A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 8 For Demo

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 8

Prepared by: Ms. Herlyn Jan Marie D. Juelo, LPT

Learning Area: ARTS

Topic: Japanese Theatre: The Kabuki (Makeup & Costume) Grade & Section: 8- St. Dorothy
Teacher’s activities Students activities
I. CONTENT Demonstrates understanding of how elements of sound,
STANDARD music gesture, movements and costume affect the creation
and communication of meaning in Asian Festivals and
Theatrical Forms as influenced by history and culture.
II. PERFORMANCE Creates appropriate festival attire with accessories based on
STANDARD authentic festival costumes.
Creates/improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture,
movements and costume for a chosen theatrical
Takes part in a chosen Asian festival.
III. LEARNING 1. Identify the festivals and theatrical forms celebrated in
COMPETENCY China, Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia
(Curriculum Guide) 2. Explain the history of the festival and theatrical
composition and its evolution and describe how the
townspeople participate and contribute to its festivity
and gaiety
3. Define what makes each of the Asian festivals unique by
a visual presentation and report on selected festivals
representing the different Asian countries
4. Design with a group the visual components of a school
5. Analyze the uniqueness of each group that was given
recognition for their performances
6. Explain what component contributed in selecting the
performing group
IV. SPECIFIC LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
OUTCOME a. define what makes Kabuki unique in its visual
presentation through oral recitation
b. respect and demonstrate understanding on how kabuki
character, its makeup and costume affect the Japanese
Theatrical Forms as influenced by history and culture
through active participation
c. portray properly a kabuki Character using its makeup
and costume through group activity
VI. MATERIALS Pictures, PowerPoint presentation (teacher)
make up, mimi, bathrobe (students)
VII. LEARNING a. Introduction
KC, kindly lead us the prayer In the name of the
2. Greetings Father… amen.
Good morning students! Good Morning Ma’am
3. Checking of attendance
Is there any absent today? None Ma’am!
Very good! Keep it up class!
b. Motivation
(Mannequin Challenge)
Let’s start! This morning you are going to be an
actor/actresses. We are going to play the Mannequin
Challenge. Are you excited?
I will read to you our guidelines:
The class will be divided into 5 groups. As soon as you
have your group, proceed to your respective areas. The
teacher will flash a picture and you are going to copy
the image and its expressions and act like you are the
actor. After the count of 15 seconds you are going to
stop like a mannequin. Yes Ma’am!
Clear? Let’s start!

(End of the Activity)

All of your actions and movements based on the different
stage play during our activity class are relevant to our topic (Students will read
which is The Japanese Theatre specifically Kabuki Makeup & the objectives)
But before that kindly read our objectives…

c. Lesson Proper
We have already discussed the background and history of
Kabuki theater, now let us focus on its costume and

One of the most iconic parts of kabuki is that Actors apply

their own make-up by painting their faces and necks white,
then adding stylized lines in red, black or blue.

There are two main categories of actors, the Onnagata for

women and Aragoto for men.

Aragoto usually applies red and blue paint and Onna-gata

usually have very little paint in their faces.

The white make up that they put on their faces is called

Oshiroi Base which is a Rice Powder.

The enhanced and exaggerated facial lines that produces

dramatic animal or supernatural character is called
Representation of Colors:
• Red ~ passion, heroism, righteousness, other
positive traits
• Pink ~ youthful joy
• Light Blue ~ an even temper
• Pale Green ~ peacefulness
• Blue/Black ~ villainy, jealousy, other negative
• Green ~ supernatural
• Purple ~ nobility
Kabuki Props:
Are often quite interesting.
Flowing water is usually represented by fluttering tolls
of linen; or creatures like insects and foxes.
Fans are used to symbolize wind, a sword, a tobacco
pipe, waves.
Swung from sticks or manipulated by helpers who come
on stage dressed in black hooded; they are invisible to
the audience.
The female characters generally wear an elaborate
kimono and obi.
Pleated hakuma trousers are worn by characters of
Actors playing both sexes often have supported dignity
because a straight and curveless figure are regarded
the essence of beauty.
Costume Changing:
Considered as an art.
There are special teams that take care of complete and
partial costume changes and aredone as part of the
Are important accessories, with each costume having
its own type.
Specialized craftsmen shape the wigs to the head.
Are made of:
Human hair
Horse hair Each facial make up,
Bear fur they have their own
Yak-tail hair facial expressions
ma’am and each color
Kumadori enhances or exaggerates facial lines to produce has different
dramatic animal or supernatural character. meanings.

The teacher will ask how you will describe these images
(showing different pictures of kabuki character). What
makes it unique?

Yes Ma’am.
Correct! There are different faces that represents different
expressions. Same to us we have different faces but each of
that face has a mask behind, but we should always
remember that we have to be true to ourselves and to find

d. Activity
I think you are now ready to have an activity. Are you?
This activity is entitled “The True Kumadori”
You are going to portray a Kabuki character using what have Yes Ma’am.
you learned through the following materials: Face Paint,
Makeup (Lipstick with different color), and kimono
(bathrobe is acceptable).

After you applied the makeup and dressed up… Models, Yes Ma’am.
kindly assemble outside and form a line, we will roam Yes Ma’am.
starting in this classroom until the cultural stage and we will
take a picture, make sure to portray the character of kabuki (students will start
Onna-gata and Aragoto. Clear? working)

I will give you 5 minutes to prepare and another 5 minutes

to roam around and for picture taking.

Have you brought the materials assigned to you?

Yes ma’am!
Are you excited? Let’s start!

(after 10 minutes, students will go back inside the


I will just announce who are the winning group next

Have you enjoyed our activity?
VIII. ENRICHMENT Who can define what makes Kabuki and Japanese theatre In terms on how they
unique in its visual presentation? portray their
Very good! character teacher and
every color has its
What values did you learned during the whole lesson? Respect and
Very good! understanding of
culture teacher.
So have we attained our objectives? Yes teacher!
Have you defined what makes Kabuki unique in its visual
presentation through oral recitation? Yes Ma’am!

Have you learned respect and demonstrated understanding

on how kabuki character, its makeup and costume affect
the Japanese Theatrical Forms as influenced by history and
culture through active participation? Yes Ma’am!

Have you portrayed properly a kabuki Character using its

makeup and costume through group activity? Yes Ma’am!

I think you are now ready for our quiz… kindly get 1/4
Identify what color is being described.
1. Represents passion, heroism, righteousness, other
positive traits
2. It means youthful joy
3. Represents an even temper
4. It means peacefulness
5. It refers to villainy, jealousy, other negative traits
6. It means supernatural
7. Represents nobility
Done? Kindly pass your papers forward, late papers will not
be accepted. 5 4 3 2 1
XI. REMARKS “The method of teaching (e.g. time allotment in every
lesson, activities, etc.) depends on the pedagogy of the
–Core group in Mapeh Grade

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