CS LabReport 8
CS LabReport 8
CS LabReport 8
Lab #08
Class FA18-BSEE-E
Design of Switch/On-Off Controller
To implement the Switch Controller on QNET HVAC Plant using LabVIEW
The QNET heating and ventilation trainer (HVACT) is the system consists of a Plexiglas
duct, with a heater in one end and a blower in the other end. The heater is a halogen lamp
and the blower is a variable-speed fan. There is a thermistor sensor placed inside the duct
to measure the temperature of the chamber and another thermistor sensor outside the
chamber to measure the room temperature.
On-off control or relay feedback is one of the simplest control strategies. The heater is
switched on when the temperature is lower than the desired value, and the heater is
switched off when the temperature is higher than the desired value. To avoid rapid
switches, it is common to introduce a hysteresis in the relay switch. A block diagram of a
system with relay feedback is shown in Figure
In this lab we know about the QNET HVACT (Heating and Ventilation coach). The switch
regulator on QNET HVACT was actualized by using Lab View. We also know about the
switching operation of system. With the assistance of hysteresis/postpone system can be
controlled and worked under required conditions. The ON-OFF regulator consistently attempts to
keep up the temperature around the set-point. The PI regulator was not recreated. Noticing the
outcomes in an ongoing style prompts further understanding of the regulator/controller.
In-Lab Tasks
Task-1: Calibration
The graph of how the chamber temperature varies when we change the set point.
As you can see the frequency of oscillating chamber temperature (red line) changes as we change
the set-point (blue line). So the heater stops and starts and different frequencies according to the
chamber temperature crossing the set-point. The cooling of chamber at higher temperature values
is faster and it rate of cooling gradually decreases as we move down to lower temperatures, that
is why due to faster cooling rates we get high frequency of oscillating chamber temperature. In
first case when offset is 0.5 than set-point or reference temperature was 22.5, which was easily
achieved but when offset become 2 than reference temperature became 24 which cause little bit
of delay in switching time because now measured temperature have to be greater than 24.
Task-2: Relay Control
(A)Vary the relay amplitude, 𝑉ℎ_𝑎𝑚𝑝, in the Control Parameters section. Explain how the
heater voltage affects the temperature variation and, in particular, observe the frequency
and amplitude of the chamber temperature. Attach a representative temperature
The offset of the heater/relay voltage is kept at 4.00 V. During the first four iterations the
amplitude Vh_amp is kept at 4 V and then it is decreased to 3.5 and then to 2 V and 1 V. That is
for amplitude 3.5 the voltage oscillates between 0.5 and 7.5 V and similarly you can see for
others As it can be noticed from the graph that for amplitude 2 V the voltage can go lower upto 2
V and not lower than that therefore the heater is always on at 2 V and the controller cannot
control the temperature, the chamber temperature keeps on increasing, Also when you decrease
the amplitude you get a relatively sluggish response.
(B): Explain the effect of changing the relay mean, 𝑉ℎ_𝑜𝑓𝑓. Attach a temperature response
The relay/heater offset voltage Vh_off is the mean voltage of the heater about which the voltage
will oscillate according to Vh_amp. Now at 2 V the lower part of the heater voltage can go up to
0 V even if the amplitude is 4 V. it cannot go to -2V. So the heater voltage oscillates between 6V
and 0V for offset 2V and amplitude 4V. We decrease the relay offset voltage the overshot of
chamber temperature decreases. Also the frequency of oscillation also increases gradually.
Now at 2 V the lower part of the heater voltage can go up to 0 V even if the amplitude is 4 V. it
cannot go to -2V. So the heater voltage oscillates between 6V and 0V for offset 2V and
amplitude 4V. We decrease the relay offset voltage the overshot of chamber temperature
decreases. Also the frequency of oscillation also increases gradually.
(C): Examine the effects of changing the relay width (or hysteresis), 𝐷𝑡ℎ, between 0.01ᵒC
and 1.00ᵒC. Give a short explanation and attach a temperature response with a narrow and
wide hysteresis
Dth plays a big role in switching time. In 1st case when Dth is 0.01ᵒC the switching occurs when
chamber temperature is 0.01ᵒC greater or lesser than ambient temperature. This small value of
Dth cause fast switching which can effect the systems life.
In 2nd case when Dth is 1ᵒC the switching occurs when chamber temperature is 1ᵒC greater or
lesser than ambient temperature. This big value of Dth may not effect the systems life but due to
its large delay it may not be preferable.
Task-3: Determination of Kvin Mathematical Model
Different control parameters help to set the desire delay of switch. By settings parameters as
given condition the wave of chambers temperature is like a triangular wave with curves, which
helps to compute and modeled by simple transfer function P(s)=Kv/s.
Post-Lab Tasks
Task-1: Give a real world example of switch control operation and how a trade-off between
hysteresis and better control can improve the System’s life expectancy?
Hysteresis and Control switching is used where the system is not fully stable. It is used when the
response of the system is changing its value with high frequency. If we use the hysteresis and
better control it can improves the system’s life by adding the delay in the switching. System
become more stable as the switching is reduced and system remains on or off for more time.
There are a lot of real world examples of switch control operation. It is widely used in Power
Systems as Power Switch.
When a switch is designed to switch significant power, the transitional state of the switch as well
as the ability to withstand continuous operating currents must be considered. When a switch is in
the on state, its resistance is near zero and very little power is dropped in the contacts; when a
switch is in the off state, its resistance is extremely high and even less power is dropped in the
contacts. However, when the switch is flicked, the resistance must pass through a state where a
quarter of the load's rated power (or worse if the load is not purely resistive) is briefly dropped in
the switch.
For this reason, power switches intended to interrupt a load current have spring mechanisms to
make sure the transition between on and off is as short as possible regardless of the speed at
which the user moves the rocker.
Task-2: Study the control operations in traditional Split Air Conditioners and Inverter Air
Conditioners. Which one implies the switch control?
Traditional Split AC
The compressor is the most important component of a vapor compression refrigeration system.
The ON/OFF type of compressor used to be popular in the past but DC Inverter type of
compressor is the latest technology in the market though more costly.
The ON/OFF compressor will totally ON or totally OFF depending on the set temperature and
the ambient temperature. Usually there is a dead band of about 1.5 °C to 2.0 °C to prevent ON-
OFF cycling of compressor that will reduce its lifespan. In cooling mode, the compressor will
turn ON when the ambient temperature of the room is higher than the set temperature by 0.75 C
(it can vary). It will only go off room temperature is below 1.25 C.
Inverter AC
The DC Inverter or AC Inverter type of control (obviously the compressor will also be of DC or
AC Inverter type) has better control in that it does not have to turn off totally.
The frequency of the rotation of the compressor can vary depending on the load required. Hence
the room temperature of the space being cooled can be very close to the set temperature most of
the time with some slight variation. Hence, Traditional Split AC implies the Switch Control.
Task-3: Describe how the process in the experiment was modeled by an integrator under
certain conditions? What are the very conditions?
The on-off control input and the measured temperature output from the experiment have an
interesting property that makes it possible to find a simple model for the process. The
temperature response is a ramp due a voltage step therefore the temperature is the integral of the
voltage. Under certain conditions, the process can be modelled by a simple transfer function
Where the parameter 𝐾𝑣 is the slope of ramp.
In the experiment, the behaviour of the heater system was investigated for different values of
controller parameters. More specifically, the control signal and the measured temperature were