Pathophysiology of Depression and Mechanisms of Treatment
Pathophysiology of Depression and Mechanisms of Treatment
Pathophysiology of Depression and Mechanisms of Treatment
Bondy Brigitta
To cite this article: Bondy Brigitta (2002) Pathophysiology of depression and mechanisms of
treatment, Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 4:1, 7-20, DOI: 10.31887/DCNS.2002.4.1/bbondy
Keywords: depression; monoamine; serotonin; norepinephrine; treatment; Address for correspondence: Psychiatric Clinic of University Munich, Depart-
genetics; neurobiology ment of Neurochemistry, Nußbaumstraße 7, D-80336 Munich, Germany
(e-mail: [email protected])
Author affiliations: Psychiatric Clinic of University Munich, Department of
Neurochemistry, Munich, Germany
State of the art
and the rate of suicide is rather high between the age of
Selected abbreviations and acronyms 15 and 24 years.10 Several lines of evidence indicate an
BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor important relationship between depression and cardio-
CRH corticotropin-releasing hormone vascular disease, together with increased mortality rates.
DA dopamine Some studies have demonstrated that depression
GABA γ-aminobutyric acid increases the risk of developing cardiac disease, in par-
GH growth hormone ticular coronary artery disease, and worsens the prog-
HPA hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal nosis after myocardial infarction.11 Depression also
5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) appears to increase the risk for cardiac mortality inde-
MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor pendently of baseline cardiac status; moreover, the
NE norepinephrine excess mortality risk for major depression was more
NK natural killer (cell) than twice that for minor depression.12
SSRI selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor Another very important aspect of depression is the high
TCA tricyclic antidepressant rate of comorbidity with other psychiatric disturbances.
Anxiety, especially panic disorder, is often associated
with affective disorders, while the magnitude of the asso-
manifestation of internalized anger and loss, were the ciation with alcohol or drug abuse is less pronounced.
two opposite points of view at the beginning of the 20th Interestingly, the onset of anxiety generally precedes
century. It was the merit of Sir Martin Roth and the that of depression, whereas alcohol misuse is equally
Newcastle Group that contributed to the understand- likely to pre- or postdate the onset of depression.13,14
ing of depression: they classified the clinical manifesta-
tions of depression (from mild to severe psychotic) in a Risk factors for depression
categorical manner, separating them into distinct groups
of “endogenous” and “reactive” subtypes of depression.2 The impact of life events
This concept was used for decades in biological psychi-
atric research in order to identify etiologically different The influence of chronic stress and adverse life events
subtypes of the disorder. The recent editions of DSM-IV1 on the development of depression has been subject of
and the International Statistical Classification of Dis- numerous investigations and the work has been influ-
eases, 10th Revision (ICD-10)3 follow the results from enced by studies of the somatic and endocrine conse-
collaborative projects4,5 in the USA and the UK and dis- quences of stress in animals (see reference 15 for a
tinguish unipolar (depression) from bipolar (manic review). Despite much criticism of the methodology (eg,
depressive) disorder. the choice of instruments to obtain life event informa-
The lifetime prevalence of depression is as high as 20% tion, the elimination of events that are consequences of
in the general population worldwide with a female to physical illness, or the quantification of stress), most
male ratio of about 5:2. We have to assume that only findings show an excess of severely threatening events
about one third of patients are in treatment, maybe not prior to onset, particularly for events categorized as exit
due to ignorance, but due to the fact that symptoms may events or undesirable events.15 Life events preceding
not be qualitatively different from those of everyday depression are variable and are probably unrelated to
experience. Typically, the course of the disease is recur- the symptom pattern, which means that there is no clear-
rent and most patients recover from major depressive cut difference in the presence of events provoking the
episodes.6 However, a substantial proportion of the onset of endogenous or nonendogenous depression.16
patients become chronic and after 5 and 10 years of There is ongoing discussion on the impact of events on
prospective follow-up, 12% and 7%, respectively, are depressive outcome, as positive events were reported to
still depressed.7 In patients who do recover, there is a improve outcome, whereas stressful events were shown
high rate of recurrence and it has been found that to lessen improvement and increase the probability of
approximately 75% of patients experience more than relapse.17 The fact that major depression is more likely in
one episode of major depression within 10 years.8,9 Sui- females than in males can, however, not be explained
cide is a considerable risk for mortality in depression, by differing rates or sensitivities to stressful life events.
Pathophysiology and treatment of depression - Bondy Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 4 . No. 1 . 2002
Although women reported more interpersonal and men our understanding of the disease psychopathology and
more legal- or work-related stressful life events, this can- the hypotheses on the underlying biochemical processes
not be attributed to the greater prevalence of major and on the selection of ethnically matched controls.23
depression in females.18 Association studies with candidate genes seem to be
more promising in unipolar depression and analyses of
Genetic influences candidate genes of the serotonergic system, such as tyro-
sine hydroxylase, the serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine
There is abundant evidence from family, twin, and [5-HT]) transporter, and the 5-HT2C receptor, have
adoption studies that genetic factors play an impor- exhibited interesting results.21,24,25
tant role in the etiology of affective disorders. There is Molecular genetic studies not only offer the possibility
strong epidemiological evidence for a genetic contri- of unraveling the gene or genes responsible for heri-
bution, especially for bipolar disorders, and heritability tability, but also widen our insights into the pathophysi-
is estimated to be as high as 80%. 19 However, the ological mechanism. Taking into account the clinical and
inheritance does not follow the classical mendelian etiological heterogeneity of depression, the results of
pattern, which suggests that a single major gene locus these investigations provide the possibility of subtyping
may not—or at least only in few families—account for and differentiating patients of a diagnostic category
the increased intrafamilial risk for the disorder. More according to underlying biological parameters. The
likely is a model of a complex disorder, which postu- recent finding on differing genotype distribution of the
lates that several genes of modest effect interact with 5-HT2A receptor polymorphism in patients with a sea-
each other or with a variety of environmental factors sonal pattern of episodes supports this view of genetic
to increase familial susceptibility for the disorder.20 and etiological heterogeneity.26 Other approaches may
Additional factors further complicate both epidemio- include the different risk for men and women, because it
logical and molecular genetic studies. Among these is still not ascertained whether sex modifies the etiolog-
are various genetic mechanisms, which mainly concern ical impact of genetic factors. However, heritability
the interaction of different genes that are not suffi- seems to be significantly greater in women than in men,27
cient or strong enough alone to lead to a susceptibility a fact that should be taken into account in future linkage
to the disease. Further problems arise because of dif- and association studies.
ficulties in ascertaining the clinical phenotype, as phe-
nocopies exist.21 Despite these problems, considerable Biochemical basis
advances have been made in the last years in linkage of depression
studies with bipolar disorder and promising regions
have been identified on chromosomes 4, 5, 12, 18, and The enormous progress in the field of neuroscience in
21, and the X chromosome.19,21 the 20th century brought us fascinating insights into
The influence of genes in major unipolar depression is the nature of mental processes. Starting with neuro-
less clear than for bipolar disorder. Although popula- anatomy and electrophysiology at the beginning of the
tion-based and hospital register–based twin studies have 20th century, neuroscience now is an interdisciplinary
found a substantial heritability in major depression,20 field occupying many areas of biological investigations,
the variation in liability by nongenetic factors seems to ranging from molecular studies of cell and gene func-
be more pronounced in unipolar major depression than tion to brain-imaging techniques, thus broadening our
in bipolar disorders. Accordingly, the results of linkage knowledge of the cellular and molecular machinery
analyses are less convincing for this disease,21 but it is that regulates behavior.28 For a long time, and espe-
increasingly being proposed that environmental mea- cially in the field of psychiatry, little was known about
sures and life events tend to be contaminated by genetic the biological substrates of the disorders and the work
components.22 of Julius Axelrod, Arvid Carlsson, and several other
An alternative strategy to linkage analyses is the appli- Nobel Prize winners has significantly contributed to
cation of association studies in which candidate genes the understanding of brain function, and investigations
are investigated in a cohort of patients and compared of psychiatric disorders are now fully based in basic
with healthy controls. This method depends crucially on neuroscience.
State of the art
Synaptic transmission the brain, where precursors are converted via enzymatic
reactions into transmitters, which are stored in synaptic
One of the most important advances in neuroscience vesicles, and finally released into the synaptic cleft by a
was the pioneering work of Otto Loewi and other sci- Ca2+-dependent process. The rate of neurotransmitter
entists, ie, that chemical transmission is the major means release is dependent on the firing rate of the neurones,
by which nerves communicate with one another. Today, which means that conditions or drugs that alter the firing
it is well known that the pre- and postsynaptic events are rate modify the release of the transmitter. A further
highly regulated and are the basis for plasticity and important regulatory mechanism of release involves the
learning within the central nervous system (CNS). somatodendritic autoreceptors, since binding of the
Chemical transmission requires several steps including released transmitter molecules leads to reduced synthe-
synthesis of the neurotransmitters, their storage in secre- sis or further release from the presynapse. The synaptic
tory vesicles, and their regulated release into the synap- effects are terminated by binding of the transmitters to
tic cleft between pre- and postsynaptic neurones, but specific transporter proteins and reuptake into the
also the termination of neurotransmitter action and the presynapse, where they are metabolized by enzymes, for
induction of the final cellular responses via different example, monoamine oxidase (MAO), or stored once
steps in the signal transduction cascade. again in the vesicles.29
Figure 1 is a schematic representation of a synapse for Neurotransmitter molecules do not cross the post-
classic neurotransmitters. The initial step of synthesis is synaptic membrane, but induce a cascade of reactions via
the facilitated transport of amino acids from blood to their initial binding to surface receptors within the post-
Storage in vesicles
Metabolite B
Specific transporter
Postsynapse Second messenger
Protein kinases
Gene expression
Figure 1. Schematic representation of a synapse and the steps of chemical transmission. Precursors are transported from blood into the brain (A), con-
verted into transmitters via enzymatic processes, and stored in synaptic vesicles (B). The transmitters are released into the synaptic cleft (C),
where they either react with presynaptic autoreceptors to regulate synthesis and release, or with postsynaptic receptors to induce the events
of the downstream signal transduction cascade (D). MAO, monoamine oxidase.
Pathophysiology and treatment of depression - Bondy Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 4 . No. 1 . 2002
synaptic membrane, which are often coupled to guanine altered synthesis, storage, or release of the neurotrans-
nucleotide-binding proteins (G-proteins). These G-pro- mitters, as well as from disturbed sensitivity of their
teins represent essential initial regulatory components in receptors or subcellular messenger functions.37
transmembrane signaling, because they modulate a num-
ber of effector systems within the cells, including adenylyl- Neurotransmitter concentration
cyclases, phospholipases, and the phosphoinositide-
mediated system.30 The early cellular events of the signal Many attempts have been made to prove the hypothesis
transduction cascade (ie, increase in concentrations of of reduced monoamine availability by measurement of
intracellular calcium ions or second messengers, such as neurotransmitters and/or their metabolites in post-
cyclic adenosine monophosphate [cAMP]) initiate a mortem brain tissues and body fluids, such as cere-
pathway via phosphorylation of protein kinases,31 which brospinal fluid (CSF), blood, and urine.38 Although
in turn regulates many biological responses and controls repeated data showing decreased levels of the NE
short- and long-term brain functions by regulation of metabolite α-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG),
neuronal ion channels, receptor modulation, neuro- which indicates NE turnover in brain, support the
transmitter release, and, ultimately, synaptic potentia- hypothesis of a deficient noradrenergic system,38 the
tion and neuronal survival.32,33 Disrupted function in one results are inconsistent.39 Similarly to the noradrenergic
or more steps of this chemical transmission may be a system, the data on determinations of 5-HT and its
crucial mechanism underlying depression. On the other metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) could
hand, it is now well established that these mechanisms not prove the hypothesis of exclusively reduced sero-
are targets of antidepressant action. tonergic transmission. Many studies reported decreased
central serotonergic turnover in major depression,40,41
Monoamine hypothesis but findings also suggested that reduced 5-HT function
may not be present in all depressed patients.42 These dis-
The first major hypothesis of depression was formulated crepancies between studies may reflect both method-
about 30 years ago and proposed that the main symp- ological problems, such as difficulties in measuring the
toms of depression are due to a functional deficiency of amines after various postmortem delays, and the fact
the brain monoaminergic transmitters norepinephrine that determinations of neurotransmitters or their
(NE), 5-HT, and/or dopamine (DA), whereas mania is metabolites in CSF or blood reflect a summation of
caused by functional excess of monoamines at critical many events in many brain areas and not in restricted
synapses in the brain.34-36 Evidence for this hypothesis nuclei.43
came from clinical observations and animal experiments, Similarly to the data on neurotransmitter concentra-
which showed that the antihypertensive drug reserpine, tions, the results on the possibility of impaired activity of
which causes a depletion of presynaptic stores of NE, the enzymes for synthesis and degradation of
5-HT, and DA, induced a syndrome resembling depres- monoamines are not convincing. Tyrosine hydroxylase
sion. In contrast to the effects obtained with reserpine, and tryptophan hydroxylase are essential for NE and
euphoria and hyperactive behavior were observed in 5-HT synthesis, respectively, and were found to be up- or
some patients being treated with iproniazid, a compound downregulated in postmortem brain samples, suggest-
synthesized for the treatment of tuberculosis, which ing a minor importance for transmitter synthesis. Simi-
increased brain concentrations of NE and 5-HT by larly, no conclusive abnormalities were found in the
inhibiting the metabolic enzyme MAO. degrading activity of MAO.42
Considering the origin of the noradrenergic, serotoner- The paradigm of monoamine depletion, which links clin-
gic, and dopaminergic neurones in the brain and their ical state to monoamine deficiency, nicely offers the pos-
projections into many areas of the brain, it is clear that sibility of investigating the effect of decreased
monoaminergic systems are responsible for many behav- monoamine concentration on behavior and gives us
ioral symptoms, such as mood, vigilance, motivation, much additional information on its impact on the psy-
fatigue, and psychomotor agitation or retardation. chopathology of depression. Addition of α-methyl-
Abnormal function and the behavioral consequences of paratyrosine, which inhibits the NE-synthesizing enzyme
either depression or the manic state may arise from tyrosine hydroxylase, leads to a depletion of NE in the
State of the art
synapse.44 A similar influence on the metabolism of firmed for the CNS.50,51 Moreover, there might even be a
5-HT is obtained by application of a tryptophan-free genetic basis for this dysfunctional 5-HT transport, since
amino acid mixture, which induces a rapid cerebral a common polymorphism within the promoter region
depletion of tryptophan and ultimately a decrease in of the 5-HT transporter gene leads to altered transcrip-
5-HT concentrations.45 Interestingly, depletion of tional activity and hence to diminished expression of
monoamines did not induce or worsen the symptoms of the gene.52 Interestingly, this polymorphism for “lower
depression in healthy controls or unmedicated patients, function” was found more frequently in depressed
which means that monoamine deficiency alone is not patients.53
sufficient for the clinical syndrome. However, in patients As regards the NE transporter, few studies have been
currently receiving drug treatment, the antidepressant conducted to measure the NE reuptake sites. Without an
response was transiently reversed in a manner that was ideal peripheral model, most experiments were carried
dependent on the class of antidepressant.46 These results out in postmortem samples and the few results are con-
support the evidence that antidepressants require an troversial.54 There was also no relationship to genetic
intact monoamine system for their therapeutic action, variants of the NE transporter.55
but the pathophysiology of depression may not be
explained by a single monoamine-related mechanism.44,47 Neurotransmitter receptors
Pathophysiology and treatment of depression - Bondy Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 4 . No. 1 . 2002
of these mechanisms in the modulation of neuronal as anxiety, panic, or obsessive compulsive disorder,
activity and pathophysiology of mental disorders.58 Using where altered serotonergic transmission is assumed.62
this new approach, several studies in peripheral cell Because preclinical and clinical studies have shown that
model systems and/or in postmortem brain tissue report chronic stimulation of the 5-HT system also affects the
alterations in G-proteins,59 at multiple sites of the cAMP NE system and vice versa,64 there has been renewed
pathway,60 and in protein kinases.61 These findings have interest in the role of neurotransmitters other than sero-
led to the formulation of a molecular and cellular tonin. The development of the newest generation of anti-
hypothesis of depression, which proposes that signal depressants, including reboxetine (a selective NE-reup-
transduction pathways are in a pivotal position in the take inhibitor), venlafaxine (a dual reuptake inhibitor),
CNS, in that they affect the functional balance between or the multiple receptor–acting substances mirtazepine,
multiple neurotransmitter systems and physiological nefazodone, bupropion, and trazodone, may positively
processes. influence therapeutic potentials with reduced incidence
of side effects due to reduced affinities for other sys-
Pharmacological treatment tems.62 Interestingly, one drug, tianeptine, shows a quite
of depression atypical mechanism, namely an increase in 5-HT uptake,
but most probably this substance predominantly coun-
Since Kuhn introduced imipramine in the 1950s, the teracts stress effects in the hippocampus.65
availability of antidepressant drugs has expanded With the use of these new drugs, the incidence of severe
greatly, not only in terms of number, but also, and espe- side effects was certainly reduced, but there are rather
cially, in terms of diversity in the associated pharmaco- severe, treatment-resistant types of depression, which
logical effects. The first-generation antidepressants, the may not adequately be treated with these drugs. A new
tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and MAO inhibitors drug regimen, augmentation therapy, was introduced
(MAOIs), increase the concentrations of 5-HT and/or some years ago, which is defined as the addition of a
NE and are effective in alleviating the symptoms of second agent to an existing antidepressant to achieve
depression. Although both types of drugs have been improved clinical response. Popular strategies are aug-
used with great success for many years, there are several mentation of TCA drugs with Li+, or SSRIs with pin-
undesirable side effects that limit their application. dolol. Although the results of these strategies in relieving
TCAs acts on many other transmitter systems in the depressive symptoms are encouraging, more prospec-
CNS and periphery, eg, the histaminergic or acetyl- tive, well-controlled studies will have to clarify the ben-
cholinergic systems,62 leading to sedation, hypotension, efits and risks of augmentation strategies.66
blurred vision, dry mouth, and other unwanted effects. In The effect of antidepressants on the NE and 5-HT
addition, TCAs may be life-threatening and fatal in over- receptor systems has been known for a long time, and
dose, especially due to their effects on the cardiovascu- the decreased sensitivities of β-adrenoceptors and cor-
lar system.63 Also, the irreversible MAOIs have their tical 5-HT2A receptors have often been suggested to be
own problems, such as an interaction with tyramine (the a prerequisite for antidepressant action.67 The delay in
so-called “cheese effect”), which causes potentially lethal antidepressant response makes it clear that the immedi-
hypertension.62 The main problem with the less severe ate effects of these drugs are not the main explanation of
side effects is a reduction in compliance, patients often their antidepressant action, but gradual adaptive
do not take a sufficient dosage for an adequate period of changes in neuronal responses might be ultimately
time and thus remain in an “undertreated” state. responsible for the therapeutic benefits.68 Recent
The development of newer antidepressants has aimed to research with SSRIs and dual uptake inhibitors has
improve the safety and tolerability of the TCAs and shifted the research focus beyond the levels of recep-
reuptake inhibitors, and selectivity for a single tors to those of protein kinase–mediated phosphoryla-
monoamine seemed to be the key to this goal. Since the tion of transcription factors, which ultimately leads to
introduction of fluoxetine as the first selective serotonin- changes in programs of gene expression.69
reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a great number of similarly Considering the currently available drugs for antide-
acting drugs have followed and SSRIs are now applied pressant treatment, there is now no doubt that the NE
in the treatment of several psychiatric disturbances, such and 5-HT system are important in the pathophysiology
State of the art
and treatment of depression, as all the agents interact release is stimulated by catecholaminergic mechanisms,
with one or both of these systems and the net effect is an among others. For almost 30 years now, different GH
increase in 5-HT neurotransmission.70 Future antide- stimulation tests have been used to prove whether GH
pressants will have to be developed with pharmacology response in depressed patients differs from controls and
directed at alternative neurotransmitters or neuromod- subjects with other psychiatric diseases. Most revealed
ulators, following novel mechanisms and hypotheses. For significant differences between patients with major
example, the involvement of γ-aminobutyric acid depression and healthy subjects or patients with minor
(GABA) in depression has long been suspected.71 depression, using various specific substances to chal-
Another example in the search for better treatment of lenge GH response. Patients with recurrent major
depression has been the demonstration that a substance- depression exhibited a blunted GH response, which
P antagonist had an antidepressant activity equivalent to could be interpreted as either decreased DA receptor
the SSRI paroxetine.72 Further targets for drugs include sensitivity (challenge with apomorphine) or decreased
corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF; see the article by α2-adrenoceptor sensitivity (challenge with clonidine).80
Holsboer in this issue73) or melatonin (see the article by It was further suggested that this blunted GH response
Pevet in this issue74); these are currently under investi- to clonidine was a trait marker that persists in depressed
gation and clinical results will be available in the near patients following their recovery.81,82 However, as chal-
future. However, the “ideal” antidepressant remains to lenge with different α2-adrenoceptor–selective agents
be discovered: it should not only be effective and safe, resulted in a normal GH response, an intrinsic abnor-
but also be well tolerated and contribute to the overall mality in the GH system was also suggested as opposed
well-being of the patient. to decreased α2-adrenoceptor sensitivity.83
Alterations in thyroid function have been repeatedly
Endocrine processes in depression linked to depression and the administration of tri-
iodothyronine (T3) seems to be an effective adjunctive
A variety of hormonal abnormalities, such as altered treatment for many patients.84,85 The relationship
levels of cortisol, growth hormone (GH), or thyroid between thyroid hormones and neurotransmitters have
hormones, indicate the existence of endocrine distur- mainly focused on the noradrenergic and serotonergic
bances, especially dysfunctions in the hypothalamus- systems and it was shown that thyroid hormone appli-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and/or the regulation of cation increases cortical serotonin release86 and may act
thyroid function. The consistent finding that a signifi- as a cotransmitter to NE in the adrenergic nervous sys-
cant subpopulation of depressed patients hypersecrete tem.87 However, the exact mechanism of this interaction
cortisol during the depressed state but not after recov- is not clear. Especially intriguing was the observation
ery75 led to intensive investigation and analysis of the that 5-HT function was especially reduced in patients
HPA system. The observations include hypersecretion without hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis abnormal-
of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone ities, which suggests that mechanisms that are not sero-
(CRH) and inadequate glucocorticoid feedback, tonergic might be involved in the reduced secretion of
increased cortisol levels, and impaired suppression of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).84
the HPA axis in response to exogenous glucocorticoid A further hint on the influence of hormones comes from
administration.76-78 A more refined analysis recently led the fact that the immediate postpartum period is a time
to formulation of the concept that impaired cortico- of highly increased risk for the onset or relapse of
steroid receptor signaling is a key mechanism in the depression.88 Several results underline the influence of
pathogenesis of depression.79 estrogen and progesterone,89 thyroid hormones,90 or
Investigations of hormonal responses to noradrenergic alterations in the HPA axis,91 but the direct mechanisms
stimulation provided useful information about the pos- have not been clarified. In addition, recurrent depressive
sible role of NE and pituitary and adrenal hormone symptoms can be limited to the premenstrual period
secretion in depression. These strategies involve mea- and more enduring depression is typically exacerbated
surement of the response of hormones such as GH and premenstrually. These findings on possible disturbances
cortisol to agents that directly or indirectly modulate in sex hormones could give an explanation for the
noradrenergic activity. We have long known that GH increased incidence in women.
Pathophysiology and treatment of depression - Bondy Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 4 . No. 1 . 2002
State of the art
Interaction between and the data implicate a close link between stress and
monoamines and other changes in the HPA axis and the central NE system.
neurotransmitters Accordingly, depression may result from dysfunctions in
and neuropeptides the areas of the brain that are modulated by these sys-
tems, such as the frontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala,
Three decades after its formulation, the monoamine and basal ganglia. It is also well known that these areas
hypothesis of depression underwent various adaptations. are highly sensitive to the effects of stress, possibly
Although it has contributed to our understanding of the accounting for the adverse impact of life events on
regulation of neuronal function in general, there is no depression.105 Thus, many different factors could lead to a
doubt that a dysfunction in one of the monoaminergic selective or generalized dysfunction in these brain areas,
systems alone does not provide an adequate explana- accounting for the probable heterogeneity of depression.
tion for the pathophysiology of depression or the mech-
anism of drug action. One of the intriguing problems of Brain imaging
therapy is the fact that it takes several days to weeks
before the antidepressant effect becomes apparent, Despite the increasing number of biochemical and mol-
although the neurotransmitter concentrations are ecular biological studies in depression research, the
increased within hours of a single dose of reuptake advances in neuroimaging techniques now offer the pos-
inhibitor. The results of depletion studies further sup- sibility of studying anatomical alterations in living
port the hypothesis that a simple change in the level of patients. Application of magnetic resonance imaging
one of the monoamines or their receptor affinity is suf- (MRI) techniques and positron emission tomography
ficient to induce or alleviate depression.104 (PET) has disclosed a battery of abnormalities in the
It is now well established that there are considerable brains of patients with major depression. Several studies
interactions of monoaminergic neurones with each other have suggested that a large proportion of patients with
and with other systems in the brain, and there are many major depression do indeed have signs of brain atrophy.
behavioral overlaps that reflect interactions among these Increased ventricle-brain volumes have been discussed,
neurotransmitters. Although NE controls vigilance, like as have localized atrophy in the frontal lobes, especially
5-HT, it also influences anxiety and irritability. In addi- in patients with late-life depression.109,110 Functional stud-
tion, impulsive behavior appears to be controlled by ies have revealed reduced blood flow in specific brain
5-HT, and yet it shares with DA an influence on regions, particularly the frontal lobe and the basal gan-
appetite, sex, and aggression. Moreover, DA and NE glia.111 One of the brain structures that has been exten-
appear to affect euphoria and pleasure, thus influenc- sively studied with regard to the action of stress, depres-
ing motivation and energy. These overlaps make it diffi- sion, and antidepressant actions is the hippocampus—a
cult to assign full responsibility to any particular neuro- brain area that is involved in learning and memory.112
transmitter.105 As it has been demonstrated that even Recent imaging studies have shown that the hippocam-
selective reuptake inhibitors affect both systems,106,107 pus undergoes selective volume reduction in stress-
leading to alterations of neuronal firing and postsynap- related neuropsychiatric disorders, such as recurrent
tic receptor responses, a clear assignment to several depression; it has been suggested that this is related to
symptoms or response to treatment seems impossible. hypercortisolemia.113
Monoaminergic systems are also modulated by other fac-
tors, eg, CRH, vasopressin, neuropeptide Y, cytokines, Pharmacogenetics
excitatory amino acids, or neurotrophic factors.83 There-
fore, a plausible model for the pathophysiology of Large interindividual differences in outcome and side
depression and the action of antidepressant treatment effects are quite common during treatment with anti-
needs to take into account the complexity of the regula- depressants and, also at recommended doses, the clini-
tion of CNS function. Moreover, chronic stress, which is cal response to drugs might range continuously from
doubtless an important precipitating factor in depres- “good effect” to “no response” or even “deterioration”
sion, has many effects, not only on behavior, but also on with a high incidence of adverse effects. Although sev-
the endocrine, immune, and neurotransmitter systems,108 eral factors, such as age, gender, body fat, alcohol intake,
Pathophysiology and treatment of depression - Bondy Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 4 . No. 1 . 2002
and nicotine consumption, account for the patient-to- The genetic basis of pharmacodynamic variability is
patient differences, there is increasing evidence that becoming a focus of future research. Interesting direc-
genetic factors also underlie the differences in psy- tions include variants in genes that regulate monoamine
chopharmacological drug response.114,115 This hypothe- uptake, the function of receptors, or the events of the
sis is further supported by observations of comparable signal transduction cascade.30
responses to antidepressant therapy among relatives.116 Although many investigations have shown that genetic
Thus, the concept of pharmacogenetics as originally variations in target proteins influence their interaction
defined by Vogel 1959,117 which means heritable differ- with psychotropic drugs, these results are still inconclu-
ences in metabolism and activity of exogenous agents, sive and far from the original concept of tailoring the drug
might help unravel the variability in drug response and regimen to an individual’s predisposition and predicting a
metabolism. patient’s response to therapeutic agents. However, con-
Relevant genetic polymorphisms are found in drug- sidering that many other factors besides allelic variants
metabolizing enzymes, neurotransmitter receptors, and may contribute to the final phenotype of “responder” or
transport proteins. These variants result in no effect or in “nonresponder,” we cannot assume a one-to-one rela-
a change in the rate of metabolism, as well as in altered tionship between genotype and phenotype. Moreover, we
protein binding and/or function.118 Accordingly, most must take into account that, like the pathophysiological
studies focus on the cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes mechanisms of complex psychiatric disorders, different
(CYP), neurotransmitter receptors, and selective trans- genes are interacting and modulating each other in drug
porters, following the hypotheses of pathophysiological response, in addition to environmental factors. Neverthe-
and drug action mechanisms. However, newer concepts less, the field of pharmacogenetics is expanding rapidly,
such as the drug’s site of action, the signal transduction and the elucidation of the disease processes through
cascade, or neuropeptides are also gaining importance in genomics, the identification of novel drug targets, and the
this field of research. subtyping of patient populations are all ambitious methods
Metabolizing enzymes have long been recognized as a that may help us individualize pharmacological therapy.
major source of pharmacokinetic variability, since they
influence the interindividual variation in elimination rates, Conclusion
steady-state concentrations, and biotransformation. More
than 30 isoforms of the cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes are Understanding the biology of major depression is a chal-
known today, but few have clinical significance in psychi- lenging scientific problem with enormous sociological
atry: CYP3A, CYP2D6, CYP2C19, and CYP2C9.118 Dif- and clinical relevance. The discovery of antidepressant
ferent drugs are metabolized by different enzymes and drugs and the investigation of their mechanism of action
variants in these genes can lead to three possible pheno- has revolutionized our understanding of neuronal func-
types: poor metabolizers (PM), normal metabolizers tioning and the possible mechanisms underlying depres-
(NM), and extensive metabolizers (EM). About 7% of sion. There is no doubt that the monoaminergic system is
Caucasians, 1% of Asians, and 7% to 8% of Africans are one of the cornerstones of research, but any hypothesis
classified as PM, who might exhibit increased concentra- for the pathophysiology of depression must take into
tions of metabolized drugs at conventional doses.119 Geno- account the many interactions with other brain systems
typing of metabolizing enzymes might have clinical impli- and the complexity of the regulation of the CNS func-
cations, as combinations of drugs that are metabolized by tion. In spite of all the progress that has been achieved in
one enzyme may lead to dangerous pharmacokinetic the last decades, we must be aware that there are still
interactions, particularly in PMs.120 Thus, the knowledge of today considerable problems in understanding and treat-
an individual’s metabolic rate will help adjust therapeutic ing severe depression, and knowing the cause of treat-
doses or combinations accordingly. ment-resistant depression. ❑
State of the art
Fisiopatología de la depresión y mecanis- Physiopathologie de la dépression et méca-
mos de tratamiento nismes thérapeutiques
La depresión mayor es un trastorno severo, de La dépression sévère est une maladie grave dont
enorme importancia clínica y sociológica. El des- l’impact sociologique et clinique est immense. La
cubrimiento de los fármacos antidepresivos en los découverte des antidépresseurs dans les années 50
años 1950 condujo a la primera hipótesis bioquí- a débouché sur la première hypothèse biochi-
mica de la depresión, la cual sugería que la prin- mique concernant la dépression, selon laquelle un
cipal lesión a la base de este trastorno era un déficit de la fonction monoaminergique centrale
deterioro de la función monoaminérgica central. était l'anomalie principale sous-jacente à la mala-
La investigación básica en todos los campos de las die. La recherche fondamentale dans tous les
neurociencias (incluyendo la genética) y el descu- domaines de la neuroscience (y compris géné-
brimiento de nuevos fármacos antidepresivos han tique) et la découverte de nouveaux antidépres-
revolucionado nuestra comprensión acerca de los seurs ont bouleversé notre compréhension des
mecanismos fundamentales de la depresión y de mécanismes de la dépression et de son traitement.
la acción de las drogas. No hay dudas que el sis- Si le système monoaminergique est sans conteste
tema monoaminérgico es una de las piedras l'une des pierres angulaires de ces mécanismes, les
angulares, pero también hay que tomar en cuen- multiples interactions existant avec d’autres sys-
ta las múltiples interacciones con otros sistemas tèmes cérébraux et la régulation du système ner-
cerebrales y la regulación de la función del siste- veux central doivent également être prises en
ma nervioso central. A pesar de todos los progre- compte. En dépit des nombreux progrès accomplis
sos alcanzados hasta la fecha, debemos estar jusqu’à maintenant, de nombreuses questions
conscientes de que existen muchas preguntas que demeurent toujours sans réponse.
deben ser resueltas en el futuro.
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