ContinuumMechanics ProfessorI-ShihLiu
ContinuumMechanics ProfessorI-ShihLiu
ContinuumMechanics ProfessorI-ShihLiu
Physics and Astronomy
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Continuum Mechanics
With 28 Figures and Numerous Exercises
Professor I-Shih Liu
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Inst ituto de Matematica
21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2002
Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in 2002 .
Softcover reprint of the hardco ver I st edition 2002
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not
impl y, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant pro-
tective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
In t his book the basic principles of cont inuum mechanics and thermodynam-
ics are treated in t he tradition of the rational framework established in the
1960s, typically in the fundament al memoir "T he Non-Linear Field Theories
of Mechan ics" by Truesd ell and Noll. The theoreti cal aspect of constitutive
t heories for mater ials in general has been car efully developed in mathemati-
cal clarity - from general kinem atics, balance equat ions, material obj ectivity,
and isotropic representations to the framework of rational thermodynamics
based on the ent ropy principle. However , I make no claim that the subjects
are covered complete ly, nor do es this book cover solutions and examples that
can usually be found in textbooks of fluid mechanics and linear elast icity.
However , som e of the int eresting examples of finit e deformations in elastic
materials , such as biaxial stret ching of an elast ic membran e and inflation of
a rubber balloon , ar e discussed .
In the last two chapte rs of t he book, some recent developments in ther-
modynamic theori es are considered . Sp ecifically, t hey emphasize the use of
Lagrange multipliers , which enables the exploi t ation of t he entropy principle
in a systematic manner for const it ut ive equations, and introduce some basic
notions of ext ended thermodynamics. Although extended thermodynamics is
closely relat ed to the kineti c t heory of ideal gases , very limit ed knowledge of
kinetic t heory is needed .
Earlier versions of this book have been used over the years, in the Insti-
tut e of Mathematics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro as well as in
the Institute of Applied Mechani cs at the National Taiwan University, in an
introductory cou rse on continuum mechanics at the graduate level, and at
the advanced undergraduat e level with a simplified version. The readers ar e
not required to have a good knowled ge of either solid mechanics or fluid me-
chanics, but, of course, some prior acquaint ance with them would be helpful.
An appendix is written at the end to provide a review of basic notions
in linear algebra and t ensor an alysis as mathematical pr eliminaries for the
subject s, and occasionally cross-references to it (e.g. (A.32)) are used in the
text. The reader who already has a reasonable mathematical knowledge may
refer to it for refer ence and notations. However, in introductory cour ses I
have oft en put the appe ndix before t he first chapte r because most of the
st udents may not be fami liar with the notations and some basic notions. No
VIII Preface
Rio de Janeiro,
March 2002 I-Shih Liu
2. Balance Laws . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . 31
2.1 General Bal ance Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.1.1 Field Equation and Jump Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.1.2 Balan ce Equations in Mat erial Coord inat es . . . . . . . . .. 36
2.2 Conservation of Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38
2.3 Laws of Dyn am ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.3.1 Forces and Moment s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42
2.3.2 Stress Tensor 43
2.3.3 Cons ervation of Linear and Angular Momenta 50
2.4 Cons ervation of Energy 51
2.5 Summar y of Basi c Equ ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.5.1 Basic Equ ations in Material Coordinates. . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.5.2 Boundar y Conditions of a Material Body . . . . . . . . . . .. 57
2.6 Field Equations in Arb itrary Fram es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Index 293
1. Kinematics
is called the deformation of B from K, t o X (Fig . 1.1) . In t erms of coordi-
nate syste ms (xi ,i = 1,2,3) and (X C> , a = 1,2 ,3) in t he deformed and t he
When the reference configurati on K is chosen and und erstood in the context,
FI< will be denoted simply by F . Since the mapping XI< in (1.2) is one-to-
one and onto, F is non-singular. Therefore, the determinant of F must be
different from zero ,
J = detF =I- O. (1.5)
BI< ;/ ~ Bx
X . XI<
Relative to the coordinate systems (X and (Xi) in the reference and the
. aXi
F 'Q = aXQ' (1.6)
1.1 Configuration and Deformation 3
In other words, the value of F( X 0) determ ines X" (X) to within an error of
the second-order near X o relative to the valu e of X,,(X o).
Let dX = X - X o, a vector in V , be regarded as a small (infinitesi-
mal) mat erial line element in the reference configuration. Since F is a linear
tran sformation on V , the image of the line element in t he deform ed state
F(Xo)dX , denot ed by the vector dx E V , is t he first-ord er approximat ion of
X,, (X ) - X,,(X o) at X o from the relation (1.7) . We writ e
dx = FdX . (1.8)
Similar relations for material surface elements and volum e elements in the
deformed state are derived in t he following example.
Example 1.1.1 Let da.; and n" be a small material surface element
and its unit normal in the reference configurat ion and da and n be the
corre sponding ones in the deformed configur ation . Also, let do; and dv
be small material volume elements in the reference and the deform ed
configurat ions, respectively. Then we have
Proof Let the small rect angular surface element da.; be formed from
the two line elements dX 1 and dX 2 . Then we have from (1.8)
dX 1 X dX 2 FdX 1 X FdX 2
n " = IdX 1 x dX 2 1' IFdX 1 x FdX 2 1'
do.; = IdX 1 x dX 21, da = IFdX 1 x FdX 21.
Therefore, for any vector v , we have from (A.32)
Similarly, let t he small volume element dv" be formed from three line
elements dX 1 , dX 2 , and dX 3 . Then we have
x x x
x .x
XK = Xi< 0 >. ,
which implies that
P=V'X(kO",-l) . (1.10)
These are the relations between the deformation gradients with respect to
two different reference configurations.
det U = det V = Idet Fl .
Let t he eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of U be Vi and e. , i = 1,2 ,3,
(no sum) .
In other words , V and U have the same eigenvalues and their eigenvect ors
differ only by t he rotation R ..T he eigenvalues Vi are called t he prin cipal
stretches, and the corre sponding mutually orthogonal eigenvect ors are called
t he prin cipal directions.
Given a deformation gradient F , the stret ch t ensors U and V ar e de-
termined from the relation (1.12h by taking t he "square roo t " (see p. 259)
of the positive definite symmetric t ensors F T F and F F T , respect ively. In
pr acti cal calculat ions, it is mor e convenient to introduce the right and t he
left Cauchy-Green strain tensors defined by
c = U 2 = F TF, B = V 2 = FF T , (1.13)
resp ectively, as alte rnat ives to the st rain measures U and V. In component s,
they ar e given by
B ij = g o:{3 F i0:
F j
6 1. Kinemat ics
where gi j and g Qf3 are the covariant and the contravariant component s of the
corresponding metric tensor of the coordinate syst ems in the cur rent and the
reference configurations. In matrix form , they can be written as
X = X + KY ,
y=Y, (1.14)
z = Z.
This deformation is called a simple shear and K > 0 is called the amount
of shear (see Fig. 1.3). We have
and sin ce det F = 1, simple shear is volume preserving. We can eas ily
y ,Y
1 t - . . -_ _ -L-----... x, X
J4 '+" ",2
J4 + ",2
[Ua (3 ] = 2 + ",2
J4 + ",2 J4 + ",2 o '
0 0 1
V3 = 1,
wit h the correspo nding principal direct ions,
2 + ",2
J4 '+" ",2
J4 + ", 2
[B ij] = ~
~] , [Vij] =
J4 '+" ",2
J4 + ",2
0 0 1
cose sin e 0]
[Ria] = -sin e cose 0 ,
[ o 0 1
e=~(1-B-l) (1.19)
is called the Almansi-Hamel strain tensor, or the finite strain tensor in the
current configuration (see Sect. 31 of [72]).
1.3 Lin ear Strain Tensors 9
E = ~ (H + H T + H T H) ,
e = ~(h + hT - hTh) .
x = X,,(X)
F = 1 + Fe '
where Fe is a small qu antity, lFe I « 1. Hence
H=Fe ,
10 1. Kinematics
E = E + 0(2) ,
is called the infinitesimal strain tensor. This linear strain tensor is introduced
by Cauchy in the classical theory of elasticity.
For small displacement gradients, the right stretch tensor U and the
rotation tensor R can be approximated by
is called the infinitesimal rotation tensor. Note that infinitesimal strain and
rotation are the symmetric and skew-symmetric parts of the displacement
In view of (1.17) we can give geometrical meanings to the components
of the infinitesimal strain tensor E relative to a Cartesian coordinate system.
First, let dX I = dX 2 = soel be a small material line segment in the direction
of the unit base vector el and s be the deformed length. Then we have
2 2 2 ~
S - So = 2s o (Eel · ej ) ,
which implies that
In other words, Ell is the change of length per unit original length of a
small line segment in the ej-direction. The other diagonal components, E22
and E33 have similar interpretations as elongation per unit length in their
respective directions.
Now, let dX I = soel and dX 2 = Soe2 and denote the angle between
the two line segments after deformation bye. Then we have
from which, if we write, = 7f /2 - e, the change from its original right angle,
sin, EI 2
2 IFeIIIFe21·
1.3 Linear Strain Tensors 11
Since lEd « 1 and IFeil ':0:' 1, it follows t hat sin j ':0:' I and we conclude that
E ii = tr H dv -dv",
':0:' - - - - , - - -
dx = dX + EdX + RdX .
The segm ent dx , in gener al, is not a vector in the Xl- X2 plan e. Let its pro-
jection vect or onto the plan e be denoted by dXh and its length by s. If we
denote the angle of rotation from dX to dXh by w, then we have the following
relation :
dX X dx · e3 = dX X dXh . e3 = sos sin w.
Therefore, we obtain
Not e that the rotation angle w in the Xl- X2 plan e depends on t he orientation
of the segme nt dX . However , if we define the average rotation in the plan e
<w> = 27r
w(O) dO ,
12 1. Kinem at ics
h = H + 0(2).
In other word s, t he two displacement gradient s
have approximat ely the sa me valu e for small deform ations. Therefore,
since in the classical linear theory, t he nonlinear terms are insignificant ,
it is usu ally not necessar y to introduce t he reference configurat ion in
t he linear theory. The classical infinitesim al strain and rot ation , in the
Cartesian coordinate system, are oft en defined as
Exercise 1.3.1 Consider the simple shear deform ation given in (1.14) .
1) Det ermine th e displacement vector u .
2) Assuming K « 1, det ermine the infinitesimal strain and the infinites-
imal rotation t ensors for simple shear of the classical theory.
3) Compare with t he pr evious results for finite shear st rains .
wher e the permutation symbols have been used (see p. 250) . In other
word s, since the linear st rain t ensor is the symmetric par t of the displ ace-
ment gradi ent , its components are not ind ependent fun ctions. Their sec-
ond partial derivatives must satisfy the compat ibility condit ion for the
existe nce of t he displ acement function . In Car t esian coordinates, they
- - -
E ll ,22 + E 22 ,1l - 2 E 12 ,12 = 0,
E 22 ,33 + E-33 ,22 - 2 E- 23 ,23 = 0,
- - -
E 33 ,1l + E ll ,33 - 2 E 3 1,3 1 = 0,
-- -- --
E 12 ,23 + E 23 ,12 - E 22 ,3 1 - E 3 1,22 = 0,
-- --
E 23 ,3 1 + E 3 1,23 - E 33 ,12 - E 12 ,33 = 0,
-.... ""'-'
-- -- - --
E 3 1, 12 + E 12 ,3 1 - E ll ,23 - E 23 ,1l = 0.
1.4 Motion
X : l3 x JR -+ E, x = X(X , t) = Xt(X) ,
and given a reference configurat ion K, by (1.2) it can also b e expre ssed as
so that
XK ( " t) = X t 0 K-
: l3K -+ l3t
is a deform ation of the body B from K to Xt . Therefore, a motion can also
be regarded as a cont inuous sequence of deformation from a reference config-
ur ation in t ime.
For a fixed mat erial point X ,
is a curve called the path (or traj ectory) of the material point X . The vel ocit y
v and t he accelerat ion a are defined as the first and the second time derivative
14 1. Kinematics
aXI«X , t)
v : HI< X JR --+ V v = at '
a2XI«X , t)
a= at 2 '
where V is the transl ation space of E. The velocity and the acce leration ar e
vector qu antities. Here , of cour se, we have assumed that XI«X , t) is twi ce
differentiable with resp ect to t. For simplicity, hereaft er we shall assume that
all functions ar e smooth enough for the conditions needed in t he conte xt ,
without their regulariti es explicit ly specified.
A mat er ial body is endowed with some physical properties whose values may
chan ge along with the deformation of the body in a motion. A qu antity
defined on a motion can be described in essentially two different ways : eit her
by t he evolut ion of its value along the path of a material point or by the
change of its valu e at a fixed location in the current configurat ion of t he
body. The form er is called a material descr iption and the latter a spat ial
description. We shall make t hem mor e precise below.
For a given motion X and a fixed referenc e configurat ion «, consider a
quantity, with its valu e in some space W , defined on the motion of H by a
f : HI< X JR --+ W. (1.27)
Then it can also be defined on the current configuration at any time t ,
j( . , t ) : B, --+ W,
j(x ,t) = j(XI«X , t) ,t) = f(X ,t). (1.28)
As a custom in continuum mechanics, on e usu ally denotes the fun ctions
f and j by the sa me symbol, since they have the sa me value at the corre-
sponding point, and write, by an abuse of not ations,
f = f(X , t) = f(x, t) ,
and call the form er t he mat erial description (or referential description to
emphasize the pr esence of a reference of configurat ion ) and t he latter t he
spatial description of the fun ction f. Sometimes the mat erial descript ion is
referred to as the Lagrangian description and the spatial descrip tio n as the
Eulerian description.
Po ssibl e confusions may arise in this abuse of not ations, espec ially when
differentiations ar e involved . Of cour se, one way of avoiding this is t o write
1.4 Motion 15
out explicit ly the variables concerne d , for example, otf (X , t) to mean the
time derivative with X held fixed in the mat erial description and otf(x, t)
with x held fixed in the spati al descrip tion. In cont inuum mechanics, however ,
it is usually pr eferabl e to avoid such confusions by usin g different not ations
for differentiation in t hese sit uat ions.
In the material description, t he time derivative is denot ed by a dot or by
dj dt while the differential operators such as gradient , divergence and curl are
denoted by Grad, Div and Curl, respectively, beginning with capi t al letters:
Gr ad 'IjJ = p T grad 'IjJ , Gr adu = (gradu)F. (1.30)
In par ti cular , t aking the velocity v for u in the last relation we have the
following formul a for the spatial velocity gradient :
sin ce Grad v = Gr ad x = F.
We call j the mat erial tim e derivative of I , which is the time derivative
of f following t he path of the material point. Therefore, by t he definition
(1.26), we can write the velocity v and the accelerat ion a as
v =x , a= x ,
and henc e by (1.29h ,
a = v= ~: + (gradv)v , (1.32)
Gr ad J = J div(pT) ,
div(J- 1 p T) = o.
Proof Regarding J as a funct ion of P and employing t he definition of
gradient (A.45) , we have, for an arbit ra ry vector a ,
= J tr(grad(Fa)) = J a · div(F T) ,
which proves the first relation. In the above derivation , we have made
suc cessive use of the relations, F = Grad X" , (A.48) , (1.30) and (A.75) .
The err or terms, like t he one shown in the first line, are omit t ed for
To prove the second relation of (1.33) , we obtain from (A.76)
Exercise 1.4.1 Verify the following ide nti t ies similar to (1.33) :
Div(JF- T ) = 0,
gra d J = -J Div(F- T ).
Exercise 1.4.4 Given an accelerat ion field in the spat ial description,
where {ed is the natural basis of t he Cartesian coordinat e syste m.
1) Det ermine t he deform ation x = XK(X, t) of this motion, with the
following initial condit ions:
x (X, Y,O) = X, ±(X , Y, 0)= kX,
y(X, Y, 0) = Y, iJ(X, Y,0) = -kYo
2) Find t he velocity field in the mat erial and the spatial descriptions.
3) Sket ch t he path of this motion .
Then , we ca n write
18 1. Kin em atics
t hat is, the deform ation gradi ent at t ime r with respect to t he configurat ion
at time t. Of course, if r = t,
Bt ~ BT
Let '" be a fixed reference configurat ion, then we can also express the
relative deformation as
This rela tion is best exemplified in the schematic diagram Fig. 1.6.
y=Y(t+1) ,
1.5 Relative Deformat ion 19
F K( t) / ~ F« ( T)
/ F,( T) ~
x E Bt eE B T
which yield
x = XC - t , y=-y-
t+i '
x = X;:; 1 (x , y, t) = t
( X C- , -y-) .
T herefore, from (1.41) the relative deformation is given by
for X o =I 0,
for Xo= o.
Not e that , for thi s motion, the reference configurat ion is the configura-
tion of the body at the inst ant t = o. (What is the imag e of a squar e in
the reference configurat ion at any inst ant in the motion?) 0
Exercise 1.5.2 At fixed time t , the solution curve s of the velocity field
v(x , t) are called t he streamlines of the motion at time t , i.e., if x = x(s) ,
x(O) = X o is the st reamline passing through X o at time t , then
dx( s)
~ = v(x(s) , t).
Det ermine the st reamlines of the motion given in the Cartesian coordi-
nate syst em by
x=(Xet , Y et , Z ).
Whereas t he deformation gradi ent measures the local deformation, the mat e-
rial time derivative of deformation gradi ent measures t he rate at which such
changes occur. Another measure for t he rate of deformation, mor e commonly
used in fluid mechani cs, is the spat ial gradient of velocity. T hey are related
by (1.31) , grad v = FF - 1 .
The material time derivative of deformation gradi ent , F, is the rate of
change of deformation relative to the reference con figurat ion. Similarly, we
can define
to be the rate of change of deformation relative to the cur rent configurat ion.
From (1.42) , Ft(T) = F(T)F(t)-l , by taking the derivativ e with resp ect to T,
we have
Ft(T) = F(T)F(t) -l
= (grad v(T))F(T)F(t) -l = (grad v(T))Ft( T),
L = gradv. (1.47)
In other words, t he velocity gradient , grad v , can also be int erpret ed as the
rate of change of deformation relative to the cur rent configur at ion.
Mor eover , if we apply the pol ar decomposition to the relative deform a-
t ion gradie nt Ft (x, T),
F; = Rt Ut = 1ItRt ,
by holding x and t fixed and t aking the derivative of F t with resp ect to T,
we obtain
1.6 Rate of Deformation 21
If we denote
~(t) == llt(t) , (1.49)
we can show easily that
~T==_w. (1.50)
Therefore, the relation (1.48) is just a decomposition of the tensor L into its
symmetric and skew-symmetric parts, or from (1.47) we have
D == 2(grad v + grad v T ) ,
1 T
~ == 2(grad v - grad v ).
In view of (1.49) the symmetric part of the velocity gradient, D , is called the
rate of strain tensor or simply the stretching tensor, and the skew-symmetric
part of the velocity gradient, ~ , is called the rate of rotation tensor or simply
the spin tensor.
Since the spin tensor ~ is skew-symmetric, it can be represented as an
axi al vector w (see Sect . A.1.6) . The components of ware usually defined by
Wi == eij k ~kj, henc e it follows t hat
w == curlv. (1.52)
The vector w is usually called the vort icity vector in fluid dynamics.I
Other t ensors of interest, in t erms of the relative deformation, are
the Rivlin-Ericksen tensors by taking the time derivatives of Ct(T) ==
Ft(T) T Ft(T) ,
In particular, for n == 1,
. . T ' T
Al (x , t) == Ct(x, t) == Ft(x , t) + Ft(x , t) == L + L ,
Exercise 1.6.1 Show that the spin ten sor W can also b e defined as
A l = ",(N + N T ),
A 2 = 2 ",2 N T N,
A3 = o.
Exercise 1.6.4 Show t hat for the rigid motion given by (1.35) , the
st re tching t ensor D = 0 and the angular velocity w is t he negative axial
vector of the spin t ensor W (see (A .29) , w = - (W )).
* = ¢* 0 ¢-l : £ x JR --+ E x JR
* : (x ,t) t-+ (x* ,t*)
a change of fram e from ¢ t o ¢* (Fi g. 1.7) . For convenience , we have denot ed
the map ¢* 0 ¢- l by t he symbol *.
Since we shall restrict ourselves to the use of frames of reference t hat
yield the sa me dist ance and the sa me t ime lap se between two events, a change
1. 7 Ch ange of Frame and Objective Tenso rs 23
e x IR
(x, t)
* .
(x' ,t')
F ig . 1. 7. Change of frame
for some a E JR, X O E E, c(t) E E; and Q(t) E O(V) , where OW) is the
orthogonal group on V .
A change of frame * defined by (1.57) is a time-dependent rigid transfor-
mation , also referred to as a Euclidean transformation . It is the most general
form of the change of frame. The collecti on of all Euclidean tran sform ations
will be called t he Euclidean class.
A change of fram e gives rise to a linear map on V in the following way:
Let * be a change of frame from <p t o <p' defined by (1.57) . For any vector
u E V , there exist Xl , X2 E E in the frame <p, such that
Let xi and X2 be the corre sponding points in the fram e <p', and denote
u* = x ; - xi ,
then from (1.57)
u" = Q(t)(X2 - xd = Q(t)u . (1.58)
Therefore , we ca n define a linear map Q* : V -+ V taking u to u' by
Q '(u) = u * = Q(t)u.
That is,
Q' = Q(t) . (1.59)
More generally, let S n denote the n-th-order tensor space of V , i.e.,
S n = ®V, n = 1,2 ,3, · · ·. Then a change of fram e * gives rise to a linear map
24 1. Kinematics
W* = QWQT VQ E O(V) .
Let the associated axial vectors be
w = (W), w* = (W *) ,
It follows t hat
w* = (detQ)Qw = ±Qw,
since Q is orthogonal , det Q = ± 1. Therefore, the associate d axial vector
w is not objective. 0
oX* Q. ( )
x = ot* = x - Xo + Q x. + c.
x. * - Qx. = n(
t X *
J - C) + c. , (1.66)
26 1. Kin em ati cs
D(t) = Q(t)Q(tf (1.67)
is called t he angular velocit y tenso r or spin tensor of 4>* relative to 4>. The
tensor D is skew-symmet ric, i.e.,
The relations (1.66) and (1.69) show that t he velocity and t he acceler ation
ar e not object ive vectors.
Note that if the rotation of the change of fram e Q(t) is const ant in time
and c(t) is linear in time, t hen we have x* = Qx . Such a change of fram e is
called a Galilean tran sformation , which is given by
for any constant c.,, V, and Q. The relation (1.69) shows t hat t he acce leration
is frame indifferent with resp ect to Galil ean t ran sformations.
On t he ot her hand , the relation (1.66) shows t hat t he velocity is not
frame indifferent with resp ect t o Galile an tran sformations. However , it also
shows that the velocit y is frame indifferent with respect to t ime-independent
rigid transformation s, defined as changes of frame given by
X* = Q(to)(X - x o) + c(to) .
Therefore, in general, we may denote the change from 1£4> to 1£4>' by the
following transformation in a change of frame ,
(1. 73)
(1. 75)
and hence
(1. 76)
Therefore, we have shown that V and B ar e obj ective t ensors, while R, U ,
and C are not obj ective qu antities.
If we differentiate (1.74) with respect t o time, we obtain
2 It is often assumed that the referenc e configur a tion is un affect ed by the change
of frame, in the sens e t hat there is some instant to such that Q(to) is a n identity
tensor and hence F* = QF holds . On the other hand, if we define P* = \7 x X:
(compar e with F * = \7x 'X: ) then it follows t hat P* = QF.
28 1. Kinematics
Therefore, while the tensors Land Ware not objective, the rate of strain
tensor D is an objective quantity.
Now, let us consider an objective vector field u(x , t). For any change of
frame *,
u*(x* ,t*) = Q(t)u(x,t). (1.79)
By taking the gradient with resp ect to x, we obtain
In other words , ~ and grad e are objective scalar and vector fields , respec-
tively, while Crad e is not an objective vector field .
1. 7 Change of Frame a nd Objective Tensor s 29
(u0)* =U.* - W *U *
= Qit + Qu - (QWQT + QQT)QU
= Q(it - Wu) =Q~ .
T his derivative is called the corotational tim e derivative, which mea-
sures the time rate of change experienced by mat eri al par ticles rotat-
ing along with t he motion . Indeed , we ca n define t he corotat ional time
derivative as
~(t) = h-t
lim -hI (u(t + h) -
P(t + h)u(t)) , (1.84)
we have
Exercise 1.7.1 Show t hat the material time derivative is ind ep endent
of the frame, by verifying dir ectly in Ca rtes ia n component s that
8 8 8 * 8
n ox , = ~
ut + Vi-;:;- ot: + vi~'
ux i
Exercise 1.7.2 Let 7jJ and S be obj ective scalar and objective second-
ord er te nsor fields , respectively.
1) Show t hat their sp ati al gra dients, grad e and gradS, are also objec-
t ive.
2) Show t hat "j; is object ive but 5 is not .
30 1. Kinematics
+ h)S(t)pT(t + h)) , (1.85)
Exercise 1.7.4 Let u and S be obj ective vector and obj ective second-
order t ensor fields, resp ectively. Show that t he convected time derivatives
defined by
uL:o. = u-
• Lu ,
L:o. . T
S= S-LS-SL ,
are objective. Show that the convect ive time derivative can be defined
similar t o (1.84) and (1.85) with P(T) = Ft(T) , the relative deformation
gradi ent from time t to T .
for any bounded regular subregion of the body, called a part PcB and
the vector field n , the outward unit normal t o the boundary of the region
P t in the curre nt configurat ion. T he qu antities 'ljJ and (J1/J are t ensor fields of
certain order m , and 1>1/J is a t ensor field of order m + 1, say m = 0 or m = 1,
so t hat 'ljJ is a scalar or vector qu antity, and , resp ectively, 1>1/J is a vector or
second-order te nsor qu an tity.
The relat ion (2.1) , called the general balance of 'ljJ in inte gral form , is
interpret ed as asserting t hat t he rate of increase of the quantity 'ljJ in a part
P of a body is affected by the inflow of 'ljJ through the boundar y of P and t he
growth of 'ljJ within P . We call 1>1/J the flux of 'ljJ and (J1/J the supply of 'ljJ . In
general , t he supply (J,p may contain cont ributions of supplies from exte rnal
sources and inte rn al productions du e to t he motion of t he bod y.
It follows from t he balance equation (2.1) that ifthe body is isolat ed, i.e.,
1>1/J = 0 on aB , and is free from supplies, (J1/J = 0, then the total amount of the
qu antity 'ljJ is cons tant in time. In other word s, t he qu antity 'ljJ is conserv ed
and t he equat ion is called the conser vation law of 'ljJ .
We ar e interested in the local form s of the int egral bal an ce (2.1) at
a point in the region Bt . T he derivation of local forms rests upon certain
assumpt ions on the smoot hness of the tensor fields 'ljJ, 1>1/J ' and (J1/J . Here not
only regular point s, where all t he tensor fields are smooth, bu t also singular
points, where they may suffer jump discontinui ties, will be considered.
F irst of all, we need the following theorem , which is a three-dimensional
version of the formula,
d l!(t)
t get)
'ljJ (x, t) dx =
at dx + 'ljJ (J (t ), t) f(t)
l!( t) a'ljJ .
- 'ljJ (g(t ), t) g( t) ,
r'¢ dv = l,r ~'¢ dv + r '¢u n da .
Jv dt J av
Proof By definition,
r'¢ dv = lim -hI { r
Jv h-tO JV(t+h)
'¢(x , t + h ) dv- r
'¢(x , t ) dv }
= lim -hI {
h -tO
r JV(t+h)
'¢(x , t + h) dv - r
'¢(x, t + h) dV}
+ lim -hI {r '¢(x, t + h) dv - r '¢(x, t) dV}
. 11 1
h-tO JV(t) JV(t)
The region V(t + h) - V(t) is swept out by 8V in the time int erval (t, t + h) .
In other words, a small volume element Llv , as shown in Fig. 2.1, is equ al to
a V (t+h )
lim _II r
h --+O t }V(t+h) - Vet)
'I/J (x , t + h) dv = lim -hI
} aV(t)
'I/J (x , t + h)un(x, t)h da
= r 'I/J (x , t + h)un(x , t) da
h --+O}aV(t)
r 'I/J dv = I-,r ~'I/Joi dv + }apr 'I/J x .
l-, t
n da. (2.4)
Now we shall extend the above transport theorem to a material region con-
taining a surface across which 'I/J may suffer a jump discontinuity.
An oriented smooth surface S in a material region V is called a singular
surface relative to a field 'I/J defined on V, if 'I/J is smooth in V - S and suffers
a jump discontinuity across S. The jump of 'I/J is defined as
wher e 'I/J+ and 'I/J - are the one-side limits from the two regions of V separated
by S and designated as V+ and V - , respectively.
Let u., be the normal speed of S with the direction pointing into V+ and
n be the outward unit normal of 8V (Fig. 2.2) . Denote
Since both (8V) + and (8V)- are material surfaces, their normal surface speed
is x.
n . Clearly,
ib du > r
Jv+ t
887/J dv+l
7/J x· n da + r 7/J+(- u n ) da,
ib d» = r
Jv -
887/J dv
+ 1(av) - 7/J x · nda + r 7/J - u n da .
Adding (2.7) and (2.8) , we obtain, by the use of (2.6) the following transport
theorem in a material region containing a singular surface:
wh ere u n(x , t) is the normal speed of a surface point x E S(t) and [7/J] is the
jump of 7/J across S .
= r
Jap t
x ' nda = r
div z d». (2.10)
For a mater ial region V containing a sing ular sur face S , the equat ion of
general balan ce in int egral form (2.1) becomes
r aa1/Jt dv + i;r
1/J x . n da - r [1/JJ
Un da = r
l ev
lfJ",n da + r
(J", dv . (2.11)
Since the integrand is smoot h and (2.12) hold s for any V, such that x E V,
and vnS = 0, the integra nd must vani sh at x (see t he proposition on p. 280).
Therefore, we obtain the balan ce equ at ion at a regular point , usually called
t he field equat ion.
The qu antity 1/J 0 x in (2.13) is called t he convec tive flu x of 1/J and t his
notat ion should be understood as 1/Jx when 1/J is a sca lar quantity.
x v
by shrinking (OV)+ and (OV) - down to s in such a way that the volume
of V t ends to zero, while the area of s remains unchanged . If ot'¢ and a'l/J
are bounded in V then the volume integrals vanish in the limit and (2.11)
1 {[7/; (x· n - Un)] - [<p'l/J]n} da = O. (2.14)
Since the integrand is smoot h on sand (2.14) holds for any s containing x ,
the int egrand must vanish at x . We obtain
Jump condition. A t a sing ular point x , the general balance equation (2.11)
reduces to
[7/; (x · n - un)] - [<p'l/J]n = 0, (2.15)
The jump condit ion (2.15) is also known as the Rankin e-Hugoniot equa-
tion. It can also be writt en as
U± = Un -x±· n (2.17)
are called the local speeds of propagation of S relative to the motion of the
body. If S is a material surface then U± = O.
Sometimes, for solid bodies, it is mor e convenient to use the material de-
scription. The corresponding relations for the balan ce equa t ion (2.13) and
the jump condition (2.15) in the reference coordinates can be derived in a
simil ar manner . We begin with the int egral form (2.1), now written in t he
reference configuration K,
In view of the relations for volume clement s and surface element s (1.9) , the
corresponding quantities are defined as
The tran sport theorem (2.2) rem ains valid for 7/;", (X ,t) in a movable region
V(t) ,
2.1 Genera l Balance Equation 37
where U,,(X , t) is the outward normal speed of a sur face point X E 8V( t) .
Therefore, for a singular surface S,,(t) moving across a material region V" in
the reference configurat ion, by a simil ar argument , we can obtain from (2.11)
1 ~"dv" -1
v, s;
[1/J,,] u.a«; = insv, <p~n"da" + 1v, (j~dv", (2 .21 )
where U" is t he normal speed of the sur face points on S" , while the normal
speed of the surface points on 8V" is zero, since a material region is a fixed
region in the reference configurat ion. From this equat ion, we obtain the local
bal anc e equat ion and the jump cond ition in t he referen ce configuration ,
where U"and n " are the norm al speed and the unit normal vect or of the
singular sur face.
Example 2.1.2 Another way of obt aining the balan ce equat ion (2.22h
in t he reference configuration is t o derive from (2.13) dir ectl y. Multiply-
ing (2.13) by J , with the definition (2.19) , we obtain imm ediately t he
desired equation (2.22h by t he use of the following relations:
j = J F - T . P = J div x
from the use of (A.48) and (1.31) . The second relation is an identity. By
t aking <P~ to be a vecto r qu antity u , we have
P = Crad e . (2 .24)
38 2. Balance Laws
If we int egrate the above equation over an arbitrar y part P I< of t he body
in the reference configurat ion K, and use the divergence theorem (see
Exercise A.2.7), we obtain
:t 1P"
Fdvl< = 1 x0
n l< da l< ,
This equat ion is usually called the kin ematic compatibility condit ion at
the singular sur face. It is equivalent to the following relations:
where a = [Fn l<~ is the normal jump of F at the singular surface. 0
Gr adf j
n l< = IGrad f l' UI< = -IGrad fl '
n = "':=:---::-'-:-:-
af /at
Igradfl ' Un = -Igradfl '
We call M(P) the mass of t he part P , and M the mass distrib ution of B.
PI< is called t he ma ss density in the configurat ion n , We assume that the
mass distribution , and consequently the mass density, is a frame-indifferent
By assuming t he existe nce of a mass-density function , we ar e int erested
in bodies that can be regarded as con tinuous m edia only. Discrete mass dis-
t ributions, such as concentrat ed masses, will not be considered in this book.
Since mass density depend s on the configurat ion, let "'1 and "'2 be two
configur ations, and deno te
Thus, the density in one configuration det ermines the density in any other
configuration .
Now, consider a motion X of a body B and let p(x, t) be the mass den-
sity in t he current configurat ion. Since the mater ial is neither destroyed nor
create d in any motion , in the absence of chemical reactions, we have
Conservation of mass. The total mass of any part P cB does not change
in any m otion,
dt M(P) = dt
d r
}Pt pdv = O. (2.31)
By comparison, it is a spe cial case of the general bal an ce equ ation (2.1)
with no flux and no supply,
'l/J = p, <P1/J = 0,
40 2. Balance Laws
and hence from (2.13) and (2.15) we obtain the local expressions for mass
conservat ion and the jump condition at a singular point ,
The equat ion (2.31) states that the total mas s of any part is constant in
time. In particular , we have
M(P) = 1 P"
PKdvK = 1r , pdv, (2.33)
Exercise 2.2.1 Show that the mass conservat ion (2.35) implies t hat
for any t ensor qu an ti ty sb ,
. fJp'ljJ
p'ljJ = 7ft + div(p'ljJ (9 v). (2.36)
Exercise 2.2 .2 Let 'ljJ (x, t ) be an arbitrary function. Show that for any
P cB,
:t l-.r 'ljJp dv =
r ~p dv, (2.37)
provid ed t hat t he mass is cons erved . This is anot her version of the trans-
port formula (2.4) .
2.3 Laws of Dyn amics 41
Laws of dynamics.
1) Th ere exists a frame of reference 4>, called an inertial frame , such tha t
for any mo tion relative to which if f(P , t) = 0 th en F(P ,t) = 0 for any
PcB .
2) For any mo tion relative to an inertial frame,
H XO (P , t) = m x o (P, t) . (2.41)
Equations (2.40) and (2.41) are called Euler's first and second laws, resp ec-
t ively. Note t hat from (2.37)
Since the velocity is not fram e indifferen t, it is easy t o see that both
P and H are not fram e indifferent and hence Euler 's laws dep end on t he
fram e of refere nce. Indeed , the first part of the laws of dynamics assures the
existence of inertial frames (an equivalent of Newton's first law) , relat ive to
which Eul er 's laws take t he above simple form s - the motion has a pr eferred
frame. In view of the results from Sect. 1.7.1 that acceleration is invari an t
with respect to Galilean t ransformation, t he class of inertial fram es can b e
characterized by t he following proposition:
m""JP , t) = r (x -
i; x o) /\ pbdv + r (x - x o) /\ tda.
effect of any spin of material par ticl es, caused by polarized molecular struc-
tures, for example. Materials with microstructures are called polar materials.
We shall be concerned with non -polar materials only.
Euler's first and second laws, (2.40) and (2.41) , ca n now be written as
: { p x dv = { p b dv + { t da ,
t }Pt }Pt }aPt
: {p(x -x l\xdv= { (x-x o) l\pbdv+{ (x-x o) l\tda.
t t; o)
}Pt i;
2.3 .2 Stress Tensor
The body force b is regarded as an ext ernal force du e to sources outside the
body, such as the gravitational force. In saying so, we have tacitly assumed
that the interaction between different parts of the body (the internal forces) is
manifested through the contact forces alon e. Therefore, we shall assume that
t he body force density b = b(x, t) is a fun ction of position and time only. On
the other hand , at an interior point x E apt , the surface traction t is the force
exert ed on the part P by the remaining part of the body through the surface
apt at x . For two different parts with a common surface point at x , the
surface tract ions t at x on t he two different surfaces are, in general, different .
In other words , the surface traction t at x dep ends, in gener al, on the surface
apt on which x lies. The basi c assumption for sim plifying the dependence of
the traction on ap in classical cont inuum mechanics st ates that the surface
tractions on all like-orient ed sur faces wit h a common t an gent plan e at x ar e
the same (see Fig . 2.4) . This is known as Cauchy's Postulate.
P ost ula t e (Cau chy). If x E apt n ap t, and apt and apt have a com m on
orient ed norm al a t x , th en
In ot her words, Ca uchy' s postulate assert s that t dep ends on apt only
through the oriented unit normal n of apt at x ,
Fig. 2 .5. Pillbox argume nt
lim r
,~o l ap,
t(n) da = 0,
is (t(n) + t( -n)) da = O.
2.3 Laws of Dynamics 45
Since the surface int egra l along the circular boundary of t he pillbox ap-
pro aches zero as E ---7 0, and the two fla t ends have exte rior normals n and
-n , resp ectively. Finally, the cont inuity of t he int egrand implies that it must
van ish identically at x ,
t(x , n) + t(x , - n ) = 0,
which proves the lemma . D
This theorem , usually known as Cauchy 's Fundamental Lemma, an
equivalent of Newton' s law of action and reaction, ensure s the existence of a
st ress tensor , as shown in the following theorem .
Proof From (2.48) , for fixed x E B t , t is a function defined on the set of unit
vectors in V . We can extend this function to the whole space, t( . ) : V ---7 V ,
in t he following manner ,
if v =f. 0,
if v = O.
To prove the existe nce of a te nsor field T sa tis fying (2.50) , it is sufficient to
show that t( . ) is a linear transformation on V . Therefore we have only to
show the following two relations:
Va E JR , v
(1) t(av) = a t (v ), E V,
(2) t(vl+vz)=t(vd+t(vz) , VV1, vz E V.
Not e that if a = 0 or v = 0, or if a > 0 and v =f. 0, then (1) follows directl y
from the definition (2.51) . Therefore, we consider the case t hat a < 0 and
v =f. O. Since a = - Ial, we have, by t he use of Cau chy's lemma (2.49)
apart. Let the height of the triangle from the side A 3 be e and the areas of
A i be cu , i = 1,2,3. Then , from the const ruc t ion, one can easily see that
while the area of t he end triangle is fl£2 and the volume of the block P is
fl £28 , where A and fl are some cons tants.
~ (rp(x -
£ Jp
b) dv - r
JA 4 UA s
t(n) da) = ~ t r
£ i=1 JA i
t(n) da.
Since the integrands are bounded, from the above estimates of areas and
volum e for P , the left-hand side is of the order of £, while the right-hand side
is independ ent of £. Therefore, we conclude that
lim- L 1t(x ,n)da=O,
<---+ 0 £ i = 1 Ai
and sin ce t is a cont inuous fun ction of x , by the mean value t heorem of
integral calculus, it follows t hat
where Xi , i = 1,2, 3 are some points on the surfaces A i , resp ectively. From
2.3 Laws of Dynamics 47
Now, when we shrink the block P to the point x by t aking E and 6 down to
zero, then Xi ---+ X and the above relation by t he use of the definition (2.51) ,
t(x, vi) + t (x ,V2) + t(x ,V3) = 0,
which , from (2.52) and using Cauchy's lemma, proves (2) . 0
The t ensor field T(x, t) in (2.50) is called the Cauchy stress tensor or
simply stress tensor. In the above theorem , the hypothesis of continuity of
traction field is often to o st ringent for the existe nce of a stress tensor in some
applicat ions, for example, in problems of shock waves. However, it has been
shown that the theorem remains valid under a much weaker hypothesis of
integrability, which would be satisfi ed in most applications [25, 26].
If , for some unit vector n ,
Tn = (In , (2.54)
t - (t · n)n = (1 - n ® n)Tn .
Let T i j be t he components of T relative to a Cartesian coordinate system ,
T i j = the component of the traction t in the dir ection of
i-th coordinat e line on the j-th coordinat e sur face.
Hence, we call r.:
T 22 , T 33 the normal stress components and T 12 , Tn , T 3 1
the shear stress component s on the coordinat e surfaces.
They are purely shear tractions and, in addit ion, t hey are of t he same
magnitude . Indeed , one can easily ver ify t hat t he angle between t he
vectors e and e * is equal to t hat between d an d d" , and
e · e* d · d*
cos B(e, e") = lell e *I' cosB( d, d*) = Idlld*I'
which impli es t hat lel le* 1 = Idlld*l. Hence, it follows that Itll = It21.
4) Plane stress
If, relative to an orthogonal bas is {e . , e2 , e 3}, the stress components
T 13 , T23 , and T33 vanish, it is called a state of plane stress in the plane
spanned by el and e2 . Clearly pure shear and pure tension are plane
stresses. 0
-- ---
-- ---
- tttttttt
Fig. 2 .7. Pure shear Fig . 2.8. Biaxial tension
which can be decomposed into normal and shear tractions. The normal
st ress,
t« = t . n = 0'1 cos 8 + 0' 2 sin 8,
2 2
0'1 and 0'2 , and the max imum and minimum normal stress acts in t he
principal dir ection (8 = and 8 = 7r/2).
On the other hand , the shear st ress t., satisfies t he relation
2(0' 2 - O'd sin 8 cos 8( 0'2 + 0'1 - 2(0'1 cos 2 8 + 0' 2 sin 2 8)) = 0,
or, by the use of t rigonometrical ident it ies, it becomes
Since 0'1 i- 0' 2, t here are two solutions to t his condit ion. The first one,
sin 28 = 0, gives 8 = or 8 = 7r / 2, which leads to t s = 0, t he minimum
shear st ress. The second one, cos 28 = 0, gives 8 = 7r/ 4 or 8 = 37r/ 4,
which lead s to
Exercise 2.3.1 Consider a rect angular block with its sides parallel
to t he coordinate axes in the reference configuration . Suppose that the
st ress is given by T = -pi + p.B, Det ermine t he normal and shear
component s of the t ractions on t he surface of the blo ck in t he deformed
configuration, und er th e simple shear deformation given by (1.14) .
50 2. Balance Laws
:t i:r p ic dn =
r pbdv + }aP,
r Tnda . (2.55)
This equation is often referred to as Cauchy 's first law. Comparison with the
general balance equat ion (2.1) leads to
%t (p x) + div(p x ® x - T) - P b = 0,
[px(x · n - un)] - [T~n = O.
The first equat ion, known as the conservation of linear momentum, also
known as the equation of motion, can be rewri tten in the following more
familiar form by the use of (2.32) ,
This equati on is referred to as Cauchy 's second law, also known as the conser-
vation of angular momentum. Compar ison with the general balance equation
(2.1) leads to
identity, aft er simplifi cation by the use of (2.57), we obtain the following local
form of Cauchy's second law,
In other words , the sym me try of the st ress te nsor for non-polar materials
ensures the conservat ion of angular momentum.
On the other hand , from (2.15) , we also obtain the jump condition of
angular momentum, which reads
[(x - x o ) 1\ px(x · n - un)] - [( x - X o ) 1\ T ]n = O.
Since [x - x o ] = 0, the above condit ion is merely a consequence of the jump
condit ion (2.56)z of linear mom entum.
Exercise 2.3.2 Prove B erno ulli 's Th eorem: Consider a flow with hy-
drostatic pressure T = -pi and conservative body force b = - grad ¢>.
1) If the flow is st eady, i.e., OtV = 0, t hen
v2 1
v · grad ( - + ¢» + -v · gradp = O. (2.60)
2 P
2) If t he flow is st ead y and irrotational, i.e., curl v = 0, then
v2 1
grad ( 2" + ¢» + Pgrad p = o. (2.61)
K(P , t) =~
i;r px · x dv , (2.62)
P(P ,t) = r
x · t da + rp
x r b d», (2.63)
For material bodies, t he kineti c energy is only a par t of the to tal energy.
We call the other par t the internal energy E , and assume that it can be
represented as
E (P, t) =
t;r pe dv , (2.64)
We denote the energy supply (or heat supply) to the part P by Q , and
assume that it can be given by
Q(P ,t) = r
l ap,
hda+ r
prdv , (2.65)
where h = h(x , t , aPt) is called the contact heat supply and r = r (x, t) is
called the energy supply density (or heat supply) du e to ext ernal sources,
such as radiation.
Both int ernal energy and energy supply are assumed to be frame-
indifferent scal ar qu antities, and cons equently, 10 , h, and r are all frame-
indifferent scalars. Obviously, kineti c energy is not fram e ind ifferent .
The conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynam-
ics, can be state d as follows:
for all PcB . That is, the rate of change of th e total energy of the body is
due partly to the mechanical power and partly to the energy supply added
to the body.
The counterpart of Cauchy's postulate and Cauchy's theorem for cont act
heat supply is the Fourier-Stokes heat flu x prin ciple, which can be stated as
the following relation,
where q(x , t) is called the heat flux vector (or energy flu x), and n is t he
ext erior unit normal of aPt at x. The above st atement can be proved in a
similar manner .
With (2.67) and the definitions (2.62) through (2.65) , t he equat ion of
energy balan ce (2.66) becom es
r (p c+~x ,x)dv= lap,
l-, 2
r (x .Tn-q .n)da+ }p,r (px .b+pr)dv . (2.68)
On comparison with the general balance equation (2.1), we have
and hence we have the following local balance equation of total energy and
its jump condit ion,
~ (pc + ~2 x . x)+div((pc + ~x
· x)x + q - TX) - p(r + x · b) = 0,
[(p c + ~ x · x)(x· n - un)] + [q - Tx~ · n = O.
2.4 Conservation of Energy 53
On the other hand , if we t ake the inner product of the velocity x and
the equation of motion (2.57) , we obtain
p i. + divq =T · grad x + pro (2.72)
This equat ion is also referred to as t he balance of internal energy.
Compari son of (2.71) with (2.13) shows that one can get the balan ce
equa t ion for the internal energy in integral form (2.1) with
There are two terms in the supply of inte rnal energy, namely, the exte rnal
energy supply pr and the stress power (T . grad x), which can be regarded as
the interna l production of energy. The pr esen ce of the int ernal production du e
to the motion of the body shows that the int ern al energy is not a conserved
qu antity in general. By the sam e token, the kin et ic energy is not a conserved
quantity either .
Furth ermo re, we have to point out that the jump condition (2.15) can
not be applied to the balan ce of int ernal energy, becaus e the supply term
contains t he velocity gradient , which will become unbounded at the singular
surface where the velocity suffers a jump discontinuity. Therefor e, there is no
jump condit ion for the int ernal energy alone.
Another important quantity, associated wit h the energy and t he heat
conduction, is the temperature, alt hough it does not even appear in the energy
equa t ion expli citl y. The te mpe rature B(x , t) is a measure of how warm a body
is. Like the mass measure of t he body, the te mperat ure will be treat ed as a
primitive fram e-indep end ent scalar qu antity and is assumed to be positive
for convenience. 1
We can summarize the balance equat ions of the previous sections in Table 2.1,
from whi ch we can write down immediately the corresponding field equat ions
and jump condit ions by the use of (2.13) and (2.15) .
Balance of m ass
c::: + div(p x) = 0,
Balan ce of energy
o (p e + "2p x. . x. ) + diIV (( Pe + "2p x. . x. ) x. + q -
{)t T x. ) = pr + p x. · b,
[p(r:: + "2 x · x)(x · n - un)] + [q - Tx] . n = O. (2.77)
Mass P 0 0
L. Momentum px T pb
both the balance equ ations of internal energy and kine tic energy contain t he
int ernal production (T . grad x) , int ernal energy and kineti c energy are not
conse rvat ive quantities. On the other hand, mass , linear momentum, angular
mom entum, and total energy are all conservative qu antiti es. Their supplies
are due to ext ern al sources only.
By t he use of material t ime derivative (1.29) , the field equa t ions can also
be written (see (2.36)) as follows:
p+ p divv = 0,
pi; - div T = p b, (2.79)
p€ + div q - T . grad v = p r,
and t he jump condit ions in te rms of local speed U of the singular sur face
[pU] = 0,
[pUv] + [T]n = 0, (2.80)
[p U(c + 2V2)] + [Tv - q]n = 0,
where v 2 stands for v . v .
T K is called the Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and qK is called the mat erial
heat flu x. Note that unlike the Cauchy stress t ensor T , the Piola-Kirchhoff
stress tensor T K is not symmetric and it must satisfy
The definition has been introduced according to the relation (1.9) , which
gives the relat ion,
Tnda = r
iS K
TKnKda K. (2.86)
In other word s, Tn is the surface traction per unit ar ea in t he cur rent con-
figur ation, while TKn K is the surface traction measured per uni t area in the
reference configuration. Similarly, q -ti and qK·nK are the contact heat supplies
per unit area in the cur rent and the reference configurations resp ectively.
We can also write the jump conditions in the reference configuration by
the use of (2.22)z,
[PK] UK = 0,
[PKx] UK + [TK] n.; = 0, (2.87)
[PK(c- + ~ x· x)] UK + [TZ'x - qK] . n K = 0,
where n K and UK are the unit normal and the normal sp eed at the singular
surface in the reference configuration.
2.5 Summary of Basic Equations 57
Exercise 2.5 .3 By the use of the kinem atic compat ibility condition
(2.26) , show that the jump condit ions (2.87) can be written as
[PI<] = 0,
[Tl<nl<] = pI<U~[Fnl<] ' (2.88)
[ql<] . n l< = UI< ([Pl<c] - (Tl< nl<) . [Fnl<]) '
where we have introduced the not ation (A) = ~(A + + A-) for the mean
value of A over the singular surface.
The boundar y of a mat erial body is a material sur face . Therefore, at the
boundar y U± = 0, the jump conditi ons (2.80h,3 of linear momentum and
energy become
[T]n = 0,
[q] . n = [v . Tn].
Suppose that the body is acted on the boundar y by a force f per unit area,
then it requires the st ress at t he boundar y to satisfy t he following condit ion,
Tn=f , (2.89)
[q] . n = [v] . f .
[q]. n = O. (2.90)
Therefore, if the body has a fixed adi ab ati c (meaning t hermally isolated)
boundar y then the normal component of t he heat flux must vani sh at the
Since the deformed configurat ion is usu ally unknown for t raction bound-
ary value problems of a solid body, t he above condit ions, which involved the
unknown boundar y, are sometimes inconvenient.
Of course, we can also express the boundar y condit ions in the reference
configurat ion. From the jump condit ions (2.87h,3, we have
58 2. Balance Laws
In the previous sections, we have laid down the basi c laws relative to an
inertial frame . They can easily be extended to an arbitrary frame of reference
from the tran sformation properties under a change of frame considered in
Sect. 1.7.
The field equa t ions relative to the inertial frame 1> can be expressed in
the following form (see (2.79)) :
p+ P div z = 0,
px - divT = pb, (2.93)
pi + divq - T · grad x = p ro
Let 1> be an inertial frame and 1>* be an arbitrary fram e. The change of
frame from ¢ to ¢*, (x , t) M (x* , t *) is given by a Euclidean transformation,
x * = Q(t)(x - x o) + c(t ),
t* = t + a.
We have required that the density p, the forces t (therefore the stress tensor
T) and b, the internal energy 6 , and its supplies h (therefore the heat flux q)
and r are all frame-indifferent quantities, i.e .,
p* = p, 6* = 6, r" = r,
q*=Qq , b*=Qb,
T* = QTQT .
We have also shown that the velocity and the acceler ation are not frame
indifferent with respect to the Euclidean transformations. They satisfy the
following transformation relations, (see (1.66) and (1.69))
x* - Q x = c + D(x* - c) ,
x* - Q x = c + 2D(x* - c) + (D - D 2)(x * - c),
2.6 F ield Equations in Arbitrary Frames 59
where f2 = {JQT is the spin t ensor of the arbit rary frame ¢ * relative to the
inertial frame ¢, and for the velocity gradient (see (1.77))
and the mat erial time derivative of an obj ective scal ar field is also object ive
(not true for vector and tensor fields , see (1.81)), therefore,
(p)* = p, (e)" = e.
From the above t ransformat ion properties, it follows immediately that
the balance of mass and internal energy are object ive scal ar equations so t hat
they are Euclidean-invariant, namely, they are valid in arbit rary frames. The
balance of linear mom entum, on the other hand, is on ly Galilean invariant
because it contains the accelera ti on, whi ch is frame indifferent with respect to
Galilean t ransformat ions onl y. In an arbit rary frame ¢ *, it t akes the following
form ,
p*(x* - i *) - (divT)* = p*b*, (2.96)
i* = c + 2f2(x* - c) + (s2 - f22)(X * - c), (2.97)
stands for t he right-hand side of (2.95) 2. Equation (2.96) is obtained from
(2.93h by multiplyin g by Q and applying the above transformation proper-
t ies.
Just as t he acceleration, t he vect or field i * is also not frame indiffer ent
with respect to Euclidean tran sformations. In fact , i * = 0, if ¢* is an iner ti al
frame (f2 = 0 and c = 0) . Nevert heless, we can show that the bal ance of
linear momentum in the form (2.96) is Euclidean invariant . Indeed , we have
t he following proposition .
Proposition 2.6.1 The quantity (x * - i*) is an obj ective vector field, i.e.,
it is invariant under any E uclidean transforma tion.
Proof Let ¢ ' be an arbit rary frame and change of frame from ¢* to ¢ ',
(x* , t*) H (x' ,t') be given by a Euclidean transformation,
combining (2.94) and (2.98), we obtain the change of frame from the inertial
frame ¢ to the frame ¢' ,
x* - i* = Qx.
Therefore, it follows that
which proves t hat the vector field (x - i) is objective under any Euclidean
transformation (2.98) . 0
Dropping the subscript * for simplicity, we can rewrite the field equat ions
in an arbit rary fram e.
p+ P div z = 0,
px - divT = p(b + i),
pi + divq - T · grad x = pro
~ + div(px) = 0,
and D is t he spin t ensor and c is the tran slation of the fram e 4> relative to
an inerti al frame. Moreover , t hese equations are Euclidean invari ant.
We ca n int erpret the vector field i as a force field du e to the motion
of t he fram e relative to an inert ial frame and call it the in ertial body fo rce,
which consists of a number of contributions, usu ally known as
By comparison of (2.98) and (2.93), we have seen t hat t he field equat ions
relative to an arbit rary fram e have exactl y the same form s as that relative
t o an inertial frame, except t he body force b is replaced by (b + i) , which we
shall call the apparent body fo rce T herefore, from now on , we sha ll simply
writ e b for (b + i) in any fram e of reference, and keep in mind that when the
inertial force i do es not vanish it must be regarded as an (apparent) part of
t he body force b.
Finally, we rem ark that the corresponding int egral laws of balan ce also
have the sam e forms in an inertial fram e as in an arbitrary frame by replac-
ing t he body force with the appare nt body force. Since t he inertial force is
bounded , provided t hat t he velocity is bounded , therefore, t he jump condi-
t ions for mass, linear mom entum and energy of pr evious sections are valid in
a ny frame o f reference .
3. Basic Principles of Constitutive Theories
t he past history of a func tion . Let 'l/J (.) be a funct ion of time. The history of
'l/J up to tim e t is defined by
where s E [0, 00) denotes the time- coordinate pointed into the past from the
pr esent time t. Clearly s = 0 corresponds to the pr esent time, therefore
In t his chapter we shall restrict our at t ent ion to the discussion of the
principle of mat erial object ivity, which deals with the transformation proper-
ti es of const it ut ive fun ctions, and the material symmetry, which characte rizes
t he specific symmetric properties of material particles. Thermodyn amic con-
siderations , which govern t hermody namic aspec ts of material bodies will be
postponed until Chap. 5.
In writing (3.4) , we have t aken for granted t hat the const it ut ive qu an tity
C is an observabl e qu an tity and the constitutive relation has been expressed
relative to a certain fram e of reference. Now we shall examine the consequence
of a change of fram e upon the constitutive functions .
Let ¢ be a frame of reference and C(X, t ; ¢) be the value of t he const it u-
tive qu antity C at the material point X and t ime t in t he fram e ¢ . We rewrite
t he const it utive relat ion (3.4) in the followin g form ,
In other words, the const it utive function dep end s on t he choice of frame , in
general, so t hat we have also indic at ed the frame ¢ on :F as a subscript.
Since any int rin sic property of materials should be ind ep endent of ob-
servers, we postulate that for any obj ective constit utive quantity, its con-
st it utive fun ction must be invariant with resp ect to any change of frame.
Mathem atically, we pos tulate
More specifically, suppose that C is an Sn- valu ed obj ective const itutive
qu an tity (n = 0, 1,2 for scalar- , vector-, and te nsor-valued, resp ectively) then ,
for any change of frame from ¢ to ¢*, we have the obj ectivity proper ty (see
(1.63) )
C(¢*) = Q *C(¢) , (3.6)
66 3. Basic Principles of Constitutive Theories
x* = Q(t)(x - x o ) + c(t),
t* = t + a.
The principle of material objectivity imposed the following conditions:
where we have used F = F</> = F </>* . Since both density and temperature
fields are objective scalars, we have
X*(Y, t" - s) = Q(t - s)(X(Y, t - s) - Xo) + c(t - s) .
This equation is the restriction imposed on any constitutive function F by
the requirement of material objectivity. Note that it can be regarded as a
condition expressed in terms of any change of frame * relative to an arbitrary
frame of reference and hence it is not necessary to mention the frame </>
The principle of material objectivity is often referred to as the princi-
ple of material frame indifference. We emphasize that for a non-objective
quantity, for example, the total energy density (e + v 2 / 2), the condition (3.9)
need not hold . Therefore, to apply the principle of material objectivity, it
is essential to replace a non-objective constitutive quantity by an objective
one, which can usually be done by adding, subtracting or multiplying some
non-objective terms. In our later discussions, we shall always assume that C
is objective.
Since (3.9) holds for any change of frame , an immediate consequence
follows from choosing Q(t) = 1 and c(t) = X o , such that
x* =x, t" = t + a,
3.2 P rinciple of Material Objectivity 67
Q* = 1 .
Since t his is t rue for arbitrar y a, t aking the derivat ive of this equat ion with
resp ect to a, we conclude that
of = 0
ot '
i.e., F ca n not dep end on t explicitly. Therefore, we can rewrite the consti-
tutive relation (3.4) as
We sha ll often omit the dom ain and the dep end ence of the argument fun ctions
in F as ind icated in (3.9) for simplicity.
Remark. Comparing t he argume nts of the two sides of the above equa-
t ion, we not e that t he condit ion (3.11) only imposes restrictions on the
dep end ence of the response function upon the histories of motion , and
nothing on that of density and t emp erature fields. In view of this, it leads
to a different int erpret ation of the condit ion of material obj ectivity. From
(1.65), for a motion X and a cha nge of fram e *, we have
s(X*) = s(X) ,
u(X*) = Q(t) u(X) ,
T(X*) = Q(t) T(X) Q(tf ,
Principle o f mat erial obj ectiv ity (another version). The response
function of an obj ective constitutive quantity must be invariant for any
equivalent motions.
We could have abused the notation by writing p(X, t) = p(X , t) and B(X, t) =
B(X , t) as we have don e usually, but for clarity, more precise notations will
be used in this section.
In terms of referential des cription, we can rewrite the constitutive rela-
tion (3.10) relative to r: at a point X E B" and time t as
X = I>;(X), X* = I>;*(X).
X* = K(X - x o) + Co , (3.17)
We can also express the left-hand side in terms of the constitutive function
F", by the principle of material objectivity. Indeed, from the relation (3.15),
without writing out all the argument s, we have
Therefore, from (3.18), we have t he following condit ion for material obj ectiv -
ity in the reference configuration ,
X: . (-r(Y ), t*) = Q(t)(X,,(Y , t) - Xo) + C(t). (3.21)
Not e that the condit ion (3.20) is expressed in t he reference configuration r:
in t he frame ¢ only.
In the above condition , we have again adopte d the usual not at ion by
writing p(X ,t) for p,,(X ,t) , B(X ,t) for B,,(X ,t) . Similar to the condition
(3.11) , t he condit ion of material obj ectivity (3.20) imposes restrictions on
the dep endence of response fun ction upon the history of motion onl y and not
on the histories of density and temperature of the body. We can write t he
condit ion (3.20) simply as
Besides general consequences imposed by t he principle of mat erial obj ect ivity,
to be considered further in later sections, one can also apply the principle of
material obj ectivity dir ectly t o const it ut ive equat ions of a particular class of
materials, as illustrated in the following example.
Suppose t hat a given material is characterized by the consti t uti ve equa-
tion for t he st ress t ensor in the following form :
T = T(p ,v ,L) ,
where v is the velocity and L = grad v , t hen the condit ion of material obj ec-
tivity implies that
for any orthogon al tensor Q(t) and any vector c(t) . In particul ar , if we choose
3.2 Principle of Material Objectivity 71
Let p" (Y) be the density field in the refer ence configurat ion K" then it deter-
mines the density field p(Y , t) from t he deformation field X,,(Y , t) according
to the balanc e of mass (2.34) . T herefore, we can repl ace pt(y , s) by p,,(Y) as
t he independent vari able in the const it ut ive equat ion (3.14) , which ca n then
be written as
C(X , t ) = F" (X~(X , s), Ft(X , s ), Bt(X , s), g ~(X, s), X) , (3.26)
O ~ S < CXl
where g " = Gr ad B is t he te mpe ra t ure gradient with respect t o the refer ence
configurat ion. Note that , sin ce p,,(X) and Gradp,,(X) are merely functions
of X, their pr esence has been absorbed into the explicit dep endence of t he
fun ct ional F" on X.
For a change of fra me, from (3.21) we have!
1 Note that t he left-hand side is not F * (X, t* ), in gen er al , (see the remark
on p . 27). T he ass um ption t hat the referenc e configurati on is un affect ed by
t he change of fram e will give this relation as V'x(X ~(X,t *)) = F* (X ,t* ) =
Q(t) F(X , t ), and hen ce will lead t o the same cond it ion of material objectivity.
3.3 Simple Material Bodies 73
x(X, t) = X,,(X, t) , x*(X ,t*) = X:.(r(X) ,t*) ,
denote the position of the material point X in the two frames , respectively.
We claim that the dependence of const it ut ive function on the position
is not allowed by the principle of materi al objectivity. Indeed, since (3.27) is
valid for any change of frame, in particular, let us consider a change of frame
given by
x* =x-xo+c(t) , t" = t.
In this case, Q(t) is an identity and the condition (3.27) becomes
or simply
F,,(Q tF t , et , g~, X) = Q*F,,(F t , et , o': X) .
Note that , as we have remarked before, this condit ion imposes no restrictions
on thermal histories, t (X , s) and g~ (X , s) .
A body with it s const it ut ive relation defined by (3.28) is called a simple
material body (due to Noll).2 For simple material bodies, the value of the
const it ut ive quantities at the point X depend on the histories of deformation
gradient , t emperature, and temperature gradi ent a t the point X only. This
class of materials may have a perfect temporal memory but only a very limited
non-local effect, nam ely, the neighboring points are taken into account, in the
first gr adi ent of defo rm ation and temperature, only as a first approximation.
Nevertheless, it t urns out that this class is still general enough t o include
most material bodies of pr actical int erest. Non-simple material bodies are by
no means unimportant , as an example, in theories of mixtures and porous
media [51] the density gradi ent (which is related to the second gradient of
deformation) must be taken into account in constitutive equat ions in order
to hav e a consist ent theory.
2 Noll, in his memoir [58], considered purely mechanical theory only.
74 3. Basic Principles of Constitutive Theories
Exercise 3.3.1 Consider an elastic material with the stress tensor given
by T = ~(F) relative to a refer ence configuration «. A configurat ion r;
is called a natural configur at ion if
~(1)=0 ,
where 1 is the identity tran sformation. Show that any rotation has no
effect on a natural configuration. In other words, if k is anot her reference
configuration that differs from /'i, by a rigid rotation , then k is also a
natural configur at ion.
Proof Suppose t ha t T(Ft) satisfi es (3.34) , then by the pol ar decomp osition
F = RU, we have
QF = QRU = (QR) U
is its polar decomposition. Hence, (3.35) implies that
The const it ut ive relations (3.35) and (3.36) are the solutions of the con-
dition (3.34) . Therefore, they ar e not subjected to any further restrictions
from the objectivity condi t ion. Con stitutive relations of this kind are said to
be in reduced form s.
We can obtain a different vers ion of the reduced const it ut ive relation
(3.36) , for qu antities in material description introduced in (2.84) , nam ely,
t he material heat flux vector qK = 1J1F-1q and the (first) Piola-Kirchhoff
stress t ensor T K = IJIT F - T . In addit ion, we shall define the second Piola-
Kirchhoff stress tensor as
where C is the right Cauchy-Green strain tensor , and g" = Gr ad() is the
temperature gradient with respect to the reference configuration.
Exercise 3.4.2 Prove that for a simple material body, the stress tensor
has a reduced cons titutive relation of the form
Exercise 3.4.3 Verify that for a simple material body, one has the
following reduced constitutive relations:
3 .5 Material Symmetry
C(x , t) = f"" (Ft(X , s), «ex , s), g~(X , s)), x = X,,(X , t) . (3.38)
0 ::0; 8 < 00
78 3. Basic Principles of Constitutive Theories
Let P = V'x k 0 K-
then from (1.10)
By comparing (3.38) and (3.39) , we have the following relation between the
response functions F" and F",
Ft ,et ,g~
K(8) Resu lts
F' 1 0' , g 'K
Physically, this means that the response of the material with respect
to the configuration K can not be distinguished from that with respect to
3.5 Material Symmetry 79
the configuration F., obtained from K by a linear trans form ation G , by any
possible (or ideal) exp erim ent . The idea is schemat ically represent ed in the
diagram (Fi g. 3.1) .
We shall assume that a mat erial symmetry t ransfo rm ation is volume pre-
serving (consequ ently, by (2.34) also density preserv ing) , since otherwise, a
mat erial body could suffer arbit rarily lar ge dilat ation with no change in ma-
terial response - a conclusion that seems physically un acceptabl e (for another
just ificat ions, see [27, 75]). Therefore, we must require that Idet GI = 1, i.e., a
material transformation G must be a unimodular transformat ion, G E U(V).
Proposition 3.5.2 For any r: and ;:., such that P = \7",(;:'0 Ii-I) , the follow-
ing relation holds,
The relation (3.44) is referred to as Noll's rule, which establishes the
relation between symmetry groups with respect to two different reference
configurations. Note that since P is a change of reference configuration it is
non-singular, but need not be unimodular. In particular, if P = o l , a :f= 0,
then 9ft = 9"" i.e., dilatation (a > 1), contraction (0 < a < 1), and central
inversion (a = -1) leave the material symmetry group invariant.
Physical concepts of real materials such as solids and fluids, are usually
characterized by their symmetry properties. For example, one such concept
can be interpreted as saying that a solid has a preferred configuration such
that any non-rigid deformation from it alters its material response, while for a
fluid any deformation that preserves the density should not affect the material
response. Based on this concept, we shall give the following definitions of
solids and fluids due to Noll [58] .
Definition. A material is called a solid if there exists a reference configura-
tion n ; such that 9", is the full orthogonal group or a subgroup of it, i.e.,
Vii, k : (3.47)
Therefore, a fluid has the same symmetry group with respect to any config-
uration. In other words, a fluid does not have a preferred configuration.
Definition. A material that is neither a fluid nor a solid will be called a
fluid crystal.
In other words , for a fluid crystal, there does not exist a reference con-
figuration r: for which either 9", ~ O(V) or 9", = U(V).
Exercise 3.5.2 A mat erial for which 9" = {1, -1} is a triclinic solid .
Show that the relation (3.47) also holds for t his solid .
Combining the reduced constitutive relations (3.37) and the symmetry condi-
t ion (3.42) , we have the following theorem that characte rizes the most general
constitutive relations for simple solid bodies.
Proposition 3.5.3 For a simple solid body, the constit utive relations for
the second Piole-Kirchhoii stress, the m aterial heat flux and th e internal
energy, relative to an un distorted configuration ", with symmetry group 9" ,
satisfy the conditions of material objectivity and symmetry if and only if the
constit utive functions for C" = {3", q" , E} can be represented by
C" = F,,(Ct ,f)t ,g ~) .
Moreover, F" = {S" , Q" ,£,,} mu st satisfy the following conditions,
S,,(QctQT ,f)t ,Qg~) = QS,,( ct ,f)t ,g~)QT ,
Q,,(QCtQT , e' , Qg~) = Q Q,,(Ct , f)t , g~ ), v Q E 9" s: O(V) . (3.49)
£K(Q CtQT ,f)t ,Qg ~) = £K( Ct ,f)t ,g~) ,
Proof By the Proposition 3.4.3, we only have t o prove the condit ions (3.49) .
We shall prove for the stress tensor T , from t he definit ion (2.84) and t he
redu ced const it utive relation (3.37) , we have
T(F t ,f)t ,g ~) = Idet FI - 1FS,,( Ct ,f)t ,g ~) FT .
For a solid , we have Q E 9" OW) , and by taking G = QT = Q-1 E 9" in
the condit ion (3.42) , we obtain, from the above relation , t ha t
for all Q E O(V) n QK' In particular, it is valid for solids . However , unlike the
constitutive function 5 K of (3.49) , the fun ction T is still required t o satisfy
t he objectivity condit ion (3.33) .
x = XK(X , t) . (3.50)
C(x ,t) = j: (Ff(x , s) , et(x, s), g~(x , s); F(x , t)). (3.52)
0 :'08< 00
3.5 Material Symmetry 83
The constitutive functions F and r K of (3.38), from (3.50) and (3.51), are
related by
from which one can verify that the condition of material objectivity (3.33)
and material symmetry (3.42) become
- t P-T -t
gt = gK'
By taking first P = QF and fJK = gK for Q E O(V), we have
Pi = QtFtF-1QT = QtFttQT ,
fJ~ = Q F - T g~ = QgL
Proposition 3.5.4 For a simple fluid, the constitutive function satisfies the
conditions of objectivity and symmetry (3.53) if and only if it can be repre-
sented by
c = j(Ci,(}t ,g~;p), (3.54)
where C, = Ft Ft is the relative Cauchy-Creen strain tensor and p is the mass
density in the present configuration. Moreover, the constitutive functions
j = {T, Q, £} for the stress tensor, heat flux vector, and internal energy
must satisfy the following conditions:
v Q E OW). (3 .55)
84 3. Basic P rinciples of Constitutive Theories
Proof Since for a simple fluid, the symmetry group gK = U(V) , by taking
the unimodular tensor G = [det F11 / 3 F- 1 the condition (3.53h gives
We shall not consider fluid cryst als in more det ail in t his book, except for
the following interest ing example.
Consider a fluid crys tal with the symmetry group gK relative to an or-
t honormal basis {e l' e2, e3} in the reference configurat ion /'i, given by
c; = { [ b
a d 0]
e O, Ig(ae - bd)1 = 1} .
c f 9
In other word s, t his material has an intrinsic dire ction e 3 in the reference
configurat ion n. A material with needle-like crystals that can flow in such a
way that they are always aligned in on e direction (therefore, it is called a
fluid crystal) is an exa mple of materials that possess such a symmetry.
3.5 Material Symmetry 85
Let the constitutive equat ion for the stress tensor be given by T = T(F) ,
then the objectivity and the symmetry conditions require that
T(QF) = QT(F)QT , \/Q E O(V),
T(FG) = T(F), \/G E 9K .
T(o:1) = RT(o:1)RT .
That is, the orthogonal tensor R commut es with the symmetric tensor T( 0: 1).
By the commutation theorem (see Sect. A.1.8), R must preserve all the char-
act eristi c spaces of T(o:l) . Note that the general form for R E O(V) n 9K
COS sin o 0] o
R = ± - sin () cos () 0 ,
o 0 1
which preserves two characteristic spaces, a one-dimensional one, spanned
by e3, and a two-dimensional space, spanned by {e 1 , e2} . Therefore, by the
spectral theorem, T( 0: 1) must be of the form,
Conversely, on e can easily show that if (3.59) holds then the condit ions (3.56)
are satisfied . Therefore, we have shown that the st ress of this fluid cryst al
consists of a hydrostatic pressure and a pure te nsion in the deformed intrinsic
direction. Mor eover , the pr essure p and t he tensile stress a- are functions of
density only.
Not e that in this exa mple, we are able t o reduce the const it utive function
for the stress T = T(F) , a symmetric tensor fun ct ion of a tensor variable
(equivalent t o six scalar fun ctions of nin e vari abl es) to a representation that
is explicit to within two scalar functions of one vari abl e only. Represent ations
of this kind are among the most useful results of the const it ut ive theory. Other
representations of constitutiv e functions for solid s and fluids will be discussed
in the next chapter .
9t< ={ d
a b
C] ,
f Ig(ae - bd)1 = 1} .
o 0 9
Show that it is a group and an alyze the const it ut ive properties of t his
Definition. A mat erial body is called isotropic if there exists a configur at ion
K" such t hat
Such a configur at ion is called undisto rt ed for the isotropic mat erial body, or
simply an isotropic configuration.
Physically, we can interpret the above definition as saying that any ro-
tation (orthogonal transformation) from an isotropic configurat ion do es not
alte r the material response. The following theorem char acteri zes isotropic
mat erials [59] .
Theorem 3.6.1. The orthogonal group is m aximal in the unimodular group,
i.e., iI9 is a group such th at
OW) c 9 c U(V) ,
then either 9 = O(V) or 9 = U(V) .
3.6 Iso tropic Materi als 87
F(Ftt , at , g~ ; F) = F(Ftt , at , g~ ; R U R T) .
Since V = RURT and B = V 2 , the function F can be rewritten as
F(Fi , at,g~ ; F ) = F(Fi , at ,g L B).
The rest of the proof is similar to that of Proposition 3.5.4. 0
From t his pr oposi tion we see that the rotation does not affect the re-
sponse of isot ropi c materials at all, which is an expected result , of course.
Since fluids and isotropic solids are the only isotropic materials, t he above
representation (3.62) is essent ially a representation of isotropic solid bodies.
The representation (3.54) for fluids is a sp ecial case of (3.62), in which the
dependence on the left Cauchy -Green t ensor B reduces t o the dependence of
detB only.
Exercise 3.6.1 Consider a thermo elastic mat erial with the const it ut ive
relation for the stress t ensor given by T = T(F,a ,g) . Prove dir ectly
from the obj ectivity and the symmetry condit ions that if the material is
isotropic then the constitutive relation must reduce to the form
T = T(B ,a,g) ,
where r: is an isotropic configuration and T is an isotropic function.
3.7 Fading Memory 89
In this sect ion, we shall give a bri ef discussion of memory effect s of simple
materials and the linear approximation that gives rise to the Boltzmann-
Volterra theory of viscoelasticity.
We shall consider only a mechanical theory. From the general solut ion
(3.35) for simple materials, the st ress t ensor can be represented by
The depend ence on X is not indicated , for simplicity. We emphas ize that in
this representation, T(F t ) and T(U t ) are t he values of the same fun ctional
T( ·) evaluate d at two different functions F t(s) and Ut( s) for s E [0, (0) ,
resp ectively.
It is useful t o put the functional T(U t ) in a slightly different form by
writing it as a sum of a te rm at t he present value of deformation and a term
that vanishes when the bod y has always been at rest ,
and K(O ;U(t)) = O.
G t (s) is the past history of the digression from t he pr esent st ate. We shall now
make an addit ional physical assumpt ion that t he memory fad es in time. In
order to do this we shall first introduce the concept of an influence 'funct ion
that is used to cha ract erize the memory of past histories the material can
Definition. We call h( s), defined for 0 :::; s < 00, an influence jun ction if it
is monotonically decreasing and
h(s) > 0, 1 00
The influen ce func tion is material dep endent. h(s) = (s+ 1)-P for p > 1,
and h(s) = e -{3s for f3 > 0, where both p and f3 are material par am et ers , are
some examples of such funct ions. We can then define a norm to measure the
recollection of past histories.
(G, H)JlI = 1
F=RU, (3.68)
a material with fading memory, if both the function T and the functional JC
are smooth in some proper sense in t he usual norm in L:(V) and t he fading
memory norm (3.66) for past histories in IH.
lim O(IIGII) = O.
5K(G;U) = 1 00
K(G t ;U) = 1 00
1 00
M (t , U) = -1 00
T (Ut ) = T(U(t)) + 1 00
T (U t ) = T(U(t)) + 1 00
The const it utive equ ation, T = 7(Pt), given by the above integral equa-
tion up to the first gradi ent in history t akes the followin g form,
This const it ut ive equat ion defines the so-called finit e linear viscoelasticity,
which is a theor y of finit e deformation with linear depend ence on the history
of st rai n rat e.
Note that the relax at ion function M E Sym(V) ® Sym(V) is mater ial
dependent and must satisfy the condit ion rel ative to the influence function
h(s) of the fading memory norm (3.66) ,
lim M( s; U)
8 --+00
= 0, (3.75)
We furt her consider the case of small deformations. The displ acement gradi-
ent H = P - 1 is assumed to be an infinitesim al qu antity with IH(t)1 of t he
order f « 1 for all time t. We use t he order symbol o(n) in the sense of the
usual norm as well as the fading memory norm,
for some constants, k and k' , as a consequence of (3.65) and (3.66). We have
from (1.22)
U = 1 + E + 0(2), R = 1 + R + 0(2),
- -
where E and R ar e the infinitesim al strain and rot ation tensors, resp ecti vely.
The linear appr oximation for the function T( U) ca n be written as
To = T(1)
is called the residual stress, i.e. , the stress the mat erial sustains in the refer-
ence configuratio n, and
U = E + 0(2),
M( s, U) = M( s, 1) + ouM( s, l)[E] + 0(2) = M(s) + 0(1).
3.7 Fading Memory 93
Finally, putting (3.76) and (3.73) into (3.68) and neglecting the higher-
order t erms, we obtain
We remark that the st ress relaxation funct ion M depends not only on
the material property but also on t he configuration that has been taken as
the reference. The sp ecial case M( s) = 0 gives
We call L the elasticity tensor of the material. Since both the elast icity
tensor L and the stress relaxat ion function M ar e fourth-order te nsors in
Sym(V) @ Sym(V), t heir component s satisfy the following symmetry condi-
L ij kl = L j i k l = L i j lk,
M i j kl = M j i kl = M ij lk .
T(t ) = T(F(t)) + 1 00
T(t) = T(F(t)) + [too M(t - s ; F(t))[F( s)]ds. (3.80)
94 3. Basic Principl es of Constitut ive Theories
This is a const it ut ive equat ion of int egral type with stress relaxation fun ction
M(s , U) and the influence function h(s) of fading memory. Both are material
functions .
In this section, we shall consider a material class char act eri zed by t he
following fun ctions,
where T is called the relaxation time of the material. On e can easily check
that t he condit ions (3.75) ar e sa tisfied.
Taking t he time derivative of (3.80) , we obtain t he following equ ation,
where L'(F) = oFT(F) + M(F) is called the dynamic elast icity t ensor .
This is a different kind of constitutive equat ion that contains t he stress rate.
The history dependence of the mat erial response becomes implicit in the
solut ion of the first-order differential equat ion for the stress. The material
characte rized by this equat ion is called a linear viscoelastic material of rate
type. In the one-dimensional case, such a material model has been proposed
in [28] .
For small deformations, from t he pr evious section, (3.82) reduces to
where the dyn ami c elast icity tensor is given by L ' = L + M(O) . It has the
sam e symmetry properties as the elast icity t ensor L in (3.79). The dyn amic
elasticity tensor cha racte rizes the instan taneous response of the mater ial sub-
ject t o a sudden change of strain . In the one-dimensional case, M(O) is usually
assumed t o b e positive, and hence L' > L .
We rem ark that alt hough the constitutive equa t ion (3.68) satisfies the prin-
ciple of mater ial obj ectivity, the const it ut ive equation of linear elasti city de-
rived from it do es not satisfy this principle becaus e, in such a theor y, arbitrary
chan ge of fram e is not allowed if the deformation gradient s ar e to b e small
before and afte r the change of fram e.
3.7 Fading Memory 95
we have
H * = QH - 2(e 2 ® e2 + e 3 ® e3),
in which the second t erm on the right-hand side is no longer a small quantity.
The displ acem ent gradient H * will rem ain of 0(1) only if Q is an infinitesim al
rotation, i.e., Q = 1 + R for R = -RT = 0(1).
For linear elasticity, the stress dep ends linearly on t he infinitesimal st rain
T(F) = L[E],
~ 1 1
E = "2((F + 1) + (F T + 1)) = "2(F + F T) - 1.
The mat erial obj ect ivity requ ires t hat
T(QF) = Q T(F)QT ,
for any Q E OW) and FE Inv(V) . In particular, for F = 1, it requires that
T(Q) = 0,
becaus e T (1 ) = L[O] = O. However , if we t ake Q as the rotation given in
(3.84) , t hen
T(Q) = L [~(Q + QT) - 1] = L[Q - 1J
= -2L[e2 ® e2 + e3 ® e3] -=I O.
Hence the condit ion of mat erial obj ectivity is not satisfied .
Therefore the linear elasticity can only be regarded as an approximat ion
of a phy sically meaningful theory, and it should not be adopted as a physical
model as far as large deformations ar e concerned .
4. Representation of Constitutive Functions
We have seen that the constitutive functions have to satisfy both the condi-
tion of material objecivity an d t he condition of material symmetry. In partic-
ular , with respect to an undist ort ed configuration, t he constitutive functions
of an isotropic material are isotropic fun ctions. The main difficulty in finding
representations for constitutive functions lies in the fact that t hey generally
depend on the past values of thermomechanical histories. Fortunately, in most
practical problems, long-range memory effect s are mostly irre levant. In ot her
words , for most materials only short memories ar e of practical interest , in
the sense that we can assume that the hist ory be approximated by a Tay lor
series expansion ,
and conseq uently, t he depend ence of t he const it ut ive funct ions on the his-
to ry ht(s) red uces to the dependence on the derivat ives of ht(s) up to t he
n-t h-order at the pr esent time, s = o. A material body wit h such an infinites-
imal memory will be called a material of grade n relative to t he constit utive
var iable h .
Since we have
In particular, for n = 1, we have
C = F(p , B,g, D) , (4.3)
where we have used the relation Al = 2D from (1.54) . We call this material
a viscous heat- conducting fluid .
For an isot ropic solid of grade 0, from (3.62), we have
for isotropic t her moelast ic solids, and similar relations for viscous heat-
conduct ing fluids . Functions that satisfy su ch relations are called tensor,
vector, and scalar isotropic functions , respectively.
The condit ions (4.5) impose restrictions on the generality of the consti-
tutive functions on their argument s. Gen eral solutions in the form of rep-
resent ation for isotropic functions are well known and will be given in the
following sections.
We shall give some represent ations of isot ropic functions in t his section. Let
¢ , hand S be scalar-, vector- and t ensor-valued functions defined on JR x
V x £(V) , resp ectively.
Definition. We say that ¢, h, and S are scalar-, vector-, and tensor- valued
isotropic fun ctions , resp ectively, if for any s E JR , v E V , A E £(V) , they
satisfy t he following condit ions:
Isotropic fun ctions are also called isotropic invariants. The definition can
easily be exte nded to a ny number of sca lar, vecto r, and te nsor vari abl es.
From the definition, obviously the condit ions (4.6) impose no restrictions
on the scalar vari abl es of an isotropic fun ction, and hence sca lar vari ables are
irr elevant as far as t he represent ations of isotropic invariants ar e concerned .
Some general solut ions of t he condit ion (4.6) ar e given in the following rep-
resent ation theorems.
Theorem 4 .2.1. Let 1>, h, and S be isotropic scalar-, vector- , and symmetric
tensor- valued functions of a vector variable v , respectively, th en it is necessary
and suffi cient th at they have th e following represent ations ,
1) 1>(v ) = f(v · v) ,
2) h(v) = h(v · v)v , (4.7)
3) S(v)= so(v·v)1+s 1(v ·v)v @v,
Proof. The sufficiency can easily be checked. We shall only show that the
above representations ar e necessary.
To prove (1) it is sufficient to show that if 1> is a scalar isotropic fun ction,
then 1>(v) = 1>(u) whenever
v ·v = u · u.
In fact , since two vectors of the same length can always be brought int o each
ot her by a rot ation, there exists an orthogon al t ensor Q such that u = Qv .
Therefore, by the cond it ion of isotropy,
which implies t hat h(O) = 0 and hence (2) is satisfied . Now, suppose that
v-I- 0, then we can write t he vector h as
h(v) = o:(v)v + f3(v )u , (4.8)
(4.8) must vani sh . Moreover , from (4.9) the fun ction a:(v) must be a scalar
isotropic fun cti on , therefore, by ite m (1) it mu st reduce to a funct ion of v . v .
The representation (2) is proved .
Finally, for the tensor isotropic function S (v ), we consider a vector-
valu ed fun ction g( v) defined by
g(v) = S(v)v.
On e ca n eas ily check t ha t g( v) is an isotropic vector fun cti on , therefore, by
representation (2) we have
S(v)v = g(v) = a: (v )v .
In ot her words, v is an eigenvect or of t he tensor S. Since S is a symmetric
t ensor , by the spec tral t heorem, there exist two unit vecto rs u and w such
that S ca n be represented as
then (4.10) and (4.11) imply that j3(v ) = l' (v ). Therefore, we ca n rewrite
(4.10) as
S(v) = so(v )l + Sl(V)V ® v .
Mor eover , (4.11) implies t hat So an d S l mu st be scalar isotropic fun ct ions .
This completes t he proof of the theorem . 0
Theorem 4 .2.2 (Ri vlin and Ericksen) . Let ¢, h , and S be isotropic scalar-,
vector- , and sym me tric tensor-valued functions ofa symmetric tensor variable
A , respectively, then it is necessary and sufficient that they have the following
represent ations,
where I, as well as 8 0, Sl, and 8 2, are arbit rary scalar functions of th e three
eigenvalues {aI , a2, a3} of A.
4.2 Isotropic Functions 101
Proof Again, t he proof of sufficiency is trivial , and we shall only prove the
necessity of the above representations.
First of all, for the vector isotropic fun ction h ,
Thus, let A and B be two symmet ric tensors and ass ume that their eigen-
valu es are t he same. Then , by t he spectral theorem , there exist orthonormal
bases {e i} and {d i} such that
¢ (A ) = ¢ (QB QT ) = ¢(B ),
which proves (1).
To show the representation (3) for the symmetric t ensor isotropic fun c-
tion S, we need the following lemma.
Lernrna, Let S(A) be an isotropic te nsor-valued fun ction of a symmetric
tensor A , then every eigenvector of A is an eigen vector of S(A) .
To prove the lemma, let [e, e2, e3} be a principal orthonormal basis of
A . We consi der a rot ation Q of 1800 about the el-axis, therefore,
80 + a18 l + ai 8 z = bi ,
8 0 + aZ8l + a~ 8Z = bz ,_
we ca n solve for 8 0 , 8 1, and 8Z , which are fun ctions of A of cour se. Then , from
(4.13) , (4.14) can be writt en in the form
'rIQ E OW),
it follows from (4.15) that
Recall that the Cayley-Hamilton t heore m states t hat for any te nsor A ,
where I A, II A, and III A are called the prin cipal invariant of A . They ar e the
coefficients of the char acteristic polynomial of A , i.e.,
I A = a 1 + a2 + a3,
II A = a1a2 + a2a3 + a3a 1, (4.18)
IlIA = a1a2a3.
They can be written in terms of another three invariants of A , namely,
IA = tr A,
IIA = H(tr A)2 - tr A 2), (4.19)
IlIA = i-((tr A) 3 - 3 tr A tr A 2
+ 2 tr A3) ,
or conversely,
tr A = lA ,
tr A = I~ - 2IIA, (4.20)
t r A = I~ - 3IAIIA + 3IIIA .
From the above relations we can see that the three sets {a1 ' a2 , a3},
{IA,IIA,IIIA} , and {t rA ,trA 2 ,trA 3} are equivalent in the sense t hat they
uniquely det ermine one anot her . Moreover , they are all invariant under any
chan ge from A to QAQT for any orthogonal tensor Q . Therefore, from The-
orem 4.2.2, any scalar isotropic function ¢ of A may also be expressed as :
Example 4.2.1 Let ¢i(A, v) be a sca lar isot ropic function. T hen the
fun ction ¢i satisfies the following relat ion ,
From the first-order partial differential equat ion (4.24h for ¢ with V3 and U3
as paramet ers, one ca n eas ily obtain the general solut ion (e.g., see [29])
¢= f (ci , C2 , C3 ),
where f is an arbit rary fun ction, and
Cl = vi + v~ + gl (V 3 ' U 3) ,
C2 = ui + u~ + g2( V3 , U3 ),
C3 = Vl U I + V2 U2 + 9 3(V3 , U3 ),
are the t hree int egrals of (4.24h . Substituting into the second equa t ion
(4.24h, one obtains
I 3 - V I 8g 1 _ Ul 8 9 1) 8f
( 2V V
+ (2 U I U3 _ Ul 8 g 2 _ V I 8 9 2) 8f
8 V3 8U3 8 Cl 8 U3 8 V3 8 C2
+ ( V I U 3 + V3 U l 3
- V I 8g _ Ul 8
9 3)
8f = O.
8 V3 8 U3 &3
Since f is arbit rary, so are 8 f / 8 Ci , and hence their coefficients in the above
equation must vani sh inde pende nt ly,
V I ( 2V3 - 8
9 1)
= Ul 8g 1 ,
8V3 8 U3
VI 8 g
= Ul ( 2 U 3 _ 8
9 2)
8 V3 8 U3
V I (U 3 - 8 ) = Ul (89 3 - V3 ) '
8 V3 8U3
106 4. Representation of Constitu tive Functions
Note that in these equat ions, the left-hand sides do not dep end on Ul , while
t he right-hand sides do not dep end on VI, t herefore, both sides mu st vani sh .
From whi ch one can easily show that
for any ort hogonal t ensor Q relat ive to a Cartesian coordinate syste m
(see Ex ercise 3.2.2), wit h the addit ional symmet ry prop erty:
Then it is easy to ver ify that S = S(A) is an isotropic symmet ric tensor-
valued fun ction and is linear in it s symmetric te nsor variable A . There-
fore, from Coroll ar y 4.2.3, we can represent S(A) as an expression linear
in A in the following form ,
S2 = (1 + I A + II A + III A) -l ,
Sl = -(1 + I A )S2'
So = (1 + IA + II A) s2.
T=tol +tlB+t2B2 ,
ti = ti(IB, II B, III B) , i = 0,1 ,2,
T = so l + Si B + s _ l B - l,
s , = Si(IB ,11B ,1I1B ), i = 0, 1,2,
So = to - II Bt2,
Sl = tl + I Bt2 , (4.28)
8- 1 = III Bt 2.
This is the general constitutive equation for an isotropi c elastic material body
with finit e deformations.
108 4. Representation of Constitutive Functions
B-1 = 2E + 0(2) ,
where E = (H + H T) /2 is the infinitesim al strain te nsor. A linear approxi-
mation of 7(B) at B = 1 can be written as
With t he addit ional assumpt ion that the reference configurat ion is a natural
state, 7( 1) = 0, and by neglecting the second-order t erms, it gives
T = L[ E],
Using the representation (4.26) and ca rrying out the gradient explicit ly by
the use of (A.54) , we obtain
where >. and J-l are called the Lame elastic moduli and are relat ed t o the
material parameters to , t 1, and t 2 of (4.26) by the following relations:
i.e., E is the stress per unit strain in t he longitudinal dir ection of the uni axi al
t est , while v is the ratio of the transverse compression to the longitudinal
exte nsion of the st rain. It follows imm ediately from (4.29) that
E _ fl(3A + 2fl)
- A+/l. '
and conversely,
A- vE E
- (1-2v)(I+v) ' fl= 2(1 + v)'
Hooke's law can also be written in a different form,
- u 1+v
E = - - (tr T) l + - - T (4.33)
E E '
expressing the linear strain in t erms of the stress.
Exercise 4.2.5 From Hooke's law (4.29) and Cauchy 's first law (2.57) ,
deri ve the following equa t ion of linear elast icity,
T = T(p ,D) .
Since it is an isotropic function, by the representation theorem (4.12) it can
be exp ressed as
T = a oi + a ID + az D z,
a i = a i (p, I D,II D , III D), i = 0, 1,2.
A fluid characterized by t his const it ut ive equat ion is called a Rein er-Riolisi
fl uid. This is the most general form of constit uti ve equat ions for simple fluids
110 4. Representation of Constitutive Functions
of grade 1. Even though this seems to be a general model for nonlinear vis-
cosity, it has been pointed out that this model is inadequate to describe some
obs erved nonlinear effects in real fluids (See Sect. 119, [71D. Nevertheless,
by the use of (4.21), the special case , for which the viscous stress depends
linearly on the stretching tensor D , leads to the most well-known model , the
Navier-Stokes fluid. This is given by the following constitutive equation,
T (4.36)
D = D - "3 (tr D) 1 ,
A+ "3 JL 2: 0. (4.37)
These inequalities ensure that that the fluid particles t end to flow in the
direction of a shear force (for the proof see Sect . 7.2.2). When the bulk vis-
cosity vanishes identically, it is known as a Stokes fluid, a model adequate to
describe some real fluids and frequently used in numerical calculations,
D ')
+ aVj )
_ ~ aVk
2 U Xj U Xi 3 UXk
4.2 Isotropic Functions 111
(-+Vk- aVi) ap a (' aVk)
at aXk + -aXi - -Bx, "'-
aXk (4.40)
a ( aVk) a ( aVi)
- aXk J1 aXi - aXk 11aXk = pb. .
The last equat ion (4.40) is known as the Navi er-Stokes equation. The pres-
sure p and the viscosities, A and J1 , are, in general, functions of the density
p. Equations (4.39) and (4.40) form a system for the fields (p(x , t) , v(x , t)) .
For Stokes fluids, the governing equat ions ar e obtained from above by sub-
st it ut ion of A = -2J1/3 .
Note that aside from the similarity between the constitutive equ ations
of linear elast icity (4.29) and the Navier-Stokes fluids (4.35) , there is a fun-
damental differen ce between the two theories. Unlike linear elast icity, which
is physically meaningless for finit e deformations because it does not sat isfy
the requirement of the principle of material obj ectivity (see the rem ark on
Sect . 3.7.4), the Navier-Stokes fluids do sa tisfy such a requirement. Therefore
the lineariz ation of the const it ut ive relation in (4.35) need not be regarded as
an approximat ion of the more genera l const it ut ive relation (4.34) . Any par-
t icular form of a const it ut ive relation (4.34) cha racterizes a particular class of
simple fluids. Thus, it is conceivable that there are some fluids tha t obey the
constit ut ive equat ion (4.35) for arbitrary rate of deformation. Indeed, wat er
and air are usu ally treated as Navier-Stokes fluids (with addit ional thermal
effect s) in most practical applicat ions with very sat isfact ory results, even in
rapid deform ation pro cesses.
112 4. Representation of Constitutive Funct ions
The int ernal energy E = ei p, ()) and t he pressure p = p(p , ()) have to be
sp ecified , for instance by the ideal gas laws, and t he equations becom e a
hyp erbolic system for t he fields (p(x , t) , v(x , t) , ()(x, t)) , usually known as
the Euler equat ions for compressible flows of ideal gases.
In t his section, we sh all give a mor e general discussion on isotropic invaria nts,
and rest ate the well-known resul t s for the representation of isotropic fun ctions
of any number of vecto r and tensor vari abl es.
Let £(V) be the sp ace of second-order t ensors on V . Let
¢ : V -+ IR,
h :V-+V, (4.44)
S : V -+ £(V).
Definition. We say that ¢, h , and S are scalar, vector, and tensor invariants
relative to t he group Q ~ O(V) , resp ectively, if for any v E V'" , A E £(V) n,
we have
¢(Qv, QAQ T) = ¢(v , A) ,
h(Qv, QAQT) = ou» ,A), VQ E Q, (4.45)
In t he above definition, we have introduced the following abbreviations:
v= (VI , · · · ,V m ) ,
A = (A I , · · · , A n) ,
Qv= (QVI , ·· · , Qv m ),
QAQT = (QAIQT, .. . , QAnQT) ,
for E V and A j E £(V) .
If the group Q = O(V) , the invariant s are usually called isotropic invari-
ants or isotropic ju nctions, ot herwise, t hey are called anisotropic invariants.
4.3 Representation of Isotropic Functions 113
easily. 0
Suppose that Y s , Yv, and Y t are sets of scalar, vector, and te nsor invari ants,
resp ectively, then it is obvious that t he following functions ar e isotropic:
cP = cP(Y s ),
h= L cPa (Ys) u a,
u a EYv
S= L cPb(Y s ) n,
where cP, cPa' and cPb are arbit rary functions of the sca lar invari ants in Y s'
The purpose of the representation problems is t o find the set s of invari-
ants Y s , Y v , and Y t , so that isotropic functions can be expressed in the above
forms (4.47) . We call T; t he set of basic invariants, and say t hat Tv and Y t
are the generating sets for isotropic vector, and t ensor fun ctions, resp ect ively.
A set of basic invari ants or a generating set is called a functi onal basis if
it is irreduci ble. By irr edu cible we mean t hat elements of the basic invar iant s
are not fun ctionally relate d , and elements of the generating set are linearly
114 4. Representation of Constit utive Function s
indepe ndent with resp ect to isotropic functions, i.e., no elements can be ex-
pressed as a linear combination of other elements with coefficients of sca lar
isot ropi c functi ons.
Fun ct ional bases for isotropic functions have been ext ensively st udied in
the literature (see [7, 66, 74]). For read y reference, we reproduce the complete
results from [74] for isotropic invari an t s in Tabl e 4.1 t hrough Table 4.4, in
which v stands for vecto r , A for symmetric tensor, W for skew-symmet ric
t enso r.
From these tables one can eas ily construc t functi onal bases Ys , Yv , and
Y t of invari ant s for any given domain V of vari abl es and thus obtain the
representat ion of isot ropi c funct ions from (4.47). The representat ion theorems
4.2.1, 4.2.2, and 4.2.5 proved before are just the simplest cases given by these
t abl es.
In t he following examples we sha ll give t he functional bases Y s , Yv, and
Yt for isotropic functi ons of some different cases of vari abl es.
The above result for scalar invari ants of any number of vector vari abl es -
Theorem 4.2.5 is a special on e with two vectors - is a well-know n result due
t o Euler in the classical invariant theor y.
If we examine Tabl e 4.1 t hrough Table 4.4, we can find that every sca lar in-
varian t is t he trace of some tensor , e.g., v ·Au = tr(v 0Au) , and every vector
or te nsor invarian t is some vector or t ensor form ed from t he vari abl es intrinsi-
cally. Mor eover , scalar invari ant eleme nt s involvin g mor e than four variables,
an d vect or or t ensor generat or eleme nts involving more t ha n three vari abl es,
4.3 Representation of Isotropic Functions 115
ar e not present in the t ables. In ot her words , such elements are proved to be
redundant. These observations are very helpful in formin g various invariants
from a given set of vari ables without consult ing the tables. In fact, we can
form infinitely many such invari ants. However , there exist some identities,
such as t he Cayley-Ham ilton theorem (4.16) , which enable us to eliminat e
many of them and thus we are left with a finit e set of invari ants. Of cour se,
such eliminations usin g known identities would not give us an irre ducible set
of invariants, in general. Nevertheless, since general representations are oft en
too complicate d to be useful as far as pr acti cal applicati ons ar e concerned ,
we often need only certain linear or qu adratic representations. Such repre-
sentations ar e relatively easy to work out based on t he above observation,
even in t he absence of those t ables .
rP = rP1 + rP2 tr A ,
h = lu» , (4.48)
s =(81 + 82 trA)l + 83A ,
where the coefficients rP1 through 83 are ind epend ent of v and A. D
ABA + A 2B + BA 2
= (tr A 2B - tr A t r AB - "2 t r B (tr A 2 - (tr A) 2)) 1
+ (tr AB - tr A t r B)A + "2(tr A 2 - (tr A) 2)B
+ t r A (AB + BA) + (tr B) A 2.
Not e that when B = A , t his identity redu ces t o (4.16) of the Cayl ey-Hamilton
theorem .
118 4. Representation of Constitutive Functions
Ex amining the terms on the right-hand side, one ca n conclude that the gener-
ator element Av ®Av , for two vari abl es v and A in Tabl e 4.3, can be replaced
by the element (v ® A 2v + A 2v ® v).
Exercise 4 .3.2 Show that if h(A , v) is a vector isot ropic fun ction,
then ovh is a t ensor isot ropic function, (1) dir ectly from definit ion ; (2)
by using the represent ation formul a.
For an isot ropic thermoelastic solid defined by (4.4), from Exa mple 4.3.4,
we have the following constitut ive equ ations,
Simil arl y, one can immediat ely wr it e down t he const it ut ive equat ions for
a viscous heat-conducting fluid defined by (4.3) ,
T = (Yo 1+ (Y I D + (Y2D2
+ (Y3 g ® 9 + (Y4(Dg ® 9 + 9 ® Dg) + (Y5 D g ® Dg ,
q = /31 g + /32 D g + /33 D 2g,
e = ei p, e , tr D , tr D 2, t r D 3,g . g , g . Dg , g . D 2g),
where t he coefficients (Yi and /3j, as well as c, are scalar fun ctions of eight
vari abl es indicated in the arguments of c.
If we linear ize the const it ut ive equations (4.51) of a viscous heat-
conducting fluid in both D and g , from Example 4.3.5, we ob t ain t he following
represent a tions for t he st ress tensor and the heat flux ,
where the coefficient s ar e functions of (p, e). These are the classical Navier-
Stokes theory and Fourier's law, and we shall call it a Naoier-Siokes-Fourier
fluid. The coefficient s A, JL are the viscosities and K, is the thermal conduc-
t ivity.
For thermoelastic solid s, the consti t ut ive relations for the second Piola-
Kir chhoff st ress tensor , the mat erial heat flux, and the internal energy, rela-
t ive to an undistort ed configurat ion K, with symmet ry group 9"" must sa t isfy
t he following sym met ry condit ions , according to (3.49) ,
In other words, t he fun ctions S"', Q"" and [ '" are invar iants relative t o the
group Q"" according to the definition (4.45) .
If the group Q", = O(V ), the solid is isotropic and the functions are
isotropic. For anisot ropic solids in general, Q", =1= O(V) . In this and the follow-
ing sect ion we shall consider representation t heorems for invari ants relative
to some subgr oups of t he orthogonal group O(V).
Definition. We call an invariant relative t o the prope r orthogonal group
0 +(V) a hemitropic function.
Since a prop er or t hogonal tran sformation preserves t he orientat ion, one
can always identify a vector with a skew-symmet ric te nsor relative to the
120 4. Representation of Constitutive Funct ions
act ion of any proper orthogonal transformation (see Sect . A.1.6) . Let v be a
vector and W be its associated skew-symmetric tensor, v = (W) . On e can
eas ily verify t hat (see Ex ample 4.3.2), for any Q E O+(V) ,
Theorem 4.4.1. For any scalar-valued (or tensor-valued) function 'l/J (iJ, A),
Then 'l/J (iJ, A) is a scalar (or tensor) hemitropic functi on if and only if ~( W, A)
is a scalar (or tensor) isotropic function.
Theorem 4.4.2. For any vector-valued function h( iJ, A), let H be the skew-
symmetric tensor-valued function , such th at h = (H) and define
H(W,A) = H(iJ, A) , iJ = (W) . (4.55)
VI , V2, V3 VI'V2 X V3
AI , A 2, V V · (A I A2) , V · (A I A~) , v · (A 2Ai), v · Alv X A 2v
A , V I , V2 V I ' AV2, V I ' V2 X AVI , V2 ' VI X AV2
The above results can also be read off from Tabl es 4.5 and 4.6.
In obtaining (4.56) , we have changed the skew-symmetric t ensor W
back to it s corresponding vector v . For exa mple, with W ij = CijkVk from
(A.30), we have
Many anisot ro pic solid bodies poss ess symmet ries that can b e charac te rized
by certain direct ions, lines or planes, more specifi cally, say, characterized by
som e unit vectors m = (mI , ' " , rna ), and some tensors M = (MI , ' " , Mb)'
Let g be the group t hat preserves these charac te rist ics, i.e.,
g = {Q E G , Qm = m, QMQT= M} , (4.57)
Example 4.5.1 For a tran sversely isotropic elastic solid , from (4.53) the
second Piol a-Kirchhoff st ress te nsor S ,,(C) is a t ensor invar iant relative
to the symmetry group ~h in the undistort ed configurat ion r: By The-
orem 4.5.1, we can derive the representation for S" by considering t he
isotropic invari ants of two vari abl es C and n . For this case, from Tab les
4.1 and 4.3, we obtain, for the second Piela-Kirchhoff stress t ensor
S" = sol + S IC + S2C2 + S3n 0 n
+ s4(n 0 Cn + Cn 0n) + ssCn 0 Cn ,
where for i = 0, . .. , 5,
Si = si (tr C, trC 2 , trC 3 , n · Cn , n · C 2n ).
The sca lar invari ant n . n has been eliminated since it is equa l to t he
constant 1.
Therefore, from (4.63) we obtain the representation for the Cauchy
stress t ensor T = J-1FS"F T ,
T = tal + t 1B + t2B2 + t3Fn 0 Fn
+ t4(Fn 0 BFn + BFn 0 Fn) + t sBFn 0 BFn ,
where for i = 0, . .. , 5
ti =ti(trB , t rB 2, trB 3, F n· Fn, Fn·BFn) . (4.65)
In the above transitions, we have used the relations (4.16) and (1.13)
and the fact that C and B have t he sa me principal invariants . 0
2 For more discuss ions on characte rizat ion of some a nisot ropic materi al bodies see
[38] .
4.5 Ani sotropic Inva riants 125
for a rigid heat conduct or with t he following different symmetry groups .i'
1) 91 = {Q E O(V) , Qn = n} ,
2) 9z = {Q E O+(V) , Qn = n} ,
3) 93 = {Q E O(V) , Q(n ® n)QT =n ® n},
resp ectively.
3 T he groups 91, 92, a nd 93 characterize three different classes of tran svers e
isot ropy, see [38].
126 4. Represent a tion of Co nstit ut ive Functions
Exercise 4.5.2 From (4.66) , write out the repr esentation for the
Cau chy st ress te nsor T of an or thotropic elastic b ody.
From t he above exa mples, we not e that t he invari an t sets obtained in this
manner are in general not irr educible sets. In fact , some trivial redundant ele-
ments ca n b e eliminate d by insp ection using known identities . However , elim-
ination of such redundant eleme nts need not render irreducib ility of t hese set s
du e to the constancy of t he added vari abl es 'Iii and M. Proof of irr educibility
is not trivial in general. We give a sim ple example below.
Appar ently, there are no trivial redundant eleme nts in this list. However ,
we ca n show that A 2 v is redundant and by removing it we have ind eed
an irr educible gener ator set ,
i; = {v , n , Av , An, A 2n} .
F irst , let us prove that A 2 v is redundant . Clearly, if v = a n, t he
redundancy is obvious. So let us assume that {v , n} is linearly indepe n-
de nt and that y~ is not a generat or set . In ot her words , we ass ume t ha t
A 2 v ca n not be expressed as a linear combinat ion of the element s in Y~.
Since t he space V is three-dimensional, t he set y~ spans at most a two-
dimensional space. Since {v , n} is linearly independent , y~ must span
t he subspace [v, n], where we use this not ation for t he space generate d
by the vect ors in t he squar e bracket s. In particular, we have
Therefore, we have
Av = av+bn ,
for som e a, b E JR . Consequently,
A 2v = aAv + bAn,
and hence A 2 v mu st belong to the subspace [v, n], which is a contradic-
t ion to our ass umpt ion, and t he redundan cy is proved .
Now let us prove that y~ is irr educible. Note that if v = a n, t hen y~
reduces t o the set {n , An, A 2 n }. Since the sp ace is t hree -dimensional,
4.5 Anisotropic Invariants 127
this set is irr educible. Now, suppose that {v, n} is linearly independent
and n is an eigenvect or of A , then
Suppose that Av 1. [v, n], then the set {v ,n , Av} is linearl y independent.
In these case, the elements of {v ,n , Av} are irr educible. Therefore , y~
is an irr educible generator set. 0
5. Entropy Principle
H(P , t) = r
}p t
pn do, (5.1)
where we call q,(x , t) t he entropy fl ux and s the entropy supply density due
to exte rn al sources. It is assumed that ry and s are obj ective scalar qu an tities,
while t:P is ass umed t o be an obj ective vector quantity.
Let the difference between the rate of change of ent ropy and its supply
be called the entropy production and denoted by
Unlike the energy, the ent ropy is not a conservative qu antity. However , it is
commonly assumed that the entropy production is a non-negative quantity .
Such a state ment is oft en referred t o as the second law of thermodynamics,
E(P , t) ~ 0 \:IP c B,
:t r pry dv + }aP,
r q, . n da - }Ptr ps dv ~ O. (5.4)
and from (2.15) t he ent ropy jump condit ion at a singular surface,
In deriving t his jump condition, we do not rul e out the possibili ty that there
might be an entropy production on the sur face and it is assu med to be a
non-negati ve qu antity, in general, as well.
In the reference configuration , from (2.22) t he ent ropy inequality and it s
j ump condit ion can be written as
p+ pdivx = 0,
pii: - divT = pb,
T=TT ,
pi + div q - T . grad x = pr ,
when the external supplies b and r are given. Aft er introducing the consti-
t ut ive relations for T , c, and q , the balan ce laws (5.12) become a system of
partial differential equations for t he determination of the fields p, X, and B.
We call a set of fields {p , X, B, b, r } a thermodynam ic process of 13, if it satisfies
the balance laws in 13.
On the other hand, the behavior of a body mus t also obey the second
law of thermodyn ami cs, i.e., t he thermodyn ami c pro cess must also sa t isfy
t he ent ropy inequ ality (5.5),
pi] + div ep - ps ~ o.
Classical const it ut ive relations were usually proposed bas ed on physi-
cal experiences or experimental observations. Thermodynamic proc esses, ob-
tained as solut ions of t he bal an ce laws and t he proposed const it ut ive rela-
tions, are further required to be consist ent with the second law of thermo-
dyn ami cs so as to be regarded as physically admissible pro cesses. This is the
usu al role of the second law of thermodynamics in the traditional formul ation
of physi cal problems .
Following the idea set forth by Coleman and Noll [11]' in modern rational
thermodynami cs, the second law of thermodyn ami cs plays a more important
From this point of view, the ent ropy principle imposes restrictions on const i-
t ut ive fun ctions, just as the principle of mat erial objectivity and the material
symmetry do, so that the resulting const it utive fun ctions can be established
in a physical mod el for the material body. Consequently, with such restric-
tions taken care of, all thermodyn ami c processes will always be consist ent
with the second law.
132 5. Entropy Principle
We shall now exploit the ent ropy principle based on the Clau sius-Duhem in-
equality for thermoelastic mat erials. Following the method of its exploitation
sugges ted by Coleman and Noll [11], we define the free energy density 'l/J by
T = T(F,(),g) ,
1] = 1](F,(),g) ,
q = q(F,(},g) , (5 .15)
'l/J = 'l/J (F, (} , g ).
e = c(F, (} ,g ),
p (1 ] + . o'l/J . (
- ()+p_.g- TF -
- po'l/J)
- · F. + -1 q· g < O (5.16)
o() og of () - '
The entropy principle requires that the above inequ ality must hold for
any t hermodynamic pro cess {p, X,(), b, r ] . Now we sha ll evalua te the restric-
t ions imposed by t his requirement .
Not e that for any given fields {X,()}, one can det ermine the fields {p, b, r}
from the balan ce laws (5.12) , so that {p, X, (), b, r } is a thermodynamic pro-
cess. In particular , for any given valu es of {F, (), g , F, 0,g} at (X , t) such
that det F i- 0 and () > 0, t here exist s a thermodynami c pro cess having t hese
valu es at (X ,t) . In other word s, for any given {F , () ,g} the inequ ality (5.16)
5.3 Thermodynamics of Elastic Materials 133
mus t hold for arbitrary values of P, 0, and 9, in which the inequality is linear.
Cons equently, their coefficients mus t vanish identically,
71 + 8B = 0,
81j! = 0 (5.17)
8g ,
-T 81j!
TF -P8F =0 ,
or equivalent ly,
1j! = 1j!(F, B),
81j! (5.18)
TJ = - 8B '
Moreover , we have from (5.12h the relation,
The above relations represent the most general forms of the constitutive
relations for thermoelastic mat erials . Compared to the consti t ut ive relations
(5.15) they are great ly simplified . Indeed , t he stress, the int ernal energy and
t he ent ropy ar e complete ly det ermined once the free energy function 1j! (F , B)
is known.
T he inequality (5.20) is called Fouri er 's inequality, which st ates that
the heat flux always points in the dir ection from a hot sp ot to a cold one .
Furthermore, since the left-hand side of (5.20) , deno t ed by !(F,B,g) , is a
smooth function of 9 and it assumes its maximum , namely zero , a t 9 = 0,
we can conclude that
for any (F, B). If we assume t he classical Fouri er's law of heat conduct ion,
q = -K(F,B)g, (5.22)
where K denotes the thermal conductivity tenso r, then (5.21h implies that
the symmetric part of K(F, B) is positive semi-definite for any (F, B) .
134 5. Ent ropy Principle
This is known as the Gibbs relation for elast ic mat erials. In particular , for
a thermoelasti c fluid , which dep end s on the deformation gradient F only
t hrough it s dep end enc e on the density p, we have
T = -pi , dp = _pF - T . dF,
where p = p(p , B) is t he pressure and the relation (5.24) reduces to t he well-
known Gibbs relation for fluids in classic al thermost atics:
1( p) lOc
= B de - p2 dp = BaB dB + B ap - p2 dp.
1 (Oc p) (5.25)
T aCT F T .
= PaF (5.28)
Not e that if we introduce the Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor T"" the relation
between the stored energy function and t he stress becomes even simpl er ,
T", = P"' aF ' (5.29)
where p", is the densi ty in t he referen ce configuration r: and we have used the
relations (2.84h and (2.34) .
On e may notice that the momentum and the energy balance impose no
restrictions in t he evaluation of the inequ ality (5.16) , simpl y because one ar-
gues that the external supplies b and r can be suitabl y adjuste d so as to sat isfy
the momentum and the ener gy balan ce. This argument may sound wishful
in t he real world! but it is usu ally regarded as acceptable. Nevertheless, we
shall see in Ch ap . 7 that such an argument can be avoided .
1 This argument has been criticized by Woods [79] .
5.3 Thermodynamics of Elastic Materials 135
Exercise 5.3.1 Show that the Gibbs relation (5.25) ca n also be written
in the following forms :
d7/J = 2 dp - 7] dO ,
d(p7]) = (j (d(p e:) - g dp) ,
d7] = -1 ( de: - -1 T B - 1 . dB ) .
o 2p
0 '1/;
to = 2pIII B alIIB '
First, we not e t hat for thermoelastic materials , by the use of the Gibbs rela-
t ion (5.24) ,
· e:. - -1 T F - T . F',
136 5. Entropy Principle
For the classical linear theory, the displacement gradi ent H and the
temperature increment = B- Bo are assumed to be small quantities, where
Bo is the refer ence t emperature of the body. On the other hand, similar to
(3.35) the principle of material objectivity requires that the depend ence of
the free energy function on the deformation gradient F must reduce to the
depend ence of the right stretch tensor U . Since U = 1 + E + 0(2) from
(1.22) , in the linear theory we have 'Ij; = 'Ij; (E ,B) . Therefore, let us express
the function 'Ij; up to the second-order t erms in E and in the following form, e
- 1 cv -2 1 - 1
'Ij; = 'lj;o - TloB + M ijEij - -2 -B B - - Pij Eij B + -2 LijklEijEkl. (5.36)
o Po Po
The relations (5.18h,4 now take the form,
Cv = 8B'
For the linear theory, we shall assume in addition that Fourier 's law of
heat conduction holds, so that the linear expression for the heat flux is given
q = - Kg , (5.38)
where K is the thermal conduct ivity tensor.
Therefore, we can summarize the constitutive equ ations of linear ther-
moel asticity for anisotropic materials in the following :
T = L[E] - pe,
q = - Kg ,
P -
Cv -
TI = Tlo + - B + - . E .
Bo Po
5.3 Thermodynamics of Elastic Materials 137
L ij kl = L j ikl = L i j 1k = L k 1i j , Pi j = Pj i ,
K is posi ti ve semi-definite, (5.40)
c., > O.
The first two conditions follow fro m the symmetry of the stress and the linear
strain t ensors, and the last inequality is a consequence of thermal stability,
which will be discuss ed later .
If the material is isotropic, then we have, for any orthogon al tensor Q,
T(QFQT,e) = QT(F,e)QT ,
q(QFQT,e,Qg) = Qq(F,e,g) .
- 1 T 1 T
E = 2(H + H ) = 2(F + F ) - 1 ,
from (5.39) it follows immediately t hat
p =QPQT,
KQ = QK.
where). and J-L are the Lame elastic moduli (see also the derivation given in
Sect. 4.2.1) .
In summary, the const it ut ive equati ons of linear thermoelasticity for
isotropic mat erials are given in the following :
T = ). t r E 1 + 2J-L E - Q: e1 ,
q = - K g, (5.41)
T/ = 770 + -eo e + -Po
Cv - Q:
tr E.
138 5. Entropy P r inciple
T he field equations for thermo elastic ity consist of the mom entum equa-
tion and the energy equa t ion (or the equivalent equ ation (5.35)) for t he dis-
placem ent u(x , t) and the te mperat ure B(x, t). In component forms, from
E.. _
tJ -
~( aUi
2 !'l
aUj )
+!'l '
u Xj UXi
and the constitutive equat ions (5.39) , we have the following field equations
for anisot ro pic t herm oelastic materi als:
or, if the body is rigid and fixed , then P ij = 0 an d the only field equat ion is
t he classical equat ion of heat conduction,
For isotropic t hermoelasti c materials, from (5.41) the field equat ions
5.4 Elastic Materials with Internal Constraints 139
Exercise 5.3.3 Suppose that the entropy function 'fl(F, e,g) is invertible
in e for each fixed F and g . Then we can regard (F,'fl,g) as the field
variables for a thermoelastic material body with constitutive equations
of the form
c = :F(F,'fl,g) .
1) Evaluate the consequence of the entropy principle with the Clausius-
Duhem inequality using (F, 'fl, g) as field variables.
2) Show that for an isentropic process, i.e., constant entropy, a ther-
moelastic material is hyperelastic, and the stored energy function (J
is given by
(J(F) = s (F , 'fl) I'1 = const a nt . (5.46)
Exercise 5.3.4 Evaluate the consequence of the ent ropy principle with
the Clausius-Duhem inequality,
1) for viscous heat-conducting fluids defined by (4.3) ;
2) for Navier-Stokes-Fourier fluids with constitutive equat ions (4.52),
and show that the viscosities A, J.l, and the thermal conductivity K,
while the free-energy density 't/J and the pressure p are related by
In the previous section, to obtain the main conclusion (5.17) from the in-
equality (5.16) by being able to choose arbitrary values of F and P, we have
tacitly assumed that the material body is capable of undergoing any defor-
mation. However, for some material bodies, such an assumption may not be
appropriate. For example, an incompressible material body can not undergo
any deformation that changes its volume.
If the class of possible deformations for the body is limited, the body is
said to be subjected to internal constraints. Such materials are called con-
strained materials. In this section, we shall consider mech anical constraints/
for thermoelastic bodies.
Let V = {F E L(V)I J.l(F) = O}, where J.l is a scalar-valued function . We
say that V is a mechanical constraint if the body admits only local deforma-
tions compatible with V. For bodies with such a constraint, the values of F
2 For some discussions on thermomechanical const raints, see [8] .
140 5. Entropy Prin ciple
. Of-l .
f-l(F) = of . F = O. (5.49)
o'l/J) e+p-
p (17+- ' o'l/J 'g-
. (TF - T - po'l/J)
- · F' + -1 q· g < O
oe og 0F e - '
For any given e, g , and FED , this inequ ality must st ill hold for any values
of iJ and g. Ther efore, the first two relations of (5.17) remain valid, and the
inequ ality reduces to
o'l/J) . F'
- ( T F - T - p of 1
+ (jq . g :s; 0, (5.50)
which mu st hold also for any PE Z1. . We claim that this implies
Of-l T
N ·L = A-F .L = AOf-l- . F. = 0 (5.54)
of of '
which does not do any work in the actual deformation. This observation is
often t aken as a postulate':'
The stress, for a m ateri al body with mech anical constraint, is det ermined
by th e history of motion only to within an arbitrary tensor N that does
no work, i.e., N . L = 0, in any motion compatible with th e constraint.
N ·D=O, (5.57)
for any D , the symmetric part of L , compatible with the constraint. Further-
mor e, one ca n show that the reaction stress N is ind ependent of the reference
configuration. Indeed , if Pi, is another reference configuration, then we have
where P = 'V( K 0 ",-1) and F" = F",P . Hence, the cons traint is given by
P(F;J = in K an d one can easily show t hat
oj], = op, p T.
OFk er;
By (5.53) , the reaction st ress N (F k ) relative to Pi, is
Since the reaction stress is symmetric, obj ective, and indepe ndent of the ref-
erence configuration, the const it ut ive function T(F, B) in (5.52) is subject ed
to the sam e conditions of mat erial obj ectivity and material symmetry for the
stress tensor itself.
3 T his postulat e is referred to as t he principle of determinism for const rained
simple material bodies [71] .
142 5. E ntropy Principle
Then with similar argument s leadi ng to (5.53) , we can obtain the reaction
st ress
where >. a, a = 1, " ' , m are arbitrar y parameters. We rem ark t hat these pa-
ram et ers can not be det ermined from the thermomechani cal st ate var iabl es
alone, therefore, t he reacti on st ress N is also "undet erminat e". Never t heless,
the react ion stress N , as a part of the to t al stress T , ca n be det ermined by
solving t he field equations with appropriate boundary condit ions.
or JL(F) = Idet FI-l. Therefore, from (5.53) and the relati on OF det F =
F - T det F , we concl ude that the react ion st ress N is an arbitrary pres-
N = -pl. (5.61)
Con sequ ently, the const it utive equ at ion for an incompressible therm o-
elastic mat erial bod y mus t be of the form ,
where p , the undet er min ate hydrostat ic pr essure, is the react ion force of
the body to maint ain incompressibili ty. 0
D = O(V) . (5.63)
5.4 Elastic Mat erials with Internal Constr aint s 143
which is a skew t ensor, and henc e its symmetric part D must vanish.
Therefore, the condit ion (5.57) is identically satisfied for any tensor N .
In other words, the st ress of a rigid material body is totally un affect ed
by t he motion. The reaction st ress N is an arbit rary symmet ric tensor .
N = 2>"Fe 0 Fe . (5.65)
Exercise 5.4.2 Show t hat the reaction stress N is an arbit rary sym-
metric t ensor for t he rigidity cons t raint
'0= {F E OW)} ,
by taking t he te nsor equation /1(C) = C - l = 0 as a const raint (equiv-
alent t o a multiple condit ion of six equati ons).
T = -pi + 2p,D, p, ~ 0,
v = 0, q .n = 0, ip . n =0 on 8V,
and hence the ent ropy inequality (5.4) and the energy bal an ce (2.68) become
:t fv pn do :::: 0,
Jv p( c + i1 V . v) dv = O. (5.66)
In other words, the total ent ropy must incre ase in time while the total energy
rem ains constant for a body with fixed adiabat ic boundar y. St atements of this
kind are usually called stability cri teri a, as we sha ll explain in the following
example .
We say that an equilibrium state is stable if any small disturban ce away
from it will event ually die out and thus the original st ate will be rest ored .
Suppose that the region V is occupied by a thermoelastic fluid in an
equilibrium state at rest with const ant mass density Po and int ernal energy
density co' Now let us consider a small disturban ce from the equilibrium state
at the initial time such that
where 'r/o = 'r/(co, Po) and fJ = 'r/(£, p) are the final equilibrium entropy and
the per turbed initial entropy resp ect ively. Here we have regarded (10, p) as
ind ep endent variables instead of (p, B) for convenience. Expanding fJ in Taylor
series ar ound the equilibrium st ate, we obtain from (5.67)
Since total mass and total energy rem ain constant , we have
5.5 Stability of Equilibrium 145
and hence
Ej2"1 + -10"1)1
+ ( -l -- - '('
P P - Po)2}dv::::: 0.
2 op 2 pop 0
In these relations, partial derivatives ar e t aken with resp ect to the vari ables
(E, p).
In order to give mor e suggestive meanings to the above conditions for
st ability, we shall reit erat e them in terms of the indepe ndent vari abl es (p,O) .
In making this change of var iables we must admit the invert ibility of eip, 0)
with resp ect to the temperature, i.e., OE/OO -I O. To avoid confu sion , vari abl es
held constant in partial differentiations will be indic at ed .
146 5. E nt ro py Principle
ory I 1 Oryl
u£:lE p 8' op e
and by the use of the chain rule for t he change of vari abl es (see Exercise
5.5.1) , we have
oB I
- oB
1-1 p ,
op e = - op IJ oB p
02ry I 2 ory I p oe I 1 op I
Op2 e + Pop e = p2B2 op e - p2B op € '
T herefore, in terms of the vari abl es (p, B) , th e st abil ity condit ion (5.69)
reduces to
oB > 0, (5.71)
since we have already admit ted that &/oB =f. 0, and the conditi on (5.70),
afte r simplific ations, impli es
Obviously, these condit ions are restrictions on the const it ut ive fun ctions
ei p , B) and p(p, B).
We have shown that the st ability of equilibrium requires t hat: (1) the spe-
cific heat at constant volume (equivalently at constant densit y) , c; = oE/oB,
must be positive; (2) the isothermal compressibil ity (see Exercise 5.5.3) must
be non-negative. Some other impli cat ions of st abili ty condit ions are given in
t he exercises.
5.5 Stability of Equilibrium 147
1) oulovl -1
ov w ou w - ,
2) au I ov I ow I --1
ov wow uou v - .
cp aryl p
= 8 08 spe cific heat at constant pr essure,
a - ~ ov I
- v 08 p
coefficient of thermal expansion,
KT = - ~ ov I isothermal compressibility.
v op 0
op OV 2
Cp = Cv - 8 OV 0 08
I 1
in which the condit ion (5.26) may be used. Furthermore, from (5.72)
148 5. E nt ropy Principle
show that
2 1
cp ~ c v , 0::::; (}v Cp liT'
Therefore, both cp and liT are positive, and 0: must vanish if liT te nds to
zero . Not e t hat the specifi c heat at constant volume can also be defined
To est ablish a stability crite rion for a material syste m under a different condi-
tion , on e may try to find a decreasing function of t ime A(t) from the balan ce
laws and the ent ropy inequ ality in integral forms . Such a function is called
the availabilit y4 of the syste m, since it is t he qu antity available to the system
for its expe nse in the course toward equilibrium. In the previous example,
from (5.66h one may define the availability A of the syste m as
dt v
pn d» + (}1
0 J8 V
a nda ~ 0.
Elimination of the terms cont aining surface int egrals from ab ove, gives
is the total free energy if () = ()o throughout the body. Therefore, it follows
that for a body with constant uniform temperature in a fixed region the
availability A reduces to the sum of the free energy and the kin et ic energy.
Summari zing the above two sit uat ions, we can st at e the following ther-
modynamic stability criteri a of equilibrium:
1) For a body with fixed adiabati c boundary and constant energy, th e en-
tropy tends to a m aximum in equilibrium .
We have seen in this sect ion that thermodyn ami c st ability crite ria, like
the ent ropy principle, impose further restrictions on properti es of the consti-
tutive functions, nam ely, sp ecific heat and compressibility must be posi tiv e.
On the other hand , such crite ria, besides being used in analyzing st ability of
solutions, are the basic principles for the formul ation of equilibrium solut ions
in t erms of minimization (or maximi zation) problems.
A= r
p(C:-() oTJ+
+~v .v)dv.
We consider a body consist ing of two ph ases wit h different material prop-
ert ies. The int erface will be considered as a movin g singular sur face so that
the phase t ransit ion may progress within t he body with a conti nuous and
piecewise smooth deform ation and t emperature (see [41]). Accepting the as-
sumption (5.9) 1 , the jump condit ion (5.8h of ent ropy becomes
the kin ematic compatibility condition (2.26), the jump condition of ent ropy
t akes the form (see (2.88) of Exercise 2.5.3) ,
where (A) = ~(A+ + A-) is the mean value of A at the inter face. We can
rewrit e the last t erm in the above expression as
Here, we have introduced Eshelby 's ener gy-momentum ten sor ([20]), or sim-
ply the Eshelby tensor, in the reference configuration by
1 T
PK = 'lj;1 - - F TK , (5.76)
'lj; = c:-Bry
is the free energy densi ty .
The cond it ion (5.75) characterized the process of phase t ransition , and
we can regard t he left-hand sid e as a function of t he interface velocity UK' the
normal n K , and other properties of the materials adjacent to the interface.
wh ere X stands for the other variables involved. Assuming that the fun ction
is smooth, then sin ce 1(0 , X) = 0, we have t he following cond it ion for 1 to
at tain its minimum at UK = 0,
We can rewrite the Eshelby t ensor in terms of the Cauchy stress t ensor
T and the mas s density p in the present configuration, from (2.84h
Not e that the Eshelby t ensor is not symmet ric, in general, but, of cour se, only
the symmetric part is involved in the condit ion (5.77) of phase equilibrium.
Moreover, at the singular surface with unit normal n in the present
configur at ion, since from (2.28h ,
pT n
nt<. = IF T n j '
the condit ion of phase equi librium (5.77) becomes
01, _ ~ r« . Bn ] = 0,
[ 'f/ P n . Bn (5.78)
g = 1/J+ P- (5.79)
is continuous at the fluid-fluid interface. The free enthalpy is also known as
the Gibbs fr ee ene rgy.
For solids , if the normal n is in the princip al direction e, of the stress
tensor T,
i = 1, 2, 3,
where Pi is the pr essure on the surface perp endicular to the dir ection e. .
Then the condition (5.78) becomes
This result was est ablished by Gibbs [23] as a generaliza tion of t he phase
equilibrium condition of fluids to non -hydrostatic ally st ressed solids .
6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
T = tal + hB + t 2B2,
ti = ti(IB, II B,IIIB),
or , alte rnat ively, from (4.27) ,
T = sol + sI B + s- IB- I ,
s, = si(IB ,IIB ,III B ),
where I B, II B, III B are the three principal invari ants of the left Cauchy-
Gr een te nsor B.
T(B) = 2 o¢(B) B
p oB '
81 = 2p oI B ' (6.3)
8- 1 = - 2pIII B""~'"
Similar relations for t i have been given in (5.34) .
For incompressibl e isot ropic elast ic materials, we can write
o¢ o¢
81 = 2p 01 B ' 8_ 1 = - 2P o II ' (6.5)
The undeterminat e pre ssure p can not be det ermined from t he deformation.
The simplest model for incompressible isotropic mat erials is to t ake the
linear form for the st rain energy fun ction
where a and (3 are constants. This defines a Moon ey-Rivlin material. The
stress tensor becomes
where, from (6.5) , 8 1 = 2pa and 8- 1 = -2p(3 are const ant s. This incom-
pressible material model is often adopted as the constitutive equat ion for
rubber-like materials . Experimental data indicate that bo th a and (3 are pos-
iti ve.! and the numerical valu e of (3 is much smaller t han t hat of a , typic ally,
say (3 ~ . Therefore , experimental evidence seems to support
TB=BT. (6.10)
In particular , for a deformation such that the physical components B (13) =
B (23) = 0, since , according to (6.2) or (6.4) , T( 13) an d T (23) also vanish, the
only non-trivial relatio n of (6.10) is t he expression for the (12)-COmponent,
which reads
T (11) - T (22) B (11) - B (22)
T (12) B (12)
T he relations (6.10) and (6.11) between st ress and deformation do not dep end
on any partic ular constit uti ve funct ion, and thus t hey are called un iversal
relation s of isotropic elastic materials, compressible or incompressible . Rela-
tions of this kind ar e very import ant for expe rimental verificati on of mat er ial
models, since they reflect a dir ect consequence from t he material symmet ry
withou t having to know the const it utive fun ction its elf.
divT(P) + pb = px , (6.12)
where T" = J T p - T is t he Piol a-Kirchhoff st ress te nsor and p" is the mass
density in the reference configurati on K . The exte rnal body force b is usually
given in a specific problem .
A boundary valu e pr oblem in elastic bodies is a problem of finding so-
lutions, x = X(X , t) , of (6.12), or (6.13) , with certain boundar y conditions.
The following t hree ty pes of boundar y condi tions are ofte n consid ered .
156 6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
1) Traction boundary condition: The forces acting on the boundary are pre-
where i; denotes external surface forces exerted on the boundary and
n", denotes the outward unit normal in the reference configuration (see
(2.91)) .
2) Place boundary condition: The position of the boundary is prescribed,
divT( F) + pb = 0, (6.18)
for incompressibl e elast ic bodies. No addit ional boundar y condit ions are pre-
scrib ed , instead , the boundary tractions are to be det ermined from (6.14) . In
the case of incompressibl e bodies, the pr essure field must be suitably chosen
so as t o satisfy the equilibrium equa t ion.
In general, a controllabl e deform at ion for a certain elast ic mat erial may
not be controllable for a different elast ic mater ial , since the equilibrium equa-
tion dep end s on the constit ut ive equat ion. If a deformation fun ction is con-
trollabl e for a certain typ e of elast ic mat erials, it will be called a universal
solution of such materials. It has been shown by Ericksen ([16] or Sect . 91 of
[71]) t ha t homo geneous deform ations are the only class of universal solutions
for compressible isotropic elast ic bodies. However , being allowed t o choose a
suitable pressure field in order to satisfy the equilibrium equation gives an
additiona l freedom for possible solu tions in the case of incompressible bod ies.
And ind eed , there are several other well-known classes of universal solut ions
for incompressible elastic bodies. The sear ch for universal solutions is known
as "Ericksen' s problem" in t he lit erature.? We shall consider som e of these
solut ions in the succeeding sect ions.
6 .3 Homogeneous Stretch
where t he coefficient s 8i = 8 i(AI , A~ , A5) and for incompressible bodies,
A1A2A3 = 1. In t he following we shall consider the cases of uni axi al and
biaxi al st retc hes .
For uni axial st retch in the x-direct ion, the lat er al st resses must vanish.
Therefore, for compressible bodies,
T ( yy ) = 8 0 + 8 1 A~ + 8-1A22 = 0,
T (z z ) = 8 0 + 81 A5 + 8 _1 \3 = o.
Taking the difference between T(x x) and T (yy ) , we then obt ain the axial st ress,
which implies a symmetric solut ion A2 = A3' and perhap s an asy mmet ric
solution A2 :f. A3' The asy mmet ric solut ion would be impossibl e if t he E-
inequ alities, 8 1 > 0 and 8 - 1 ::::: 0, are valid.
If 8i = 8i ( AI, A~ , A5) are known, the equat ions (6.21) may be solved for A2
and A3 in t erms of AI. Then , (6.22) det ermines the axi al st ress T (x x ) uniquely
in te rms of t he axi al exte nsion AI. On the other hand , since the stress T (x x )
an d the extensions AI, A2 are measur able quantiti es, t he relation (6.22) may
be used for t he experime ntal determination of 8 1 and 8 - 1, while 8 0 ca n be
det ermined dir ectly from (6.21).
6.3 Homogeneou s Stretch 159
For incompre ssible bodies, since Al A2A3 = 1 and if, in addit ion, we
assume A2 = A3, then we have
where s, = si (Ai, A~) . Since cross-s ect ional areas change aft er deformation ,
it is mor e convenient to measure Piola-Kirchhoff st resses as forces per unit
reference area. From (2.84), T" = JTF - T , t he Piola-Kirchhoff stresses are
given by
160 6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
t tt tt tt tt tt
+- ,------------. ~
+- ~
+- ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' ~
Fig. 6 .1. Biaxial st retc h
Now, consid er the body as a squar e sheet of rubber, load ed on four lateral
surfaces with equa l forces, F l = F2 . Intuitively, one would expec t t he rubber
sheet to rem ain square at leas t if the forces are not t oo lar ge. However , not
onl y shall we see that it may also become a rect angular one, but also t he
square one is unst able as long as the loading is large enough.
6.4 Symmetric Loading of a Square Sheet 161
which immediate ly gives the symmetric solution, )'1 = A2. Since AI , A2'
and h ar e positive qu antities, no other solut ion exists if hAl A2 < 1, which
incid entally rul es out the possibility for an asymmet ric solut ion in t he case
of neo-Hookean mat erials (h = 0) .
o !l
7 7
s s
(1)) FI > F2
The asy mmetric solution may exist and ca n be found from t he equa t ion
For such a solution, in genera l, Al and A2 ar e different, and the square sheet
becomes rectangular after st retching . In Fig. 6.2(a) we have plotted Al again st
A2 for a typi cal valu e h = 0.1 (say) . The straight line represents the symmet ric
soluti on Al = A2' and the curve corresponds to the asy mmet ric solut ion
Al -I=- A2· The point, the bifurcation po int B , wher e the two intercept each
other has the value AB = Al = A2 = 3.1685.
In t he linear theory of elast icity, solutions of traction boundary valu e
problems, (6.18) and (6.14) , ar e unique up to a rigid deformation , and hence
t he st ress fields are unique. However , for large enough forces, there are two
possible solutions with different st ress fields , corres ponding to the one with
Al = A2 and the other with Al -I=- A2' to the t raction boundar y valu e problem
of a square sheet with biaxial symmetric loading. Therefore, it is clear that ,
unlike t he linear theory, one should not expect unqualified uniqueness of
162 6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
solu tions to the boundary valu e problems for theories of finit e deformation ,
in general.
When a squar e sheet is slowly st ret ched with equal forces F 1 = F 2 , it
will remain square when Al < AB. As the stretch Al reaches the valu e AB'
on e may ask whether the sheet will remain square or become rect an gular, the
two possible solut ions. In other words, which one is a stable solution?
In order to answer this qu estion , we shall consider an imp erfect problem
for which the square sheet is stretched with unequal forces F1 = (1 + E)F2 ,
namely, F 1 is slightly larger than F 2 • From (6.23) we obtain the following
equat ion,
This is a relation between A2 and Al for a given valu e of E. The equ ation ca n
be solved numerically and the results are plotted in Fig. 6.2(b) for E = 0.005
and h = 0.1. It is interesting to note that there ar e also two solution curves,
but they do not intercept each other . They approach the two int ercepting
curves for F 1 = F 2 when E approaches zero. Therefore, in stret ching a square
sheet by equ al forces, it is clear that beyond the bifurcation point B, any
t iny imbalance of forces will ca use the sheet to change into a rectan gular
shape with the long side along t he dir ection of the slightly larger force, i.e.,
Al > A2 for F 1 > F 2. This is what would happen most probabl y because it is
extremely difficult to keep the forces "exactly" equal by any practical means .
Therefore, we conclude that beyond the bifurcation point, the symmet ric
solution is unstable.
The st ability of a squar e sheet under symmetric biaxial stret ching may also
be analyzed via a t hermodynamic crit erion following the pro cedure discussed
in Sect . 5.5.
Con sider a body in a region V at a uniform constant temperature and
free of ext ernal supplies, t hen we have from the energy equat ion (2.68) ,
~lp(E+~x ,x)dV+
dt v 2
r (q-Tx) ·nda=O,
dt v
q ·nda20. (6.27)
~ 1
dt v
p('lj! + ~x . x) dv -
r x · Tn da <
0, (6.28)
6.4 Symmetric Load ing of a Squa re Sheet 163
where 'ljJ = E - {}ry is the free energy. If t he region occupied by the body in
t he reference state is denot ed by VI< then the above conditio n can be written
in t he reference st ate as
164 6. Isotropi c E las t ic Solids
dA < 0. (6.31)
dt -
T his allows us to establish a stability criterion for th e deform ation of the
square sheet. The availability A(t) is a decreasin g function of time. Therefore,
if we assume the deformed state characterized by t he stret ches (>'1 , 'x2) is a
stable equilibrium st ate, then any small perturbation from this state will
event ually return to this st at e as t ime t ends to infinity. Suppose t hat such a
perturbation is represented by a pro cess ()\1 (t) , A2(t)) , it follows that
and hence by the conditi on (6.31) the availability A(t) = A(Al(t), A2(t)) will
at tain its minimum at ('xl, 'x2). This crite rion is equivalent to the following
conditi ons:
and t he matrix
8 A
8 Ar
I 8 AI
E E -
OA l OA2 E 2: 0,
where t he equa t ions are evalua t ed at the equilibrium state and t he overhead
bar s are suppressed for simplicity. Not e that they are identi cal to th e relati ons
6.4 Symmetric Loading of a Squar e Sheet 165
O l--------------~Ioo<:::-------I
-4 l....-_ _...L-_ _.....L..._ _---'-_ _ - - - l _" - -_ ..l--_ ------l
1 + >.4>.2 + h ( >.4
+ >'22) ;:::: 0, (6.35)
1 2 1
3 3 3 3
(1 + >.4>.2
1 2
+ h( >.41 + >.D) (1 + >.4>.2
2 1
+ h( >.42 + >.i))
- C3 3+ 2h>'I>'2f ;: : o.
1 2
Let t he left-hand side of t he relat ion (6.36) be denoted by f(>'I' >'2), t hen we
which is the condit ion for an equilibrium st ate (>'1, >'2) to be st able.
For symmet ric loading, putting F1 = F2 , from the equat ions (6.34) we
recover the relation (6.24) , which gives t he symmetric solution >'1 = >'2 and
the asy mmet ric solu tion >'1 =I- >'2 given by (6.25) .
We have plotted the fun ction f(>', >') against >. for t he symmetric solut ion
in Fig. 6.3 for h = 0.1. This shows that t he function f(>', >') is posi tiv e for
>. < >'B = 3.1685, which corresponds to the bifurcation point in Fig. 6.2(a) ,
and therefore, according to the condit ion (6.37) , t he symmet ric solut ion is
stable. However , beyond the value >'B, the fun ct ion f(>', >') becomes negativ e
and hence the square sheet is no longer stable.
For an asymmet ric solution >'1 =I- >'2 , from the condition (6.25) one can
solve for >'2 in t erms of >'1 so that >'2 = g(>'d and hence f(>'I ,g(>'d) becomes
166 6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
a function of Al only. Doing this numerically, we can easily verify the condition
(6.37) by plotting the function f(AI' A2) against AI , as shown in Fig. 6.4, from
which we conclude that the asymmetric solution is always stable. Hence , a
square sheet turns into a rectangular one when symmetric loading gradually
increases beyond the bifurcation point."
x =X + KY, Y = Y, z = Z,
~ ~], (6.38)
o 1
and its inverse
3 See also the stability analysis in [32, 56] and more discussions in [18].
6.5 Simple She ar 167
(l(K,2) = Sl (K,2) - 8- 1 (K,2)
is called the shear modulus of the material. For a small K" then
on the surfaces of the block, since from the above relation the two normal
stresses can not vanish simultaneously or even be equal to each other unless
there is no shear at all. Moreover, the normal stress difference is a second-
order effect in the amount of shear according to (6.40) and (6.42) . Therefore,
the normal stress difference is more significant than the discrepancy in the
shear stress as an indication for the departure from the classical theory. The
existence of a normal stress difference is usu ally known as the Poynting effect
or simply as the normal stress effect.
T (x y )
Exercise 6.5.1 Let the normal stress and shear stress on the slanted
surface, corresponding to the surface in the reference state X = X o, of
the block be denoted by Nand S, respectively (see Fig . 6.5) , show that
N = T (yy) - 1 + ,,;2 T (xy ) ,
S = --2T(xy ) '
6.6 Pure Shear of a Sq uare Block 169
For infinitesimal 1'\" if the second-order terms in I'\, are neglected, it follows
t hat N c::' T (yy ) and S c::' T (xy ) .
Ai + 1'\,2 A~ I'\,A~ 0]
[B (ij )] = I'\, A~ A~ 0 , (6.44)
o 0 A~
and its inverse
1 I'\,
A21 - A2
I'\, 1 1'\,2
[(B-1) (ij )] = - A21 A22 + A21 0
0 0
170 6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
For isotropic elastic body, the stress tensor T (ij ) can be calculated from (6.2)
for a compressible body or from (6.4) for an incompressible body. In partic-
ular, the shear stress on the surface, Y = Yo , is given by
Unlike the case of simple shear discussed in the previous section, for a
fixed n ; it is now possible to det ermine the three constants AI , A2 ' and A3
in such a way that three normal stresses vanish on the surface of the block.
In the case of an incompressib le body, the three conditions for vanishing
normal stresses can be used to det ermine AI, A2 and the pr essure p, while
the condition of incompressibility, A1A2A3 = 1, determines A3'
",>'2 82
e €2
€1 A
Fig . 6.6 . Pure shear
We obtain
It is interesting to point out that this relat ion is also a universal relation for
elastic bodies and it admits a very simple geometric int erpret ation, nam ely,
OA = OB , as shown in F ig. 6.6. Furthermore, from (6.49) t he stress tensor
relative to t he product basis {ei ® ej} t akes t he following simple form ,
Ai 1
T = T (xy ) = "'(81 -1 +-'"2- 8-1\2)
' (6.51)
4 See a lso t he derivation in [61] and more d iscussion on pure shear in [48].
172 6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
Besides the vanishing of normal stresses, the shear stresses on the surfaces,
X = X o and Y = Yo , are equal, i.e., 8 1 = 8 2 = T. Such a state of stress is
called a pure shear. Thus we have seen that to effect a state of pure shear on
a square block , it is only necessary to apply equal shear stresses on the four
surfaces. The amount of shear I'\, and the stretches Al and A2 are adjusted
in such a way that the length of the four sides remains the same. A square
block becoming a rhombic block is also what one would expect intuitively in
a pure shear.
To determine the stretches for a given amount of 1'\" explicit constitutive
expressions would be needed. As an example, for a neo-Hookean material
given by (6.9) , we have the contravariant components of the stress
fij = _p gi j + 81 jjij ,
where the metric tensor gi j = ei . ej is given by
0 ,
o 1
Show that the universal relation (6.50) follows directly from this equation
relative to the basis {eJ and the conditions i» = f22 = O.
6.7 Finite Deform ation of Spher ical Shells 173
Exercise 6.6 .2 Show that the right stretc h tensor U and the rotation
te nsor R of t he deformation gradient P in (6.43) with the condit ion
(6.50) are given by
sin 0
cos O [R(i{3 )]
cos O sinO
= -sin 0 cos 0 0 ,
o [ o 0 1
where 0 is half the angle between t he base vectors e2and e2 (see Fig. 6.6)
t an 20 = n:
Verify that the vectors (1,1 ,0) and (-1 ,1 ,0) are eigenvect ors of U and
hen ce, this deformation is a biaxial stret ch along two diagonals of the
undeformed square (such a deformation is often called a "pure shear" in
the liter ature) followed by a rotat ion that brings the base back to the
hori zontal position. Note the difference between this and t he results for
t he simple shea r in Example 1.2.1.
r = r (R ), 0 = 8, ¢ = c P, (6.52)
[pial =
01 00] ,
[ o 0 c
[ ~ ~ ~] .
o ]
r sinO
o c .
o 0 c-
R Slll R
The matrix of the left Cauchy- Green tensor is t hen
174 6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
c R2 r' = 1,
Hence we obtain
c = ±1. (6.53)
wh ere A is an integration constant.
It is easy to verify that the deformation given by (6.52) and (6.53) is
a controllable universal solution for incompressible isotropic materials. The
equilibrium equation (6.19) in the spherical coordinate system (r,B,¢) now
reads (see (A.83))
8T(rr) 2
->:>- = --(T(rr) - T(oo»),
or r
8p 8p
()(} = 0, 8¢ = O.
Hence we have
All the other stress components are zero . Moreover, the material parameters
81 and 8 -1 ar e functions of r ,
6.7 Finite Deformation of Spher ical Shells 175
4 dr
d~ = ( ~ - c~ )- , (6.58)
and hence, f (r) becomes
This deformation is an eversion that turns the shell inside ou t . Since for
Ro < R 1 we have A - R~ > A - Rr , and henc e r o = r(Ro) > r 1 = r(Rd , in
other words, the inn er sur face becomes the outer sur face aft er deformation
and vice versa . Moreover , for t his to be physically possible, it is necessar y
that r1 be positiv e, or th e constant A must satisfy
where the materi al paramet ers 81 and 8 -1 are fun ctions of R = (A - r 3)1/3
and r .
The constant A is to be det ermined as a solution of t he above equation
for a tracti on-free everted state. We can show that such a solut ion exists for
any incompressible isotropic materials if the E-inequaliti es (6.8) hold and the
sh ell is not too thick. Indeed , by the mean value theor em for definit e integrals,
we have
from (6.61) , for some value f su ch that r o ~ f ~ rl' Since 81 > 0 and 8 -1 :::; 0,
it implies
f2 R(f) 4
R(r) 2 - ~ =0 .
The only real positive root of this equat ion is R(f) = i', or (A - f3 )1/3 = i',
or equivalent ly,
2R~ :::; A :::; 2Rr.
Since, from (6.60) , the constant A mu st also be greater t han Rt , we conclude
that the sh ell can always be everted if Rt < 2R~ . In other words, if t he
t hickness (R 1 - R o) is less t han (ij2 - 1) times (or about 26% of) t he inner
radius R o, it is po ssible t o turn the shell inside out freely for any incompress-
ible isotropic elastic materi als . It has been proved by Ericksen [17] t hat the
eversion is possible for Mooney-Rivlin materi als.
We have seen here another example of non-uniquen ess of a traction
boundary value problem , that for a spherical sh ell with null traction, there
are at least two pos sible solutions, namely, the undeformed state with zero
stresses and the everted equilibrium st ate, with non-vanishing stresses in the
For a shell of radius Ro :::; R :::; R 1, t he inner and the outer surfaces mu st be
6.7 Finite Deformation of Spherical Shells 177
where ro = r(Ro) and rl = r(Rd are the inner and the outer radii of the
shell in the deformed configuration. Let [P] = Po - PI denote the pressure
difference between the inner and the outer surfaces, then
and A= R ' (6.65)
rl = aARo, (6.66)
. JRl
a = 1.500 ......
u = 1.200 -
u = 1.001
O L.....L._ _---L_ _ ---I. ' - -_ _..L...-_ _....L..-_ _....J
2 3 4 5 G 7
a = D (1 - ~:) ( 8 1 - 8- 1 ~: ) .
Note that even though the pressure cur ve is non-monotone, one ca n easily
verify t hat the sur face tension is a monotone increasin g fun ction of radius if
the E-inequa lities (6.8) hold.
6.8 Stability of Spherical Shells 179
Let the spheri cal shell lie in a region V between avo and avl , where
Vo and VI ar e spherical balls with radii ro and rl , resp ect ively (Fi g. 6.8) .
Assume that the shell is subject t o uniform temperature 0 and free from
ext ernal sup plies. Then with t he same consi deration leading to (6.28) , we
~ p('¢ + ~v . v)dv -
dt Jv 2 J&V
rv · Tnda < 0, (6.68)
where '¢ = E - 0TJ is t he free energy. Moreover , from the boundar y condit ions
180 6. Isotropic Elastic Solids
(6.63) , we have
v . Tn da = Pa r
r v . n da
v · n da - PI
i; (6.69)
= [P] ~ r dv - PI ~ r dv = [P] dVa ,
dt lvo dt lVI- vo dt
In this derivation , we have used the relation (2.10) and the incompressibility
condition that the volume of V = VI - Va does not change. We have also
denoted Va as the volume of the spherical region Va .
Combining (6.68) and (6.69) , we obtain for quasi-st atic problems (with
negligible accelerat ion)
dt v
J dVa < O.
p'l/Jdv - [P]-
dt -
From the expressions (6.71) and (6.57) for the free energy, we obtain afte r
simple differentiations,
7 5
D { 8 1 (R-
F(r) = 2- -
-7) -
8- 1 ( - -
. (6.72)
R r r R r
Therefore , we have the following st abili ty condit ions:
The first condition is merely the pressure-radius relation (6.67) , while the
other condition impli es that the pr essure-radius curve F(r) must have a
positive slope at a stable equilibrium st at e.
Therefore, the branch with negative slope in the pr essure-rad ius cur ve
shown in Fig. 6.7 (with a = 1.001 for thin shells) corresponds to uns t abl e
equilibrium st ates under pr escribed constant int ernal and external pr essures.
A simil ar ana lysis for thick spherical shells also leads t o t he same conclusion
for stability [42] .
For an enclosed spherical shell, if we assume t ha t the air inside the shell is an
ideal gas, then the int ernal pressure is inversely proportional to the int erior
volume un der isothermal conditions (Boyle's law) . Therefore, for the pr esent
case we suppose t hat t he exte rnal pr essure PI is const ant while t he int ernal
pr essure Po is given by
Po = Vo ' (6.74)
where k is a const an t .
We can rewrite the condit ion (6.70) as
dr = 41rr 2(F(r) - Vk +Pl ) ,
where F( r) is given by (6.72) . The equilibrium condit ion becomes
V - PI = Po - PI = F(f) , (6.75)
by (6.74) . This is again the pressure-radius relation (6.67) .
Moreover , the second derivative of A is
d A ( ) 2 (dF (r) k dVO )
dr 2 = 81rr F( r) - Po + PI + 41rr ~ + V02 dr .
d r? dr r
r=r r=r (6.76)
~ 12"G d~~) + F(r) + p, :> 0,
where (6.74) and (6.75) have been used . By the use of (6.72) , aft er a simple
calculat ion, we obtain the expression
7 5
- 4D
- - +F(r) = - - {81( R R )
- +2- - 8- 1( r + -R
2- ) } ,
3 dr 3R r r7 R 5 r
whi ch is always positive if the E-inequalities (6.8) hold s. T herefore, for this
case t he st ability condition (6.76) is identically satisfied at any equ ilibrium
st ate . In other word s, every equilibrium st at e is st abl e.
It is worthwhile to emphasize that t he st abili ty condit ions depend on
the par ti cular sit uat ion a body happens to encounter. For different sit uations
t he st ability condit ions are, in general, differ ent as we have seen in the ab ove
Exercise 6 .8 .1 Proceed with a similar ana lysis to det ermine the equi-
librium and t he stability conditions for
1) thick spheric al shells subject to pr escribed constant pressures,
2) enclosed spherical shells of finite thickness.
5 A d iffer ent stability a nalysis for these examples can be found in Sect. 8.3, [55].
See a lso [56].
7. Thermodynamics with Lagrange Multipliers
T he entropy principle based on the Claus ius- Duhem inequa lity has been
widely adopted in t he development of mod ern rational t hermody na mics , after
the fund am ent al memoir of Colem an and Noll [11]. T he main assumptions,
s= O r, (7.1)
while at least tacit in all classical t heories of cont inuum mechani cs, are not
par ti cularl y well motivat ed for mat erials in general. In fact, the relation (7.1h
is known t o be inconsist ent with the result from the kinetic theory of ideal
gases, and is also found to be inappropriate to account for thermodynam-
ics of diffusion . Other assumptions an d formul ations of the second law of
t hermody namics have been proposed elsewhere, " In [50] Muller proposed to
abandon t he assumpt ion (7.1h by t reating t he ent ropy flux cP and the energy
flux q as ind ep end ent constit ut ive quantities and hence leaving the ent ropy
inequ ality in it s general form ,
s=0 if r = 0 and b = 0,
which is certainly much weaker t ha n the ass umption (7.1h . He argued t hat
since constit ut ive prop erti es of a mat erial should not dep end on external
supplies, in exploit ing const it ut ive restrictions it suffices to consider only
supply-free bodies. For supply-free bodi es, the ent ropy inequality becomes
It has been shown that the ent ropy pr inciple imposes severe restricti ons
on constitut ive functions and the exploit at ion for such restricti ons based on
I For more genera l discu ssion s a nd historical not es on the second law of t he rmo-
dyn am ics, see [69].
the Clausius-Duhem inequality are relatively easy. On the other hand , the
exploitation of the entropy principle based on the general entropy inequality
(7.3) for supply-free bodies, first considered by Muller ([52, 53]) was much
more difficult and later its procedure has been improved greatly by the use
of Lagrange multipliers in a more systematic manner proposed by Liu [37] .
In this chapter we shall illustrate the procedure for exploiting the entropy
principle by the use of Lagrange multipliers for viscous heat-conducting fluids.
For convenience, we shall use component notations in a Cartesian coordinate
system for mathematical manipulations, which are often simpler.
The determination of the basic fields {p(x , t), Vi(X, t), B(x , t)} are based on
the balance laws, which, for a supply-free body, can be written as
p + PVk ,k = 0,
PVi - Tik,k = 0, (7.4)
pi + qk,k - TikVi,k = 0.
mus t hold for every thermodyn am ic pro cess in supply-free bodies. T he spe-
cific ent ropy density 1] and t he ent ropy flux If>i are also const it ut ive qu antities,
To exploit the consequence of the inequ ality (7.8) , we first observe t hat
since constit utive functions are indep endent of the velocity Vi, the inequ ality
contains an explicit te rm linear in Vi. It s coefficient, the Lagrange multiplier
AVi, mus t vanish because the inequality must hold for any field Vi( Xm , t) ,
and , in particular , for any valu e of Vi at any par ti cular position and t ime .
Therefore, we have
and t he inequ ality afte r t he const it ut ive equations are introduced becom es
186 7. Th ermodynamics with Lagrange Multipliers
Note that t he above inequality is linear in p, iJ , (e,k)", Dkl ' and P,k' e,lk, D jl ,k
and by the same ar gument, it must hold for an y values of t hese qu antities.
Therefore, t he coefficients of these derivatives mus t vanish, which lead s t o
the following resul ts :
OPk _ At:oqk =0
op op ,
( Oe,l
+ OPI) _ At:(Oqk + Oql) _ 0 (7.11)
Oe,k Oe,l Oe,k - ,
( oD
OPI ) _ At: (Oqk
oD j l
oD j k
-- 0 .
jl jk
In obtaining (7.11h,3' we hav e taken into account the symmetry of t he second
derivatives, therefore only t he symme t ric parts of t he ir coefficients need t o
vanish. Mor e specifically, the t erm involvin g Djl ,k ca n be writ t en as
Indeed , if we denote the left-hand side of (7.12) by Hlt then H;l = H~ and
the relation (7.11h becomes
which implies t ha t
l -
H jkl -- - HIjk -- - H kj - n!kl -- tt:lk -- - H lj -- -
k n:j l '
and hen ce H;l = o.
and the heat flux, together with the fact that they are isotropic functions,
imply the following parallel relation,
and the Lagrange multiplier AE: does not depend on e,i and D ik. The proof
of this claim is not trivial, in general , and will be given in Sect. 7.4.
Since now we have
AE: = AE:(p ,e) ,
from (7.13), the relation (7.llh implies that
ap qk = O.
Of course, qk -I- 0, in general, therefore AE: must be ind ep endent of the density,
Furthermore, from (7.1Oh and (7.1Oh , the integrability condition for 1] with
respect to e and e,k gives
which shows that E is independent of e,k since we will not consider the possi-
bility of AE: being a constant , in general. Similarly, the integrability condition
with respect to e and D k l from (7.10h and (7.10)4 leads to the independence
of E from D k l . Therefore, we conclude that
Aft er elimination of those linear t erms, the inequ ality (7.8) becomes
The left-hand side , denoted by 0", is the entropy production density, which is
a non-negative quantity for any values of (p, e, e,k , D ik ). We call a state with
no entropy production an equilibrium state. Since 0" t akes its minimum value
188 7. Thermodynamics with Lagrange Multipliers
where the index 0 indicates the evaluation at the equilibrium state and the
equilibrium pressure p is defined as
Hence , we have
Therefore, by comparison with the Gibbs relation (5.25) for elastic fluids in
thermostatics, we can identify the Lagrange multiplier AE as the reciprocal
of the absolute temperature B,
tf>k = e1
qk, (7.20)
which assures that the entropy flux is the heat flux divided by the absolute
temperature for the fluid under consideration. This is what is usually taken
as an assumption for Clausius-Duhem inequality.
With (7.19) and (7.20) the remaining inequality (7.16) becomes
Further consequences from the remaining inequality (7.21) will only concern
the linear terms of the constitutive functions . Therefore, up to the first-order
terms in the gradient B,rn and D rn n , we may write
where Dik = D ik - 1DnnOik is the traceless part (or deviatoric part , see
(4.36)) of o.;
Since the trace D kk and the traceless part Dik are mutually ind ependent ,
the left-hand side of t he inequality is quadratic in three indepe ndent variables
{O,k, Dkk, Did , and hence it follows that t he thermal conduct ivity, and t he
bulk and the shear viscositi es, are positive (see (4.37)) ,
These inequalit ies ensure t hat t he heat flux points in the dir ection to t he
colder region and that the fluid par ticl es t end to flow in t he dir ection of a
shear force.
We consider a system of linear algebraic equa tions with an inequ ality con-
st raint . Suppose t hat we have a linear syste m of m equations and n unknowns
The ent ro py principle requires that the const it ut ive fun ctions b e imposed in
such a way that t he ent ropy inequ ality is satisfied for any solutions of t he
balan ce equations. For the algebraic relations (7.24) and (7.25) , we ca n also
pose t he following problem :
Wh at conditions mu st be imposed on th e m atrix A and th e vector B
so th at every solution of th e linear sys tem (7.24) will always satisfy the
inequality cons traint (7.25) ?
This is simil ar to the problem of exploit ing t he ent ropy princip le, bu t is much
simpler of course , becau se it is purely an algebraic one . The answer is state d
in t he following lemma [37] .
Proof It is obvi ous that t he condit ion (2) im plies the condition (1) . To prove
the converse, let us observe that the condit ion (7.27) can be written as
D:b - AaA ab = 0,
,6 - AaBa ~ O.
Indeed , if this do es not hold , then for some index b, sup pose that D:b- AaA ab =j:.
O. Since X E JRn is arbitrar y, we can choose X i = 0 for any i =j:. b and Xb in
such a way that the inequality (7.28) is violated . Therefore (7.28) and (7.29)
are equivalent . To complete the proof of the lemma, we need only show that
(1) implies the existence of A so t hat (7.29) hold . The proof can better be
given in geomet ric te rms.
Let H = {X E JRn I D:bXb + ,6 ~ O} denote the half-space defined by t he
inequ ality (7.25) . Then the state ment (1) means t hat t he hyp erplan e S must
lie inside t he half-space H, or simply S c H . Let H; = {X E IRn I D:bX b = O}
be t he (n - 1)-d imension al hyp erplan e par allel to H and passing t hrough the
origin , and So = {X E JRn I AabXb = O} be the hyp erplan e par allel to S
and passing through the origin . Not e that bo th S o and Hi; are subspaces, and
7.3 Met hod of Lagrange Multipliers 191
dim So is smaller t han dim Hi; We claim that if the hyp erplane S is contained
in the half-space H then t he subspace So is also contained in the subspace
Hi; Since if this is not true, t hen there is some vector Z in So but not in H o.
T hen for any constant c, if Y E S , Y + cZ is also in S . But since Z tf- H o ,
which means t hat (XbZb i= 0, then it is possible to choose a value of c such
that (Xb(Yb + CZb) + j3 becomes negative. T his means that Y + cZ is not in
H , which contradicts the assumption S c H .
If we denote t he orthogonal complements of So and H o by S;- and H;- ,
respect ively, then it follows from So C Ho that S;- =:> H;-. Now, since a is in
H;-, therefore a is also a vector in S;-.
Since we know from linear algebra that
dim S;- = rank A , and t he row vectors of the matrix A a b with a = 1, · . . , m
are in S;-, this set of vectors span the space S;-. T herefore, there exists a A
such that a can be expressed as
(Xb - AaA a b = 0,
and the first part of (7.29) is proved . T he second part follows easily, because
for any X E S , we now have
192 7. Thermodynamics with Lagrange Multipliers
(Xb) = (p, Vi, iJ, (B ,i)", b.; P,i,{J,ij, Dij ,k),
(Yc) = (p,vi ,B,B,i,Dij) ,
for a = 1, .. . ,5, b = 1, . .. ,41, and c = 1, ... , 14. In counting the numbers of
corresponding components, symmetry of indices is taken into account. The
matrix A ab as well as B a , (Xb, 13 can all be written out easily. Their explicit
expressions are left as an exercise.
The entropy principle requires that the inequality (7.31) be satisfied
for any solution {p(x , t) , Vi(X, t), £(x, tn of the system of partial differential
equat ions (7.30) . This requirement will reduce to a purely algebraic problem
stated above if the following assumption can be justified.
Local solvability. The system (7.30) is locally solvable at (XO, to) iffor
any values of (Yc, Xb) satisfying (7.30) algebraically, there is a solution
{p(x, t), Vi(X, t) , £(x, t)} of the system of differential equations (7.30) in
a neighborhood of (XO, to) at which the solution is consistent with the
given values.
The local solvability assumption is the key point in employing the method
of Lagrange multipliers for the exploitation of the entropy principle. In most
"normal" situations, like the one we consider here, this assumption can be
justified. The justification is usually based on the existence of solutions for
initial-value problems.
In the present example, the balance laws (7.4) or (7.30) can be written
as a system of partial differential equations in the form :
In order to show that the syste m (7.33) is locally solvab le at (0,0) , we not e
that for the existence of a solution, we can give any values to all the elem ents
of (Yc' X b) except those five wit h time derivative, namely (p, Vi , il, ((},k)", Dij ),
aP av ' a(} ne . B»,
or equivalentl y, (at ' at' , at ' at ' a~'J) · T he first three of them can be cal-
culated so that (Yc, Xb) sat isfies (7.33). Therefore, t o complete our argument
av . a(} .
we on ly have to show t hat t he values of a~'J and at can also be given ar -
bitrarily at (0,0) . To see this , we take t he derivatives of the equat ion (7.33h,3
to obtain
OVi,j a IVi a IVi a IVi
7ft = 8 Pk P,kj + W(},kl
,klj + -a -- Vk,lmj + ... ,
-ee, = ( -OleP,kj + -
ole ole )(
- (},klj + - - - Vk,lmj + ... P-
&)-1 + ....
at 0Pk O(},kl OVk ,lrn oe
OV . o(} .
This equat ion can be satisfied for any given value of o~J and at by an ap-
propriate choice of values of the higher gradients of {p ,kj , (}klj , Vk,lrnj} , which
does not belong to the chosen values of (Yc, Xb) but for the existence of a
solution it is complet ely arbitrary. T his proves our claim that indeed for any
given values of (Yc, X b ) satisfying the system (7.33) algebraically at a point ,
there is a solution of the system in the neighborhood of that point. There-
fore, our problem of explo iting the entropy principle in this case red uces to
t he algebraic problem posed at t he beginning of this section, and the use of
Lagrange multipliers in the pr evious section is justified.
To justify the local solvab ility assumption for t he use of Lagrange mul-
tipliers in the exp loitation of the entropy principle usually requ ires a careful
analysis of t he system of field equat ions, and sometimes addit ional condi-
tions between the derivatives of the vari ables must be consi dered in order to
prove the local solvabi lity.e Of course, the exploit at ion of the entropy prin-
cip le can also be don e by dir ect eliminat ion of quantities imposed by the
equations of balan ce, albeit very tediously (see, for example, [53]). T he use
of Lagrange mu ltipliers greatly simplifies this task and makes the procedure
for the exploitation of the ent ropy princip le systematic and straightforward .
T hermodynamics with Lagrange mu ltipliers has sin ce become the routine
procedure in formulat ing constitutive theories.
qk = k B,k'
where k and ¢ are inde pe ndent of B,m and D mn . Then , t he condition (7.llh
implies t ha t
¢ = AEk,
which immediate ly lead s to the relation,
tJ>k = A qk,
and AE is independent of B,k and Dkj by int roducing t he above relation into
(7.11h and (7.12).
This is ind eed almost trivial , nevertheless, we rem ark that alt houg h gen-
eral represent ations for isotropic functions are well known, a dir ect proof of
t he parallel relation based on such representations (see (4.51)) would be too
complica te d if not ent irely impracti cal (such a pr oof has been given in [36]).
To prove the par allel relation between t he entropy flux and the heat flux,
from condit ions simil ar to the equat ions (7.11), is a ty pical probl em in ex-
ploiting thermodyn amic restrictions by the use of Lagrange multipliers with
the general ent ropy inequality, see for example: for viscous fluids [52], for
thermoelast ic solids [53] , for fluids and thermoelastic solids in elect romag-
net ic field [30,45], for rigid heat conduct ors [3] and for mixtures of fluids [54] .
This problem is usually trivial if linear const it ut ive relations are ass umed, as
we have seen ab ove. Otherwise, it can be quite difficult, even though such a
relation may st ill be expec te d . In the following , we shall treat this problem
without recourse to general representations for isotropic fun ctions considered
in Ch ap. 4. The proof will be based on the following lemma:
7.4 Relation Between Entropy Flux and Heat Flux 195
Proof If we define
oQF(l)[W] = 0,
for any W E Skw(V). Therefore we have, in the terms of component s,
On e can eas ily ext end the above lemma to the case for an isotropic vect or
fun ction of an arbit rary number of vect or and tensor variables.
Now we shall state the problem in the followin g theorem , but first let us
introduce the followin g abbreviations :
We shall cons ide r const it ut ive class es dep ending on an arbit rary number of
vector and tensor variables. Dependen ce of scalar variables is irrelevant in
isotropic fun ctions and hence will not be mentioned explicitl y.
( o va
+ OPj ) _ A( Oqi + Oqj ) = 0 (7.35)
ova o vC! o va '
J' J '
196 7. Thermodynamics with Lagrange Multipliers
Proof With the abbreviations (7.34), the assumption (i) implies that H Vi ;
is skew-symmetric,
ij + n-;
ji = 0, (7.38)
and the assumptions (ii) and (iii) give
where the summations are taken over all vector variables (including the vec-
tors va and all other vectors u) and all tensor variables, respectively.
Multiplying the second equation with A and subtracting it from the first
one, we obtain, by the use of the abbreviations (7.34) and the assumptions
(ii) and (iii) ,
(Oijkk - Oikkj) = L(H ai j vk - H ai k vj) , (7.39)
3 For the case N > 2 and some other more general conditions see [43].
7.4 Rel ation Between E nt ro py Flux a nd Heat Flux 197
in which for simplicity, we have writ ten H ai j for H Vi ; . This impli es that
a a H a31 vf,
k1 = L H 12V2 ' k2 = L H 23 v!3, k3 = L (7.40)
a=1 a=1 a=1
and the following system of six equa t ions:
Therefore, from (7.40) it follows that k must vani sh , in other word s, the
relation P = A q hold s.
By the substi tution of t he relation P = A q into t he condit ions (7.35) ,
(7.36) , and (7.37) , it follows imm ediately that the partial derivatives of A
with resp ect to all t he vecto r and the t ensor variabl es must vani sh , since, in
general, the vector function q need not vanish , and t he t heorem is proved for
N= 1.
For N = 2, from (7.41) and (7.42) we have t he following linear syst em
of six equat ions for six vari abl es (Hi 3' H jl ' H f2' H'i3' H§I' H r2)'
H 1n vj + H\ 2 v} + H 223 v~ + H 212 v~ = 0,
H 131 v} + H 1n v~ + H 231 v~ + H 223 v~ = 0,
H \ 2 vj + H 212 v~ = 0,
H 123 v } + H 223 v ~ = 0,
H 131 v~ + H 231 v~ = O.
198 7. Thermodynamics with Lagrange Multi pli ers
The coefficient mat rix of t his syste m is of rank equal to 5, and the syst em
admit s a one-par am et er solu tion given by
where v is a scalar function of the vector and t he t ensor vari abl es.
By the relation (7.44) , t he ass umpt ions (ii) and (iii) lead t o
where X stands for the components of any vector variable u and any te nsor
vari abl e A . Since q and VI x v 2 are functionally independent by assumpt ion,
the above relations are possibl e only if both A and ry are ind ependent of u
and A. Therefore , A and v are funct ions of VI and v 2 only,
or we have
/' v I X v 2 = k I VI + k 2 v 2 ,
where k I and k 2 are isot ropic scal ar funct ions of (VI , v 2 ) . Taking t he inner
product of t his relation with VI x v 2 we obtain
8.1 Introduction
In the const it ut ive theories of materials we have considered so far , there is one
essential feature, namely, the basic equat ions ar e based upon the principle of
balance of mass , momentum, and energy, while the diversity of materials is
charact erized solely by the fun ctional complexity of constitutive equations.
A different approach, known as Ext ended Thermodynamics, has been
proposed by Liu and Muller in [46], in which , in addition to the densities
of mass, mom entum, and energy, the mom entum flux and t he energy flux
are also t aken as basic field qu antities. .For these exte nded field qu antities,
balance equations of momentum flux and energy flux are postulated and the
theory is formul at ed in the fram ework of rational thermodynamics laid down
in the pr evious chapters.
Unlike the cons titutive equations of ordinary thermodynamics, in which
cons titutive functions may depend on the history and space gradients of the
basic field vari ables, t he constitutive functions of extended thermodynamics
are assumed to be instantaneous and local , i.e., they ar e functions of basic
field variables only. As a consequence, the resulting field equ ations form a
system of first-order quasi-linear partial differential equations - in contrast
to the ordinary theory, for example, the system is of second-order in space
and first-order in time in the case of Navier- Stokes equ ations (see (4.40)).
Owing to the simple const it ut ive equations in the extended theories, the
complexity of materials is no longer characterized by constitutive equations
alone, rather it is also characterized by t he choice of differ ent basic fields . In
other words , the complexity of materials rests upon the formulation of the
system of balanc e equations.
Extended t hermodyna mics has been an ar ea of active research in the
last two decades. It has been found that it not only has mor e systematic
mathem atical structures - symmetric hyp erbolic systems - it also has yielded
very explicit constitutive relations, in complete agreement with the results of
the kin etic t heory of gases, in spite of being a phenomenological theory based
on the fram ework of rational thermodynamics considered in this book. In this
chapter , we shall give an outlook of rational extended thermodynami cs. Most
of the main results and refer ences of recent developments can be found in the
book of Muller and Ru ggeri [57J.
for the basic field u(x , t) in JR N. The flux H(x , t) and the production density
g( x, t) ar e assumed t o be fun ctions of t he basic field u(x , t) . Following the
idea of rational thermodyn ami cs - the ent ropy principle - t he constit utive
fun ction of H(u) and t he production g(u) have to be determined in such a
way that the syst em (8.1) is consist ent with t he ent ro py condit ion: (also see
----at + div II(u) = 17(u) ~ 0, (8.2)
where h ,17 E JR and II E JR3. Note that all the const it ut ive qu an tities are
assumed to b e functi ons of the basic vari abl es u only.
This requ irement lead s to t he existe nce of Lagran ge multiplier A in JR N
(see Sect . 7.3 for justification) , such that
{ ----at
ah(U) + div
. II(u) - at
17(u) } - A · {au . H(u)
+ div - g(u) } = 0
hold s for any u(x , t) E JRN. In particular , it must hold for arbit rary values
of ~u and ~u . Since t he a bove relat ion is linear in bo th of t hem, it follows
ut UXi
imm ed iat ely t hat
ah = A 17 =A ·g. (8.3)
au '
We ca n rewri te the relations (8.3) 1,2 in the differential for m:
dh = A ·du, (8.4)
which we shall refer to as the entropy-entropy flux integrability relations,
since t he Lagran ge multiplier A appears as t he common integration fact or of
the right-hand sides for h and Il. , i = 1,2, 3.
Furthermore, if we assume the invertibility of A(u) , we ca n write t he
syste m (8.1) in terms of t he variable A as
h= A ·u-h, (8.6)
8.2 Formal Structure of System of Balance Equations 201
dh =u ·dA,
or equivalent ly,
8k (S.7)
U= 8A '
Therefore , the syst em (S.5) becom es
8 2 ft 8A 3 8 2 it, 8A
8A8A 7ft +L 8A8A 8Xi = g .
i= l
if it satisfi es (S.9).
For a given syst em of the form (S.lO) , if an entropy-entropy flux pair
exists , it is usu ally not unique. Even though such a pair may not bear
any physical significance , in general, it certainly reflects the no tion of an
ent ropy ba lance equat ion in continuum thermodyn amics. Indeed , in ex-
tended thermodynamics, besides a system of balance equat ions, an addi-
tional ent ropy inequ ality is also postulated . The system is t hen required
to be consist ent with the ent ropy inequ ality, and henc e the ent ropy and
the entropy flux form a pair in the above sense. Cons equ ently, extended
thermodynamics cons titutes a class of physical models for mathematic al
ana lysis of hyperbolic conservat ion laws. D
8u 8u
+ L Bi(U)~ = g(u) ,
A(u)-;:l (S.l1)
at i= l u X,
Definition. The system (8.11) is called symmetri c if A and B , are all sym-
metric matrices.
Definition. The system (8.11) is called hyperbolic if det A -I 0 and for any
v E JR 3 , Ilvll = 1, the eigenvalue problem
(2: s», - AA)v = 0
i= l
8 2h
OU' 8u8u OU < O. (8.12)
8 2h
A(A) = 8A8A is also negative definite.
Therefore, det A(A) -10 and the syst em (8.8) is hyp erbolic. D
Some important properties of symmetric hyp erbolic systems include
well-pos edness of Cauchy initial value problems and finite speeds of wave
8.2 Formal Structure of System of Balance Equations 203
propagation [21, 63]. Such properties ar e almost essent ial for material behav-
iors that we might regard the symmet ric hyperbolicity as a desirable property
for material models.
In the following, we shall see that the Euler equa tions of an elast ic fluid is
an example of a symmetric hyp erbolic syste m with concave ent ropy function.
For an elast ic fluid , the internal energy density eip, B) and the pr essure
pip, B) also sa t isfy the Gibbs relation (5.25) ,
A . ( -aU
aH-j )
0, (8.17)
204 8. Rational Extended Thermodynamics
which , after simplifi cation using the Gibbs relation (8.14) , becomes
h = pry, E=O.
In the above calculation the relations (8.14) , (8.15) and (8.16) are used.
Since the density and the temperature are positive quantities, the
function h(u) is concave if and only if
8E op
o(} > 0, op > 0,
i.e., the specific heat and the compressibility are positive, which are the
conditions (5.71) and (5.72) of thermodynamic stability. In other words,
the concavity condition is equivalent to the thermodynamic stability
conditions in this case. D
Theories of mixtures and granular materials can also be formulated with hy-
perbolic field equations [54, 77, 78]. But field equat ions of ordinary thermody-
namic theories ar e generally not even hyperbolic. Indeed, the Navier-Stokes
equat ion (4.40) is parabolic. However , we shall see later that it is closely re-
lated to the exte nded theory with hyperbolic field equat ions, consisting of
additional balance equations for the stress and the heat flux.
relative to inertial frames, Galil ean invari ance must be regarded as a funda-
mental requirement.
Recall that a change of frame from (x , t) to (x* , t *) is a Galilean trans-
formation if
x* = Q(x - x o ) + Vt + Co ,
t* = t + a,
where V is a constant vector and Q is a constant orthogonal tensor.
The requirement of Galilean invari ance imposes rather a specific dep en-
dence of the flux and the production on the velocity field as we shall see. To
begin with, let us express the basic field u in t erms of the velocity v and the
variables w,
u = F(v,w) E IRN , wE IRN - 3 . (8.21)
The variables ware assumed to be objective quantities (with respective to
an arbitrar y change of fram e, i.e., Euclidean transformations, see Sect. 1.7)
of var ious tensorial order . We also split the flux H k into the convective and
non-convective parts,
called the internal parts of the respective qu antities. The internal qu antities
are assumed to be objective.
The bal an ce equat ion (8.1) can now be written as
:tF(v ,w) + 8~k (F(v ,W)Vk + Gk(v ,w)) = g(v ,w). (8.24)
X(O) = 1. (8.26)
v * =v+V , w* =w , (8.27)
206 8. Rat ion al Extende d Thermodynamics
Bx , '
~ = ~ _ v;~
at * at ' aXi .
Since the system (8.24) is Galil ean invari an t , it takes t he same form in the
frame (x * , t*) ,
This system mus t be equivalent to the syst em (8.24) and hence by compar-
ison , it requires that one syste m must be a linear combination of the other.
Con sequ ently, t here exists a non-singular N x N matrix X(V) such that
F(v + V , w) = X(V)F(v , w) ,
Gk(v + V , w) = X(V)Gk(v , w) ,
g(v + V , w) = X(V)g(v , w) ,
hold s for any v and V .
In particul ar , for v = °we have for any vector V
F(V , w) = X(V)F(O , w) ,
Gk(V , w) = X(V)Gk(O , w) ,
g (V , w) = X(V)g(O , w) .
T herefore, the relations (8.25) hold and from which the properties (8.26)
follow immediately. D
The properties (8.26) define X(v) as an exp onent ial op erato r. Indeed, by
taking the derivativ e of (8.26h with respe ct t o VI and evaluat ing at V I = 0,
we ob t ain
-;::;- = AkX, X(O) = 1, (8.30)
where A k for k = 1,2,3 are constant N x N matrices defined by
A k = aX I . (8.31)
aVk v=o
The solution of (8.30) is given by an exponent ial op erator (see p. 71)
X(v) = exp(vkAk) = 1 + VkAk + "2 Vk VlAkAI + .... (8.32)
We shall give explicit form s of t hese matrices for an elast ic fluid in t he fol-
lowing example.
8.3 System of Moment Eq uations 207
Example 8 .2.2 For an elastic fluid, let w = (p, c) E IR2 , then from
(8.15h we can write
F (v , w ) = (p, PVi, p(c + V
) ,
F (w ) = (p,O,O,O,pc) ,
and from (8.15h we have t he non-convect ive flux
Hence, by com parison with the relation (8.25) we obtain
X(v) ~[
Iv 2
= 1,2,3,
°° °1
V3 J (8.33)
°1 ° °1
°° °
AI =
°°° A2 =
A3 =
°°°1 °
°°° °° 1 °°
Note that X(v) and A k are all lower triangular matrices. 0
Exerci se 8 .2 .3 From (8.26), show that
In particul ar , the densities of mass, momentum and momentum flux are de-
fined , resp ectively, with 'I/J = m, 'I/J = mCi and 'I/J = mCiCj ,
Fo=m ,
where m is the molecular mass. They are also called the zeroth-, t he first -
and the second-order moment densi ti es. More generally, we define the mom ent
density of order n as
The mean velocity v of the gas can be defined as
Vi = F '
The velocity of a molecule relative to the mean velocit y of the gas is called
the peculi ar velocity of t he molecule,
called t he int ernal moment densities of order n . We remark t hat the int ernal
moment Pi, is an object ive tensor qu antity owing to the fact that t he
relative velocity is an obj ect ive vector (see Sect . 1.7.1 for verification) .
8.3 System of Moment Equations 209
It is not a surprise to see that t he righ t-hand sides look like a binomial
expansion because of (8.36). Indeed , one can easily see that the following
general relation holds :
F i l" ' i n = L (~) Veil . . · V i kPi k+l ···i n) ' (8.39)
k =O
k!(n-k)! '
and we have adopte d the following convent ions:
for k =n P ik +l ,··i n = P,
for k =0 F i l · .. i k = F o, ViI' . . V i k = 1.
Moment Equations
We shall consider a system of balance equati ons (8.1) for the densities of
mom ent F = (Fo, F i l , F i 1i 2 , F i d 2i 3" " ) E N , N ;::: 5, m
of en;
7ft + O Xk = g . (8.40)
We shall denote the internal parts of moments, their fluxes, and produc-
t ion densities by
Taking the relation (8.39) between F i l " ' i n and P i l ... i n for granted, one
can det ermine t he N x N matrix X(v) by comparison of (8.39) and (8.25h .
The matrix, too cumbe rsome to writ e out here , is a lower trian gular ma trix
with identity diagonal elements (a special case for N = 5 is given in (8.33)) .
For general discussions on the properties of t hese matrices for syste ms of
moment equations see [57, 64].
210 8. R a t ion al Extende d T herm ody namics
Note t hat the above st ru ct ure impli es t hat Fil " .i n and gil" .i n are com-
pletel y symmet ric t ensors, while G i l " ' i n j is symmetric in the first n indices
onl y. Since P i l ." i n is completely symmetric by kinetic definition, we shall also
ass ume tha t 7l'i l ". i n is complet ely symmet ric, and P i l ."inj is symmetric in t he
first n indices.
We can rewrit e the balance equ ations (8.40) in terms of t he internal
part s of mom ent s P i l . " t n • It reads
for ti = 0,1 ,2" " , where t he dot deno tes the mat erial ti me derivati ve. The
proof of (8.44) using the relat ions (8.43) is st raight forwa rd algebraic calcula-
t ions (see [39]) and will be left for the read er to verify.
The first five equat ions of the moment equat ions can be ident ified with con-
servation laws of mass, momentum, and energy, by int roducing the following
conventional qu antities:
and require
They read
ap a
at + oxJ (pVj) = 0,
a a
at (PVi) + ox"J (PVi Vj - 1';j) = 0, (8.47)
a 1 2 a( 1 2
-(pc+-pV ) + - (pc+-pV )v - T· v + q " =0 .
r )
2 oxJ" 2 J 'J' J
Moment densities:
Fo =P,
F; = PVi,
F i j = Pij + PViVj,
Fi j k = Pijk + 3P(ij Vk) + PViVjVk ·
Non-convective fluxes of moments:
G, =0,
G ij = Pij ,
Gijk = P ijk+ 2v(iPj)k,
Gijkl = Pijkl + 3V(iPjk)1 + 3V( i VjPk)I '
Production densities of moments:
go = 0,
gi = 0,
gij = 1f (i j ) ,
Therefore, the syst em (8.47) is identical to the Eul er equat ions (8.13) . In
other words, an extended theory of five fields is necessarily a theory of an
elast ic fluid.
To account for a mor e accurate description of material behaviors, more
basic field vari abl es are needed and systems of balance equations involving
higher moments will be requ ired . Let
The constitutive equations for the non-convective fluxes and the productions
are functions of FA,
GAk = GAk(FB),
A,B = 1,2, ... , N . (8.48)
gA = 9A(FB) ,
Equivalently, in terms of internal parts of moments,
we can repl ace (8.48) by the constitutive equat ions for internal parts of fluxes
and productions,
The possible dep endence on the velocity Vi is not allowed by the principle
of material objectivity. Mor eover , sinc e Pa , PAk, and 1l'A ar e all obj ective
quantities, the constitutive functions PAk and 1TA must be isot ropic functions.
A severe restriction is placed on exte nded theories of moment equat ions
by material symmetry. Recall that material symmetry is an invarianc e re-
quirem ent of constitutive functions with resp ect to certain volume-preserving
transformation of reference configurations (see Sect. 3.5) . Since the quantities
Pa, PAk, and 1l'A are invariant with resp ect to any such transformations, the
const it ut ive functions PAk and 1TA ar e invari ant under any volume-preserving
8.4 Closure Problem 213
Exercise 8.3.1 From the relations (8.25h and (8.39), determine the
mat rices X(v) for the system of moments FA = (F o, Fi , Fij , Fijk) ; and
by (8.31) show that Ak is given by
J k = 1,2,3. (8.50)
without ext ernal supplies. In ord er to be able to det ermine the stat e functions
u for some initi al boundary value problems, we need the const it uti ve equa-
tions for the flux H(u) and the production density g(u), so that (8.51) will
1 Attempts have been mad e to generali ze mom ent theori es of extende d thermody-
nami cs to solid s in [39, 40].
214 8. Rational Extended Thermodynamics
becom e a closed system of partial differential equations for the fields u(x , t) .
Completion of balance equations with proper cons titutive equ ations to yield
a field theory is one of the main obj ectives of rational thermodyn amics. This
problem is also referr ed to as the "closure problem" , a te rm frequently used
in the kin etic theory of gases . The basic st rate gy of this problem has already
been addressed ea rlier in Sect . 8.2. In t he following sections , the closure pro-
cedur e will be treated in mor e detail by the use of Lagrange multipliers.
Besides the Galilean invari anc e discussed in the preceding sections, the en-
tropy principle is also imposed on the system of bal ance equat ions.
Entropy principle. The system of balance equations (8.51) must be
consistent with th e entropy inequality,
----at + div II(u) = E(u) 2: 0, (8.52)
A = X(vf A (8.56)
is called the int ernal Lagrange multiplier. Sinc e, from (8.26b X(O) = 1, it
follows that
A(w) = A(O, w) ,
is t he velocity-indep endent par t of A.
Simil arly, t he relation (8.4h with (8.54) and (8.53) gives
d.Il, = d(h vi + cPi) = Vi dh + h do, + dcP i
= AA dHA; = AA d(FAVi + C Ai)
= AAXAB d(FB Vi + C Bi)
+ AA(FBVi + C Bi) dX AB
= A B dC Bi + viAB dFB + ABFB dn, + AA(FBVi + C Bi) dXA B,
and it follows that
- -
dcP i = A B dC Bi ,
- - - - aX-AB = 0.
(A BFB - h)8ik + AA(FBVi + C Bi) -:::>- (8.57)
Proof The relations (8.58) follow from (8.55h and (8.57h evaluate d at v = 0
and the definition of the matrix A k defined in (8.31). The entropy production
(8.60) is a trivial consequence of (8.3h, (8.25h , and (8.56) . 0
We sh all call the relations (8.58) the Lagrange multiplier 's identities and
(8.59) the entropy-entropy flux integrability relations. The integrability rela-
tion can be written in an equ ivalent form through a Legendre transformation
similar to (8.6) . We define h and ip as
(8.61 )
then the integrability relations (8.59) become
- -
dip = G ·dA.
Not e that both h(A) and ~(A) are isotropic functions of A.
8.4.2 Formal Procedures
The ext ended theory, in the framework of rational thermodynamics, was first
formulated by Liu and Muller in [46], in which the closur e procedure was
based on the ent ropy- ent ropy flux int egrability relations (8.59) ,
by usin g the constitutive representations of h, ip and G in t erms of F in a
rather complicate d calculat ion (also see [55]).
A different pro cedure, based on the relation (8.62)
~ - -
dh = F ·dA , (8.64)
was proposed later (see [57]). It is clear that the fluxes G(A) , as functions of
the internal Lagran ge multiplier A, ar e complete ly det ermined by the knowl-
edge of the vector function ~(A). On the other hand, the knowledge of the
scalar fun ction h(A) gives the functions F(A), from which the Lagrang e mul-
tiplier A in terms of F can be obtain ed by a functional inversion . Then , by
a simple substitution , t he const it ut ive equat ions of G(F) = G(A(F)) can
be obtain ed . T his procedure based on the pai r of functions (h, ~) , which are
equivalent to the generator functions (h,'ii; is very elegant . The inversion
is relatively easy for a linear theory, however, for higher-order const it ut ive
equ ations, the inversion of a system of nonlinear equat ions may become mor e
difficult if it can be don e at all.
Her e, we sh all employ an alte rn at ive procedure for which there is no
need for a functional inversion of the Lagrange multipliers but still maintains
the elegant feature of the generator functions. It relies on the hybrid pair
of generat or functions (h(F) , ~(A)), with their inte grabili ty relations (8.63h
and (8.64)z,
8.5 Thirteen-Moment Theory of Viscous Heat-Condu cting Fluid 217
A = A(F) = : ; ,
The Lagrange multipliers must also satisfy the identities (8.58) , which by the
use of (8.50) can be written as
218 8. Rational Extended T her mody namics
Exercise 8 .5.1 Verify the identities (8.68) and (8.69) by direct calcu-
lations for the veloci ty ind ep endenc e of h and P i from (8.4) by the use
of explicit expressions for FA and G A i .
uJr,] E
=A(ij )IE=O , oE I
OJriij E
= Aj IE = O, AjI E =O.
The last condition follows from (8.68) . In other words, t he Lagr an ge multi-
pli ers A(ij ), Aj and A j must also vanish in equilibri um.
With the convent ional physical qu antities (8.45) , (!ii = 2pc, and t he
spec ific entropy density 7J = hlp , in equilibrium t he relation (8.66) reduces
dhl E = d(p7JI E) = Al E dp + "3AiilE d(pc) . (8.71)
By reference to t he Gibb's relation of t hermostat ics (5.30h , it follows t hat
1 2 1
o = "3AiiI E' Al E = -o glE' (8.72)
where {} is the abso lute t emper ature, g is the free ent halpy func t ion ,
g =c- (}7J + -, (8.73)
and P = Pii!3 is the mean pressure.
We shall be conte nt with formula ting t he theor y for thermod yn amic pro-
cesses "near" equilibrium . Mathematically, this means that non- equilibrium
variables will be regarded as sm all qu anti ti es of the first-order and constitu-
t ive fun ct ions will be represented in terms of them up t o cert ain order.
Since t he Lagrange multipliers A(ij ), Aj , and Aj vani sh in equilibrium,
they are non-equilibrium qu ant ities. We can also decompose t he Lagrange
multipliers A ii and A into the equilibrium and non- equilibrium parts,
3 1
Aii = 2{} +A 6 , A = - OglE + Ap . (8.74)
Therefore, (Ap , A6 , Ai , A(ij ), Ai) form s the set of non- equilibrium variables of
the Lagr ange mul t ipliers .Ii.
On t he other hand, what are the non-equilibrium variables of t he mo-
men ts F? To answer t his , we st art by regarding F as funct ions of .11, and
8.5 Thir teen-Moment Theory of Viscous Heat-Conducting Fluid 219
Since all qu an t iti es in these express ions are objective, t he principle of materi al
object ivity requires t hat for any orthogonal t ensor Q,
Therefore, it follows t ha t
The second one follows from the fact t hat not every orthogonal t ensor has t he
same eigenvalue, while the first one follows from the commut ation theorem
(see p. 258), which asserts that Pij IE must be a multiple of t he identity tensor.
Therefore , we have t he following two set s of non- equilibrium variables
for t he moments and the Lagran ge multipliers, respect ively,
dh = A dp + 3" A ii d(pc) + A (ij ) dp (ij ) + Aj dPiij ,
which , by the use of (8.71) , (8.72) , and (8.74), can be wri tten as
220 8. Rational Extended Thermodynamics
The two relations (8.77) and (8.79) are in the form of the hybrid pair (8.65) ,
from which we can regard hand ¥k as functions of
a¥k = 0 (8.81)
ap .
We remark that although, from (8.68) ,
10 2
Ai = -3c Ai - pP (ij)Aj , (8.82)
and hence Ai can be eliminated from the list of independent variables for the
function ¥k' we have decided not to do so in order to maintain the simplicity
of the integrability relation (8.79) .
From the requirement of material objectivity, the const it ut ive functions
for hand ¥k are isotropic functions . Since (P(ij) , Piij) and (A£ , Ai, A (ij ), Aj)
ar e small qu antities of the first-order, we can easily write down their repre-
sentations up to the second-order terms:
8.5 Thirteen-Moment Theory of Viscou s Heat-Conducting Fluid 221
The identity (8.69) , afte r subst it ut ion of the Lagran ge multipliers, gives an
identity in the field var iabl es. In particular , the first-order t erms of the t race
par t are identically satisfi ed , while the traceless part lead s to
e1 P (kl ) + 2p A (kl ) = 0,
from which the relation (8.87) impli es that
f3 = P , bz = -2p8. (8.91)
From the above results, we can obtain, from (8.88) and (8.89),
000 10 op 3
08 - 3 c 08 = - 28 2 AI, (8.92)
000 _ 10 e op =0 (8.93)
op 3 op .
222 8. Ration al Exte nded Thermodynamics
By t he use of (8.82) , (8.93) permits the relat ion (8.81) to b e fur ther evaluate d
up to the second-order terms. It read s
1 op
or -- (8.94)
ph 2 op '
Summary of Results
Summar izing t he above results, we can now obt ain the linear const itutive
equations for the fluxes:
= ~ OP(OA 2) -I.
pop Bp
On inspection of these const it utive equat ions, we conclude that besid es
the equilibrium stat e functions E(p, f)) and p(p, f)) , only three unknown mate-
rial functions, hI (p , f)) , a2(p, f)) , and otp, ()), are needed . Note that the fun c-
t ion a can be det ermined from the equilibrium st ate functions to wit hin a
fun ct ion of f) by int egrating (8.93) .
In the ent ropy principle , t he ent ropy density is assumed to b e a concave
fun ct ions of u. By evaluat ing at v = and ov = 0, the condit ion (8.12) can
now be expressed as
The first inequality states t hat the isothermal compressibility is pos itive,
while the second one ensures the positiveness of the sp ecific heat at constant
volume. These conditions ar e equivalent to the condit ions of thermodynamic
stability cons idered in Sect . 5.5.
Similarly, if we consider a variation with op = 0, oB = 0 and OP(ij ) =F 0,
0P i ij =F 0, then from (8.86) it follows t ha t
P r o ductio n D ensities
The production densities can also be given by linear representations:
1rij = - - P (i j) + 0(2),
1riij = - - Piij + 0(2),
since they are isot ropic functions and vanish in equilibrium. Both T s (p, B) and
Tq(p, B) are called relax ation t imes . Accordingly, from the relation (8.70) the
ent ropy production density is given by
h2 hI
E = - 2 -T P (ij )P (i j ) - 2-
Pi i jPi ij + 0(3), (8.102)
With the constitutive equations, one can get a system of field equ ations for the
13 fields (p , Vi, Pij , Pi i j). However , it is more convenient to repl ace (Pi j , Pii j) by
the conventi onal variables ((), Si j , qj) , namely, the t emperature, the viscous
stress t ensor , and the heat flux, resp ectively. The viscous stress t ensor is
defined as the traceless part of the stress t ensor,
Ti j = - Pij = -P Di j + Si j , S(ij ) = O. (8.105)
From (8.95) and (8.101) we obtain
Pii = 2 pe,
P(i j ) = 4p()h Sij
+ 0(2) ,
Pi i j =3AIhIqj+0(2) , (8.106)
2A 2
P(i j )k = 3" Al Dk (i Qj) + 0(2) ,
Piijk =a Djk + 2p() Sjk + 0(2) ,
1rij 4 ()h S,)
P 2Ts
+ 0(2) ,
3A h
I I Tq
q) + 0(2) .
ON subst it ut ion of the above constitutive equat ions into (8.104) , we obtain a
system of qu asi-linear first-order partial differential equations for the 13 field
variables (p , (), Vi , Si j , qj) ' T his is a hyp erbolic system of field equa t ions for
viscous heat-conducting fluids.
Oc e+ ()opo() oo XiVi + ooqiXi -- 0
. o V(i oq (i
TsSi j - 2J-l-;:;-- - 2J-lK -;:;-- = -Si j ,
UXj ) UXj )
In these equations, we have identified five material parameters that are mea-
surable, at least in principle, namely, T s and T q for the relaxation times of
viscous stress and heat flux, and
K=~A2 (8.108)
3pA 1 '
for the shear viscosity, the thermal conductivity and the thermal-viscous
coupling coefficient, respectively. From (8.100) and (8.103) , we conclude that
Therefore, the shear viscosity J-l and the thermal conductivity '" as well as
relaxation times T s and T« are all non-negative quantities.
Note that if the relaxation times and the thermo-viscous coupling are
neglected, the equations (8.107) 4,5 reduce to the usual Navier-Stokes and
Fourier laws with vanishing bulk viscosity (see Sect. 7.2.2).
The constitutive equations for the ent ropy density TJ and the entropy flux P
can be obtained up to the second-order terms directly from the representa-
tions (8.83) , (8.84) and the definition (8.78) . With the material parameters
defined in the pr evious section, they can be written as
The relation (8.110h asserts that the difference between the entropy
flux P and q /() is of second-order, due to the thermo-viscous interaction.
Therefore, the assumption (5.9h that the heat flux and the entropy flux are
proportional in the Clausius-Duhem inequality, is generally not valid .
The linearized equations (8.107) and the constitutive relations (8.110)
were derived by Miiller in 1966 [49] in the first ph enomenological extended
theory of mom ents within the framework of the then pr evailing theory of
thermodynamics of irr eversible processes (see, for example, [14]). Unlike the
rational thermodynamics we have considered in this book, thermodynamics
of irr eversible pro cesses rests upon some heuristic assumptions, notably, a
modified Gibbs relation to include non-equilibrium vari ables. Although this
approach has been widely used in many branches of physics (known as ex-
te nded irreversible thermodynamics, see [31]), it lacks the rational structure
of modern thermodynamics and the results concern, at most, linear const i-
tutive equ at ions .
226 8. Rational Extended Thermodyn amics
where the overhead bar denotes the exp ect ation valu e defined by (8.34) . The
last t erm denotes the production density due to molecul ar collisions. The
explicit form of P(1jJ ) is irr elevant here. It suffices to know that P(1jJ ) is linear
in 1jJ and
P(m) = 0, P(mCi) = 0, (8.112)
which follow from the conservation of mass, linear mom entum and energy in
the collision pro cess.
Wi th the moment Fi, ...i n defined by (8.35) , t aking 1jJ = m Ci, .. . Ci n in
(8.111) , we obtain
8Fi, ..·in 8Fi, ···inj ( )
8t + 8x . = % ..·i n , 8.113
where gi, = P(m Ci, ...iJ denotes the production density of the moments .
It is int eresting to note that in this equat ion, the flux of the n- th mom ent
Fi, is t he same as the (n + 1)-th moment Fi ,, . This forward-linking
property between the moment and its flux is a characteristic feature of ideal
Comparing this relation with (8.40) , we conclude that ideal gases is a
special case of the general structure considered in Sect 8.3 with
W ith the relations (8.114) through (8.116), we can further evaluat e the con-
stitutive relations in the pr evious sect ion. Surprisingly, all the unknown fun c-
t ions can be determined explicitly.
First , we int egrate (8.93) to yield
a = 5 R 2p02 .
In the int egration with respect to p, we have set the arbitrary function of 0
to zero for simplicity and we shall do so hereafter without further remarks.f
From (8.96h, we obtain
A 1 -- - 3lOR203
p ,
Ac = 0,
Ap = 0,
1 1
x, = -5 R2p0 3 qi ,
2 By doing so, the results are consistent with those obtain ed from the kinetic
228 8. Rational Extended T hermody nam ics
From the above results, the first-order const it ut ive equat ion for t he fluxes
and P i i j k can now be calculate d,
Pi j k
Pi j = RpB8i j - S i j ,
P i jk = 5" (qi 8j k + qj 8k i + qk 8i j ) + 0(2) , (8.117)
Mor eover , we ca n also det ermine the cons titutive equa t ions of the ent ropy
density TJ and the ent ropy flux tPk from (8.78) ,
Not e that in the linear theory, they can be det ermined up to the second-order
t erms.
We remark that all the coefficients of the representations in the above
constitutive equati ons are explicit ly det ermined . These amaz ing results of t he
rat ional exte nded t herm ody namics were first derived by Liu and Miiller [46] .
They are in complete agreement with t he resu lts from the kin eti c theory of
gases [15, 34].
where gij is the contravariant component of the metric tensor and a subscript
comma (,) denotes the covariant derivative (see Sect . A.2.4) . In ordinary
theories, Fourier's law of heat conduct ion is given by
where the conduct ivity r: is a constant for ideal gases. Therefore , the govern-
ing equat ion for heat conduct ion becomes
gJ (},j k = O.
In other words, the te mpe ra t ure field () satisfi es the Laplace equation. On
t he other hand , the pressure p is a constant, since the viscous stress S ij = 0
in a Navier-Stokes fluid when the gas is at rest . If, at the boundar y, either
the t emperature or t he heat flux is pr escribed , it is known that the boundary
valu e problem is well-posed . For purposes of comparison, the following simple
exa mple will be considered .
The inner and outer rad ii of two cylinders are denoted by r i and 1'0 ' resp ec-
tivel y, and we consider an axial sym met ric solution ()(1' ) where r is the radial
coordina te . In this case , the Lapl acian of (}(r) becomes
d (} +~ d(} = 0
d r2 r dr '
for r j < r < 1'0 ' We also pr escrib ed the following boundary condit ions:
where q is the r- component of the heat flux. The solution is given by
(}(r) = () - qjr log !..- . (8.121)
o Ii 1'0
Extend ed thermodyn ami cs of the lowest hierarchy for the study of heat con-
duction problem is the theory of t hirt een moments, (p , v i , pi j , pi i j ) . We con-
sider a st ationar y pro cess at rest, vi = 0, for mon atomic ideal gases. In this
case, t he equation of mass balanc e is identically sat isfied .
In the cylindrical coordina te system - (x 1 , x 2 , x 3 ) = (r,'l9 , z), for the
coordinat e, 'l9 is used to avoid confusion with t he temperature field () - with
230 8. Rat ion al Exte nded T hermody namics
OXk k,
j k Op _ oSJ _ r iSi k _ r k Sji =
9 OXk k,
Oqk k i
OXk + rk iq = 0,
-5 l ik: Oqj
-- + gJk -
- +i kT J
° 1 'k
q + gJ r
I) 1
' q = - S' J
° ° °
ox k ox k k1 k iT '
5Rgjk O(pB) _ 7R O(BSJ ) _ 7RB(r iSik +r k Sji ) = -~ qj .
OXk OXk k, k, T
The metric te nsor and the Christoffel symbols for cylindrical coordinate sys-
t em can be found in Sect . A.2 .7 (b) .
In these equat ions, the production densit ies are given by (8.101) with a
constant relax ation time T = Ts = Tq , corresponding to the BGK model for
molecular int eraction - the simplest linear model in t he kin eti c theor y [6] .
We now consider again the boundary value problem of heat conduction be-
tween two coaxial cylinders. T he solution is assumed t o be axially symmetric
and hence all fields are fun ctions of r only. The heat flux is also assumed t o
be in t he radi al dir ection, qr = q(r) an d q{} = qZ = 0.
From (8.122h it follows that
dq 1
- + - q = 0,
dr r
and t he solu tion is given by
q(r) = -, (8.123)
where C = qirj from the boundary condit ion (8.120h .
Equation (8.122h t hen impli es t hat
s rr = ~ T dq = _~ TC ,
5 dr 5 r2
SM = ~ T~ q = ~ TC4
5 r3 5 r '
and the other component s of the stress are zero . Moreover , by the use of
(8.124), we obtain Sj k,k = 0, i.e.,
oSJ ik: k
+ r /is' + r k i SJ'
° 00
oxk = 0.
Therefore, (8.122h implies that the pr essure p is constant and the last equa-
tion of (8.122) leads to the following relation between the heat flux an d t he
8.7 Sta tionary Heat Conduction in Ideal Gases 231
temperature gradient,
K, = 2' Rrp, (8.125)
where K, is the thermal conduct ivity. Note that the pr esence of the normal
st ress makes Fourier 's law of heat cond uct ion no longer valid in the 13-
moment theory. In the Navier-Stokes-Fourier theory, of course, S ij vanishes
identically in a gas at rest.
0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
Fig . 8.1. Temperature 8(r) of 13-moment th eory (low er curve) and Fourier theory
(upper curve )
de e r b = 28.:::: .
dr K, r 2
+ be ' 25p
With the pr escribed boundary condit ions (8.120) of Example 8.7.1, the solu-
tion of 13-moment theory is
This result has been plo tted together with the result (8.121) of Fourier theory
for comparison in Fig. 8.1 for argon and the following data:
r j = O.Olm , r: = 0.03m, qj = 104W /m 2 , eo = 300K,
r = 10- 5 s, P = 100 Pa, K, = 0.5164 W /rn/K.
Note that the temperature for the 13-moment theory is slightly lower than
for the Fouri er theory, and the lar gest difference is less than 1.80% at the
inner surface.
232 8. Rational Extended Thermodynamics
Generally speaking, a system of field equat ions with mor e variables requires
more boundary condit ions in order to have unique solutions. However , in
the heat conduction problem considered in this secti on , the usual boundary
condit ions (8.120) for t he Fourier t heory of heat conducti on turn out to be
sufficient for t he determination of unique solutions within t he 13-moment
t heory. This is generally not so in exte nded thermodynami cs.
The pr esence of high er mom ents in exte nded thermodyn ami cs pr esents
an addit ional problem rega rd ing the sp ecification of their initial and bound-
ary values, becaus e usually higher moment s do not have meaningful physical
int erpret ations and can not be measured in convent iona l physical qu antities,
and hence we do not know how to prescribe their valu es. The problem with
initial values seems to be of less concern , becau se in most of the applica-
tions, initial valu es of non- equilibrium higher mom ents can be set to zero if
necessary. This has been don e frequ ently in wave and sho ck problems [57] .
However , with respect to boundary values of higher mom ents, t he problem
is more difficult . Mathem atically they have to be assigned in order to have
unique solutions. In ot her word s, the dep end en ce of such boundary values will
result in t he non-uniqueness of the solution. However , not only are t hey un-
convent ional physical qu an tities, ar bitrary ass ignment of addit ional boundar y
valu es is inconsist ent with the nature of well-posedness of the corres ponding
physical problem in ordinar y theories .
Therefore, it is necessary to est ablish some kind of criterion to determine
t he valu es of such qu antities, so that the solut ion is un ique and physi cally
relevant in comparison with the solut ion of the corresponding problem in
ordinary theories. In [67] Struchtrup and Weiss made the first atte mpt to
consider such a crite rion and they proposed to find t he uni que solu tion by
requiring the ent ropy product ion to be as small as possibl e by the so-called
Minimax Principle, similar to Prigogine's Principle of minimum ent ropy pro-
du ction [2, 60]. However , both principles do not always lead to reasonably
consiste nt results. The boundary valu e problem in exte nded thermodynami cs
has come into discus sion only recently and it is still lar gely an un explo red
problem .
A. Elementary Tensor Analysis
A .I Linear A lgebra
We shall consider finit e-dimensional real vector spaces only. The field of real
numbers is denoted by JR .
D efinit io n. A vector space V is a set equippe d with two op erations:
1) v + u E V , called addit ion of v and u in V ,
2) o:v E V, called scalar multiplication of v E V by 0: E IR,
which satisfy th e following rules: for any v , u , w E V , and any 0: , (3 E JR ,
1) v +u=u+v.
2) v +(u +w) =(v+u)+w .
3) Th ere exists a null vector a E V , such that v + 0= v .
4) For any v E V , th ere exist - v E V, sucli th at v + (-v) = O.
5) o:((3v) = (o:(3)v.
6) (0: + (3 )v = o:v + (3v .
7) o:(v + u) = o:v + o:u.
8) 1v =v .
u= L uiei'
i= l
where u i , ca lled the components of u , are uniquely det ermined relative to the
basis {e.}.
A vector space can have many different bases, but all of them will have
the same number of elem ents. The number of element s in a basis is called the
dimension of the space, in this case, we hav e dim V = n .
We may think of a vector as a geometric object that has a lengt h and points
in a certain direction. To incorporate this notion we introduce an addit ional
structure, inner product, into t he vector space.
D efinition. An inn er product is a m ap
g :VxV-+JR
Ivl= ~·
A vector space equipped with such a norm is called a Euclidean vector space.
The notion of angle between two vectors can be defined based on the
following Schwarz inequality:
Clearl y, gij is symmet ric, gij = gji . Let u = u i ei ' v = v j ej be arbit rary
vectors in V expressed in terms of t he basis {e.} . Then
u ·v = (u i ei) . (v je j)
= u i v j(ei ' ej) = u i v jgi j ,
u ·v = gijUi V . (A.2)
Here we have used t he following summat ion convention.
Notation. (Summation convent ion) In the expression of a term , if an index
is repeated once (and only once), a summa tion over th e range of this index
is ass umed.
For example,
Ui " ' i e. ,
e, = 'L..tu
i= 1
n n
j j.
gijUi V =L Lgi jUi V
i= 1 j = 1
Not e that in these express ions, we purposely write the ind ices in two different
levels so that t he rep eat ed summation indi ces are always one superindex and
one subind ex. The reason for doing so will become clear in the next section.
Let { e1, " ' , en} be a basis of V . There exists a non-zero vector orthogonal
to the plan e spanned by the n - 1 vectors {e2 , ' . . , en }, and if, in addit ion,
the proj ection of this vect or on e 1 is prescribed , then this vector is un iquely
det ermined . In this manner, for any given bas is {e 1' . . . , en }, we can const ruct
a set of vecto rs {e" , . .. , en} such t hat
i si
e · ej = u j'
236 A. Elem entary Tensor Analysis
tS i . =
{O,1, if
i =I' j ,
i = j.
Therefor e we have proved t hat t his set of vectors {e '} is also a basis of V.
Definition. Let (3 = {ed and (3* = {e i } be two bases of V relat ed by the
ei . e j = s:i
U i:
Th ey are said to be a pair of dual bases for V , or (3* is th e du al basis of (3.
The dual bases are uniquely det ermined from each other. For this reason,
we have used the sam e notation for their element s except the different level
of indices to distinguish them . Clearly, if u is a vector in V , then we ca n
express u in t erms of component s in two different ways relative to the du al
Ui - g ij uJ·'
g ij : uj I-t U i ,
enable us to lower and raise the component ind ex. On e can also show that
Therefore, lowering or raising the ind ex for du al bases can be made in the
same manner. It is easy to verify that
ij si
9 gj k = uk ·
e, . e j = 0 if i =I- j .
If, in addit ion, leil = 1, for all i , it is called an orthonormal basis. Although
in genera l, we carefully do our bookkeepin g of super- and subindices, this
becomes unn ecessary if fJ = {e i} is an ort honormal basis . Since then g i j = Oi j ,
That is, t he basis fJ is identical to its du al basis fJ*. Hence, we do not have
to distinguish contravariant and covariant components . In this case, we can
write all th e indi ces at the sa me level. for exa mple,
v = Vi ei.
Of cour se, according t o our summation convention, we st ill sum over the
repeat ed indices (now in the same level) in this sit uat ion.
238 A. Elem entar y Ten sor An alysis
Exercise A.L1 Let (3' = {e- = (1,0) ,e2 = (2, I)) be a basis of JR. 2,
and v = (1, -1) be a vector in JR.2.
1) F ind the dual basis {e 1 ,e 2 } of (3' .
2) Determine t he matrix representations [gi j] and [gi j] relative to (3' .
3) Determine the cont ravariant and covariant compo nent s of v relative
to the bases and make a graphic representation of the resu lt s.
The notion of matrix is related t o linear fun ctions on vector spaces. Let U
and V be two vector sp aces with inn er product. A fun ction T : U 4 V , is
called a linear transformation from U to V , if for any u , v E U and a E JR.,
Therefore, we have
The basis {e , (51 d e,} is called a product basis of V (51 U. Similarl y, the sets
{e , (51 d a} , {e' (51 d a}, and {e ' (51 d a} are also product bases of V (51 U .
with the operations of raising or lowering the indices discussed in the previous
The matrices [Tij], [T ij], [T/]' [Tij] are called the matrix representations
of T relative to the corresponding product bases. Note that the first index
refers to the row and the second index refers to the column of the matrix. It
is important to distinguish the level as well as the position order of the com-
ponent indices. In general, Tij =I- T j i, therefore it may cause some confusion
to write Tj with i and j at the same position one on top of the other. The
relation (A.6) can be written in terms of matrix multiplication, in which the
column of the first matrix is summed against the row of the second matrix,
In general , the te nsor products V Q9U and U Q9V belong to two different spaces,
namely V Q9 U and U Q9 V , resp ectively. Even in the case V = U , by definition,
v Q9 U and U Q9 v are different, Le., the tensor product is not symmetric.
Definition. For A E V Q9 U, th e transpose of A , deno ted by A T , is defined
as a tensor in U Q9 V su ch that
v · Au =u · A Tv , (A.8)
for any v E V and any u E U .
(v Q9uf = u Q9v,
242 A. Elementary Tensor Analysis
We see from these relations that for contravariant or covariant tensors the
matrix of AT is simply the transpose of the matrix of A. However, from the
second group of the relations in (A.9) for mix ed tensors, this is not valid in
general, since the matrix transpose of [Ai j ], by changing rows and columns,
is [Aji], instead of [A j 'l-
A tensor S E £(V) is called symmetric if ST = S, and is called skew-
symmetric if ST = <S , In other words , S is symmetric if v · Su = u· Sv and
S is skew-symmetric if v . Su = -u · Sv , for all u , v E V .
Note that although S is symmetric, the matrix [Sij] is not symmetric, III
general ,
for any vectors u ' , Vi and ui' in V . One ca n show as before, that if {e i} is a
basis of V , then {ei ® ej ® e k} is a product basis for t he space of all t rilin ear
fun cti ons on V. We shall denote t his space as V ® V ® V and call it the space
of third-ord er tensors. If S is a third-order t ensor, then
(A .IO)
The components of a te nsor relat ive to a basis are un iquel y determined and
their valu es dep end on the basis. Therefore, if we make a change of basis, they
must change accordingly. In this sect ion, we shall establish t he transfo rmation
rul es for components of te nsors under a change of basis.
Con sider a change of basis from (3 = {e.} to anot her basis [3 = {ei}
given by
(A .ll)
We call Mkj t he tran sformation ma tri x for the change of basis from (3 to [3.
By the use of (A.3), we have
from which we can also obt ain t he relation between t he dual bases (3* = {e i }
and [3* = { ei } ,
(A .12)
244 A. Elementary Tensor Analysis
The above two transformation relations (A.H) and (A.12) can be schemat i-
cally represented by
M -
(3 ----+ (3 ,
(3* ~ /3* .
In ot her words, if M changes a basis (3 to another basis /3, t heir corresponding
du al bases (3* and /3* ar e changed in the opposite dir ection through M T .
The components of a vector transform in a simil ar manner. Indeed , let
v be a vector in V , and
= vJ e J = vJ iY
One ca n easily verify that the transformation rul es for the components are
V- k = M kj V j, (A .13)
which look exact ly like those for the change of basis (A.H) and (A.12) . In
matrix notations, we have
or schemat ically
. M T .
[v"] +--- [v"].
That is, the covariant component s tran sform in the sam e dir ecti on as the
change of basis by M , while the cont ravariant components transform in the
opposite dir ect ion by M T . This is why such component s are called covariant
and contravariant in classical t ensor analysis, in which tensors are defined
through their t ran sformation properties.
For a second-order t ensor A in £(V) ,
A = A ij e i I8i e j = Aij ei I8i ej
= A/ e i I8i e j = A/ ei I8i e j '
Tr ansformation rul es for ot her components and for t ensors of high er orders
are similar . The general rul e can easily be obt ained by composing t he transfor-
mation rul es for covariant and cont ravariant components , as shown in (A.I 3)
or (A.I4) .
Exercise A.1.4 For any two bases (3 = {ed and 13 = {ed of V , there
exists a linear transformation A E .c(V) such that ek = Aek' Show that
the tran sformation matrix M for t he change of basis from (3 to 13 is given
by M k = e j . Aek , that is, [Mk jj = [A\] .
where the summat ion is t aken over all permutations of (1" " , n ).
On the other hand , since the matrix representation of a linear t ransfor-
mation depends on the choice of basis, t he question arises of whether it is
meaningful to define the det erminant of a linear t ransformat ion as the de-
terminant of its matrix represent ation. In the following, we shall see t hat
246 A. Elementary Tensor Analysis
Proof Since W is non-trivial, there exists a set of vectors, say {el ' ··· ' en} ,
such that w(ej , .. . , en) =1= 0, and hence it is a basis of V. Let A be the number
defined by
A = w'(el,· ··, en) .
w(el ,· · ·, en)
Suppose that VI, ·· ·, V n E V, and
a = 1, · ·· ,n.
Then, using (A.16) and (A .17) one can easily obtain
W(VI,·· ·, v n) = aw(el , · · · , en) ,
W'(VI, ·· · , v n ) = aw'(el, · ··, en) ,
a = l:)sign a )V~(l) . .. v~(n).
Therefore, we have
W'(VI , · · ·, V n) = AW(VI, · · · , v n).
Moreover , this relation also shows that A do es not depend on the choice of
basis. D
A.l Linea r Algebra 247
(A .18)
Tw = AW.
We can eas ily see t hat t he scalar A so defin ed does not depend on the
choice of w . For , if w' is anot her non- trivial alternat ing n-linea r form , then
by t he un iquen ess theorem ,
w' = pw ,
Therefore, we have
T w' = A'W' = A'pW.
On the other hand , we have
Tw' (Vi , " ', v n) = W'(TV i , " " Tv n) = PW(TV i " ' " Tv n)
= pTw(Vi , " " v n ) = pAW(Vi , · ·· , v n) ,
(A .19)
for any non- trivial alterna ting n-lineet form w and for any Vi , " ' , V n E V.
The first two properties are almost trivial. Here, let us verify the pr op erty
(3) . By definition,
det(ST) w(Vi , . . . , V n)
= W(S T Vi," " S T v n ) = w(S (T v d , " " S(Tv n))
= (detS) w(Tvi ,· .. , T vn ) = (detS)(det T)w(Vi , ,, .,V n ) ,
248 A. Eleme ntary Tensor Analysis
(det T) W ( e I, ... , e n)
= W(T e l, . . . , Ten) = w(T ii ei 1 , • • • , T i;:e iJ
= 2:)sign (1)T(7~l) .. . T(7 ~n) w( el , . . . , e n) .
Hence, we obtain
i.e., det T is equal to the determinant of the comp onent matrix [T i j ] accord-
ing to the definition (A.I5) . Similarly, one ca n show that it is also equal to
det erminant of [T/] . Therefore, we have
Note t hat detT is not equal to det[Tij] nor to det[Tij], unl ess det[ gij] = 1.
Simil ar to the det erminant , anot her scalar can b e associate d with a linear
transformation . Let ! E LeV) , and w be a non-trivial alte rnat ing n-linear
form. Define a map T w : V x .. . x V --+ JR by
Tw(VI "" 'Vn) = I:w(vr, . .. , T Vi' ·· ·' V n ),
i= 1
On e can eas ily check that Tw is alternating and n-linear, hence by t he unique-
ness theor em , there exists a J1 E JR, such that
Tw = J1W .
Moreover , J1 does not dep end on the choice of w . Therefore, we can make the
following definition.
Definition. T E £(V) , th e trace of T , tr T E JR, is defined by th e followin g
relation n
(t r T ) W(V I , . , . , V n ) = ""'
L-J W(VI ' '" , Tv z,- .. . i v n )t »
v (A.21)
i= 1
for any non-trivial alte rna ting n-linear form w and for any VI , " . , Vn E V .
A.I Linear Algebra 249
The prop erty (1) st ates th at trace is a linear function on £(V). Here, let
us prove the property (3) . Suppose that v = viei , t hen
tr(v ® u) w(el " ' " en) = Lw(el "' " (v ® u)ei, " " en)
i= l
n n
= L(u. ei)w(el , " ' , v , " ' , en) = L(u . ei) viw(e l " '" e n) ,
i= l i= l
and also,
9iJ = ec - ej = Ai i · Ai j = (AT A) i j ,
if A pr eserves the ori ent ation. Similarly, the cont ravariant components of the
volume eleme nt ar e
ij k
= (y'g)-l Eij k,
where E
ij k
= Eij k ' Moreover , the identities (A.23) ca n be written as
CijkCi m n = 6j m6\ - 6j n6 km ,
Ci j k C'tJn
·· -
2 Uskn' (A.25)
cij kCijk = 6.
If T E £(V) and T = T ije i ® el , then (A.19) leads to the following
formul a for the determinant of T ,
Multiplyin g by c1m n and using the last identi ty of (A.25) , we obtain another
formula for the det erminant ,
i Tj T k
det T -- (3l ICm n C'J. .k T I m n'
r : Skw(V) ---+ V
Here, e is t he volume element of V . This linear map, called the duality map,
is one-to-one and onto and hen ce establishes a one-to-one corresponde nce
between a skew-symmetric t ensor and a vector. It is easy to ver ify that
(A .28)
For an orthonormal basis {i k } the duality map r est abli sh es the following
i 1 l\i 2 t------+ i 3 ,
i 2 1\ i 3 t------+ i I ,
i 3 1\i 1 t------+ i 2.
For a skew-symmetric tensor W , let w = r(W) be the associated vector,
which shall be denoted more convenientl y by
w = (W). (A .29)
A.I Linea r Algebra 253
In component form, if
1 ..
W = 2 W 'Je i 1\ e j '
(A .30)
or , in matrix form ,
The usu al vector product , in the t hree-dimensional vector space, can now be
defined from the exte rior product in a similar manner .
254 A. Element ary Tensor Analysis
e(u, v, w ) = (u x v) · w.
This is usu ally called the triple product of u, v , and w. For convenience, we
shall also use the not ation,
[u,v,w] = (u x v) · w.
With this notation, we can rewrite t he definitions (A.19) and (A.21) of the
det erminant and the trace in the following form
One may use the du ality map to identify a skew-symmetric t ensor with
an axial vector, as well as the exterior product with the vector product. In
other words, one may int erpret the du ality in eit her way, as far as the context
We shall review some of the imp ortant prop erties of linear transformations,
i.e., the second-order t ensors, mostly without pr oofs in this section. The
proofs can be found in most standard books in linear algebra.
A.I Linea r Algeb ra 255
Now, suppose that A E £(V) is one-to-one (there fore, onto) , then there
is a unique A-I E £(V) , called the inverse of A , such that
Recall t hat a set G is called a group if it has the following prop erties:
1) If A , BEG then AB E G.
2) If A , B, C E G then A(BC) = (AB)C .
3) There exist s an ident ity element 1 E G such that 1 A = Al = A , for any
4) For any A E G , t here exists A -I E G , such that AA- 1 = A- 1A = 1.
It is easy to verify that Inv(V) forms a group under t he op er ation of com-
position. It is usu ally known as the general linear group of V , denoted by
GL(V) .
256 A. Elementary Tensor An alysis
Qu · Qv = u · v .
o+ (V) c SL(V)
O(V) c U(V) c GL(V) .
We shall mention some important theor ems of linear algebra relevant to the
study of mechanics. They ar e all related to the concept of eigenva lues and
eigenvect ors.
Definition. Let A E £(V) . A scalar A E JR is called an eigenvalue of A, if
th ere exists a non-zero vector v E V , such that
Av = Av . (A.33)
The left-hand sid e of (A.34) is a pol ynomial of degr ee n in >. , where n is the
dimension of V . We may write it in the form
It is called the characteristic equation of A . Its real roots are the eigenvalues
of A . The coefficients II , . .. , In are scalar fun ctions of A and are called the
prin cipal invariants of A .
It can be shown that the charact er istic equat ion is also satisfied by the
t ensor A it self. We have the following
Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. A second-order tensor A E .c(V) satisfies
its own characteristic equation,
II A -
[el , Ae2, Ae3] + [Ael , e2, Ae3] + [Ael , Ae2, e3]
- [el,e2,e 3] .
In general, the characteristic equat ion may not have real roots. However , it
is known that if A is symmetric all the roots are real and there exist s a basis
of V consist ing ent irely of eigenvectors.
Such a basis is called a prin cipal basis for 5. Relative to this basis , the
component matrix of 5 is a diagonal matrix and the diagonal element s Si are
the eigenvalues of 5 associat ed with the eigenvect ors e. , resp ectively. The
eigenvalues s. , i = 1," ' , n mayor may not be distinct.
Definition. Let A be an eigenvalue of 5 E £(V) . We call V.\ = {v E V I 5v =
AV} th e characteristic space of 5 associated with A.
If 5 is a symmetric t ensor and suppose that v E V.\ , U E Vi" where A and
J.l are two distinct eigenvalues of 5 , then one can easily show that v . U = 0,
i.e., they are mutually orthogonal. Moreover , by the spectral theorem any
vector v can be writ t en in the form
v=Lv.\ , (A .38)
where the summat ion is ext ended over all charact erist ic spaces of 5 .
Commutation Theorem. Let T E £(V) and 5 E 5ym(V) . Th en
if and only if T preserves all characteristic spaces of 5, i.e., T maps each
characteristi c space of 5 into its elf.
Proof Suppose that 5 and T commute, and S» = Av . Then
5(Tv) = T (5 v ) = A(Tv) ,
so that both v and Tv belong to the characterist ic sp ace V.\ .
To prove the converse, since 5 is symmet ric, for any v E V, let v =
L.\ v.\ be the decomposition relative to the characte rist ic spaces of 5 as given
in (A.38) . If T leaves each characte rist ic space V.\ invari an t , then Tv.\ E V.\
5(Tv.\) = A(Tv.\) = T(AV.\) = T(5v.\) .
Therefore, from (A.38), we have
which has the eigenvalues S l = 4 and S2 = 1 and the corr esponding pr in-
cipal basis e1 = (fi!3, Ji73)and e 2 = (-Ji73,
fi!3) . Therefore, we
T = yIS = 2e 1 Q9 e1 + e 2 Q9 e2,
whose matrix, relative to the standard basis, becomes
a tensor into its symmet ric and skew-symmet ric parts is also import ant in
For any T E £(V) , let
T=A+B , A E Sym(V) , B E Skw(V).
This is somet imes called the Cartesian decomposition of a te nsor. Such a
decomposition is also unique.
Exercise A .l.IO Prove the Cay ley- Ha milt on theorem for the special
case that A E £(V) is symmet ric, by employing the spec t ral t heorem .
Exercise A.l.ll Let {3 = {(1 ,0,0) ,(0,1 ,0) ,(0,0,1)} be the st andard
basis of IRa and the matrix represent ation of F E £(IR 3 ) relativ e t o {3
be given by
F= [ ° 10]
2 ° .
° ° 1
Suppose that F = R U = VR is the polar decomposition of F. Find t he
matrix representation of U, V, and R relative t o t he standard basis {3.
262 A. Elem ent ary Tensor An aly sis
In the second part of this appendix, we shall discuss some basic notions of
calculus on Euclidean spaces: gradi ents and other differential op erators of
t ensor fun ctions.
v = y - x, (A.40)
v x+ux=(v+u) x ,
av x = (av) x.
Vx = (x,v) f-----+ V y = (y,v)
defines the parallel transl ation of vect ors at x to vectors at y (Fi g. A.I) .
T herefore, although Ex and Ey for x =1= y , are two different t angent spaces,
they ca n be ident ified throu gh V in an obvious manner ,
v x,y E E.
In other words , V x = (x,v) E Ex and u y = (y,u) E Ey ar e regarded as the
same vector if and only if v = u. In this manner , vectors at different tangent
spac es can be added or subtract ed as if they were in t he sa me vector space.
A.2.2 Differentiation
JR d(x ,y) = Ix - YI ,
E d(x , y) = J( x - y) . (x - y) ,
(A .41)
V lui = ..;u:u,
.c(V) , Sym(V) , Skw(V) : IAI = v'tr AAT .
It makes sense to talk about limit and convergence in the space W when a
norm or a distan ce function is defined .
Let f : (a, b) ---+ W be a function defined on an int erval (a, b) c JR. The
derivative of f at t E (a, b) is defined as
Df(t)[hl = j(t) h.
. 1
l~ ThT If(t + h) - f(t) - Df(t)[hll = O.
In this form , the definition of the derivative can easily be generalized to other
Tensor Fields
Now we shall consider functions on a Euclidean point space E. Let D be an
open set in E, and f be a t ensor-valued function, f : D ---+ W . Such functions
are usually called t ensor fields, mor e sp ecifically,
1) W = JR, f is called a scalar field on D ,
f : x E D t------+ f( x) E JR .
f :x E V f----+ f( x) E Ex ® Ex ~ L(V).
f( x + v) - f( x) = \1 f(x)[v] + o(v) ,
where o(v) is a qu antity containing t erms such t hat
lim o(v) = O.
1111-+0 Ivl
Mor eover , if we substitute tv for v for some fixed v in V , (A.4 3) is also
equivalent t o
\1f(x)[v] = lim
t -+O
~t (f( x + tv) - f( x))
= dd f (x + tv) I .
t t=o
The right-hand side of the above relation is usually known as the directional
derivative of f relative to the vector v . Note that for fixed x and v , f( x +tv)
is a ten sor-valued function of a real variable and its derivative can easily b e
det ermined from (A.42) .
oxF(X)[Y] = ~F(X +ty)lt=o ' (A.46)
For ¢ E W20 WI , and Y E WI , the notat ion ¢ [Y ] used in the above relations
is self-evident : for ¢ = K 0 X ,
v[u] =v ·u,
A[u] = Au,
A[S] = A .S = tr AS T ,
(v 0u)[Sj = v · Su .
Gradients can easily be compute d dir ectly from the definition (A.45) or
(A.46) . We demonstrate this procedure with some examples.
¢(A, v ) = v · A v .
¢(A, v + u) = (v + u) . A(v + u)
= v . Av + v . Au + u . Av + u . Au
= ¢ (A , v) + ov¢ [u j + o(u) ,
so that
Ov¢[uj = v . Au + u . Av
= ATv · U + Av· u
= (A T + A)v[uj .
A.2 Tensor Calculus 267
Therefor e, we obtain
4>(A + S, v) = v · (A + S)v = v · Av + v· Sv ,
which implies
OA 4>[Sj = v · Sv = (v Q9 v)[S],
so that
OA 4> =U Q9V.
Now, suppose that A is a symmetric t ensor, hen ce the fun ction 4> is
defined on the subspace Sym(V) only,
and by definition aA 4> E Sym(V) also . In this case , we have the same
relation ,
OA 4>[S] = (u Q9 v)[S],
but it holds on ly for all S E Sym(V) . Therefore, we conclude that
after symmetrization .
Sim ilarly, if A is a skew-symme t ric t ensor, then OA4> E Skw(V) and
the result mu st be skew-symmetrized ,
268 A. El em entar y Tensor An alysis
Example A.2.3 We consider trace and det erminant functi ons. Since
tr(A + S) = tr A + tr S = tr A + 1 . S,
so that , trivially, the gradient of the trace is the identity tran sformation,
By the linearity of w, after removing all the high er-order t erms into o(S) ,
the right-hand side becomes
= LW(Av I " " ,SVi , · · · ,Avn)+o(S)
i= 1
= LW(AvI , . . . , A A- I SVi ,' " , Av n ) + o(S)
i= 1
= (det A) LW(VI ,·· · , A- I SVi ,"' ,Vn) + o(S)
(fh)" = jh + fh,
(A .51)
(q . h)' = q . h + q . h.
For W = [ , we have
\1(fh) = h ® \1f + f\1h ,
(A .52)
\1(q . h) = (\1q)Th + (\1h) Tq.
For W = V , we have
ov(fh) = h ® ovf + f ovh ,
ov(q · h) = (ovq)Th + (ovh)T q.
Unlike the simple formulae in (A .51) , the relations in (A.52) and (A.53)
do not look like the familiar product rul es, becau se they have to be
consistent with our notation conventions.
Let us demonstrate the first relation of (A.52) . By the product rul e
(A .50) , for any w E V , we have
\1(fh)[w] = (\1f[w])h+f(\1h[w]) = (\1f · w )h + f (\1h )w
= (h ® \1f)w + f(\1h)w = (h ® \1f + f(\1h))[w],
wher e, in the third st ep , we have used the definit ion (A.4) . 0
oAII A = (fA 1 - A)T , (A .54)
oAlIl A = (fIAl - I AA +A 2)
Xi : D --+ IR
(A .55)
Xi(x)= Xi , i=l , · ··,n,
are called the i-t h coordinate junction of 'ljJ . For convenience, we call (xi) a
coordinate system on D .
ei( X)
_......... ......... t
...J--------.- Xi
Ai : IR --+ D
(A .57)
Ai(t) = X(x l, "" Xi + t , ·· · , Xn ) ,
A.2 Tensor Calculus 273
e i(x) = Ai(t)
. 1 = f)x . 1
-f) . (A .58)
t =o x' (xl , ··,x n )
Proposition. Th e set [e, (x) , i = 1, "' , n} forms a basis for th e tan gent
space Ex.
Proof For any vector v E Ex, we can define a cur ve through x by
A(t) = x + tv .
A(t) = X(A1(t),· · · , An(t)) ,
where Ai(t) are t he coordinates of A(t) given by
(A .59)
. ox a»
= A(t)1 t =O = -f)x '.[x -I
dt t=O
= -I
dt t=O
ei(x) ,
which impli es
f)x i . . f)X .
= oJ' = (V'X') . -f)J.
= (V'X') . ej (x) ,
by the use of (A.58) . Therefore, the two natural bases of the coordina te
syste m (Xi) are given by the following relations:
ei(x) = -ff)x
) '1 , (A .60)
x' x
The inner products,
Now let us consider a change of coordinate syst ems. Let (xi) and (xi)
be two coordinate systems on V , and {e , (x)} , {ei (x)} be the correspondi ng
natural bas es. Suppose that the coordinate tran sformations are given by
Xi = X i (x 1 , . .. , xn ) ,
xk = xk (x 1 , .. . , z" ).
Then , by t ak ing the gradi ents, one immediate ly obtains the change of the
corresponding natural bases given by
. ox i ox k
el( x) = ox k ek(x) , ei(x) = ox i ek(x) . (A.61)
on /'i, (V ),
x- = x- (-X 1,· ··,x-n ).
The deformation /'i, is usu ally expressed explicit ly in t he form ,
a = l ,· · · ,n. (A .63)
Using the chain rul e, we ob t ain, with Xi = Xi( x) ,
V/'i,(x) = u'ox
I~O/'i,QI Vx i (x) ,
x X ux x
Q l
two nat ural bases at two different points, nam ely, x and /'i,(x ), t he com-
ponents of t he deformation gradi ent ar e just the par ti al derivatives of the
deformation fun ction (A.63) , which can most easily be calculated. Other
comp onent forms of V /'i, can be obtained through the met ric t enso rs and
by the change of bases relative to the coordinate syst ems . 0
A.2 Tensor Calculus 275
We shall now consider the component form of the gradient of a t ensor field ,
in general , relative to the natural basis of a coordinate system . Let (x i ) be a
coordina te system on V eE , and {e , (x)} , {e ' (x)} be its natural bas es.
To begin with, let us consider a scalar field , f : V -+ JR, t he gradient of
f is then a vector field . From (A.44) , (A.57) , and (A.58) we have
V'f( x) of I e i (x) .
=~ (A .54)
ux' x
In other words, for the gradient of a scalar field f , its covariant component
relative to the natural basis, (V'f ) i , is just the partial derivative relat ive to
t he coordina te xi .
Now, let us consider the gradient s of natural bases themselves. For each
i fixed , {e .] and {e '} can be regarded as vector fields on V ,
We write
(A .55)
The component s ri jk and r i j k are called the Christoffel symbols. Not e that
ri jk and r; are not the associated components of a third-order t ensor.
By taking t he gradient of (ei(x) . ej( x)) , one can obtain the relation,
276 A. Elementary Tensor An alysis
Moreover , since i = V(VXi( x)) by (A.60h and the second gradient is a
symmetric t ensor, we have the following symmetry conditions,
Since both Christoffel symbols are related in such a sim ple manner , usually
only one is in use, namely, j ' ; and it is called the Christoffel symbol of the
second kind in classical t ensor analysis.
Now let us calcula te the gradi ent of a vector field in t erms of the coor-
dinat e system . Suppose that v(x) is a vector field and
Vv = V(vied
= ei0 Vv i + vi V ei
. &v j . .
J -
v ,k - &x k
+ V <r.i :k ' (A .69)
Vj ,k =
& Vj
&x k - Vi rj i k : (A .70)
VA = A i j, k e i 0 e j 0 e k ,
A.2 Tensor Calculus 277
i OAij I i i I
A j,k= ox k +Ajrlk-Alrjk' (A.71)
Covari ant derivatives of other components ca n easily be written using the
same recipes for covari ant and cont ravariant component s, resp ectively.
We have seen in (A.7) that the components of the metric te nsor, gij (x)
and gij (x) , are also t he component s of t he identity t ensor, therefore their
covari ant derivativ es must vanish,
gij ,k = 0, gij ,k = O. (A .72)
Cons equ ently, from (A.24), the covariant derivatives of t he volume t ensor
also vani sh ,
. ·k
eijk ,1 = 0, e"J ,I = O.
In ot her words , the components of the metric t ensor and the volume t ensor
behave like constant t ensors in covariant derivation, although they are, in
general, functions of x.
From (A.72h , we can derive a formula for the det ermination of the
Christoffel symbols in terms of the metric tenso r. From (A.71) we have
Ogij T. I T. I
ox k = glj i k + gil j k :
Rotating the indices (i ,j, k) of this relation, then adding two of the three
resulting equat ions and subtracting the remaining one, we get
2 g0.r.'
= (09jk
g .
+ Ogij
g kg
_ 09ik)
· .
ux" ox ux J
Hence, we have the following formul a:
1 jl (09li oglk -09ik)
r i jk -_ -g
ox k+ox- i o-
xl' (A.73)
The Christoffel symbols are not component s of a third-order tensor. For two
coordinate syst ems (x i) and (Xi) , t hey have the following t ransformat ion
rul es:
v · curl u = div(u x v) ,
for any constant vector field v . This condit ion can be used as the definition
for t he curl op erator. In a similar manner , we can define the divergence of a
second-ord er t ensor in t erms of the divergence of a vector .
Definition. Th e divergence of a second-order tensor field S is a vector field
defined by th e condition : for any constant vector field v ,
div S = S ij,jei'
If cP =h is a vect or field,
\12h = gj khi,jke i.
In the above expressions , the comma denotes the covariant derivative.
div(ju) = tr(V(ju))
=tr( u 0 V f + f (V u ))
= tr(u 0 V f) + f tr(Vu) ,
which gives (A .76h. In this calculation, we have used the definition
(A.74), the relation (A .52h, and the linearity of the trace operator.
Verification of the other relations in (A.76) may not be so straight-
forward in direct notation. And more annoyingly, these relations, as well
as the relations (A.52) and (A.53), are not easy to memorize. Neverthe-
less, if we express all of these relations in index notation, they all become
trivially simple. Indeed, (A.76) may be written out directly as:
which are merely the usual product rules of differentiating scalar func-
tions and the symmetry of second gradient. The only difference here is
that the comma denotes the covariant derivative instead of the usual
partial derivative. D
Remark. From the observation made in the above example, the use of in-
dex notation is often encouraged, especially when complicated calculations
are involved . In arbitrary curvilinear coordinate systems, contravariant and
covariant indices must be carefully distinguished and the pair of repeated
indices, for which the summation convention is applied, must always appear
in different levels. An index can be raised or lowered to its proper level with
the metric tensor gij or gi j. Moreover, since the gradients of the metric tensor
and the volume tensor vanish, in covariant differentiation, the metric tensor
gij as well as the components of the volume element eijk can be treated as
constants. Furthermore, if the Cartesian coordinate system is used, there is
no difference between contravariant and covariant components and hence all
the indices can be written at the same level, and more conveniently, the co-
variant derivative becomes the partial derivative, and gij = oij , eijk = Cijk
are constants.
It is important to note that given an expression in index notation, one
can always turn it into an expression in direct notation or vice versa. There-
fore, in handling calculations, the choice of using direct notation or index
notation, or even using Cartesian index notation is totally up to one's taste
and convenience.
280 A. Elem entar y Tensor Analysis
We sh all also mention some important t heo rems of integr al calculus oft en
used in mechanics.
dm da = r\l¢dv ,
v .nda=
r divvdv , (A.77)
v· r
Sn da = r
v · Sn da = r
S Tv . n da
= L div(STv)dv= L v ·divSdv
= ·in
v div S dv ,
Proof Suppose that ¢ (x o ) i- 0 for some X o ED, then since ¢ is cont inuous,
there exist s a small neighborhood N eD containing xc, such that ¢ (x ) i- 0,
\/x E N. Therefore, by the mean value t heorem of int egral calculus,
L ¢ dv = K ¢( x) i- 0,
2 A reg ula r region, rou ghl y sp eaking, is a closed region with a piecewise smoot h
A.2 Tensor Calculus 281
for some x E .N, where K denotes t he volume of .N. This cont radicts t he
hypothesis. 0
T his pro position and the divergence t heorem enable us to deduce local
field equat ions from the integral balan ce laws.
Exercise A.2.6 Let f and v be smooth scalar and vector fields, re-
spectively. Show that
1) cur l \7 f = 0,
2) div curl v = 0,
3) If div v = and curl v = 0, then \72v = 0.
Exercise A.2.7 Let v and S be smoot h vector and te nsor field , on a
bound regular region R, resp ectively. Show that
1) r v 0 n da = i.r \l v dv ,
2) r v 0 Snda= r (v 0 div S+(\7v)ST)dv.
Jan i.
Let (xi) be a coordinate system on E and {e i (x)} and {e ' (x)} be its na tural
bases. The syst em (xi) is called an orthogon al coordin ate system if t he metric
tenso r
gij(X) = 0, for i i- i , "Ix E E:
For an orthogon al coordinate system, we can define a field of orthonormal
basis, denoted by {e (i)(x)} , by normalizing the natural basis,
(no sum).
In this expression, t he summation not ation is not invoked as ind icated ex-
plicitly. Since
(no sum),
282 A. Elementary Tensor Analysis
e, ei
e (i ) = ..;g;i = #
= # e, = ..;g;i e i (no sum) .
Here, we have noted that normalization of the two dual natural bases of an
orthogonal coordinate system gives rise to the same orthonormal basis.
The components of a tensor field relative to the orthonormal basis
are called the physical components in the coordinate system (Xi).
{e (i )(x)}
For a vector field v ,
i i
V = V e; = Vie = V (i )e (i ) '
i Vi
V (i ) = ..;g;i V = rx:: (no sum) (A.78)
T = T ijei ® ej = Tije i ® e
= Tij e i ® e j
= T (i j )e (i ) ® e (j).
The physical components T (ij ) are given by
x- 0 = Xi i. ,
A.2 Tensor Calculus 283
with {iI , iz , i 3} as its natural basi s, which is, of cour se, ind ep endent of x E E.
We call such a system a Cartesian coordinate system.
For a Cartesian coordinat e syste m, we have
\/X E E,
X = x( r , 0, z),
by the following coordinate tran sformation (see Fig. A.3 (a)) ,
Xl = r cosO, r >O
Xz = r sin O, 0 < 0 < 27f (A.80)
X3 = z,
eo = ox
00 = .
- r sin O~l
' +r cos O~z
' ,
ox .
ez = oz = ~3 ·
Therefore, we obtain the mat rix represent ations of the metric t ensor in t he
cylindr ical coordinate syst em ,
[gij] =
[1 1] 'r
284 A. Elem entar y Tensor An a lysis
ot hers = O.
Moreover , we have
e (r ) = cos 0 i l + sin 0 i z ,
e «() = - sin Oi l + cosOi 2 ,
e (z ) = i 3 ·
X3 X3
(r ,B, z) (r,8 , ¢)
X2 X2
Xl Xl
The natural bases are denot ed by {e r, eo, e1>} and {e r ,eO,e1>} . We have
e; = sin O cos¢i 1 + sin O sin¢ i 2 + cos Oi 3 ,
eo = r cos O cos¢ i 1 + r cos O sin¢ i 2 - r sin Oi 3,
e 1> = - r sin O sin¢ i 1 + r sin O cos¢ i 2 ,
e; = e" , eo = r 2 eO, e1> = r 2 sin 2 0 e1> .
The matrix representations of t he metric tensor have the forms
[gij] = [1 r2
r 2 sirr' 0
] , [gij] = [1 r- 2
(r sin 0)- 2
] ,
°- r o 0 _
r -
1> _
r r 1> - r 1>
1> _ 1
r - - ,
r / 1> = r / o = cot 0,
others = O.
Moreover , t he orthonormal bas is for t he physical components are
e (r ) = sin O cos¢ i 1 + sinO sin ¢i 2 + cos Oi 3 ,
e (O ) = cos O cos¢ i 1 + cos O sin¢ i 2 - sin 8 i 3,
e (1)) = - sin ¢ i 1 + cos ¢ i 2 .
Remark. More frequ ently, we would like to express qu an tities in these co-
ordinate syste ms in terms of t heir phy sical components. A simple way t o do
this is to derive the expressions first in te rms of contravariant or covariant
components and t hen convert them into physical component s using relations
like (A.78) and (A.79) .
Example A.2.9 Let us calculate the Lapl acian of a sca lar field I[> in
the spherical coordina t e syste m. We have
& 1[>
I[> Jo = ~ ,
, ux J
& 21[> &1[> i
I[> j k =
, &&
xJ X k - ~rJo
ux ' k»
286 A. Elementary Tensor Analysis
Therefore, the Laplacian V 2P , which is the sum p ,(rr ) + p ,(OO ) + p ,(</> </»
in physical components, becomes
V 2P = a
+ ~ a P + ~ a 2p + 1 a
+ cot () ap .
01'2 r or 1'2 a()2 1'2 sin 2 () a1J2 1'2 a()
. oU (r ) 1 oU (O) oU (z) 1
div U = a:;:- + ;:----arJ + -a;- + ;:U (r ) ;
2) in the spherical coordinate syst em ,
Exercise A.2 .11 Let <P : JR ---+ [. be a cur ve. Suppose t hat {e, (x)} is
the natural bas is and ¢i (t ) is t he coordinate of <P(t) in the coordinate
syst em (Xi) . Show that
1) d>(t) = Jyi (t ) ei (¢(t )),
2) <P(t) = ( ¢i(t) + ¢J(t )Jyk(t )rj \ (¢(t )) ei( ¢(t)) .
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