Argumentative Essay

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Selmakayla Nethanya Alviyanto


In maximizing the utilization of fisheries resources in waters, there are various ways
that can be taken starting from fishing or collecting various types of aquatic resources such as
seaweed, shellfish, and various other aquatic resources (Baskoro & Yusfiandayani, p.1,
2017). Most of fishery activities are dominated by catching a fish in the sea. However,
catching fish in the sea could lead to several effects for the marine’s life. It makes aqua
farming become more optimal method to gain the fish. From the opinion above, I agree that
fish farming is better than catching a fish in the sea.
In my opinion, some methods of fishing could harm the sea ecosystem. The statement
above is strengthened by Burke’s et al. (2011, p. 26) statement in which he say “in some
places the fishing method they use is destructive, fishing is carried out using explosives to kill
and electrocute the fish which causes damage to coral reefs. In addition, fishing with poisons
such as cyanide can cause bleaching of corals and kill polyps”. In which more than 55% of
the world's coral reefs are threatened due destructive fishing. As an example, Tanzania is a
home for coral reefs and also the only country in Africa that use explosives on a large scale
for fishing since 1960. Even though fishing with explosives is illegal, it still poses a major
threat, especially in Southeast Asia and Africa. That’s become one of the reason why fish
farming is more safe to obtain the fish.
Another opinion that could strengthen the statement that aqua farming is better than
fishing is the case of overfishing. Cases of overfishing are the manifestation of exploitation
on fish. Libralato et al. (2008, p. 1) states that fisheries can cause a reduction in fish species,
which have an effect on marine communities and can modify the structure and function of
marine ecosystems. For example, in America 20% fishes is lost from supply chains due to
overfishing. The same case also occurred in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia. The
waters around Indonesia, namely the Pacific and Indian Oceans, have been fully exploited
and even become over exploited. Therefore, catching fish from the sea becomes more risky
due to overfishing case.
In conclusion, due to the negative effects caused by the wrong fishing method and
overfishing case, aqua farming considered as a better way to obtain a fish without reducing
the fish population and destroyed the coral reefs. Aqua farming could maintain the continuity
of sea communities and the sea ecosystem.

Baskoro, S, M & Yusfiandani, R 2017, Metode Penangkapan Ikan, IPB Press, Bogor.
Burke, L, Reytar, K, Spalding, M, & Perry, A 2011, Reefs at Risk Revisited, World
Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
Coll, M, Libralato, S, Tudela, S, Palomera, I, & Pranovi, P 2008, ‘Ecosystem Overfishing in
the Ocean’, PLoS ONE, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 1-10.

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