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CBSE Sample Question Paper Term 1

Class – XI (Session : 2021 - 22)

Class 11 - Physics
Time Allowed: 1 hour and 30 minutes Maximum Marks: 35
General Instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains three sections.

2. Section A has 25 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.

3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any20 questions.

4. Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions.

5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

Section A
Attempt any 20 questions
1. Newtonian mechanics could not explain [0.77]

a) flight of rockets. b) fall of bodies on earth.

c) some of the most basic features of d) movement of planets.

atomic phenomena.
2. Light year is used to measure: [0.77]

a) distance between atoms b) distance between stars

c) stationary charge d) none of these.

3. A jet plane lands with a speed of 100 m/s and can accelerate at a maximum rate of -5.00 [0.77]
as it comes to rest. From the instant the plane touches the runway, what is the
minimum time in seconds before it can come to rest?

a) 20.0 b) 10.0

c) 25.0 d) 30.0
4. A motorcycle stunt rider rides off the edge of a cliff. Just at the edge, his velocity is [0.77]
horizontal, with a magnitude of 9.0 m/s. Find the magnitude of the motorcycle’s velocity
vector, 0.50 s after it leaves the edge of the cliff.

a) 11.3 m/s b) 8.98 m/s

c) 10.2 m/s d) 9.65 m/s

5. If the unit of force is 1 kilonewton, the length is 1 km and time 100 s, what will be the unit [0.77]
of mass?

a) 1,000 kg b) 10,000 kg
c) 100 kg d) 1 kg
6. A sphere rolls down an inclined plane of inclination θ. What is the acceleration as the [0.77]
sphere reaches bottom?
2 5
a) 5
g sin θ b) 7
g sin θ

3 2
c) 5
g sin θ d) 7
g sin θ

7. If a solid sphere and solid cylinder of same mass and radius rotate about their own axis the [0.77]
moment of inertia will be greater for

a) solid cylinder and solid sphere b) solid sphere

c) solid cylinder d) both solid cylinder and solid sphere

are equal
8. A man weighs 60 kg at earth's surface. At what height above the earth' surface weight [0.77]
becomes 30 kg? Given radius of earth is 6400 km.

a) 2020 km b) 3000 km

c) None of these d) 2624 km

9. At a metro station, a girl walks up a stationary escalator in time t1. If she remains [0.77]

stationary on the escalator, then the escalator take her up in time t2. The time taken by her
to walk up on the moving escalator will be
t1 t2 t1 t2
a) b)
( t2 –t1 ) ( t2 + t1 )

c) t1–t2 d) ( t1 + t2 )

10. An elevator is descending with uniform acceleration. A person in the elevator drops a [0.77]
marble at the moment the elevator starts to measure the acceleration of the elevator. The
marble is 2 m above the floor when it is dropped. It takes 1.2 s to reach the floor of the
elevator. What is the acceleration of the floor? Take g = 10 ms-2.

a) 8.18 ms−2 b) 6.58 ms−2

c) 7.2 ms−2 d) 6.08 ms−2

11. A particle of mass 4 kg is acted upon by steady force of 4 N. Distance travelled by the [0.77]
particle in 4 sec is

a) 4 m b) 2 m

c) 16 m d) 8 m

12. The work done by an applied variable force F = x + x3 from x = 0 m to x = 2 m, where x is [0.77]

displacement, is

a) 8 J b) 10 J

c) 6 J d) 12 J
13. The centre of mass of a system of particles does not depend on [0.77]

a) relative distance between the b) masses of the particles

c) forces acting on the particles d) position of the particles
14. Two heavy spheres each of mass 100 kg and radius 0.10 m are placed 1.0 m apart on a [0.77]
horizontal table. What is the gravitational force and potential at the midpoint of the line
joining the centers of the spheres? Is an object placed at that point in equilibrium? If so, is
the equilibrium stable or unstable?

a) 0, 1.9 × 10−8 J/kg, unstable b) 0, 1.9 × 10−8 J/kg stable

c) 0, 2.7 × 10-8 J/kg, unstable d) 0, 2.7 × J/kg, stable


15. Strong Nuclear Force [0.77]

a) is responsible for holding the b) is responsible for holding the

nucleus of an atom together electrons of an atom together

c) is a long range force d) is responsible for holding the

nucleus of an atom and the electrons
16. The specific resistivity ρ of a circular wire of radius r, resistance R and length l is given by ρ [0.77]

= . Given, r = (0.24 ± 0.02) cm, R = (30 ± 1)Ω and l = (4.80 ± 0.01)cm. The percentage
πr R

error in ρ is nearly:

a) none of these b) 20%

c) 18% d) 7%
17. Two parallel rail tracks run north-south. Train A moves north with a speed of 27 km/ hr, [0.77]
and train B moves south with a speed of 45 km/ hr. What is the velocity of B with respect to
A in m/s? Choose the positive direction of the x-axis to be from the south to north:

a) -18 b) -28

c) -20 d) -15
18. It is found that |A + B| = |A|.This necessarily implies, [0.77]

a) B = 0 b) A.B ≤ 0

c) A, B are perpendicular d) A, B are antiparallel

19. A body of mass 5 kg starts from the origin with an initial velocity u⃗ = (30 ^
i + 40 ^
j) m/s. If [0.77]
a constant force (−6^ ^
i − 5 j )N acts on the body, the time in which the y-component of the

velocity becomes zero is

a) 20 s b) 5 s

c) 80 s d) 40 s
20. A block of mass M is attached to the lower end of a vertical spring. The spring is hung from [0.77]
the ceiling and has force constant value k. The mass is released from rest with the spring
initially unstretched. The maximum extension produced in the length of the spring will be

a) b) 4
Mg Mg

k k

c) 2 d)
Mg Mg

k 2k

21. A thin uniform rod of length 2l and mass M is acted upon a constant torque. The angular [0.77]
velocity changes from zero to ω in time t. The value of torque is:
2 2

a) Ml ω
b) Ml ω

12t t

2 2

c) 2M l ω
d) Ml ω

3t 3t

22. For a satellite to be in a circular orbit 780 km above the surface of the earth, what is the [0.77]
period of the orbit (in hours)?

a) 1.98 hr b) 1.65 hr

c) 1.78 hr d) 1.88 hr
23. A body moving with uniform acceleration has a velocity of 12.0 cm/s in the positive x- [0.77]
direction when its x coordinate is 3.00 cm. If its x coordinate 2.00 seconds later is -5.00 cm,
what is the magnitude of its acceleration in cm/s2 ?

a) -14.0 b) -12.0

c) -16.0 d) -18.0
24. In a two dimensional motion, instantaneous speed v0 is a positive constant. Then which of [0.77]

the following are necessarily true:

a) The acceleration of the particle is b) The acceleration of the particle is

bounded. necessarily in the plane of motion.

c) The acceleration of the particle is d) The particle must be undergoing a

zero. uniform circular motion
25. A body of mass 0.25 kg is projected with muzzle velocity 100 m/s from a tank of mass 100 [0.77]
kg. What is the recoil velocity of the tank?

a) 0.25 m/s b) 0.5 m/s

c) 5 m/s d) 25 m/s
Section B
Attempt any 20 questions
26. A horizontal platform is rotating with a uniform angular velocity ω around the vertical axis [0.77]
passing through its centre. At some instant of time, a viscous liquid of mass m is dropped at
the centre and is allowed to spread out and finally fall. The angular velocity during this

a) remains unaltered b) decreases initially and increases


c) increases continuously d) decreases continuously

27. Two persons of masses 55 kg and 65 kg respectively, are at the opposite ends of a boat. The [0.77]
length of the boat is 3.0 m and weighs 100 kg. The 55 kg man walks up to the 65 kg man and
sits with him. If the boat is in still water, the centre of mass of the system shifts by

a) zero b) 2.3 m

c) 0.75 m d) 3.0 m
28. A body of mass m is taken from the earth's surface to a height equal to twice the radius (R) [0.77]
of the earth. The change in potential energy of body will be:
a) mgR b) mgR
1 2

3 3

c) 3 mgR d) mg2R

i + 3 j + k acts on a body. The work done by the force for a displacement of -2 i [0.77]
A force F ⃗ = 2^ ^ ^ ^
+^ ^
j - k is

a) 2 units b) -2 units

c) -4 units d) 4 units
30. A truck accelerates at 1 m / sec from rest. What is its velocity in m/s at a time of 2 sec?

a) 2 b) 4

c) 1 d) 3

31. A batter hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat at speed v0 = 37.0 m/s at an angle a = 53.1o. [0.77]

Find the time when the ball reaches the highest point of its flight, and its height h at this

a) 3.02 s, 44.7 m b) 3.32 s, 41.7 m

c) 3.12 s, 43.7 m d) 3.22 s, 42.7 m

32. A stone is dropped from a height h. It hits the ground with a certain momentum p. If the [0.77]
same stone is dropped from a height 100% more than the previous height, the momentum
when it hits the ground will change by

a) 68% b) 41%

c) 200% d) 100%
33. In precession such as that of a top: [0.77]

a) the axis of rotation oscillates b) the axis of rotation is fixed


c) the axis of rotation oscillates d) the axis of rotation moves

34. Joule second is the unit of [0.77]

a) angular momentum b) pressure

c) work d) momentum
35. Two parallel rail tracks run north-south. Train A moves north with a speed of 54 km/ hr, [0.77]
and train B moves south with a speed of 90 km/ hr. What is the velocity of a monkey
running on the roof of the train A against its motion (with a velocity of 18 km/hr with
respect to the train A) as observed by a man standing on the ground in m/s ? Choose the
positive direction of x-axis to be from south to north

a) 10.0 b) 3

c) 8 d) 11
36. A projectile is fired a velocity of 150 meters per second at an angle of 30 degrees with the [0.77]
horizontal. What is the magnitude of the vertical component of the velocity at the time the
projectile is fired?
a) 225 m/s b) 75 m/s

c) 150 m/s d) 130 m/s

37. A body of mass 8 kg is moved by a force F = 3x N, where x is the distance covered. Initial [0.77]
position is x = 2 m and the final position is x = 10 m. The initial speed is zero. The final
speed is

a) 14 m/s b) 18 m/s

c) 6 m/s d) 12 m/s
38. Classical Physics deals mainly with_________________. [0.77]

a) transport phenomena b) macroscopic phenomena

c) microscopic phenomena d) surface phenomena

39. Which of the following is a dimensionless quantity? [0.77]

a) Specific heat b) Strain

c) Stress d) Quantity of heat

40. Two bodies of masses 10 kg and 20 kg respectively kept on a smooth, horizontal surface are [0.77]
tied to the ends of a light string, a horizontal force F = 600 N is applied to the 10 kg mass so
as to pull it. What is the tension in the string?

a) 450 N b) 300 N

c) 400 N d) 370 N
41. Calculate the escape speed from the Earth for a 5000-kg spacecraft. mass of the earth = 6.0 [0.77]
× 1024 kg; radius of the earth = 6.4 × 106 m; G = 6.67 × 10−11 N m2 kg−2 .

a) 1.52 × 104 m/s b) 1.32 × 104 m/s

c) 1.12 × 104 m/s d) 1.72 × 104 m/s

42. Different points in the earth are at slightly different distances from the sun and hence [0.77]
experience different forces due to gravitation. For a rigid body, we know that if various
forces act at various points in it, the resultant motion is as if a net force acts on the c.m.
(centre of mass) causing translation and net torque at the c.m. causing rotation around an
axis through the c.m. For the earth-sun system (approximating the earth as a uniform
density sphere)

a) the torque is zero b) the torque causes the earth to spin

c) the rigid body result is not applicable d) the torque causes the earth to move
since the earth is not even around the sun
approximately a rigid body
43. The asteroid Toro has a radius of about 5.0 km. assuming that the density of Toro is the [0.77]
same as that of the earth (5.5 g/cm3) Suppose an object is to be placed in a circular orbit
around Toro, with a radius just slightly larger than the asteroid’s radius. What is the speed
of the object?. Mass of the earth = 6.0 × 1024 kg; radius of the earth = 6.4 × 106 m; G = 6.67
× 10-11 Nm2 kg-2.
a) 6.8 m/s b) 6.6 m/s

c) 6.4 m/s d) 6.2 m/s

44. A 30 g bullet travelling initially at 500 m/s penetrates 12 cm into wooden block. The average [0.77]
force exerted will be

a) 31750 N b) 3040 N

c) 31250 N d) 41250 N
45. Assertion (A): A body falling freely may do so with constant velocity. [0.77]
Reason (R): The body falls freely when the acceleration of a body is equal to the
acceleration due to gravity.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

46. Assertion (A): A stone tied to the end of a string of 1 m long is whirled in a horizontal [0.77]
circle with a constant speed. If the stone makes 22 revolutions in 44 seconds. The
centripetal acceleration produced is π 2 ms-2.
Reason (R): Centripetal acceleration = ω2 R

a) Both A and R are true and R is the b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

47. Assertion (A): The result of every measurement by any measuring instrument contains [0.77]
some uncertainty.
Reason (R): This uncertainty in measurement is accuracy.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

48. Assertion (A): Moment of inertia plays the same role in rotational motion, as mass plays in [0.77]
linear motion.
Reason (R): Moment of inertia depends only on the mass of the body.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

49. Assertion (A): A safe turn by a cyclist should neither be fast nor sharp. [0.77]
Reason (R): The bending angle from the vertical would decrease with an increase in

a) Both A and R are true and R is the b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
correct explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

Section C
Attempt any 5 questions
50. A truck covers 40.0 m in 8.50 s while smoothly slowing down to a final speed of 2.80 m/s. [0.77]
Find its original speed in m/s.

a) 6.61 b) -0.368

c) -0.3878 d) 4.756
51. If μs is coefficient of static friction and μk is coefficient of kinetic friction, then [0.77]

a) generally, μs = μk b) there is no relation between μs and


c) generally μs < μk d) generally μs > μk

Question No. 52 to 55 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the
In everyday life, the term work is used to refer to any form of activity that requires the exertion of
mental or muscular efforts. In physics, work is said to be done by a force or against the direction of the
force, when the point of application of the force moves towards or against the direction of the force. If
no displacement takes place, no work is said to be done.

52. A box is pushed through 4.0 m across a floor offering 100 N resistance. How much work is [0.77]
done by the applied force?

a) 100 J b) 300 J

c) 400 J d) 200 J
53. What is work done in holding a 15 kg suitcase while waiting for 15 minutes? [0.77]

a) 22.5 J b) zero

c) 225 J d) 150 J
54. Frictional forces are: [0.77]

a) conservative forces b) non-conservative forces

c) buoyant force d) none of these

55. When the body moves in a circular motion, net 'work' done is: [0.77]

a) none of these b) positive

c) negative d) zero

Class 11 - Physics
Section A
1. (c) some of the most basic features of atomic phenomena.
Explanation: When science progressed into the realm of the microscopic (of dimensions the size of an
atom) world i.e. less than a nanometer, it was observed that Newtonian mechanics and classical
electrodynamics were in contradiction with experiments.
2. (b) distance between stars
Explanation: Light year is the distance traveled by light in one year.
3. (a) 20.0
Explanation: Initial velocity, u = 100 m/s
As it stops so final velocity, v = 0
Acceleration a = - 5 m/s2
We know, v - u = at
⇒ t =
0−100 −100
⇒ t = =
−5 −5

⇒   t = 20.0 s
4. (c) 10.2 m/s


the velocity components at t = 0.50 s are

vx = vox = 9.0m/s 
vy = −gt = −9.8 × 0.50 = −4.9m/s  
The motorcycle has the same horizontal velocity vx as when it left the cliff at t = 0, but in addition there is a
downward (negative) vertical velocity vy.
The velocity vector at t = 0.50 s is given by ,
v ⃗ = vx ^
i + vy ^
j = 9.0^
i + (−4.9)^
at t = 0.50 s the velocity has magnitude v is given by,
−−−−−−−−−−−− −
v = √(vx )2 + (vy )2 = √(9.0)2 + (−4.9)2  
Hence, velocity is  v = 10.2 m/s
5. (b) 10,000 kg
Explanation: Let x kg be the unit of mass.
As [F] = [MLT-2]
∴  1000 = [xkg]1[1000m]1[100s]-2
or x = 10,000 kg
6. (b) 7
g sin θ

g sin θ
Explanation: a = I

2 5
For a sphere, I =
∴ a =
g sin θ
7. (c) solid cylinder
Explanation: M.I. of solid sphere =  2 M R2
M.I. of solid cylinder = 2

Clearly,Icylinder  > Isphere 

8. (c) None of these

Explanation: mg ′ = mg 2
⇒ 30 = 60 × 2

⇒  6400 + h = 6400 √2

⇒  h = 6400(1.414 - 1)
= 2651 km
t1 t2
9. (b)
(t2 +t1 )

Explanation: Let L be the length of the escalator.

Velocity of girl w.r.t. ground vg = L


Velocity of escalator w.r.t. ground ve = t2

L L 1 1
Effective Velocity of girl on moving escalator with respect to ground = vg + ve =  t +
= L[

t1 +t2
vge = L [ t1 t2

Time t taken by girl on moving escalator in going up the distance Lis

dis tan ce L t1 t2
t= = t1 +t2
t1 +t2
L( )
t t
1 2

10. (c) 7.2 ms−2

Explanation: Let the acceleration of the elevator be ‘a’ downwards. As the elevator is going downwards
the marble has to travel a distance more than 2 m in order to strike the floor.
Initial velocity, u = 0 for both the marble and the elevator. 
Distance travelled by elevator in 1.2 s = 2
a × (1.2)
1 2
Distance travelled by marble in 1.2 s = 2 g × (1.2) 2=
× 10 × (1.2 )

This distance should be equal to height of marble + distance covered by elevator.

1 1
So,  2 × 10 × (1.2)
 = 2 + 2
× a × (1.2)
On solving, we get, a = 7.2 ms-2 downwards.
11. (d) 8 m
= 1 ms-2
F 4
Explanation: a =
1 1
s = ut +
= 0+
× 1× 4
12. (c) 6 J
2 2

Explanation: W = ∫  F dx = ∫  (x + x3) dx = [

2 4
x x
+ ]
2 4

13. (c) forces acting on the particles
Explanation: The centre of mass of a system of particles does not depend on the forces acting on the

14. (c) 0, 2.7 ×  10-8 J/kg, unstable

Explanation: Here, G = 6.67 × 10−11N m2 kg−2
M = 100 kg
R = 0.1 m
Distance between the two spheres d = 1.0 m
Suppose that the distance of either sphere from the midpoint of the line joining their centre is r. Then
r =  2 = 0.5 m
The gravitational field at the midpoint due to two spheres will be equal and opposite.
Hence, the resultant gravitational field at the midpoint = 0
The gravitational potential at the midpoint.
= ( ) × 2

6.67×10 ×100×2
= −
= −2.7 × 10−8 Jkg-1
As the effective force on the body placed at the midpoint is zero, so the body is in equilibrium, if the body is
displaced a little towards either mass body from its equilibrium position, it will not return to its initial
position of equilibrium. Hence, the body is in unstable equilibrium.
15. (a) is responsible for holding the nucleus of an atom together
Explanation: The strong nuclear force is the nuclear binding force, the force that provides the attraction.it
might also be responsible for holding particles together within the nucleus of atoms.
16. (b) 20%
Δρ 2Δr ΔR Δl
Explanation: ρ
× 100  =  r
× 100 + × 100 + × 100
R l
0.02 1 0.01
= 2 × 0.24
× 100 +
× 100 +
× 100

= 16.7 + 3.3 + 0.2 = 20.2% ≃  20%

17. (c) -20
Explanation: The velocity of A is given by, vA = +27 kmh–1 = +7.5 ms–1

The velocity of B is given by , vB = -45 kmh–1 = -12.5 ms–1

The relative velocity of B with respect to A is given by, vBA = vB – vA = −7.5−12.5 = –20 ms–1

i.e. the train B appears to A to move with a speed of 20 ms–1 from north to south.
18. (a) B = 0
Explanation: We have to identity statements which are always true. It is given that |A⃗ + B⃗ | = ⃗ 
|A|, it could
 ⃗  ⃗ ⃗ 
be true in two conditions that is either  = 0 or = -2 A. B B

For forming a single condition we will multiply them, as either one of them is true it will uphold the
necessary condition
We know B⃗  = 0, B⃗ − 2A⃗  = 0 (from previous equations)
Therefore their magnitude's product will also be zero.
⃗  ⃗  ⃗ 
|B|(|B| − 2|A|) = 0 (This will always be true)
⃗  2 ⃗  ⃗ 
|B| − 2|A||B|  = 0
⃗  ⃗ 
|A||B| ≤ 0(Equality is true for B = 0)
Above condition is always true
19. (d) 40 s
^ ^
Explanation: u⃗ = (30 i + 40 j )m/s

∴ uy = 40 m/s

⃗  ^ ^
F = (−6 i − 5 j )N

∴ Fy = -5N
= -1 m/s2
ay = =
m 5

vy = 0
But vy = uy + ayt
∴ 0 = 40 - 1 × or t = 40 s
20. (c) 2 

Explanation: Loss of gravitational P.E. = Gain of spring P.E.

Mg x =  2  kx2

2M g
∴  x =   

Ml ω
21. (d)

As Torque(τ ) is equal to the product of Moment of Inertia (I) and Angular acceleration (α)
τ = Iα
 τ = I
M (2l)
τ = [ ][ ]
12 t

Ml ω
τ =

22. (b) 1.65 hr

Explanation: Mass of the Earth, Me = 6.0 × 1024 kg
The radius of the Earth, Re = 6.4 × 10 m

Universal gravitational constant, G = 6.67 × 10-11Nm2 kg-2

Height of the satellite, h = 780 km = 780 × 103m = 0.78 × 106 m
(Re +h)
Time Period of the satellite, T = 2π√

6 6 3
(6.4×10 +0.78×10 )
= 2× × √
7 −11 24
6.67×10 ×6.0×10
6 3
(7.18×10 )
= 2× × √ 13
7 40×10
−−−− −−
22 5
= 2× × √9 × 10
= 2× × 948

= 2 × 22 × 135.42
= 5958.85 sec  = 1.65 hr
23. (c) -16.0
Explanation: Distance covered  s = Final position - initial position = -5 - 3 = -8 cm
Initial velocity u = 12.0 cm/s
Time taken t = 2.0 s
We know 
 s = ut +
⇒ - 8 = 2 × 12.0 +  2 a × 4 
⇒ -8 = 24 + 2a
 = −16.0 cm/s2  hence this is required result
⇒ a= 2

24. (b) The acceleration of the particle is necessarily in the plane of motion.
Explanation: We know that change in acceleration and velocity is in the direction of Force (F) by F  = m
a⃗  and change in velocity is zero so acceleration will also be zero and will be in the same planes as that of

25. (a) 0.25 m/s
Explanation: By conservation of momentum,
100 × v = 0.25 × 100
v = 0.25 m/s
Section B
26. (b) decreases initially and increases again
Explanation: By conservation of angular momentum,
L = Iω  = constant
As the liquid is dropped, it starts spreading out. The moment of inertia increases and angular velocity
decreases. As the liquid starts falling, the moment of inertia again decreases and angular velocity
27. (a) zero
As there is no external force, the centre of mass of the system does not shift.

28. (b) 2

Explanation: Cgange in potential energy,

GM m GM m
ΔU = − ( ) − (− )
R + 2R R

= − +
3R R
=  [∵ g = 2
3R R
=  3 mgR
29. (a) 2 units
Explanation: F  = 2^ ^ ^
i  + 3 j  + k

 = -2^
s ⃗  i  + ^
j  - k

W = F ⃗ ⋅ s ⃗  = -4 + 3 - 1 = -2 units

30. (a) 2
Explanation: Initial velocity, u = 0 m/s
final velocity = v 
Time t = 2 s
Acceleration, a = 1 m/s2
We know, v = u + at
⇒ v = 0+ 1× 2

⇒ v = 2 m/s
31. (a) 3.02 s, 44.7 m


The initial velocity of the ball has components

vox = vo cos αo = 37.0 × cos53.1o
= 22.2 m/s
voy = vo sin αo = 37.0 ×  sin 53.1o
= 29.6 m/s
At the highest point, the vertical velocity vy is zero. Call the time when this happens t1; then
vy = voy - gt1 = 0
⇒  t1 =  g
 =   = 3.02 s

The height at the highest point is the value of y at time t1:

1 2
h = voy t1 − g(t1 )
1 2
= 29.6 × 3.02 − × 9.8 × (3.02)

= 44.7 m
32. (b) 41%
Explanation: p = mv =
−−−−− − –

= m√2g × 2h = √2p = 1.414 p
p−p 1.414p−p
% change = p
× 100 = 41.4%

33. (d) the axis of rotation moves

Explanation: Precession is a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body, so the
orientation of the axis of rotation of Top change.
34. (a) angular momentum
Explanation: [Angular momentum] = [Work] [Time]
∴  Js is the unit of angular momentum.

35. (a) 10.0

Explanation: Choose the positive direction of the x-axis to be from the south to the north.  
Then, vA = +54 km h-1 =  +15 ms-1

vB = -90 km h-1 =  - 25 ms-1

The relative velocity of  B  with respect to A
= vB - vA = (-25) -15= -40 ms-1, i.e. the train  B appears to  A  to move with a  speed of  40 ms-1 from north to
The relative velocity of ground with respect to B = 0 - vB = 0 - (-25) = 25ms-1
Now, let the velocity of the monkey with respect to the ground be vM.  
The relative velocity  of the  monkey  with respect  to  A,
vMA = vM - vA = 18 -54 kmh-1 = - 10ms-1.

36. (b) 75 m/s

Explanation: Initial velocity, u = 150 m/s
Angle θ = 30∘
Vertical component is given by 
vy = usinθ = 150sin 30   ∘
= 150 ×

= 75 m/s
37. (c) 6 m/s
dv dv dx
Explanation: F = ma = m = m ⋅
dt dx dt

Fdx = mv dv [ dt
= v]

3x dx = 8v dv
10 v
3∫ xdx = 8 ∫ vdv
2 0
10 v
3 2 8 2
[x ] = [v ]
2 2 2 0

[100 − 4] = - 0]
3 96
or × = v
or v = 6 m/s.
2 4

38. (b) macroscopic phenomena

Explanation: Classical physics is the study of motion, projectiles, pulleys, and the planets. It mainly deals
with the movement of large objects (macroscopic) through space at relatively low slow speeds.
39. (b) Strain
Explanation: Strain is a dimensionless quantity.
40. (c) 400 N
Explanation: Let, T= tension on the string
a = acceleration, Given that , m1 = mass of light body  is = 10 kg and m2 = mass of heavy body is = 20 kg
 = 20ms-2
F 600
a = =
m1 +m2 30

Now the tension in the string will be,

T = m2a = 20 × 20 = 400N

41. (c) 1.12 ×  104 m/s

Explanation: We know, Vesc = √

Here G = 6.67 × 10-11Nm2kg-2

M = 6 × 1024 kg
R = 6.4 × 106 m
⇒ Vesc = √

2×6.67×10 ×6×10
= √ 6
= √

= 1.12 × 104 m/sec
42. (a) the torque is zero
Explanation: As the earth is revolving around the sun in a circular motion (approximately in actual the
path of the earth around the sun is elliptical) due to gravitational attraction. When we consider the earth-
sun as a single system and we are taking earth as a sphere of uniform density. Then the gravitational force
(F) will be of radial nature, i.e. the angle between position vector r and force F is zero. So, torque 
⃗  ∘
|τ |⃗  = |r ⃗ × F | = rF sin 0  = 0
43. (d) 6.2 m/s
Explanation: We know Orbital velocity:
Vorbital = = √
We can calculate the mass of Toro by mass density relationship:
Mass = Volume × Density
⇒ Mtoro =
πRtoro × ρtoro

Here Rtoro = 5.0 km = 5000 m 

3 2 3
ρtoro = 5.5g/cm = 55 × 10 kg/m

⇒  Mtoro = (4/3)π(5000)3 × 55 × 102

⇒  Mtoro = (4/3) ×  (22/7) × 125 × 109 × 55 × 102 ⇒ Mtoro = 2.9 × 1015kg

Putting Value Of Mtoro,G = 6.67 × 10-11and r ≈  Rtoro = 5000 in Eqn (1)


6.67×10 ×2.9×10
Vorbital = √
⇒ Vorbital = √ 3
−−−−−−− −
⇒ Vorbital = √3.886 × 10
−−− −
⇒ Vorbital = √38.86  = 6.2m/sec
44. (c) 31250 N
Explanation: v2 - u2 = 2a
02 - (500)2 = 2a × 0.12
a = −
30 500×500
Average force = ma = 1000
= 31250

45. (d) A is false but R is true.

Explanation: When a body is falling freely, only a gravitational force acts on it in a vertically downward
direction. Due to this downward acceleration, the velocity of a body increases and will be maximum when
the body touches the ground. If downward accelerating force is balanced by the upward retarding force,
the body falls with constant velocity. This constant velocity is called the terminal velocity of the body.
46. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: R = 1 m, f =  22 = 0.5 Hz, ω  = 2πf

= 2π × 0.5 = π  radian

Centripetal acceleration = ω2 R = π 2 ms-2
So, the assertion and reason both are true and the reason explains the assertion.
47. (c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: The result of every measurement by any measuring instrument contains some uncertainty.
This is known as an error. So, the A is true but R is false.
48. (c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: The mass or inertia is the property of bodies by virtue of which the bodies have a tendency
to remain at rest or in a state of uniform linear motion unless an external force is exerted on them. Greater
is the mass of the body, greater is the external force required to brings it in the position of rest or uniform
motion. Similarly, in order to rotate a body about an axis, a torque has to be applied to the body. This is
described by saying that the body has a moment of inertia about the axis of rotation. The greater is the
moment of inertia of a body about an axis, the greater is the torque required to rotate or to stop the body
about that axis. Thus, the moment of inertia plays the same role in the rotational motion as mass or inertia
plays in translational motion.
49. (c) A is true but R is false.
Explanation: During a turn tan θ =
, where θ  is angle of bending with vertical, when v is large and r is
small, tan θ  increases. Therefore, as θ  increases, so chances of skidding increase. Thus for a safe turn, θ
should be small, for which v should be small and r should be large i.e. turning should be at a slow speed
and along a track of larger radius.
Section C
50. (a) 6.61
Explanation: We know that, for a particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration ax, its
motion is described by the kinematic equation given by:
  Δx = 1
(vxi + vxf ) Δt

Rearranging it, we have

vi = − vf

Substituting the values of Δx, Δt and vf  into this equation, we get

vi = − (2.80m/s) = 6.61m/s

51. (d) generally μs > μk

Explanation: generally μs > μk

52. (c) 400 J

Explanation: 400 J
53. (b) zero
Explanation: zero
54. (b) non-conservative forces
Explanation: non-conservative forces
55. (d) zero
Explanation: zero

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