Class 12 Phy - Education Half Yearly-1

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Name: -______________________ Date: - 14/09/2022

Class: - XII________ Time: - 3 hr
Subject – Physical Education M.M: - / 80
Invigilator Sign: - _________________ Checker Sign: - ____________
General Instructions: -
1. The question paper consists of 30 and all are compulsory.
2. Questions 1-12 carry 01 mark each and multiple-choice questions.
3. Questions 13-16 carry 02 marks each and shall not exceed 40-60 words.
4. Question 17-26 carry 03 marks each and shall not exceed 80-100 words.
5. Questions 27-30 carry 05 marks each and shall not exceed 150-200 words.
Q.1. how many byes will be give if 1a terms are participating in a knock – out tournament?
(a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (d) 15
Q.2. which sports competition is organized within the school
(a) interstate (b) extramural (c) intramural (d) none of these
resistance ability against fatigue is called
(a) strength (b) speed (c) endurance (d) ability
Q.3. match list -1 with list-ii and select the correct answer form the code give below.
List-1 List-1
1. Vitamin A 1. Pyorrhea
2. Vitamin B 2. Rickets
3. Vitamin C 3. beriberi
4. Vitamin D 4. Night blindness
I ii iii iv
A 2 4 3 1
b 1 2 4 3
c 4 3 1 2
d 3 1 2 4
Q.4. what is bye?
a. it is a method of drawing fixture.
b. point system for team games.
c. advantage give to a team to not to play in initial round.
d. placing of teams according to previous performances.
What is the value placed for male invo2 max formula?
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 0.85 (d) 0.72
Q.5. one of the possible causes for obesity could be?
(a) heredity (b) excessive eating (c) fast metabolism (d) both a & b
Q.6. which is the cause of sensory processing disorder.
(a) genetic (b) low birth weight (c) environment factor(d) all the above
Q.7. in which disorder children always tend to disturb those around them?
(a) odd (b) add (c) ocd (d) sdd
Q.8. according to who criteria the normal bmi of an individual should be.
(a) 18.5-22.5 (b) 18.55-22.9 (c) 18.5-23.9 (d) 18.55-24.9
What should be the normal blood pressure of an adult?
(a) 110/70 mm hg (b) 140/90 mm hg (c) 120/80 mm hg (d) 140/95 mm hg
Q.9. in which Olympics there was no participation of women?
(a) 1900 (b) 1904 (c) 1896 (d) 1908
Q.10. name the first Indian women who secured a bronze medal in Olympic games.
(a) vinesh phhogat `(b) babita kumari (c) shakshi malik (d) karnam mallesh wari
Q.11. Krishna Poonia is related to which games?
(a) wrestling (b) boxing (c) judo (d) athletics
Q.12. which one of the following is not related with spinal curvature deformities?
(a) krphosis (b) bow legs (c) lordosis (d) scoliosis
Q.13. identify the below given asanas and write the names.
(a) (b) (c)


Q.14. enlist any 4 causes of oppositional defiant disorder.

Q.15. “Asanas can be used as a preventive measure “ comment.
Q.16. when and where did Paralympics start? What ten purpose of these games?
What is the procedure of dhanurasana?
Q.17. what is good planning in sports?
Q.18. tell how tada sana is helpful in the management of obesity?
Q.19. compare any three micro minerals on the basis of their sources and benefits.
Compare any three fat soluble vitamins on the basis of their sources and benefits.
Q.20. explain any three causes of disability.
Q.21. briefly discuss about any three remedies knock knees.
Breefy discuss flat foot.
Q.22. what is osteoporosis? Explain the factors that lead to osteoporosis in women.
Q.23.what is the role of yoga in preventing lifestyle diseases?
Q.24.plan a strategy for making physical activity accessing ie for children with special need.
Q.25. there are 11 teams participating in a knock-out tournament. Explain the procedure to calculate
number of ‘byes’ and also with the help of diagram allot “byes”.
Q.26. explain the causes of scoliosis and precautions.
What is osteoporosis? Explain the factors that lead to osteoporosis in women.
Q.27. now-a-days yoga play a very important role in cure of various diseases. Justify the statement by
giving suitable examples of asanas for hypertension.
Discuss the procedure, benefits and contraindications of trikonsana and ardhamatsyendrasana
Q.28. explain about any four macro nutrients and four macro nutrients?
Q.29. explain any five common postural deformities.
Q.30. what do you mean by planning in sports in detail.

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