Dhaka Bypass Traffic Survey Methodology 27.09.22

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Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-

Bhulta-Madanpur (Dhaka Bypass) Road (N-105) into 4
lanes through Public Private Partnership


DATAMS Consultants
House #08 (3rd Floor), Road # 1/B, Sector #09, Uttara, Dhaka-1230.
Mobile: +88-01819-196782, +88- 01989-655888,
E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected],
Web: www.datamsc.com
Support to Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey


1. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 1
2. TECHNICAL APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY .......................................................... 2
2.1 The Assignment ............................................................................................................ 2
2.1.1 Classified Traffic Count Survey ............................................................................................ 2
2.1.2 Roadside Vehicle O-D Interview Survey .............................................................................. 2
2.1.3 Intersection Turning Movement Survey ................................................................................ 3
2.1.4 Axle Load Survey ................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Scope of Work ................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Study Details and Locations ........................................................................................ 4
2.4 Survey Methodology and Description ........................................................................ 8
2.4.1. Preparation for the Assignment ........................................................................................... 8
2.4.2 Survey Tools and Instruments .............................................................................................. 8
2.4.3 Recruitment and Training of the Field Staff ........................................................................ 10
2.4.4 Team Mobilization and Field Data Collection ......................................................................11
2.4.5 Data Processing and Management .....................................................................................11
3. QUALITY CONTROL MECHANISM ............................................................................... 12
4. RISK AND ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................. 13
5. DELIVERABLES .............................................................................................................. 14

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Support to Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey

1. Background
Bangladesh government through Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges the Executing
Agency (EA)and Roads and Highways Department (RHD) Implementing Agency (IA) and
Dhaka Bypass Expressway Development Company Limited is upgrading the existing
approximately 48 km 2 lane road section connecting Joydebpur to Madanpur through Bhulta
on the N-105 including the design build financing, operation, maintenance and transfer of a
four-lane access- control toll road and the design build, financing of two service roads under
the Public Private Partnership (PPP) program of Bangladesh. The goal of the improvement of
the project road is to provide efficient, safe, and environmentally sustainable road transport
for economic development through strengthening regional trade link.

The Government of Bangladesh has engaged Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats

Pvt. Ltd. (ICT), India and Sheladia Associates Inc., USA JV in association with Associates for
Development Services Ltd.(ADSL), Bangladesh as Independent Engineer Services (IE
Services) to supervise the PPP project activities including quality control; progress monitoring
and reporting; issuing of interim /final payment certificates; contract closing activities; Review
the detailed information of approved design drawing or specification variations for compliance
with the performance and quality standards of the PPP Contract and the Construction

In order to detailed design review for the project, examine the present travel patterns and to
forecast the future travel demand the IE Consultant Team intended to carry out the following
traffic survey works for the Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road (N105) Corridor :

➢ Classified Traffic Count Survey

➢ Origin-Destination Survey
➢ Intersection Turning Movement Survey
➢ Axle Load Survey

On the back drop of above scenario, we DATAMS Consultants expressing our interest to
associate with the Consultant team as survey sub-contractor to conduct the Traffic Survey
work. Our proposed approach for the survey work is described on the following sections.

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Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey

2. Technical Approach and Methodology

2.1 The Assignment
As per the Scope of Work of the Traffic Survey Work the sub-contractor, Traffic survey work
will be conducted considering the following guidelines:

2.1.1 Classified Traffic Count Survey

1) The purpose of the survey is to obtain classified traffic volume counts at designated points
on main road corridor as well as surrounding network in the study area.

2) The survey will be conducted at 8 (Eight) survey locations. The exact locations of the
survey points on the road were agreed between the IE Consultant Team and the
subcontractor during the preparatory stage of the surveys.

3) Traffic Count Survey will be conducted via video capturing through HD IP camera with Night
Vision support. Two camera sets will be required at each location, one set for each direction.
Digitization of the count sheets was done manually by visual inspection of recorded videos.

4) The Traffic Count Survey will be conducted for continuous 7 days for 2 (Two) locations, and
continuous 3 days for 2 (Two) locations main project corridor, also continuous 1 day or 24-
hours for 4 (Four) locations in the surrounding road network. Traffic count data will be
recorded every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day in both directions.

2.1.2 Roadside Vehicle O-D Interview Survey

1) The purpose of the survey will be obtained traffic movement data and to estimate present
vehicle O-D matrix for various vehicle types.

2) Vehicle OD surveys (by type of vehicle) will be conducted at the 6 (Six) survey locations
same as that for traffic count surveys (i.e., the location of OD surveys should be same as
traffic count surveys). The surveys should be conducted for one day for 24 hours (1
weekday). Vehicle classification for the OD survey was also same as traffic count survey.

3) The OD surveys will be conducted by roadside interview method and the sample size will
be about 8%-10% interviews at each location. Actual sample size will be varied depending
on the amount of traffic on the survey date.

4) The OD survey will be performed by stopping motorized vehicles at suitable road sections
where parking is convenient for drivers and taking road-side interviews with the active
assistance from the Law Enforcement Agency personals. Separate teams for each
direction will be deployed. The survey data will be recorded on the specified form.

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Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey

2.1.3 Intersection Turning Movement Survey

1) The purpose of the survey is to obtain intersection traffic movement data and to estimate
present movement patterns for various vehicle types at given intersection.

2) The survey will be conducted at 5 (Five) intersections in and around the Dhaka Bypass
Road Section. The surveys will be conducted for one day for 24 hours (1 weekday). Vehicle
classification for the Intersection Turning Movement Survey will be same as traffic count

3) The Turning Movement surveys will be conducted using manual counting method using
tally sheet by engaging one/two enumerators for each turning movement count based on
the traffic volume. Traffic count data will be recorded every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day for
all the turning directions.

2.1.4 Axle Load Survey

1) The purpose of the Axle Load Surveys (ALS) is to collect preliminary information regarding
the axle load distribution of the heavy vehicles traversing the project highways. This survey
is essential for Road Engineers for design a more robust road network, without going into
frequent maintenance due to poorly designed roads and pavements.

2) Axle Load Surveys will be conducted at 1 (One) survey location aligned with the Traffic
Count Survey for Dhaka Bypass Road Section. The surveys will be conducted for Two
days for 48 hours. Surveyed vehicles will be mainly freight vehicles such as Heavy,
Medium and Small Trucks.

3) The Axle Load surveys the sample size need to be about 10% of the total freight vehicles
at the survey location and total number of sample need to be more than 900 for each day
of survey work. Actual sample size will be varied depending on the amount of traffic on the
survey date.

4) The Axle Load Survey will be performed by stopping motorized vehicles at suitable road
sections using portable wheel or axle weighing devices where parking is convenient with
the active assistance from the Law Enforcement Agency personals. The survey data will
be recorded on the specified form.

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Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey

2.2 Scope of Work

Based on the Scope of Work for Traffic Surveys, DATAMS identified the following scope of
work for this particular survey assignment:
• Adapting and finalizing a set of questionnaires based on the pre-formulated structured
forms and questionnaires for different Traffic survey, Origin Destination survey and
Axle Load survey with assistance from the client DBEDC/RHD and IE Consultants.
• Preparing a detailed survey plan under the guidance of the DBEDC/RHD and IE
Consultants Team.
• Recruiting and managing a team of trained supervisors, interviewers and enumerators.
• Collecting traffic video data, Origin Destination Interviews, Turning Movement data at
intersections and Axle Load survey data from DBEDC/RHD and IE Consultants
selected survey stations.
• Ensure High Quality survey equipment to collect and capture traffic information.
• Ensuring accuracy and quality of the survey data.
• Data entry and management using MS Excel Software.
• Ensuring the total quality of deliverable data sets in MS Excel format as required.

2.3 Study Details and Locations

The Traffic Survey was carried out at locations around of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-
Madanpur Road and surrounding area. TABLE 2.1 shows the summary of the survey
categories and the MAP 2.1 indicates the survey locations under this assignment.
Survey Category Duration No. of Locations
Classified Traffic Count Survey Continuous 7 Day 2
Classified Traffic Count Survey Continuous 3 Day 2
Classified Traffic Count Survey Continuous 24 hour 4
Origin Destination Survey Continuous 24 hour 6
3-way Turning Movement Survey 24 Hour 2
4-way Turning Movement Survey 24 Hour 3
Axle Load Survey 48 Hour 1

TABLE 2.1: Categories of Traffic Survey for Upgrading of Dhaka Bypass Road into 4 lanes through PPP

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

MAP 2.1: Traffic and Axle Load Survey Locations for Upgrading of Dhaka Bypass Road into 4 lanes
through PPP

2.3.1 Vehicle Categories

Classified Traffic count survey will be conducted based of the 13 Vehicle Categories as per
the RHD manual (Oct. 2001) with 10 Motorized and 3 Non-motorized vehicle categories, as
presented in the following TABLE 2.2. The Origin Destination Survey will be conducted for the
motorized vehicles and Axle Load Survey will be conducted mostly the freight vehicles.

SL Type of Vehicle Vehicle Categories

1. 1 Heavy Truck/ Trailer/Truck 3-Axle Motorized
2. 2 Medium Truck/ Truck 2-Axle Motorized
3. 3 Light Truck/ 3 ton or less Motorized
4. 4 Large Bus Motorized

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

SL Type of Vehicle Vehicle Categories

5. 5 Medium/Mini Bus Motorized
6. 6 Micro Bus Motorized
7. 7 Utility (Jeep/ Pickup/ SUV) Motorized
8. 8 Car/ Taxi Motorized
9. 9 CNG Auto Rickshaw/ Auto-Van Motorized
10. 10 Motorcycle Motorized
11. 11 Bicycle Non-Motorized
12. 12 Cycle Rickshaw/ Rickshaw Van Non-Motorized
13. 13 Animal / Push Cart Non-Motorized
TABLE 2.2: Traffic Vehicle Types for proposed traffic survey

2.3.2 Survey Location

As per the Traffic Survey Scope of Work the Traffic count, O-D Survey, Turning Movement
Count and Axle Load survey will be conducted at locations presented on TABLE 2.3.

Sl. No. Survey Location Chainage/Location of Survey

A. Midblock Count Survey (for 7 Days) – 24 Hours every day
1 M2 Km. 19+305 (Ayon Anik Filling Station)
2 M4 Km. 41+350 (Paver Block Casting Yard DBEDC)
B. Midblock Count Survey (for 3 Days) – 24 Hours every day
1 M1 Km. 5+330 (Gazipur Filling Station)
2 M3 Km. 30+200 (Asphalt Plant DBEDC)
C. Origin Destination Survey – 24 Hours (One day)
1. O1 Km. 19+305 (Ayon Anik Filling Station)
2 O2 Km. 41+350 (Paver Block Casting Yard DBEDC)
D. Turning Movement Counts at Junctions – 24 Hours (One day)
1 J1 Km. 2+850 (Vogra Junction)
2 J2 Km. 12+300 (Mirer Bazar)
3 J3 Km. 27+400 (Kanchan Bridge Junction)
5 J4 Km. 41+830 (Bostul T-junction)
6 J5 Km. 48+079 (Madanpur Chowrasta)
E. Axle Load Survey (for 48 Hours)
1 A1 Km. 30+200 (Asphalt Plant DBEDC)
ON ALTERNATE ROUTE (Surrounding Network)
F. Midblock Count Survey (for 1 Day) – 24 Hours a day
1 M5 North of Savar (N5)
2 M6 Kalmeshwar (N3)
3. M7 North of Sonargaon (N1)
4. M8 Dolaipar Toll Plaza (N8)
G. Origin Destination Survey – 24 Hours (One day)
1 O3 North of Savar (N5)
2 O4 Kalmeshwar (N3)
3. O5 North of Sonargaon (N1)
4. O6 Dolaipar Toll Plaza (N8)

TABLE 2.3: Upgrading of Dhaka Bypass Road into 4 lanes through PPP Project Traffic Survey Locations

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

To select the survey site following criteria will be followed by DATAMS:

➢ Use judgement and local knowledge to choose a location where the traffic flow is
typical of the average flow on the road under question.
➢ Avoid the following locations:
▪ Built up areas
▪ Market places
▪ Road junctions
▪ Bus stops/lorry stops
➢ For camera installation location will be selected that ensured good vision of traffic
approaching from both directions. Avoided locating the station on bends or at places
where trees/buildings obscure vision.
➢ For RSI OD survey and Axle Load survey the station will be selected within proximity
of installed camera as well as will be ensured that the selected location will be on site
where road side stopping of vehicle can be possible without interrupting the general
traffic flow.
➢ The location of station will be selected in a way that the interviewers can take shelter
in case of inclement weather. A lighted location prioritized for interviews conducted
after daylight.

2.3.3 Survey Time & Duration

The Traffic Count survey will be conducted using video capturing through HD IP camera with
Night Vision support for 1-Day, 3-Days or 7-Days time period continuously and record vehicles
travelling in each direction separately. Origin Destination Survey, Turning Movement Survey
and Axle Load Survey will be carried out dividing 3 shifts in a day (8 hourly shift) for 24 hours
with shifting arrangement as follows:
Shift Time duration
1st shift 06.00 AM – 02.00 PM
2nd shift 02.00 PM – 10.00 PM
3rd shift 10.00 PM – 06.00 AM

Moreover, the survey schedule (except for 7-day & 3-day Traffic Count) will be planned by the
survey team considering unusual traffic flow situation hence avoid the following days:

▪ Public holidays
▪ Hartal /Strike days
▪ Fridays and Saturdays

It is anticipated that the survey work will start on 1st October 2022 and the field survey work
shall be completed within a time frame of 20 days and delivery of final dataset to the client
and IE Consultants for analysis and reporting by 30th October 2022.

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

2.4 Survey Methodology and Description

Based on the Scope of Work document, the survey sub-contractor conducted the step-by-step
sequence of activities to appropriately complete the assigned survey work and the
methodology is presented on FIGURE 2.1.

Preparation for the Assignment

Recruitment & Training of the Field Staff

Team Mobilization & Field Data Collection

Quality Management and Data Entry & Processing

Database Preparation & Reporting

FIGURE 2.1: Survey activities under Traffic Survey for Upgrading of Dhaka Bypass Road into 4 lanes
through PPP Project
The sequence of activities after the contract is defined in the following section:

2.4.1. Preparation for the Assignment

At first stage the subcontractor will be conceptualized the scope of work and confirmed the
methodology and survey plan proposed including survey location & survey questionnaires
finalization, work plan, manning schedules and mobilization plan in consultation with the
Consultant Team. As for Origin Destination Survey and Axle Load Survey co-operation
required from the local police or traffic police to pull the motorized vehicles over to the side,
for drivers to be interviewed as well as for survey team safety. At this stage the subcontractor
obtained necessary permissions to conduct these surveys, and to coordinate with the relevant
authorities and local police.

2.4.2 Survey Tools and Instruments

As per proposed methodology for Traffic Count need to be done via video capturing through
HD IP camera with Night Vision support. For the Video data recording the subcontractor will
use 4 sets of Video recording capturing system to simultaneously survey two sites, with
following technical specifications:

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

S/N Components Image

1 Camera: HikVision Very-focal 2MP DS2CD2625FWD-IZS

2 Storage: 128 GB Transcend microSD Class-10 U400X

3 Power Cable: 5 Meter DC power Cable

4 Lan cable: 5 Meter Cat-6 Patch Cord

5 Power Unit: 12V DC power unit with 36 Hours Backup

6 Solar: 10-Watt Solar Panel

7 Router: Tp-link 300MBPS

8 Plastic Stool: for mounting the power unit above ground.

Camera mounting Stand. (1 Base+ 3 long 2x2 MS box+ 1 L-

shape 2x2 MS box+ 1 Camera mounting kit + 4 Base support
extension arms+ 1 solar mounting kit) (34 pcs Bolt + 8 unit
bolt with nut) + ( 4 Ground mountable stand holder)

To manually count the traffic from the captured video data Classified Traffic Count format will
be developed.

The Axle Load Surveys portable wheel or axle weighing devices were being used with
following specifications:

Brand & Model GALOCE Model Number: GPWA08 Image

Power Supply: AC110~220V 50~60Hz

Display Type: LCD/LCM
Pad Dimension (mm): 720*450*58
Slope Size (mm): 720*330
Wheel Weight: ≤20Ton
Axle Weight: ≤40Ton
Whole Truck Weight: ≤1000Ton
Accuracy (static): 0.1-0.3%
Overload protection: 120%
Sensor structure: six shear beam type sensors
Working Temperature: -30~+70℃

During the survey, staff have the potentially dangerous job of stopping traffic and working
alongside moving vehicles. Therefor road signs to warn drivers will be placed on the road
shoulder in advance of the survey. Reflective safety vests, Road signs, Traffic cones, Red stop
flags, Lights and cables, Power Unit: 12V DC power unit with 36 Hours Backup, Fine sand for
levelling weight pads were used to smoothly and safety conduct the Axle load survey work.

APPENDIX- A to APPENDIX-D shows the questionnaires/ forms using for conducting the
Traffic survey.

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

2.4.3 Recruitment and Training of the Field Staff

To undertake the data collection activities, highly experienced and qualified enumerators will
be recruited through a competitive selection procedure. Candidate with prior experience of
traffic and transport related data collection in urban as well as sub-urban areas will be given
priority. Number of field staff required for each type of survey per day per location is as follows:

Survey Types Supervisors Total Staff
24 Hour Video Traffic Count 4 3 7
24 Hour Origin Destination Survey 20 3 23

3-way Turning Movement Survey 36 3 39

4-way Turning Movement Survey 60 3 63

Axle Load Survey 18 3 21

As per survey plan Multiple stations will be surveyed at same day. A total Seventy (60)
Interviewers/ Enumerators for Traffic, Origin Destination interviews, Turning Movement &
Axle Load Survey and Eight (08) Video System Installation & Operators will be recruited.
For supervision, monitoring and quality control of the data collection activities Eight (8)
supervisors will also be recruited at the same time who has prior experience of data collection,
monitoring and supervision in traffic and transport surveys.

For each shift for Axle Load Survey the survey team consist of Seven (7) people, for an 8-
hour shift. Each team consisted of:
• 2 persons to control traffic on the road and direct selected vehicles into the weighting
• 2 persons to direct the vehicle slowly onto the weigh pads and position each wheel
centrally on the platform,
• 1 person to record the vehicle details and the wheel or axle load,
• 1 person to carry out the driver questionnaire: O/D, type of goods carried, etc.
• 1 supervisor for overall coordination of the survey work.

For Turning Movement Traffic Count sufficient number of survey personals will be assigned to
smoothly complete the survey work.

To ensure and maintain the quality of the field data collection intensive Two (2) days training
at Survey Office on survey techniques and core monitoring indicators will be scheduled. The
training was had both class room and field test sessions and the whole training period will

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Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey

follow pre-defined training module and guideline. The topics of training will include an overall
objective of the activities, overview of the survey, data collection instruments and techniques
of rapport building.

2.4.4 Team Mobilization and Field Data Collection

The team will be divided into Two (2) groups for the traffic surveys. Quality of the data will be
managed by the Two (2) Field Coordinators. It is to be mentioned that field survey plan will be
prepared considering that the survey stations are geographical easy to manage by the
coordinators. The supervisors as well as the Field Coordinators will monitor the survey work
and periodically check the filled questionnaires for inconsistencies. The tentative survey
schedule for the field survey work is given in FIGURE: 2.2.

Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur (Dhaka By-Pass) Road (N-105) into 4 lanes through PPP

Schedule for Traffic Survey

No. of
SL No. Survey ID Survey Date Location Survey Types Latitude (N) Longitude (E)
1 J1 02 October 2022 Km. 2+850 (Vogra Junction) Turning Movement Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.977490 90.380676
2 J2 03 October 2022 Km. 12+300 (Mirer Bazar) Turning Movement Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.930078 90.452735
3 J3 04 October 2022 Km. 27+400 (Kanchan Bridge Junction) Turning Movement Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.834433 90.540191
4 J4 04 October 2022 Km. 41+830 (Bostul T-junction) Turning Movement Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.731478 90.587852
5 J5 06 October 2022 Km. 48+079 (Madanpur Chowrasta) Turning Movement Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.690368 90.546610
6 M2 10-16 October 2022 Km. 19+305 (Ayon Anik Filling Station) (N105) Classified Traffic Count (7-Day) 7-Day 23.886047 90.490715
7 M4 10-16 October 2022 Km. 41+000 (Paver Block Casting Yard DBEDC) (N105) Classified Traffic Count (7-Day) 7-Day 23.735544 90.587312
8 O1 10 October 2022 Km. 19+305 (Ayon Anik Filling Station) (N105) Origin-Destination Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.886047 90.490715
9 M6 11 October 2022 Near Kalmeshwar (N3, Dhaka-Mymensingh Hwy) Classified Traffic Count (1-Day) 1-Day 23.948885 90.381373
10 O4 11 October 2022 Near Kalmeshwar (N3, Dhaka-Mymensingh Hwy) Origin-Destination Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.948885 90.381373
11 O2 12 October 2022 Km. 41+000 (Paver Block Casting Yard DBEDC) (N105) Origin-Destination Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.735544 90.587312
12 M5 13 October 2022 Near Bish Mile (N5, Dhaka-Aricha Hwy) Classified Traffic Count (1-Day) 1-Day 23.895799 90.270887
13 O3 13 October 2022 Near Bish Mile (N5, Dhaka-Aricha Hwy) Origin-Destination Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.895799 90.270887
14 M7 16 October 2022 Near Mograpara Chowrasta (N1, Dhaka-Chittagong Hwy) Classified Traffic Count (1-Day) 1-Day 23.635398 90.595543
15 O5 16 October 2022 Near Mograpara Chowrasta (N1, Dhaka-Chittagong Hwy) Origin-Destination Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.635398 90.595543
16 M8 17 October 2022 Dolaipar Toll Plaza (N8, Dhaka-Mawa Hwy) Classified Traffic Count (1-Day) 1-Day 23.701889 90.435418
17 O6 17 October 2022 Dolaipar Toll Plaza (N8, Dhaka-Mawa Hwy) Origin-Destination Survey (1-Day) 1-Day 23.701889 90.435418
18 M1 19-21 October 2022 Km. 05+330 (Gazipur Filling Station) (N105) Classified Traffic Count (3-Day) 3-Day 23.965421 90.399058
19 M3 19-21 October 2022 Km. 30+200 Near Kaladi Bus Stand (N105) Classified Traffic Count (3-Day) 3-Day 23.824831 90.563905
20 A1 19-20 October 2022 Km. 30+200 Kaladi Bus Stand (N105) Axle Load Survey (2-Day) 2-Day 23.824831 90.563905

2.4.5 Data Processing and Management

After cross checking each filled up questionnaire, each questionnaire was given a serial daily
for entry and folder with a given serial. For Video recording data will be collected using External
HDD. Then data will be sent to survey data centre routinely for digitization. For Video data
Digitization a dedicated team of 8 personal will be assigned to visual inspection of recorded
videos and manually count the classified traffic data and digitalize the data.

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

A team of Six (6) data entry operators worked under one (1) Data Analyst how will prepare
the entry format aligned with questionnaire format. This team will have a one-day training to
know the technical know-how of data entry using specific format, error pattern, and error
checking mechanism. MS-Excel software will be used for entering the collected data. After
entry of entire data set data will be validated by a series of logical and range checks. Data will
be immediately copied on the backup media after data verification.

The overall process including finalization of questionnaire, training, data collection,

compilation of information, analysis and reporting will be completed in One (1) Month time.
Activities needs to be done with the following schedule:

No Activities Sept’22 October 2022

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

1. signing of contract

2. Project activations, work plan & Schedule

3. Recruitment, training and mobilization of

enumerators for field survey

4. Field Data Collection

5. Video and Hardcopy Data Entry, Cleaning

& Processing
6. Survey Data Finalization and submission

3. Quality Control Mechanism

For ensuring the quality and accuracy of the collected data a detailed work plan will be taken
into consideration as follows:

A. Data Collection
The data collection will necessarily be with predesigned questionnaire as per scope of work
of Traffic and Axle load survey. Adequate numbers of interviewers and supervisors will be
recruited, trained and engaged for conducting field surveys. The Field Coordinators and
supervisors will be responsible for ensuring proper site selection, quality of data, guiding
enumerators during data collection, checking 10% randomly chosen Axle Load data that will
interviewed by the interviewers, checking the entire completed data sheet, holding discussion
meetings at the end of the day with the team members.

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

The Survey Coordinator will also check the quality of work of the survey teams in their
presence and absence and will provide feedback to the team members. Necessary action will
be taken by the Field Coordinator and Supervisors in case of any negligence during the survey
hours. The Survey Coordinator will maintain a constant communication with the client
DBEDC/RHD and IE consultant Team if any issue arises.
B. Data Entry
The survey subcontractor will design and prepare data entry formats based on approved
questionnaires using MS-Excel. Adequate numbers of data entry operators will be recruited,
trained and engaged for conducting data entry process. Validation process will be carried out
to maintain the quality of the entered data. Double entry method will be followed to reduce
the internal error of data entry. The Data Analyst will supervise the data entry activities,
database related format and system performance. He will also be responsible in periodical
back-up of entered data in separate storage media for cleaning and analysis.

The Computer centre of DATAMS will be used for data entry. After the collection of data, the
supervisors will collect the data-sheet from the enumerators and after checking all the data-
sheets he will send it to the office for entry. The data entry will be undertaken concurrently
with the data collection process and the database will be delivered to the consultant Team for
verification within one weeks of data collection campaign being completed.

4. Risk and Assumptions

As the survey is scheduled for at least contentious 24 hours for 13 stations. So, for survey
team security local police authority will be contacted for security support. Other risks such as
Accidents, Enumerators drop out, Natural disasters and Weather conditions can also affect
the entire survey process as the survey locations are out of the core locality which are time to
reach using common facilities. For avoiding accidents traffic rule should be followed properly
and preventive measures such as movements of the teams should be on daylight. For avoiding
natural disaster and weather conditions regular weather updates and forecast will be followed.

The full cooperation from local administration and law enforcement agencies during the
reconnaissance, field survey and participatory process is assumed, the lack of which may
affect the quality of data outputs.

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Methodology for Traffic Survey

5. Deliverables
The subcontractor should submit the following deliverables to the client DBEDC/RHD and the
IE consultant team specified below:

SL. Deliverables Form (No. of copy) Schedule/Target

1 Field Status Briefing/ briefing the status/progress/issues Weekly
Reporting related to survey work via email,
WhatsApp if necessary, Participation in
online meeting with the consultant team
2 Traffic Counts Data Excel format as specified by the Study 30th October 2022
Team (1)
3 Origin Destination Survey Excel format as specified by the Study 30th October 2022
Data Team (1)
4 Axle Load Survey Results Excel format (1) as specified by the Study 30th October 2022

DATAMS Consultants 14 |Page

Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey


Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)

Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur (Dhaka By-Pass) Road (N-105) into 4 lanes through Public Private Partnership


SURVEY NO. - Codifier ID.

Interviewer NAME ID Operator ID.
Field Supervisor NAME ID

Spot-Checked By:

DIRECTION CODE TIME h m 24h format


1 Heavy Truck/Trailer/Truck 3 axle 1 Passenger 1 Male 1 0 - 14 years old

2 Medium Truck/Truck 2 axle 2 Driver-Employee/Helper 2 Female 2 15 - 29 years old
3 Light Truck/3 Ton or Less 3 Driver-Owner 3 Other 3 30 - 49 years old
4 Large Bus 4 50 - 64 years old
5 Medium Bus/Mini Bus 5 65+ years old
6 Microbus
7 Utility(Jeep, Pickup,SUV) 6 Loading Factor (Freight Vehicle) 7 TRIP FREQUENCY 8 Trip Cost
8 Car/Taxi 1 Empty
9 CNG Auto Rickshaw/Auto Van 2 1/4-Full Day Trip Cost (PV) (fuel,tolls,rent)
10 Motorcycle 3 1/2-Full No. Trips per Week Taka
4 3/4-Full X Month Passenger Fare
5 Full Year Taka
6 Overload Transportation Cost (Truck)

No. of Passenger


Origin Address Time H M

Upazila (24h format)
District Date D D M M Y Y
Zone Code

Destination Address Time H M

Upazila (24h format)
Zone Code Date D D M M Y Y

13 TRIP PURPOSE 14 COMMODITY (For Freight Vehicles) 15

1 Work / Employer's Business 1 Agricultural Product Commodity Quantity:

2 Study / Education 2 Forest Product
3 Social / Leisure / Family Visit 3 Fishery/Poultry Product
4 Medical 4 Mineral
5 Shopping 5 Construction Material/Metals Unit of measure:
6 OTHERS (Specify) 6 Petroleum Tons Liters
7 Grocery KGs Units
8 Machinery and equipment
9 Electronics
10 Consumer goods
11 Mixed Cargo
12 Others (specify) ………………………………….........

DATAMS Consultants 15 |Page

Support to Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey


Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)
Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur (Dhaka By-Pass) Road (N-105) into 4 lanes through Public Private Partnership


POINT/LOCATION ID Location: …............................................................................................. Date: ……./………/2022
Road: ……………………………………………………................................... Enumerator ID Supervisor ID Starting Time: …...…hr
Direction:…......................................................................................................... Sheet No. :

Heavy Medium
Light Truck/3 Ton Medium Bus/Mini Utility (Jeep, Auto Rickshaw / Cycle Rickshaw / Animal/
Time (hr) Truck/Trailer/Tru Truck/Truck 2 Large Bus Micro Bus Car/Taxi Motor Cycle Bicycle
or Less Bus Pickup, SUV) Auto Van Van Push Cart
ck 3 Axle or More Axle





DATAMS Consultants 16 |Page

Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey


Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)
Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur (Dhaka By-Pass) Road (N-105) into 4 lanes through Public Private Partnership


POINT/LOCATION ID Location: …............................................................................................. Date: ……./………/2022
Road: ……………………………………………………................................... Enumerator ID Supervisor ID Starting Time: …...…hr
Turning No.: Turning Direction: …................................................................................................ Sheet No. :

Heavy Medium
Light Truck/3 Ton Medium Bus/Mini Utility (Jeep, Auto Rickshaw/ Cycle Rickshaw/ Animal/
Time (hr) Truck/Trailer/Tru Truck/Truck 2 Large Bus Micro Bus Car/Taxi Motor Cycle Bicycle
or Less Bus Pickup, SUV) Auto Van Van Push Cart
ck 3 Axle or More Axle





DATAMS Consultants 17 |Page

Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur Road into 4 lanes through PPP
Methodology for Traffic Survey


Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)
Support to Upgrading of Joydevpur-Debogram-Bhulta-Madanpur (Dhaka Bypass) Road (N-105) into 4 lanes through Public Private Partnership

Axle Load Survey Form

Survey / Sheet Serial No.: Survey Date:
Location ID: Location: Road:
Direction: Surveyor Name: Surveyor ID:

Vehicle Axle Load (MT)

Vehicle Load Axle Total Wt.
SL Time Registration Commodity Origin Destination
Type Type Code 1st Axle 2nd Axle 3rd Axle 4th Axle 5th Axle 6th Axle (MT)
Zila: Zila:
Upz: Upz:

Zila: Zila:
Upz: Upz:

Zila: Zila:
Upz: Upz:

Zila: Zila:
Upz: Upz:

Zila: Zila:
Upz: Upz:

Vehicle Types: 1 = Heavy Truck (3 or more Axles), 2 = Medium Truck (Above 3 tons with 2 Axles), 3 = Light or Small Truck (Up to 3 Tons), 4 =Medium/Mini Bus, 5= Large Bus, 6=Others

Load Type: 1=Full, 2=Part, 3=Empty Supervisor Name: Supervisor Signature:

DATAMS Consultants 18 |Page

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