evaluation
opportunity? b. receiving
A. analysis B. evaluation c. valuing
C. synthesis D.memorization
d. application
34. Of the types of validity of tests, what reflects the
knowledge and skills in the program of studies? 48. Among written categories of assessment methods, what
A. curricular validity C. content validity instruments did teacher Mona use when she used a check
B. criterion validity D. predictive validity list in order to to grade the dramatic performance of
35. Among cognitive levels of thinking, what cognitive level students in a play?
is stressed by the Essay question: “In the light of the facts a. performance test
presented, what is most likely to happen when ...? b. observation and self-reports
A. inferring B. classifying C. applying D. analyzing
36. For easier correction of his test, Teacher Edward prepared c. product rating scale
the True or False items in alternating 1,3,5,7 etc. True, and d. oral questioning
2, 4, 6 etc. False. What is wrong with the test in terms of
Usability? 49. Among general categories of assessment methods, what
A. Improper arrangement of items instruments did pre-school teacher Eva use when she rated the
B. Identifiable pattern of answers hand writing of her student using a prototype handwriting
C. Ambiguity method?
D. Poorly constructed test items a. performance test
37. Which of the following best describes creativity? b. observation and self reports
A. Imaginative B.positive C.resourceful D. inspired c. written response instruments
38. Of the following which is basic top development reading d. product rating scale
or reading as a developmental task?
A. Higher thinking process C.vocabulary meaning 50. Which indicator is most useful for assessing quality of
B. word recognition D. degrees of comprehension schooling?
39. Of the following, which is best peer teaching-and- a. drop-out rate
learning? b. cohort survival rate
A. individual B. collegial C. personal D. professional c. net enrolment rate
40. How can new information be made more meaningful to d. participation rating scale
A. Valuing new knowledge.
B. Relating it to knowledge they already know
C. Demonstrating novelty of new knowledge.
D. Increasing retention of new knowledge.

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