Service Design Document Template

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Service Design Document - Template

Application X

Document Changelog..................................................................................................................................2
Customer Admin..................................................................................................................................4
Customer End-User..............................................................................................................................4
Functional Requirements........................................................................................................................4
Application Lifecycle............................................................................................................................5
Service Lifecycle...................................................................................................................................5
User Lifecycle.......................................................................................................................................6
Domain Lifecycle..................................................................................................................................6
Integrations with other Applications...................................................................................................6
Identity Management..........................................................................................................................6
Non-Functional Requirements.................................................................................................................7
Service Dependencies..........................................................................................................................7
Deployment of Service........................................................................................................................7
Billing & Licensing................................................................................................................................7
Resource Model.......................................................................................................................................9
UX Mockups...........................................................................................................................................11

Put here short introduction about the service itself and planned integration via APS application.

Note: See “Service Design Document – Instructions” for a detailed explanation how to fill out this
Provide here Odin Automation Premium version (e.g. 7.0 or 7.1) and version of CCP (1 or 2) the
application is developed for.

List here which Personas (from common OA personas) will use this application. These personas should
also be used in description of scenarios in next section. Keep the link to online description of common
OA personas to avoid duplication of content here.

• Customer - Samantha (SMB Owner)

• Customer - Andrew (IT Admin)
• End-User - Emily (Employer)
• Reseller - Jim
• Provider Staff - Steven (Product & Marketing Manager)
• Provider Staff - Nik (Operations Manager)
Provide here a list of scenarios that the APS application will supply. Start with this exercise. There is no
template/checklist for this on purpose since different applications/services will have very different
scenarios and they should come from business needs, not technical functions of the platform.

Here is a sample scenario for package import and global settings configuration scenario.

Provider wishes to change Global Settings – 1.1 Goal Provider changes the values of Global Settings
Steven has successfully deployed the package and created an application instance.
1. Steven accesses OA Control Panel.
2. Navigates to Applications list.
3. Selects the TestApplication APS application.
4. Steven navigates to an application instance.
5. Steven clicks the “Global settings” tab.
6. Clicks “Edit” button.
7. Edits one or more listed fields.
a. API Username
b. API Password
8. Steven clicks the “Save Changes” button.
Customer Admin
Customer End-User
Functional Requirements
Use this section to validate that you have thought through all scenarios the application needs. Write for
each section which scenario covers this, how application should react or if not applicable.

Application Lifecycle
Install Application End-Point
Configure Application Instance
Upgrade Application
Remove Application
Monitor Application
Create Paid Service Offer
Create Trial Service Offer
Create Freemium Service Offer
Modify Service Offer for new customers
Modify Service Offer for existing customers

Service Lifecycle
Create new Paid Subscription
Create new Trial Subscription
Create new Freemium Subscription
Send welcome e-mail for Service to customer
Show introduction to Service in Control Panel
Convert Trial to Paid Subscription
Convert Freemium to Paid Subscription
Increase Subscription limits
Decrease Subscription limits
Switch between Resources within Subscription
Switch Subscription to other Offer
Buy additional Subscription
Renew existing Subscription
Suspend existing Subscription
Resume existing Subscription
Move Subscription to new Customer
Move Customer to new Reseller
Bill Subscription for fixed fees
Bill Subscription for usage
Application-specific configuration for customer account
User Lifecycle
Assign Service to end-user
Remove Service from end-user
Configure Service for end-user (by customer admin)
Configure Service for end-user (by user)

Domain Lifecycle
Assign a domain to the service
Remove a domain from the service

Integrations with other Applications

If applicable list here how the application will interact with services from other applications:

 During Purchase
 During Provisioning
 During Configuration
 During Consumption

Identity Management
Describe how/if Customer end-user, Customer Admin and/or Provider or Reseller staff can log-in from
OA to the service or from the service back to the OA control panel.

 Technology supported
 Log-in directly to application
 Log-in from OA to application as customer
 Log-in from the service to OA
 Can users be created and managed directly at service?
 Can users be managed on OA side?
 Password policies

Migrations from external systems
Provide information if and how it will be possible to migrate customers from an external system into
system running the APS 2 application.

Migrations from non APS OA service on same system

Provide information if and how it will be possible to migrate customers inside one Odin Automation
system from a non-APS integration to this APS 2 application.
Non-Functional Requirements
Service Dependencies
Does the customer need to have any other Services (e.g. a Domain) to use this service? List all

 Required
 Complementary
 Conflicting
 Uniqueness

Deployment of Service
Describe how service is deployed, if it’s hosted at Service Provider.

Is there branding for the Service for Service Provider? And how does it work?

Is there branding for the Service for Reseller? And how does it work?

How end-customers can get support for Service

How Service Providers can get support for Service

Which languages/countries are supported? By Service. By APS application to be developed. This includes
also number, date formats or other data shown to customers.

Billing & Licensing

Service Provider bills Customer
Describe here how the Customer will be billed by the Service Provider for using the application. What
are the billable resources, how are they sold (per usage, fixed monthly or yearly fees), what are
(recommended) packages.

 Service sold per user or resource instance or usage counter?

 Per user resources
 Per resource instance
 Usage based resources
 Minimum set of resources
 Enforcement of resource limits
 Resource dependencies & conflicts
 Purchase Limitations
 Billing period
 Service Offer Examples

ISV bills Service Provider

Describe here how the Service Provider will be billed by the ISV for selling the application.

Resource Model
Paste here the Resource model.
UX Mockups

List of mockups for UI scenarios. Provide screenshots of every screen of the APS application (provider,
reseller, customer level).

Customer creates new VPS

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