Effect of Different Spacing and Transplanting Dates On The Growth and Yield of Cauliflower (Brassicae Oleracea Var. Botrytis L.)

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

10(09), 280-288

Journal Homepage: - www.journalijar.com

Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/15350

DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/15350

OF CAULIFLOWER (Brassicae oleracea var. botrytis L.)

Pooja Devi, Ashutosh Sharma, Arpan Saini and Sonika Sharma

DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab, Indai 1440012.
Email- [email protected]
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History An experiment entitled Effect of different spacing and transplanting
Received: 10 July 2022 dates on growth and yield of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var.
Final Accepted: 14 August 2022 botrytis) was carried out at the experimental farm, Faculty of
Published: September 2022 Agricultural Sciences, DAV University, Jalandhar during 2019. The
treatment combinations comprised of three dates of planting viz., 6th
Key words:-
Cauliflower, Curd, Spacing, November, 23th November and 8th December and three spacing’s viz.,
Transplanting Dates, Yield 45×50cm, 50 x 50 cm and 50 x 60 cm in a Randomized Block Design
(RBD) with three replications. The cauliflower transplanted on the 2 nd
date of planting i.e. 23th November reported significantly maximum
yield (9.03kg) over the other dates of planting, while spacing 50 x 60
cm showed significantly maximum growth for height, number of
leaves, stem diameter. Whereas, the maximum number of days taken to
curd initiation (114.33) and maturity (14.66) was recorded from
45cm×50cm spacing with 8th November transplanting dates. It can be
concluded that the wider spacing gave best results for number of leaves
per plant, plant height, stem diameter, curd diameter and yield.
Interaction effect of spacing and transplanting datesresulted
significance difference for all the character under study except plant
height and number of days to curd maturity. It was observed that plants
sown on 23 November resulted in superior performance for most of the
traits studied. Among spacing, desirable results were observed at closer
spacing of 50 cm × 50 cm. Considering the interaction of sowing dates
and spacing it was found that plants sown on 23 November with the
spacing of 50 cm × 50 cm can resulted in superior performance with
respect to growth and yield parameters of cauliflower.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2022,. All rights reserved.

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) belongs to the family Brassicaceae is an exotic vegetable crop. It is
one of the most popular winter vegetable crops and is also called as queen of winter. Cauliflower like other cole
crops prefers cool moist climatic conditions which help in the developing quality curd. It is grown in tropical and
temperate region of the world. Cauliflower is a cool season crop and shows negative reaction to high temperature.
The optimum temperature for the seed germination is 10°C-25°C and the temperature required for the curd
development is 20°C-25°C. Cauliflower were transmitted from Europe and spread worldwide whereas India
occupies first position in the production of cauliflower. In India, Cauliflower was presented from Kew in 1822

Corresponding Author:- Sonika Sharma
Address:- DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab, Indai 1440012.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 280-288

through Dr. Jemson (Kaur et al., 2018). Bihar, U.P. Orissa, West Bengal, Assam, Haryana, and Maharashtra these
are the major producing states of cauliflower (Gaikwad et al., 2018). The total global area under cauliflower is
204.29 million hectare and global production is 2764.39 million tonnes (Anonymous, 2018). In India, cauliflower is
cultivated over an area of 460 thousand hectares with annual production of 9174 thousand million tonnes and
productivity of 20 MT/hectare (Anonymous, 2019a). In Punjab, cauliflower is grown in an area of about 18.24
thousand hectare with annual production of 214.48 thousand million tonnes and productivity of about 11.76 t/ha
(Anonymous, 2019 b).

Transplanting time plays an important role in improving the productivity of curd and yield of cauliflower. Spacing
within the plants helps in proper growth and development. Closer spacing would be economically profitable for
cauliflower production (Hossain et al., 2015). According to recent field tests, wider spacing contributes towards
larger and heavier curd while, yield per hectare can be increased by close spacing. The seasonal crop varieties of
cauliflower are divided into three class’s i.e. early, mid, and late season crop varieties. Cauliflower has many
varieties but snowball variety gave higher yield of curds (Rahman et al., 2016). Snowball fails to give best
performance if there are slightly changes in the planting time (Babu et al., 2016). Spacing of plant increase both
total yield and size of heads. Selection of variety and planting at proper time are the key element for high yield and
quality of curd production (Islam et al., 2016).Crop yield may be increased up to 25% by using optimum spacing.
Sometimes it detains to generative growth and decrease yield quality. Wider spacing decrease number of plants as
well as yield (Tahima et al., 2018). Hence, it is necessary to optimize proper plant spacing for obtaining higher yield
with better quality.

Research Methods:-
The experiment was carried out the experimental farm of Department of Agricultural Science, DAV University,
Jalandhar in 2019-2020. Treatment comprised of three planting and three spacing. Total nine treatments viz.,
T1(D1×S1), T2(D1×S2), T3(D1×S3), T4(D2×S1), T5(D2×S2), T6(D2×S3), T7(D3×S1), T8(D3×S2), T9(D3×S3).
Whereas S1 = (45cm×50cm), S2 = (50cm×50cm), S3 = (50cm×60cm) and D1 = 6 November 2019, D2 = 23
November 2019, D3 = 8 December 2019. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three
replications. Seedlings were transplanted in 3 x 4m m plots at different spacing and different dates of planting.
Observations were recorded on plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter and curd yield from randomly selected
plants in each treatment.

Research Findings and discussion

Number of leaves per plant
Number of leaves per plant was significantly influenced by different treatments. Among the different transplanting
dates and spacing, treatment T3 (14.78) recorded highest number of leaves/plant and the lowest number of leaves
recorded in treatment T1 (12.67). (Hasan et al. 2018) reported that the number of leaves also plays an important role
in energy transformation, activation of a number of enzymes, carbohydrate metabolism and chlorophyll formation.
(Kansae et al. 2018) who observed, this might be due to favorable climatic situations conquered during the crop
period. The results revealed that the increase in spacing and transplanting dates have significantly increased the
number of leaves per plant.

Among interaction effects (Table 1.3) highest number of leaves per plant (15.70) was observed in D2 × S2 (23
November × 50 cm × 50 cm) which was statistically at par with D2 × S1 (23 November × 45 cm × 50 cm) 19.26,
D2×S3 (23 November × 50 cm × 60 cm) 19.13, and D1 × S3 (8 November × 50 cm × 60 cm) 18.96. Lowest number
of leaves per plant (15.36) were observed in D1×S1 (8 November × 45 cm × 50 cm) which was statistically lowest
among all the dates. Similar results were obtained by Kabir et al. (2013) and Lavanya et al. (2017) at different
environmental conditions. Leaf

Plant height (cm)

Plant height of cauliflower was significantly influenced by different treatments. Among the different transplanting
dates and spacing, treatment T6 (30.29) cm recorded highest plant height and treatment T2 (28.46) cm recorded
lowest plant height. (Hasan et al. 2018) reported that the difference in plant height as partial by spacing was possibly
due to proper utilization of nutrients, moisture and light. During the growing period plant height gradually increased
with time and reached to the maximum at harvest. (Kansae et al. 2018) who observed, that the varied spacing
resulted in the highest plant height and was due to smaller competition for nutrients, moisture, and CO 2 among the
roots of the plants. In contradiction to this, (Joshi et al. 2018) who reported that the smaller spacing created more

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 280-288

competition for the resources in the roots of plants and resulted in lower plant height. The more space also provides
the better exposure to plants for photosynthesis. The present investigation is in close conformity with the finding of
Singh et al. (2019).

Interaction effect of spacing and transplanting dateson plant height was not significant (Table 1.3). Non significant
differences for plant height among interaction effect of spacing and transplanting datesunder different climatic
conditions by earlier researchers viz., Sahu et al. (2018) and also disagreed with Moratagi et al., (2021).

Stem Diameter (cm)

Treatment T4 (8.96) cm recorded highest stem diameter and treatment T9 (6.26) cm recorded lowest stem diameter.
The results showed that diameter of stem increased significantly due to increasing levels of spacing (wider spacing)
and decreased at closer spacing (Table 1.1). Neupane et al. (2020) observed that the closer plant spacing show poor
results due to closely competition acquiring the nutrients sunlight and space for better stem growth and
development. The results of stem diameter found in the contradiction with (Ara et al. 2016).

It was observed that stem diameter (8.76cm) was observed in plants grown in interaction D2×S1 (23 November × 45
cm × 50 cm) which was statistically at par with the stem diameter of plants raised in D1×S2 (8 November × 50 cm ×
50 cm) and D1×S1 (8 November × 45 cm × 50 cm) which produced the plants with stem diameter of 8.73 cm and
8.26 cm, respectively. Smallest stem diameter (7.10 cm) was observed in D3×S2 (8 December × 50 cm × 50 cm).
This was statistically at par with stem diameter of D3×S1 (8 December × 45 cm × 50 cm) 7.93 (Table 1.4). This is
in line with the findings of Madumathi et al., (2017) who also observed significant interaction effect of spacing and
transplanting dateson stem diameter.

Curd Diameter (cm)

Treatment T3 (18.20) cm recorded highest curd diameter and treatment T2 (16.36) cm recorded lowest curd
diameter. (Joshi et al., (2018) who found that curd diameter is an important yield factor in cauliflower and Superior
diameter of curd signifies the higher yield of the crop. (Rahman et al., 2007) also reported that the size and weight
of curd decreased with the increasing the density.

Highest Curd diameter (17.90) cm was produced by plants grown in interaction D2×S1 (23 November × 45 cm × 50
cm) which was statistically highest among all the treatments. Lowest Curd diameter (16.16) was observed in D3×S1
(8 December × 45 cm × 50 cm) interaction which was significantly lower than the curd diameter produced by plants
grown in other interactions (Table 1.4). The findings corroborates with the finding of Moratagi et al., (2021),
Shruthy et al., (2020) and Archana et al., (2019).

Number of days taken to curd initiation

The significant variations in growth and development of cauliflower further led to marked variations in its yield
attributes. Treatment T5 (78.33) took minimum days for curd initiation and maximum days at T7 (114.33). Suthar et
al., (2017) which were in agreement with the present findings, the spacing are important characteristic to know the
variation of different parameters performance of a crop. Proper spacing in cauliflower reduce the days which are
require for initiation of curd and marketable maturity of curd and also decrease the percentage of it. The results are
in contradiction with Mujeeb-Ur-Rahman et al., (2007).

Significant effect of interaction of spacing and transplanting dateswas observed for number of days taken to curd
initiation (Table 1.5). Highest number of days taken to curd initiation (100.33) was observed in D3×S1 (8 December
× 45 cm × 50 cm) interaction which was significantly higher than the interaction in all number of days taken to curd
initiation other treatment combination. Minimum number of days taken to curd initiation of days was found in
D1×S1 (8 November × 45 cm × 50 cm) which is significantly lowest among all the treatments. The contradictions
are in accordance to the finding of Shruthy et al., (2020).

Number of days taken to curd maturity:

Treatment T2 and T4 took minimum days (10.00) for curd maturity and treatment T7 (14.66) took maximum days
for curd maturity. Suthar et al. (2017) which were in agreement with the present findingsthe right time of maturity
was observed in closest spacing. In wider spacing, plants take more time to complete their physical and biological
activities due to more availability of space, sunlight and fertilization. When the time taken for initiation of curd is
reduced, the days taken to marketable maturity are also reduced in closer spacing.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 280-288

Non significant differences were found in number of days taken to curd maturity among interaction effect of spacing
and transplanting datesunder different climatic conditions. This finding was disagreed with Islam et al., (2016).

Weight of curd (gm):

Significant variations were observed for the weight of curd. Treatment T4 (190gm) recorded maximum weight of
curd and treatment T1 (80 gm) recorded lowest curd weight. Singh et al., (2019) observed that the increase in yield
of cauliflower at closer spacing was due to more number of plants accommodated in a given area. Wide spacing led
to low yields due to low plant population per unit area, but curd quality was improved as size of the fruit was bigger
and curd weight was higher.

Highest curd weight (190.00 g) was produced by plants grown in interaction D2×S1 (23 November × 45 cm × 50
cm) which was statistically highest among all the treatments. Lowest curd weight (80.00 g) was observed in D1×S1
(8 November × 45 cm × 50 cm) interaction which was significantly lower than the curd weight produced by plants
grown in other interactions (Table 1.6). The findings corroborates with the finding of Islam et al., (2016), Moratagi
et al., (2021) and Shruthy et al., (2020).

Yield per plot (kg):

The cauliflower yield increased with an increase in plant spacing up to an absolute limit, treatment T4 (9.03 kg)
recorded highest yield per plot. Suthar et al. (2017) who observed that, by increasing the spacing, total yield of
cauliflower decreased significantly (Table 1.1). The interaction of November 23 transplanting dates of resulted in
highest yield per plot (kg) (9.04g) and minimum interaction was found in D3×S3 ( 8 December × 50 cm × 60 cm)
which was significantly at par with the other treatment i.e. D1×S1 (8 November × 45 cm × 50 cm) . Similar higher
yield was reported by several workers confirming to the present findings (Moratagi et al., (2021); Shruthy et al.,
(2020); Islam et al., (2016);

Relative economics:
Relative economics of different spacing and transplanting dates was worked out to evaluate the most beneficial
treatment in cauliflower relative economics in cauliflower was calculated on yield basis reveals that treatment T4
recorded the maximum Gross returns of the order of Rs. 4,19,240 Rs/ha followed by treatment T3. Amongst
different transplanting dates and spacing, highest net returns of Rs.324630 were obtained with treatment T4
followed by treatment T3, whereas the lowest net returns of Rs.114170 Rs/ha was obtained with treatment T9.
Among the different spacing and transplanting datestreatments, treatment T4 recorded the maximum benefit cost
ratio of 4:3. Whereas the lowest benefit cost ratio (1:2) was obtained with treatment T1. The results found in the
conformity of Devi et al.(2018), Singh et al.(2018), Ola et al.(2019).

Table 1.1:- Effect of different spacing and transplanting dateson the growth and yield of cauliflower.
Treatments Number of Plant Stem Curd Number Number Weight Yield
leaves per Height Diameter Diameter of days of days of per plot
plant (cm) (cm) (cm) taken to taken to Curd (kg)
curd curd (g)
initiation maturity
T1 12.67 29.81 7.63 17.46 92.66 12.33 80 4.91
T2 13.88 28.46 8.80 16.36 101.00 10.00 125 5.81
T3 14.78 29.62 7.40 18.20 94.66 10.33 170 7.97
T4 14.65 29.24 8.96 17.36 84.33 10.00 190 9.03
T5 14.76 28.95 7.60 18.03 78.33 12.00 115 5.25
T6 14.55 30.29 7.66 16.93 103.66 11.00 125 5.93
T7 13.05 29.16 8.73 16.50 114.33 14.66 120 5.37
T8 13.27 28.97 7.10 16.73 107.00 12.33 90 4.56
T9 13.86 28.51 6.26 16.46 95.00 11.33 85 4.51
S.E. (m±) 0.47 0.3 0.17 0.26 1.02 0.65 11.95 0.39
C.D. (5%) 1.45 0.92 0.51 0.80 3.10 1.97 3.10 1.97
C.V. 5.8 1.82 3.78 2.68 1.83 9.78 1.83 9.78
S.E.(d) 0.67 0.43 0.24 0.37 0.24 0.37 0.24 0.37

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 280-288

Table 1.2:- Effect of different spacing and transplanting dateson relative economics of cauliflower at periodic

Treatments Cost of Gross Net B:C Ratio

cultivation(Rs/ha) return(Rs/ha) return(Rs/ha)
T1 94610 227300 132690 1:2
T2 94610 268980 174370 1:4
T3 94610 368980 274370 1:3
T4 94610 419240 324630 4:3
T5 94610 243040 148430 2:5
T6 94610 274520 179910 2:9
T7 94610 248720 154110 1:3
T8 94610 211100 116490 2:3
T9 94610 208780 114170 2:3
Treatments Cost of Gross Net B:C Ratio
cultivation(Rs/ha) return(Rs/ha) return(Rs/ha)
T1 94610 227300 132690 1:2
T2 94610 268980 174370 1:4
T3 94610 368980 274370 1:3
T4 94610 419240 324630 4:3
T5 94610 243040 148430 2:5
T6 94610 274520 179910 2:9
T7 94610 248720 154110 1:3
T8 94610 211100 116490 2:3
T9 94610 208780 114170 2:3

Table 1.3:- Interaction effect of spacing and transplanting dateson leaves per plant and Plant height (cm) of
Leaves per plant Plant height (cm)
Transplanting Spacing
dates S1 S2 S3 Mean S1 S2 S3 Mean
D1 15.36 18.03 18.96 17.45 33.30 33.13 33.63 33.35
D2 19.26 19.53 19.13 19.31 34.89 33.33 34.36 34.17
D3 17.63 17.56 18.96 18.05 32.90 34.60 33.50 33.66
Mean 17.42 18.37 19.02 33.67 33.68 33.83
Interaction effect
CD at 5% 1.39 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
SD (d) 0.65 0.65 1.13 0.78 0.77 1.34

Table 1.4:- Interaction effect of spacing and transplanting dateson stem diameter (cm) and curd diameter (cm) of
Stem diameter (cm) Curd diameter (cm)
Transplanting Spacing
dates S1 S2 S3 Mean S1 S2 S3 Mean
D1 8.26 8.73 8.06 8.36 17.26 17.36 17.50 17.37
D2 8.76 7.50 7.66 7.97 17.90 17.20 16.60 17.23
D3 7.93 7.10 6.70 7.24 16.16 16.73 16.46 16.45
Mean 8.32 7.77 7.47 17.11 17.10 16.85
Interaction effect
CD at 5% 0.85 NS NS 0.15 0.05 0.03
SD (d) 0.39 0.39 0.68 0.55 0.55 0.95

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(09), 280-288

Table 1.5:- Interaction effect of spacing and transplanting dateson number of days taken to curd initiation and
number of days taken to curd maturity of cauliflower.
Number of days taken to curd initiation Number of days taken to curd maturity
Transplanting Spacing
dates S1 S2 S3 Mean S1 S2 S3 Mean
D1 84.33 93.33 98.33 92.0 12.67 12.00 14.00 12.89
D2 90.00 92.66 99.66 94.11 11.33 12.00 12.33 11.88
D3 100.33 97.00 96.66 98.00 11.33 12.00 11.33 11.55
Mean 91.56 94.33 98.22 11.78 12.00 12.56
Interaction effect
CD at 5% 0.69 NS NS NS NS NS
SD (d) 8.56 8.56 14.82 0.73 0.73 1.26

Table 1.6:- Interaction effect of spacing and transplanting dateson curd weight (g) and yield per plot (kg) of
Curd weight (g) Yield per plot (kg)
Transplanting Spacing
dates S1 S2 S3 Mean S1 S2 S3 Mean
D1 80.00 125.00 170.00 125.00 4.91 5.85 7.95 6.24
D2 190.00 115.00 125.00 143.00 9.04 5.28 5.92 6.74
D3 120.00 90.00 85.00 98.33 5.37 4.56 4.50 4.81
Mean 130.00 110.00 126.66 6.44 5.23 6.13
Interaction effect
CD at 5% 1.01 1.00 1.73 0.43 0.42 0.74
SD (d) 0.46 0.47 0.81 0.20 0.20 0.35

Spacing of cauliflower on (50×60) cm and 8th December proved significant for number of leaves and curd diameter.
(50×45) cm and 6th November gave best results for stem diameter, weight of curd, and yield per plot (50×60) cm and
23th November proved significant for plant height. (50×45) cm and 8 th December gave best results of curd initiation
and curd maturity. The highest benefit cost ratio was obtained with treatment T4. Hence, from the present study it
can be concluded that 6th November transplanting is the optimum time for cauliflower production. Before
November, transplanting was not possible because of high temperature in Jalandhar. Besides, 45 x 50 cm and 50 x
60cm plant spacing in-creased statistically similar yield of cauliflower. Further studies are needed to optimize the
specific time and plant spacing for the highest yield of cauliflower.

The authors would like to thank all the DAV University Jalandhar, Punjab that made this study possible, for
providing facilities for this work

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