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1-The Hawthorne studies are of utmost significance as they form an honest

and concerted attempt to understand:

(A) The human factor

(B) Employee attitudes

(C) The workers social situations

(D)All of the above

2-The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader’s trust in the

abilities of his subordinates.

(A) Participative

(B) Delegative

(C) Authoritarian

(D) All of the above

3-Work attitudes can be reflected in an organization through

(A) Job satisfaction

(B) Organizational commitment

(C) Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

(D) None of the above

4-The two dimensions of leadership which emerged from the Leader Behavior
Description Questionnaire were ‘consideration’ and ‘________’.

(A) Energizing
(B) Initiating structure

(C) Deliberate

(D) Commanding

5-The model(s) of Organizational Behaviour is (are):

(A) Autocratic

(B) Custodial

(C) Supportive

(D) All of the above

6-At the norming stage, the team is involved in defining ………

(A) Goals

(B) Roles

(C) Relations

(D) All of the above

7-Identify the steps involved in achieving improvement in communication

within the organization.

(A) Sending messages, Use of multiple channels, Promoting inter-group


(B) Simple messages, Use of multiple channels, promoting inter-group interaction

(C) Simple messages, Use of multiple channels, promoting inter-group

(D) Simple messages, Use of multiple methods, promoting inter-group

8-The philosophy that guides an organization’s policies towards its employees

and customers is an important part of

(A) Management strategy

(B) Organization behavior

(C) Organizational culture

(D) Organization development

9-Feature(s) of Maslow’s need hierarchy theory is (are):

(A) Theory of human motives

(B) Classifies basic human needs in a hierarchy

(C)Theory of human motivation

(D) All of the above

10-What is play to some people maybe to others.

(A) Responsibility

(B) Duty

(C) Work

(D) None of the above

11)Organisational behaviour is_______

a) A science

b) An art

c) A science as well as an art

d) None of the above

12)Communication begins with _____

a. encoding

b. idea origination

c. decoding

d. channel selection

13)A study of the culture and practices in different societies is called _____

a) Personality

b) Anthropology

c) Perception

d) Attitudes
14)Forces affecting organizational behaviour are _______

a) People

b) Environment

c) Technology

d) All of the above

15)Scope of Organizational Behaviour does not include ______

a. Leadership

b. Perception

c. Job Design

d. Technology

16)In present context, challenges for Organizational Behaviour are _____

a) Employee expectation

b) Workforce diversity

c) Globalization

d) All of the above

17)Meso organization behaviour is related with

a) Individual behaviour

b) Group behaviour

c) Organisational behaviour

d) None of these

18)Organizational behaviour focuses at 3 Levels-

a. Individuals, Organization, Society

b. Society, Organization, Nation

c. Employee, Employer, Management

d. Individual, Groups, Organisation.

19)__________ is recognized as father of “Human relations”

a) William Gilbreth

b) Hendry Fayol

c) F.W.Taylor

d) Elton Mayo
20)Some of OB’s challenges and opportunities include all of the following except

a) reinforcing the importance of traditional methods of management

b) offering specific insights to improve interpersonal and people skills

c) helping us learnt to cope in a continues changing world

d) facilitating the improvement of quality and employee productivity

21)Edward Tolman is related to ______

a) Behaviourist Framework

b) Cognitive approach

c) Social Cognitive Framework

d) None of these

22)Hawthorne Studies is related to which stage of the organisational behaviour


a) Industrial revolution

b) Scientific management

c) Organisational behaviour

d) Human relations movement

23)Which of the following represents the correct sequencing of historical
developments of Organizational Behaviour?

a) Industrial revolution —> Scientific management –> Human relations movement

–> OB

b) Industrial revolution —> Human relations movement —> Scientific management –>

c) Scientific management —> Human relations movement –> Industrial revolution –>

d) None of these.

24)The field of organizational behaviour examines such questions as the nature

of leadership, effective team development, and______

b) Organisational control; conflict management

a) Interpersonal conflict resolution; motivation of individuals

c) Motivation of individuals; planning

d) Planning; development

25)Organizational Behaviour is a field of study backed by a body associated with

growing concern for people at the workplace

a) Theory

b) Research

c) Application
d) All of the above

26)Which of the following is not correct for the organizational behaviour?

a) Organizational behaviour is an integral part of management

b) Organizational behaviour is a disciplinary approach

c) Organizational behaviour helps in analysis of behaviour

d) Organizational behaviour is goal-oriented

27)Which one of the following is the definition given by Fred Luthans _____

a) Organisational behaviour is to understand, predicting and controlling human

behaviour at work

b) Organisational behaviour is subset of management activities concerned to human


c) Organisational behaviour is a branch of social sciences that seeks to build theories

d) Organisational behaviour is a field of study that investigates the impact on behaviour

28)Contribution/s of human relations movement is/are

a) Great Depression

b) Labour Movement
c) Hawthorne Studies

d) All of these

29)Nowadays a lot of stress is being put on the __________ of the employee in

the organization

a. Character

b. improvement

c. Behaviour

d. Rewards

30)The term ‘psychology’ is derived from the word ‘psyche’, which means ‘soul’
or ‘spirit’_______

a) Latin

b) French

c) Greek

d) None of these

31)The field of organizational behaviour is primarily concerned with _____

a) The behaviour of individual and groups.

b) How resources are effectively managed.

c) Control processes and interactions between organisations, external context.

d) Both a and c.

32)The____________ is based on the environment. Though____________ like

thinking, expectations and perception do exist, and they are not needed to
manage or predict behaviour.

a) Behavioristic approach, Cognitive processes,

b) cognitive processes, behavioristic approach

c) Social cognitive, behavioristic approach

d) Cognitive processes, social cognitive

33)Organizational Behaviour is the study of _____________ in the organization

A. Human

B. Employer

C. Human Behaviour

D. Employees

34)The Hawthorne experiment was conducted by________

a) William Gilbreth

b) Hendry Fayol

c) F.W.Taylor

d) Elton Mayo

35)OB Helps to understand behaviour of human in ___________.

a) work place and Society

b) work place only

c) Society only

d) Department only

36)OB does Not contribute to improve

a) Motivation

b) Efficiency

c) interpersonal relations

d) Communication

37)Due to emphasis on productivity & efficiency, employee are not allowed to

work with harmony with one another is a limitation of_____
a) Organizational Cultural

b) Organizational Structure

c) Organizational Behaviour

d) Organisational Value

38)Common uniform, canteen, office does not mean common treatment is a

limitation of

a) Organizational Cultural

b) Organizational Structure

c) Organizational Behaviour

d) Organizational Value

39)Which of the following is not a contributing discipline of OB

a) Anthropology

b) Psychology

c) physiology

d) sociology

40)____________ is a Study of individual Behaviour

a) Anthropology

b) Psychology

c) political science

d) sociology

41)__________ is a Study of Group Behaviour

a) Anthropology

b) Psychology

c) physiology

d) sociology

42)___________ is a Study of man, his work and Culture

a) Anthropology

b) Psychology

c) Social psychology

d) sociology

43)_________ focuses on the influence of people on one another

a) Anthropology

b) Psychology

c) Social psychology

d) sociology


44). "______________ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts"

A. Management
B. Organization
C. Leadership
D. Behavior

45. Which organization theory can be understood by IF and THEN relationship

A. System approach
B. Contingency approach
C. Process approach
D. Scientific approach

46.Which of the following is/are not job related source of stress

A. Role ambiguity
B. Role overload
C. Ethical dilemmas
D. Career concerns

47). Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory?

A. Goal specificity
B. Equity among workers
C. Feedback
D. Defining the goal

48). Raju believes that men perform better in oral presentations than women. What
shortcut has been used in this case?

A. The halo effect

B. The contrast effect
C. Projection
D. Stereotyping

49). Concept of MBO was introduced by:

A. Peter. F.Drucker
B. Mary Parker
C. Henry Fayol
D. Philip Kotler

50). Which dimension of Big 5 personality traits represents artistically sensitive, refined


A. Culture
B. Emotional stability
C. Conscientiousness
D. Extroversion

51). If everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way,
attribution theory states that the behaviour shows ______________.

A. Consensus
B. Similarity
C. Reliability
D. Consistency
52). What term is used for the extent to which an individual displays different behaviour
in different situations?

A. continuity
B. integrity
C. flexibility
D. distinctiveness

53). As a manager, one of James's duties is to present awards to outstanding employees

within his department. Which Mintzberg managerial role is James acting in when he
does this?

A. leadership role
B. liaison role
C. monitor role
D. figurehead role

54). The ______________is the part of the personality that opposes the
desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions
A. superego
B. ego
C. motives
D. observation
55). Classical conditioning is also referred to as
A. bandura
B. maslow
C. pavlovian
D. robbins
56). __________ is a schedule of reinforcement in which a variable amount
of time must pass before a response is reinforced
A. fixed ratio
B. variable ratio
C. fixed interval
D. variable interval
57. ___________ is a schedule of reinforcement in which a fixed period of
tie must elapse before a reinforcement is administered
A. fixed ratio
B. variable ratio
C. fixed interval
D. variable interval
58). Emotions are usually accompanied by distinct
A. verbal
B. positive
C. facial
D. physical
59) The process of communication begins when the ____________has a
thought or an idea that he wishes to convey to another person
A. encoding
B. sender
C. message
D. channel
60. _________communication takes place through proper channels in the
A. formal
B. informal
C. non-verbal
D. paralinguistic
61. An _____________ is a third party to a negotiation who has the
authority to dictate an agreement
A. arbitrator
B. consultant
C. motivator
D. approcher
62. The ___________ child of the child ego state acts in ways that are
learned from the environment
A. natural
B. adapted
C. small
D. big
63.. In ________________departmentalization a department is formed on
the basis of area, territory or region
A. geographic
B. productive
C. functional
D. process
64). “------------ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group
A. management
B. organization
C. leadership
D. behaviour
65). Which of the following is/are the key features of organization
A. social invention
B. accomplishing goals
C. group efforts
D. all of these
66). A study of human behavior in organizational settings is
A. individual behaviour
B. group behaviour
C. organizational behaviour
D. none of these
67). Scientific Management approach is developed by
A. Elton mayo
B. henry Fayola
C. f.w. Taylor
D. a. Maslow
68). Who proposed “bureaucratic structure” is suitable for all organization
A. elton mayo
B. henry fayol
C. f.w. taylor
D. max weber
69. “Hawthrone experiment” which was a real beginning of applied
research in OB was conducted by
A. Elton mayo
B. henry Fayola
C. f.w. Taylor
D. max weber
70. Process or administrative theory of organization is being given by
A. elton mayo
B. henry Fayola
C. f.w. taylor
D. max weber
71. Whose concept states that interpersonal and human relations may lead
to productivity
A. Elton mayo
B. henry Fayola
C. f.w. Taylor
D. max weber
72. Today’s organization are
A. open system
B. closed system
C. open as well as closed
D. none of these
73. Which organization theory can be understood by IF and THEN
A. system approach
B. contingency approach
C. process approach
D. scientific approach
74. Organization Behavior is
A. an interdisciplinary approach
B. a humanistic approach
C. total system approach
D. all of these
75. Organization Behavior is not a /an
A. a separate field of study
B. applied science
C. normative science
D. pessimistic approach
76. “Cognitive theory” of learning was given by
A. skinner
B. Pavlov
C. Dolman
D. piajet
77. Extension of behavior modification into organization is called
A. enrichment
B. enlargement
C. ob mod
D. ob ext
78. --------------is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a
result of experience
A. behaviour modification
B. learning
C. motivation
D. skills

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