Web Services - Memo LS Retail NAV 6.4

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Web Services

NAV 6.4

© Copyright 2012, LS Retail ehf. All rights reserved. All trademarks belong to their respective holders.
1 Overview............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Requirements ........................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Member Management Module ................................................................................. 1
1.3 Use ........................................................................................................................... 1
2 Web Services introduced in LS Retail NAV 6.2 ............................................................. 1
3 Web Services in LS Retail NAV 6.3 ................................................................................. 1
3.1 New Functionality in LS Retail NAV 6.3 ................................................................... 1
3.1.1 Addtions and Changes to Codeunits ........................................................... 5
3.2 Web Service Setup .................................................................................................. 5

Author : AOB
Date : October 31, 2013

LS Retail ehf.
Hofdatun 2, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
Tel: +354 414 5700 Fax: +354 571 2728
Web Services

1 Overview

1.1 Requirements

The POS should be able to solve all transaction server requests through web server requests.
This is done by adding new web requests to the existing web request module. For this to work
on the POS all the requests have to be both implemented at the web server side and the web
client side. The POS setup should be able to control for each request whether it is done by
transaction server or by web server and when using the web service the request URI for each
request shall be configurable.

1.2 Member Management Module

The Member Management module uses only Web Services and not Transaction Service.

1.3 Use

To monitor the web service communication, you use the Web Service Monitor that gives an
overview over the communication between the offline call center and restaurant databases.
The monitor window shows the latest result of the various processes going on and from here
you can run the processes directly and check whether a call center or a restaurant are online
through web services.

2 Web Services introduced in LS Retail NAV 6.2

The Web Service Framework introduced in the LS Retail NAV 6.2 is a set of table to define
supported request and how their request and response xml are constructed. The module
consists of:

1. Setup table to define if the module is active and some command Node Names to be
used in xml documents.
2. Request setup table to define supported requests and if they are active or not.
3. Request xml setup table to define both request and response xml for each request.
4. Common support functions to read requests process and create response xml.
5. Report to print out xml document layouts.

When the web service module is activated for the first time and no request exists in the
request table the system will create all the default requests. This is also valid if active later
and no requests found. When each request is activated and xml setup is not found for the
request (both request and response) the system will create default xml setup for both request
and response document.

3 Web Services in LS Retail NAV 6.3

3.1 New Functionality in LS Retail NAV 6.3

The new functionality can be divided into 3 groups.

1. Implementing new requests at web service side.

2. Implementing new requests at web client side.
3. Implementing new web client functions as part of the POS Transaction Server Utility.

Chapter 1 - Overview 1
Web Services

This modification include the ability to control for each of the 14 transaction server groups
which requests are done through traditional transaction serve and which are done through the
web services module. Each of the 14 groups have different numbers of web request to fulfill
all request needed. The use should be able control which of each group web request to use,
so for each group some of the request could be run a traditional transaction server request
and others as web requests. This setup is controlled through the POS functional profile.

Web Request form 99008825 is found under LS Retail – POS, Profiles, Functionality
Profiles, Profile button, select Web Requests.

This is a new list like form to show and control the 14 POS Functionality Profile web service
groups. This form shows which web request are behind each transaction server group and
gives the ability to activate and deactivate individual request for each group. For example for
group 1 Send Transaction:

Form 99008826 _POS Func Profile Card is a new version of the POS Functionality Profile
Card form the supports RTC, that is this is a RTC friendly version of the functionality card.
Holds the same functionality as the original form, but filed have been arranged by frames to
form fixed grouping for more controllable presentation.

Form 99008831 Web Request Type Server Ext. is a new list like form that show request type
extended server setup.

Form 99008839 POS Func. Profile Web Requests is a new list like form the show requests
that are available and active for a given functionality profile.

Chapter 3 - Web Services in LS Retail NAV 6.3 2

Web Services

Form 99008949 POS Func. Profile Web Servers is a new list like form the show (chain) of
web servers that the web client is allowed to use to fulfill web request in connection with a
given POS functionality profile. It is found here: LS Retail – POS, Profiles, Functionality
Profiles, Profile button, select Web Servers

Changes have been made to the POS Functionalty Profile Card on the Trans. Server tab at
LS Retail – POS, Profiles, Functionality Profiles, Trans. Server tab:

Chapter 3 - Web Services in LS Retail NAV 6.3 3

Web Services

This form is changed to support new web service functionality. New column that shows how
may request out of total available are active for each group. By drilling down on this filed the
user gets a list of all available request for this group and is able to either activate or deactivate
individual requests. Add two new commands to the Profile menu button that is command to
run the profile request setup form where all profile requests are accessible and command to
run the general server setup form.

Changes have been made to the Distribution Location card at LS Retail – Scheduler,
Distribution Location:

This form is changed to support new web service functionality. Add new tab and fields to
define web server information for this location. Add new command Web Request Type Serve
Ext. to menu button Dis.Location to run the extended request type setup.

At LS Retail – BackOffice, Setup, Web Service Setup there is a changed form to support new
web server and log functionality. Add new tabs and fields to define web server and log
information. Add new command Web Request Type Serve Ext. to menu button Web service
to run the extended request type setup.

The Web Request Setup form has now an additional Optional Comment column:

Chapter 3 - Web Services in LS Retail NAV 6.3 4

Web Services

3.1.1 Addtions and Changes to Codeunits

Codeunit 99009514 WS Default Data is a new codeunit to insert default data. This process
used to part of the setup table but has now been move to separate codeunit, mainly because
of the increase of requests and the needed to make both this and the normal process of the
table more focusable.

Codeunit 99009515 Web Services Connection is a new codeunit to handle all needed web

Codeunit 99001570 POS Transaction: Change to support new web service requests
regarding transaction suspension and z-report.

Codeunit 99008900 POS Function: Change to support new web service requests regarding
transaction suspension and loyalty points handling.

Codeunit 99008908 POS Data Client Utility. Change to support new web service request
GET_POS_START_STATUS when used to solve request for TS POS Cash Mgt.

Codeunit 99008909 POS Transaction Server Utility. Change to support new web service
requests. This codeunit acts as a connection point to the web services client depending on if
the request should be solved as web service request or as transaction server request. This
codeunit cover most of the connections with few exceptions.

Codeunit 99009510 Web Services: Extended and change to support different request types
and to handle exceptions in more depth. Requests are now run in a separate codeunit in a
protected mode and this codeunit now catches all exceptions (errors) and created a default
response xml including the error as an answer to the request.

Codeunit 99009511 Web Requests: Extended and change to support new base web
requests. This includes utilizing extended support from the WS Functions codeunit.

Codeunit 99009512 WS Functions: Extended and change to give better support for both web
service and web services client. This includes function for repeatable actions and other
support function to simplify the coding of individual request.

Codeunit 99009513 Web Requests: Extended and change to support new base web
requests. This includes utilizing extended support from the WS Functions codeunit.

3.2 Web Service Setup

To set up the Web Service, for instance for the Member Management module, there are a few
paths that are useful:

1. Go to LS Retail – BackOffice, Setup, Web Service Setup. In this form all the
common nodes, top, ID and response is defined.
2. On the General tab make sure that the field Web Service is Active is checked.

Chapter 3 - Web Services in LS Retail NAV 6.3 5

Web Services

3. On the Server tab the Web Server URI is entered.

To Activate: In the Web Service Setup form you can activate or deactivate the web service
module. If no request exist in the WS Request table when you activate the system will create
all the default requests.

To Activate Requests: Go to LS Retail – BackOffice, Setup, Web Service Setup. From the
Web Service button select Web Requests. The WS Request appears. In this form you can
activate or deactivate web requests. If no xml request setup exists in the WS Request Setup
table the system will create the default xml request and response setup for the request. On
the list form there is a Request button where requests are set up under Request/Response

Chapter 3 - Web Services in LS Retail NAV 6.3 6

Web Services

When activating the request the system creates the default setup for each request.

Chapter 3 - Web Services in LS Retail NAV 6.3 7

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