App 3 - Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
App 3 - Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
App 3 - Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)
Learning Competency & Code: Designs a research used in daily life and writes a research title
Name: ____________________________________ Section: ________________
Address: __________________________________ Contact No.: ________________
I -Content
Topic: Identifying and stating the problem
Philippine government has some important reasons for implementing the Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps), Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM), General Community
Quarantine(GCQ)- Covid19 Related, DSWD-Social Amelioration Program. These reasons came out
because of research.
In designing research, the researcher needs to consider the usefulness of research projects to be
conducted to the community where he or she belongs, to the bigger community, the Philippines,
Asia, and the world.
In deciding on a research topic, the researcher should see to it that the research project would be
worth the planning, execution of plans, resources in time, manpower, and budget.
Research is closely connected with development. The results/findings of studies also affect society
and the lives of each one of us. Research is very important to our everyday decision making.
Example: research leads to an expansion of knowledge and discoveries of new medical treatment
and cures; it leads to breakthroughs in agriculture such as the introduction of high-yield and
drought-resistant varieties; and in business, companies conduct surveys and feasibility studies to
find out the needs of the community.
The 12 substantive word requirement of APA (American Psychological Association) means that only
the keywords are counted. For example, in the quantitative research title “Reading Comprehension
and the Ability of Freshmen Students in Solving Word Problems” there are only 8 substantive words
in the title. The prepositions in and of, the connector and, the article the are not included.
Activity Sheet No. 4 Date: ____________
Learning Competency & Code: Designs a research used in daily life and writes a research
title (CS_ RS12-Id-e-1-2)
Activity 1
From the given research titles, choose which research title follows the proper guidelines.
A. Tiktok as a Teaching Tool
B. Tiktok as a Teaching Tool in English
C. Tiktok and Facebook in Teaching English
D. Tiktok as a Teaching Tool in English as Perceived by Teachers in Sumirap National High School
A. Tardiness of Students
B. Tardiness of Students during the First Period Subjects
C. Tardiness and Academic Performance of Silangit National High School Grade 12 Students
D. Tardiness and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students
A. Teaching Research in Senior High Schools
B. Teaching Research in Senior High Schools in Tangub City
C. Perceptions of Students and Teachers about Teaching Research
D. Perceptions of Students and Teachers about Teaching Research in Tangub City
Activity 2
Write one title of your chosen research topic. You will be using this research topic throughout this
semester for your research output. Be sure to satisfy the 4 basic questions in writing a good
research title.
Research topic:
Research title:
Parent’s Name & Signature
Teachers Name & Contact No.:
DR. ADELYN T. APILAN - 09106473988 Date Submitted: __________________
Received by: ____________________
Printed Name & Signature Teacher