DLL Grade 8 Arts Festival and Theatrical Forms

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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
Division of Cagayan
Malilitao, Claveria, Cagayan


School Claveria National High School Grade Level Grade 8
Teacher Ivonne Lorraine T. Mabuti Learning Area MAPEH (ARTS)
Teaching Dates February 11-15, 2019 Quarter 4th Quarter
Teaching Time 9:45-10:45 AM Section

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


1. how theatrical elements (sound, music, gesture, movement, and costume) affect the creation and communication of meaning in
A. Content Standards Asian Festivals and Theatrical Forms as influenced by history and culture
2. theater and performance as a synthesis of arts and a significant expression of the celebration of life in various Asian communities

1. create appropriate festival attire with accessories based on authentic festival costumes
B. Performance Standards 2. create/improvise appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements, and costume for a chosen theatrical composition

take part in a chosen festival or in a performance in a theatrical play

C. Learning identify selected festivals and research on the history of the identify the elements and define what make each of the
Competencies/objectives theatrical forms celebrated all festival and theatrical forms principles of arts as manifested Asian Festivals and Theatrical
Write the LC code for each over the Asian region and its evolution, and in Asian festivals and theatrical forms unique through a visual
describe how the community forms presentation
A8EL-IVa-1 participates and contributes
to the event A8PL-IVc-1 A8PL-IVh-2

D. CONTENT Festivals and Theatrical Forms of Asia

A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 348-359 348-359 348-359 348-359
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal

B. Other Learning Resources http://youtu.be/TeMCG6Jnfxs http://youtu.be/lVzjlBdbdEI http://youtu.be/F3Scu84ucCQ

A. Review previews lesson or Students will review what Recall the previous lesson Recall the previous lesson
presenting a new lesson was discussed yesterday
about the different festivals Name all the festival dances
B. Establishing a purpose for Activity: Name all the Activity: Contract Signing Basic Elements of Festival Art Following the aspects discussed
the lesson countries mentioned in Forms: in the chart above, give your
previous activities. Can you (You are challenged to impressions on any festival that
locate the four countries on visually create one of these Directions: Fill-in the table you like best. Explain your
the map below? wonderful theater arts. The below with the information choice.
leaders will draw lots to about each festival based on
determine what theater art the readings in the previous
form your group will pages. LM p.334
recreate. Peking Opera,
Kabuki, Wayang Kulit
Puppet Shadow or Nang Yai
Puppet Shadow. Check the
square you are assigned to
recreate. Write your names
and signatures below and
give it to your teacher for
documentation and recording
C. Presenting Video Clips Presentation and
examples/instances of new Group Reporting:
Students will watch
China’s Peking Opera, Japan’s
Indonesia’s Wayang Kulit and
Thailand’s Nang Puppet show.

While they are watching the

videos, they will be given
guide questions to answer.
1. Tell something about the
Chinese Peking Opera.
Describe the make-up and
movements done in the play.

2. Write some spectacular

things that you see on the
stage of Japan’s Kabuki play?
How did the costumes in the
play make it more interesting
to watch?

3. Describe how the Wayang

Kulit puppets are performed in
the play. How did the stage set
up, sounds, and lights affect
the show?

4.Compare Thailand’s Nang

(shadow puppet show) to
Indonesian’s Wayang Kulit
D. Discussing new concepts and Students will watch again a Topics to be discussed: Topics to be discussed: Ask the students:
practicing new skills 1 video about the different
festivals and answer the China’s Peking Opera China’s Peking Opera, Japan’s Among the four theater art forms
following -Peking Opera Training: Kabuki, that were discussed in this
-Roles and Characters: Indonesia’s Wayang Kulit and quarter, which one do you like
Guide Questions: -Visual Performance Thailand’s Nang Puppet show. best? Why?
1. What are things that amaze Elements:
you in the Spring festival of -The meaning of colors 2. Have you seen the same
China? Write your in theater art forms/ festivals of
impressions. -Peking Opera China and Japan performed here
2. Describe the music and Masks/Make-ups in the Philippines? Where? Give
movements of the drummers -Aesthetic Aims and some observations.
of Japan’s Taiko Drum -Principles of
festival. Movement: 3. Name and compare the theater
3. What were the facial arts/festivals of Japan and China
expressions, body movements, to the theater arts/festivals of the
and costumes of the Bali Philippines.
4. What is the function of the 4. What values/attitudes/skills of
Loy Krathong (sky lantern) the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and
festival? Indonesians do you like to
acquire? Why?
E. Discussing new concepts and Activity:
practicing new skills 2
Group Reporting: Make a
report about the Chinese
Peking Opera and Spring
F. Developing mastery(Leads to Activity: Video clips
formative assessment) Presentation: Go back and
watch the previous video
clips again. Observe the
movements, songs, dance and
acrobatic skills of the
performers. Identify the
name of the characters.
Apply what you have learned
a while ago. And try to
perform simple presentation
of your group at the end of
this module.
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson Students discussed what they have learned.
I. Evaluating learning Paper and Pen Test Understanding Check: Understanding Check: Understanding Check:
Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the letter Directions: Choose the letter of Directions: Choose the letter of
of the correct answer. Write the correct answer. Write your the correct answer. Write your
your answers on a separate answers on a separate sheet of answers on a separate sheet of
sheet of paper or in your paper or in your notebook. paper or in your notebook.
notebook. LM p.337 LM p. 344
LM p. 331
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned
70% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I Head Teacher I/OIC

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