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2.JIC_MM:Organization Structure:


The company code is the organizational unit that structures enterprise from a financial
accounting perspective. In the MM module of SAP system, these organizational entities are
important in that these entities form a platform for the creation of master data,
transaction data and MM reporting. In SAP only one company code will represent JICPL

Company Code Description

1000 Jay Industrial Chemicals Pvt. Ltd


A plant is an organizational logistics unit that structures the enterprise from the
perspective of production, procurement, plant maintenance, materials planning and
Plant 1100 is the Processing unit for JICPL. The entire procurement, planning, production
and customer delivery of products happens from this unit.

Sr Plant Name Name2 Address with Tel no, fax

No no & GST

01 1100 Jay Industrial Chemicals Pvt. Ltd Mumbai


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JIC_MM-03:Storage Location

In SAP, storage location is a location of physical storage of stocks within a plant. A storage
location is used in goods receipt, goods issues and returns receipt

The following storage locations will be configured for JICPL plants –

Storage Location Description

GR01 Grey store_Fac 2nd floor
GR02 Grey store_GD ground floor
GR03 Grey store_GD 1st floor
GR04 Grey store_GD 2nd floor
BP01 Bought Out
CC01 Color & Chemical stores
CS01 Consumable Store
SC01 Scrap Store
BL01 RFD ( Bleaching)
PT01 Printing
FG01 Finishing
PC01 Packing
RM01 Raw Materials
VR01 Vendor Return

JIC_MM-04:Purchase Organisation

Purchasing organization in SAP refers to an organizational unit, responsible for procuring

materials & services, negotiates the purchasing terms & conditions with vendors and
assumes legal responsibilities for these activities. It is a basic requirement and pre-
requisite for the creations of master data and for the execution of business transactions in
the MM module.

Following Purchase Organization will be defined for JICPL:

Purchasing Organization P.Org Description

1000 JICPL Purchasing Organisation

JIC_MM-04:Purchasing Group
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A purchasing group is the key for a buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain
purchasing activities.

During Purchase Order creation, it is mandatory to enter the Purchasing Group code to
specify, which department is responsible for that Purchase Order. The Purchasing Group
also decides the process flow for PO Approvals.

The purchasing group code to be used in JICPL is as follows:


(max 3 char) (max 18 char)
010 Fabric
020 Chemicals & Color
030 Consumable
040 Store/Spares
050 Packing material
060 Capital goods/Asset
070 Subcontract Vendor
080 Services

3.Master Data

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3.1 Material Master:

Material master contains information of all the materials that a company produces &
procures, stores & sales. It is the company’s central source for retrieving material specific

All materials must be assigned to a material type which determines:

 Whether the material is intended for a specific purpose such as a configurable

material or process material
 Whether the material number can be assigned internally or externally
 The number range from which the material number is drawn
 Which screens appear and in what sequence
 Which user department data you may enter
 What procurement type the material has; that is, whether it is manufactured
in-house or procured externally, or both

JIC01_MM-01:Material Type:

Material type groups together materials with the same basic attributes, for example, raw
materials, semi-finished products, or finished products. When creating a material master
record, materials are assigned to a material type. Material type determines whether the
material number can be assigned internally or externally and the number range from which
the material number is drawn.

The following material types with number ranges which will be used in Plant 1100:

MAT Mov.Avg Std

TYPE Price Price
1 ZROH Raw Materials 11000000-11999999 X
2 ZSFG Semi-finished goods 12000000-22999999 X
3 ZFRT Finished goods 13000000-13999999 X
4 ZERS Spare parts 14000000-14999999 X
5 ZCON Consumables 15000000-15999999 X
6 ZTOL Tools and Dies 16000000-16999999 X
7 ZCAP Capital Goods 17000000-17999999 X
8 ZJOB Job work material type 18000000-18999999 X
9 ZSSP Scrap 19000000-19999999 X
10 ZPAC Packaging Material 20000000-20999999 X
11 ZFRE Free Goods 21000000-21999999
12 UNBW Non Valuated Material 22000000-22999999 X

Note: All materials are having Internal number ranges, except SFG & F.G material type.

JIC01_MM-02:Vendor Master:

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A vendor is a business partner from whom goods or services can be procured. Every vendor
can carry out a number of different functions, such as delivering goods, issuing invoices.
A vendor master record contains the vendor’s name and address, as well as data such as:
 The currency used for ordering from the vendor.
 Terms of payment
 Names of important contact persons (sales staff)

Since, to the accounts department, vendors are generally creditors (accounts payable),
the vendor master record also contains accounting information, such as the relevant
control account (reconciliation account) in the general ledger.

Therefore, the vendor master record is maintained by both Accounting and Purchasing.

Vendor Account Group:-

When creating a vendor master record, you must specify an account group. You use the
account group to determine
 Which fields are ready to accept input and which fields require entries when master
records are created and changed
 Whether the account is a one-time account.

SR.NO Description Number Range
1 ZDOM Domestic Vendor 100000-199999
2 ZIMP Import Vendor 200000-299999
3 ZEMP Employee Vendor 300000-399999
4 ZONE One Time Vendor 400000-499999


Remember to maintain the field status. If you have not selected a status for a field
group, the associated fields will be hidden.
 You use the field status to define
 Which fields require the entry of data when a vendor master record is
created (mandatory-entry fields).
 Which fields allow the entry of data (optional-entry fields)
 Which fields are to be hidden by the System

JIC01_MM-03:Purchasing Information Record:

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Purchasing info record contains concise information about a material and a vendor
supplying that material. Information like price, lead times, reminders, etc. can be stored
in the info record. An info record thus represents a material-vendor relationship.

Certain fields in an info-record are explained below:

Planned Delivery Time: It is lead time required by the vendor to deliver goods.

Tolerance Limit: It is limit defined for under delivery and over delivery of the goods
acceptable for material-vendor combination.

GR based IV: This field specifies that good receipt based invoice verification has to be
done for a purchase order item or invoice item.

Tax Code: It represent tax category which needs to be considered when making tax
returns to the tax authorities.

The info record contains quotation and ordering data. The data in the info record (prices
for example) is also used as default data for purchase orders.

For instance, one can store the current and future quotation conditions (discounts, fixed
costs etc.) in the info record, in order to be able to copy them into POs. Also the vendor’s
conditions can be maintained directly in the info record.

Business Requirement

 All new info-records will be created manually by the user.

JIC01_MM-04:Source List

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Possible Source of Supply.

The key points to note about a source list are as follows :

 Source list includes a list of possible sources of supply for a material over a given
framework of time.
 Source list specifies the time period of ordering a particular material from a given
 Source list can be copied from one plant to another plant.
 Source list can be created by the following two ways −

1. Automatically
2. Manually

1. Automatically Source List:

 In material Master(MM02)-> Purchasing Tab -> Check the box for Source list.

2.Manually Created Source List:

 Executing T.Code:(ME01)->Maintain Source List

Business Requirement:
 Optional maintenance of Source List


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We define access sequence and condition types in purchasing conditions and assign these
condition types in the pricing procedure.

Schema Group:
Schema group allow you to group together certain purchase organizations that uses
the same calculation schema, we can also use them to group together vendors for
whom the same calculation schema is valid.

Vendor Schema Vendor Schema groups

Groups Description
DV Domestic Schema Group
IV Import Schema Group

Schema Group Vendor:

Schema group Schema group Pricing Description for Pricing

Purchase org. Vendor Procedure Procedure
1000 DM ZLOCAL Domestic Procurement
1000 IV ZIMPORT Import Procurement

The procedure can be defined by using the following pricing conditions:

Condition Types Percentage Value Quantity

Gross Price Automatic x
Gross Price Manual x
Discount x x x
Packing and forwarding x x x
Insurance x x x
Freight x x x
Cash Discount. x x x
Loading Charges x x x
Unloading Charges x x x
Add Custom Duty etc x

JIC01_MM-06:Service Master:

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In SAP, you can maintain the Service Master record

The master record contains the description of a service.
The service master record counts as part of the master data within External Services
Management and serves as a source of data for you to draw upon when creating service
specifications. This enables you to save time and reduces the frequency of errors, since
you need only enter the complete service descriptions in the service master record
A service master record contains the following principal information for the unique
description of a service:
• Service number – This will be internally generated by system.
• Service category.
• Descriptive texts (short). Long text can also be maintained.
• Base unit of measure
• Material group

Valuation class- With the aid of the valuation class (subject to certain other factors) the
system is able to find the G/L accounts that are updated when services are entered.

Service Category

 The service category defines certain attributes of the service and has a control
function. It determines number ranges and fields available for a particular service.
It is similar to material types for materials The service category that will be used
here will be Int Number Range.

 Vendor will remain common for both material and service procurement but
purchasing document types would be different. For availing services, purchase
order with service document type needs to be selected.

Business Requirement:

 Service Master will be created for externally Procured Service

JIC01_MM-07:Material Group:

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Material group also enables you to group together several materials or services. Material
group can be used for different analytical purposes used in reporting.

Following Material group will be created in JICPL -

Material Group Description

ELECT Electrical
HOUSEKEEP House Keeping
ELECTMTCE Electrical Maintenance
MECHMTCE Mechanical Maintenance
MATHANDL Material Handling
MISC Miscellaneous
OILS Oils & Lubricants
PACKING Packing materials
PRINTING Printing & Stationery
SAFETY Safety items
STATIONRY Stationery
MCOMP Machined Components
PLNT&MC Plant and Machinery
ABGRWHL Abrasives & Grinding Wheels
FURNIT Furniture
ITHW I/T Hardware
ITSW I/T Software
NONINVENT Non Inventory
SERV Services

Note: Final List to be provided by JICPL Team.

JIC01_MM-08:Unit of Measurement

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Base unit of measure:

Stock-keeping unit all other units of measure that are used converted to the base unit of
Under the base unit, a number of alternative units can be used. These units may be
converted from one to the other. If there is no standard formula for converting an
alternative unit of measure to the base unit of measure, the conversion factor for the units
of measure in the material master is to be entered

Examples of alternative units of measure are:

 Order unit (purchasing)

 Sales unit
 Stock Keeping Unit
 Unit of issue

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JIC01_MM-09:Terms of Payment:

Terms of payment is used in SAP to determine the due date and discount calculation.

The following payment terms will be maintained in the SAP system.


R001 30 Days From Date Of Invoice
R002 30 Days From Date Of receiving
R003 15 Days From Date Of receiving
R004 7 Days From Date Of receiving
R005 Against Delivery
R006 50% Advance & Bal. After Deliver
R007 50% Advance & Bal. After Commisioning
R008 50% Advance & Bal. against P.I. Before Dispatch
R009 20% Advance, 60% Before Dispatch & Bal After Succesful installation
R010 20% advance with Work order as mobilization which will be adjusted

R011 from the 1st running bill. Invoice shall be generated on monthly basis
100% Advance
R012 Against P.I.
R013 30 days PDC

Inco term is the place of delivery, ex : by air, by road, by ship
Incoterm Code Incoterm Description
Code (3 char) (30 char)
CAD Cash against Document
CFR Costs and freight
COD Cash/Check On Delivery
ETG Ex Works Transport Godown
CIP Carriage & Insurance Paid
EXW Ex Works
FOB Free on board
FOR Free on Road
DDP Door Delivery Freight Paid
DDF Door Delivery Freight To be Paid
GDP Godown Delivery Freight to pay
GDF Godown Delivery Freight to paid
DAS Delivery At site
CIF Costs Insurance and freight

Note: Final list pending from JICPL Team.

04.Business Procurement Process:

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 Procure to Pay Process

1) Creation of Purchase Requisition:

A purchase requisition is a request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a

certain quantity of a material or a service so that it is available at a certain
point in time.
Purchase requisition is an internal document & specifically it remains within
the organization

At JICPL internal number range will be used for PR documents, these will be
identified based on the document types of ZNB.

Type Internal Number Range

(4 char) Description (20 char) From To
ZNB Purchase Requisition(Std) 1000000000 1999999999

2) Source Determination

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The Purchasing component helps to identify potential sources of supply based on

past orders and existing longer-term purchase agreements. This speeds the process
of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to vendors.

At JICPL internal number range will be used for RFQ documents, these will be
identified based on the document types of ZAN.

DocType Internal Number Range

(4 char) Description From To
ZAN Request for Quotation 4100000000 419999999

3) Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotations.

The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios, allowing the user to compare
a number of different quotations.

4) Purchase Order Processing

The Purchasing system adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to
help the user to create a purchase order/ scheduling agreements. With purchase
requisitions, the POs can be generated. User can also create Quantity/Value based
Contracts with validity dates, which can be referenced in the POs

At JICPL internal number range will be used for RFQ documents, these will be
identified based on the document types of ZAN.

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Type Description Internal Number Range

(4 char) (20 char) From To
ZDOM Domestic PO 4510000000 4519999999
ZIMP Import PO 4520000000 4529999999
ZCON Consumable PO 4530000000 4539999999
ZRET Asset PO 4540000000 4549999999
ZRET Return PO 4550000000 4559999999
ZSER Service Purchase 4560000000 4569999999
ZDPO Direct Purchase 4570000000 4579999999

5) Po Monitoring

Tracking Purchase Order.

Communicating with vendor regarding Delivery of goods.

6) Goods Receiving and Inventory Management

Goods receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the
PO number/SA number. By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over-
and under deliveries of ordered goods. The relevant accounting entries are
performed by the SAP system in background.

DocType Internal Number Range

(2 char) Description From To
WE Material Document 5000000000 5999999999

7) Invoice Verification.
Once goods/services are received then the vendor payment is done for acquired
goods and services. The amount to be paid along with details of material/service is
provided by vendor in form of document. This is maintained in SAP and is known as
invoice verification.

The incoming invoices are verified in terms of their quantity, prices, and taxes.
When the invoice is posted, the invoice data is saved in the system. The system
updates the data saved in the invoice documents in MM and FI modules. Down
Payment cleared by Functionality to be available during Invoice verification. The
same will from Purchase Order.

DocType Description Internal Number Range

(2char) From To
RE Accounting Document 5100000000 5199999999

8) Payment to Vendor

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Business Process Scope
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 Domestic Procurement of Goods

 Procurement of Capital goods / Assets

 Procurement of Imports Goods

 Procurement of Services

 Process for Return of Goods

 Physical Inventory

 Issue of Goods

 Transfer posting

 Batch Management

JIC02_MM-01: Domestic Procurement

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JIC02_MM-01.01:Procurement of RAW Material:

This purchasing process starts when requirements are generated in the form of purchase
requisition as a procurement proposal and purchasing employee requests quotations for
the supply of a specific material from different vendors. A quotation comparison list
enable s him to select the best source of supply by evaluating the responses/quotations of
the relevant vendors.

The Procurement Process for Raw materials will involve the following steps:

1. Purchase Requisition
2. Approval of Purchase Requisition
3. RFQ creation
4. Quotation comparison
5. Creation of Purchase Order
6. Approval of Purchase Order
7. Posting Goods Receipt
8. Invoice Verification

The Procurement Process for Raw materials will involve the following steps:

Processes T.Code
1. Purchase Requisition ME51N
2. Approval of Purchase Requisition ME54N
3. RFQ creation ME41
4. Maintain Quotation ME47
4. Quotation comparison ME49
5. Creation of Purchase Order ME21N
6. Approval of Purchase Order ME29N
7. Posting Goods Receipt MIGO
8. Invoice Verification MIRO

1. Purchase Requisition:

Purchase Requisition is an internal document notifying the Purchase Team of requirement

of materials/services. The requisitions will be created manually with the inputs such as
material code, quantity, delivery date and requisitioner (i.e. for whom the material is
required or the department name) plant, and account assignment (if applicable such as
Project/cost center etc, or whether it is for stock).

2. PR Release Procedure:

This component will be used to set up approval procedures for purchase req. In case of PR
the release can be at either item level or header level. If it is at item level then each PR
item has to be released separately.

. Request for Quotation (RFQ):

1. Create RFQ

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 This component is used to manage and compare requests for quotation (RFQs)
issued to vendors.
 In Purchasing, the RFQ and the quotation form a single document. Prices and
conditions quoted by vendors are entered in the original RFQ. If you have issued
an RFQ to several vendors, you can have the system determine the most
favorable quotation submitted. The RFQ can be created by referencing the PR.
 Then, all the data available in the purchase requisition is copied by default by the

2. Maintain Quotation:
 A quotation is an offer by a vendor to a purchasing organization regarding the
supply of materials subject to specified conditions. The quotation is the
vendor’s response to a request for quotation issued by a purchasing

A quotation consists of items in which the total quantity and delivery date of an
offered material or service are specified. When you receive the quotation from
a vendor, enter the respective quotations in the system.
3. Price Comparisons:
 After entering all the received quotations for a particular enquiry in the system,
the comparison will be done by referring to the collective RFQ number.
Comparison will happen.
. Create a purchase order

 Purchase Order: A purchase order consists of a document header and a

number of items. The information shown in the header relates to the entire
purchase order For example, the terms of payment and the delivery terms are
defined in the header.
The number of the vendor master record has to be entered at the PO header.

Conditions: Conditions will apply at various levels:

To the entire purchase order. The costs like transportation charges will be
applicable to all the items in the PO will be maintained at the header
At item level. These are material specific conditions like gross price, discounts
Plant and Storage Location
In the purchase order, each item is destined for a certain plant. Each plant
belongs to a company code, to which the vendor’s (creditor’s) invoice is

5. Release Purchase Order

 The release strategy for PO approval will be provided as per JICPL.
 A printout can be taken here in the transaction code ME9F.

6. Process for Goods Receipt

 When material is received at plant, first Gate Entry will be done.
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 Then Carry out a goods receipt (movement type 101) against the purchase
 Goods receipt will be created with reference to the purchase order.
Following data needs to be entered
a. Enter the header data – invoice date and posting date for the GR.
b. Select the movement type:
c. Since the Qty delivered is intended consumption/usage,select Mov type 101.

7.Invoice Receipt:
 After Goods Receipt, the invoice is received from the vendor. The process of
invoice verification and subsequent payment to the vendor is covered in the FI
process document.

JIC02_MM Flow Chart

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JIC02_MM-01.02: Procurement of Packaging Items.

Same as above
Procurement process for Packaging Materials will be same as mentioned above only
material type & Valuation Class will be changed as below

Material Type –ZPAC: Packaging Items

Valuation class-9050

JIC02_MM-01.03: Procurement of Spare Parts.

Same as above
Procurement process for Spare Parts Materials will be same as mentioned above only
material type & Valuation Class will be changed as below

Material Type –ZERS: Spare Parts Items

Valuation class-4000

JIC02_MM-01.04: Procurement of Stationary Items.

Same as above

Same as above

Procurement process for Consumable Materials will be same as mentioned above only
material type & Valuation Class will be changed as below:

Material Type –ZCON: Consumable Items

Valuation class-5000

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JIC02_MM-01.05: Procurement of Capital Goods/Asset

Same as above Process.

Procurement process for Capital Goods/Asset will be same as mentioned above only
Account Assignment Category "A" need to be Selected:

 Account Assignment Category: The account assignment category controls the accounting data of
purchase requisition item and determines which account assignment data (such as cost center, account
number and so on) is necessary for the item.

Account Assignment Functionality

A Asset

 Item Category: Item category defines how the procurement of a material or service
item is controlled. The item category determines the field selection and whether any
additional data

Item Category Functionality



 Material Type –ZCON: Consumable Items

 Valuation class-5000

JIC02_MM-01.06: Procurement of Services

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Service Procurement starts with concerned user raising a request for service. This request
is further converted into service order or Service PO.
Terms and condition are finalized while creating a service PO. After the mentioned service
is done service entry sheet has to be created and filled.
Service entry sheet is later on accepted by concerned user. On the basis of accepted
services invoice passing is done.

Procurement flow for Services is as follows:

1. Purchase Requisitions
2. Approval of Purchase Requisition
3. RFQ creation(where applicable)
4. Quotation comparison (where applicable)
5. Creation of Purchase Order
6. Entry of services actually performed
7. Acceptance of services performed
8. Verification of invoices for services

External Services Management offers two basic ways of specifying service:

1. Planned Services:

 With description, quantity, and price. By “planned services” we mean services

whose nature and scope is known, at the start of a procurement project or
transaction. At the time the services are requested, the individual specifications
are entered either with the aid of a service master record i.e.with service
 Reference or directly as short and long texts i.e. without service master. Price and
quantity are specified in both cases.

2. Unplanned Services:

 With the setting of a value limit only. Unplanned services, these services that
cannot be specified in detail because their precise nature and scope are not
initially known, or services which for various reasons do not wish to plan.
Unplanned services
Therefore have no descriptions.

 Steps:
1. Purchase Requisitions:

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A purchase requisition is a request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a certain

quantity of a material or a service so that it is available at a certain point in time.
The purchase requisition is created with item category “D” and for service it is
mandatory to have an account assignment (cost center). These accounts will be
debited at the time of service acceptance. At the item level the item category is
chosen along with short description for the service.

In the procurement of external services, the specifications to list the services with
descriptions, quantities, prices and other detailed information below the document
item level

At item level following details have to be maintained:

• Service description
• Quantity will be maintained
• Delivery date (will default as current date)
• Plant+Storage Location
• Service group (or service category)
• Account assignment (“K” for cost center)
• Item category ( “D” for services)

Once the above details are maintained at the item level a separate tab will open to
enter the service details for the item. The following details need to be maintained at
the service screen:
• Service master number
• Quantity of service

The account assignment category ‘K’ will open a window for entering the account
assignment. Here the user will have to maintain his cost center.

Note: The indenter can maintain the additional data such as justification for services,
details etc. in the PR line item Text section, and this can be viewed by the
Approver (when doing release) and the Purchasing team, who will view the PR.

2. PR Release Procedure:
 The release strategy for PR approval will be provided as per JICPL.

3. RFQ is Optional.
4. Create Purchase Order:
Purchase order can be created by directly referencing :
• Purchase Requisition:- All the line items for service purchase orders will be
account assigned and with item category “D”.
• It is required to maintain a short text at document item level.
5. Release Purchase Order:
 The release strategy for PO approval will be provided as per RCM.
i. Collective Release: ME28
ii. Individual Release :ME29N
6. Service Entry Sheet:
The services actually performed (work actually done) so a service provider is recorded

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in a Service Entry Sheet with reference to the purchase order. A service provider's
invoice relating to a certain invoice can be entered only after the entry sheet has been

The following functions are available for service entry sheets: Create New Entry Sheet:
While creating an entry sheet planned services are defaulted from the purchase order.
The actual units of work done have to put in the entry sheet, in case the entire work for
the service item in the PO is done then the defaulted quantity from the PO can remain.

Acceptance of Services Performed:

After services that have been performed and have been recorded in the service entry
sheet, one or more responsible persons will check that the work is done.
The accepted entry sheet constitutes the basis for the process of Invoice Verification
for Services. When the service entry sheet is accepted, a logistics document (material
document) is generated.

JIC02_01.06-MM Flow Chart

JIC02_MM-02: Procurement of Import Goods

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This purchasing process starts when requirements are generated in the form of purchase
requisition as a procurement proposal and purchasing employee requests quotations for the
supply of a specific material from different vendors. A quotation comparison list enable s
him to select the best source of supply by evaluating the responses/quotations of the
relevant vendors.

The Procurement Process for Raw materials will involve the following steps:

1) Purchase Requisition(if required)

2) Approval of Purchase Requisition
3) RFQ creation (where applicable)
4) Quotation comparison
5) Creation of Purchase Order
6) Approval of Purchase Order
7) Invoice verification and processing of customs payment
8) Posting Goods Receipt
9) Invoice Verification of main vendor

The Procurement Process for Import Raw materials will involve the following steps:

Processes T.Code
1. Purchase Requisition (Optional) ME51N
2. Approval of Purchase Requisition ME54N
3. RFQ creation (Optional) ME41
4. Maintain Quotation ME47
4. Quotation comparison ME49
5. Creation of Purchase Order ME21N
6. Approval of Purchase Order ME29N
7. Posting Custom Invoice MIRO
8. Posting Goods Receipt MIGO
9. Invoice Verification MIRO

JIC02_MM-02.01:Procurement of RAW Material:

6. Process same till purchase order Release.
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7. Custom MIRO
At the time of receiving customs invoice, during the IV process, the Accounts
Team will require to process using the Currency INR, and manually change the
proposed duties, as per the amount received in the invoice.
FI department makes the relevant payments to custom vendor.

8. Goods Receipt
Carry out a goods receipt (movement type 101) against the Purchase Order.
(If the material is activated for Quality inspection after GR, then it will go to
inspection stock after GR.)

This component will be used to post the receipt of goods from an external vendor.
Goods receipt will be created with reference to the PO.

Following data needs to be entered

a. The customs invoice number

b. Enter the header data – vendor invoice (in the field of delivery note), invoice
date (in field ‘Document Date’) and posting date for the GR.
c. Select the movement type.
Since the quantity delivered is intended consumption/usage, select
Movement type 101.
d. Enter PO number. The item selection list is displayed.This list contains all of the
PO items.

9. Invoice Verification
Final post the vendor invoice using transaction code MIRO

JIC02_02.01-MM Flow Chart

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